Memorial to George Hume, Esquire, Crown Surveyor of Virginia and Washington's Teacher of Surveying
MEMORIAL TO GEORGE HUME, ESQUIRE, CROWN SURVEYOR OF VIRGINIA AND WASHINGTON'S TEACHER OF SURVEYING WITH NOTES ON HIS LIFE by LIEUTENANT-COLONEL EDGAR ERSKINE fIUME1 M. C., United States Army. Reprinted from Tyler's Quarterly Hutorical and Genealogical Magazine Richmond, Virginia Vol. XXI, No. 1, July, 19!l9, page11 6-54, and Vol. XXI, No. e, October, 1989, page, 10-tSO. TABLET 11' !'.1E'.\,IOR Y OF MR. GEORGE Hl'!\iE OF HRGl:--:IA St. (;eor!l,e's Church, Fredericksburll., \'irll.inia [)edicated 2b June, 19.JS MEMORIAL TO GEORGE HUME, ESQUIRE, CROWN SURVEYOR OF VIRGINIA AND WASHINGTON'S TEACHER OF SURVEYING WITH NOTES ON HIS LIFE by Lieutenant-Colonel Edgar Erskine Hume, M. C., United States Army. "God bless the King-I mean the Faith's Defender, God bless-no harm in blessing-the Pretender I But who Pretender is, or who is King- God bless us all I that's quite another thing." John Byrom. At noon on 26 June 1938, there was dedicated in St. George's Church, Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania County, Virginia, a memorial tablet honoring George Hume, Esquire, an early vestryman of that church and the Crown Surveyor who laid out the town itself. The tablet was unveiled by the rep resentative of the family of Milne-Home of Wedderburn Castle, Scotland, descendants of the sister of George Hume, as will be related. Fredericksburg is filled with historical associations of interest not only to Virginians, but to many others on both sides of the Atlantic, so that had he never done ought else to merit such recognition George Hume's part in the establishment of the town would entitle him to be remembered to-day.
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