SENATE 441 Us," the Bishop ·Added
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'1955 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 441 us," the bishop ·added. ''Many people came ''The American people normally are very He also explained the use of parking me to see us secretly and shook our hands dynamic, but now they are in a state of ters: "Cops are paid by corporations owning warmly in the absolute privacy -of hotel wavering and great perplexity. President parking meters for fining those who refuse to elevators." Eisenhower was elected on a program of pay for their parking." Bishop Dezsery described the plight of the peace and social progress. This has proved This instance of collaborationist clergy United States in the words of one of his to be an empty illusion. men preaching Red propaganda is not unique American friends, a Protestant minister who "Believe me, the American people have lost since the death of Stalin, and it coincides now lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland. their faith in everybody; they are only anx with the frequent mention of religious topics Dezsery quoted the anonymous clergyman ious for their future. While reading a news on Red broadcasts, with the astonishing thus: paper, the average American can do nothing authorization to celebrate Christmas and "The country before your eyes is no more but turn the chewing gum in his mouth." with rumors of the liberation of Cardinal that of Lincoln, but that of McCARTHY. · The number of automobiles astonished Mindszenty. Stalin's heirs seem to be fol America is dominated by a hysteria of fear. Bishop Dezsery, but he had an explanation lowing the almost forgotten pattern of the No European country would live in such fear. for the phenomenon. "Americans sweat all czars, who based their despotism on a close The country is a. total political and diplo their lives to pay for their cars and the alliance between swo:rd and aspergillum (a matic failure. Nobody knows what to do. mortgages on their homes,'' he said. brush used to sprinkle holy water). The message announced that the THE BUDGET-MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE House had passed, without amendment, PRESIDENT <H. DOC. NO. 16) the joint resolution <S. J. Res. 4) to pro TuESDAY, JANUARY 18,1955 The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the vide for the continuation in office of cer Senate a message from the President of The Chaplain, ·Rev. Frederick Brown tain members of the Commission on Gov the United States, relating to the budget Harris, D. D., offered the following ernmental Operations. for the year 1956, which was referred prayer: The message also announced that the to the Committee on Appropriations. House had passed a bill <H. R. 2369) to <For message of the President, see Eternal Spirit, far above us and yet amend section 7237 of the Internal Rev deep within us, in communion with Thee House proceedings of January 17, 1954, enue Code of 1954, in which it requested pp. 386-411, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.) we find peace for our spirits and power the concurrence of the Senate. for our tasks. In a desperate day of dis appointment, disillusionment, and de AUTHORIZATION TO SIGN EN spair, of disruption and confusion, we REPORT OF A COMMITTEE SUB bow in gratitude for the mercies beyond MITTED DURING ADJOURNMENT ROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESO LUTIONS DURING ADJOURNMENT our deserving which hallow our lot-the Pursuant to the order of the Senate sacrament of friendship, the opportuni of January 14, 1955, Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi- ties for service, the joys and privileges of . Mr. HAYDEN, from the Committee on dent, I ask unanimous consent that dur a free life. Appropriations, reported on January 17, ing the adjournment following today's We erave Thy wisdom in all the affairs 1955, the bill <H. R. 2091) making ap session the President of the Senate and that face us, lest we and all the peoples propriations for the fiscal year ending the President pro tempore be authorized .of the earth drift to disaster. Thou June 30, 1955, and for other purposes, to sign enrolled bills and joint resolu knowest that we supremely care for our and submitted a report <No. 6) thereon. tions passed by the two Houses, and schools and our homes, our churches and found to be truly enrolled. our communities. We lift up our inter The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob cession for the Nation and pray for a day SELECT COMMITTEE ON SMALL jectton, it is so ordered. .of international neighborhood. 0 God, BUSINESS put courage into our hearts, understand ·The VICE PRESIDENT. Senate Reso ing into our minds, strength into our LIMITATION OF DEBATE DURING lution 58, adopted on February 20, 1950, MORNING HOUR ·arms. Give us a long look and a deep in part provides that- faith in the kingdom of God that shall There is hereby created a select committee Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi yet come on the earth. And send us .to be known as the Committee on Small dent, under the rule, there will be a forth, we beseech Thee, with the baptism Business and to consist of 13 Senators to morning hour for the presentation of of Thy spirit, so to live and work that we be appointed by the President of the S~nate petitions and memorials, the introduc shall help to leave behind us a fairer as soon as practicable after the date of adop tion of bills, and other routine business, world in which Thou canst rear Thy tion of this resolution and at the commence and I ask unanimous consent that state human family. We ask it in the dear ment of each Coi?-gress. ments made in connection therewith be Redeemer's name. Amen. On January 14, 1955, the President pro limited to 2 minutes, in accordance with tempore, acting on behalf of the Vice the usual practice. President, appointed the Senator from The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob THE JOURNAL Mississippi [Mr. EASTLAND] and the Sen jection, it is so ordered. On request of Mr. JOHNSON of Texas, ator from Oregon [Mr. MoRSE] to fill two and by unanimous consent, the reading of the existing vacancies on the commit of the Journal of the proceedings of Fri tee. The full membership was not ENFORCEMENT OF THE RULE OF day, January 14, 1955, was dispensed named. COMITY with. On January 29, 1951, at the beginning Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi of the 82d Congress, and again on Feb dent, I. have a brief announcement I MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT ruary 6, 1953, at the beginning of the should like to make. Yesterday in the Messages in writing from the President 83d Congress, the Vice President ap House of Representatives the beloved of the United States were communicated pointed the full membership. and respected Speaker, Mr. RAYBURN, to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his The Chair today announces the reap made an announcement of interest, and secretaries. pointment of the other 10 members of I think of tremendous importance, to the committee for the 84th Congress. this body. The Speaker advised that it would be his practice during this Con MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE gress to enforce strictly the rule of A message from the House of Repre COMMITTEE MEETING DURING comity between the Houses when Mem sentatives, by Mr. Bartlett, one of its SENATE SESSION bers of that body arose to make derog clerks, informed the Senate that, pur Mr. CLEMENTS. Mr. President, I ask atory remarks about either the Senate suant to authority granted by section unanimous· consent that the Committee or any Member of the Senate. 8002 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code, on Foreign Relations may sit while the Mr. President, I should like at this the Committee on Ways and Means of Senate is in session today. It is not likely time to announce that, as majority lead the House had elected Hon. WILBUR D. that the meeting will take more than an er, I, too, will follow the long-standing MILLS, of Arkansas, to be a member of hour. precedents of this body during the com the Joint Committee on Internal Rev The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob ing Congress in the enforcement of this enue Taxation. jection, it is so ordered. rule of comity. Good relations between 442 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 18. the House and the Senate and its Mem.. services by increasing certain pays and allow Gen. Frank H. Partridge, United States Army, bers are of the utmost importance in ances (w.ith accompanying papers); to the retired, and for other purposes (with an ac Committee on Armed Services. companying paper); to the Committee on these critical times. I think it is equally the Judiciary. important that the standards of Senate AcQUISITION oF LAND FOR CoNSTRUCTION o:F rule XIX which apply in the Senate CERTAIN AERONAUTICAL RESEARCH FACILITIES APPOINTMENT OF BRIG. GEN. EDWIN B. HOWARD, A .letter from the executive secretary, Na UNITED STATES ARMY, RETIRED, TO CIVILIAN should, under the precedents of comity POSITION IN DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE between the Houses, be vigorously ap .. tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington, D. c., transmitting a draft of A letter from the Attorney General, trans plied if the occasion arises. proposed legislation to promote the national mitting a draft of proposed legislation to It will be my intention to see that defense by authoriZing the construction of authorize the appointment in a civilian posi that rule is followed in the Senate while aeronautical research facilities and the ac tion in the Department of Justice of Brig. I am sitting in this chair as majority quisition of land by the National Advisory Gen.