ARTIODÁCTILOS DE SOSSÍS (EOCENO SUPERIOR, PREPIRINEO) 123 ARTIODÁCTILOS DEL YACIMIENTO DE SOSSÍS (EOCENO SUPERIOR, CUENCA PREPIRENAICA, PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA) Miguel Angel CUESTA RUÍZ-COLMENARES1,2, Lluís CHECA SOLER3 y M.ª Lourdes CASANOVAS CLADELLAS3,4 1 Plaza de León, 5, 3ºE, 34005 Palencia, macuesta@agro, 2 Departamento de Geología y Sala de Las Tortugas, Facultad de Ciencias (Uni- versidad de Salamanca), Plaza de los Caídos, S/N, 37008 Salamanca 3 Institut de Paleontologia “M. Crusafont”, Sabadell (Barcelona),
[email protected] 4 Calle Sant Jaume, 11, 2n, 2a. 08192 Sant Quirze del Vallès, Barcelona Cuesta Ruíz-Colmenares, M.A., Checa Soler, L. & Casanovas Cladellas, M.L. 2006. Artiodáctilos del yacimiento de Sossís (Eoceno superior, Cuenca Prepirenaica, Península Ibérica). [Artiodactyla from Sossís bed (upper Eocene, Prepyrenean Basin, Iberian Peninsula).] Revista Española de Paleontología, 21 (2), 123-144. ISSN 0213-6937. ABSTRACT In this work the artiodactyls from the Sossís bed (lower Headonian, Prepyrenean basin, Iberian Peninsula) are described and fi gured. Six species belonging to six genera and three families are identifi ed: Cebochoeridae (Cebo- choerus helveticus and Acotherulum sp.), Anoplotheriidae (Dacrytherium ovinum) and Xiphodontidae (Leptothe- ridium lugeoni, Xiphodon intermedium and Haplomeryx euzetensis). Sossís and the close locality of Roc de Santa are the beds where X. intermedium is better documented. The genus Acotherulum, is identifi ed for the fi rst time. Catodontherium and Dichodon, previously identifi ed in Sossís, have been classifi ed as belonging to other known species in the bed. The Sossís artiodactyls association confi rmes it as belonging to the lower Headonian, reference level of Fons 4 (MP 17 a), since the same species that in the French and Swiss beds of the above mentioned level are present.