Vol. VI, No. XXXV Thursday, September 4, 2014 • $1.00 Westchester’s Most Influential Weekly

MIDDLE EAST FORUM CHRIS ROSTENBERG Manic in Manhattan Part VIII Page 8 BLUE TRUTH PAM YOUNG There Are No Disorganized Spiders Page 8 JOHN F. McMULLEN The Way It Was - and Is Page 10 JOHN SIMON Golda Meir An Inn Worthy of Patronage Was Right - Page 10 Part I of IV SHERIF AWAD Det.Det. MonteroMontero SuesSues By BURAK BEKDIL, Restoration of Page 3 Film Classics YonkersYonkers PolicePolice BenevolentBenevolent Page 12 AssociationAssociation BARBARA BARTON SLOANE A Texas By HEZI ARIS, Page 2 State of Mind Page 13 NANCY KING American Dollars A Three-Ring Circus To Canadian Page 15 RICH MONETTI Doughnuts Immigration History By LARRY ELKIN, Page 5 Coalesces with Present Page 17 WWW.WESTCHESTERGUARDIAN.COM Page 2 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014

OfGOVERNMENT Significance Feature Section...... 2 Technology/Creative Disruption...... 10 Blue Truth...... 2 Eye on Theatre...... 10 Middle East Forum...... 3 Film/Cultural Perspectives...... 12 Curent Commentary...... 5 Travel...... 13 Community Section...... 6 Government...... 15 Calendar...... 6 Politics/Campaign Trail...... 15 Education...... 6 Message from the Mayor...... 16 Employment...... 7 Immigration...... 18 Health...... 8 Middle East Forum...... 19 Make It Fun...... 8 Legal Ads...... 18 Leadership...... 9

Mission Statement The Westchester Guardian is a weekly FeatureSection newspaper devoted to the unbiased BLUE TRUTH reporting of events and developments that are newsworthy and significant to readers living in, and/or employed in, Westchester County. The Guardian YPD Det. Montero Files Legal Suit to Restore His Membership will strive to report fairly, and objec- tively, reliable information without favor or compromise. Our first duty will be to the PEOPLE’S RIGHT with The Yonkers Police Benevolent Association TO KNOW, by the exposure of truth, By HEZI ARIS against Montero, a 26-year veteran of without fear or hesitation, no matter When Montero criticized Hartnett for the YPD and the Yonkers PBA, contin- cutting several police units, including the where the pursuit may lead, in the The Yonkers Tribune has ued unabated and with earnest as Olson domestic violence unit, burglary unit, and finest tradition of FREEDOM OF learned that Yonkers Police conjured up false charges against Montero the community unit that served the public THE PRESS. Detective Ray Montero that improperly would have Montero ousted through the Yonkers Police Athletic League, The Guardian will cover news and is seeking to restore his from the PBA. Since its inception over 100 Olson acquiesced and supported Harnett’s events relevant to residents and busi- membership with the plus years ago, the PBA had never ousted cuts without challenge. nesses all over Westchester County. Police Association of the City of Yonkers, As a weekly, rather than focusing a member from its ranks. For those PBA Montero’s criticism earned greater Inc., better known as the Yonkers Police members who voted to oust Montero on on the immediacy of delivery more Benevolent Association (PBA). Montero hostility from the three “renegade amigos”, associated with daily journals, we will falsehoods, knowingly or suspecting the Olson, Moran, and Mueller. The pushback asserts he was wrongfully ousted from the bullying tactics against Montero were ille- instead seek to provide the broader, PBA due to political differences with, among was so great, that Olson contrived to exclude more comprehensive, chronological gally conducted only besmirched themselves others, the Yonkers PBA President Keith Montero from meetings at Yonkers City step-by-step accounting of events, by submitting to the false, erroneous, and Olson, and “Olson’s cronies”. The “cronies” Hall and in Albany, despite, as PBA Vice- enlightened with analysis, where trumped up charges. Those alleged charges Olson, among others in the Yonkers Police are revealed herein. Notice of Petition was President, having the right to attend. Olson appropriate. seem to have been used like a “beard” to Department Gang Unit as a detective, cir- with the Chief Clerk Westchester Supreme further contrived to assert Montero was legitimize unproven allegations in a char- cumstances would come to sour by late From amongst journalism’s classic and County Courts on August 13, 2014. In derelict to his duties as PBA Vice-President acter assassination intended to silence an 2009. Montero was determined to seek the key-words: who, what, when, where, the Matter of the Application of Raymond despite Montero complying with all regula- why, and how, the why and how will adversary that maintained protocol and position of President of the Yonkers PBA yet Montero, Petitioner for a Judgment tions and protocols. drive our pursuit. We will use our more standards to which every officer is sworn to chose to run for the office of vice-president Pursuant to Article 78 of the Civil Practice Olson had Mueller call Montero abundant time, and our resources, to uphold. in deference to and respect for Olson. Yet Law and Rules –against – Police Association into Mueller’s Office in July 2012 where get past the initial ‘spin’ and ‘damage Det. Montero is highly decorated. that was not good enough for Olson, Olson of the City of Yonkers, Inc., a/k/a Yonkers Mueller was admonished to cease criticizing control’ often characteristic of imme- He has earned the prestigious Meritorious wanted Michael Farina as his v-p. Montero’s Hartnett and threatened that if he did not, diate news releases, to reach the very Police Benevolent Association, respondent. Service Award, three PBA Presidential campaign effort earned only the animosity Montero would be transferred out of the heart of the matter: the truth. We will Montero contends that “Olson and Awards for Unit Citations, at minimum nine of Olson’s admitted best friends: Sergeant take our readers to a point of under- his cronies” conducted unauthorized inves- Special Investigations Unit. Commendations in Career, six Certificates of Brian Moran and Lieutenant John Mueller, standing and insight which cannot be tigations of him, trumped up charges of When Mueller and Moran learned Excellent Police Work, and numerous letters whose animosity grew as Montero openly obtained elsewhere. misconduct about him over incorrect char- that Montero was considering to seek the of appreciation from Police Commissioners, criticized Olson for his pattern of kowtow- acterizations of his overtime that are false, office of PBA President, Olson, Moran, To succeed, we must recognize from and the Westchester County Journal News ing to then Yonkers Police Commissioner among other allegations. To which there is and Mueller conducted an unauthorized the outset that bigger is not neces- Award for investigative work. Edmund Hartnett. Montero expressed his sarily better. And, furthermore, we no proof. investigation concerning overtime slips The legal suit points out that despite concerns specifically when the PBA mem- will acknowledge that we cannot The political assassination campaign submitted by Montero. The contention be all things to all readers. We must having worked amicably with Det. Keith bership would be coerced to concede to by Olson, Moran, and Mueller that the carefully balance the presentation of RADIO Hartnett, especially when it would come to overtime slip was a “recall” rather than an relevant, hard-hitting, Westchester hurt the PBA membership. Montero won “extended tour” could have ben adjusted as news and commentary, with features Westchester On the Level with Narog and Aris the position of Vice-President. Olson was the “three amigos” wanted except they were and columns useful in daily living offended by Montero’s desire to stand up for so lackadaisical about many of their respon- and employment in, and around the Designated a “Featured” BlogTalk Radio program, has been operating the PBA membership juxtaposed to Olson’s sibilities, they did not correct the paper work county. We must stay trim and flexible for over two years via the Internet with Co-Hosts Richard Narog and selfish efforts, which have proven to be for as protocol demands of them within 24 if we are to succeed. Hezi Aris every weekday, from 10 a.m. to 12 Noon. Listen to the show himself and his relatives gaining employ- live or on demand. Share your perspective by calling (347) 205-9201 hours. Instead, the “three amigos” waited or by clicking onto the following hyperlinks: ment at Yonkers City Hall, and his friends weeks for a “make believe issue that they westchesteronthelevel exclusively. Continued on page 3 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Page 3


information to this publisher / editor, Hezi Det. Montero Sues Yonkers PBA Aris, for the Blue Truth series of articles. Montero is known to Aris but Montero is Hartnett’s years on the job. Continued from page 2 known as a friend; Montero is not the source Further attempts to conjure up allega- to the Blue Truth series of articles. Montero would weeks later challenge by “writing up” tions against Montero continued unabated. was approached years ago to corroborate Montero for an alleged “mistake”. The “three Such incidents could have diminished “facts” to which Aris was not 100 percent amigos” do not have the proof to make this Montero but they have not. certain, but be assured he was not the only assertion. That will come to light in the Moran alleged lug nuts on his police court case. Even if it could be imagined that person approached over many years. Olson vehicle had been loosened by Montero has accused Aris of posting information Montero did something wrong, as alleged but no proof was ever presented. Mueller in this circumstance, protocol requires the on the Yonkers Tribune and The Westchester asserted a letter threatening him had been Guardian that Olson asserts came from “three amigos” present their allegations to received at his home; Mueller insinuated the Internal Affairs Division (IAD). This Montero, as in the case of the Blue Truth it came from Montero. No such proof has series, the source was NOT Montero. It was not done. It seems by this very circum- come to light. stance that Olson, Moran, and Mueller are came from another person(s). At the 2014 PBA meeting, when NOT in compliance. What else have they Further allegations assert that articles Montero attempted to depart the meeting not complied with? Whose rights did they derogatory to Hartnett, Olson, Mueller, and to use the men’s room facility, he was pre- break within the Yonkers Police Department Moran were given to Aris by Montero. Not vented from leaving by Police Officer and within the community at large? even close. The history revealed in the Blue William Pataky who threatened Montero to Truth series of articles were learned and Montero would be reassigned to the not leave. Pataky used all sorts of vile epithets Detective Unit under Detective Captain coalesced into the Blue Truth series over leading up to a pushing and shoving match many years of personal, on the scene atten- Robert Itzla. Commissioner Hartnett instigated by Pataky against Montero. Pataki instructed Itzla to make sure Montero would dance at events and circumstances where the and PBA Legal Counsel Quinn assert facts were gathered by Aris for this series. not speak to PBA business. Hartnett also Montero punched Pataky in the face. A tape The circumstances that have alleg- created a situation where Montero would of what happened, was allegedly illegally edly played out as described herein reveal “ ” never be afforded any future overtime. retrieved at the behest of Olson from the FOUR OUT OF FOUR STARS systemic issues of great concern with respect In May of 2011 Olson admitted to Dunwoodie Golf Club premises by a few – George J. Dacre, ROCKLAND COUNTY TIMES to freedoms disallowed though guaranteed Montero that he was written-up for incor- officers advised to follow Olson’s instruc- by the U.S. Constitution with the Yonkers rect overtime slips because Montero was tions. Dunwoodie is under the jurisdiction Police Department by the “three amigos” critical of Hartnett, Mueller, Olson, and of Westchester County Police and Olson renegades and the former PC Hartnett Moran’s conduct and for allegedly speaking had seemingly no compunction to have his that gave them a sense of power over fellow to Journal News Reporter Will David members seize county evidence for his own police officers and the disrespect of law by about a specific story that Montero denies purpose. Yonkers Tribune learned months an internal group of “cronies” who dismiss unequivocally. ago that the tape shows many men pushing internal directives by the present Yonkers Olson precluded Montero from attend- and shoving. Montero is not recognized Police Commissioner Charles Gardner. At ing PBA activities except for monthly PBA in that film. The film was apprehended in ASK ABOUT OUR issue now is who is protecting the “three meetings. Larchmont, NY, and is presently in the pos- FAMILY amigos”? Why are they around? There are The day after Montero refused to session of Yonkers Internal Affairs Division. PLAN even rumors of Mueller intending to replace debate Olson in the campaign contest for There is no evidence of Montero hitting PC Gardner. PBA president, Montero found his office Pataky and no report of such an incident The travesty that has been permit- had been vandalized. filed with IAD. ted to endure under this administration for Montero was soon assigned cases typi- Olson directed the unlawful seizure of LIVE ON STAGE over 2 ½ years point to Yonkers City Hall cally accepted on a voluntary basis to police the tape. Upon learning of Olson’s conduct, having insinuated into this mess of their “WBT HAS DONE IT AGAIN. officers on desk duty. Montero was forced IAD recommended Olson be disciplined, doing. Who is behind this this subterfuge, to take on these assignments as punish- but he has not been disciplined. WHAT A WONDERFUL SHOW THIS IS. what is its purpose, why does it continue ment for his “PBA activities”. It seems under Olson would attempt to defend his …true to the story we all know and love. Hartnett, Mueller, Moran, and Olson the unabated, and who is pulling the strings that …the special effects are truly outstanding.” conduct by alleging false charges against undermine the Yonkers Police Department right to freedom of expression guaranteed Montero. – Sue Ann Witt, RISING MEDIA GROUP under the U.S. Constitution held no sway from maintaining the discipline it needs to Olson’s petition alleges that on function best? “A BETTER show than we can find currently on at the Yonkers Police Department during numerous occasions Montero provided Broadway” – Gary Chattman, THE WESTCHESTER NEWS MIDDLE EAST FORUM-Part I of IV LIVE ON STAGE THRU SEPTEMBER 21 Sorry to Remind You, but Golda Meir Was Right CAST OF BEATLEMANIA FAB FOUR HITS LIVE IN CONCERT TUES., SEPT. 30 By BURAK BEKDIL Underdog-nation romanticism tells us Once again, half the world is fighting Israel should not respond when under rocket alongside the Hamas jihadists and their attack because it is capable of intercepting Jewish nemesis. First, some facts: BOX OFFICE (914) 592-2222 GROUP SALES (914) 592-2225 Hamas spokesman Sami the rockets. 1. In June, when there were no bombs Abu-Zuhri said: “All Israelis That there are fewer Israeli casualties and rockets travelling between Israel and the DOWNLOAD THE are legitimate targets.” What does not mean Hamas does not want to Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, three Israeli WBT App would the Palestinian death LUXURY BOXES (914) 592--8730 kill; it just means, for the moment, Hamas teenagers, Gilad Shaar, Eyal Yifrach and toll have been if Mr. Netanyahu’s spokesman cannot kill. The management reserves the right to make schedule or program changes if required. All sales nal. No cash or credit card refunds. declared all Palestinians as legitimate targets? Continued on page 4 Page 26 The WesTchesTer Guardian ThursdaY, FeBruarY 23, 2012

CLASSIFIED ADS LEGAL NOTICES Office Space Available- FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Prime Location, Yorktown Heights COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER 1,000 Sq. Ft.: $1800. Contact Wilca: 914.632.1230 In the Matter of ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE SUMMONS AND INQUEST NOTICE Prime Retail - Westchester County Chelsea Thomas (d.o.b. 7/14/94), Best Location in Yorktown Heights A Child Under 21 Years of Age Dkt Nos. NN-10514/15/16-10/12C 1100 Sq. Ft. Store $3100; 1266 Sq. Ft. store $2800 and 450 Sq. Ft. Store $1200. Adjudicated to be Neglected by NN-2695/96-10/12B Suitable for any type of business. Contact Wilca: 914.632.1230 FU No.: 22303 Tiffany Ray and Kenneth Thomas, Respondents. X HELP WANTED NOTICE: PLACEMENT OF YOUR CHILD IN FOSTER CARE MAY RESULT IN YOUR LOSS OF YOUR A non profit Performing Arts Center is seeking two job positions- 1) Direc- RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD. IF YOUR CHILD STAYS IN FOSTER CARE FOR 15 OF THE MOST RECENT tor of Development- FT-must have a background in development or expe- 22 MONTHS, THE AGENCY MAY BE REQUIRED BY LAW TO FILE A PETITION TO TERMINATE rience fundraising, knowledge of what development entails and experi- YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND COMMITMENT OF GUARDIANSHIP AND CUSTODY OF THE ence working with sponsors/donors; 2) Operations Manager- must have a CHILD FOR THE PURPOSES OF ADOPTION, AND MAY FILE BEFORE THE END OF THE 15-MONTH good knowledge of computers/software/ticketing systems, duties include PERIOD. overseeing all box office, concessions, movie staffing, day of show lobby Page 4 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN UPON GOOD CAUSE, THE COURT TMAYhursda ORDER AN y,INVESTIGATION SEPTEMBER TO DETERMINE 4, 2014 WHETH- staffing such as Merchandise seller, bar sales. Must be familiar with POS ER THE NON-RESPONSENT PARENT(s) SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A RESPONDENT; IF system and willing to organize concessions. Full time plus hours. Call (203) THE COURT DETERMINES THE CHILD SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM HIS/HER HOME, THE 438-5795 and ask for Julie or Allison COURT MAY ORDER AN INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE NON-RESPONDENT PARENT(s) SHOULD BE SUITABLE CUSTODIANS FOR THE CHILD; IF THE CHILD IS PLACED AND MIDDLEREMAINS EAST IN FOSTER FORUM-Part CARE FOR FIFTEEN OF THE MOST I ofRECENT IV TWENTY-TWO MONTHS, THE AGENCY MAY BE REQUIRED TO FILE A PETITION FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THE PARENT(s) AND COMMITMENT OF GUARDIANSHIP AND CUSTODY OF THE CHILD FOR THE PURPOSES OF ADOPTION, EVEN IF THE PARENT(s) WERE NOT NAMED AS RESPONDENTS IN Sorry to RemindTHE CHILD NEGLECT You, OR ABUSE but PROCEEDING. Golda Meir Was Right Continued from pageA NON-CUSTODIAL3 PARENT HAS THEand RIGHT launches TO REQUEST rockets TEMPORARY from theOR PERMANENT midst of CUS- TODY OF THE CHILD AND TO SEEK ENFORCEMENT OF VISITATION RIGHTS WITH THE CHILD. Naftali Fraenkel, were kidnapped. Eighteen Palestinian civilian concentrations, and uses BY ORDER OF THE FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK days later their bodies were found. Gazans, often elderly women or children, TO THE ABOVE-NAMED RESPONDENT(S)as human WHO shields, RESIDE(S) fired OR(as ISof FOUNDJuly 14) AT over[specify 2. The kidnapping was a cause for cel- address(es)]: 500 rockets into Israel, where a majority of ebrations in Gaza where crowds cheered. Last known addresses: TIFFANY RAY:the 24 populationGarfield Street, is within#3, Yonkers, range NY of10701 the missiles. Palestine’s experimental unity government Last known addresses: KENNETH THOMAS:Israeli 24air Garfield defenses Street, #3,successfully Yonkers, NY 10701inter- handed out sweets in celebration. Palestinian An Order to Show Cause under Articlecepted 10 of themost Family of Court the Actenemy having rockets, been filed and with the this Court youths brandished aseeking new salute, to modify raising the placement three for the above-named child. Israeli Defense Forces counter-attacked by fingers and showing joy at the kidnapping. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONEDbombing to whatappear it before said werethis Court the at homes Yonkers of Family ter- Court Hamas’ political leader,located Khaled at 53 So.Mashaal, Broadway, also Yonkers, New York, on the 28th day of March, 2012 at 2;15 pm in the afternoon of said day to answer therorists petition or and homes to show where cause enemy why said weapons child should were not be Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s ide- adjudicated to be a neglected child andhidden. why you Despite should notwarnings be dealt forwith the in accordance evacuation with the ological next of kin,provisions said: “We of Article congratulate 10 of the Family Court Act. of these declared targets, Hamas instead the kidnappers.” PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that you have the right to be represented by a law- keeps on locating civilians whom its ideology 3. After the killingyer, and of if thethe CourtIsraeli finds teen you- are unable to pay for a lawyer, you have the right to have a lawyer assigned by the Court. believes would be martyrs when killed. More agers, a young Palestinian, Muhammad PLEASE TAKE FURTHERthan NOTICE, 150 martyrsthat if you so fail far. to appear at the time and place Abu Khdeir, disappeared, and was later noted above, the Court will hear and determine5. Meanwhile, the petition as providedHamas by law.spokesman found to have been brutally murdered. Israel Dated: January 30, 2012 SamiBY ORDER Abu-Zuhri OF THE COURTsaid: “All Israelis are legiti- acted quickly and arrested 2 column six radical Jews CLERK1 columnOF THE COURT mate targets.” What would the Palestinian as perpetrators, three of whom confessed death toll be if Mr. Netanyahu’s spokesman to their crime. Israel labelled the murder- declared allGet Palestinians as legitimate targets? ers as murderers. PrimeGet Minister Noticed Benjamin But no,Noticed the cliché and boring underdog- Advertising Sales Netanyahu called Khdeir’s father to offer nation romanticism tells us Israel should not him condolences. Strong expressions of con- respond914-562-0834 when under rocket attack because it demnation were heard across the political Office: 914-576-1481 (10:00 AM–6:00 PM) is capable of intercepting the rockets. honesty and admitted that: “We are never spectrum, including from Rachel Fraenkel, [email protected] neutral when it comes to the Palestinian the mother of Naftali, one of the murdered ButLegal would, Notices, for instance, Erdoğan, who Legal Notices, Advertise Today Advertise Today cause.” Thank you, Prime Minister, for con- 914-216-1674 (Cell) Israeli teenagers. Israelis had woken up to a thinks a 15-year-old boy is a terrorist and firming this columnist when he wrote in new world in which Jews, too, could act as if should be shot by a gas canister, tolerate over 2009 that Turks as honest brokers between they were terrorists. Most Israelis agreed that 500 rockets over Turkish skies? Would he Before speaking to the police... call Arabs and Israelis sounded much like the murderers should get the most severe advise restraint if any group, party or country Greeks as honest brokers between Turkish punishment for their barbaric act. The father declared that all Turks are legitimate targets? GeorgeWould Weinbaum he ignore it if any group, party or and Greek Cypriots. of one of the suspects said: “I am ashamed ATTORNEY AT LAW of him.” country pledged to fight down right to the All the same, Mr. Erdoğan’s rhetoric FREE CONSULTATION:last Turk? was not equally honest when he said, “There 4. Then came the usual war. Hamas, Criminal, Medicaid, Medicare were no rockets fired into Israeli territory which does not hide that it stores, stockpiles But he has finally exhibited some Fraud, White-Collar Crime & because there were no Israeli deaths.” Was Professional Dominican Health Care Prosecutions. T. 914.948.0044 Hairstylists & Nail Technicians F. 914.686.4873 Mr. Erdoğan denying Hamas, who says it Hair Cuts • Styling • Wash & Set • Perming Pedicure • Acrylic Nails • Fill Ins • Silk Wraps • Nail Art Designs happily fires scores of rockets? That there Highights • Coloring • Extensions • Manicure • Eyebrow Waxing 175 MAIN ST., SUITE 711-7 • WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601 are fewer Israeli casualties does not mean

Yudi’s SalonWestchester’s 610 Main St, New Rochelle, NYMost 10801 914.633.7600 Influential Weekly Hamas does not want to kill; it just means Hamas, for the moment, cannot kill. Guardian News Corp. Bekdil’s comments, quotes and articles have been published in international media P.O. Box 8 outlets including the Wall Street Journal, New Rochelle, New York 10801 Advertising Sales The Economist, BBC, The Guardian, Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Los Sam Zherka, Publisher & President The Westchester Guardian is seeking an enthusiastic & eager Angeles Times, The Commentator, New [email protected] York Times, Kathimerini, National Review sales professional that has a passion to succeed. This is a fantastic Online, Algemeiner, NPR, Washington Hezi Aris, Editor-in-Chief & Vice President opportunity to join Westchester’s most influential weekly in a vital Times, Die Presse, Haaretz, The Jerusalem Post, Toronto Star, Financial Times, [email protected] position. You will be selling print and online advertising to existing Al-Monitor, Le Figaro, ABC, El Pais, and prospective businesses. Stern, Al-Arabiya, Helsingin Sanomat, News and Photos: (914) 562-0834 Racjonalista, Defence Greece, Moyen- Office: (914)-576-1481 Orient, Courier International, ISN Security Fax: (914) 633-0806 Watch and Coloquio (of Congreso Judio Latinoamerico). Published online every Monday Burak Bekdīl, based in Ankara, is a Turkish Print edition distributed Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Direct your resume to Hezi Aris - [email protected] columnist for the Hürriyet Daily News and a Fellow at the Middle East Forum. This article Graphic Design: Watterson Studios, Inc. Telephone inquiries after 12 Noon: 914-458-1001. was originally published in slightly different for form on July 16, 2014 in the Hürriyet Daily News. THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Page 5


Tax Court in this country. The IRS is a Even if the government succeeds in American Dollars To Canadian Doughnuts frequent litigant and a not-infrequent loser, making inversions impractical for U.S.- especially when it faces adversaries with based companies, it is unlikely to be pleased By LARRY M. ELKIN Burger King is obviously aware of the tax are almost always people whose income is technical knowledge and financial resources, with the result. Blocking inversions here will implications. Canada cut its national corpo- only taxed once – and often, that income is such as are available to major corporations. If only turn American companies into takeover Tim Hortons has long been rate tax rate to its current level of 15 percent a salary paid by taxpayers. the administration wants to challenge inver- targets for foreign businesses. Acquirers will a regular stop whenever I several years ago. (Companies there must The current president has made no sions using, shall we say, novel interpretations simply buy U.S. companies and relocate visit Canada. also pay provincial taxes, meaning Ontario- secret of his displeasure with the practice. of the tax law, it should not expect most of the headquarters, or their assets, once the For one thing, I based corporations such as Tim Hortons Before, and especially since, I last wrote about corporate America to roll over the way that deal is complete. In the process, even more couldn’t avoid Tim Hortons currently pay 26.5 percent total.) Meanwhile, American companies fleeing to less hostile the banks have. American jobs will be lost. outlets if I wanted to; they’re everywhere. I the U.S. insists not only on a 35 percent tax climates, Obama and the Democrats have River Rock Landscapes Presents NOWA Production’s do genuinely like their doughnuts, however. federal corporate tax rate, plus state taxes bleated about unpatriotic U.S. corporations, The chain is the biggest coffee and doughnut in most places, but also on taxing corpora- as if there were an inherent patriotic duty to seller in Canada and marked its 50th anni- tions on earnings worldwide. Burger King have income earned abroad taxed back in the AUTUMN FROLIC versary this spring. doesn’t currently hold much cash outside the U.S at least once. In the wake of at least five CLASSICAL POPS The most popular melodies, waltzes, Neapolitan songs, tshardash, favorites from opera and operetta, duets & vocal ensembles, dance & the Royal Piper. STRING QUARTET FEATURING Krzystof Kuznik, Claire Smith-Bermingham, Malgorzata Kellis, Hyona Kim, Maurycy Banaszek, Marta Bedkowski-Reilly Theodore Chletsos, Juan Jose Ibarra

THE POLISH AMERICAN FOLK DANCE COMPANY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 @ 7:30PM IRIVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, 40 NORTH BWAY, IRVINGTON, NY 10523 General Admission $25; Early Bird Sale by Aug 30, 2014: $20; Tkts. avail. @ door & at: or

Photo by and courtesy of Flickr user waferboard

Given Tim Hortons’ ubiquity and pop- country, the Times reported, but it may cer- large U.S. companies that have announced ularity, it is no surprise that American dollars tainly have an eye on expansion in the future, plans for inversions between mid-June and are chasing Canadian doughnuts. both in Canada and elsewhere. late July, Obama criticized a “herd mentality” News broke over the weekend that Although Burger King is an American at play in the decisions, calling the compa- Burger King Worldwide Inc. is engaged in company, it is controlled by a Brazilian nies “corporate deserters who renounce their talks to buy Tim Hortons. Should the deal investment firm, 3G Capital, which owns citizenship to shield profits.” This character- succeed, the combined businesses would about 70 percent of the company’s shares. ization imagines corporations are owned by together have about $22 billion in sales, Why would Brazilians want to continue to nobody, or by Martians, who otherwise lack making the new fast-food company the pay U.S. tax on profits from burgers they sell citizenship elsewhere on Earth. world’s third-largest. in Buenos Aires or Hong Kong? There is no The administration is said to be looking Burger King wouldn’t only be securing reason they would. Under the tax systems in for a way to make inversions difficult or ITALIAN CUISINE a Canadian institution with habit-forming place almost everywhere outside the United impossible in the future. Treasury Secretary Zagat Rated “Excellent” baked goods, though. It would also pick up States, there is no reason they should, either. Jacob Lew has acknowledged that his agency Voted “Best Italian Restaurant” Westchester Magazine, 2006 a more favorable tax situation, courtesy of a As for Burger King’s American share- is seeking ways to hinder or stop inversions move north of the border. In the proposed holders, like all corporate shareholders here, without the need for legislative support from OPEN 7 DAYS version of the merger, Burger King would they are taxed twice: once on corporate Congress. Mon.-Thurs. Noon - 10PM • Fri. Sat. & Sun. Noon -11PM create a new, Canadian-based parent profits and again when the corporation pays However, unlike government-regulated company, housing both independently out dividends. This makes tax inversion – banks, which under pressure have forked over RESERVE NOW FOR PARTIES • 2 ROOMS AVAILABLE SEATING 75 & 100 operating chains. This structure would relocating a company’s headquarters to a billions of dollars in penalties for real and give Burger King domicile in Canada and lower-tax nation, as Burger King may – an imagined offenses, most private corporations 914.779.4646 preserve Tim Hortons’ domicile there. attractive prospect, even for American share- have legal teams that are well used to chal- While unnamed sources briefed in the holders. It’s worth noting, too, that those lenging rulings from the Internal Revenue deal told that taxes were who criticize inversion most vehemently Service. We have an active and independent Ciao • 5-7 JOHN ALBANESE PLACE, EASTCHESTER, NY 10709 not the primary motivation behind the talks, Page 6 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014


pay taxes. Shareholders and customers – in personal financial and tax counseling to a Palisades Hudson organization, which moved to American Dollars To Canadian Doughnuts other words, people – do. If those people sophisticated client base since 1986. After six Scarsdale, N.Y., in 2002. The firm expanded to When Canada lowered its corporate can more than make up for a lower rate by have no connection to the U.S. other than years with Arthur Andersen, where he was a Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in 2005 and to Atlanta tax rate, critics warned that the move would drawing new and existing businesses to a corporation’s legal domicile, they will find senior manager for personal financial planning in 2008. be disastrous for Canadian federal govern- establish headquarters in Canada. ways to sever their ties rather than fund a and family wealth planning, he founded his ment revenues. If the Burger King inversion The sensible thing is to recognize once foreign government at exorbitant rates. own firm in Hastings on Hudson, N.Y., in 1992. That firm grew steadily and became the is any indication, an attractive tax structure again that neither Martians nor corporations Larry M. Elkin, CPA, CFP®, has provided CommunitySection CALENDAR

carpets, lighting, antique and modern deco- As a Firefighter Candidate, you will par- News & Notes from Northern Westchester rative objects, as well as a large selection ticipate in an orientation / training program of fine quality sterling silver flatware and that will provide classroom and practical By MARK JEFFERS employees eat better and move more. Award at a benefit to be held on Thursday, serving pieces. In addition there are over education coupled with real life participation th Our celebrity reporter, also known as September 18 , now I just hope we get one hundred lots of period antique to con- at fire scenes. This well-rounded program My daughter Claire tells my wife, has uncovered that the Bedford invited… temporary fine quality jewelry and watches, will prepare you to become a Probationary me the upcoming winter home owned by actor Michael Douglas The Benefit Shop of Bedford Hills, including many diamond and platinum Firefighter at age 17. is going to be a snowy, cold and actress Catherine Zeta-Jones is on the which has become the first stop for many period Art Deco pieces which have been Fore… the Boys & Girls Club one; oh boy can’t wait, ran market at a listing price of $8.1 million. local designers and homeowners searching with the same family for eighty years. of Northern Westchester will host out and bought my won- th The 5-acre, six-bedroom, six-bathroom, for antiques and collectibles, is going global. Cars For Kids is looking for automo- their 20 annual golf tournament at derful wife some salt and a new shovel, Colonial-style home, near a horse farm, was With the inaugural auction planned for bile donations, they have fast & free pick-up GlenArbor Golf Club in Bedford then wrote this week’s “snow free” edition of st th built in the 1930s, according to her report, Sunday, September 21 , collectors can shop with donations making a difference in the Hills on Tuesday, September 16 . “News & Notes.” and is located on Guard Hill Road. and bid from a greatly-expanded inventory lives of underprivileged and needy children, Lace up your sneakers and head over th In other local celebrity news, actor, of over 500 lots. Whether viewed at the call 1-888-990-4KID (543) for more We watched the Emmy telecast last to Reis Park in Somers on September 14 activist and philanthropist, our Bedford auction site (an 8,000 square foot ware- information. week, great tribute to the wonderful Robin for the Somers Library Foundation 5K Trail neighbor Richard Gere, known for his house at 27 Radio Circle, in Mount Kisco), Do you know someone 16 years of Williams and the song “Smile” was a tre- Race and Family Fun Run with proceeds starring roles in many successful motion bidding will be easy and accessible. Auction- age and interested in joining the Bedford mendous tune to remember those we lost being used to help the library. pictures, and a tireless advocate for humani- goers will find items at all price points from Hills Fire Department… BHFD are last year… see you next week. Our friends at Northern Westchester low to lofty and everyone is invited to join now accepting applications for the newly tarian causes, will receive the Holocaust & Mark Jeffers resides in Bedford Hills, New York, Hospital have been recognized as a in the fun. Included are period antique and created Firefighter Candidate Program. This Human Rights Education Center’s Eugene with his wife Sarah, and three daughters, Kate, Platinum-Level Fit-Friendly Worksite by M. & Emily Grant Spirit of Humanity contemporary furniture, original artwork, program replaces their existing Junior Corps. the American Heart Association for helping Amanda, and Claire. EDUCATION Mayor Spano Appoints James Cavanaugh to Balance of Term of Board of Education Trustee Nydia Perez Upon her Resignation New Yonkers Board of Education Trustee to Fulfill Unexpired Term

YONKERS, NY – Yonkers Mayor Mike am proud to appoint Jim Cavanaugh to the policies, therefore I have Spano on August 26, 2014, announced Jim Board of Education who comes with diverse appointed Mr. Cavanaugh to Cavanaugh as his newest appointment to management experience and is in step with ensure a seamless transition as the Yonkers Board of Education (YBoE). the needs and concerns of the District the Board reconvenes in the As trustee of the YBoE, Cavanaugh will join and supports our Schools’ Superintendent coming weeks.” eight other members, which is the official Dr. Michael Yazurlo in his goals for our Before moving to policy making body of the Yonkers Public students,” said Mayor Spano. Yonkers three years ago, School District. The new trustee appoint- “I extend my gratitude to Ms. Perez for Cavanaugh was a resident ment comes after Trustee Nydia Perez her years of service to the Board of Education of Eastchester, where he submitted her resignation from the Board of and who served our City and our students served as Supervisor from Education last week. Cavanaugh will fulfill with loyalty, professionalism and distinc- 1994 to 2004. During that her unexpired term that runs through May tion,” added Mayor Spano. “Ms. Perez’s term time, Cavanaugh was instru- 2015. would have expired in May 2015 and with mental in providing resource “As we work toward providing our a new school year approaching, I did not officers in the schools and students with the best education possible, I Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano want the vacancy to affect any educational Continued on page 7 James Cavanaugh THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Page 7


Mayor Appoints Cavanaugh to Board of Education invaluable wealth of knowledge and expe- applicants to apply online at www.yonkersny. Mayor Spano. “The Board of Ed is possibly rience to the Board; we look forward to gov. The Mayor’s Education Redesign Team the most important board in the City as it Continued from page 6 technology. Cavanaugh holds a Bachelor of working with him.” (ERT) will serve as a blue ribbon panel and serves our schools, striving to provide the Arts in Communications from Fordham As Jim Cavanaugh fulfills the remain- review all submissions. best in quality education for our children.” established a vacation program in school University. ing months of the outgoing trustee term, “As Mr. Cavanaugh serves out the Source: Yonkers Communications facilities for working parents who needed a “As a Yonkers resident, I am commit- Mayor Spano also opens his call for submis- current term, I encourage qualified and com- Director Christina Gilmartin. safe and challenging place for their children ted to the needs for an effective education sions to permanently fill the vacancy left by mitted Yonkers residents to apply for the new during spring and winter breaks. After system for the City of Yonkers, and believe it Nydia Perez. Mayor Spano asks interested vacancy with our Board of Education,” said serving as Town Supervisor, Cavanaugh is critical that the consolidation between the was a founding member of the Eastchester City and the Yonkers Public Schools is effec- School Foundation, which raised funds to tive so we can more efficiently use resources make grants to teachers for innovative cur- to maximize classroom instruction,” said Jim ricula and for specialized equipment that MAKING EVERY Cavanaugh. “I want to thank Mayor Spano was otherwise not available. Cavanaugh for his trust in my experience and leadership also served for several years as President of and I look forward to positively contributing the Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) MINUTE COUNT to the School District.” in lower Manhattan. During his tenure at BPCA, 4.7 million square feet of commer- “On behalf of the Trustees I want to cial and residential space were developed, thank Nydia Perez for her outstandingC service to the students, staff and families as well as a new park, public school, and M of the District. Nydia was strong voice in FASTER. community center. Since 2012 Cavanaugh has served on the Board of the Yonkers support of equitable quality education Yfor Yonkers’ children,” said Yonkers Board of Parking Authority, where as Chair of the CM BETTER. Education President Dr. Nader J. Sayegh. Operations Committee he has led an effort Now with a new leadership team MY to reduce administrative overhead, increase “As we move forward with our work, newly dedicated to get you the care you need.

appointed trustee Jim Cavanaugh bringsCY an maintenance of the facilities, and install new “One of Westchester’s CMY EMPLOYMENT shortest ER wait times*.” K

Find out more from our patients Mark Silberman, MD Josiane Hickson at Chief of Emergency Medicine Director of Emergency Nursing Foster Care Volunteer and Get Involved Quadruple Board Certified Columbia University M.A., Ed.D., RN, NE-BC By MIKE ISERSON expanding its outreach efforts and is inter- ested in attracting additional volunteers. DOBBS FERRY | YONKERS WESTCHESTER, NY -- The Foster This program provides valuable assistance Grandparent Program of Westchester to children with special and exceptional Community Opportunity Program, Inc. is © 2014 St. John’s Riverside Hospital | All Rights Reserved. *Data from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Continued on page 8

Only a handful of doctors in Groundbreaking the US offer this Treatment for your surgery! Foot Pain! Do you have Painful Hammertoes or Bunions? • In and out surgery in one day • No stitches • Walk out of the office after surgery! We call it Minimally Invasive Surgery. You’ll call it a Miracle. Call us today for your Free Consultation!* *(does not include (914) 712-6365 testing or x-rays) White Plains office: 34 South Broadway, Suite 504 • Page 8 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014


Corporation for National and Community paid vacation days, 12 paid sick days and 5 day care centers throughout many different becoming a Foster Grandparent volunteer Foster Care Service. Additional funding is provided by paid inclement weather days. Additionally cities and towns. or just need more information, please call the New York State Office for Aging and they are provided mileage reimbursement. Nationally there are nearly 30,000 914-592-5600 ext. 114 or email rbahr@ Continued from page 7 Westchester County Department of Senior Volunteer liability insurance, and an annual Foster Grandparents serving in 341 local Programs and Services. Recognition Luncheon honoring their needs in an academic setting. The Foster projects. These participants provide service to Mike Iserson is responsible for recruiting volun- service to the community. Grandparent volunteers serve one-on-one as The Foster Grandparent volunteers more than 284,000 children with special and teers on behalf of The Westchester Community tutors and mentors to young people through- are low-income senior citizens who must Currently WestCOP’S Foster exceptional needs. Opportunity Program, (WestCop), specifically out the six counties of Westchester, Putnam, be a minimum of 55 years of age. They Grandparent program has over 200 seniors Sign up today and share your love, time The Foster Grandparent Program. Dutchess, Sullivan, Ulster, and Orange. volunteer from 15 to 35 hours weekly and serving hundreds of children in numerous and experience. You have the power to help a This program is funded primarily by the receive a tax-free hourly stipend as well as 30 Head Start centers, elementary schools, and child who needs you!!! If you are interested in HEALTH

transfer to Rockland State Hospital, a ware- college, and were working on careers, away. After a long search for the best medical Manic in Manhattan–Part VIII house for the mentally ill, my doctor told me families and homes. I hadn’t had a girl- cocktail, I have found it, and it gives me few smoking was allowed there, but as I’ve said, friend in years, and for me, life without side effects. I’ve had the greatest woman in By CHRIS ROSTENBERG ideations told me the syringe had been acci- I don’t smoke and to be honest, after being romance sucks. I was dying to get out and the world as a best friend and a girlfriend for dentally filled with poison. I was terrified, but accosted with smokers’ disgusting smoke for smoke pot again. I wouldn’t use the drug eleven years and we intend to marry. After Having just been brought just before contact, I teleported upstairs. One years, I derived some unkind satisfaction in for long; I’d stop before I got symptomatic, attending six colleges and living through six to the police station from moment I was screaming with many staff seeing them denied. but it would feel so good to get away from hospitalizations, I earned a Bachelor’s degree Washington Square Park, members grabbing me, the next moment Rockland was a total zoo; every patient reality for just a few days once more. Then I in Political Science and won three writing a senior cop told me my I was sitting calmly on a bench. Time, it was crazy in his or her own way. I wanted realized I had thought this thought before, awards. I am very happy as a freelance writer, mother had been looking seemed, had been poorly edited. to be put in the Quiet Room just to have a many times. And I realized that if I smoked and I have a car and my own apartment. I’ve for me. With indignation I yelled, “My Later, my mother visited. We had a nice moment of peace, but this was not allowed. marijuana once more, I would be unable to never been more content, but I do space out a former mother!” at which the cops laughed. conversation, but she told me that we had After rousing us in the morning, staff would stop from smoking it repeatedly. I’d stay sick, lot and have trouble with memory, planning If memory serves (and it might not), I used already met and I had been incredibly rude lock the doors to our rooms so we couldn’t keep returning to these damn hospitals and and other “executive skills.” Those manic days a bent paperclip to escape my handcuffs. In and hostile to her. I remembered none of go back to sleep. I used to hide under my bed never get my life back. So I swore never to had a silver lining: they gave me a great story any case, I was moved to Bellevue Hospital this. In other words, the police officer who because sleep was one of my only respites. smoke pot again, and that, my friend, was the to write. for observation. They offered me a shower, had apprehended me had done so just before One man at Rockland was so crazy, I saw smartest decision I’ve ever made. and cannily stole my filthy clothes and Chris Rostenberg is a freelance writer. I had completely lost it, doing me a great him smoke two or three cigarettes at once. Eighteen years have passed and I have replaced them with clean pajamas while I Correspondence may be directed to service. He called everyone the N word. not gotten high, or been hospitalized or even bathed. [email protected] There were mice in Bellevue, and I was so miserable; the illness had vir- been badly ill. I once had a dream where At one point I believed I was being the patients were going nuts because they tually destroyed my life. I was 28 years old, someone passed me a joint, but as I drew held aloft by several staff members because couldn’t smoke. Trying to entice me to my friends from school had long finished it to my lips, I paused and flicked the blunt I would not submit to being injected; my


but if we pick a plan that we There Are No Disorganized Spiders know works and we follow it and stick to it we get By PAM YOUNG was genius! I also had to conclude there are the silken line to a spot where to enjoy life way more no disorganized spiders. (I don’t think they the first bridge is formed, than if we don’t. I was watching what I have as much fun as we do.) she cautiously crosses along Now I have to go call a “fall” spider make First, this spider had to start with a plan the thin line reinforcing it get groceries. its web on our deck and I passed down from generation to generation. with a second line. She wondered if it was a boy or If you’d like If she didn’t, her web would be different and reinforces the line until a girl. I guess I could search a tried and every “fall” spider web is constructed from the it’s strong enough. Google for how to go about knowing the true plan same blue print. I Googled, “How do spiders (That tells me she has gender of one spider or another, but that’s designed by make a web?” (Sometimes I’m embarrassed to think about it and do and we have the not really the point of my essay today. What and for the to ask Google questions, thinking it might some deciding.) The rest of the work all goes freedom to decide really got Nelly (my inner child) and me genetically dis- be a stupid question. I’m always happy when according to the master plan and when she’s on the plan for thinking about was; are there any disorga- organized, may I I see that others before me have wondered all done she waits in the middle for her gro- being organized nized spiders? As I watched this busy spider suggest reading The Joy the same “stupid” things. I’ll tell you in a ceries to be delivered. that fits us the making this masterpiece in silk, as if she’d (I’ve of Being Disorganized? minute what I found out.) Second, she had After a night of grocery deliveries the best, but then we decided she’s a girl) thoroughly studied some The plan is simp, simp, simple! to follow that plan. What a fresh idea! Start web becomes worn out. The spider removes must stick to the manual on a website about web making or AND if you have a family that with a tried and true plan and follow it! Buy a the silk in the morning by eating it, only plan. Just think if watched a YouTube video on the subject, it helps create the messes, this plan gives calendar and a watch and use them. leaving the first bridge line. After a daytime the spider didn’t occurred to me I’ve never seen a rectangular you basic steps in the Art of Delegation! If you’d rest she constructs a new web in the evening. stick to her plan or if she sat and played video web filled with heart-shaped lines or trian- Google told me the spider does have like to read one of my favorite chapters, here’s If the deliveries were low and the web was games or watched TV when she should be gular webs with crosses all around, or webs conscious choices to make when she’s making Chapter Seven: There Arose Such a Clutter not heavily damaged it may stay during the resting, she’d be too pooped to make a new in rainbow colors shaped like wedding cakes. her web. She first has to pick a place to start as a gift from me. day and be reused after minor repairing. web in the evening and there’d be no place to Then a sweet thought swept over me with and release a sticky thread that is blown lp-joy-of-being-disorganized-chapter-seven away with the wind. If the breeze carries I love that each of our homes is different catch the groceries. the realization that within that busy little girl Just like a spider, our work is never done, THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Page 9


Perhaps what the city should have done The history books will reveal to future gen- up their arms in surrender, the white flag was More Than a Flag is to have left one of the bleached banners erations, an America they know, love and are already in place on the bridge waving in the in place, and the other, the stars and stripes. part of, or a nation long gone, her greatness wind, and they had only to replace the other By BOB PASCARELLA American retribution and see this president This as a reminder of what the future might and exceptionalism diminished and but a so that the enemy is not confused. as weak and prone to passivity. hold in store for a people and nation that memory. They will say, the people lost their Sometime in the early Bob Pascarella is a freelance writer. This wayward leadership has mani- lost its way and just faded like the red, white spirit and resolve to weather the storm, their morning hours of July 22nd fested itself in Vladimir Putin’s swaggering and blue into that of a nondescript entity. hopes and dreams squashed, they just threw a group of vandals or prank- deviance and invasion and annexation of sters, whichever you prefer, Crimea. There are concerns that the Russian 90th Annual climbed the perilous heights president’s ultimate objective is to regain a of the Brooklyn Bridge. They removed the dominating influence over the Ukraine. The American flags that stood on each of the Yorktown Grange Fair Mideast is on fire, Israel and Hamas are at towers, and replaced them with bleached war, ISIS gaining strength and on the march, versions, the stars and stripes barely visible. there is a crisis and human tragedy on the September 4 — September 7 These symbols of surrender, as some consider U.S. southern border, the shooting down Grange Fairgrounds • 99 Moseman Road, Yorktown Heights them, have since been removed and replaced. of a Malaysian passenger jet by a missile, Old Glory is once again in its rightful place fired from the stronghold of pro-Russian on the historic landmark. Rides ~ Exhibits ~ Livestock ~ Contests ~ Live Music Ukrainian separatists. The death toll from Many have expressed their outrage this abominable act was 298 innocent men, Square and called into question the lax security. Dancing with women and children, and the latest atrocity, Although there was a police presence on the Audience the inhuman beheading, for the world to see, The premises, the perpetrators were able to secure of American photojournalist James Foley, by Participation Friendly their actions Contests a faceless coward Squares unimpeded and dressed in black. perform the task There is a at hand. But what verse in the Henry if the scenario Holcomb Bennett were different? Exhibits & Contests For the Kids poem, “Blue and Antique If this group crimson and white Produce ~ Flowers Annie &the could outwit the Tractor it shines, over authorities that Art ~ Photography Natural Wonder Band the steel-tipped, Parade were on patrol ordered lines; Baking ~ Legos Ventriloquist in the immedi- hats off the colors ate area, what Needlework Jonathan Geffner before us fly, but if they were terrorists, and they too were more than the flag is passing by”. Yes, indeed able to accomplish their dastardly deed; we the American flag is more than a colorful shudder the thought and can only imagine cloth representing this nation. It is the the outcome. symbol of our hopes, dreams and aspirations. The question remains, what was the In one form or another, it has been there motivation of the perpetrators. Was it a THE ROMA BUILDING throughout our history. When a ghost-like cry for attention from some far right or left replacement was installed, it could be said COMMERICAL SPACE FOR RENT wing group? Was it their intent to protest that it was prophetic, what could be, a nation an issue, or send a statement of some kind? diminishing before our very eyes. We will only know if the authorities catch up Time grows short, and if we’re to reverse with them, or they come forward and reveal this tide of events that jeopardizes our way themselves and their cause, either way they of life and restore the spirit and founda- will probably face criminal charges. I believe, tional values and principles of an exceptional however, whether this group realized it or nation, we must act. The American people not, they did in fact accomplish one thing must understand what is at risk, stay and that was to create a symbolic metaphor, informed, become involved, and don’t be not in the form of a figure of speech of a deceived by political partisanship, and empty word or phrase that designates one thing promises and rhetoric. We must not allow or another in an implicit comparison, but as apathy to cloud our judgment. a visible moving anthem of an America in Prime Yorktown Location decline. America, if allowed to continue along its current path besieged by internal strife Great Visibility • Centrally Located Whether domestic or foreign policy, and division, plagued with a domestic and the current president and administration are foreign policy that lacks leadership, strength OFFICE SPACE: STOREFRONT: OFFICE SPACE: at the helm of a ship of state that is floun- and foresight, will begin to fade until all dering in a sea of turmoil, uncertainty and 1160 Sq. Ft. 950 Sq. Ft. 470 Sq. Ft. Rent that remains is a bleached colorless, vague scandal. Our navigation system has gone image of what once was. It was great while Rent $1650/ Month Rent $3250 /Month $850/Month awry. The economy, joblessness, a pessimism it lasted, but it withered under the strain of born out of hopelessness, are harbingers of Call for Details: internal and extraneous forces, an intransi- an impending national crisis. America’s allies gent political class and disheartened people, 914.632.1230 can no longer rely on our strength and stead- and enemies sensing weakness and willing to fast support. We’ve lost respect throughout die for a cause. 2022 SAW MILL RIVER RD., YORKTOWN HEIGHTS, NY the world, and our enemies no longer fear Page 10 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014


contributions of Xerox PARC in the history public assistance – many without health benefits), than about technology innovation. The sale The Way It Was – and Is of technology development; the Graphic it was always clear that its goal was to bring by IBM of its laptop business to Lenovo User Interface, itself was developed at Xerox the lowest priced goods to consumers – and helped make the Chinese firm the world’s By JOHN F. McMULLEN “loading up” this new system with data and PARC. consumers flock to the stores. largest personal computer vendor by units trying to figure out how to index and access Is a picture developing here? I hope it is! What wasn’t clear to the public until this sold in 2013 – a position that IBM could not We’ve come a long way since the exponentially growing data as it became The real innovative basis for the communica- week was that Burger King’s goal in business have reached. IBM, unlike the Burger Kings the initial development of more and more massive. tions system which we today call the Internet was not to make the best reasonably priced of our economy, has stayed in the technology the Internet – file transfer, The computer operating system used by came from not-for-profit activities in research hamburger or to challenge McDonald’s in the business and continues to be managed by a e-mail, the World Wide the majority of Internet hosts was the “UNIX” centers – DOD, SRI, Bell Labs, Xerox marketplace. Rather, as we found out through technology executive (a caution, however – Web, the graphic browser, system developed at Bell Labs, which was PARC, CERN, NCSA – and the work done its projected merger with Tim Horton’s IBM is said to have more employees in India instant messaging, social media, the cloud, made available for free to colleges and univer- in those places laid the groundwork for the Restaurants, its goal is to do whatever is nec- than in the US). and, hopefully, there is much more to come. sities requesting it (other variations of UNIX, commercial successes of Apple, Microsoft, essary to increase the value of its temporary There are certainly many strategies that Yet it is well to remember that these won- such as AIX, Mac OSX, Solaris, and Linux are AOL, Amazon, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, owners’ equity, even at the expense of the firms may follow as they grow and attempt derful features never would have come into still dominant in the Internet World). Twitter, Instagram, etc. nation that has provided its home since its to compete and that is understandable in a existence, were it not for the funding and These companies and others like them inception, capitalist economy. It seems to me, however, work of the Federal Government, Research After a number of attempts at finding a solution to the orderly cataloging and represent what I see as the best of capitalism as Ex-Secretary of Labor Robert Reich has that the technology industry is different. I feel Labs, and major colleges with sub-contracts they have each developed innovative products, been particularly outspoken in his criticism strongly that we have a national interest both often to corporations. retrieval problem, a consultant at the Particle Physics Laboratory in Switzerland, “CERN,” sometimes in competition with each other, of this deal, writing on his Facebook page in keeping the technology firms in the US The Internet, as well as the US Space Tim Berners-Lee, developed a system of which they hoped would excite potential “Burger King is in merger talks with Canada- and in keeping them under the management program, had its origins in the “Cold War” “marking” information to categorize it under a customers and allow them to make a profit. based Tim Horton’s restaurant chain (known of those whose prime interest is in keeping the between the United States and the then methodology that he called “The World Wide Sometimes they have been greatly successful for its coffee and donuts) in order to become a firm as a major player in the technology field USSR and more specifically, the “Space Race,” Web”. – other times, they had difficulty keeping up – Canadian company and thereby lower its U.S. (the person need not be a technologist but must be as a result of the Soviet Union’s launching of but they were always trying to provide the best taxes. BK’s profits have been flat, mainly because committed to the industry). the first satellite, “Sputnik,” into orbit. It was The “Web” as it came to be known had interest to the computer professionals technology product that they could. its mostly lower-income customers don’t have As we pass the Labor Day weekend, it this sole act that awakened the US from the This is not the case in other industries enough money to boost sales. So the pending deal is seems to me that we should look to find ways post-World War II certitude that it was the and academics who used the Internet but it was the addition of the first “Graphic Web today. Well-known firms have been pur- welcome news to investors, who today sent its stock to reignite the views that long-term profits far-and-away science leader of the world; after chased by Wall Street groups that have no up nearly 20 percent. But it’s a lousy deal for you were more important that short-term ones all, it had developed the Atomic Bomb and Browser,” “Mosaic” that brought consumers to the Internet and forced computer profes- interest in providing a better or newer product and me and other Americans because we’ll have to and customer satisfaction about products is built the first working electronic computer, the but rather do whatever it can to increase the make up for the taxes Burger King stops paying. more important than Wall Street’s evaluation “ENIAC.” sionals to adopt, generally against their will, the “Graphic User Interface” (“GUI”), that value of its investment no matter what the “We’re already subsidizing Burger King of the balance sheet. Actually, it was the Space Race we use today. Mosaic was developed at the impact on customers, employees, communi- because it refuses to raise the pay of its frontline It also seems to me that we need a that spawned both the Internet and the “National Center for Supercomputing ties, etc. workers, who are now at or near the minimum consortium of “hardheaded idealists” from “Microcomputer Age.” The need for min- Applications” (“NCSA”) at the University Warren Buffett’s firm, Berkshire- wage. So we’re paying for the food stamps, industry, labor, academia, and government iaturization of materials to go into space of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by a team Hathaway, really pioneered a similar Medicaid, and wage subsidies its workers need in with input from the leading technology capsules led to the development of micropro- led by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina. approach but its stated methodology was order to stay out of poverty. That means when BK companies and the Futurist think-tanks cessors, which came to the public’s attention Other important tools of importance in always to improve the management of the deserts America to cut its tax bill, we’ll be paying to attempt to re-create the Space Race in the form of calculators, digital watches, and firm and then sell it at a profit. It was never twice. That’s a whopper of a slap at America” mentality that is so sorely missed today! eventually, microcomputers. the growth of the electronic world that we know today came from Xerox’s Palo-Alto criticized for planning for a deterioration of This is the second public running from The Internet took longer to reach the John F. McMullen is a writer, poet, college pro- Research Center (commonly known as “Xerox the purchased firm’s product. Unfortunately, US taxes ploy, called “tax inversion,” that we attention of the general public. First conceived fessor and radio host. Links to other writings, PARC”). The Ethernet protocol which is the Berkshire-Hathaway’s success has led many have seen in the last few weeks. The Walgreen as a method of electronically linking college Podcasts, and BlogTalkRadio broadcasts standard for “Local Area Networks” (“LAN”s other firms into this line of business and their chain of drugstores was close to a move out research labs over a completely “fault-tolerant” at www.johnmac13.comhttp://www. -- the networks of computers within an organiza- records have not always been steller. of the US but public outcry caused a reversal system, one that could “route around” equip- tion which are then connected to the Internet) and While Walmart has often been the of its plans. ment failures, the Internet soon morphed the first “Object Oriented Programming” subject of criticism by many for its out- Although I see the concern over these Your comments are welcome. Direct them to: into a system that could be used by college language (“OOP” which eventually gave birth to sourcing to foreign countries and its overall moves by the equity firms controlling [email protected] students to connect all around the country “Java,” a very important programming language treatment of employees (many minimum Walgreens and Burger King, I am less con- while professors and researchers spent time for web developers) were only two of the major wage employees at the poverty line – many on cerned about drug stores and hamburgers EYE ON THEATRE An Inn Worthy of Patronage By JOHN SIMON that he is too much of a specialist, with a narrow focus on his solid American heritage We come now to A. R. and its genteel exponents. He is from Buffalo Gurney, whose umpteenth and a firmly bourgeois background, writing play, “The Wayside Motor about a stable, or even staid, respectably Inn,” is currently on view upper-middle-class milieu. He has it all at the Pershing Square impeccably in his grasp, but there is not the Signature Center. Gurney is surely one of exotic poeticism of Tennessee Williams, the our three best living American playwrights, tormented earnestness of Eugene O’Neill, more prolific than and or the edgy Jewishness of Arthur Miller. not written out like Edward Albee. Unjustly, he tends to fall into critical cracks. The one possible cavil with Gurney is Continued on page 11 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Page 11


being a shaky one, with each partner har- state-educated poor boy can. Mark, however, just right, too, as is the excellent cast. An Inn Worthy of Patronage boring suspicions of the other, in the case of wants a year off to work at a garage with cars, They are too numerous for detailed the unseen wife clearly justified. In the play’s which are his passion, as Harvard is anything description, but all praise to the men Continued from page 10 top of her other children, nursing a new baby, most amusing scenes, he flirts with Sharon, but. Their conflict, ably conveyed by the play- (Quincy Dunn-Baker, John DeVries, Marc a tough, divorced, and wonderfully outspo- wright, is delightfully dramatic. Kudish, Will Pullen, David McElwee In “The Wayside Motor Inn”—the title, and there is no room for guests. The further ken waitress who drolly badmouths the food Each of these couples has its difficul- and Kelly AuCoin), and to the women minus the motor, derives from a poem by problem is that Frank has a weak heart, she serves, e.g., “The pie there is just crap in ties. For Frank and Jessie, it is his endangered (Lizbeth Mackay, Ismenia Medes, Rebecca Longfellow, which is mentioned in the play, subject to attacks, and may drop dead any a crust.” She is a naively dedicated social- heart and her tiresome solicitude; for Andy Henderson and Jenn Lyon). Under Lila and lends itself to the fact that it is located moment, despite carrying on valiantly, and ist, who firmly believes that everything in and Ruth, it is their impending divorce, Neugebauer’s savvy direction, they form a in a motel just outside Boston. There is, after vigorously proclaiming his loathing of air- the world, including this inn, is owned by which both really fear; for Ray it is how genuine ensemble. all, a strong similarity between Boston with planes and hospitals, while his spouse gushes malefic international conglomerates. She to bed Sharon; for Phil and Sally, it is her its long-gone Brahmins, and Buffalo with its about wanting to cradle the new grandchild. If the play lacks the ultimate greatness, and Ray may have met previously, and may ambivalence about sex in a motel and her it nevertheless displays exquisite intelligence or may not have a fling this time. unease about Phil’s possibly insufficient and craft, proving that even in the absence Something more than a fling unites respect; and for Vince it is his son’s unwill- of supreme genius, professionalism can two college kids in their twenties, Phil and ingness to wear an Ivy Leagueish pink shirt be vastly enjoyable, and is hereby heartily Sally, who have come to the inn to shack his father would force upon him, and all the recommended. up unmolested for a night. But all kinds of conflict that engenders. John Simon has written for over 50 years on misgivings ensue, Sally having brought along It is too bad that the particular stage theatre, film, literature, music and fine arts for the her homework, Jane Eyre, and Phil having is not quite wide enough to encompass a Hudson Review, New Leader, New Criterion, bought The Joy of Sex, whose teachings he balcony (only implied but not seen) on which National Review, New York Magazine, Opera hopes to emulate, but Sally deems disgusting. much of Vince’s mooning about Harvard, News, Weekly Standard, and The fifties are represented by a different which he thinks he can glimpse, takes place. Bloomberg News. He reviews books for the New kind of couple. Vince, 50, is a working-class Otherwise Andrew Lieberman’s moderately York Times Book Review and Washington Post. father who has grown affluent and hopes garish set is just right, including wallpaper of To learn more, visit the www.JohnSimon- to get his son, Mark, admitted to Harvard, a different sort than specified in the script, website. which Vince idolizes as only a former but just as awful. Kaye Voyce’s costumes are - FLEETWOOD RENOVATED APARTMENTS FOR RENT

Marc Kudisch as Vince & Will Pullen as Mark in The Wayside Motor Inn equally long-gone nabobs. I skip the fifties for the moment, to To be sure, Gurney has here appropri- note the forties as represented by Andy and ated a device from the wonderful British Ruth, in the early process of a divorce. He is a doctor and she has an unspecified job, playwright Alan Ayckbourn, with charac- Beautiful, Newly Renovated Studio $1200/month ters in different places in reality squooshed not to mention care of their several children. together into the same stage space--in this After fourteen years of marriage, for reasons Brand New Kitchens, Living Rooms & Bathrooms • Granite Counter Tops • Laundry On-Site case, five separate rooms of the same shoddy voiced only by Andy, they are splitting, he New Cabinets, Stoves & Refrigerators, Credit Check Required now working at a hospital in Pittsburgh. motel perceived as one. Here Gurney deploys Elevator Building • 1 Block from MetroNorth Fleetwood Station • Monthly Parking Nearby his characters with consummate strategy, Ruth comes to discuss how to divide their managing not to get them in one another’s possessions, a confrontation leading to sur- Available Immediately Call Management Office for details: hair. Still, there may be a certain manipula- prising results. tiveness in that the five couples each belong The thirties are embodied by Ray, 914.632.1230 squarely to one of five consecutive decades. a fairly high-powered, married traveling The oldest couple are Frank and Jessie, salesman for some major firm. He gets 80 West Grand Street, Fleetwood in their sixties. They have driven to this around much and seems to have one-night motel because their daughter Joanie is, on stands, his marriage, we are able to gather,

I will journey with you during challenging times such as Diana O’Neill grieving the loss of a loved one or recovering from a negative relationship. Holistic Health Counseling • Energy Healing • Hypnotism • Spiritual & Psychic Healing Services By appointment, only • Free consultation given on first visit Holistic Health Services • 240 North Ave. Suite 204 A, New Rochelle, NY 10801 • 914.630.1928 Page 12 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014


World Cinema Foundation brought about Restoration of Film Classics a renewed transformation of the film. Using negatives preserved at the Egyptian Film By SHERIF AWAD some titles on DVD carrying The Founoon Center in Giza, the restoration preserves Film label. It was the first time for film the film’s poetic beauty, its evocative sense of Film historians recog- specialists and buffs alike to rediscover their history, and its themes of desecration. nize that only few months favorite classics, like Gharam wa intiqam Most recently, last month in fact, the after the first screening in (Love and Revenge, 1944), Ayyam wa layali initiative of restoring Egyptian classics Europe had taken place, an (Days and Night, 1955) and Thartharah fawq was revived by Rotana in a major event exclusive Egyptian audience was privy to a al-Nil (Adrift on the Nile, 1971) in high that hosted approximately 400 Arab and private screening that took place Alexandria’s quality sound and vision with at least two Egyptian stars of cinema and television. Tousson, its stock exchance, and at Cairo’s subtitling languages, French and English. In a video message to the attendees, Saudi Hamam Schneider (Schneider Baths) in However, the high cost of mastering Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, founder of the 1896. By 1907, there were five between the prints in Egypt and creating the replica- Rotana Group, announced that he would Cairo and Alexandria. A short documentary tion with the Greek-based company Digital assign a special budget from his Kingdom film about the visit of Khedive Abbas Hilmi Press Hellas, and the low DVD sales across Holding Company to restore the 1,650 II to the Institute of Mursi Abul-Abbas in Fouad al-Mohandes and Layla Taher in a frame from Imraa Fi Dawama - A Woman in a Egypt, put the project on hold, that is until Egyptian films which Rotana aquired since Alexandria depicted in Arabic was since that Spiral before and after restoration. Founoon was ultimately sold to Rotana a their acquisition of Founoon Film. The time the catalyst behind Egyptian cinema few years later. importance of such a project is best under- ascending to lead the Arab film produc- stood when market forces demanded HD tion. Egyptian prominence began with the Some international entities also helped to restore Egyptian classics like Shadi Abdel (high-definition) content on broadcast, silent film genre, moved into the talkie and streaming media and digital disk. Rotana color film era, then reaching high-definition Salam’s Al-mummia (1969), aka “The Night of Counting the Years”, that was universally began by buying Egyptian films in the among the present various cutting edge form of positive and negative 35mm prints digital technology. recognized as one of the greatest Egyptian films ever. It is based on a true story that attributed to differing decades which they Egypt’s long and celebrated journey was took place in 1881, when precious artifacts added to their growing library. Rotana had however facing technical and natural chal- began showing up at market. It was soon a small window of opportunity to aquire lenges ominously in danger of losing some thereafter discovered that members of the these treasures before they would succumb of its film heritage to the effects of time. ancient Horbat tribe were secretly raiding to not a state from which they could no Neglecting film prints in the storage rooms Deir al-Bahari, the site of a legendary cache longer be saved. Rotana’s target now is to without adequate air-conditioning and pres- of royal mummies. The tribe had little liveli- restore more than 1,000 feature films from ervation processes threatened to exacerbate hood other than selling antiquities, putting those classics. However, it will be made in eventual decomposition, degradation and them in conflict with the Egyptian gov- successive phases. The first phase will cover their potential loss for all time. ernment’s Antiquities Organization. After 600 titles in the course of the coming three In 2004, the first initiative to save reading the script, Roberto Rossellini agreed years. We have signed an agreement with the Egyptian classic films came from Founoon to lend his name to the project, and Shadi Indian company Prasar that will import their Film Distribution Co. The bought the Abdel Salam’s film was completed in 1969. equipments and experience to execute the negatives of a handful of films to add to This cinematic treat was extremely difficult restoration of Egyptian film prints inside the their library. Restoring some of those films to see from the 1970s onward. A beautiful facilities of Rotana, in the Egyptian Media followed and was marked by the release of restoration by Martin Scorsese through his Production City (EMPC). It is the pro- cedure followed across the world: the film Gharam wa Intiqam - Love and Revenge (1944). One of the first restored Egyptian films now prints don’t leave the country so that restora- available on DVD. was possible to create a 4K scanned copy already has a regional MENA (Middle East tion takes place “in-house”. that can allows one to create a new negative News Agency) office in the United Arab Among the saved films with a print of the film and also create a digital copy for Emirates (UAE) . There are also possibili- that was about to degrade to be lost forever is HD broadcast and the Blu-ray market. ties of making a deal with or similar the 1962 production, Imraa Fi Dawama (A Between the restoration, mastering and streaming video technology companies. The Woman in a Spiral), directed by Mahmoud promotional costs, the turnover of DVD Egyptian National Film Center and some Zolfakar and starring Shadia, Ahmed Ramzi, sales in a few venues, like Virgin Megastores broadcasters have shown interest in joining Layla Taher and Fouad al-Mohandes. The and Diwan Bookshops, in Cairo was low, the Rotana project by using Rotan’s expertise print experienced a state that restoration so much so to the point that more DVD to restore the content they own. experts call vinegar syndrome where the film releases was put on hold, a situation quite material starts to release acetic acid, making Born in Cairo, Egypt, Sherif Awad is a film / different from video stores in Europe and the film smell like vinegar. In other words, video critic and film festival curator. He is the the US. But with the spread of high speed the film print starts to decompose, turns red film editor of Egypt Today Magazine (www. internet services and touch pads becoming and shrinks. Before Rotana made the deal ), and the artistic director more ubiquitous in the nation, even film with Prasar, the company wasn’t able to roll for both the Alexandria Film Festival, in buffs and DVD collectors started to prefer to the film in the telecine and video transfer Egypt, and the Arab Rotterdam Festival, in download a copy of the film, legal or illegal, equipment in order to digitize it because The Netherlands. He also contributes to Variety, on their PC and tablets. There is an expecta- its perforations were first to deteriorate. The in the United States, and is the film critic of tion that sales of restored Egyptian classics new equipment by Prasar allows for the film Variety Arabia (http://vari- will be re-awakened through Blu-ray disks. to be pulled without using its perforations, in the United Arab Emirates Rotana will test the market with a few titles. on the two sides and also permits the film (UAE), the Al-Masry Al-Youm Website If results are promising, it will likely release to be scanned frame by frame. Further, it ( restored films across Egypt on Blu-ray. On affords restoration experts to overcome the node/198132 ) and The Westchester Guardian the other hand, Rotana will consider launch- defocus problems on some frames that lost ( Al-mummia - The Night of Counting the Years (1969) by Shadi Abdel Salam was restored by ing a streaming service through iTunes that Martin Scorcese through his World Cinema Foundation. its flatness. After the restoration process, it THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Page 13


National Register of Historic Places in 1970, A Texas State of Mind it was later designated a National Historic Landmark for its significant contribution Exploring a Capital City and Remembering the Alamo to American history. The day I visited it was very warm but as the capitol is sited on one By BARBARA BARTON music venues in town. If cool jazz is your of Austin’s highest points, I enjoyed a refresh- SLOANE melody of choice, this is the place – and it ing breeze from a veranda as I gazed over happens every night of the week. By the time sweeping views of the Colorado River. This “Alright, alright, alright,” as I arrived the joint was jumpin’, the ambiance regal, sunset-red granite edifice is the largest one famous and easy-on- slammin’, and the setting was intimate, not of all state capitols and second only in total the-eyes Texan drawled to say slightly claustrophobic. A group called size to the National Capitol in Washington. in the classic film Dazed The Monster Band was doing its thing – See… everything really is bigger in Texas! and Confused. In fact, those were the first loudly - horns blasting with five hundred Waiting in line to enter Franklin words the actor Matthew McConaughey pounds of furious, fully-blown big band Barbecue? Of course, though even the wait said on screen. Visiting Austin, that phrase horsepower making for a total wall of sound. lines in Texas are – you guessed it – bigger! resounded often as I visited some of its iconic Aaron and wife Stacy opened Franklin marvels. I am finally in the city I’ve longed to An Extraordinary Edifice Barbecue in late 2009 in an East Austin visit. Bring it on! That would be the state capitol, a mag- th LBJ Library grounds. parking lot. Word quickly got around that Austin is a creative, constantly evolving nificent example of 19 century architecture the Franklins were selling the best barbecue city. Everything you’ve heard about it is true. and widely recognized as one of the nation’s in town and soon the line of admirers snaked With vibrant entertainment and culture, most distinct state capitols. Placed on the around the block – every single day. In less than two years, , Texas Monthly, and the Cooking Channel were among a growing chorus hailing Franklin among America’s BBQ elite. Before going there, I was told of one recent visitor to this local smokey meat mecca that jumped the line. He visited Franklin Barbecue and had the temerity to go to the front of the long line of customers waiting patiently to get in. Yes, that would be President Obama. Ending his speech at the LBJ Presidential Library, he said: “I love Austin, I love barbecue, and I will Continued on page 14

Unending lines at Franklin BBQ. Worth the wait. Replica of LBJ’s Oval Office. HELP WANTED THE CITY OF STAMFORD inspiring cuisine and stunning outdoor is is seeking qualified applicants settings, Austin lets you create a soundtrack Commercial • Industrial for the following positions: all your own. After all, with more than 250 & Residential Services SCHOOL AND FAMILY music venues, it is the Live Music Capital of RESOURCE FACILITATOR the World. Another reason to like Austin: this Roll-Off Containers 1-30 Yards Salary Range: town is sunny – very sunny - like 300 days of Home Cleanup Containers $61,642 - $83,210/Annually sun and blue skies smiling at you a year-sunny. (I smiled a lot while in Austin). Turn-Key Demolition Services BENEFITS CLERK Gettin’ Stronger (and Larger) Salary Range: Every Day DEC Licensed Transfer Station $47,265 - $63,803 (Annually) Austin takes the top spot on Forbes’ Applications can be obtained at annual list of America’s fastest growing cities DEP Licensed Rail Serve th or for the 4 year in a row. “We’ve had 307 Transfer & Recyling Services companies move here in the last 9 years,” City Carting of Westchester City of Stamford, says Dave Porter, Senior Vice President for Licensed Demolition Contractor Human Resources Department, Economic Development. And, not to be Somers Sanitation 888 Washington Boulevard, overlooked, the University of Texas churns B & S Carting Locally Owned & Operated Stamford, Connecticut 06904 out engineers and computer scientists into A resume and/or other AAA Paper Recycling Radio Dispatched this five-county area at a record pace. Austin correspondence will not be now boasts some 4,000 technology com- Bria Carting considered as equivalent to an Fully Insured - FREE Estimates panies. Clearly, it’s hard for other cities to City Con dential Shredding application. For additional compete. information call the My first evening in Austin – play me On-Site Document Destruction Human Resources Department some music! And the word on the street 800.872.7405 • 203.324.4090 (203) 977-4070 seemed to be Same Day Roll Off Service Equal Opportunity Employer The Elephant Room, one of the famous 8 Viaduct Road, Stamford, CT 06907 Page 14 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014

LEAVING ON A JET PLANE A Texas State of Mind

Continued from page 13 Library was a rewarding experience. First get some right after this.” Then, arriving at off, the library is simply splendid, describ- Franklin he said “I know this is a long line. I ing President Johnson’s legacy from the feel real bad, but—I’m gonna cut.” And so he perspective of outstanding exhibits featuring did, but not before paying for the orders of two his life and times throughout the turbulent people that he cut in front of. Awwwww…. 60s, Vietnam and Civil Rights. I found the There’s a new restaurant in Austin November 22, 1963 section affecting and that’s garnering lots of attention: LaV, pro- the replica of his Oval Office, duplicated nounced La Vie. An appropriate name in 7/ 8 scale, was imposing. It was a hoot to as this recently-opened dining establish- pick up one of the exhibit phones and hear ment is nothing if not full of life. When I LBJ’s conversations with various personages. walked in the door, I was awed by the lush When he laid into the late Adam Clayton French atmosphere and amazed by the Powell about something he was supposed to animated and bubbly scene before me. Chef do but didn’t, surprise, the pompous, arrogant Allison Jenkins focuses on simple yet stylish politician was left speechless. The conversa- Provencal cuisine and my salad with roasted tion ended with Powell backing down and shallot and walnut vinaigrette, followed by eating crow. Another conversation was with potato and celeriac soup and finally grilled the late Katherine Graham, owner of the whole daurade with fennel confit was pure Washington Post. Known to be a notorious Provencal – pure perfection. but innocent flirt, the President began the Another president that would have had conversation with honeyed endearments, no problem cutting the BBQ line was LBJ saying how much he misses her and if only himself, right? Visiting the LBJ Presidential he weren’t married…hilarious and somehow

River Walk, San Antonio. Image by and courtesy of Ron Niebrugge. very sweet. Viewing his archives of histori- away; it’s known as one of the top tourist liberty and humanity is not reason for shud- cal papers, photos, film and recordings, I left destinations in the U.S. Historic sites such dering…” Walking through the Alamo, the feeling informed and enlightened and with as the Alamo abound and cultural highlights heart is touched. great admiration for his accomplishments like the San Antonio River Walk flourish. Lucky me – to be here just when the yet ultimately saddened for the man who A city of intriguing contrasts, this is a place San Antonio Museum of Art was presenting felt a profound sense of defeat owing to the where modern attractions are juxtaposed a major exhibit of the work of Henri Matisse absurdity and futility of Vietnam. with celebrated monuments of Texas history. – a once-in-a-lifetime chance to explore There’s no doubt about it, Austin is one On my bucket list for eons, I was delighted what is perhaps the world’s finest collection, hip city. The slogan “Keep Austin Weird” ini- that I was finally here. The city’s motto is drawn from the renowned Cone endow- tially came about by the Austin Independent “Deep. In the Heart.” and - after just a few ment at the Baltimore Museum of Art. The Business Alliance to promote small busi- days of gliding down the river, swooning over exhibit featured more than eighty paintings, nesses in Austin. Today it is the proud motto the exhibits at the Museum of Art, dining in sculptures and works on paper spanning six of the city, reaching far beyond a marketing this, the cradle of Tex-Mex, and getting to decades of the artist’s career. A few years ago, campaign. The notion that weirdness is the know some of its fine citizens – I got it. Yes, I had the chance to stand in this artist’s very central gist of life here is at the heart of this San Antonio is deeply captivating and yes, it studio in Vence, France where some of these mantra. Liberal and progressive politically, stirs emotions that directly touch the heart. works were painted, so this was, for me, a socially, in the arts and in music, Austin, a city Immense in Extent particularly meaningful encounter. that revels in its eccentricity, intends to keep First stop: The Alamo, of course. Sauntering down the river I came upon itself weird – and wonderful. To that end, The most famous historic site in Texas, an ornate bridge that I traversed via anti- there’s a Keep Austin Weird Festival held The Alamo played a critical role in this quated stone steps that lead me to La Villita, each summer. And coming up in October, state’s revolution. A former mission, it was an historic arts village and then on to the the annual Austin City Limits Music Festival, occupied and defended by a band of Texans, Arneson River Theater. The steps themselves this year October 3-5 and October 10-12 (including Jim Bowie and the frontiersman were worth noting as they were inlaid with with an outstanding lineup: Eminem, Pearl Davy Crockett) against an overwhelming pretty Spanish tiles. Here is where Fiesta Jam, Outkast, Jimmy Cliff and many more. Mexican army led by General Santa Anna. Noche del Rio, an interactive folkloric show In Austin, pride of place and pride in In unparalleled bravery, they held out for of talented musicians, dancers and singers is its people is an aura I keenly felt. It gave off a thirteen days and refused to surrender. Each, presented. The audience sits on grass-cov- warm and happy – ok, weird - vibe that I quite ultimately, met his death. The Alamo repre- ered steps in an outdoor setting; the theater liked. And to quote yet another president, sents the heroic struggle for independence put me in mind of the great amphitheater of George W. Bush: “Some folks look at me and from Mexico and remains hallowed ground Ephesus – on a considerably smaller scale, of see a certain swagger, which in Texas is called in the pursuit of Texas liberty. In 1835, one course. For me, the star of the production was ‘walking’.” To that, I can only say Alright! of the brave souls who gave his life, Daniel one Alejandro Antonio, Flamenco guitarist Austin’s State Capitol. Cloud, soberly proclaimed:”If we succeed, extraordinaire. His powerful and command- ing strumming seemed to reach up to a sky An easy hop, skip and jump from the country is ours. It is immense in extent studded with stars, moving me deeply and Austin, this natural beauty - San Antonio and fertile in its soil and will amply reward State Capitol in Austin, Courtesy of Michael Sloane Travel Photography – is just 75 miles and less than 90 minutes all our toil. If we fail, death in the cause of Continued on page 15 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Page 15


A Texas State of Mind dinner at my Hotel Contessa’s restaurant, example of what a reclaimed city river can Cured To Eat: Las Ramblas. A wise choice. Charmingly be. Teddy Roosevelt camped on its banks as Max’s Wine Dive Continued from page 14 sited on a terrace in a cozy corner of River he recruited his Rough Riders and the battle Las Ramblas Walk, it seemed like Executive Chef Jordan of the Alamo happened here. Julian Castro, LaV Restaurant touching my heart – the San Antonio motto blas relevant once again. Mackey was psychic as out came many of past mayor of the city, has called the San my food faves. Dinner: delectable; the River Antonio River “the lifeblood of this com- To Stay: To Stay: Epicurean Enticements Walk parade of people: entertaining; my munity.” No argument there. San Antonio’s Hotel Contessa Courtyard & Residence One evening, remembering that this evening: a resounding success. charms go deep, to the heart – and that’s just town is the birthplace of Tex-Mex, I made The One, The Only where my brilliant memories will stay. my way over to the Pearl Complex, an If You Go: Austin Images by Michael Sloane and courtesy of Every great city has its noteworthy historic brewery on the banks of the river If You Go: San Antonio Michael Sloane Travel Photography, unless oth- river. I mean, what would Paris be without that’s been transformed into an urban village To Do: erwise noted. the Seine or London without the Thames? where one can eat, shop, live, work, and To Do: However, there’s one city-defining body of Elephant Room Travel Editor, Barbara Barton Sloane, is con- play. Oh and no small thing: it’s home to water that takes the prize. Yes, that’s San San Antonio Museum of Art stantly globe-hopping to share with our readers The Culinary Institute of America. I dined Antonio and its famed River Walk. Dating Austin Overtures Tour her unique experiences from the exotic to the at Cured, a newish restaurant. While the from the 1940s, River Walk’s trail of cob- The Alamo sublime. She keeps us informed, as well, on the architectural details of the restaurant were blestone paths lined with sheltering trees, Austin State Capitol capricious and engaging fashion and beauty scene. worthy of note, Chef Steven McHugh’s fare shops, gardens and restaurants meanders Fiesta Noche del Rio was flat-out fabulous. Then, on my last night through the city and connects more than LBJ Library in town, I decided to stay close by and had To Eat: 2,000 acres of parkland. In fact, it is a living GovernmentSection POLITICS/CAMPAIGN TRAIL The Three Way Race that Became a Three-Ring Circus

By NANCY KING Employees Federation (PEF), The Yonkers Party Chair Dr. Giulio Cavallo parted Firefighters and the Yonkers Federation of ways. Astorino claims it was because The three-way race for Call Teachers, New York State Union leader- members of the Independence Party Governor in New York ship is sending a resounding message to wanted jobs in county government, State has morphed into 800.382.2824 Governor Cuomo that it is starting to look negated by Dr. Cavallo who states what most political insiders like he isn’t labor friendly. unequivocally that the Vice-Chair and are calling an unusually ugly and mean Fishing Daily out of Niantic, CT Republican candidate and the Treasurer of the Independence Party spirited three-ring circus. Polls, negative Porgies, Seabass, Stripers and Blues Westchester County Executive Rob were already employed by the county. ads, debates and the Governor’s silence Astorino, ever the opportunist, has capi- Astorino then went on to claim that over the defunct Moreland Commission talized on Cuomo’s public ignoring of Dr. Cavallo had wished to be appointed have left this race looking like a traveling Professor Teachout, by loosely aligning Commissioner of Health, an accusation circus’ side show event. As the summer himself with her. Appearing with her that Cavallo denies to this day. Shortly campaign season draws to an end, the Lightning Protection! earlier this summer in front of the Tweed after that first election, County Executive Governor Andrew Cuomo has been eerily Courthouse in lower Manhattan, they Astorino quietly began having Republican quiet. He hasn’t responded to his left- made a unified speech both stating that operatives, colleagues, friends and family leaning challenger Fordham law professor New York was the most corrupt state in re-register in the Independence Party as Zephyr Teachout’s invitation to debate the union and that the Governor led the his relationship with the executive board her on the issues that are of concern to ASSOCIATED pack in unethical and perhaps criminal of the Westchester Independent Party New Yorkers; issues such as job creation, activity in his governance of the state. soured. By early 2013, there were nearly fracking and the troubled Common Core Cuomo, though he has been personally four thousand new members of the educational program. Those are legiti- LIGHTNING quiet has accused Rob Astorino of the Independence Party. In a taped conversa- mate campaign platform topics that any same ilk. His messages have come in the tion with Westchester businessman and Rod Company, Inc. candidate should be addressing. What form of negative TV ads. publisher Sam Zherka, Astorino claimed the Governor did respond to was to chal- this was done not only to ensure that he lenge Professor Teachout in court over Since early June, the Governor’s camp would get the line for the 2013 re-election petition signatures and questions con- has aired a series of prime time commer- but that it would also serve to decapi- cerning her residency requirements. In cials about Astorino that accuse him of (518) 789-4603 tate Chairman Cavallo and Vice-Chair Free Estimates both cases, Teachout was indeed found to racketeering in his attempt to hijack the Dhyalma Vazquez. By the end of 2013, (845) 373-8309 be an eligible candidate. Along the way, Independence Party line. After receiving Free Inspections Vice-Chair Vazquez and Treasurer Irma (860) 364-1498 she’s beginning to gain union support the endorsement and the line in 2009, Astorino and Westchester Independence Drace had been terminated from their around the state. Endorsed by the Public Continued on page 16 Page 16 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014


The Three Way Race that Became a Three-Ring Circus for word and have showed up in those like County Executive Astorino can’t take looming in the near future it sure seems as advertisements. Monday, August 25th, the criticism. if this three-way race will get nastier and Continued from page 15 asked her only to sign her name and that Mr. Astorino and his campaign staff sent Cuomo continues to remain rather nastier. If Rob Astorino actually can get an positions with the county. In a tell-all press he would take care of the rest. a Cease and Desist letter to every media silent while Zephyr Teachout continues ad on TV, it sure will be interesting to see release this week, the Astorino campaign The Independence Party enrollment, outlet that was running those negative on her 18 city whistleblower bus tour if he sticks to issues or if he uses his air claimed that Vazquez had been unquali- the termination of two county employees ads. By Wednesday, only one upstate and is picking up endorsements along the time to defend himself against Cuomo’s ad th fied for the job that she had held for 24 and a taped conversation of Mr. Astorino cable channel had agreed to pull the ad. way. Governor Cuomo on the other hand campaign. As for September 4 ’s debate years (though during Astorino’s first term calling for decapitation of the two Chairs Advertising is the bread and butter of is making brief appearances at local fairs with Professor Teachout, one can be sure she was promoted from a grade 12 to of the Independence Party have given media and those ads will more than likely and taking his corn dog to go while the that she’ll teach both of her opponents a grade 14. Concerning Drace’s termination, the Governor’s office plenty of fodder for remain on the air. Writing a Cease and Astorino campaign, with family in tow, are thing or two. those negative commercials because every Desist letter also puts the Republican posting cutesy pictures of their excursion the campaign claimed she was unable to Nancy King is a freelance reporter residing in pass the Civil Service test. According to single one of them references a Federal candidate on the slippery slope of denying on the Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls. st Westchester County. Ms. Drace, the Deputy County Attorney Racketeering case. The allegations made the state Democratic Party their 1 With the September 9th primary in that case have been copied nearly word Amendment rights. Most of all, it sounds GOVERNMENT

a handicap accessible entrance at their End of Summer Town Board Meeting in Bedford has a Little Bite Katonah Avenue locale. “In order to create an accessible ramp that complies By RICH MONETTI But the installation must be equally applications, the board passed a resolu- the board that as the process ensues, safety with requirements – we need to have a

th as simplistic in solar terms. “If applicants tion to officially bring the matter to the measures must also be put in place. The minimum width of three feet between the On August 19 , the rd answer no to any of the questions on community at the September 3 town resident called for a muzzle law and on- rails. Bedford Town Board page two of the application, they have to meeting. Thus ending the work session, property leash restrictions. Beyond that, he In turn, that will amount to a 16-inch combined a work session go through the regular building permit public comment began the board meeting lobbied for a liability insurance policy by encroachment onto town property. and board meeting into process,” said Kass. with a bite. the owner upon two incidents. Supervisor Burdick, amenable to doing one and discussed several Even so, the proposed process still At the podium, a resident only iden- As is, Town Clerk Boo Fumagalli whatever can be done to help local busi- issues in a one hour and twelve minute enables towns to bend the template to tified as Solomon detailed the attack he verified the town’s compliance with the nesses, expressed conditional support. “If timeframe. each particular town’s own specs. “A lot endured by a neighborhood dog, and the New York State Dangerous Dog Law. it can be done in a way without creating With the demand for solar power of communities are adding their own fear he now carries in passing the property “No action is taken until a report is filled adverse impacts, we are in support, and it usage rising throughout the state, Bedford requirements into this template, and that everyday. Not to diminish the untimely with the police, and then we make sure our sounds like you’re on the right track,” said hopes to keep pace by adapting the solar is something we want to do,” said Building end of another dog who fell prey to the courts go to the letter of the law – includ- Supervisor Burdick. power permit template provided by New Inspector Steven Fraietta. same menace, Solomon called on the ing putting down the animal after three Doing due diligence, Burdick filed York State. “A simplified, unified permit For Bedford’s part, that means taking board to speed up the legal proceedings. attacks,” said Fumagalli. the request forward. “We’ll send details to that all municipalities can use will make into account what the added weight of “The board needs to make the process Nonetheless, Solomon reiterated his the Planning Board and get back to you it easier for building departments and solar panels will do to all the older roofs in more expeditious so somebody like me main complaint. “While you go through with their recommendations,” concluded contractors who are doing business across the town. “I still believe we will need both doesn’t have to wait two or three months the legal process, something should be the supervisor. town lines, and most importantly, will an architect and an engineer to be part of for the whole thing to go through the done to protect everybody else,” he said. make it easier for the homeowners”, said Rich Monetti has been a freelance writer since the permitting process,” said Fraietta. court,” he said. Board Member Mary Beth Kass. The Board then moved onto a 2003. He lives in Westchester County. Proposing a $300 flat fee for all More importantly, Solomon lectured request from the Katonah Dinner to add MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR

insurance that we’ll never need it). Downtown Work, Concert, Storm Prep, Fall Preview, School Preview of Fall Issues By PETER SWIDERSKI It’s going to be a busy fall, with a aesthetically pleasing. Meanwhile, the strapping boxes to trees, perhaps you were is where you drag the friends in from out number of high-profile projects or events work on the Warburton Bridge proceeds able to say, “Hello”, and wished him luck. of town (with their kids) and show off how Here we are, a mild coming to term: apace - sneaking a peek over the barriers Take Me To The River cool your little village is. And its right here, - The DPW consolidation study is summer (for us, at least) will show you the eastern half of the bridge put on by an insanely gifted group of vol- The absolute best thing that happens scheduled for release in draft form in the coming to an end, school reduced to its girders, about to be rebuilt to unteers, and there’s certainly nothing like in the Village every year is the Take Me To next few weeks. There will be a chance just around the corner, and a refinished state. Once that half is done, it it in Westchester. The River concert in Draper Park, this year to review it, provide input and then the much is queuing up for will be opened to transportation and the from 12Noon to 10PM on September 6th. Update on Disaster Prep Boards of the two villages will have to the last trimester of the year. There are a other half will be demolished to the beams Two stages boast 21 local, regional and Our shiny new back-up generator tussle out what makes sense for the two number of items to cover: and rebuilt. It will take much of 2015 and national acts (Grammy-award winners is in place and tested in the Community communities. Downtown Work is on or a little ahead of schedule. among them) throughout the day and Center, which means (relying on the - The waterfront will see the release of The replacement of the gas lines Deer Cameras evening. A number of installations engage principle that it never rains when you the volunteer Infrastructure Committee’s downtown is complete and now Con Ed The field cameras intended to help kids (and adults) as well. There is food remember your umbrella), we’ll never have proposal, which will lay out where roads will bid out the job to restore the side- us count our deer were put up this Labor and other concession stands (tickets and a big storm hit us as long as its opera- and development should go on the walks and curb-cuts to a decent condition. Day weekend in a dozen locations - so more info here), but most important is the tional. We’ll be considering at our next waterfront once it is remediated. We’ll Contractors will be back in a few weeks to if you saw grad student (and volunteer) vibe: funky fair/roots music festival/picnic Board Meeting hooking the neighboring also be releasing a re-worked Consent remove the temporary asphalt patch and Christopher Johnson around town rolled into one for a reasonable price. This Fire Department building to it (further Decree that will address clean up issues leave behind something hopefully more THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Page 17


sidewalk on your property. Walk it now five minutes into your commute so you Downtown Work, Concert, Storm Prep, Fall Preview, School with clear eyes and determine if it is free take care for our children. of vegetation and safe to walk - would you Thank you for your time and see you on the site above and beyond what the reassessment process will get underway on this as we get closer. want your children skipping down that around town. NYS Department of Environmental in our village later in the fall as surveyors Back to School path? Trim back overgrown bushes and Conservation requires. Finally, the fate of fan out, knocking on every door, seeking Finally, in one week, our children patch cracks, please. Similarly trim back Peter Swiderski is mayor of the Village Building 52 and the water tower are likely to drag the assessment roll from the 1950s return to school and many do so on vegetation if it has covered signs or lines of Hastings-on-Hudson. Direct email to: to be determined as well. when it was last done (!) into the current foot. You are legally responsible for any of sight. Finally, if you drive during school [email protected] day. There will be much more information - The Greenburgh property tax opening and closing hours, plan another IMMIGRATION One American’s Immigration History Coalesces with the Issues Causing the Present Uproar

By RICH MONETTI came through Ellis Island just before 1900. Of course, a major difference is that his adults. he married Anna Ancora. He married here and had five children – was not a choice of necessity. Not a judgment As it turned out, my future great aunt It took me until adulthood to ask him Immigration is in the including my grandfather, Charlie. on my part, he simply risked and failed. and uncle made a life for themselves there, why he married “Nonni.” He coyly said, news, and from the outcry, Still, all that procreation didn’t stop Unfortunately, some here are less kind and now I have a boatload of relatives in “because I loved her,” as if an element of con- you’d think God himself Alfonso from making himself available to to families in much more dire circumstances Buenos Aires. venience was attached. welcomed each of our the ladies. In fact, if I can trust my recol- today. “Any American parent who hands his grandparents at Ellis Island. That leaves my maternal grandfather, But for me, weighing the true balance lections, the husband of one of his lovers kid off to a “’coyote’ to be taken 1,700 miles Angelo Cafueri. He was a member of the between both considerations revealed itself actually shot him. would be thrown in jail in this country for King’s Guard at the time Mussolini seized in where the tears were situated when family He recovered but when his child abuse,” Jeanine Pirro of Fox News power and actually landed in jail for a short disagreements arose. They all belonged to wife died several years later, recently spouted. period. That didn’t sit well with him; he him. he returned to Italy with his I wonder what the charge is if you pas- resolved to come to America by any means. Even so, he was an illegal for several mistress and left five children sively subject your kids to Central American He got a job on an Italian supply ship years, and the debt has never been paid. to fend for themselves. gangs. with every intention of using it as his vehicle. You know what, I’ve never been to Italy. If Theirs became a struggle Interestingly, that’s not the entire story, When the boat docked in New York, any I’m not mistaken, ICE pays for your ticket. I to remain out of foster care, and it holds another contemporary parallel. means arrived. The catch was that asking could really use a break from this break-neck which created an unbreak- Quotas did not allow Vito’s entire family for any substantial amount of back pay to American pace. able bond between them. to enter America. Thus, it was suggested at see New York suggested your intentions and But once completing the sentence, I Nonetheless, Alfonso’s action Ellis Island that the older brother and sister quartered you to the ship. probably wouldn’t be so eagerly welcomed was probably welcomed by emigrate to Argentina and return when the My recollection is this. “I got off the back. The average Italian works only 16.5 America’s betters and probably numbers were more favorable. boat with a few dollars in my pocket and hours a week, and my new work ethic would qualify him as a visionary in Faced with returning to Italy, they were waived goodbye to the captain,” my grand- only add to the unfounded perceptions held doing Mitt Romney proud by forced to make this unimaginable choice. father used to tell me. against today’s immigrants. “self-deporting.” I wonder if that qualifies as child abuse. I A classic, without papers Italian, he suc- Rich Monetti has been a freelance writer since I don’t know my paternal guess even the sharp legal skills of Jeanine cessfully stayed a step ahead of immigration. 2003. He lives in Westchester County. grandmother’s story, but my mother’s Pirro would say, “No!” since both were young He eventually achieved legal standing when ancestral account certainly makes up for it. Vito Ancora, my grandmother’s father, was a successful A Cause For Paws Pet Adoptions musician in the early 20th Century. But that didn’t stop him from dreaming bigger. Leaving behind the cobblestones of My Nonno, Angelo Cafueri Southern Italy, Lacking such arrogance, my story cuts right he gambled that across many of the same issues, and I doubt America’s gold paved streets would make an I am alone. apt entrance for his family, once achieving It should be noted that the larger details enough prosperity to send for them. Siggy is an 8 yr. old, neutered male Solo is a friendly and energetic 2 yr. Whiskey is a very friendy cat who are mostly on the mark. Conversely, the It didn’t quite work out, and by the time orange tabby. He is very calm and old neutered male pit mix. He loves is looking for a loving home. He is smaller elements are probably suspect to the his wife and three children arrived, Vito was easy going, and is good with dogs, to play and go for runs. He is good good with dogs, cats & kids. Whiskey degraded childhood memories that diminish subsisting like most new immigrants. This cats & kids. with dogs, cats & kids. is a neutered male and is 2 yrs old. over time in us all. Such is history; it makes is reminiscent of parents who left Central To submit an adoption application or to inquire about other cats and dogs looking for homes, please contact for a better story anyway. America in hopes of establishing a better life My great grandfather Alfonso Monetti here before sending for their kids. [email protected] Page 18 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014

LEGAL NOTICES FAMILY COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Notice of formation of Mazhavil FM Radio LLC, a pose: any lawful activity COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles OFFICIAL 2014 of Organization filed with the NY State Secretary 1017 HOME STREET PROJECT, LLC Articles of PRIMARY ELECTION NOTICE In the Matter of a Proceeding Under of State on 05/21/2014. NY office location: West- Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/4/14 Office Article 10 of the Family Court Act chester County. The secretary of State is desig- in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC Pursuant to the provisions of upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall Section 4-118 of the Election nated as agent upon whom process against the MARKESTE BLAIR (d.o.b.6/7/14), Docket No.: NN- 08598-14 LLC may be served. The secretary of State shall mail copy of process to The LLC 8 Windward Ave Law, notice is hereby given that FU No. 119224 mail a copy of any such process against the LLC White Plains, NY 10605. Purpose: Any lawful ac- tivity. the official A Child Under Eighteen Years of Age to 1101 Midland Ave, Bronxville, NY 10708. Pur- Primary Election Alleged to be Neglected by pose: Any lawful activity ROBERTO ROBIN LLC Articles of Org. filed NY SUMMONS and INQUEST NOTICE Sec. of State (SSNY) 8/15/14 Office in Westches- will be held on TARRYTOWN VIEW LLC Articles of Org. filed NY SHADANA BENNETT, (Child Neglect Case) Sec. of State (SSNY) 5/20/13 Office in Westches- ter Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom September 9, 2014 process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of Respondent. ter Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom from 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The LLC 50 Montrose Rd Yonkers, NY NOTICE: PLACEMENT OF YOUR CHILD(REN) IN FOSTER CARE MAY RESULT IN YOUR LOSS OF YOUR process to The LLC 305 North Ave New Rochelle, 10710. Purpose: Any lawful activity. for enrolled voters of the RIGHTS TO YOUR CHILD(REN). IF YOUR CHILD(REN) STAYS IN FOSTER CARE FOR 15 OF THE MOST NY 10801 Purpose: Any lawful activity. SULTAC HOLDINGS LLC Authority filed with Secy. Democratic, Republican, RECENT 22 MONTHS, THE AGENCY MAY BE REQUIRED BY LAW TO FILE A PETITION(S) TO TER- LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT N. ROMANO PLLC Ar- of State of NY (SSNY) on 8/8/14. Office location: Conservative, Independence and MINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND TO COMMIT GUARDIANSHIP AND CUSTODY OF YOUR Westchester Co. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on CHILD(REN) TO THE AGENCY FOR THE PURPOSES OF ADOPTION. IN SOME CASES, THE AGENCY ticles of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 6/25/14 Green Parties in those political Office in Westchester Co. SSNY design. Agent of 6/24/14 SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon MAY FILE BEFORE THE END OF THE 15-MONTH PERIOD. IF SEVERE OR REPEATED CHILD ABUSE IS whom process against it may be served. SSNY subdivisions of Westchester for PROVEN BY CLEAR AND CONVINCING EVIDENCE, THIS FINDING MAY CONSTITUTE THE BASIS TO LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to The PLLC 15 North shall mail process to Attn: Robert Sperduto 15 which public offices are TERMINATE YOUR PARENTAL RIGHTS AND TO COMMIT GUARDIANSHIP AND CUSTODY OF YOUR Chester Ave White Plains, NY 10601. DE address CHILD(REN) TO THE AGENCY FOR THE PURPOSES OF ADOPTION. Mill St Nyack, NY 10960 Purpose: Any lawful ac- contested, as follows: tivity. of LLC: 3411 Silverside Rd #104 Wilmington, DE UPON GOOD CAUSE, THE COURT MAY ORDER AN INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE 19810. Arts. Of Org. filed with DE Secy. of State, PUBLIC OFFICE NON-RESPONDENT PARENT(s) SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS A RESPONDENT; IF THE COURT DE- 453 NORTH REALTY LLC Articles of Org. filed NY PO Box 898 Dover, DE 19903. Purpose: any lawful DEMOCRATIC PARTY TERMINES THE CHILD(REN) SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM HIS/HER HOME, THE COURT MAY ORDER Sec. of State (SSNY) 7/28/14 Office in Westches- activity. AN INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE NON-RESPONDENT PARENT(s) SHOULD BE ter Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom Governor process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of MOUNT AIRE CAPITAL LLC Articles of Org. filed SUITABLE CUSTODIANS FOR THE CHILD(REN); IF THE CHILD(REN) IS PLACED AND REMAINS IN NY Sec. of State (SSNY) 6/20/2014 Office in West- FOSTER CARE FOR FIFTEEN OF THE MOST RECENT TWENTY-TWO MONTHS, THE AGENCY MAY process to The LLC 10 W. Broad St Mount Vernon, Lieutenant Governor chester Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon BE REQUIRED TO FILE A PETITION(S) FOR TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THE PARENT(s) NY 10552. Purpose: Any lawful activity. New York State Senate AND COMMITMENT OF GUARDIANSHIP AND CUSTODY OF THE CHILD(REN) FOR THE PURPOSES whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail 34th Senatorial District OF ADOPTION, EVEN IF THE PARENT(s) WERE NOT NAMED AS RESPONDENTS IN THE CHILD NE- G MALPASS LLC Authority filed with Secy. of copy of process to The LLC 16 Tioga Lane Pleas- GLECT OR ABUSE PROCEEDING. State of NY (SSNY) on 6/4/14. Office location: antville, NY 10570. Purpose: Any lawful activity. Westchester Co. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) New York State Senate 179 BRONX HOLDING LLC Articles of Org. filed NY A NON-CUSTODIAL PARENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REQUEST TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CUSTODY on 6/3/14 SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon 36th Senatorial District Sec. of State (SSNY) 4/11/14 Office in Westches- OF THE CHILD(REN) AND TO SEEK ENFORCEMENT OF VISITATION RIGHTS WITH THE CHILD(REN). whom process against it may be served. SSNY New York State Assembly shall mail process to The LLC 12 Mohawk ST Rye, ter Co. SSNY design. Agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of 90th Assembly District A Petition under Article 10 of the Family Court Act having been filed with this Court, and annexed NY 10580. DE address of LLC: 1209 Orange ST hereto YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear before this Court at 111 Dr. Wilmington, DE 19801. Arts. Of Org. filed with DE process to The LLC 305 North Ave New Rochelle, Village of Mamaroneck Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., 3rd Floor Annex, White Plains, New York 10601, on OCTOBER 9, 2014, at Secy. of State, PO Box 898 Dover, DE 19903. Pur- NY 10801. Purpose: Any lawful activity. 10:00 o’clock in the x morning of that day to answer the petition and to be dealt with in accordance Trustee with Article 10 of the Family Court Act. Village of Ossining Upon your failure to appear as herein directed a warrant may be issued for your arrest and/or the Mayor Court may proceed to Inquest and hear and determine the petition as provided by law. WESTCHESTER DEMOCRATIC PARTY Dated: 8/ /14. ______/S/______GUARDIAN Clerk of Court MEMBER OF COUNTY LEGAL COMMITTEE Town of Rye ADVERTISING: District 28 City of Yonkers Send us your Ward 4, Districts 8,11 Legal Notices! Ward 7, Districts 3,4,25 Ward 8, Districts 2,15,24,26 Before speaking to the 914.576.1480 PUBLIC OFFICE 10:30AM-5PM REPUBLICAN PARTY George Weinbaum New York State Senate ATTORNEY AT LAW 40th Senatorial District BRONX APARTMENTS PUBLIC OFFICE FOR RENT CONSERVATIVE PARTY New York State Senate FREE CONSULTATION: Newly renovated Bronx Apartments for Rent 35th Senatorial District Near public transportation & shopping. Criminal, Medicaid/Medicare Fraud Matters INDEPENDENCE PARTY White-Collar Crime & Healthcare Prosecutions Rent includes heat & hot water. MEMBER OF COUNTY $25 non-refundable credit check. COMMITTEE Yonkers T. 914.948.0044 F.914.686.4873 1 BR Starting at $1150/Month Ward 7, District 9 3Br. Starting at $1600/Month PUBLIC OFFICE 175 MAIN ST., SUITE 711-7 • WHITE PLAINS, NY 10601 No Broker Fee • 24Hr on-site Super GREEN New York State Senate Call Maria: 40th Senatorial District 914.632.1230 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014 Page 19


Ethnic cleansing and mass slaughter, proud announcement of the mutilation From the Ashes of Iraq: Mesopotamia Rises Again and execution of captives as nearly religious By ALEXANDER H. JOFFE Nebuchadnezzar, destroyer of the temple expressions of power, arbitrary decisions to in Jerusalem. Similarly, ISIS’ claims to provision or starve captive populations—all The dissolution of the the Islamic “caliphate,” to the restoration these are ancient Mesopotamian patterns colonial creation named of glory and piety can be viewed through of conflict. Only the destruction of Islamic “Iraq” is now almost the same lens. In Mesopotamia, the past is religious buildings and sites by ISIS is truly complete. Perhaps what always charter. new; Mesopotamian dynasties were fastidi- comes next is a return to As concession to divisive reality, the ous about maintaining or restoring the cults the past; not a brutal Islamic “caliphate,” but Ottoman Turks had ruled Mesopotamia and temples of conquered city-gods, even something more basic with three administrative units, in which though the gods’ statues might “choose” to Today, Mesopotamia is reappearing. a bewildering assortment of ethnic groups dwell in the conqueror’s city. The term is a Greek word meaning “the coexisted uncomfortably. About the Sunni- Geography is the container for land between the two rivers.” TheTigris and dominated state created by Britain, their cultures and helps create their possibilities Euphrates Rivers are the defining features, “Iraq,” a revived medieval term, little more and limits. Iraq was always a figment, as each arising in mountains far to the north of need be said. The claptrap monarchy they well as an ideal held by people who, for a Baghdad. The rivers and their annual floods invented gave way to a repressive and few decades following the European style, defined the landscape, the cycle of life and then tyrannical “republic.” As it happened, thought of themselves as a nation-state. But the worldview of civilizations. The deserts America disposed of Saddam Hussein, underlying dynamics have proven stronger, to the west and the mountains to the east although the Arab Spring may have done and Iraq is no more. The ancient cauldron and far north provided rough boundar- container for civilizations that rose and group, the Sumerians. This dynasty created the same. In a historical irony, an act of returns and decades of warring tribes and ies and were liminal spaces related to the collapsed. Cultures invented writing and a fanatically integrated state, where temples, imperialist intervention thus undid a dynasties likely await. center, but yet separate and apart, sunbaked built the first cities, growing and shrink- palaces and estates spun elaborate networks previous one. and dangerous. Inside Mesopotamia was a First published by The National Interest on ing in response to changing river courses of supply and whose record keeping was So it is as well with Syria, now divided cauldron. August 20, 2014. and global climate. They conquered and unprecedented. As a territorial state, it into warring territories along lines familiar From the Sumerians of the third mil- were conquered, traded with surrounding was not far-flung; its core area extended three thousand years ago. Many, espe- Alex Joffe is editor ofThe Ancient Near lennium BCE through the Assyrian and regions, and formed a baggy but recogniz- only from modern Baghdad south to the cially ISIS itself, pointed to the vehement East Today, the monthly e-newsletter of the Babylonian civilizations of the second and able whole—what we call Mesopotamian Arabian Gulf, but it briefly reached into erasure of the so-called “Sykes-Picot” line, American Schools of Oriental Research. He first millennia BCE, to the Abbasids of the civilization. Iran and Assyria. the 1916 boundary between British and is also a Shillman-Ginsburg Fellow at the eighth century CE and until the arrival of Internal distinctions were paramount. Toward the end of the dynasty, French spheres of influence, from which Middle East Forum. the British in the early twentieth century, Babylonia in the south was dominated by however, ruler Su-Sin faced a growing the borders of Iraq and Syria were drawn. the space called Mesopotamia was the the rivers and the annual flood, irrigation threat, the Amorites. These Semitic- ISIS even bulldozed the berm that marked agriculture and seemingly unrelenting heat speaking peoples arose somewhere on the this mostly arbitrary line. Don’t Waste Your and mud. Assyria in the northern, rain-fed middle stretches of the Euphrates River The symbolism of Sykes-Picot in the The New Time Anywhere Else zone sat amidst undulating plains and foot- and surrounding steppe-lands in what minds of Westerners and Islamists alike is The New hills. Culturally, Babylonia was older and is, for now, called Syria. Amorites were telling, if nothing else, of the psychological more developed, the “heartland of cities” regarded with contempt and fear by the impact of the last century. Their borders, going back to 4000 BCE, a primacy that neo-Sumerians. It was said they did not drawn with thick pencils on imprecise Assyria acknowledged even in periods cultivate grain, nor did they cook their meat. maps, looked to the future, to a Middle when they dominated the south. By and They did not even bury their dead. East under Western domination. Iraq, and large, both shared the same deities and Whether this terrifying image was Syria, created holes where none existed. Open 7 Days A Week myths, the same aggressive tendencies, and correct or was something cultivated by Ur Iraq has fractured along traditional ClubNew York the same fear and loathing of surround- III scribes, Amorites themselves, or both lines; Kurdistan in the north, the Sunni ClubNew York ing regions. But competition, warfare and is unknown. But Su-Sin’s response was to regions around Baghdad and west toward NYC’s #1 NEW YORK’S repression were constant. build a wall—the “wall against the Martu,” the Euphrates and the Shiite regions of the NEW YORK’S For inhabitants, that is to say the kings perhaps 280 kilometers in length—to keep south. These correspond roughly to Assyria PREMIER and priests whose thoughts we read on clay the Amorites out. It didn’t work, any better and Babylonia, and the swing zones in TOPlESS PREMIER tablets many millennia later, Mesopotamia than other walls in antiquity designed to the middle over which they fought end- GENTLEMEN’S the whole, a unity of north and south, was keep barbarians out. The Ur III dynasty lessly. Hordes more terrifying than the SPORTS GENTLEMEN’S an ideal—the supreme prize, something collapsed and was followed by centuries of Amorites—judging from their tweets of CABARET overseen by the gods—to be aspired to and conflict between various dynasties. mass murder and crucifixion—rush in CABARETEscape Reality… claimed by quotidian rulers. But, much like Eventually, the Amorites took control, from the west while Persia struggles to BAR the idea of “Iraq,” it was conceptual, rather their most famous scion being Hammurabi defend its Shiite vassal state in Baghdad. • Gentlemen’s Club Escape to The VIP Club! than practical. The south often dominated Escape Reality… of Babylon. Like all Mesopotamian dynas- More of what is old is new again. • sushi RestauRant First Class Adult Entertainment, the north and vice versa, but never for very ties before and since, it was necessary to ISIS threatens the Haditha Dam on the SushiEscape Bar and to Lounge.The VIP Club! long. connect with the greater Mesopotamian Euphrates, which if destroyed, would unleash • Fine DininG FirstHAPPY Class HOUR Adult @ Entertainment,THE VIP! Then, as now, the neighbors were a tradition; Hammurabi’s lineage was catastrophic floods, much as the Assyrian NYC’s oNlY BoDY SUSHI Sushi2-For-1 Bar Drinks and Lounge. problem. One historical parallel seems espe- crafted to show he descended from ancient king Sargon II did in 710 BCE against rebel- Mon – Sat Before 9PM cially apposite today. TheThird Dynasty of kings and was the restorer of justice. lious Babylonian ruler Merodach-Baladan. HAPPY HOUR @ THE VIP! 252 West 43rd St. COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSION Ur was short-lived, existing from around Hammurabi’s famous “law code” described Cutting off the water supply, as ISIS did (Between 7th & 8th Ave.) FOR2-For-1 TWO Drinks WITH THIS PASS 2212 to 2004 BCE. It arose in southern him as the pious defender of widows and when it captured the Fallujah Dam earlier Mon – Sat Before 9PM Mesopotamia after the fall of the Semitic orphans, when in fact he was their maker. this year, is an even more ancient tactic; the 212-819-9300 20 W. 20th ST. (btwn 5th & 6th) COMPLIMENTARY ADMISSION Akkadian Empire and revived the culture No surprise that Saddam Hussein was cities of Lagash and Umma had fought a FOR212-633-1199 TWO WITH THIS PASS s of the original or dominant southern ethnic often depicted with Hammurabi and with water war around 2500 BCE. FREE ADMISSION WITH THIS PASS 20 W. 20th ST. (btwn 5th & 6th) 212-633-1199 s Page 20 THE WESTCHESTER GUARDIAN Thursday, SEPTEMBER 4, 2014

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