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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139 www.elsevier.nl/locate/palaeo

The ± from Western and their environment

C. Blondel*

Laboratoire de GeÂobiologie, Biochronologie et PaleÂontologie Humaine, CNRS UMR 6064, Faculte des Sciences Fondamentales et AppliqueÂes, Universite de Poitiers, 40, avenue du Recteur Pineau, F-86022 Poitiers Cedex, France Received 16 March 1999; received in revised form 28 September 2000; accepted for publication 6 October 2000

Abstract A survey of ungulates from Western Europe is drawn up from the results of previous work on the lineages of this period and from new data on two groups particularly representative of the Oligocene ungulate fauna: the and the based on new material collected in localities of the Quercy Phosphorites. The history of ungulates from Western Europe at the Eocene±Oligocene transition is marked by different phases of and origination related to environmental changes. In this perspective, the relative diversity of groups and the modi®cations of their tooth morphology, which re¯ect a diet change, resulting from vegetation modi®cations are analysed from the Early Eocene to the Late Oligocene. In Western Europe, the Late Eocene and the Early Oligocene was a period of transition with an important change in faunal and ¯oral composition. The diversity analysis of ungulates suggests that the Grande Coupure is the result of gradual climatic and geographic events that occurred from the Middle Eocene (Mammalian Paleogene (MP)13/14 reference levels) to the Early Oligocene (MP 21/22 reference levels). During this period, it has been demonstrated that important adaptive changes occurred in the ungulate dental pattern (selenodonty in artiodactyls, semihypsodonty in perissodactyls), and appendicular skeleton (fusion of the cuboid and navicular bones of the tarsus in artiodactyls). These morphological modi®cations coincided with environmental changes that were less extreme than in . q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Paleogene; Artiodactyl; Perissodactyl; Diversity; Diet

1. Introduction 1977, 1979; Legendre and Hartenberger, 1992; Blondel, 1996). This event corresponds to the Grande A turnover in terrestrial and marine biota that Coupure as de®ned by Stehlin (1909). Numerous re¯ects signi®cant changes in ocean circulation and autochthonous lineages became extinct and Asian global climate (Cavelier, 1979; Berggren and immigrants particularly the ruminants (Blondel, Prothero, 1992; Pomerol and Premoli-Silva, 1986; 1997), appeared in Western Europe at the Eocene± Prothero, 1989; Prothero, 1994a,b) occurred around Oligocene boundary (Lopez and Thaler, 1974). This the Eocene±Oligocene transition. turnover is the result of important paleo-geographical In Western Europe, this period is characterized by changes: a land connection occurring between Europe an important turnover in mammalian faunas (Brunet, and Asia caused by a marine regression (Haq et al., 1987) and by the TurgaõÈ Straits closure (Pomerol, * Tel.: 15-49-45-3925; fax: 15-49-45-4017. 1967), and the formation of a corridor in southeast E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Blondel). Europe (Heissig, 1979; Ducrocq, 1995).

0031-0182/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0031-0182(00)00252-2 126 C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139

Fig. 1. Evolution of ungulate generic diversity in Europe during the Eocene and the Oligocene.

The Paleogene mammalian faunas have been climatic and vegetational changes during the Paleo- analysed over the last ten years on the basis of abun- gene in Western Europe. Therefore, on the basis of dant dated material collected in Germany, England new systematic data on the Oligocene ruminants and in the Quercy Phosphorites karstic localities of (Sudre and Blondel, 1996; Blondel, 1997) and the southwestern France that were exploited for twenty European autochthonous forms, the post Grande ®ve years. Then, the study of some Paleogene Coupure Cainotheriidae (Blondel, 1996), the previous lineages led to elaboration of a reference level analyses are extended to the determination of the scale (Mammalian Paleogene (MP), see Fig. 1) ungulate diet which is based on dental characters de®ned at the Mainz Symposium in 1987 (Schmidt- such as cusp shape and hypsodonty and on types of Kittler, 1987; Aguilar et al., 1997). Study of mamma- digestive physiologies. From all the characters, ®ve lian faunal evolution during the Paleogene has categories have been established, roughly linked with pointed out the diversi®cation phases in different ungulate diet and environment. mammalian groups such as ungulates or rodents In this study, evolution of the speci®c diversity, and (Vianey-Liaud and Legendre, 1986; Vianey-Liaud, changes in the diet of the artiodactyls and perissodac- 1991; Sudre and Legendre, 1992). From community tyls between the Early Eocene and the Late Oligocene analyses, correlations have also been established are analysed. These results will be compared with between these phases of originations and previous works on European (Legendre, 1987; with the important environmental changes that Legendre et al., 1991; Sudre and Legendre, 1992; occurred from the Middle Eocene to the Early Oligo- Leduc, 1996) and North American faunas of the cene (Legendre, 1986, 1987; Legendre et al., 1991; same age (Cifelli, 1981; Janis, 1989, 1993, 1998; Sudre and Legendre, 1992). Prothero and Heaton, 1996; Stucky, 1995). These The purpose of this paper is to study precisely the results give new information on ungulate evolutionary relationships between the evolution of ungulates and history from the Paleogene of Western Europe. They C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139 127 also bring a new point of view on the Eocene±Oligo- herbivorous (Janis, 1989). For the fossils, cene extinction crisis. the evolution of dental morphology is related to the dietary modi®cations that are in turn connected to physiological changes in the process of digestion. 2. Materials and methods Different analyses based on comparisons with extinct forms were proposed to interpret these fossils in this 2.1. Diversity analyses way (Janis, 1989, 1995; Langer, 1987; Vianey-Liaud, 1991). Thus, ®ve feeding categories have been distin- The diversity of artiodactyls and perissodactyls guished roughly. They are based on the cusp shape, is analysed from the Early Eocene to the Late the hypsodonty and the main types of digestive Oligocene. In to make an inventory of the Paleo- physiologies established from extant species with gene ungulate lineages, different works and syntheses known diet. The changes in tooth crown height and on some systematic groups were taken into considera- cusp shape of the cheek teeth are related to the relative tion: the Eocene Equoidea (Hooker, 1989, 1994; Fran- amount of ®bre in the diet in a wide variety of herbi- zen, 1995); the Eocene Ceratomorpha (Fischer, 1964; vores. A generalized frugivore/omnivore has brachy- Dedieu, 1976); the Eocene artiodactyls (Sudre et al, dont cheek teeth with rounded cusps, the red colobus 1983; Sudre and Marandat, 1993; Sudre and Erfurt, monkey which eats more fruits has more developed 1996; Erfurt and Haubold, 1989; Erfurt, 1995; Erfurt crests. A frugivore/folivore as the lesser mouse and Sudre, 1995a,b, 1996; Smith et al. 1996); the (bunoselenodont artiodactyl) or the tree hyrax (buno- Oligocene ungulates, namely the Entelodontidae lophodont perissodactyl) has brachydont cheek teeth (Brunet, 1979); the (Hellmund, 1992); the with crests and lophs. The increase of ®bre in the diet (Hellmund, 1991); the coincides with the development of crests and lophs (Brunet and JeÂhenne, 1989; ReÂmy, and the hypsodonty. A folivore as the impala has 1995); the ruminants (Bouvrain et al., 1986; Sudre, mesodont selenodont cheek teeth. Grazers such as 1986; Sudre and Blondel, 1996; Blondel, 1997); the the wildebeest and the common zebra have hypsodont Cainotheriidae (Sudre, 1995); and the updated faunal selenodont cheek teeth and hypsodont plagiolopho- lists or the monographs of Paleogene localities (ReÂmy dont cheek teeth, respectively (Janis, 1989, 1995, et al., 1987; Legendre, 1989; JeÂhenne and Brunet, ®g. 5.2). These observations on teeth of living species 1992; de Bonis, 1995a). with known diet allow different groups of Paleogene The speci®c diversity is established from faunas ungulates to be classi®ed. For this analysis, the belonging to a restricted bio-geographical area (south- geographic area is Western Europe. ern France) in order to avoid the provincial effects Category 1. Artiodactyls with brachyodont and observed in some groups, and the correlation bunodont cheek teeth might have had a frugivor- problems between the Western European province ous±omnivorous diet with little or no fermentation localities (Legendre et al., 1991). The scarcity of of cellulose in a forestomach (Janis, 1976). This cate- ungulates in some reference level localities (MP 12, gory includes the Diacodexiedae, the Dichobunidae, MP 15, MP 27) or the absence of ungulate bearing- the Cebochoeridae, the Choeropotamidae, the Suidae, localities in the MP 24 reference level required the Tayassuidae, the Entelodontidae, and also some combining each of these reference levels with the primitive Haplobunodontidae. succeeding one, except for the MP 15 reference Category 2. Artiodactyls with a lophed structure on level, which cannot be associated. their brachyodont molars that pre®gure the seleno- 2.2. Dental pattern analyses donty. The bunoselenodont forms that appeared at the MP 11/12 reference levels were adapted to a The numerous originations and extinctions within mixed frugivorous/folivorous diet (Janis, 1995). The ungulates re¯ect the important adaptive changes selenodont forms that are known from the MP 14 that can occur in their physiology, their dental func- reference level had a folivorous diet. This category tion, and their locomotion. The type of digestive includes some primitive families that appeared physiology is a critical aspect of the biology of an in the Middle Eocene: the Dacrytheriidae, the 128 C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139

Fig. 2. Evolution of ungulate speci®c diversity during the Eocene and the Oligocene.

Mixtotheriidae, the , and the Oligocene Category 3. Artiodactyls with selenodont cheek Anthracotheriidae. Other forms with more selenodont teeth such as the extant Tragulidae. These small- cheek teeth such as the Cainotheriidae, the Amphimer- sized ruminants have a poorly developed fermenta- ycidae and the also belong to this cate- tion, but they have the capacity to handle a greater gory. According to Janis (1989), the Cainotheriidae, degree of ®bre in the diet than non- herbi- together with the Amphimerycidae, would have had a vores (Category 1 and 2). The include a few digestive physiology close to that of the extant Traguli- genera (Lophiomeryx and Bachitherium) with tetrase- dae. However, they preserve a primitive tooth pattern in lenodont upper molars. They are characterized by their upper molars with ®ve cusps. Their physiology several primitive features such as the lack of entocris- differed from that of the extant Tragulidae because of tid on lower premolars, non-alignment of the astraga- their very small size (see discussion). They are closer to lus trochlea (Brunet and Sudre, 1987; Martinez and the forms included in the second category, and thus they Sudre, 1995). However, the species Lophiomeryx differ from those included in the third category. The chalaniati, Bachitherium curtum, B. lavocati and B. Xiphodontidae that have ®ve cusps are included into cf. insigne, which had an estimated body weight the second category. The xiphodontid Dichodon higher than 5 kg (Blondel, 1998), might have devel- has four cusped selenodont molars like those of rumi- oped rumination. Most of them might have been nants that are included in the third category. However, adapted to a folivorous diet (see discussion further). the genus Dichodon has small lateral folds on upper Category 4. including forms with brachyo- molars, a strong posterior cingulum and a postentocris- dont and tetraselenodont cheek teeth, which signi®- tid distal extension on lower molars as in the Amphi- cantly modi®ed some parts of their dentition (loss of merycidae or Robiacina. According to these features, upper incisors, incisor-like canines, large diastema the Xiphodontidae (s. l.) are included in the second between C and P/2, presence of lower premolar ento- category. cristid). Most of them were adapted to a folivorous C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139 129

Fig. 3. Evolution of speci®c diversity in perissodactyls during the Eocene and the Oligocene. diet (Janis, 1995). The forestomach fermentation of semihypsodonty indicate a diet composed of more might have been strongly developed and the cud ®brous , although the microwear study in the was chewed. semihypsodont palaeothere Plagiolophus suggests Category 5. The last category includes Perissodac- that this genus was a browser (Collinson and Hooker, tyla, which are hindgut fermenters. The Early 1991). These characteristics are much more marked Eocene forms such as Equoidea (Prothero and in the Oligocene Rhinocerotidae and the Amynodon- Schoch, 1989) are characterised by their prelopho- tidae (see discussion). dont molars. This group was categorized as mixed frugivore/ browser (Collinson and Hooker, 1987). The large-sized perissodactyls, such as the 3. Results Lophiodontidae and the Hyrachyidae, with bilopho- dont teeth were adapted to a folivorous diet. The The generic and speci®c diversity analyses (Figs. 1 selenolophodonty developed in some groups in the and 2) suggest that the two orders evolved at the same Middle Eocene was also adapted to a frugivorous/ time in Europe, as Cifelli (1981) showed for the North folivorous diet, as indicated by the well conserved American ungulates. Although the number of perisso- stomach contents of from Messel dactyls strongly decreased and that of bunoselenodont (Sturm, 1978). At the end of the Middle Eocene, and selenodont artiodactyls increased at the same time molarization of the premolars and the development (Fig. 5), artiodactyls and perissodactyls evolved 130 C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139

Fig. 4. Evolution of speci®c diversity in artiodactyls during the Eocene and the Oligocene. independently despite the ecological similarity and artiodactyls appeared at the beginning of the Early their convergence of dental pattern. They had differ- Eocene (MP 7 reference level), the former with the ent digestive physiology (Janis, 1989) and probably equoids and tapiromorphs (Hooker, 1994), the latter they did not share exactly the same adaptive zone with the Diacodexeidae (Figs. 3 and 4). The same (Sudre and Legendre, 1992). Moreover, the generic situation is observed in North America that was diversity of artiodactyls is much higher than that of connected to Western Europe by Greenland and perissodactyls (Fig. 1). This might be due to the Scotland at that time. The geographical origin of heterogeneity of artiodactyl dental characters with these two groups is unknown, although several respect to the homogeneity of perissodactyl dental different hypotheses have been advanced (e.g. pattern. Estravis and Russell, 1989; Gingerich, 1989; Smith The main episodes of the evolutionary history of et al., 1996; Beard, 1998). The paleobotanical data these two groups seem to coincide. From the Middle (Chateauneuf, 1986; Ollivier-Pierre et al., 1987) and Eocene to the Late Oligocene, the general decrease in the marine d 18O isotopic curve (Zachos et al., 1993) ungulate speci®c diversity (Fig. 2) can be correlated indicate a warm climate and a drier environment with the major global cooling (Zachos et al., 1993, during the Early Eocene, which coincide with the 1994). The evolution of the artiodactyl and perisso- diversi®cation of artiodactyls and perissodactyls. dactyl speci®c diversity shows that the importance of During the Early Eocene, the opening of the North both groups depends on factors such as geography and Atlantic Ocean stopped the communication between climate (Legendre, 1987; Legendre and Hartenberger, North America and Europe (MacKenna, 1980, 1992; Janis, 1989, 1993; Sudre and Legendre, 1992). 1983a, b). Thus, the European fauna became strongly From the known fossil record, perissodactyls and endemic (Hartenberger, 1983, 1987). Among C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139 131

Fig. 5. Evolution of percentages of ungulate species of different dietary types during the Eocene and the Oligocene: (1) Artiodactyls with brachydont bunodont cheek teeth and with little or no fermentation; (2) Artiodactyls with brachydont lophed molars, with bunoselenodont and selenodont cheek teeth, and with forestomach fermentation; (3) Ruminants with little developed fermentation; (4) Ruminants with developed forestomach fermentation plus cud-chewing; (5) Perissodactyls with hindgut fermentation.

Fig. 6. Evolution of diet in perissodactyls in Europe during the Eocene and the Oligocene. 132 C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139 perissodactyls, the , the Lophiodontidae and with a tropical climate. Floral evidence shows that the theHyrachyidaebecamediversi®edattheendofthe forests at the beginning of Middle Eocene were tropi- Early Eocene (MP 10 reference level). They included cal and paratropical (Collinson and Hooker, 1987; at least 70% of the total ungulate species fauna and Collinson, 1992). The Palaeotheriidae, the Dacryther- 80% were frugivorous (Figs. 5 and 6). This diversi- iidae and the Mixtotheriidae diversi®ed at the MP 14 ®cation also occurred among the artiodactyls deriv- reference level together with the ®rst selenodont artio- ing from that was the ancestor of dactyls, the Xiphodontidae (Haplomeryx and Dicho- different lineages during this period (Sudre et al., don) and the Amphimerycidae (Pseudamphimeryx), 1983). which appeared at that time. During this period (the During the Middle Eocene, the evolution of Equoi- end of the Lutetian), artiodactyl diversity is the high- dea showed that an important episode in the history of est while several Palaeotheriidae lineages originated this group occurred at the MP 13 reference level with among the perissodactyls. These episodes of diversi- the origination of the Palaeotheriidae (Plagiolophus ®cation coincide with a ¯oristic change that indicates and ) characterized by teeth that were a cooling and a drying around the MP 13/14 reference much more hypsodont than those of contemporaneous levels (Collinson et al., 1981; Janis, 1993). Equidae (Franzen, 1995). The maximum diversity in At the Middle Eocene/Late Eocene boundary, the Lophiodontidae lineages is observed at this reference Equidae decreased, whereas the Lophiodontidae level (Fig. 3). became extinct at the MP 16 reference level. The During this period, an important diversi®cation of Palaeotheriidae Leptolophus, which is characterized artiodactyls also occurred with the appearance of the by a marked hypsodonty and the artiodactyls Robia- Dichobunidae, Dacrytheriidae, Cebochoeridae, and cina and Robiatherium, appeared at this reference Haplobunodontidae. The perissodactyl species level. The two latter genera pre®gured more recent number was higher than that of the frugivorous/foli- groups such as the Cainotheriidae and the Anoplother- vorous artiodactyls, and their diversity increased with iidae (Diplobune and ) known at the respect to that of the omnivorous/frugivorous artio- MP18 reference level. During this period (Middle dactyls (Fig. 7). These episodes seem to be correlated Eocene/Late Eocene), the vegetation was less tropical

Fig. 7. Evolution of diet in artiodactyls in Europe during the Eocene and the Oligocene. C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139 133 than earlier. The subtropical evergreens were domi- Anoplotheriidae (Diplobune), and the Amphimeryci- nant (Collinson and Hooker, 1987; Collinson, 1992). dae (Amphimeryx) (Legendre et al., 1995). Only the At the beginning of Late Eocene (MP 16/17 refer- lineages of Dichobune, Metriotherium and Diplobune ence levels), the percentage of perissodactyls (70% of persisted during the Late Oligocene. Although small folivorous forms) decreased, whereas that of frugivor- ruminants appeared (see above) and small artiodactyls ous/folivorous (bunoselenodont) and folivorous (sele- (Amphimerycidae) were already present, the nodont) artiodactyls increased with the appearance of Cainotheriidae rapidly diversi®ed in the Early Oligo- Anoplotherium and the Cainotheriidae (MP 18 refer- cene (Blondel, 1996). Their must have been ence level) and of the ®rst Asian immigrants: the specialized: their brachyo-selenodont molars suggest Anthracotheriidae (Elomeryx crispus) at the MP 18 a frugivorous/folivorous diet, but they might have reference level (Hellmund, 1991) and the been more generalist feeders. The Entelodontidae, Phaneromeryx (P. gelyensis from St GeÂly, MP 19). the anthracotheriid , the gelocid This immigration was a consequence of modi®cation Gelocus, the suid Palaeochoerus, the Rhinocerotidae, of the European paleogeography. At the Eocene± the Hyracodontidae, and also the Tapiridae appeared Oligocene boundary, Europe was in connection with at the MP 21 reference level. The MP 22 reference Asia because of the drying of the TurgaõÈ Straits level was marked by an important diversi®cation of (Pomerol, 1967), and because a drop in sea level ruminants with the appearance of the Lophiomeryci- occurred worldwide (Haq et al., 1987). Corridors of dae, the Bachitheriidae and the Gelocidae such as the migration might have been open between Asia and small Pseudogelocus scotti. The discovery of this southeastern Europe (Balkan archipelago, Iran, species in a Quercy locality (Mas de Got, MP 22 Anatolia) during the Late Eocene (Heissig, 1979; reference level) challenged the hypothesis (JeÂhenne, Ducrocq, 1995). 1985) that these small-sized forms were only repre- No correlation can be drawn between the decrease sented in southern Germany (Sudre and Blondel, in diversity of perissodactyls and the increase in 1996). The ruminants are characterised by tetrasele- immigrant ruminants, very few of which appeared nodont upper molars, the loss of all upper incisors and before the Grande Coupure (Phaneromeryx) and the the fusion of the cuboid and navicular bones in the increase in selenodont autochthonous artiodactyls tarsus. The latter feature that unites the Ruminantia (Xiphodontidae, Amphimerycidae). This great change was present in the autochthonous Amphimerycidae. in diversity can be correlated with the important This family had derived features such as very elon- climatic change which occurred at the Late Eocene± gated premolars, and primitive features such as sele- Early Oligocene. The European ¯ora suggests a drier nodont triangular upper molars with ®ve cusps. The climate with marked seasonality, and the tropical and Amphimerycidae were very small sized artiodactyls subtropical forests was replaced by temperate, mixed (about 0.4±1.5 kg, according to Martinez and Sudre, deciduous ¯oras that led the habitats to become more 1995), and they probably were not ruminants (Janis, open (Collinson and Hooker, 1987; Ollivier-Pierre et 1976). They became extinct in the Early Oligocene al., 1987; Gruas-Cavagnatto, 1974). This ¯ora did not (Legendre et al., 1995), probably due to competition show variations of cooling and drying as extreme as with other small ruminants. The last species Amphi- those that occurred in North America (Wolfe, 1978, meryx riparius might have subsisted in the Ronzon 1985; Prothero, 1994b; Wing, 1998), because Europe locality (MP 21 reference level) (Stehlin, 1909). was an archipelago in the tropical Tethys Sea The important global cooling due to the ocean (Pomerol, 1967; Berggren and Prothero, 1992). circulation change, particularly the development of The Eocene±Oligocene transition (MP 20/21 refer- cold bottom waters from poles (Miller, 1992) which ence levels) was marked by the extinction of several occurred in the Early Oligocene, may be correlated artiodactyl families: the Hyperdichobuninae, Choero- with a decrease in ungulate diversity. However, the potamidae, Xiphodontidae. Some autochthonous latter was not marked because it was compensated for artiodactyls persisted at the Grande Coupure: the by the arrival of several Asian immigrants. The Dichobunidae (Dichobune and Metriotherium), Cebo- appearance and the morphological features of some choeridae (Cebochoerus), Dacrytheriidae (Tapirulus), perissodactyls and artiodactyls suggest an opening of 134 C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139 their habitat that seems to have been more marked at ruminants. These analyses of ungulate diversity tend the beginning of the Late Oligocene. The amynodon- to con®rm the results of Leduc (1996), who does not tidae, more hypsodont perissodactyls, appeared at the observe major diversity decrease of the whole MP 22 reference level, and the Chalicotheriidae at European mammalian fauna during the Eocene± the MP 23 reference level (de Bonis, 1995b,c). In Oligocene transition, as it was compensated for by the Amynodontidae (Cadurcotherium, MP 25 refer- the immigration of Asian groups from the Late ence level), the presence of cement and higher tooth Eocene onwards. After having studied the Late crowns suggests a diet composed of very abrasive Eocene±Early Oligocene mammalian fauna in North elements such as grit, silica phytoliths. The America, in particular the speci®c diversity of palaeotheriid Plagiolophus became extinct at the from the White River Group in the High MP 25 reference level, and only the rhinocerotidae Plains, Prothero and Heaton (1996) suggested that diversi®ed in the Late Oligocene (de Bonis and the majority of mammalian lineages persisted during Brunet, 1995). The entelodontids became extinct this period. They showed that there were no real adap- probably at the MP 24 reference level and the tive changes in many mammalian species in response anoplotheriids disappeared at the MP 27 reference to the vegetation that changed from dense forests to level. Stability seems to have been observed in the open forested grassland (Retallack, 1992). However, evolution of the Suidae between the Early Oligocene in Western Europe, it has been demonstrated that and the Late Oligocene (Hellmund, 1992). Primitive important adaptive changes occurred in the dental ruminants such as the Lophiomerycidae, Bachitherii- pattern and the appendicular skeleton of ungulates dae, which represented 30% of the ungulate species at and that they coincided with climatic and geographic the MP 24/25 reference levels, and the gelocidae events less extreme than in North America. During the became extinct at the beginning of the Late Oligocene Middle Eocene, the appearance of premolar molariza- (MP 28 reference level). They were replaced by other tion and the development of semihypsodonty (Lepto- Asian immigrants, the moschid Dremotherium quer- lophus) in perissodactyls and of selenodonty in cyi and the (MP 27/28 reference artiodactyls (Amphimerycidae, Xiphodontidae) indi- levels). cate a diet composed of more ®brous elements, corre- lated with the less tropical climate. At the beginning of the Late Eocene, some groups such as the Amphi- 4. Discussion and conclusions merycidae, which fused the cuboid and navicular bones of the tarsus, were adapted to a more open From these data and previous studies (Sige and habitat and the appearance of seasonality. Moreover, Vianey-Liaud, 1979; Legendre, 1987; Legendre and many frugivous/folivorous archaic families (Haplobu- Hartenberger, 1992), the Late Eocene to Early Oligo- nodontidae, Hyperdichobuninae, Mixtotheriidae) and cene was a period of transition with important changes folivorous groups (Dacrytheriidae, Xiphodontidae, in faunal and ¯oral composition. The results lead us to Choeropotamidae) became extinct before and after infer that the Grande Coupure was not an extinction the Grande Coupure (MP 20/MP 21 reference levels). crisis, but corresponded to a complex event, which Other families such as the more generalist Cainother- can be separated into different waves of extinction iidae or the omnivorous/insectivorous Dichobunidae and origination, resulting from progressive climatic survived at the beginning of the Early Oligocene. and geographic events that occurred from the Middle From paleo-botanical data (Leopold et al., 1992; Eocene (the end of the Lutetian, MP 13/14 reference Wing, 1998), this period corresponds to a global dras- levels) to the Early Oligocene (MP 21/22 reference tic cooling and a drying. The study of paleosols of levels). These results improve upon those of previous North America (Retallack, 1992) indicate the devel- studies on ungulates of Western Europe (Sudre and opment of woody savannas in some areas of that Legendre, 1992), mainly because of the more abun- continent. In Western Europe, we observe the dant fossil record and because of new data on the presence of conifers, temperate woodlands and in autochthonous groups such as the Late Eocene± some areas of France, the occurrence of savanna Oligocene Cainotheriidae and on the Asian immigrant Umbelliferae (Ollivier-Pierre et al., 1987). The C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139 135 appearance of more hypsodont rodents (Issiodoromys, the Early (Wolfe, 1985; Roiron, 1992), but Vianey-Liaud, 1991) and the mammalian community some open areas with C3 plants have been reported analyses (Legendre, 1986, 1987) also suggest a drier during the Oligocene (Ollivier-Pierre et al., 1987; habitat in France during the Early Oligocene. In Blondel et al., 1997). It is thus possible to infer that response to these environmental modi®cations, some a mosaic of landscapes with temperate and coniferous perissodactyls developed hypsodonty (Cadurcother- forest, woodland, more open areas occurred in ium), but the ruminants retained their brachyodont Western Europe, during the Oligocene. Some frugi- condition during the Oligocene. Among the artiodac- vorous and folivorous ungulates lived in these forests tyls, some species such as Lophiomeryx chalaniati, and woodland, and others such as Cadurcotherium, Gelocus communis, Bachitherium curtum, Bachither- Bachitherium lavocati, Prodremotherium elongatum ium cf. insigne and Dremotherium quercyi may have and Lophiomeryx mouchelini most likely lived in been folivorous. The appendicular skeleton of G. more open habitats, feeding on shrubs and C3 herbs. communis and B. curtum indicate that they may The dental abrasion in ungulates can result from the have lived in wooded to semi-aquatic habitats. L. accumulation of grit on the food and the presence of chalaniati may have lived on swamp sides, and B. opaline phytoliths contained in plants (monocots, and insigne and D. quercyi may have lived in light forests also dicots) (Baker et al., 1959; Janis, 1988; Piperno, (Blondel, 1998). In contrast, evidence that, Prodre- 1989) and from the quantity of siliceous particles in motherium elongatum and Bachitherium lavocati these plants. This quantity is more important in may have lived in a more open habitat than the grasses (Stebbins, 1981; Macnaughton et al., 1985). previous species, and the preliminary study on the These authors suggested that a co-evolution exists tooth microwear of Lophiomeryx mouchelini (Blon- between the and grasses, resulting in del, 1996) both suggest that these species may have higher concentrations of silica (as a defence been grazers or mixed feeders, rather than browsers, mechanism) in heavily grazed areas. It can be or alternatively that grit may have been included in assumed that during the Oligocene the degree of their diets. Modern grasslands are characterised by hypsodonty in some hindgut fermenters (Rhinoceroti- Gramineae, forbs and few low shrubs and woody dae) was higher than in ruminants because they plants (Macfadden, 1997). Most present-day grasses ingested much more C3 herbs than the latter, and and grassland biomes in tropical and temperate because of the difference in digestive physiology climates involve C4 plants. The trees, shrubs, and between perissodactyls and artiodactyls. A ruminant high altitude and high latitude grasses are C3 plants that has a foregut fermentation site ingests less food (Tieszen et al., 1979). The presence of grasslands is daily than a perissodactyl of similar body size, which not very clear before the Late Miocene. From the is a hindgut fermenter (Janis, 1976, 1989). Equids, isotopic signal in carbon (Cerling, 1992; Cerling et which have both a highly abrasive diet, and a large al., 1997, 1998; Ehleringer et al., 1991; Wang et al., daily intake show a hypsodonty signi®cantly greater 1994), C4 plants appeared in North and South Amer- than the other ungulates (Janis, 1988). During the ica, Africa and Asia about 7±8 Ma ago, and their Oligocene, plants were probably less abrasive than appearance was favoured by a signi®cant decrease during the Miocene. Tooth wear was therefore less in levels of atmospheric CO2, increasing aridity and important for the ungulates, particularly for the rumi- more pronounced seasonality. However, recent mole- nants. Therefore, the ruminants conserved their cular isotopic analyses suggest that C4 grasses brachyodonty and some perissodactyls had semihyp- occurred before the Miocene (Kuypers et al., 1999; sodont cheek teeth during this period. Most of these Pagani et al., 1999). Moreover, the study of paleosols primitive families became extinct during the Miocene, (Retallack, 1992) and the presence of fossil grasses and they were replaced by hypsodont forms because recorded in the Brule Formation (North America) of the development of C4 grassland habitat. The (Macginitie, 1953; Galbreath, 1974) indicate that hypothesis presented here should be tested by grasslands appeared during the Oligocene, and devel- studying thoroughly the tooth microwear of the oped from the Early Miocene onwards (Stebbins, Oligocene ruminants in order to check whether they 1981). In France, woody savannah is present from were grazer, browser or mixed feeder (Solounias and 136 C. Blondel / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 168 (2001) 125±139

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