A L U M Ni Gazette
A L U M NI GAZETTE OF THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM & MARY IN VIRGINIA VOLUME IV WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 1936 NUMBER 1 MARTINSVILLE MEETING ALUMNI DAY AND FINALS HOMECOMING DAY TWO HUNDRED FORTY-FOURTH SESSION HAD GOOD ATTENDANCE LAST JUNE GALA EVENTS This annual event at William and Mary has been set for Satur- The William and Mary alumni of WILL OPEN ON SEPTEMBER FOURTEENTH Finals for the 243rd session at day, November 7th, when the In- Halifax, Pittsylvania, Franklin, Henry William and Mary starting with dians play V.M.I, in football. De- and Patrick counties held their an- Larger and Better Qualified Alumni Day, June 6th, and conclud- tails of the program for the day INDIANS GATHER FOR Freshman Class Expected. nual meeting at Martinsville on May ing on the night of June 8th with will appear in the September and 8th. Ashton Dovell, '08, and Chas. the Final Ball, proved to be one of October Alumni Gazettes. FALL PRACTICE SEPT. 8 NEW DEPARTMENT OPENS- A. Taylor, Jr., '09, alumni secretary, the most interesting and brilliant attended the meeting, Dovell being commencements ever held at the Col- The William and Mary football President John Stewart Bryan the chief speaker of the evening. Mr. lege. C0LJ0HNW.WRIGHT/95, squad for 1936 will report here on Explains Background of Fine Dovell made an interesting and force- Several hundred alumni from many September 8th for practice and on Arts School. ful address. He was introduced by and distant parts of the country came LOCATED IN PORTO RICO hand to greet the squad will be the J.
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