Africa in Revolt

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Africa in Revolt D l'IFTEEN CENTS A COPY . MessengerMARCH, 1922 . NO . 3 . DHOOCOODOHODOHODHOHOOLDHOOD ODHOHO The Crisis In Negro Business X Africa In Revolt CHCHOCO ,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 Tabb's Lunch and Grill 140th St. & Lenox Ave. lo NEW YORK CITY Tables for ladies , Cheerful even to babies . Open night and day Time to dine and to eat away . Subscribe to Home Phone Mornigside 9068 THE MESSENGER ARTHUR BRISBANE Funeral Director With CLINTON BROOKS " Entered as second class matter June 27, 1919 Phone Morningside 6924 at the post office at New York , N. Y. , under the Act of March 3, 1879. " 121 WEST 130TH STREET New York City NE Telephone : Audubon 3796 Olga Hotel ELFE 695 LENOX AVENUE , NEW YORK ( At 145th Street Subway Station ) A Select Transient and Family Hotel Hot and Cold Water in Each Room . Reasonable Rates . ED . H. WILSON , Proprietor March , 1922. ] THE MESSENGER 365 Royal Theatre 15th & SOUTH STS . PHILADELPHIA WHEN IN PHILADELPHIA The Most Handsome Colored Photoplay House in Go to the America . Olympia Stands in a class by itself in Philadelphia . Prominent for the high class Photoplays Theatre shown here and the high grade music fur nished by our $ 30,000 Moller Organ . FOR CO-OPERATION For information OR organising cooperative soetaties apply to CO -OPERATIVE LEAGUE OF AMERICA Street New York the finest, most gripping 2 West 13ch THE MESSENGER Published Monthly by the MESSENGER PUBLISHING CO ., Inc Largest Picture Main Office : 2305 Seventh Avenue , New York . Motion Telephone , Morningside 1996 Copy House of its kind in $1.50 per Year ibe . Der $2 Outside U. 8. 202. Outsido U. 8 . Philadelphia South . VOL . IV . MARCH , 1922 . NO . 3 . CONTENTS 367 1 . EDITORIALS BROAD & BAINBRIDGE STS . 2. ECONOMICS AND POLITICS 371 3. EDUCATION AND LITERATURE 374 376 4. LABOR WORLD 5. OPEN FORUM 377 6. Notes OF FRIENDS OF NEGRO FREEDOM 379 Entered As Second Class Mail , July 27, 1919 . Editors : A. PHILIP RANDOLPH CHANDLER OWEN Contributing Editors : GEORGE FRAZIER MILLER W. A. DOMINGO 366 THE MESSENGER [ March , 1922 . SIGN THE ROLL CALL From the Depths of Brave, Frozen Russia Comes This Most Terrible of Cries “ WE STARVE !” Will You Answer ? The next two months will be the most crucial . Now , Sign the Roll Call! everyday , 50,000 are dying ! Reports coming from Russia paint pitiful pictures . Here Give !! —the dying are eating their dead , there —mothers are The food your money will drowning their children to buy will carry with it the silence their heart -rending ROLL CALL BOOK in which cries for bread . The Russian YOUR name MUST appear . steppes are literally covered Your signature in this book with skeletons , the wasted will mark a permanent record bodies the prey of wolves . of your true friendship for How many more shall die Soviet Russia . Deposited in before YOU act ? the archives of Soviet Russia the Roll Call Book will con stitute a document treasured Immense cargoes of food by International Labor and MUST be shipped AT ONCE its Sympathizers . to save the starving . If the powers of the world would We want not only Herbert grant Soviet Russia credit Croly , Alvin Johnson , Francis and re -establish trade with Hackett , Philip Littell , Wal her , she could help herself ter Lippman , Robert Morss in this awful crisis . Until Lovett, John Dewey , Charles credit is extended YOU Beard to answer the ROLL MUST HELP , and if you CALL , but every reader of have helped before , then you New Republic must sign at must help again , and still once . Use the coupon below . again ! Those who help now will have aided Soviet Russia Collections All Messenger readers should 675,000,00 in her DIREST NEED . Collections made to date total $ · sign coupon . Money collections from workers ond others in sympathy with Soviet Russia , $400 , 000.00 Collections in food , clothes , medi cines , tools , estimated at $275,000.00 . It is your hands whether from Russia shall come the cry of joy and laughter this Spring or the terrible silence of millions of graves . Sign up ! Prove your sympathy for Soviet Russia by helping to succor its starving millions ! Prove that you stand for “Hands Of " -Except to Help ! For this great workers ' experiment may yet make the dream of all of us come true ! FRIENDS OF SOVIET RUSSIA 201 West 13th Street , New York City Endorsed by the Chicago , Detroit , Seattle , Tacoma , Toronto , Mon treal , Portland , Trenton , Minneapolis , Denver , Ogden, Mansfield , Richmond , Washington , Hartford, Binghamton , Rockford , San Diego, St. Paul , Belleville , Los Angeles Central Labor Councils and by hundreds of local unions and other workers ' organizations . Friends of Soviet Russia , Executive Committee Prof. H. W. L. Dana Bromy 201 West 13th Street , Allen S. Marguerite Prevey Jas . P. Cannon Jay G. Brown New York City . Dr. J. Wilenkin Rose Pastor Stokes Dr. Wm . Mendelson Hulet M. Wells My contribution for famine relief in Soviet Russia $ ... Caleb Harrison Wm . F. Dunne Engdahl which sum is herewith enclosed . Please insert coupon Dr. Leo S. Reichel J. ouis this Dr. J. W. Hartmann Dennis E. Batt with my signature in the ROLL CALL BOOK registering me Treasurer Alice Riggs Hunt as a friend of Soviet Russia in the hour of her greatest need . A. B. Martin Capt . Paxton Hibben National Secretary Charles Baker J. O. Bentall Name Advisory Committee Robert Minor Wm . Z. Foster Jack Carney Elmer T. Allison Mary Heaton Vorse Address Ludwig Lore Ella Reeve Bloor Edgar Owens Albert Rhys Williams City Max Eastman Elizabeth G. Flynn "Messenger ," March , 1922.) Read " Soviet Russia , " official organ of Friends of Soviet Russia , published fortnightly- $2.50 a year 367 March , 1922. ] THE MESSENGER - Editorials prison LET THE CLASS WAR- AND POLITICAL for relief and the support of dependent families prisoners help any may PRISONERS GO ! of and to who be released . 7. Co - operate with the I.W.W. in forming a local , HAPPILY redoubled efforts are being made to committee for general amnesty. .This committee force the government to let all persons out of should arrange a series of meetings designed to attract jail who are there for the violation of war - time laws . intelligent members of the community . Urge all ex Party , the The Socialist General Defense Committee isting in organizations your to co - city operate in the ; no and the Civil Liberties are sparing pains in campaign Union local ask each specifically to pass resolu a . a fighting general amnesty , for Petitions for mil tions and to send copies to President Harding Attor . signature being in 200 cities , lion are circulated ney General Daugherty the General Defense Commit It is to be commended also in the different bodies tee of the I. W. W. and the National Office of the working political prisoners for the freedom of that Socialist Party . they particularly stressing case of the are the I.W.W. , 8. Urge general amnesty not individual clemency . group especially singled that has been out for un , it , Urge as a as an not concession nor act of grace merited government persecution . but as a matter of justice . In all appeals or discus Judiciary It very timely the Com was stated before sions emphasize these facts : , , holding a hearing on amnesty mittee that the rich ( a ) All other nations have released their war have nothing to fear from the law citing the case of prisoners . a slight he released as spies in Nobbe who was for illness after ( b ) All persons actually convicted the in a . I. was jail for few months The W. W's must United States have been set free . be ready to is almost die before clemency even con ( c ) Peace with our late enemies has been officially . testimony of ex - sidered for them The two service declared . , , of Legion in men members the American the interest ( d ) The Espionage Act has been repealed . of amnesty something of introduced the dramatic ( e ) The 98 Industrial Workers of the World still into the hearing . in Leavenworth are now serving sentences solely for by These efforts are re - enforced a forceful address their opinions . All charges pertaining to alleged in by of Eugene of general am Victor Debs for the cause dustrial offenses were reversed the Appeals Courts . nesty . Add to these a children's crusade to Washington to HAITI tell President Harding why he should let their fathers . HAITI is America's Corea and Ireland The atroci , come home to them and their mothers and the most ties committed by the American Marines upon the , callous indifferent and unconcerned should be ready Haitians are comparable only to the ravages of the : as - eager to co operate follows and , ; ; British in Ireland India the Belgians in the Congo , 1. Urge President Harding to grant amnesty either is . Imperialism and Japan in Corea American veri by to . telegram or letter Be sure include substantial , tably running riot in Haiti . Its brutality hypocrisy facts as the basis for release . and sinister motives have been exposed by the white . to or 2. Telegraph write immediately the Hon . began light of publicity time and again The Nation , Andrew J. Volstead Chairman of the Committee on the exposé by despatching James Weldon Johnson , , , Judiciary House of Representatives Washington and Herbert J. Seligman to Haiti to inquire into the , urging the immediate release of all political D.C. up by American occupation , which was followed Dr. , prisoners thus giving support to those who will appear Arthur Gruenig's work in Haiti during the McCor in belialf of the political prisoners at the public hear in mick Committee's investigation of conditions the , ing on the 16th of before this committee month in this of black republic .
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