Anton I. Kogan Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Moscow);
[email protected] Genealogical classification of New Indo-Aryan languages and lexicostatistics Genetic relations among Indo-Aryan languages are still unclear. Existing classifications are often intuitive and do not rest upon rigorous criteria. In the present article an attempt is made to create a classification of New Indo-Aryan languages, based on up-to-date lexicosta- tistical data. The comparative analysis of the resulting genealogical tree and traditional clas- sifications allows the author to draw conclusions about the most probable genealogy of the Indo-Aryan languages. Keywords: Indo-Aryan languages, language classification, lexicostatistics, glottochronology. The Indo-Aryan group is one of the few groups of Indo-European languages, if not the only one, for which no classification based on rigorous genetic criteria has been suggested thus far. The cause of such a situation is neither lack of data, nor even the low level of its historical in- terpretation, but rather the existence of certain prejudices which are widespread among In- dologists. One of them is the belief that real genetic relations between the Indo-Aryan lan- guages cannot be clarified because these languages form a dialect continuum. Such an argu- ment can hardly seem convincing to a comparative linguist, since dialect continuum is by no means a unique phenomenon: it is characteristic of many regions, including those where Indo- European languages are spoken, e.g. the Slavic and Romance-speaking areas. Since genealogi- cal classifications of Slavic and Romance languages do exist, there is no reason to believe that the taxonomy of Indo-Aryan languages cannot be established.