We are delighted to welcome you to Griffith Park for another summer of Shakespeare!

Over the past months, we’ve been thinking about what it means to be part of the Los Angeles community. What do we give to our fellow Angelenos? What do we receive?

The “receiving” part is easy. We gain so much from being part of your lives. You give us the gift of your attention, you share your stories with us, you support us with donations and with cookies. When we’ve needed it, you’ve given us the benefit of the doubt. This season, audience members have volunteered to help sew trim on the costumes you’ll see to- night, set up the stage, and distribute flyers. If you buy a coffee at intermission, you will likely be served by an audience volunteer.

But what do we give back? What should we give back?

We bring you professional theater in a lovely setting (not that we can take credit for the treasure that is Griffith Park). We bring you plays that reflect our times and make you think. An evening at the Festival is a great date night, or a chance to take a breath and be with friends. We offer performances that can include everyone in our community regardless of income level. This year, you will be able to register to vote at a performance, and write your elected officials about what- ever’s on your mind (we’ll pick up the stamp). These are some of the things we do. Should we be doing more?

There are many answers to the question, “What is the role of theater in a community?” They range from being an agent for social change, to encouraging tough contemplation of current events, to binding us together in shared storytelling. But as we planned this season, we asked ourselves, what is the role of this specific theater, during this specific summer, in this specific city?

In the end, our answer was joy. So many of Shakespeare’s plays end with unlikely celebrations, and the two plays we are presenting this year, MEASURE FOR MEASURE and THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA, are prime examples. Against all odds, love wins, our better natures triumph, and joy bursts through the shadows infusing the world with a sense of balance. This season, we are embracing this unlikely joy. We hope you will join us, and that this ephemeral moment will provide a sense of peace.

And one more thought? Why not say hello to the person on the blanket next to you? After all, we’re in this together.

Melissa Chalsma, Artistic Director

Council District Four


DUKE VINCENTIO, later in disguise as Friar Lodovico ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� David Melville* ANGELO, his chosen deputy �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������William Elsman* ISABELLA, a novitiate of the church ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Kalean Ung* CLAUDIO, her brother ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Evan Lewis Smith* JULIET, his beloved �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Donna Zadeh LUCIO, a nobleman of Vienna ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Nikhil Pai* GENTLEMAN & WOMEN...... Bukola Ogunmola, April Fritz, Nathan Nonhof MISTRESS OVERDONE, a local businesswoman �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Xavi Moreno* POMPEY BUM, her bawd ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Lorenzo González* FRANCISCA, a nun ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Bukola Ogunmola FRIAR PETER...... Patrick Batiste PROVOST, in command of the prison ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Joseph Culliton* ELBOW, a constable �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Richard Azurdia* FROTH, a gentleman of Vienna ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Patrick Batiste ABHORSON, an executioner ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Nathan Nonhof BARNARDINE, a murderer ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Xavi Moreno* MARIANA, a gentlewoman of Vienna ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� April Fritz A MUSICIAN...... Donna Zadeh

PLAYWRIGHT...... DIRECTOR...... Melissa Chalsma COSTUME DESIGNER ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Elizabeth Cox ASSISTANT COSTUME DESIGNER ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Matthew Kesner SCENIC DESIGNER ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Caitlin Lainoff ASSISTANT SCENIC DESIGNER ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Natalie Morales LIGHTING DESIGNER ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Bosco Flannagan COMPOSER...... David Melville* STAGE MANAGER ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Jenny Park* ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Giselle Vega REHEARSAL ASSISTANT ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Raven Robledo *member, Actors’ Equity Association, the professional union of actors and stage managers in the United States The play takes place in the city of Vienna, where the party never stops. There is one intermission. Notes on the Play by Melissa Chalsma

When the play opens, Vienna is a place where decadence reigns, and law has fallen by the way side. It is a city in need of a shake up, and Duke Vincentio thinks he has the answer. For years he has turned a blind eye to the behavior of his citi- zens. Rather than confront his lax leadership head on, the Duke devises a means to replace himself with the strictest dep- uty he can find: the pious and unyielding Angelo. The Duke hopes this deputy will mete out punishment with such igorr that the people of Vienna will fall in line. Indeed, as soon as the Duke leaves the city on mysterious and sudden business, Angelo brings down the iron fist of the law: Claudio and his betrothed, Juliet, have committed the sin of premartial sex, and she is pregnant. Despite the fact that they are engaged, Angelo sentences Claudio to death.

What’s more, all the brothels in Vienna (which have thrived under the rule of the Duke) are being torn down, setting the shadowy underbelly of Vienna into an uproar, and people of all stripes are being thrown in prison.

But all is not as it appears: the Duke does not leave the city. Rather, he disguises himself as a Friar to walk among the people. And when Claudio’s sister, Isabella (a novice nun), hears of her brother’s fate, she rushes to plead for his life to Angelo, and in so doing, forces Angelo to reveal his true character. As the action of the play unfolds, the lives of Isabella, the Duke, and Angelo become intertwined in surprising ways.

Thoughout the play, disguise plays a central role. Not simply the act of putting on a costume, but what we do to obscure truths about ourselves. Shakespeare of- fers no moral judgment of disguise. In fact, “seeming” plays both a positive and a negative role in the lives of the characters. Nor does he pass judgment on the central conflict of the play, between puritinism and he- donism. In the end, the characters are left to confront the moral and emotional complexity of their lives with their faults intact and their eyes open. As was written many years ago, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

“ In 1898, my great-uncle Joseph Haworth co-starred on Broadway with Helena Modjeska in this very same play, MEASURE FOR MEASURE. I’m proud to be upholding the traditions of both my family, and of free Shakespeare for Los Angeles. ” Joseph Culliton

“ Coming out for intermission is like being a Disney character. I get to connect with kids and adults of all ages from all over Los Angeles. This is my fourth summer, so I’m seeing the same kids who come every year grow up, and I’ve grown with them, too. ” Kalean Ung THE COMPANY

VALENTINE ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Nikhil Pai* SPEED, his servant ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Xavi Moreno* PROTEUS...... Evan Lewis Smith* ANTONIO, his father ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Joseph Culliton* LAUNCE, his servant ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� David Melville* JULIA, his beloved ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Erika Soto* LUCETTA, her maid �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� April Fritz DUKE OF MILAN ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������William Elsman* SILVIA, his daughter �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Sylvia Kwan* THURIO, a gentleman ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Lorenzo González* SIR EGLAMOUR, a night ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Patrick Batiste HOST...... Joseph Culliton* PANTHINO, servant to Antonio ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Josh Duron CRAB, a dog ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Pickles THE OUTLAWS...... Patrick Batiste, Josh Duron, April Fritz, Katie Powers-Faulk THE SINGERS...... Patrick Batiste, Katie Powers-Faulk THE BAND...... Dave Beukers, Josh Duron, David Melville, William Elsman

PLAYWRIGHT...... William Shakespeare DIRECTOR...... David Melville* COSTUME DESIGNER ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Ruoxuan Li SCENIC DESIGNER ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Caitlin Lainoff ASSISTANT SCENIC DESIGNER ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Natalie Morales MUSICAL DIRECTOR �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Dave Beukers LIGHTING DESIGN �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Bosco Flannagan STAGE MANAGER ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Pat Loeb* ASSISTANT STAGE MANAGER ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Matthew Westman REHEARSAL ASSISTANT �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Savannah Weinstock

*member, Actors’ Equity Association, the professional union of actors and stage managers in the United States The play takes place in Verona, Milan, and the forest between the two. There is one intermission.

. Notes on the play by David Melville “The child is the father of the man,” so says William Wordsworth. In THE TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA, one of Shake- speare’s first plays, our author explores themes and motifs that he would come back to in his later, more mature works. What I find delightful about this play is the youthful exuberance with which he gaily flips between two dimensionaledi m - eval tropes of his source material and newer, psychological explorations of motivation–a conversation between character and audience that would form the basis of later plays like HAMLET. And then there are the outlaws…and a dog.

Silly and serious mix together in this tale of teenage rebellion. Julia breaks from societal norms and, dressed as a boy, pursues her absent lover. Likewise, Shakespeare breaks the mold of old fashioned stuffy Elizabethan drama and we start to get a glimpse of something new and excit- ing on the horizon...a bit like hearing the opening riff of Chuck Berry’s “Roll Over Beethoven” hailing the dawn of Rock n’ Roll in the 50s. Nothing is ever going to be the same again.

“ When we first did The Two Gentlemen of Verona in 2004, We only had a few props and costumes. we re-used everything we had from other shows. Now that ISC has grown, we’re looking at how to preserve that aesthetic we’ve depended on from the very beginning. ” Lorenzo González

“ It was 2010. The play was the benefit performance of The Two Gentlemen of Verona, And I was just finishing my first year of grad school at CalArts. This wild, funny, creative, and magical production was my introduction to the Festival, to Griffith Park, to the history of the Old Zoo, to outdoor Shakespeare, and to the company I would have the pleasure of making art with for the next seven years. It’s crazy to think that I’m once again performing in the play that started my love affair with this company. ” Nikhil pai @indyshakes @indyshakes #ShakespeareSetFree #ISCLA The Company of Artists

Richard Azurdia Patrick Batiste Dave Beukers Melissa Chalsma Joseph Culliton Josh Duron

William Elsman April Fritz Lorenzo González Sylvia Kwan Pat Loeb David Melville

Xavi Moreno Nathan Nonhof Bukola Ogunmola Nikhil Pai Jenny Park Katie Powers-Faulk

Evan Lewis Smith Erika Soto Kalean Ung Giselle Vega Matthew Westman Donna Zadeh

We can’t wait to share a memorable arts experience with you tonight! This cast“ and crew is a reflection of my Los Angeles. One of the greatest We always love bringing theater to our diverse things I’ve witnessed is seeing youth from the inner-city Los Angeles community. For more information communities that I come from literally laughing, enjoying, and about our company, visit us at ISCLA.ORG understanding Shakespeare’s plays. Those of us on stage have the power to make connections. And that’s a revelation. Independent Shakespeare Co. operates under a letter of agreement with the Actors’ Equity Association, ” the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States. Xavi Moreno RICHARD AZURDIA (MM: Elbow) This is his 7th Season ORDER, STRANGERS WITH CANDY and THE YOUNG AND with ISC! Theater credits include productions with: Denver THE RESTLESS. In feature films, he’s acted opposite Leon- Center Theatre, Mark Taper Forum, Fountain Theatre, Circle X ardo DiCaprio in J. EDGAR, Jeff Bridges in SOMEBODY Theatre, Sacred Fools Theatre, Echo Theatre, Son of Semele KILLED HER HUSBAND, and John Wayne in CAHILL, U.S. Ensemble, Odyssey Theater, Bootleg Theater, Company of An- MARSHAL. gels, Cornerstone Theater Co. & 24th Street Theater. He’s been nominated for the Ovation Awards, Stage Raw Awards, Colo- JOSHUA DURON (2GV: Panthino, Outlaw, Bass Player) has rado Theatre Guild’s Henry Awards & Broadway World Awards. been entertaining Los Angeles for nearly 25 years, having Film/TV: SOUTHLAND, GRACE & FRANKIE, Hulu’s EAST LOS played with early Latin alternative groups such as Blues HIGH (recurring), WEEDS (recurring), LADRON QUE ROBA A Experiment, Calavera, and Quetzal for most of those years. LADRON, AMERICA 101. He’s a recipient of the Andrew W. Earning his BA at UCLA in Ethnomusicology with jazz studies Mellon Fellowship and was named one of L.A. Weekly’s 54 Fas- as his focus, Josh has been lucky enough to have worked cinating People of 2015. alongside musical legends Kenny Burrell, Ry Cooder, Zack De La Rocha, Lalo Schifrin and American opera director PATRICK BATISTE (MM: Friar Peter, Froth/2GV: Eglamour, Peter Sellars. He is also an accomplished actor, working and Outlaw, Lead Singer) is celebrating his third summer festival studying intensively in the Los Angeles theater scene. He with Independent Shakespeare Co. He was previously seen in was last seen in BLOODMATCH, written by Oliver Mayer, in THE TEMPEST and MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Some of DON’T TALK ABOUT IT, SPIT ABOUT IT! by Alex Alpharoah his favorite stage credits include RAGTIME (3D Theatricals), and two productions of CASA 0101’s TRIO LOS MACHOS. HAIR THE MUSICAL (Tribe Prod.), and 25th ANNUAL PUTNAM He is currently featured in the jazz documentary, JAZZ COUNTY SPELLING BEE (CSUN) among others. He has starred NIGHTS: A CONFIDENTIAL JOURNEY which was recently in over twenty commercials, recently wrapped as a second lead picked to screen at the Jazz Film Festival. in a pilot, and co-starred in NBC’s TRAUMA. He sends thanks to Melissa and David for making this summer possible and sends WILLIAM ELSMAN (MM: Angelo/2GV: Duke of Milan, love to family and friends. Drums) proudly returns for his third season with ISC, having previously appeared as Apothecary in ROMEO & JULIET, DAVE BEUKERS (2GV: Musical Director, Pianist) is back at the Don John in MUCH ADO, Buckingham in RICHARD III, and park! So excited to play for you all. Previous excursions with ISC Sebastian in THE TEMPEST. Regional: Oregon Shakespeare include RED BARN and THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, among Festival (school visit program), Santa Cruz Shakespeare, A other things. He’s been a master of music in multiple media, Noise Within (understudy Macbeth), Sacramento Theater and also alliterative arts, apparently. He’s a mild-mannered soft- Company, Capital Stage, Sierra Rep, SF Playhouse, Marin ware tester by day, but at night, should his thirst for harmony Shakespeare Company, and the Pennsylvania and Texas fail to be slaked, he will transform into the legendary Were-stro. Shakespeare Festivals. Recent film credits include Quake Heroes and Delirium. MELISSA CHALSMA (MM: Direction) is co-founder and Artistic Director of Independent Shakespeare Co. Melissa directs many APRIL FRITZ (MM: Mariana, Gentlewoman/2GV: Lucetta, ISC productions, most recently last summer’s RICHARD III and Outlaw) is thrilled to be back for her second summer with OTHELLO in the ISC Studio. Favorite roles on stage for ISC ISC. A Bay Area native, she received her BA in Theatre from include Beatrice in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, Hermione San Francisco State University. ISC credits include: A MID- in THE WINTER’S TALE, and most recently in the Studio as SUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM (Hermia), THE TEMPEST (Spirit/ Elizabeth Gaesling in THE SNOW GEESE by Sharr White. She Goddess), and RICHARD III (Duke of York). Other credits: has performed in theaters and Shakespeare festivals across the NIGHTINGALE (SF Fringe/Davis Shakespeare Ensemble), country, on Broadway, and in the UK, including at the Derby PHAEDRA’S LOVE and KING HENRY IV (Do It Live! Produc- Playhouse and London’s Battersea Arts Center. Her MFA is from tions), DANNY AND THE DEEP BLUE SEA and OTHELLO the Professional Theater Training Program at the University of (Breach Once More), and an all-female HAMLET (SFSU). Delaware. She is married to ISC co-founder David Melville. Together they have produced two children and seventy-one LORENZO GONZÁLEZ (MM: Pompey/2GV: Sir Thurio) theatrical works. Woohoo! Back where he is loved best of all--home at ISC. Last summer, he was Trinculo in THE TEMPEST and Henry IV ELIZABETH A. COX (MM: Costume Design) has designed in RICHARD III. Among the various theatres he has worked costumes for Rogue Machine Theatre (POCATELLO, A PER- are: REDCAT and The Ahmanson in LA, San Jose Repertory, MANENT IMAGE, FALLING), Circle X Theatre Co. (TREVOR), Seattle Repertory, Arizona Theatre Company, six seasons The Valley Performing Arts Center (IN THE HEIGHTS, THE with The Oregon Shakespeare Festival, El Teatro Campesino, DROWSY CHAPERONE & CARMEN), The Rubicon Theatre (IT’S Colorado Shakespeare Festival, and was a member of The ONLY LIFE, A DELICATE BALANCE), Los Angeles Philharmonic, Actor’s Gang. Lorenzo is currently an associate artist with El Cornerstone Theater, The Matrix Theatre & The Actor’s Studio Centro Su Teatro in Denver, CO and chair of undergraduate L.A. Regionally her work has been at Cincinnati Playhouse, New performance programs at Naropa University in Boulder. His York Musical Theatre Festival & Music Theatre of Wichita. She is MFA is from PTTP at the University of Delaware. currently a professor at California State University Northridge & Santa Monica College. MATTHEW JACKSON (Production Manager) has worked internationally as a stage manager, technician, actor, and JOSEPH CULLITON (MM: Provost/2GV: Host, Antonio) Joe has director with companies like Bunim/Murray Productions, been an ISC company member since 2006, and recently ap- The Actors’ Fund, Culture Clash, Backhausdance, Orange peared in WAITING FOR GODOT for the Open Circle Theatre County School of the Arts, The Wooden Floor, and Opera Company. He’s acted on Broadway in THE BEST MAN, SOUTH Pacific. He’s a professor in the Theatre Department at CSU PACIFIC, and George Abbott’s BROADWAY. Off-Broadway Northridge specializing in stage and artistic management. credits include the NY Shakespeare Festival’s KING JOHN and Matthew oversees production on their eight shows each . Among his regional credits are the Mark Taper year, serving as a mentor to student stage managers. Love Forum and the Ahmanson. TV audiences know him from AMER- to Michelle, Nicole, and Mickey! ICAN CRIME STORY: THE PEOPLE V. O.J. SIMPSON, LAW & SYLVIA KWAN (2GV: Silvia) is excited to make her Indepen- NATHAN NONHOF (MM: Gentleman, Abhorson) is a writer, dent Shakespeare Co. debut! She was last seen at the Perse- actor, and voice actor who loves a good Samoa during Girl verance Theatre in Juneau, AK, as Molly in PETER AND THE Scout cookie season. A Kansas native and graduate of the STARCATCHER. Past roles include Jennifer Marcus in THE CalArts MFA acting program, he is very excited to be spend- INTELLIGENT DESIGN OF JENNY CHOW, Amanda in 4,000 ing his second summer with the ISC family! Most recently he MILES, Nina in VANYA AND SONIA AND MASHA AND SPIKE, has worked on CHIMPSKIN - Hollywood Fringe Festival, IAMI - and Eunice on the CW’s 90210. She is a proud member of Ac- Edurburh Fringe Festival, and has lent his voice to the internet tors Equity. animation DQ HERO. His favorite would-be pet is the whimsi- cal hedgehog. CAITLIN LAINOFF (Season Set Design) is the resident scenic designer with the Independent Shakespeare Co. in Griffith BUKOLA OGUNMOLA (MM: Francisca, Gentlewoman, Park, where she is going on her eighth year. She works as a Messenger) is excited to make her debut with Independent freelance designer and educator, designing theater on the Shakespeare Co. She is a bicoastal actress currently studying east and west coast. She is a member of the education depart- at USC as a graduate acting student. Recent credits include ment at LACMA and teaches classes throughout the year. She OUR LADY OF 121ST STREET at Milton G. Bassin Performing is also on the staff of the California Alliance for Arts Education, Arts Center and the NYC premiere of TEACH FOR AMERICA an organization that advocates for equal arts education in all with the York College Theatre. She is on social media as California public schools. @BukolaOgunmola.

RUOXUAN LI (2GV: Costume Design) is an internationally NIKHIL PAI (MM: Lucio/2GV: Valentine) was last seen on the active costume designer currently based in LA. She designed ISC stage playing Arnie in the West Coast premiere of THE costumes for ISC’s THE SNOW GEESE. She received her MFA SNOW GEESE by Sharr White. Some favorite roles – ISC and in Costume Design from UCLA in 2016 and is the recipient of otherwise – include Romeo in , Richard II Swarovski Award for Excellence in Costume Design 2014. No- in RICHARD II, Shlink in JUNGLE OF CITIES, and Knickerbock- table credits include: TURN OF THE SCREW (DC Public Opera er in THE HOLLOW. He has also appeared in several network 2016), JUDGMENT OF NUREMBERG (LATW 2016), DISTANT television shows including SELFIE, SUPERSTORE, CODE BLACK, VISION (American Zoetrope 2016), COSI FAN TUTTE (UCLA CASTLE, and the upcoming Hulu series, FUTURE MAN. He Opera 2016), SPRING AWAKENING (NoHo Arts Center 2015), earned his MFA from the California Institute of the Arts. PERFECT COUPLE (China 2014). JENNY PARK (MM: Stage Manager) This is her fourth show PAT LOEB (2GV: Stage Manager) is thrilled to work with ISC. with Independent Shakespeare Co., having stage managed Sample credits include ICT (19 shows); Deaf West (8); East the ISC studio productions of OTHELLO, A MIDSUMMER West Players (4); Sacramento Theatre Company (4); ETC Santa NIGHT’S DREAM, and THE SNOW GEESE. This summer, she Barbara (3); City At Peace; Golden Thread. Contemporary decided to come out to the Griffith Park Festival for MEASURE dance concerts. Opera: CARMEN, BARTERED BRIDE, BEA- FOR MEASURE! She graduated from Cal State University, TRICE ET BENEDICT. Also CANNIBALS!, GUYS AND DOLLS, Northridge with a BA in Theatre. Thank you Melissa and David MARVELOUS WONDERETTES, TAMING OF THE SHREW, for bringing me along on this exciting journey! SOUTH PACIFIC, SMOKEY JOE’S CAFÉ, ROMEO AND JU- LIET, SWEET NOTHING IN MY EAR, BERMUDA AVE TRIAN- GLE, THE PHANTOM (tour), CONCERT FOR AMERICA and so many more. Proud member Actors’ Equity Association. DAVID MELVILLE (MM: Duke Vincentio/2GV: Director, Launce) “ Co-founder of ISC, he has acted in and directed many ISC Fresh out of college, productions. In last summer’s Griffith Park Festival, he played I believed it would be challenging to be a stage manager in the lead in RICHARD III and Stephano in THE TEMPEST. Most recently in the Studio, he directed THE SNOW GEESE. He the real world. I thought people would think, ‘Here’s this appeared in DISCORD at the Geffen Playhouse, and London girl, she looks like she’s 18 and she’s telling people what to appearances include HAMLET (also Broadway) and IVA- NOV (both of which featured Ralph Fiennes), and HENRY VI do.’ But I was wrong. I was fortunate enough to be a part of in THE WAX KING. TV and film: LAWRENCE OF AMERICA, the ISC family as soon as I graduated. Everyone was so IRONCLAD, THE UNDERSTUDY, and PERFECTION. He supportive and respectful at that first rehearsal. trained at the Webber-Douglas Academy, London. He wrote and co-starred in STRANGE EVENTFUL HISTORY, a con- densed story that takes the audience through ten Shakespeare plays and 150 years of British war. David has composed music for many ISC productions including last summer’s RICHARD ” III, ROMEO & JULIET, numerous Dr. Pinch and the Pinchtones vaudeville shows, and the original ISC musical, RED BARN. jenny park XAVI MORENO (MM: Mistress Overdone, Barnardine/2GV: Speed) is a native Angeleno, born, raised, and staged “east of KATIE POWERS-FAULK (2GV: Musician, Outlaw) just complet- the river” in the historic barrio of Boyle Heights. This is Xavi’s ed her second year in UCLA’s musical theater program within sixth season with Independent Shakespeare Co. ISC Credits the School of Theater, Film, and Television. There, she has include Simple in THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR, Moth worked on shows such as CARRIE, SONNETS FOR AND OLD in LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST, Flute/Thisbe in A MIDSUMMER CENTURY, PIPPIN, and many more. She is extremely excited NIGHT’S DREAM, Balthazar in COMEDY OF ERRORS, Bion- to be back in the park working with ISC for the third summer dello/Tailor in THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, Peter in ROMEO in a row. & JULIET and Conrad in MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. EVAN LEWIS SMITH (MM: Claudio/2GV: Proteus) is excited to return for another summer with Independent Shakespeare Co. Previous ISC credits include: THE SNOW GEESE (Dun- can), A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM (Lysander/Snug), RICHARD III (Earl of Richmond), THE TEMPEST (Ferdinand), OTHELLO (Othello), ROMEO AND JULIET (Tybalt). Other theater credits include: SOMEONE TO WATCH OVER ME (Adam Canning), Group Repertory Theater; and MACBETH (Macduff), Edgemar Center of the Arts. Evan hails from Bloomfield Hills, MI and received his MFA in Acting from the University of Southern California. He would like to thank his family and friends for all their unconditional support.

ERIKA SOTO (2GV: Julia) Woohoo! Year 6! Erika started out as a Mexican Folklorico dancer in her hometown of Hous- ton, TX. She attended The High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, received her B.A. in Theatre from the USC School of Dramatic Arts, and studied at the British American Drama Academy in London. She then joined Independent Shakespeare Co. ISC roles include: Miranda in THE TEMPEST, Juliet in ROMEO AND JULIET, and Bianca in THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, to name a few! Erika is now a Resident Artist at A Noise Within Theatre. She has done numerous commer- cials, voiceover, shorts, webseries, and motion capture work in English and Spanish.

KALEAN UNG (MM: Isabella) Favorite ISC credits include: Ariel in THE TEMPEST, Margaret in RICHARD III, Desdemona in OTHELLO, Marina in PERICLES, and Viola in . She has performed all over LA at The Kirk Douglas Theatre, Theatre@Boston Court, REDCAT, and The Getty Villa. Other LA credits include: KURT WEILL IN THE CUDDLE- FISH HOTEL at The Actors’ Gang, THE TEMPTATION OF ST. ANTONY with Four Larks Theatre (2015 Ovation Award for Best Ensemble), PURPLE ELECTRIC PLAY! with Machine Project, PROMETHEUS BOUND with CalArts CNP/ Getty Villa, ALCESTIS with Critical Mass Performance Group, and CAMINO REAL at Theatre@Boston Court. She received her MFA in Acting from CalArts.

GISELLE VEGA (MM: Assistant Stage Manager/Production Intern) is a recent graduate of California State University, Northridge. She earned a B.A. in Theatre Arts where her focus was stage management. She is very grateful to be working with Independent Shakespeare Co. for the first time. Recent favorite credits are MY SISTER WAS THE FIRST TO FLY with Fugitive Kind and AS YOU LIKE IT with CSUN. She is ecstatic to be working with so many old and new faces!

MATTHEW WESTMAN (2GV: Assistant Stage Manager) This is Matthew’s debut with ISC. He is currently the Technical Production Manager at Eagle Rock Baptist Church and pursu- ing a B.A. in Theatre Production & Design, Stage Manage- ment and Sound Design Emphasis, at Pepperdine University where he has worked on INTO THE WOODS, THE YELLOW BOAT (ASM), CRAZY FOR YOU (Assistant Sound Designer), and the US Premiere of THE INTERFERENCE. Internationally, he spent a year as an ASM for The Royal National Theatre in London.

DONNA ZADEH (MM: Juliet, Musician) is a theatre and film actress born and raised in Los Angeles. She recently gradu- ated from CalArts where she received her BFA in Acting. Her latest credits include: Laura in THE GLASS MENAGERIE and Blanche in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE directed by James Franco. She has also played Nina in THE SEAGULL and Penelope in THE ODYSSEY. Donna feels very honored to be working on her first production with ISC. Independent Shakespeare Co. 3191 Casitas Ave. #168 Blancaware; Barbara Monderine at The Village Bakery Los Angeles, CA 90039 and Cafe; Janice Portillo at Pop Gram Kettle Corn; (818) 710-6306 Sarah Roberts at Whole Foods Market; Wendy West- gate at the Los Angeles Public Library; Joe Witt and Chris Cook at Pasadena Playhouse; Garry Lennon and Melissa Chalsma, Artistic Director the California State University, Northridge Department David Melville, Managing Director of Theatre; Grettel Cortes Photography; Reynaldo Marisa Johnston, Development & Communications Manager Macias Photography; Tameka Davis and Shelly Mas- Sarah Cronk, Office Administrator sachi at Olson Engage; Karen Gutierrez at The Geffen Janet Lê, Marketing Assistant Playhouse; Timothy Smith and the Actors’ Equity Asso- David Elzer, DEMAND PR ciation, Rochelle Rose at SAG-AFTRA Foundation; Joel Richard Hajjar, Bookkeeper Sherman at 4Wall Lighting; Johanna Brown Clark; Lisa Xavi Moreno, Social Media Ninja Dawn Marie Decker; Kenneth Grimes; Gerald McGrory, Lara Pranger; Kate Seggar; Chris Shellen; Michael Spell- Board of Directors man; Tina Yesayan Eduardo A. Braniff (Chair), Ann Blanchard, Eric Muhlheim, Leonora Gershman Pitts, Halle Stanford All the volunteers that hand out programs, guide traffic, set up, and make the Festival run smoothly. Advisory Committee Matthew August, John Bauman, Scott Carter, Stephen & Most particularly, to John Hemmings & Henry Condell. Tiffany Barnes, Ralph Fiennes, Kevin Fitzmaurice, Jonathan We are forever in your debt. Kent, John C. Reilly, Sanford Robbins, Bradley Whitford

2017 Festival Staff “ Matthew Jackson, Production Manager THE HIGHLIGHT OF MY SUMMER Master Carpenter Todd Pate, FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS HAS BEEN DESIGNING SETS Sarah Stavich, Site Manager Sabrina Lewis, House Manager FOR INDEPENDENT SHAKESPEARE COMPANY. AS OUR Eunice Sanchez, Concessions Manager AUDIENCES HAVE GROWN, SO TOO HAVE OUR PRODUCTIONS, Giselle Vega, Season Production Intern from the Los Angeles WITH EACH YEAR BUILDING OFF OF EVERYTHING WE’VE County Arts Commission Arts Internship Program LEARNED IN THE PREVIOUS ONE. I HOPE THAT EVERY Interns, Crew & Volunteers SUMMER SET IS A DISCOVERY TO THE AUDIENCE. Coleen Apostol, Rosalie Cabinson, Connor Clarke, Josh Cooper, Leslie Crisman, Laura D’Isa, Maggie D’Isa, Sabrina Fest, Sawyer Fuller, Sam Gallagher, Ethan Hollander, ” Charlotte Kirby, Josh Legget, Christian Luna, Marsden Lyonwahl, Paul McCrane, William McCrane, Anais Morgan, CAITLIN LAINOFF Theresa Morgan, Clare Morrissey, Diana Pardo, Haley Purvis, Caroline Reynolds, Sharon Robles, Ana Robles, Sarah Scalf, Ramiro Segovia, Emily Simon, Abraham Villegas, Evan Wank, Savannah Weinstock, Effy Yizhou Yang, Thomas Zabilski “ Our kids have spent their summers at the Griffith Park Free Shakespeare Special Thanks Festival. Now our daughter’s favorite subject at her Councilmember David Ryu, Sarah Dusseault, and the arts high school is technical theater, and it’s wonderful Council District Four Office; Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell to hear her new understanding and appreciation of the and the Council District Thirteen Office. design, lighting and sound of the productions we’ve all Department of Recreation and Parks, especially Joe enjoyed for years. Salaices, Brenda Aguirre, Karen Oliva, and Gonzalo Rebollo.

Mike Ditz Photography (cover photos and season market- ing materials), Tjalsma Design, and Chris Porter for critical ” artistic assitance. Mia Picerno (isc friend) Day, Laura De Santiago, Paula Deming, Elizabeth Dennehy & James Lancaster, Stephen & Karen Dombrowski, Belinda Dong, Thank you to all of our supporters! Philippa Drewer, Jay Edwards, Tammy Engel, Teri Everett, Carla Over the past twelve months, we have been very grateful Fantozzi Palermo, Gregory Finn, Barbara Fisher, Mary Flanagan & recipients of several essential foundation and government grants. Richard Harris, Adam Fleischman, Sarah Forth, Meg & Matt Gal- lagher, Toni Gallagher, Nancy Getty, Talia Gibas, Suzette Gordon, However, the majority of our funding comes from donations, small Cindy Graham, Cindy Graham, Julie Grist & Paul Holahan, Erica and large, from audience members such as yourself. We hope your Groten & Eric Varnen, Paul & Audrey Hanneman, Susan Harbach, lives are enriched by the theater company you are such a vital part Larry Harnisch, Susan & Norm Harper, Abigail & Lawrence Harris, of creating. Maxwell Harris, Julie Henderson, Michele Hennessy, Tom & Marie Hess, Sharon Hirata, Alexander Hoffmann, Rita & Jeff Holling- The following people and organizations made financial donations sworth, Bev Huntsberger, Francesca Innocenti & Brian Beldham, in support of the Griffith Park Free Shakespeare Festival 2017. Jane Jelenko, Rick Kaplan, John Keane, Jack Kenny, Kelli Kerslake Without them, we would not be here tonight. Colaco, Louis Kessler, Golnar Khosrowshahi, Michael Kim, Roberta Kirkhart, Katie Klapper, Brian Klein, Paul Kopeikin, Pat Kraemer $10,000+ & Jim Stockman, Susan Laemmle & John Antignas, Chris Lee, Our Anonymous Benefactor, Bloomberg Philanthropies, California Jocelyn Leveque, Diane Levine, Beth Lieberman & Steve Lan- Arts Council, Council District 4 & Councilmember Ryu, Department dau, Rachel Lipman, Zuberdrone LLC, Richard Llewellyn, Pamela of Cultural Affairs, City of LA, Los Angeles County Arts Commis- Lombardo, Mary Lou O’Brien, Christopher Loverro, Joanne Lutz sion, National Endowment for the Arts, S. Mark Taper Foundation. & Ronald Gelfman, Kyle Maclachlan, Melody Malmberg & Joe Rohde, Bunny Markowitz, Frank Martinez & Kathleen Ford, Barbara $2,500- $9,999 Masters, Alyssa Matos, Lenox Knight, & Suzette Higginbotham, Cy- Ann Blanchard & Sandy Becker, Eduardo A. Braniff, James Scott anne McClairion, Bernadette McNamara, Tara McPherson, Doug Carter, The DEW Foundation, Robert Ferguson, The Hal & Kath- Mcpherson, Jocelyn Medawar, Phyllis & Mitchell Miller, Mitchell leen Gershman Family Foundation, Leonora Gershman Pitts & Miller, Frank Mohler, Adam & Irlyaan Mondschein, Genevieve Mor- Scott Pitts, Jack Horner, Michael & Fiona Karlin, Bennett & Peggy gan, Wunna Myothein, Richard Nathan, James Newman & Michael Kayser, Los Feliz Neighborhood Council, Scott & Kimberly Max- Mullins, Tom & Erika Ngo, Janice & Tai Nguyen, Michele Noble, well, Lauren & Eric Muhlheim, Pogosyan Care Foundation, David Alexis Oberlander, Mitch Ofarrell, Deborah & Stacey Olliff, Kaitlin Reichelt, Susan & Bill Scheding, Halle Stanford. Olson, Martin Olson, Duncan Orrell-Jones, Gia Paladino, Elaine Paul & Darren Seidel, Michael Pearl, Stephen Phelps, Suzanne $600- $2,499 Prescott, Caroline Purvis, Tina Purwin, Sandra Quintana, Virginia Anonymous (2), in memory of George Reynolds, Ty Agens & Gloria & David Reece, Laura Reider & Scott Abrahamson, Laura Rin, Quinn, Leah & John Altschuler, John & Jill Bauman, Lois Becker & Michael & Ashton Roberts, Alexandra Rockwell, Debba Rofheart, Mark Stratton, Linda Bessin, Elizabeth & Jonathon Brauer, Sandra Judy Rothman, Lori & Ethan Ruhman, Carolyn Sax, Richard Schenk- & Mayer Brenner, Shannon & Daniel Brousseau, Max Coleman, man, Benjamin & Debra Schuraytz, J. Scott Clark-Schoeb, Amy Richard & Patricia Creese, Mike Ditz, Janice Feinstein & Paul Scripps, Melissa Segal, Jain & Eliot Sekuler, Frank Shapiro, Thomas Donnenfield, Shea Fontana, Neil Gieleghem, Diane Glatt & David Sherman, Elizabeth Sholl, Sandra Sigman, Daniel Silverberg, Patty Holtz, Lisa & Joshua Greer, Kenneth Grimes, Scott Hanlon, Brian Silversher, Richard Smith & Lisa Chuong, James & Anne-Elizabeth Holihan & Suzann Weekly, Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Sobieski, Cat Sowa, Stan Spry, Susanne Stanford, Lance Still, Council, Marisa & Greg Johnston, Diann Kim, Frank Lopes, The Donna Stoica, Jamie Stone, Dakota Sunseri, Katherine Tanner & Los Angeles Breakfast Club Foundation, Paul Major, Paul McCrane, Michael Silverman, Tina & Chris Teodorescu, Celeste Thomasson, Gerald McGrory & Stephanie Patterson, Jay Polk, Janis Pretzlav & Mike Tuggle, Malcolm Venolia, Clifford Warner, Dana & Robert David Turner, Renée Ralls, John Rensenhouse, Elizabeth Rosen- Watson, Carolyn Wessling & Peter Marks, Dana Wilkie, Margaret blatt, Thomas Joseph Deegan Day & Nina Hachigian, Holthues Willis, Ed Woll, Julie Yannatta, David & Erin Zabel, John Zinman, Trust, Gillian & John Wagner, Edwin Woll & Doris Baizley, Lynn & Jon Zuber, Karen Zumsteg. Michelle Wood. $1- $119 (Wow, this is a lot of grass roots support!) $300- $599 Anonymous (39), Olga Aguilar, Paul Alan Smith, Diane & Al Anonymous, Sherine Adeli, Timothy Aldrete, James Auld & Susan Alancraig-Septien, Kim Allen-Niesen, Brian Allgeier, Christine O’Connell, Tony Boyd, Sue & Barry Brucker, Jason & Nancy Cahill, Amarantus & Brandon Demaria, Sheryl Anderson Parrott, Mary Joel & Amy Carnes, Jacqueline Cohl, Matthew & Jill Colwell, Ann Gallo & John Bradley, Dale Anne Stieber, J.Ed Araiza, Richard Elizabeth Cook, Peter Cooke, Louis Fantasia, Jim Fielding, Olga Arlook, Faviola Arroyo & Art Pintado, Manan Arya, Kelly Aucoin, Garay-English & Kerry English, Wonderful Giving, Candace Green, Matt August, Erica Ausman, Victor Avila, Richard Azurdia, James Lisa Greene, Sarah Hays, Huntington Library & Art Gallery, David Babbin, Dylan Bailey, Tim Bailey, Paula Bales, Matthew Bamberg- Kaplan, Bruce Katzman, Bianca Kovar & Takashi Yagisawa, Allan Johnson, Tisha Banker, Jennifer Barnhart, David Baron, Jozben & Sandra Lakin, Kathryn Lane, Lizbeth Langston, Garry Lennon, Barrett, Elizabeth Barrial, Stan Bartosiak, Adam Beamer, Sarah Louise Lewis, Chris Lytton, Anne Marie Madla & Stephen Hamilton, Beaty, Lena Becerra, Christina Beck, Christina Bedell, on behalf of Joni & Stephen Martino, Denise Mazzarella, Amanda McCarthy, Berta Khitcho, Sarah Bernard, Lynne Bernstein, Anessa Birkemeier, Perry & Jackie McCoy, Patrick & Felicia Michell, Gwen Noda, Jason Bischoff, William Black, Alison Blanchard, Ross Blocher, Daniel & Dana Osers, Dave Otto, Sharon Oxborough, Lara & Mark Bethany Boles, Sharon Bordas, Susan & John Borden, Shari Boyer, Pranger, Sanford & Kate Robbins, Vernon Rosario, Dika Ryan, Tim Alysha Brady, Eugenia Braniff, Graciela Braniff, Judith Branzburg, Schildberger, Lexie Searle, The Shinderfolk, Catherine Sutton, Drew Brhel, Juliette & David Bridges, David Brown, Sarah Brown, Grace Tanaka, Carrie Towbes & John Lewis, Alison Turner, Bon- James & Susan Bukowski, Jonathan Burton, Carin Butler, Brooks nie Voland, Christin & Matt Webb, Aviva Weiner, Gerald & Lynn Butler, Kasey Byrne, Lindsay Bytof, Egle C, Kayla Cabradilla, Danny Wheeler, G Wiester, Jon Wimbish & Amanda Angle, Martin Zacks Camiel, Rachael & Andy Campanella, Miche Campbell, Danny & Linda World. Campbell & Cassandra Johnson, Antoinette Caragozian, Sheryl Carlin & Bill Borough, Laura Carlone-Mooslin, Judie Carroll, Cecil $120-$299 Castellucci, Elizabeth Castro, Larry Cedar, Andrew & Sarah Anonymous (10), in honor of Lisa Hill, Rosemarie Albright, Kathy Chalsma, Barbara Chalsma, David & Janice Champion, David Aldrete, Shannon Allbright & Joe Reinkemeyer, Irene Anderson & Cheney, Alana Cheuvront, Cassandra Christensen, Christian Chun, James Somes, David & Pier Charlene Avirom, Margaret & Danilo Dannye & Shane Ciaccio, Sarah Cifarelli, Lisa Clampin, Rachel Bach, Yennaedo Balloo, Anissa & Paul Balson, David Bardeen, Tif- Cohn, Julie Colbert, Christopher Comeau, Susan Connelly, Jon fany & Stephen Barnes, Cheryl & Robert Barnes, Ethan Bauman & Cooksey, Laura Coover, Diana Copeland, Brian Cornelius, Tim & Susan Baker, Larry & Julie Blivas, Jeffrey Bloom & Natasha Baum- Marni Covey-Fitzhugh, John Cromshow, Suzan Crowley & Tony gardner, Amanda & David Bowker, Anthony Boyd, Peter & Michelle Armatrading, Jenn Daniels, Chava Danielson & Eric Haas, Eric & Jackson Breitmayer, Paul & Meg Cajero, Susan Cassling, Jenni- David, Dorien Davies, Cari Dawson, Tylene De Vine, Danni Dean, fer Caterino & Michael Shipley, Melissa Chalsma & David Reynolds, Robyn, Demi, & Jonah Boyd, Cheryl Dent, Richard Denton, Jessica Sue Chang, Elaine Chapin, Heather Clark, Allison Cohen, Beth Dieseldorff, Alice Dinnean, Laurie Don, Emiliana Dore, Adam Comstock, Cathy Costin & Mitchel Reback, Paul Craig, Josette Drucker, Heather Dundas, Nicole Dunn, Greg Durkin, Ellen Cramer, David Cranford, J David & Sarah Harden, Mary Elizabeth Eastwood Kiley, David Eaton, Nadir Elfarra, Karin Elsener, William Elsman, Ann Enkoji, Raelynn Esterlina, Dan Etheridge, Dan Ether- idge, Helene Farber, Evelina Fernandez & Jose Luis Valenzuela, Robert Fewkes, Jayme Filippini, Josh Fisher, Montserrat Fontes & Clarice Gillis, Austin Formato, Philip Friedel, Cindye Friedman, James Fuller, Anna G Johnson, Steve Gabel, L Galindo, Julie “ Garner, Jon Gathje, Adriana Gaviria, Carol Gay, Laura Geffen, Sue We didn’t have much Georgino, Bruce Gershman, Naomi Gibson, Jenine Giusto, Nurit Glass, Renee Glick, Joanna Going, David Goldman, Rebecca money when I was a kid, so our family would not have had a Gomberg, Douglas & Lisa Goodrich, Rhona Gorder, Zoey Grayce, lot of culture in our lives if strangers had not generously Joy Gregory, Ashley Griffis, William Grisham & Anne-Marie Schaaf, Paul Guilfoyle, Roy & Julia Guill, Ann Gumbinner, Emily Gutowsky & donated to local theater programs, museums, and the like. Nick Slimmer, Robin & Frank Guttler, John Haber, Rita Halasz, Kathy Hanks, Gayle & Richard Hardenbrook, Debbie & Mark Harding, Now I’m paying it forward by helping my favorite Shake- Caitlin Hart, Lauren Hartman, Steven Hauck, Eileen Haussmann, speare company bring art and joy to the city I love. Maurice Heald, Charis Hearn, Michael Hegeman, Sean Heim, Alexandra Helgerson, Jerry & Sandy Helman, Roth Herrlinger, Jennifer Hill Brown, Damon Hill, Louise Hindle, Nora Hipolito, Jennifer Hjelm, Jeff Holland, Roger Holzberg, Sally Horchow, Jessica Horn, Andrea Horwatt & Wendy Mitchell, Tim Houghton, ” Albert Hughes, Matt Hurley, Wes & Diana Hurst, Jennifer Hwang, Molly Igla, Sheila Irani, Kristen Ironside, Adam J Smith, Donna Scott Maxwell (isc friend) Jacobowitz, Eric Jarboe, Tonya Jarrett, Chris, Jennifer & Calum Ward, Jihee Jenny Park, Ilka Jensen, Paula Jimenez, Elizabeth Jouvenat, Aisha Kabia, Lali Kagan, Janet & Gary Kahn, Kim Kahn, Richard Smith, Wendy Spears & Joseph Ginsburg, Charlotte Peter Kalmus, Shanti & David Kanter, Seth Kaplan, Laura Karlin, Tara Spencer, Susanne Spira, Mary Stanford, Mike & Sonja Stein-Wendt, Karsian, Michael Katz, Lindsey Keefner, Donna Kimball & Richard Marcus & Joy Stenzel, Aleksandar Stojkovic, Nora Suk, Bernadette Prince, John Kimble, Barbara Kirk & Taylor Leigh Kirk, Aaron Kisner, Sullivan, Gemalene Sunga, Anne Swatfigure, Marilyn Szatmary, Kiri Sarah & David Kitch, Nancy Klipfel, Theresa Knopf & Dustin Tannenbaum, Barbara Tarlau, Michele Tauber, Kristin Taylor, Lori Tay- Morgan, Matthew Knox, Amy Knutson, Gwen Koger, Mia Korf, lor, Anna Tecson, Shaun Temple, Egres Thana & Erina Vlashi, Rupert Vinny, Kristen & Vivienne Rutherford, Chris & Mary Kuser, Michael La Thorpe & Michelle Day, Scott Torres, Jessica Townsend, Judith Guardia, Elizabeth Laime, Edgar Landa, Tim Landfield & Breon Townsend, Glenn Toyama, Thea Trachtenberg, Treehaus, Tara Gorman, Becky & James Langton, Yvonne Lara, Carolyn Leavitt, Treiber, Paul Turbiak, Kara Ukolowicz, Molly Underwood, Amy Junot Lee, Bernard Leibov, Carol Lim, Alexander & Shu-Yuan Linna, Urbina-Tigner & Ryan Tigner, Diane Vanette, Erina Vlashi, John Adam Lively, Kalu Long, Robert Lowell & Audrey Carlson, Lisa Lu, Waite, Price Waldman, Marty Walters, Mark & Emily Ward, Zachary Giao-Chau Ly, Maggie Mackay, Sarah Maizes, Margie Malig, Rick Warma, Eric & Karen Warren, Marc Wax, Joi Weaver, Stephnie Weir, Marin, Steven Mark Popko, Esq., Alexis Markowitz, Alex Marrache, Pam Weisberg, Valerie Weiss, Katherine Wertheim, Judy Wessling, Eric & Sarah Marsh, André Martin, Karen Marx, Joe Masiero, Susan Jennifer Westfeldt, Tom Whitaker, Lisa White, Laney Whitlow, Mathison, Bob Mayberry, Jamie Mayer, Ryan McAnany, Lorrin Brooke Wirtschafter, Gwen & Mahlon Woirhaye, Christina Wolfskill, McCormick, Michael McCue, Sara McCullar, Mary McGilvray, Leigh Juliet Wong, Tai-Ling Wong, Brian Woods, Diana Woody, Monica Mcgilvray, Johanna McKay, Casey McKinnon, Kate Mclean, Lara & Wooters, Colleen & Philip Wyndham-Hughes, Andy Yeatman, Mark Scott McNeal, Michelle Medawar Fricks, Tiffany Medina, Jennifer Young, David Zabel, Shey Zanotti, Irving Ziskind & Deborah Jansen, Mefford, Joe Mellis, David Michael Trevino, Ellenmary Michel, Rima Zobayan, & last (but certainly not least) Bradley Zweig. Dayna Miles, Melissa & Matt Miller, Joseph & Susan Miller, Boyce Miller, Craig Miller, Lesa Miller, Sandra Minasian, Alyssa Mitchell, Sd Modiano, Murphy Monroe, Carine Montbetrand, Carol Montgom- ery, Catherine Montgomery, Emily Montgomery, Michael Moorad, Coco Morante, Ayesha Motiwalla, Bill Motz, Mateo Mpinduzi-Mott, Sean Muhlstein, Jeff Muncy, Milton Munyer, David Nathan Schwartz, Nancy Navarro, Jennifer Nelson, Ashley Nguyen, Rebecca Nieder- lander, Sara Nixon-Kirschner, Nathan Nonhof, Paul Norwood, Steven & Sheila Novak, Screen Novelties, Ramon & Juanita O’Marah, Sarah Oh, Chaerin Ok, David & Stefani Okonyan, Leif Olson, Francine Oschin, M Paige Fillion & Scott Hornbacher, Ricky Pak, Regina Palamara, S.G. Panosian, Michele Panu, Juan Parada, Angel Parker, Dana Parks, Amelia Pawlak, James & Julia Pearman, Nancy Pemberton, Allan Penales, David Pesta, Stefany Pesta, Kelly Peters, Ngoc Phuong Nguyen, Mia Picerno & Frank Venegas, Rebecca Pilger, Doug Plaut, Ross Playstead & Paula Hansen, ,ETUSPACKY‹RPICNIC§ Veronica Polanco, Dana Pollak, Chris Porter, Howard Posner & Deborah Anisman-Posner, Elizabeth Potter Scully, John Powers, Kimberly Pratto Storr, Chelsea Price, Sean Pritchett, Brian Proffitt, Susan Proffitt & Josh Wattles, Ben Pruskin, Jane Pyle, Susan & Roberto Quintana de Foster, Kathleen & Robert Ramage, Ann Ramage, Monica Ratliff, Tamsin Rawady, Anita Razzano, Patricia Rees, Paul Reese, Anna Register, Leslie Reidel, Kat Reinbold, Joe Reinkemeyer, Andrew Reynolds, Melinda Rice, Foro Riley, Sara Ring, Thom Rivera, Karen Rizzo, Donald Rizzo, Dan Roberto, Teresa Robertson, Gretchen Robinette, Victor Robinette, Kat Robison, Jorge Rodriguez, Rita Rodriguez, Kelli Roisman, Craig & Shannon 3119 Los Feliz Blvd. Rosa, Chuck & Sally Anne Rosenberg, Natalie Ross, Nicole Rossi- Atwater Village, CA 90039 Standley, Nancy Ruben, Rachel Ruiz, Nicole Saba, Valerie Sallows, Sue & George Sallustio, Ralph & Amelia Saltsman, Linda Saltzman, Hours: Ali Sandler, Stephanie, Sandy & Steve Hotz, Katherine Sapiro, Monday through Friday - 8am to 7pm Joanne Scheding, Meg Scheding, Kathi & Rich Schmidt, Meghan Schumacher, Roger & Mitzi Schwarz, John Seeman, Hillary & Steve Saturday & Sunday - 8am to 4pm Seitz-Crystal, Lauri Semarne & Lisle Leete, Rhianna Shepherd, (323) 662-8600 [email protected] Zachary Sherman, Sarah Shinkle, Karen Shotting, Sara Sikes, Chris Sillerud, Geraldine Simmons, Michelle Simon, Donna Simone thevillagebakeryandcafe Johnson, Barry Simpson, Sarah Singer, Shawn Sites, Jim Skeen, David Skelly, Kim Small, Maggie, Alex & Finlay Smart, Oscar Smith, GEFFEN PLAYHOUSE 2017/2018 SEASON





@GEFFENPLAYHOUSE | 310.882.6533 GEFFENPLAYHOUSE.ORG/NEWSEASON Geffen Playhouse is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enriching the cultural life of Los Angeles through plays and educational programs that inform, entertain and inspire.