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`Tammany Tigers-9 Men Who Ran New York' DeGaulle Victory Hailed in Israel; Rabbi Adler's W ritings Compiled in Impressive Mendes-France to Try in Run-Off Work; Edited by Goldie Adler and Lily Edelman JERUSALEM (JTA) — Official Mendes-France, who was prime For nearly two decades, Rabbi alien. Unlike many professing men Adler was well aware of man's Israeli circles, refusing formally minister in 1954, has been off the Morris Adler addressed his con- of faith, he really did believe, with weakness and his propensity for to comment on the results of Sun- national scene since he was run gregation in the columns of the every fiber of his being, that man evil . Nonconformity, dissatis- day's French elections because over by the Gaullist bandwagon bulletin of his synagogue, Sharey is created in the image of God and faction with the status quo, criti- they did not want to take a posi- in 1958 and 1962. However, in Zedek—the S. Z. Recorder — in as such has the potential and the cism—these he saw as useful tools tion on internal French affairs, Grenoble, he scored almost 34 weekly messages that appeared obligation to do good and 'to act in man's striving toward a life of showed satisfaction nevertheless, per cent of the vote in Sunday's under the heading "May I Have a brotherly.' Children, family, the worth and dignity." here, with the results of the bal- elections against 38 per cent given home; friends, conversation, de- Thus, down the line, the collec- loting, which returned Gen. the Gaullist candidate and 21 per bate and mutual criticism; read- tion of essays, "May I Have a Charles de Gaulle to power. cent for the Communist nominee. ing, meditation, study; involve- Word With You," is not only a The same circles were also The Communists had agreed ment in the world's work and busi- gathering of opinions by an emi- gratified over what seemed to be previously that, in case of a run- ness; the self-renewing wonders of nent scholar but also an analysis a victory for the French Jewish off, - they would shift their votes God's universe and the daily of the man and his ideological statesman, former Premier Pierre to Mendes-France, thus probably miracles of man's individual acts approaches to human values as Mendes-France, who appears now insuring his success at the polls of generosity or courage—these he well as to human failings. to have put himself into position next Sunday. extolled." In these assembled articles are for a political come-back after this French Jews were assiduously The various essays collected for included essays that appeared in coming Sunday's run-off elections wooed by candidates of deGaulle's this work have been subdivided various • magazines, addresses by in his constituency of Grenoble. party. into corelated sections and have Rabbi Adler on Law Day, at a Couve de Murville told an as- Other political and public opin- been incorporated into 14 chap- Brotherhood event in a church, a sembly attended by a large num- ters, headed: Freedom and Law, radio address during Rabbi Adler's ion, however, unrestrained by for- ber of Jews that France would malities, were outspoken in voic- War and Peace, Negro and chaplaincy in Tokyo in 1945, his do all it could to bring about re- White, Christian and Jew and ing their satisfaction over the re- unification of Jewish families views on Zionism and Israel, an sults in the French national bal- Anti-Jew, On Being American, address at a memorial service for which have members in the Soviet On Being a Jew, On Being loting. Both evening newspapers Union. He also said he hoped that Dag Hammarkskjold, a variation Maariv and Yedioth Ahronoth Human, What Religion Is, To on an address he delivered on the existing pact between t h e Goldie Adler Lily Edelman — hailed the elections as an aug- European Common Market and Believe and to Pray, To Live and several occasions - on "Alternatives ury of the continuance of friendly Word With You?" Now, under the to Die, To Know and to Do, Jew- to the Atom," comments on the Israel, which expires next June same heading, appropriately, the Franco-Israeli relations in the fu- 30, would be changed into a better ish Life in America, The Human life and works of the late Hayim ture. major selections from these Comedy, Purely Personal. These Greenberg, and a score of other agreement for Israel. columns have been incorporated in In Paris, Le Monde, the influ- A committee of coordination for appear in four sections headed addresses and evaluative com- ential daily newspaper, hailed the a volume issued by. Crown Pub- Man and Society, Man and Man, ments on Jewish and World sub- Jewish deportees, a French Jewish lishers. Israeli newspaper reactions favor- organization representing thous- Man and God and Purely Per- jects. ing the de Gaulle victory at the Compiled by Goldie (Mrs. Mor- sonal. Supplementing them is a Among the essays is a "Tribute ands of such survivors of Nazism, ris) Adler and Lily Edelman, the French polls. Le Monde endorsed addressed a special appeal to all brief biographical sketch of to a Teacher—In Memory of Theo- The Israeli newspaper views, de- French Jews to vote for the candi- selections in this volume, which Rabbi Adler. dore H. Baruch." In the volume claring that de Gaulle would be dates of the de Gaulle list. The makes its appearance on the first Each of the book's sections is also is Rabbi Adler's famous essay "good for France, the world and committee also sent thousands of anniversary of the death of the preceded by an explanatory note on "The Rabbi." There are en- Israel" because de Gaulle "has letters to Jewish voters, urging eminent rabbi, include major ad- written by Mrs. Edelman, evaluat- comia for other noted leaders. many times given proof of his them to vote for de Murville, Roger dresses delivered by Dr. Adler, the ing impressively the contents. The "May I Have a Word With You?" friendship to Israel." Frey, Louis Joxe and other de essay that appeared in Harper's first group, for example, contains is a noteworthy work the publica- Jewish organizations in Paris Gaulle ministers. "What Is a Jew?" and scores of the explanatory note that Rabbi tion of which has been encouraged said that they will continue to The letters stressed that Jews other noteworthy essays. Adler "saw the struggle for free- by the adult education department support Gaullist candidates in should not forget what Gen. de Mrs. Edelman's introduction is dom as never-ending, one which of Bnai Brith which Rabbi Adler Sunday's run-off elections. Can- Gaulle had done against the a deeply moving tribute to the has to be rewon in every genera- headed as chairman for several didates for the Chamber of Dep- Nazis during World War II and martyred rabbi. Commenting on tion." years and to whose commission uties, who failed to receive what his government was doing his "humane, humorous rab- Commenting on the collection Mrs. Adler was named last week. absolute majorities in last Sun- now to bar renewal of Fascist binic chats," she points out: under the title "Man and Man," Mrs. Adler will autograph the new day's national balloting, are to parties in France. The commit• "Rabbi Adler himself had been Mrs. Edelman points out: "De- book at the J. L. Hudson Co. on tee also made a point of remind• assembling favorite pieces, under spite his faith in humanity, Rabbi Wednesday. get a second chance during the assorted headings and in multiple run-off voting. ing French Jews that Gen. de Among those who will be on the Gaulle had once described Is- notebooks, in order to meet re- HEBREW SELF-TAUGHT run-off lists are Foreign Minister rael as "a friend and ally of peated requests from farflung Maurice Couve de Murville, a pro- France." colleagues and friends and occa- BY AHARON ROSEN Gaullist, and Mendes-France, an The meeting at which the foreign sional feelers from would-be anti-Gaullist, in Grenoble. minister spoke was one of a num- publishers." wine store, shop .201 She presents the collection as in .206 rim It was predicted here that some ber of such gatherings organized ljah-noot "worthy of the memory of Morris yah-yeen of the run-off candidates, especially by the committee and other Jewish buy (m.s.) Couve de Murville, stand a good organizations. Many of these meet- Adler" and pays him this added red tit X .2 0 7 npp .2 02 tribute: chance of re-election thrOugh the ings are being held in Jewish ah-dohm koh-ne "For him nothing human was backing of the "Jewish voices." homes. bottle pni7: = .208 time nT .2 03 bahk-book z'mahn `Tammany Tigers-9 Men Who Ran New York' change (money) trri, .2 0 9 money rit;? .2 04 óh-def ke-ssef brother, William, a popular satir- There were nine men who ran ex-Tammany man." Israel coin pay (m.s.) New York under Tammany rule. Of special interest is the story ist, to Congress. Fitz-Greene Hal- riy,lip .210 rY2ttP? .2 05 During their dominating influences, of the impeachment of William leek, in recalling his youth, wrote p'roo-tah m'shah-lehm many things happened, many Sulzer as Governor New York of smoking a `segar 'mid the jov- events occurred, to influence Amer- and the comment that "Tam• ial throng' in Tammany Hall. ican politics. many was now linked with the The Irish immigrant Miles The dramatic story is told in an assassins of Sulzer as well as the O'Reilly (Charles Halpine), re- exciting book by Alfred Connable killers of Herman Rosenthal (in nowned during Civil War as a rT4in .17? un;ri and Edward Silberfarb, entitled the famous gangsters' case)." poet and journalist, was a mem- "Tigers of Tammany," published The authors state: "As a Con- ber of Tammany's ruling com- by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
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