~ then Came The Dawn ~ - The Weather Today' 'AllIINGEN, GERMANY (Jp) - Cpl. Frank M. Resla Increasing cloudiness and warmer follow .. was lust waking up one mornlnr wben SI1. 1I0wa&'d BInDIngbam walked in anl\ talked hIm Into re-enllsUnr ed by scattered showers tonight. High to· f.r two more years. 1» the time Res1.&. wal fully awake. he found bls com· day 90i low, 65. Yesterday's high was 75 lIJIIl(linr offieer bad promoted him In tbe knowledl'e be OWaJ1 11 :30 p. m., 54. w.ald be on duty until 1950. Established laSS-Vol. BO,No. 23S-AP News and Wirephoto "'-II"lowCl City, Iowa, Thursday, July 'l, I9ol8-Five Cenls ------~------~------~~------~------~. Tito Hints at More Trade Police Kill Struggling Negro IWestern Allies To Give With West, a Balkan Union Yugoslavs Continue I • . Germans Green light Defiance of Moscow Army Gains I Nationwide Strike Conlffonts Western On West German State BELGRADE (IP)-Marshal Ti- In Greek War to's Communists yesterday nailed up another proclamation 01 Yugo­ Electric Company ATHENS (JP)-Minisler of War Airforce Trebling 8-29 slavia'B nationalistic independence George Stratos said last night NEW YORK (IP)-A nationwide Allies To Continue (all Ministers of Moscow. Greek army units had beaten back ballot by the Association of Com­ Power in West Europe Then hinted their willingness to guerrilla forces in a hard struggle munication Equipment Workers deil with the west as well as the and restored com m u n i cations (CIO) has authorized the union's WASHINGTON {Jp)-The Unit­ Food Flights-Bevin bargaining committee to call a ed States airforee is trebling, for cut on a basis of peaceful coop­ along the Ioannina-Preveza road. LONDON (IP)-Britlsh Foreign To Frankfurt eration and equality, and revived strike against the Western Elec­ the time being at least, the num­ The guerrillas had taken up Secretary Ernest Bevin said yes­ !be Moscow-derided project of tric company, the union said last ber of B-29 super fortresses in positions behind the army's lines night. Europe. a Balkan federation. on heights flanking the highway terday the western powers are de­ The program was announced as which is the main supply road for Ernest Weaver, union president, This announcement yesterday termined to continue flying food To ,Hear Plan said members voted four-to-one to followed closely the disclosure Tito appeared in public yesterday GrE:ek troops in the Grammos to blockaded Berlin despite the FRANKFURT {JP) - Germani ror the first time in more than mountain front. These troops in­ authorize the national bargaining that \the fighter loree there is being doubled with the assign­ risk of grave trouble with the will be told by the three western two weeks. Accompanied by top clude the Greek eighth, ninth and committee to call a strike "should Russians. such be necessary" to enforce un­ ment of a wing of jet planes to powers today to start forming a Communists and high-ranking tenth divisions. BEFORE SHOOTING Mm to death, two Norfolk, Va.. policemen German government for all west­ ion demands (or a 31 -cenl hourly grappled with this man in the Union bus terminal yesterday. Patrol­ the American zone of Germany. He told the House of Commons: army officers. he inspected a con­ In a counterattack, the army, "If ever there was a time to stand ern Germany. struction job in Belgrade. Mem­ wage increase. man J.P. Bordeaux (lert) struck at the head of lhe Ne(To (tenta­ American air strength thUIl is supported by the Greek air force being bolslered in western Europe firm it is now." They also will be offered an oc­ bers of youth brigades working on Weaver said the union would tively Identified as R.E. 1I0well of Roper, N.C.) whlle Patrolman and the royal Hellenic navy, begin what he called a "cold at the height of the western pow­ Bevin said the western Allies cupation statute to take the place the job hailed him with shouts of drov.e the guerrillas off the M.D. Edwards grasped him from behind. Three blows to the head "Tito, THo" when he appeared. He strike" today. Union members falled to stoP Howell, who jerked loose. Edwards then shot him ers' struggle to keep tbeir foothold are considering a direct approach of a formal peace treaty until all heights. The rebels suffered heavy will carry placards listing their in BerUn. to t he Kremlin in an attempt to four occupying powers can agree spent two hours at the site. losses, Stratos said. fatally. Edwards quoted ih.e Negro as sayln&' "You'll bave to kill grievances in front of "every me flrst" when told to put. down a. knife. On-the-spoi picture was Except for a one-month period settle the Berlin crisis. He did on final peace terms. His appearance indlcaled Yu. A report from the battle zone prominent telephone exchange in last spring, the number of super­ not specify whether the approach cesllLvla's CommunIsts stili are made by a. Norfolk cameraman in the terminal on another assIrn­ Plans for this political fusion ot said American construction men the counlry where our mcmbers ment. fO'rlresses visiting Germany on wouid consist merely of a protest all three western occupation zones behind Tlto In denanee of i.he working on the road were forced are employed," Weaver said. rotational training missions has against the blockade or would in­ leIlusation by the Communist were practically completed yester­ to flee. The union members manufac­ been limited to single 10-plane clude a r'equest for four-power day at a meeting of the British, blernat/onal Wormatlon bu­ Dispatches from the front said ture and install telephone ex­ squadrons. But two squadrons are talks. He dld say, however, that reau (Oomlnform) that he Is American and French military t h r e e g u e rrilla battalions in change equipment. now on training operations there Britain Is ready to renew four­ ·commanders in this proposed cap· IeadinJ them astray trom the northwestern Greece were seeking Weaver emphasized that men Board of Education Approves and a third was due to arrive power attempts to settle east-west werld party \lne. ital of the new western Germany. to surrender. An official at second carrying placards would not con­ yesterday, bringing the tolal force disputes in Berlin-after RUssia It will leave the RUllian oc­ Meanwhile, reliable word was corps headquarters in Kozane said stitute a picket line and they up to a 3D-plane group. lilts her blockade. cupied eastern zone of Germany received here that the Cominform army officers had crossed into would not attempt to inflUence all by It.self In almost complete plans to discontinue publishing its 16 SUI Faculty Appoinlmen,ls rebel positions for negotiations. persons against entering telephone political and economic isolation bi-weekly newspaper in Belgrade. The exact sector held by these buildings, Sixleen appointments to the SUI faculty were approved Tuesday from the rest of Germany. Outwardly the Yugoslav party battalions was not disclosed. The Western Electric company by the Iowa Slate Board of Education at its meeting in Cedar Falls. Agriculture Undersecretary Sworn In is a manufacturing subsidiary of The western allies still held out leaders continued to hold out the Prof. F. Baltzer, Bern, Switzerland, has been appointed to an ex­ an offer to include the Soviet zone olive branch by declaring they the American Telephone and change professorship in zoology during the absence of Prof. Emil Telegraph company. in an all-German government slood for "strengthening and fur­ Witsch1. Baltzer is connected with the Institute of Zoology at the whenever the Russians wiU agree. ther developing tight cooperation Weaver said a strike would af­ University of Bern. with the Soviet Union" and with Warns Against fect 30,000 installers of heavy tele.­ Baltzer will teach one yeal' on the university campus. Witschi is on The Russians, however, were the "peoples democracies" of the phone equipment in 44 states and leave to delivcr a paper nt the International Congress of Zoologists reported going ahead with their other Soviet satellites. the District ot Columbia. and lalcr to teach at lhe Univer- own plans for forming a rival German government in their zone But stoutly, they asserted, He added that the union is free sity of Tuebingen al Tuebingen, 'Contraband' to strike any time aiter loday un­ Germany. which will claim to represent all "the national Independence of Germany. the people of Yugoslavia Is tbe WASHINGTON (JP) - Western der its present contract with the The stale board of cducation Ii­ Pool Fund Campaign condition for their road to socl- Europe was told yeslerday that company. nance committee in Des Moines German ministers were lIum­ alism and their prolress In nn· the United States considers shlp­ Weaver said average hourly wa­ last night announced a $10,000 Hits $4,500 Mark moned to meet here today with erat." ping "contraband" war supplies ges earned by ACEW members grant from the Rockcfellcr found­ the allied commanders to hear They ca1J(!d for a "general into the Russian sphere a cause was $1.15 and that more than half ation to enablo Wltschi to study in The Community Dads announc­ the tel1llll of the Allied arree­ of the men receive less than $1 an Gcrmany, according to The Asso­ menlo strengthenin&" of tbe Yugoslav for halting Marshall plan assist­ hour. He said the company h ad ed last night that a total of $1,- amy which they declared "pro- ance. ciated Press. They will be told to have a con- refused "even to make an offer." 327.50 has been collected in the stituent assembly ready to meet tects the freedom and independ- Paul G. Hoffman, economic co­ IO~~~l:' .CW rrpoililments af~ . a~ Mi/lCSl district drive for UtI) ence of the people of Yugoslavia." operation administrator, told a by Sept. 1 and begin drafting a swimjng pool lund. Ic onstitution for the new govern.. These declarations were con- news conference this indirect em­ Lewin A. Goff, visiting assistant SUI To Get Vets' ( ment, said Gen. Lucius D. Clay, talned in an eight· pOint program bargo will apply whether the war­ professor of drama lic art, former~ Gcneeral Chairman Charles which Yugoslav Communist lead- potential goods are American­ Iy with dramatic arls at Wesll'rn Smith said that this to tal covered I U". S. zone commander, as he em~ erged from the meeting with the ers have drawn up tor the fifth ,made or European-produced. Reserve university. , (AI' Wlropll.,o) Housing Titles Soon less than 50 percen t of the busi­ 3ritish commander, Gen. Sir congress of the party July 21. Its Similar warnings in the past Title to federal housing on the .'rancis Richard lIodgc, visiting ness district. The drive will con­ 'ALBERT J. LOVELAND 'Of Janesville, b .. was sworn In yesterday Brian Robertson and the French publication in the party organ, have covered only ECA-financed university campus will not pass assistant professor 01 dramatic tinue unll the entire business dis­ 88 undersecretary of agriculture by Chief Jostlee Marvin Jones of commander, Gen. Pierre Koenig. Borba, came only a few hours af- shipments which might be divert­ arts, at prescnt an assistanl in the the U,S. court of claims. Left to rll'ht: Jones, Secretary of Arrtoul. Into the hands of the university trict has been canvassed, accord­ Clay said the "general priciples" ler the Yugoslav Communist party ed to countries behind the iron for at least six weeks, Fred W. speech clinic al Cornell univer­ ture Cba.rles F. Brannan. Mrs. Loveland and Loveland. had denounced as Ues and slander curtain. ing to Smith. of the proposed occupation statute Am b r 0 s e, university bUsiness sitY. '{ill be ouUined to the Germans a Communist Info rmation Bureau In broadening the policy, Hoff­ manager, said yesterday. Alfred T. Luper, assistant pro­ The Dads also announced that statement calling for Tito and his man made pointed reference to today, but details will be worked Although the President signed fessor of mu sicology In the music $3,200 has been pledged from va­ Jut later. German suggestions for chief aides to change their COUTse England's sale of jet plane en- rious lodges, service clubs and To Seek Tuilion for the biu' Monday giying univer­ department, formerly associate 'Pistol Peter procedure in ~etting up the new or lose their ieadership. gines to Soviet Russia. sities ownership of veteran's professor or mUSicology at UJe other organizations. :overnment also will be received The fourib plank of the party "A jet engine is still a jet en- housing, control remains in the University of Texas. This ma}{es the grand total of Finkbine Children later. prorram espouslnr a Balkan gine whether it comes from this hands of the federal government Fra~1I. O'Connor: assistanl pro­ money collected and pledged in In general, an occupation sta­ biOI) called for "uniting tbe AI- country or from a participating until title is passed, he said. [essor of athletics, varsity golf the overall drive, $4,527.50. Jeers at Law Clty School Superintendent Ive! banlan and Bulgarian peoples country," he said. tute would define the powers and The bill, passed by the hOllse coach and freshman basketball No repOl·t on the residential A. Opstad yesterday said he ex­ and the Yugoslav people on the ECA will encourage trade b _ KANSAS CITY (JP)-Robbing :esponsibilities of the Germans on June 3, and the senate June 19, coach, formerly direclor o[ athle.. canvass was made at the meeting. pects to ask the city school board principle of national equality." tween eastern and western Europe would give the university 632 bar­ the Jackson county sheriff's sare the one side and tbe occupying I tics and basketball coach al Boone William Grandrath, pUblicIty to file a special claim with thr ;Jowers on tbe other. (Communist Premier Georgi on all items not considered con­ racks apartmen ts, 249 trailers and high school and junior college. of $9,661 two weeks ago was an Dimitrov of Bulgaria proposed a traband, Hoffman said. 50 quonset apartments. chairman, said that any profes­ state executive council to obtain • Arthur Lester Benton, professor sional men in the city can make easy touch and was planned to Thou~h The housing will still be under tuition for Finkbine chlldren whe Balkan federation last January af- only 56 percent of of clinical psychology in the de­ \er government supervision and must donations to either of Iowa City's coincide with President Truman's attend city schools. 'rito had. spoken 1avorab\y 01 ECA',; three-month aid goal has partment of psychology, at present the idea. The two leaders were been meet, Hoffman said "ihe Eu­ be used to house veterans as long banks or to him. visit here, a man who claimed he The action is tbe result of reo Over 200 · conSUltant at Nichols Veterans believed to hav(! discussed some ropean recovery program is real­ as they are needed for that pur­ hospital in Louisville, Ky. did the job wrote the Kansas City ports from tbe state board of ed· phases of the project at a con- ly under way." pose, according to the bill. Star yeslerday. ucation meeting Tuesday at Cedal When the need for the buildings D u a. n e Caryl Spriestcrsbach, Tucker Charges SEC ference. Pravda, the Communist He said, ECA considers curren­ The writer, who signed himself party newspaper In Moscow. cy reform necessary, but the agen­ as housing has passed, thc strllc, assistanl professor of spcech, now Made Unfair Demands Falls, in connection with a lettel (argo Planes openly declared Moscow's opposi- cy will not initiate such studies or tures may be used for any pur­ a research assistant in the SUI "Pistol Pete" enclosed one of the Opstad wrote last month to thl lion. Aller this slap, both Dlml- try to impose Its views on foreign pose. Under the old law, the speech clinic. CHICAGO (JP) - The Tucker stolen cashier's checks to back uP board, asking tuition lor Finkbinl trov and TUo were silent.) nations. buildings had to be demolished. Uugh F. Seabury, associale pro­ corporation yesterday renewed its his boasting. The envelope was children. charge that the Securities and postmarked Detroit 9:30 a. m., fessor of speech, formerly profes­ In the letter, Opstad .sald Fink· Aid 'Berliners sor and head of speech at Stale Exchange commission's demand to June 29. bine children had been a factol BERLIN (JP)- An Anglo-Amerl­ Teachers college a t San Marcos, see the automobile manufacturing Checks totaling $5,000 and $9,- D,emolished Super Chief Lies ,in Railroad Yard firm's books Is a "fisbing expedi­ 661.50 in cash disappeared from in overcrowding at Lincoln school ~an air caravan of rru>re than 200 Texas. :ran sport planes <:ame to the T. Z. Koo, guest proCessor in tion." the safe the night of June 15, a and that unless tuition were pro­ vided, the school board would teel :escue of beleaguered Berlin yes­ tho school of religion, Chinese Preston Tucker, the company's day before the President arrived ;erday in the greatest air ferrying president, has declared that "to in Kansas City. compelled to discontinue accepti~ I Christian leader and former trav­ these children in city schools. Jperation in peacetime history. eling secretary for World Student give them such records as they The typewritten letter said in Russian authorities, who clamp­ Christian federation. requested means that we would pa.rt: Opstad also wrote that Wes1 ed an overland blockade on the C. Fra.nk Smith, associate pro­ have to shut down." "The haul I made at the court­ Lucas township had refused his German capital affecting supplies request for tuition because schooh feSsor of statistics it, lhe college On June 15 the SEC asked for a house a fortnight ago was a dandy. from the west 11 days ago, appar­ were available there. o( commer('e, recently assistant federal court order to force Tuck­ It was so good and so easy. And ~ntly now have added a water West Lucas has two one-room professor of statistics at· Ule Uni­ er to submit its financial and to think, the sheriff's till. I just blockade to the land siege. Versity of Indiana. operational records. The SEC want to spill it and might as well schools, with a total enrollmen1 In answer to a Russian promise of 20 students. Rob e r t H . Johnson, assistant said it had tried by subpeona to help out those bunnys wbo are in that the overland blockade.. would professor in the coll.ege of com­ get Tucker to produce the records a jam for leaving that much dough 'Je lifted as soon as pqssible, CoL merce and economist in the bur­ but had tailed. laying loose. Gov. Aandahl, Anti-Nun Frank L. Howley, U.S. command­ eau of business and economic re­ "Everyone knows the court­ Measure Ahead in N. D. ant in the German capital, said: search (joint appointment), form­ house at K. C. is open for business "We want deeds rather than erly with the treasury department No Claues MondaYi at all hours .•• I hope to open FARGO, N. D. {If')-Gov. Fred words." in Wash ington, D.C. Lists Na..Cut Days every piggy bank there." O. Aandahl last night cinched the The British royal air force. John C. O'Dyrue, inslructor in Republican nomination for re­ joining the Americans in the fer­ the college Of law. recently grad­ University cl_. win be election over a alliance op­ rying operation, flew 100 transport planes into Berlin yesterday. They ualed from Harvard. In University H~lpitals position including the nonpartisan suspended Monuy, July 5, promised to the number by Allen D. Vestal, instructor In observance of Independence league, the North Dakota Fann­ To Have Bone Bank ers union, and organized labor. the end of the week. the college of law, now studying Day. University Re(istrar Ted The U.S. airforee, which launch­ at Yaie. II. McCarrel aJUlounced yealer­ A "bone bank" will soon be­ An initiated measure to prohibit ed the air operation last Sunday. D 0 u K I a. s Wheeler, research day tha.t the holiday wlU be(in come a reality in the University persons Wearing the garb of reo had sent 125 transports to the city associate in the departments of at 12 noon Saturda, and will hospitals, Dr. Arthur Steindler, ligious orders from teaching in by late afternoon. More were on otolaryngology and oral surget'Y, end Tuesday at 7 a.m. head of the orthopedic surgery, public schools appeared headed their way to Berlin's Tempelhot: now an assislant in otolaryngology Accordlnr to a university said yesterday. for approva1, with 82,682 yes votes airdrome carrying vital supplies at SUI. regu.lation, no-cut UYI will be He said the bank will be used to 72,734 no's from 1,721 precincts. for the people of the city's west­ lIunter ll. Comly, assistant pro­ from Friday noon to Saturday as soon as a deep freeze unit The proposal was taken to the ern sectors. fessor of pediatrics in the psych­ noon, and aU day Tuesday, arrives. The freezer unit is neces­ electorate as a result of employ­ U.S. authorities at Templehof Iatry department, recently con­ July 6, McCarrel said. sary to presenre bone tissue for ment of nuns as teachers in pub­ said 157 planeloads of supplies nected with the University 01 The . university rerulatlonll future use, he added. lic schools of several communities had been received durin, a 24- whose popUlation is predominate­ hour perlod up .Tuesday mid­ Minnesota. provides that olle semester According to Steindler the val­ to LouJse, ltolofl, assistant profes­ hour be added to ,raduallon ly Catholic. Opposition to this night. uable supply of bone will find employment included a number The British said they' would flY' sor in the department of physical requirements for each unexcUII· extensive .use in the orthopedic education for women, now at the ed cJIUI absenee on i.he day of Protestant clerlYmen. The op­ their transports at night: as the operating room, where areat position declared the practice Americans are doing-, and carry University of Wyoming. precedlnr and i.he day follo"­ masses ot bone are of vital impor­ Inc a university hoUd.y. ThlI might lead to religious influence enough ,asoline to avoid refuel­ tance. in pubUc education, ina delays in Berlin. (~.. Wlro"bo'o) SETl'LE HARVESTER STRIKE rulln&' applies only to under­ rrUua&e lItudenta In i.he eol­ Steindler stressed that bone Catholics replied that the nuns Eye-witnesses at Gatow, the wtlOKAGE OF SANTA FB SUPER CHIEF .prr.wled In the Winslow, Ariz., railroad Yards yeslerda.y CHICAGO (Jp)-A tWO-day leres of liberal uta, C0IIII¥1'ile: banks are imperative in such went into the schoob only at the British airfield, said Dakota and r.lIer i.he · .fleamUner careened 011 .. ClUrve on an eutbound trip. The train IlIJ&IIhed otr a comer of a strike at nine International Har­ pharmacy anei enJiDeerlDl', operations as bone grafting of request of local school boards York transport planes landed at _ter dlatllllllf plant, wreeked leveral 00 s&ora,e tanb and iank cara and orushed nine parked cara. vester plants was settled la~t McCarrcl ..Id. fractures, bone tumor removals which were hard pressed to find that base yesterday at the rate oJ: v.. of &be cUeIelloooaoUve (fortp'OUACl) aDd 'cIor.cbea (rear) &re lhoWD. ______night. and bone hnplanting. lay teachers at proffered salaries. one 'every alx mlnutea.

, .. TII£ DAILY lOW • s ; . • • $ • e e e $ - F.rqn~ · O/Con~or Nam~d C~ .Cuttin' the Lemon Hurls No'-Hitter jnael . Lawrence Glosser Stops Tigers five' Golf, 'Cage .Coach Bromwich, oscar Am Frosb ~ . - WithA'SCS:~mers jISSIIul t with Tops Western Field waS 01 Baseball Players, Take Notice -- For Eleventh :EIe Boone Prep Mentor to lake Are there any aspiring baseball players in the area? The New York WICHITA, KAS. (Jl»-Lawrenee forJll3tions i . Yankees will hold a try-out camp in Cedar Rapids on July 22 and 23, Falkenburg Glosser of Oklahoma City stroked TwO othe. with all boys between the ages of 16 and 22 invited to attend. a three-under-par 68 yesterday to but we re no' win medalist honors in the West­ Victory, 2-0 For some rea on most ball players dream of the day when they can ern Amateur golf tournament. TWO of n Over New Positions August 1 play under the Yankee banner. Perhaps it's because the Yankees Gain Finals DETROIT {Jl» - Righthander The young Oklahoman had an t the pel have always been associated with world championship baseball. At of the Cleveland Ind­ Frank (Bucky) ne high school athleti dir tor, By GAYLE TALBOT even par 71 Wednesday which ~adjsOl1 . any rate, youths in southeast Iowa have a golden opportunity. LONDON (IP)-Bob Falkenburg ians tossed the first no- no­ ",illY and w University of Iowa goU team and added to his 68 th is afternoon garne of the major league The camp is 110t desll'Oed as a school or cU nlc, bu.~ is actually a ot Hollywood, Calif., and Jack atory gave him a 139 total for the 36 season as he blanked the Detroit Jt!!orm Iry-out camp ror ouiatandh.. players who m"'ht approach the pro­ Bromwich of Australia stumbled holes. Mraigned ff ti~e Augu t I, WlIS announc­ Tigers 2 to 0 last night. It was his fessional level. into the finals of the men's cham­ Five strokes away was Wilford J.cobs, 31, a ed by President Virgil Hancher pionships at Wimbledon yester­ 11th win of the season and his Although it is intended primarily for high schooi graduates, any Wehrle of Louisville, Ky.. 1937 fifth . fis 18, both following approval by the t te day. They won two semi-final wiegand, 31 high school, college, amateur or semi-pro player may attend. Western champion, who had 73- board of education. exhibitions as bad as the old place 71-144 over the 6.740-yard club Or.Jy three Tigers reache4 Charles F. I The 34-year-{)ld O'Connor The program will consist of rlmning, throwing, balting and infield ever saw. layout. first base, aU via walks, as the dairY em~IO Fqur Youths practice and actual games. Each player will be given a thorough trial bl, converted outfielder put to· succeed Charles Kennett as Falkenburg took just one hour National Amateur Champion whO is belDl ch, under the direct supervision of Yankee scouts. and 15 minutes to polish off Robert (Skeel Riegel, Glendale, I'ether his nlrtlest pltchin&, per· j il in conne As the unIversity's only &,olf All pla.yers must pay their own elCPenses to the camp and bring Gardnar Mulloy of Miami, Fla., Calif., faltered on his second formance of the year. AHvance in C'OlWh. K,mllett took over the eQuipment. In the event I.ha.t a player Is signed to a contract he will 6-4, 6-4, 8-6. The Florida vete­ eighteen holes yesterday and had All the scoring came in the ~~,t ~ffl roll nln In 1123. He h now be reimbursed for expenses. ran not only was sadly oU his a six-over-par-77 to go with tirst as the Indians pushed APril 22. reached the al'e of retlrement Anyone desiring to attend the camp is simply required (0 report to game but he had no luck, which Wednesday's 70 for 147. over two unearned runs to give Robert G. from full -tlm.e duties. FRANK (DUCKY) O'CONNOR the city baseball park in Cedar RapiLIs at 10 a.m. on tile 22nd. No made it worse. Four Iowans finished qualifying Lemon a headstart. It was all the aJld Carl E. Tennis Play O'Connor has been athletic dir­ New Golt. Freshman Care Coach written applications are nece sary. Bromwich, on the other hand, in the tournament yesterday. John fast right-hander~ needed, as lie were chl1.rge tor and h ad basketball and golf ate up two hours and 10 min­ Donohue .Jr., Sioux City, led the had the Tigers swinging futilely 'n!o rmations, coach ut Boone high school since for the rest of the distance. l ligned. I F'o\lr YOl\ng , Jowa City tenni utes In disposing of J osef As­ [our with a 36 hole total of 156. artists will represent this district eptember. 1946. He wa athletic The Olympic Fever - Asks 1 Olympic fever is rising every day as the renewal or the Olympic botb, a Hungarian. in an inter­ Russell Harper, Ottumwa, Iowa, It was a tough loss for Art In th MI oun Valley champ on­ director at Boone Junior college shot a 158 as did Richard Hoak, /. Anderson games in late July approaches. It will be the lirst time since 1936 minable baseline duel which Houtteman, hard luck man of the ~ ships ut St. Joseph, Mo .. July 5-11. nd CQ cheq thaI choo!'s goll 3 Top British Sioux City. Another Sioux Citian, Detroit Tiger mound staft, as lie tJI~e y s, E. Ea~ onl y set service ace struck. that the world wilt have a chance to compare amateur athletes [rom ':: )jam R. R art. Jamie Andrew, Don Won, t am to the national Junior Col­ The sCore was 63, 14-12, 6-2, John C. Kelly carded a 181. yielded only two runs and fi ve IUlle championship. America to their [oreien rivals. We in America tend to take our to reduce ..., Bill J nna and K th Boy~ took and the s~nd set alone needed hits. The Tigers kicked in two A 1938 graduate of Drake uni­ supremacy for granted; the foreigners have different ideas, top honors in a double elimination 80 chilled minutes to complete. errors in the initial inning to get $]0,000 .to $l' tourn y this week on the Iowa versity, O'Connor played forward Open, Hit 69 Tuesday nl,h' the U.S. boxin g team was selected. The wrestling Houtteman into trouble. (i) do thIS. The crowd which packed the Voiselle Goes Route !i Idhouse sawdust courts. on the Drake basketball teams of team has already been picked, although alternates stili ha.ve a chance The 27-year-old Cleveland pit­ Wiegand MUIRFIELD, SCOTLAND (IP) famed center court to its last foot lIIo than 1 Audr_ knocked olt WesCon, 1936, 1937, and 1938. to win the rl,ht to represent America. The swlmmlnr and track cher gave the 49.628 fans a re~ 1 re - Two British golfers and a Belg­ or standing room was divided on J,{adison pen '-0. 6-1 In the final boya mat.ch. Arter rraduatlon, O'Connor ian pro shot 69's yesterday to set tryouts are approachJn,.. To Beat Gia nts, 3-1 treat as he mowed the TIgers which of the two matches was guilty to w~ WHion was named runnerup moved to Jlarrl bur, Town hlp Ute first round pace in the British Iowa's swimmers represent the chief hope for the local school. And down inning after inning. when he downed Peter Berwl k, worse. The Bromwich-Asboth BOSTON (IP) - The Boston chec k last 1 hlill school at Harrl bur&" III .. Open golf championship, three the. exact status of the mermen will soon be known, for the regional He had only two scares. The 6-1, 6·3. "duel" Und oubtedly was the more Braves extended their National where he erved as an btant strokes ahead of Lawson Little, first came In the fourth when Jenno finished fi t and Boyle tryouts arc scheduled for Milwaukee on Sunday. The final tryouts boring. 'But it yielded little to league lead to a game . and a half Jacobs a In football, ba ketball, and ,01,. the closest or nine American com­ Lel'tfleld Dale Mitchell made was runnerup in the juniors divi­ will come only foul' days later in Detroit. the Falkenburg-Mulloy affair. last night by defeating the New guilty to a Iowa' new track coach, Francis petitors. an amazinl' one-handed leapln, sion, It was a rep at performance Crebmeyer, slarted his coach­ Iowa's chief hope, of course lies in the ability of Wally Ris. But The quality of play in the York Giants 3-1 behind big Bill frOm the str The leaders are Sam King and catch off the bat or Georle Kell 16. The c for both prepstel'll, who competed lor car~r at that same sehool. Free StyJers Erv Straub and Rusty Garst, Backstroker Bud Griesbach Bromwlch match may be better Voiselle, who had been driven out to choke off what looked like a In th MI ourl Volley affair last Charlie Ward, m mbers of last 1/earad, Sol O'Connor shifted to the Boone and Breaststroke Bowen Stassforth all should make their presence in understood when it is disciosed of the box in his last nine starts. certain extra base wallop. y ar. prep school in 1939 where he was year's British Ryder Cup squad, swimming circles known during the tryouts. that at one stage 01 the second set teDced to no and Flory Von Donck, a six-foot The victory. achieved over The other came in the fifth . t the F ort In three clo Iy conte ted ets, head golf coach and assis\.ant in Wrestler Joe Scarpello still has a chance of becoming the American there were eight consceutive ser­ Larry Janson was the first at J nna edg d Boyl , 6-1, 3-6 and Belgian who regularly plays the when Ken Keltner went deep ~­ Griffis w football and basketball. 174-pound representative. "The Handyman" was selected as an alter­ vice breaks. That must stand as home tor the Tribe over (he New 8·_, to cop the champion. hlp. summer circuit. hind third base to nip Hoot Evers lIlore than y He entered the army air corps nate, but can clinch the number one spot by defeating his Iowa State a semi-final record for Wimble­ Yorkers. on a slow hopper. Jenna was extend d to the limit Frank tranahan or Toledo, at Anamosa. In April, 1942, served for tour rival, Glen Brand, during the final workouts taking place in Bethle­ don, or anywhere else. Lemon seemed to gain confi­ In his minnal match before he Ohio, seekln& &'oU's "IIUle slam" Only run off Voiselle was John­ Stockto!1. years, and was discharlled as a Falkenburg's vlct~ry, which dence as he went along and WS8 dropped Andr ws 4-6. 6-4 and 6-3. by adding Ihe open crown to hem, Pa. ny Mize's 16th homer of the year from Yakl Hot. ummar'u captain in 1946. followed, was at least different. the calmest man in the ball park his British Amateur title, blew otherwise. It looks like Iowa was blanked In the ng'ht for team in the sixth inning. last week Jarnt Andr w. dtletled P~I r a.r­ Under 0' onnor, Boone's I'olf The two Americans missed their as he faced the Tigers in the lsst deputy sher wick. '-0, 1-0. to a 77. That lett 111m way back berths. Don W~.lon d lelled Dean Brollon. 11-0. teams placed third In the 1941 shots Quick. Very seldom did of the ninth with only three outs to' a char &-1 . tate prep meet. seventh In In the field of 85 pros and 12 College vs. Pros -- the sphere Cross the net more Paul Lehner's 2 Hits between him and his no-hitter. county atto W Ion dIaled B~rwlck , 8· I &-3. 1941, and tilth In 1948. O'Con­ amateurs who urvlved two Andrew. d"~lled W.Ilon, 6-0, 11-1. Did you ever wonder how college baseball teams would compare than a time or two until It was Give Brownies 2-) Win It marked the third straight check on th Junlo,. umn,.rle nor' 1947-48 ba ketball five day's or quallfyillf rounds. Welton del lIed Elwin BMrtholomew, at with the professional clubs? whaled to where it no longer year an Indian hurler had pitched 8. 1-4. 11-1. Boone reached the state tourna­ Stranahan's dull performance Michigan State's coach, John H. Kobs, claims that the better college mattered. ST. LOUIS (Jl» - Paul Lehner a no-hitter. Feller hurled his se- , Dick 8chmlkle d I ated Paul n"n­ ment. In addition, that team dims his chances or even playing Jlmln. 0-2. 0-8. 8-4 outfits could consistently play class B pro teams (0 a standstill, and in Just which of yesterd!lY's win­ homered in the fi fth inning and cond one of his career against the 8chmlkl. d t 1«1 Ralpl\ Reed., 0-0, cavtured the Central Iowa con­ in tomorrow's finals for the field ners will triumph tomorrow is not singled home the winning run in 1-0. some cases do even better than that. in 1946 and ference title for the IIrst time will be cut to the top 40 after known tor sure, but it likely will the eighth to lead the St. Louis 8chmlkle de/ealed W lon, 7-S. 11-4 . He pointed to the record ot Southern California, NCAA champions Black held the Athletics hitless Bill J nn d~r led Jaml Andre w •• In 15 years. today's IS-hole second round in be Bromwich. The Aussie is de­ Browns to a 2 to 1 victory over fast year. , 4-'."". 0-3. as prool of his stand. It seems the Trojans defeated the Cleveiand Jennl d lee ted Keith Boyle, 0-1. 3-8. O'Connor feels right at home on this 72-hole tournament. termined to win Wimbledown the last night. It was the first time a Detroit , 11-4 . Indians, Ohlcago White Sox, and Los Angeles and Seattle of Ihe·triple­ a golt course. His parents were in To quality among the linal 40 and show his home offiCials wh:lt Fred Sanford and Al Gettel both team had been held hitless in 26 Wf. charge ot the Newton country who will play 96 holes tomorrow, A Pacific Coasl league in spring exhibitions. a mistake they made in leaving gave up eight hits in the pitching years. Sioux Clly club and for 12 years the young- it looked as if a total ot no more Are there still any skeptics in the crowd? him ort their Davis cup squad. duel. Cleveland AD R II IDltrol1 AB a I Mitchell, If .. 4 I 2JLlPon, sa... 3 0 I I.~~ MoJn 4. SlOUx: elly 1 I er O'Connor learned the game as than 148 or 149 would beneeded , ,------~------.--- Rerardlno. Ib 4 () 1 A- Werlz .... 1 0 I .am I it caddy and later as a player. Boudr•• u, ss 4 1 1 MBY90 2b.. . . 4 0 a ].Incoln 9. D nvu 2 The new addition to Towa's "awordS, rf. 4 a 0 Kell. 3b..... 3 II 0 TIIIl.E-1 LEAO barring bad weather that would L t PIC b W II C d 9 1Kennelly , rf 0 0 0 WakeI'd, II S tJ 0 Wal rloo 7. Quincy. couching staft is married and ~as Judnlch. cf. 4 0 I Even. el.... 3 0 I D~..,alur e. 1I:van ville. Gordon. 2b. 1 0 0 Mullln, rf .. . 3 Q.I 8prlnl/l.ld 7, Davenport G J rour-year~ld daughter. ::~~~~~~s~:~~!~~~~~~ t~; t~~~ a 5 ace · usa 0 par 5I . - Keltner, 3b .. 2 0 0 Vlco, Ib ..... 2 0 I }legan. c ... 3 0 0 Swill. c .... 2 0 I ------~!------pros tied with Little at 72. Lemon. p .. 3 0 0 B-Hutch'nson 1 0 I Wagner, c ,.0 0 0 Four of the American group had Houuem'n, p 3 0 I 74's. They were Bobby Cruick­ Hamner Wins Third, I Tolal. .., .82 ! III Tol.l. . ... n • • shank, Virginia Veteran; Jimmy Cream O( The Crop A·Grounded out {o,. Lipon in 9th Thomason, who Is paying his first B-Flled out for SwlIt In Blh rMAJORS~ Twirls Six Hitter; Cleveland ...... 200 000 000-1 visit to his Scotland birthplace in Detroll ...... 000 000 ~ NATION L I. a to AMEIlICAN L&AOUI> 20 years; Johnny Bulla, mailorder Errors-Llpon, Kell. Runs baited Ib­ W L peT.OB Boudreau, Edwards. Two base hitl - , L J> T. 08 Boudreau. Stolen bases-Mitchell. Left 1ev"lan' .....•..... ag 23 .O~g house golf club salesman and pro; Cubs Get 13 Hits Bo lon .. .• . ..• 17 27 .aTA 0", bases-Cleveland 4. Detroit 3. B_ "hlladolphla ...... ~II 21 .aU1 JI ~ l. Loul ...... l ~, .1IlHI I' ~ and Arthur Clark, a rangy shot­ CHICAGO (Jl»-The Chicago on boll...... U Lemon 3, Houlteman I. PIUlbur,h ...... ~II .!\3'! If ~.w -York ...... 3K 211 .IIIH ~ l Slrikeouts-by Lemon 4. HouUeman I. ew Varlll •••••••• R~ .nlA 4 eOllon . . • .. . • • • . . •. S'! '!D ,I\'.!Z$ n \ maker from Huntington, W.Va. Cubs lashed out from their lowly Wuhln,lon ...... :10 ~j .4119 18 Umplre..... Hubbnrd. Poporella and Mc· I'lilllddpbl...... I!.' U .Il0l n Gow.n. Time - 1:33. Altendance- Brootl,n ...... ' :7 11;1 .i'l{, ~ P Iroll ...... ~U al .400 tll\ ~ cellar position with unexpecfed ~1. Loul...... 24 !Ill .aM' In 49,628. 1•• lpn.1t ...... '" fury yesterday, when they made it 8T .~.III·.·· IQ8'~ Chlca,. • ...... W 411 . 3~·! IRI ~ B y hI ••,...... ~1 two straight over the St. Louis Y'lterday'. Ruu Ut Yuterda,.'. Relults Hawklets Play Tonight II'he often blur. t, '1. Low " I level.n' t. De',olt ., Bosol Whip Itolton ., New York • Bo.ton 1. New York a an ulcer" h 11.1. Loul, AB Rn Chi ..,. AD K II City high's Little Hawks wiH Phll.. delphla IS, Br.ok 11n ~ 81. L •• I t, Chl

I."';..,.,. ~ S1600 fiREWORKS DISPLA¥ The AU film ) '. Fighting Lady With graphs can Rides and Concessions Maureen O'Sullivan ticular area lntroducti ...... Me.,. I . L In Elsa Lanchester Hone Show MURPHY' ASTOR' SAKALL througn the Teehnleolor prOCess. P Iowa City Moose Grenadiers ~ PLUS CO-WT Ius .. --- Aca demy Award talten ~ar l y JOHN HERSEY'S Get Your Tickets at aU Winners -­ -Special­ the stomac Today Pulitzer Prize Winner TweeUe Pie "UNTRAINED SEALS" and dry. "Color Cartoon" O. A Bell for Adano -CoJortOOD­ To be au Downtown Stores Climbing' Matterborn Late World News " In Color" In the cent With Events aide rn easu And- Miss Turlock Gene WlIlIaDa camera Is 8 "Novel Hit" ler inch Tleiney • Bendix - Late News- wh ich the 0 IOwa the ca ill trOllt 01

• .3 -; 8', -; '-f. . ~ rfou ~ :Ju} s ~ 'l'D Dln:r IOWAN, TIIt1Il-SDXY. mLY Y. 1918-PAOE TIIlLD-' er' Anderson preads Hoi Guilly; Dorothy Linnan Weds Dave AI' Oanner fairfield Girl Weds - 'Maternity' 4iood Technique, Spiritual Lack East Coast Student (Till, II flnll la • uri •• oa Ill. 41h Bummer exhibition .f e.ntemp.rary art. The pain Un,., choJeD by the art Five Men' Arraigned in (ourl deplrtment. Ire Interpreted b, . ....ent. In Church Service In III. moaern .rl d ..... 1 o ar Anderson, 58, yest(,J'o%1Y pleaded not guilty to 3 charge of In St. Mary'!; CalhoUc church, By MARY F. BLAMEUSER assault with intent fo commit llJurder. Fairfield. June 26, Pauline Elaine Somewhat arresting among pic­ He wa one of fiyl' ml'U arraigned lind r county altorn y's hl­ Mutschler, daugbter of Mr. and tures in the surrealist section of formations in Johnson ('onnty district courf yestl'J'day. Mrs. Lawrence V. Mutschler, the contemporary art exhibit is a Two others W 1'e chargetl by olln1y aftOL'ney's informalionR Fairfield, was married to Walter pessimistic oil painting by Doro­ but were not an·aigned. Knollenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Knollenberg, Chester, thea Tanning called "Maternity." thander Two of the m n IHraignc I plead d g uilty alld w rc s(, lIlcl1ced Conn. This picture seeks to belie the Ind_ to the penitentiary at l! ort The Rev. H. M. Thoman offici­ words of Christ, "but when she t no­ )( ad is 0 n. Allolbel' pleaded ated at the 9:30 a. m. double ring h as brought forth the child, she leagUe cuilty and was sentenced lo the nuptial mass at which Elizabeth remembereth no more the anguish Detroit ~formatory at Anamosa. Admit Single Polio Mutschler, sister of the bride, was for joy that a man is born into the was his Arraigned were Raymond D. maid of honor and William Porter world." and his Jacobs, 31, and Norman C. Grif­ Case to Hospitals III, Baltimore, Md., was best man. Instead, this picture shouts at fis, 18, both of Davenport; Roy Nancy Mutschler, sister of the the spectator, "Why bring children Wiegand, 31, Gree n Bay, Wi s.; bride, was bridesmaid and Cyn­ into this hopeless and desolate Charles F. Stockton, 21, Model Only one proven case or infan­ thia Geyer, Reno, Nev., was flo­ world?" dairy employee; and Anderson, tile paralysis has been admitted wer girl. A reception at the Eli­ who is being held in the county The motber and child have a to the University hospitals, ac­ zabeth McElhinney house follow­ quite natural appearance some­ jail In connection with the shoot­ cording to Dr. W.D. Paul, profes­ ed the ceremony. iog of Cliff Kelly. 220 S. Linn what compromising the illusionis­ • in the sor of internal medicine. Mrs. Knollenberg, a graduate of tic quality of the painting itself street, in the Strand cafe last "A number of cases thought to s pushed April 22. S1. ClOUd, Minn., high school, at­ which is characteristic of surreal­ to give be the disease have been brought tended the UniVersity of Iowa ism. The shattered gown of the all the Robert G. McClintic, Sioux Ci~ here," he explained, "but most where she was a member of Kap­ and Carl E. Paintin Jr., Oxford, mother, no doubt, is ~xpressive of as he of them have been diagnosed as pa Kappa Gamma social s~rorJty . were charged by count, attorney's the ordeal of parturition. The si­ futilely other ailments." Mr. Knollenberg is a graduate milarity of mother-child outfits Informations, but were not ar- Considering the admissions up ugned. of Yale university and will enter gives a modern and somewhat to the present time, Paul can find amusing feminine touch. Asks Ball RedUction Harvard university in the fall to no evidence that there might be study business administration. Two open doors-a common su­ ~ Anderson appeared with his at­ an epidemic. The one proven case The couple will reside at Chat­ perfluous surrealistic device-fi­ \,i4\iltneys, E. L. O'Connor and Wi!- was a very mild case, according ham, Mass., on Cape Cod this gure prominently in the composi­ • )jam R. Hart, who asked the judge to Paul. to ~duce Anderson's bail from (Dally rowan pboto by Erwin Gllmor.) summer. tion. It seems a bit weighed ,10,000 to $5,000. Evans refused down on the right by the door tQ do this. from which the mother may re­ cently have stepped. Wiegand was sentenced to not Town 'n' Campus In a single ring ceremony at Sl. Mark Meier Offered ber of the Nathaniel Fellows more than 10 years in the Fort Thomas More chapel yesterday at Pe'rsonal Notes The door on the left m ay be Iowa City Resident chapter of the D. A. R. and the Madison penitentiary. He pleaded 9 a. m., Dorothy Linnan, daughter opened to admit the child into the society of Mayflower descendants. guilty to writing a $24.75 falsc Trainee Appointment great wide, barren and hostile BALL AND CHAIN - The of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Lin­ She is survived by a grand ne­ check last May 24. The Rev. Harold F. McGee, pas­ world, overhung with threatening Ball and Chain club of the Trin­ Mark F . Meier, E3, Iowa City, For 88 Years Dies phew, Dwight Shaw, Arlington. Took Car ity Episcopal church will hold a nan, Laurens, became the bride of tor of Trinity Episcopal church, clouds of deep green-gray. Into Virginia. Jacobs and Griffis pleaded Dave A. Danner, son of Mr. and will return Saturday from Great has received an appointment as this void the child seems loath to Funeral services for Miss Car­ picnic at the John Cameron farm, an engineer trainee on the bureau The body is at 'Beckman's fun­ cuilty to a charge of taking a car route 3, at 12:3 0 p.m., Saturday. Mrs. W. E. Danner, 126 N. Gilbert Lakes, Ill., where he has been on pass-judging by the fearful and rie Fremont Wetherby, 91, will be eral home. Services had not been from the streets of Solon last May of reclamation's Columbia Basin For t ran s p 0 r tation, me~bers two-week navy duty. disgruntled look on its baby face. held at 3 p. m. tomorrow at 'Beck­ arranged yesterday. 16. The car belonged to Louis street. project, !.he bureau reported yes­ should call Frank Sills, phone terday. Beyond the door is seen a man's funeral home. The Rev. Nearad, Solon. Jacobs was sen­ The Rev. J. Ryan Beiser offici­ strange combination of inflated Leon C. England of the First 2333. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy S. Mercer, Meier is one of 78 college stu­ Rev. Durkin Appointed tenced to not more than one year ated at the ceremony in which sails which may represent a fer­ Christian church will officJate. 709 S. Summit street, and daugh­ dents from the Uni ted States who at the Fort Madison penitentiary. Mary Danner, Iowa City, sister of tility figure or may be a symboliC Assistant at St. Mary's Griffis was sentenced to not ters, Dorothy and MaJ'y Mercer qualified for the training program Miss Wetherby, who had been a CAN TERBURY CLUB - The means of wafting the child out in­ more than year at the reiormatory the bridegroom, was maid of hon­ Sayre, and Mrs. Mercer's son, after passing a competitive civil resident ot Iowa City for 88 years, The Rev. J. Robert Durkin has Canterbury club will ho ld a swim to the altogether unpleasant-look­ Anamosa. or and Rita 0' Donnell and Mau­ Edward, left yesterday for Terre service test, the bureau said. died Monday night at the Mary O. been appointed second assistant at and picnic at the Cedar Valley ing world. stockton who was returned quarry Sunday at 3 p.m. Members reen McGivern, both of 308 N. Du­ Haute, Ind., and Lake Louise, Meier will work on the irriga- Coldren home, 602 S. Clark street. of SI. Mary's church, Msgr. C. H. from Yaki~a, Wash., authorities will meet at the parish house and buque street, served as brides­ Canada, until lale in July. tion development project through- The dog seems to be making a Miss Wetherby came to Iowa Meinberg, pastor, has announced. last week by Marold GJaspey, transportation will be provided. maids. out the summer and return to SUI final appeal lor the undiVided af- City in 1858 with her father, Isaac Rev. Durkin has served as as­ deputy sherii!, pleaded not guilty The best man was William this fall. lection that sought to humanize it, Augustus Wetherby, artist and sistant pastor of St. Peter's to' a charge of forgery. The Pat McDermott, A4 , and Belly- _ or it may be included simply for pioneer photographer. Wetherby church, Keokuk, since his ordina­ Burke, Mason City, and ushers Lou Ehlke, A4, both of Des its shock value. county attorney said he signed a LEROY E. WEEKES - The opened a studio on Clinton street. tion five years ago. Leroy E. Weekes auxiliary, 3949, were Michael Linnan, Laurens, Moines, will spend the weekend 13, are the parents of a seven check on the Model dairy last May at home. pound, twelve ounce son, born The whole composition is domi- An outhority on Iowa City his- He will begin his duties here 8. • will meet· at 8 p.m. tonight in the and Robert Madden, Chicago, Ill. Following t.he ceremony a recep­ Sunday at Mercy hospital. nated by a disagreeable mustard tory, Mi ss Wetherby was a mem- . July 11. Wrote False Check Leroy E. Weekes clubrooms. tion was held at Loyola House, color stretching far oft to the hor- McClintic was charged with Spending the w ekend al home izon. V.F.W. - There will be a busi­ 202 Ellis street. writing an $80 false check last will be J eanne Christcnsell, A4, A son weighing eight pounds, The theme "Maternity" deserves May 21. Written on the Toy Na­ ness meeting of the Veterans of Mrs. Danner was graduated. Harlan. thirteen ounces, was born to Mr. Foreign Wars auxiliary, 258], at from Laut'ens high school and at­ a more Christian treatment. The tional bank, Sioux City, the check and Mrs. Douglas Williamson, painting has an element of psy­ was cashed at the Iowa State 8 p.m. tonight at the Commun­ tended the University of Iowa. 12)0 Highland avenue, Saturday chic interest but lacks genuine Bank and Trust company. ity building. Members are urged She has been employed in the of­ Jo Barnes, A4, Council Bluffs, will visit friends in Fulton, Mo., at Mercy hospital. spiritual quality-born of faith MEN! McClintic's bail bond was set at to aUend as plans for the July 4 fice of Attorney Arthur O. Leff, this weekcnd. and hope. It is too earth-bound "BlII $1 ,000. He is now in the county booth will be discussed. Iowa City. Mr. Danner, a gradu­ 3 0 0 jail. ate of Iowa City high school and Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCann, and fatalistic in spirit; too limited 1 0 U Mary Ann !lilring, A3, Fort 245 Hawkeye Village, are the in vision; too discouraging. 4 0 D Painlin was charged with oper­ ORAL G. SMiTII FINED the University of Iowa, is now 3 0 I ating a motor vehicle while in­ Oral G. Smith, Coralville, was employed by the Carvel' Pump Dodge, and Jerre Sonneborn, A4, parents of twins, born Sunday at Technically, Dorothea Tanning If 2 I) I Des Moines, will spend the week­ 3 0' toxicated on Riverside drive last fined $12.50 in police churt yester­ company, Muscatine. Mercy hospital. The daughter is a meticulous and exceptionallY end at home. 3 0. ' June 16. He was released on a day for failure to report a car Following a short wedding trip, weighed two pounds, eight ounc­ competent American surrealist :l 0 I es, and the son weighed two :l 0 I $500 bail bond. accident. the couple will live in Muscatine. painter-defining forms with the 1 0 I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurl, l'Oute pounds, nine ounces. .. 0 0 0 greatest precision. J) 3 0 I 8 I u-,~tii;:;-r-'P- o- r....:....-tr-a-i-t- N- o----:w Possibl~ • America's Foremost Tiny Camera Takes Internal Photographs Do You Like By MAX Q. ELDER The often discussed "portrait of an ulcer" has now become a real­ ity. A Bargain·As Well Thanks to a capsule-like cam­ era, doctors at University hospi­ tals are now able to photograph by Bob Evans and WhitelSwa~ 'the interior of the human stomach. At present the camera is used As Women! primarily for producing perma­ nent records of the patient's stom­ ach. It is also possible to deter­ mine what happens within the TIUS STOMACH CAMERA, almost the size of a Cigarette, takes Crisp, cool and professionally styled 16 stereoscopic photographs of the hlUIlall stomach's interIor. It pro­ Then - See These Values in Our stomach aftel' a pill has been • • • to keop YOIl a8 fresh as a daisy swallowed. vides a closer and more detailed examlna.tion of tbe stomach than was previously possibl with X-ray photographs. Supplements X-Ray all dayl One purpose of the camera is to supplement X-ray photographs. the Ilash-bulb (cent.er o( the from the flashbulb would not be It makes possible a closer and camera) with the patient's navel. reflected into tiny apertures of the BOB EVANS Ullilorms are lailored He then moves a small disc down slomach walls, some of which are CLEARANCE more precise study of growths and from fine broadc!loth in both long and changes. in the stomach. Ohanges the tube until it reaches the line smaller in size than a human in the mucous membranes may be sepal'8ting the patient's teeth. hair. shorl sIc ~e styles. Sizes 12 to 40. Gamma I 8-4, to recognized, aiding in more rapid Sitting in a straight-backed The tube is attached to a trans­ 4098 diagnosis of stomach ailments. tie with chair,. the patient tilts his head former operating on 1l0-volt al­ Cylindrical in shape, the mec­ backward at a slight angle. He ternating current. After the tube SALE hanism measures about two inches must breathe as deeply and as has warmed up, the spring-plung­ WHITE SWAN Uniforms, pocket trim­ In length and 7/ 16 of an Inch in freely as possible through his nose er (camera trigger) within the diameter. It resembles a large while the camera is in the throat. tube is depressed qui,ckly and im­ med and with fly front, that conceals All Summer ShOH perforated for cooL comJortable ",ear­ capsule. Separated in the mid­ mediately released. Moistening the tube with cold gripper fasteners. Wide sel·in bolt. Inq In brown and white. and two-tone tan and brown. dle, the "capsule" has an open water, the operator places the Printed as Slides space in which the flashbulb oper­ camera in the patient's mouth. He The process is over. Sixteen Long or short sleeves. 12 to 42. 8.95 ates. Each end is then a sepa­ pushes it slowly and smoothly photographs have been taken at Alao broken Iota of crepe-soled Sport ShOH. rate camera, held together by two down the throat. alender strips of metal. 1/ 500 of a second. All that re­ Stomach Inflated NYLON UNIFORMS ••• easy 10 clean • Each camera contains eight pin­ mains is to remove the camera hole lenses, located at quadrants When the camera reaches the and develop and print the films and keep clean ••. quick to dry . . • Values around the cylinder. This makes predetermined level, the stomach for use in the patient's case study. always smar!. Sizes 12·14. •• 14.95 I 16 stereoscopic photographs pos- is inflated with air from a bulb­ Developing is done in much the 81ble by detonating one flashbulb. pump aUached 1.0 the mechanism. same way as any other film. Most '0 $13.95 Tln.,v Film This is done so the walls will be photographs are printed as lan­ 'Behind each two pinholes is as far from the camera as pos­ tern slides to allow broad illum­ placed a special piece of film ap­ sible. Otherwise, proper range ination and show contrasting and See this Big Display proximately half the size of a would not be had. Light rays soit effects more sa tisfactorily. postage stamp and covering an of New Uniforms Style AlIlO One Group of arc of 100 degrees. Thus four pieces of film in each camera Todayl cover an entire drcle, overlap­ I Ping each other by 10 degrees. ... . Nunn-Bush" This assures complete circum rer­ enee photography. T,4~ 10% ALDtNS - Second Floor AU Brown - Broken 81_ OFF All film is marked so photo­ JJ~QA~"""" , Inphs can be localized to a par­ FOR ITS ' SPEED, EFFICIENCY. licular area within the stomach . CONVENIENCE, ECONOMYI Introduction of the twin-camera througll the th roa t is an invol ved 645945 process. Photographs should be 7~ UNDERWOOD • taken early in the morning when the stomach is relatively empty and dry. JlUNIVERSAL" Camera Centered All the operating feature. o~ To be sure the camera will be blaine" aLle tYJlCWriten. Smart. In the center of the stomach, ou t­ cnodCOl ~ ..r:.M i,IM;luded, Ilde measurements are t/lken. The camera Is attached to a one-quaT­ RIES IOWA BOOK STORE tel' inch rubber stomach tube MOORE·GRANDRA TH which the operator holds. He al­ lows the camera end to swIng tree Hotel Jefferson '11dq. 111 front of the patient and linea McBric/e's Hall- - . I'D, .. RATHER BE · RiGHT (omtnfcrrm's-Stew -Is Boiling By JoM. ROBERTS JR. in the Communist party has no­ AP FOrfl1&'n Affairs Analyst thing to do with continued cloIe ESTABLISHED 1868 Small Kids-Bii Bu.siness Eventually-­ Y u go s 1 a v-Bulgarian relaUolU, Perhaps to face over fail­ THURSDAY. JULy 1. ]948 By BILL McRRIDE From the other side of her mouth • ure to unlf!al tne Yugoslav gov­ her all-controlling Com m u nist 'I'lIl'r\' two little ¢rl pre- ~oor aA' in Te WhO are Why Not Now? ernment, or perhaps in an effort national front formally approves M1I:VJU:R or TID ASSOCIATED PRl!SS their 1I rnd 1 to bel'Ome financially independent thi "mm r. to keep a highly offended Tilo the Cominform blast against Tito, 'lb. ~ J>rfto Ia eou.ed exelU- 11-..17 10 W UN tor repubUatl.ln of 'I'ht'.,· 111"\'11'1 llt'ttillJ! much ooperation from tht' citiz('nry or local By SAMUEL GRAFTON (New York Post Syndicate) from pulling out of the RUssian In other places, too, including all W IoeaI news printed In thls new .. _ , ....ell as all AP _ clIoIwW1M. ort'il!iul." but Ihl'Y aren't thl' type to give up casily. sphere, Communists now appear Moscow, Communists 'would haVe gets elected. All Mr. Dewey has to be sw inging over to the line Thl'il' ri~1 l'ntl'rprist> wa~ to pool all their cornie books and try Mr. Dewey, who was officially you believe that the Cominform Board of Tru : Leslie O . M""Uer, selected by the Republicans four to do is get a hotel suite in Wash­ that II party matter is not neces­ action was merely a part of Com­ Muon lMId. A.. crall Baird, P ..ul R . In k ,II tl1('01 downtown. For some reason or another tht're i 0 't ington and he's in business. Ot.... lAster Brooks, Steve Dinnin•• years ago as the best man to win sa rily a factor in international munism's normal self-searchilll llI'uelt of [I market (or u~ell Rlue Beetle oJ' "pennan publication Kaihryn McNoma.ra, Rlohard DI ..... Kelt!> the war, has now been officially It relations. A . Glascow. IIt'r '. I thllt dt'1I1 Wl'nt on the rocks ('ven befor(' th(' two bn iness may seem like an extra­ and an effort to prevent a brother selected by them as the best man ordinary procedure but I don't from fo llowing the wrong track, ~rl.' I!ould .' IlIbli"h themsel\,('s Rll 1\ going institution. So many ingredients have now to lead the peace. For a man who see how the Republicans can say, not an effort to break his back. has never Uved in the White been thrown into the stew created • • • after their speeches in Philadel­ by the Cominform attack on They apparently would like to Eutl!l'pril.e number two involved a ca h outlay t{) begin with, House, Mr. Dewey has already had phia, that it won't make any dif­ forget the call issued to the Yugo­ quite a long Presidential career. Tilo's regime that, as is frequent­ 1111(1 pl'Obably would h8\'e worked ont fin l'ltct'pt that the entr - ference if we wait six months. ly the case when Communist slav party, which was forcefully His nomination brings him a prl'llt'lIl'''' lIudl'l'l'~till1uled ltow lOucll capital would be needed. What, not make a difference, to ideology runs up against political rejected, that it r ise up against step closer to the point at which wait six months more for the fu­ GOP Congress on a Griddle /(un//'i,/!/ 'bol f' 1'!l0l1 lik . a rtfr . king dri1lk dllri1lg Ill e facts, it doesn't make sense. the leaders who were conducting he can begin on a national scale ture promised last week? It is "of , II /Jlltll',' ilion/its, HII' girl 1)ZOlmeti fl lemonade slafld. a "hateful" policy loward Russia. TheJ'e' an id a goin'" 8round that it would bt· 08rt for Prt i· to exercise the brilliance which, up monstrous to think so. Tito's party says it wants to 'J'lwy didll't just jump into Ule I mouade idea. without some be friendly with Russia, and in It may be some time before d nt Trumall to a. k eongr to rp·con n'U . to now, he has had to confine And Mr. Dewey could save him­ I'tII"\,thou~h!. Thl')' (1l'cid d 10 check will\ the police befor op('u­ chafingly to oratory and state at­ the same breath blasts interven­ we are able to separate the real By thiR moY , somt> or the mort> importllllt legi lulioll l'uulll he self all those tiresome trips in from the seeming in this crazy illl? IIwir II 'W busilll': '. fairs. But even if he is lucky, it which a candidat bats around tion in Yugoslavia's internat oul lh way by fall. 'rhat III Pan th r would bt! yolilllt pt·!·. picture. The Marshall plan seems r • • • will still be at least six months endlessly. saying what he intends a ffairs, calls for a stronger army ut'(' on cong to do ri~ht by the con. tilnen!. bt>(ore tho 'I' \·ot· more before he ca n hope to end 10 maintain independence, and re­ to be having its impact, Tito's 'I'h l' J)\lliep fold tlll'11l tlwy bad b ftl'r see the eity clerk about a to do. He can do it, instead. On ers ~ to Ul poll. one of the longest dry runs in turns to the Moscow-disapproved unwillingness to force coiJectiv­ li.·('Il"e to l>('ll \t'm made. tTPOI1 qUl'rying the city clerk, thcy wer e housing, for example, Mr. Dewey It might al be art politi R. If P . ident Truman ean l'lwl. history, and begin to function as could recommend a program, Con­ campaign tor a Balkan bloc. ization on his violently QPposed informrd that a li('ellsl' wonld co. t tit('m $16 for the first dav of a really truly President. peasanls is a factor. Moscow and lenge the R publica11 e~l~re to fnICil II part of til UUP )llat· gress could pass it, and we would And, of all things, the renewed urll'ml ;\111 IIml ,;'1!i fOJ'('ach bu in .. day 111 rt'after. . Il Georgi Dimitrov both seem to form, th(' nation \ ill, t eh l'wnt!; ,. ' I'Y eJo~('ly. Thl'lI l'holiid lilt' ThIs eeems a plb, we need­ see how many new houses we Balkan bloc appeal is addressed to 01/1 of tilt' Jilt/I girt ran,. ad, ,0 she rherl(1'd Ike rily ord;­ ed milk, and there was ml.lk have become painfully aware ot eongl"eSl fail to li"e up to pInHOI'm promiR('. tl1I' J) l'lIlon31~ hll\,(' could count before we counted Bulgaria, which is ruled by ,Illnr (/(I/'Crllill!J /(lI/ul/(ult' sal s alld derided /h l' o/ficiallI111'S1I'1 around, wdd find !lOme wa.y to any votes in November, Georgi Dimitrov, Tito's rival for THo's size and independence. He a I rong talkil1j( J)\lint ill Nov 'Ill I'. \x> ·\plJ()fil/{l. I'd at It; If we needed water fi rst place in southeastern Europ­ has flouted Andrei Zhdanov'a How r, if you a um th Hrpubli"llll. al'(> l'in"('I'e Ilbont Ilil It eets cold In January, and v 'I'hllt " Hi fill' till' first day' Rl\II'R had them stumped. After we'd find sorne way to obtain It.. ean affairs. Bulgaria is also ' the "thought police." Set-backs in the Ill .. m .. llllllr they say thl' nulioll II "d' amI nl't'el., rilthl 1I0W ­ If there Is as much infI1&'ht and one Imalines the Republicans Communist-sponsored Greek civil I'XehILJ\!!:iul!' .ilt'nt hut meUllingfuI glan e , the !!irl. decided to should welcome a. six months' on ly satellite which is historically then th y ha\'l' a chan to Itt't th(' work done. If they cUll do Illat exeeuUve caPacity In Albany as war may be involved. droJl llw j"lle und work Oil an idea Ihat would r equire Ie. capi­ head start on hoU8l.n&', partlcu­ pro-Russian. (Belgrade's refer­ Ihl'S will have II fine J'{'cord 10 poinl to in ovemb('r. RI'Si(\es we were throbblncly Informed tal. Entprpl'i.' Ilumber two went th(' WilY of many sound, but larl'y In vlew of Ute fact that ence to inclusion of Albania in the You could go on listing the tha they 'll d rvl! anything th ')' 'all g{'t at tht! polls. last week, we oUl'ht to find some bloc means nothing. Albania al­ angles all day. \Illd,'\·filllllll'CIT. I' '(HlO IHi(' plans. wa.y put It to work at this one thlnl' or anotber kept them to ready is a Yugoslav county.) Only one thing is absolutely • • time of crisis. hom doll\&' much about It dur­ • inl' Ute last sesaJon. Bulgaria has had no time to clear. There is a crisis in Com­ lito: a Non-Cominform-isf 1'huroll{!,hly (,(lIIvi 1I1'l'd f hat I h I'l'a of privRte enterprise is a It seems an exercise in almost A six months' head start is also reply regarding the bloc, but says munist-sphere affairs. Handled d"11I1 as ,I uhn Brown, the girl. chang d their tactic!!. They Rffili­ Chinese patience to wait another with one side of her mouth (her properly, it may result in great NeWR co\·erage from Yu~oslu\'iu il. too sp tty to T1'1101·t ('lilly ntl'd tht'l1lsl'l\'('S with thr polil'e uepartment, hoping to obtain po. i­ half year, white Mr. Dewey has to not to be sneezed at in SUch fields as establishing world peace and government press department), profit for the anti-Communist wha.t th plit in tIlt! 'ominform. ignifil'~. But (III tltill~ i. l·!'r· I iun 011 111(, city pUYI'011. spend his time making speeches in perfecting relations between cap­ that the international crisis with- world. tain, thl' br aeh i wide and disagreements biUrl'. "(II/' il ~l'(llif" to flip !Jolllhflll COnn;1J1lrS that Ik e job in th e small towns saying how much he likes small towns. ital and labor. Why can't we 'fb Cominform ovcrplayl'l1 it !Jund in tll'noun 'iug' ~rul'"II!\1 pulir iii pllrllllcni Ittllif'lL illvolt, d handling the tHO t U1011l'Y Fortunately, the means are at borrow of the glories to come, in­ Tit 's rl'gim. Th f(' i.!l opp. ition ill 'rita' poJi t' stutl' sll'ol\ll' ('lIllsis/etl of ('ol/l'di)l(J /,0;11 from 1)(Irlti11{J meters. hand for immediate employment stead of nursing our impatience? ('nongh to toppl him ; the I ell At'my j. not nea rby. With thL in mind, thl'~' brgon Monday morning to make the WSUI PROGRAM CALENDAR of those talents which up to now, I canno~ understand how Sena­ • ~on e<{1I ntly, 1'ito ha. lood firm llnd ha talked ba~k. '{""h' I'­ l'Olllllls witlt t\\'\1 or Iowa 'ity' blne coats a8 they emptied ehang have only served to tease and in­ tOI' Tart, for example, can feel 8:otl a.m. Mornlni Chapel 3:30 p.m. News 8:15 a.m. News 3:3~ p.m. Iowa Union Radio H Ollr day's r port. indicat llc is drn~gil\~ onl the bl\l\lI('I' of Bull«lII fl'nlll til(' 11H'It'l'S. • trigue us. that a special session is unneces­ 8:30 8.m. Morning Serenade 4:00 " .m . Novatlme Trio federation to gain UppOl't. ~ l uyOl' l\ospr tll'oppl'd 11l'0ll nd timing the job, and omehow the sary. How can he contain him­ 9:00 a.m. Politics oC the Far East 4:30 p.m. Tea TIme Melodies The thing to do is to demand 9:50 a.m. News 5:00 p.m. Children'S Hour '1'0 add to it all, n 'gotiatiol1R bt'tw' n YUI(Olllavia and till' (lnitt't1 sllbjl'l·t or PIlY ca ll1l' up, and on of the m n jokingly ugge. ted a the instant reconvening ot Con­ self, in face ot the opportunity? 10 :00 a.m. The Bookshelf 5:15 ".m. Muska! Moods 10 : 15 a.m. After Breakfast Colfee 5:30 p.m. Up To The MInute New ... • tat. ar e:rpe 1 d to yield a deol at any mCJIlll'nt whi('11 will net slIllIry rUI' 1I I!' helpl'I'S. gress. It is a Republican Con­ But the main point is that Mr. 10 :45 a.m. HInts for Eatlnll Seorts 'rita $:lO. million. The' 1I('~otintion.· will pI! \I' 1III' \vil." for fut me gress, and Mr. Dewey is head of Dewey is so ready. He has been 11 :00 • . m. Johnson County News 6:00 p.m. The Dinner Hour • • • the Republican party. By virtue ready lor eight years, by his own 11 : 10 a .m. Organ Stylings 7 :00 p.m. University Student Forum Y nil' .'1 v tral1(' with t h WI"!. 1\1olldll)' 111'11'1'110011 tll(' girl. show d up at the mayor 'R office 11:30 a.m. MelodIes You Love 7:30 p.m. RemIniscing TIme of these facts, the Republicans can admission, for it was in 1940 that 11:45 a .m. Iowa State Medloal Soclely 7:55 p.m. News A. th(' !lin -nati n Cominrorm trie to hllsh the matt r 11(l1l1l11 flllly l'XIH'I'ting to collect for til(' morning'S labor. The mayor took open their prize package six I Iirst saw a Dewey headqual'lers 12 :00 noon Rhythm Rambles 8:00 p.m. Musk You Want til(' .,. 'o mllluni ~t party fist,S to ottuck Tito for d l'Sl' rtillJ! lh(' 12 :30 p.m. News 8:30 p.m. Our Land Be Brlsht fhl'lII illto his offiCI' und IIskcu how much th y thought the pay months ahead of time, if they at a national convention and he l2:4S p.m. [n Your Name 8:4:5 p.m. Voke o( the Army <'all. , til(' rift is wid ning. 'l'lIlk of II Bulkall I't'!lt'l'uliulI will 1:00 p.m. Musloal Chats 9:00 " .m. Campus Shop ... hllllid UI' 1'\)1' hl·lpil1g" polic('men mpty parkin~ meters. want to, and spread out all their has been ready for at least four 2:00 p.m . Johnson County News 9:45 p.m. News arou. thr inter. t of Blllgllria and Alblmil1. ../\ fh'l' II hutlll1p 10 detel'lTlinc the merits of their aid in public goodies now, instead ot waiting years by the ofiicial certification 2:10 p.m. Recent & Contemporary Music 10 :00 p.m. SIGN OFF 3:00 p.m . Workshop ReadIngs Am,trian 'ommuni t~ uri' l!onhiderill~ Till) '.. ~t!ll1d !Inti thl' \I'OI'ks, th!' little goids ('lillie to tht> decision that they should get a until thet certain day in J anuary. of his party. There is a danger f k IIrlllY continll S to r port fil(htin~ insilh' YUI(Clslll\' bOI·clnM . tllllllll' f1pil'ce. Mr. Dewey can set up a legislative here of over-training, if nothing It 811 ndd. up to troublt' fOl' Mos('ow. For tlU' fir'st tilll!' in u 'fl//,~ .wI .UIJJ/OI' J(osl'r buck on his honorabLe heels a.liWe, and program end he can get it passed. else. Let us go forward; let us The present Congress would Jis­ call that special session; let us long whil' Am riculls 'an ·i t ha'k nnd wntrh <111 Iclllw.t ·ln·good· II r 111/'111 (llrt II) his to get their "jUtllOr 010" WHO Calendar WMT Calendar .~(lIt .~r('rcfar !J ten to him far better th an it does not be held back by the peculiar world cri. i. und I 'ollfitll'lIt that IIlt'v Ktllnd til IWIH'l'i1 1111 (NBC OuUet) iCBS OulJei) n re ('II/'rlS .• inl'l' il ;.~ 1/ kJlOwn fact that 011yflllC 'who WOTk,~ for th{J to Mr, Truman, probably far bet­ argument that Republican gov­ motter how if out. . hll'l1 ~ (';1]/ I//I(.~/ bdrnty 10 till' "jlt71i(lt· eIO." ter than it will listen to Mr. ernment is critically needed, but 1:00 a.m. News. Alex Dreier 7:00 a.m. News. WId mark lilli' 9:00 a.m . The Fred Waring Glee Club 10 :00 a.m. Arthur Godfrey Uu ' ia i. ill thut P . ition l'l?glll'llinl{ Pul '.'lilll'. !\'IHI its 'rhut wus 0 1 with Ih ' girls until they found tllst membership Dewey himself, if and after he not right away. and Orchestra 12 :00 noon Voice of Iowa turn. wOllltl ('o~t thcllI . '2.50 apiece. Th('y might not know their Ilrith· 11:30 a .m. Acro.s Ihe K eyboards 3:.00 p.m. Hint Hunt 12:00 noon Farm News, Plambeck 5: 45 p.m. Lowell Thoma. IIl1'til' tno \\11,11, Imt sOlul'how th y fi 'tired tlley would com out on 1:00 g.m. Double or Nolhlng. Walter 7:00 p.m. The Doctor Say. Murder O'Keele 7:30 p.m. Mr. Keen Tracer tllt' :-;Iwrt 1'1111 of I hilt 9:30 P.m. The Time. The Plaoe, The 11 :15 p .m. Off the Record to tl fltnr(' t hI! Whitt, HUIJ'olI' for Ei"wnhowt>l· til\' I1l1t ion i'l IwilJlt pup f'ol' ('a.' II goil'l !l(,'tt lC'I I the wag clispnte. Tune • FOR HOME Tito's Iron Regime 10 :00 p.m. The .Sup""r Club trel!teu to another boom bt'ille ' th' I'cotJorui ' one, • • • 11 :00 p.m. Starlit Road. Poetry & MusIc Bllt Eis('llhow('I' bo. b('rll !;lIhlwl'tt'd of bl'il1l( /I Hl'publil'ul1, 'I'lte AboUi 1/1111 1.,Triu;t; Jean JTcnnrclwnd, hostess at tke Union (By Dally Iowan Research Staff) risked the wrath of Austria-Hun­ lu rgc basi. of thiR '('em to bl' thr fllrt t hut his hrnt hl'l' is 0 11 1'. (flld b(Jo.~Ir/' of "model'll" ad, SIIyS there have been fewer rle · A closer look at Marsh;ti Tito's gary in World War I when their Now th' Uencl'ul i, 11 coli ... " UUlIIillif.lrulur. H is bl'other i .. rO!Jalm'// rpl/Wl'ks IIII/(Ze i71 he)' preSC11(' about this show Own the Yugoslav regime both points up position was admittedly hopeless. al 0 u ('oil g ndllliniRtrator. ul;','1' fill'/( ILIIIIII(11 (.r 1t ib;ts. and confuses the issues in the cur­ In World War II, they stood up to OFFICIAL DAILY BULLETIN Wp 'd b mor enlhusin. fil! about Ei. nhowl'r liS presidrnt if J('UII isn't rl'rtain if tltis III ans that p<'opl or bc~i nnin g to rent split in the Cominform-coun­ Hitler when Germany was at its w knl'w anythillK at ull IIU Ht Wltll t It(' think uhollt IIIIIiol1111 01' like tltt' 111'1, 01' if tlw)' ar(' afl'uid to say anything whil she's tries. peak strength. inlernational affaiN r j[ hi hl'f)ther had I'\'er hren pre itll'lI!. 1'0 1Ig8inst con, it is AUGUS'l' GRADUATES Independence Day holiday will Fairfield. Swaner and Watts will tionalism in his bid for power. easy to believe that some un­ All August 41h graduates may begin at 12 noon, Saturday, Jut1 assume theIr new poslflons Thurs­ Yugoslavs have traditionally re­ known faetor deeper than is now place orders for commencement 3, and wili end at 7 a. m., TuesdaY, I' DIA day. lented outside pressures. They known has split the Cominform, announcements at campus stores July 6. AM &0 Use Daily Iowan Want Ads briver:s-~' Take the Ree' Out of Recreation Bulgaria On (Th. flnt or thr•• lolorpr.U •• arU· FOR BENT WORE WANTED cl.. ou traffic .aroly) l -r ______~~~~~ Fence ili Tito, CLASSIFIED RATE CARD 1 ROOM apartment until Sept. 1. BABY sit ling and sewing. Call By DON DEEDRICK CASH RATE Phone 6787. 9479. Take any hour of any day I • J 0.,._200 )NIl' lIDe per let it be 10 a.m. on a Monday in da,.. PERSONAL SERVICES May. Moscow Row a CouecuUve 4a,._I58 per IT'S YOURS TO RENT RADIOS, appllancet, lam~ and In North Carolina an elderly By JOHN M. mGHTOWER · liDe per dar. Do you want to haul a bed &ills. Electrlcal w1ring, repalr­ woman on a visit to her grand­ WASHINGTON (JP)-Bulgaria I CoDJeCuUve 07.... 110 per - stove - reIrlgerator - sand \nI. Radio repair. Jacaoo. Electric children steps oft a bus and is hopefully assumed the role of in­ lJDe per da,.. - ashes - furniture - or one md Gift. Phone 5.65. kiJIed by a speeding car. Near nocent onlooker ;yesterday in the l'IIure 5-word averare per UDe of a thousand things? Boston a salesman changing a tire row between the Communists of lODlmum Ad-Z Line•• Do It the fast economical way WHOOOESIT is mashed against the rear of his Yugoslavia and the Moscow high coupe by another speeder. with "Handy Haul" trallen. PAINTING and general repair. command. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY By the hour, day or week. Phone-3133 after 6, Bob Clark. On the outskirts of a Wisconsin The Bulgarian government, ISo per Columa Incb IOWA CITY TRAD.n MART city a truck and a car smash into which the Communists control, Or $8 lor a Monih ASHES anei HubbUb one another and a baby riding 141 S. Rlverside Drlve said the "sound foundation" of Phone GOU. in the sedan is hurled through Bulgaria's relations with Yugosla­ Callcellatlon Deadline 5 p. m. Dlal 6838 the windshield. And in Texas a H HERB'S pick up. Baggage, light via are unshaken. But the peo­ IeIPoDSIbie lor One IBconect "Br ihe Dam sophomore rushing belatedly back lnaerUon Onl,. hauling, rubbish. Phone 5981 or ple's front, which the Communists to college after a weekend at Ada DaUy lowaa 7725. also control, approved the Comin­ BrIar to home takes a curve too fast and 1UIa_ Office, Eaat HaD. or SERVICES form resolution denouncing the hurtles to his death. Communist leadership in Marshal DIAL 4191 All this happened while the Tito's Yugoslavia. EXPERT RADIO REPAIR TYPEWRITERS minute hand of the clOCk turned All Make. of RaclIOi or. Walt Out Storm FOR SALE 1Io1lrb&-Renled-So" one full cycle. During that same Washington diplomats said that Work Guaruteed short hour 156 other Americans Pick-up and DeUverJ it is Bulgaria's evident determina­ GlEN wool suit and 100% gray REPAIRS were being injured in automobile tion to sit on the fence and try to eabardine suit, latter worn 3 ,. Facio., Tralnecl MeebaDJ.. WOODBURN SOUND accidents. Multiply that hour by wait out the storm in the hope ot JIlonths. Size 9. Dia.! 5688 till 3 the 24 in day and tha t total by a not being struck by any stray p.m. SERVICE SOLD the 365 days in a year. 8 E. CoUe,e Dial 1-0151 s,. hlilUllve ROYAL Dealer THEY'RE IN NO HURRY NOW!!! Four Long Beach. Calif .• teen· aKers. one boy and three girls, were lightening. 1ST $12 TAKES synchol'nous 78 In the United States last year, kllled and two other boys severely Injured in t.hJs battered wreck on the night of June 18. The party It Is assumed that this perfor­ rpm phonograph turntable and about four persons were killed of six youths was celebra.tlng its &'raduaUon from hIgh school when the auto in which they were mance most likely will be dupli­ WIKEL TYPEWRITER every hour, or a total of 32,500 pickup arm. Call 9249 after 11 Cuahman Motor Scooters riding leaped a. curb and crashed into a paim tree. One of tbe dazed occupants can be seen in the cated by other countries in the persons killed during the year. a.m. Scott·Atwater Outboard EXCHANGE rear seat of the cal'. Russian-Yugoslav field of conflict. 12t It. Collen Dlal 8-1'51 The Fifth Commandment, given FOR sale by owner. Do you need Motors That would apply particularly to to the ancient Israelites reads Albania, for the Communist lea­ 'a home and an income? Three Whlaer Bike Motors "Thou shalt not kill." This means tion, clear-cut ordinances and only guess how many deaths are bedrooms fo r owner in addition to more rigid enforcement. Harper Novel Contest dership in Yugoslavia yesterday Motorola Home " Auto R&dlOi that nothing on earth can be so the result of bad driving habits called for creation of a bloc con­ tine 3-room apartmen t for ren tal. 8ALES " SERVICB 8unaN RADIO SERVICE important that a man's life should Too many drivers excuse their stemming from faulty instruction Open to All Writers; Pully insuTated. Automatic heat Sisting of Yugoslavia, 'Bulgaria Guaranteed Repalrl be risked for it - Life is the one own cal'elessness by blaming the _ or no instruction at all. $10,000 Prize Awarded and Albania. and hot water. Garage. Close in. Bob's For All Mallei imperishable value. man on ·the slreet. Since traffic Available immediately. Ph 0 n e A womlU\-came to a full stop at If the Yugoslavs go through Bome ud Auto RacUCMI Yet death on the highways and fatalities play no age favorites, The English department has re- with their suggestions for creating 8·0859. Radio & Appliance in ' towns and cities took 32,500 6,240 of the "careless man on the a downtown Intersection in a mid­ 2127 MUlOallDe Dlal 38M We Pick-up and DeUver western city just as her husband ceived complete information on such a Balkan bloc-contrary to 1935 CHEVROLET Standard. 5 331 E. Market Dial 2%39 lives in traffic accidents. This street" variety were either under the Harper $10,000 prize novel Russia's evident oppOSition to such good tires heater. $285.00. means almost twice the population 15 years of IIge or over 65 - per­ had told her sh should. But he hadn't schooled her enough in the conlest for lit9, It was announced sub units in her satellite system­ Phone 3885. ' of Iowa City was wiped out in sons who are generally victims of both Bulgaria and AJbania w ill be YOUR WHOLE NEW AND USED BIKES one year. unsound pedestrian judgment. use of the clutch. yesterday. 21.FOOT Glider housetrailer, WEEK'S WASB placed in the spot of having to For IDlmedlate DeliverJ Speed is the number one killer. At the same lime, drivers in the The car lunged forward ondl Designed to givc recognition to choose sides. , 1650.00. Inquire at 482 River­ In rammed into a gasoline truck unknown fiction writers, the prize Repairs for All Makel Nearly 45 percent of automobile 25 to 64 age group were behind Governments Agree dale. 30 MINUTES iust ahead. Sparks from the col- I for the winning novel is ~2,OOO Keys DupUcated fatalities attributed to mistakes the wheel in accidents costing The Bulgarian note drew a at the lision fired the gasoline. The truck cash and $8,000 as a mimmum J940 STUDEBAKER Commander. by drivers were the direct result 25 ,730 lives in 1947, and were careful distinction b tween the LAUNDROMAT driver jumped out, took two or I royalty guarantee. Radio, heater. Excellent con­ Novotny Cycle Shop of dl'iving too fast. involved in over half o. the acci­ fact that the Communist row is 24 S. Van BUren dition. Price - $1,050.00. Call st 111 S. ClJnton Speeding is premeditated. Other dents in which the man on the three steps and collapsed. The I The contest is open to all wri­ strictly an int ra-party tight and Phone 8·0291 8·0366 or Ext. 3578. traffic violations can often be street was killed. woman was thrown through the tel's and is not restricted to uni- the fact that so tar at least there blamed on ignorance, lack of skill "Experience is the best teach­ windshield. versity students. 1937 FORD coupe, -----85 H.P., motor LOANS is no ripple of trouble between or apathy, but speeding is clearly er," so we are told. However, Sevel'al passers-by danced in Full details may be obtained at the governments of Yugoslavia excelient, tires almost new, body USE IOWAN WANT ADS Joaned on camera, a deliberate action. The antidote drivers with over a year's exper­ and out of the inferno with the English deportment otfice in fair. Best offer over $350.00. 1""$"$1$' and Moscow. fUIIlI, clothing, Jewelry, etc. fol' speeding is clearly a deliber­ ience were in 97.5 percent of tatal valorous, futile attempts at rescue University hall. Write Box B-O-I, Daily Iowan. Whal the Bulgarians were try­ WHERE TO GO Rellable LoIUL. 1011 E. Burl.in6tOD ale action. The antidole for speed­ accidents last year. This is all IlS flames engulfed the area ing to say, according to some ing is the simplest safety measure around both vehicles. Hardly any­ 1930 CHEVROLET. Just over- Ft1BNlTURE MOVING obvious moral for those who be­ Sindelar Enlists in Army Washin,l(ton interpretations, is that hauled. Dial 4586. of all - thoughtfulness. lieve their driving experience thing was salvaged when the fire everything is okllY between the A universal determination to builds a kind of anti-toxin against finally died out. Charles D. Sindelar, ] 7, 115 N. Bulgarian and Yugoslav nations r 1946 4-DDOR Chevrolet. $1,750.00. resist the temptation of fast driv­ accidents. They did find a badge Crom Dodge street, has enlisted in the pnd ,Iwvernments, but that where ExceiJent condition. .p h 0 n e MAHER BROS. TRANSFER ing would have saved nearly ]0,- For Efficient Furniture But by experience do we mean the truck driver's cap. The raised 82nd division IIor three ypars. the ruUng parties are concerned 8-0716. address 722 Finkbine. 000 lives last year. the scores of drivers who ' built leiters on the badge were b::u'ely Arter a physical examination at Ithe Bulgarians line up for the Movinq The most significant single fact­ their experience on the founda­ legible: "In recognition of ten Davenport, he is scheduled to go tlme being with the Moscow-Co- And or in the traffic record is death lion of trial and error? We can years' safe driving." to Fort Bragg, N.C. minform leadership. BAGGAGE TRANSFER resulting in pedestrian-vehicle DIAL - 9696 - DIAL accidents. More pedestrians were POPEYI killed in 1947 lhan ever before - Oh Manl '======-:110,940 persons. This is the highest SPECIAL loll in anyone of the types of • FOIIOME thai Delicious accidents resulting in deaths. or this number, crOSSing be­ • FORomCE Food At BOOKS OF THE WEEK tween intersections is the m\>st • FOIl SCHOOL frequent cause of pedestrian fat­ MYER'S DEPOT Interesting time-killers, pleas­ ality. The fact that nearly 30 per­ cent of pedestrian deaths occurred Compiled by the Ia­ ant for summer days, that moUi Merri.",.W.b- . LUNCH won't strain your Intellect. in this manner points 10 the 'Irr edl(or/aJ J[atr; urgent need for pedestrian educa- boltd on Webst.r'. Kendrick-The Flames of Time New 'lnttrnarional Diction~ Across from Rock Island Depot ew. Sec •• d Edillon ­ "More for JOur mone," Sharp-The Foolish Gentle- LOST AND FOUND ·'rb. Suprtmt Authority" for the couru, woman III. pr.... Ihe achoola and coli.,.. of Ihe tOIIntry. FOUND: Fountain pen. CalI Ext. the bookshop 3224. I, 1941 Student Supply Store 114 E. Washington LOST: Sigma Theta Tau sorority . CHUK·L·ETS . {lin. Name on back. Phone 17 S. Dubuque 8-0814. W A.NTED TO BENT LOST: Chi Omega sorority pin. J. GIRL'S bike. Call 7397 after 7 Graber H. B. 5-7-47 on it, Find­ p.m. FURNISHED------3 or 4 room apart- BLONDIE calC YOUNG ment or duplex for one lady. er notify Joyce Graber, 4003 King­ POR SALE: 1936 Buick. See Min­ Write Box 6 U-1, Daily Iowan. men, Des Moines. Reward. nis in large seminar room, 2nd WANTED : Student couple want LOST: K & E poly phase slide floor, East Hall or write Box 4 rule, tan case. Initial R on case, T.I , Daily Iowan. nice 2 or 3 roOm furnished or partly furnished apartment any­ name inside. Call 5485. Reward. time before Sept. 1. Do not smoke LOST: Aqua raincoat in B-8 Uni­ Keuflel & Esser or drink. Good references. Call versity Hall. Reward. CalI Log Log Decltrlg Ext. 4199, evenings.------4703. RESIDENT physiCian and working TRANSPORTATION------WANTED SLIDE RULES wile desire private furnished Cho\ce of Regular or' apartment near University Hospi­ FOR 2 to the vicinity of Mankato, tal. Call 3837, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Minn. Leave 5 p.m. July 2. Sewed Leather Case or 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. Share expenses. Call 4807, nights. - RIES IOWA CLEANING & PRESSING BOOK STORE Let U. Keep Your Cloth.. BENRY THE HAWKSNEST ~ Looking Lik. New CARL ANDEISO. THE MUSIC YOU WANT ••• 'V )O'V lk 0w.M ~. · •• Is In stock at SPENCER'S. 125 S CLlNTCN For a wide selection of classi­ ICJNA CIT'I. IQWA ' c. O. D. Cleaners cal and popular records, come ill today. no PlCKlJP AND DBLIVDY Izanca Spencer's Harmony BaU NOTICE DIAL "II IN 8. CAPITOL 15 S. Dubuque 'frI OV AU.ratlo_ ... a.paIn .,.... SECURITY, AdvaoClllldt. B1Jb pay, four weea vacation • 10. WHEBI to BUY IT year. Work in the Job JOu like. Tlieee are the biihll1'ltl In the ROOM ANDICsoABD By GENE AHERN New U. S. .Arm;r aM U. S. AU ... Iver,.thlnr In Pboto Suppllel Force career. See M/Sil O. A UMP .... HATE TO THINK HOW lu McCluni, Room 204 POit Office. l'~L BE PUT IN :Til' DEEP FR.EEZE LUCK~ At SCHARF'S WHEN MINERVA - TAAT'S MY .. '51X R.INGE~ ~ Iowa CUy'S Larr... THE GLAMOR ial asked $5000 to WIFE - FINDS OJT 1 SOLD MY IN A POw WHEN INTEREST IN TH' SHOOT\N' THEY DON'T Camera Store endorse Hi-Io cigarettes. To GALLERY AN' PUT TIl'MONEY COUNl ····AND • 8. Dubuque Dial 5145 which the answer was: "I'll see IN " WILDCAT OIL WELL!· .. · EVERYTHING you inhale fIrst." Always a good ... SUMMER IS lOP CR.EAM ELSE IS time at the ANNEX. IN TH' SHOOTIN~GA.LLER.Y AGAINST ME! BUSINESS! Typewriter. LEST you forget to remember, and here's a reminder that Fina A44lnr Macbla. Foam cleans rugs. Yetter's Base­ both ment. Staadard " Portable DOW PASSENGER WANTED ~valJabie LEAVING for Chicago Friday aft­ rruwein 8uppl,. at. ernoon. 1948 car. Phone 9158 and Phone 3tH before 5 ... 8-0646 after 5. of the We Repair All Makn at ont HBI.P WANTED dded to ~ 1JlANSPORTATION WANTED KXIC needs man to learn radio ~ nts for ~ sales. ence for STUDENT and wife desire 'Tide to ay fOJ- Trl-Clty area afternoon of July AINSWORTH, 'Iowa, needl a y. The 2. Phone '8-1717. teacher to teach two classes in ay win home economlcll and two olher ay, July classes to be arranged. Within ~uesdaY, DIAL 4191 I driving distance 01 Iowa City. Apply to Jeas L. Tomlinson, Supt. ,. DAILY IOWAN, TlJUBSDAY, JULy I, .9tJ-P GE SIX Say Farewell to 'John the Janitor' Dwellers ·Musf - Could . u.S. Serves 'No Surrender' on Russia * * * * * * TSlNGTAO Retiring SUI Worker 'Surprised' at Party Quit Intended wllhout publl4 ,ulJ went br, To 'Deal' With Molotov in Warsaw for Conference Star of David Parking Area en were In UI The city yesterday served evic_ Berlin Issue tion notices on six (amities Jiving ' HI. "OT {JP) - The Over Haifa as in the city-owned apartment house at 317- 325 E. College street. 1 .. r,-ed 8 en p no· urrender notil'e on Ru ia~' tenlllY: We' Notices were served 0 11 the sil( intend to tay in Berlin d pit (amilies, involving 17 adults, be. British Retire tween 3:30 and 6;30 p. m. yester­ oviet effort to pu. h U Rod th other w tt'rn powers out. HAIFA (JP')-Israel's Star of Da- day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. vid banner replaced the Union Wilson. 323 E. College, were the 'eCl'('t8n' or 'tat .1nNhall last persons notified. iisued the' 9-word d!>rlnration Jack over Haiia last night as the from the hpilal wh t'rt:' h(, i last of British lroops pulled out of According to City A llorney undergoing a physical checkup. IPalestine. William Bartley, residents have He promised to "deal promptly" until midnight Aug. 3J to vacate Britain's 31 years of military the apartments. with questions falSed by the Rus­ power in this strategic middle sian blockade of the former Ger­ Ieast land ended quietly and calm­ Th e apartment house was man capital. ly, in contrast to the years of in- bought by the city last fall 10 be And backing up MarshaU's termittent violence that swept the torn down and the lot used as a statement: Holy Land when Arabs, then parking lot. The city council 1. British Fordrn ecrebry Jews revolted and finally fought passed a resolution Monday nighl Ernest Bevin said in London that each other. I authorizing the eviction nolice' the western nations are consider­ A selected crowd of 1,000 Jews Bartley said all residents had Ing a direct approach to the filed through the port gate this been notified when the property Kremlin In an e(Cort to HUle the evening and watched the ceremo­ was purchased that the city in_ Berlin crisis. ny of hoisting the blue and white tended to make it into a parking I. The V. . aJr foree, already '(A P Wlr.plloto) Israel flag. lot. All persons moving into the doubling Its fighter plane slren(1h house since the purcl;lase were al· EA TERN EUROPEAN DIGNITARJE rreet V.M. Molo&ev, Soviet Foreln Minister, at Okecle airport At the ceremony, David Ben­ In Europe, set about boosting the so informed of the city's inten­ near Warsaw. Poland. up n hi arrival for. confer ence of forelcn mlnllten from eutem Europe. Len Gurion, Israel's premier described number ot B-29 lI uperlortres es tions, Ba rtley said. le rlrM, tore,.round, ar Z&,y munt Modzelewski, Polish fon ..,. minister; Premier Jolld C,r.nklewlcs the evacuation as "?ne of the there from 10 to 3D-for the time The building is a nine-unil or Poland; M IDle,,; Wlktor Lebedlev, Ruaaian ambaalador le Polaud, aDd Man baU Mlehal Kola­ greatest days in the state of Is­ apartment house and three o( the being a t least. Zymlerskl, poland's minister or national defense. rael's history." S. The air r.rce announced I t apartments arc vacant. Purchasa night It h s contract.ed with four The evacuation of the last 2,500 price was $40,000. British soldiers began before U.S. commerclat airlines to til' 62 ton of spare parta, extra engine Speech Pathologist SUI Profeuor Finds -- dawn and was completed shortly and other equipment needed by after noon when the British flag THERE WAS HOT COFFEE for everybody at the surprise party was hauled down. the fleet of 39 air force transports yesterda.y afternoon in the pbannacy-bOta.ny buildl11&' honoring which are fly ing supplies Lo From Wisconsin U. Diary.Brings Happiness I Their withdrawal-more than a John Healy (len), retlrlnr janitor. blockaded Berlin. The lirst two month ahead of the original Aug. fllghts by the commercial cargo To Lecture at SUI - To Maine Widow, 88 I1 target date-was a precise mil­ Healy stood silently holding the planes Ielt ye terday a Cternoon. itary operation. Gunposts, tanks John Healy,* 70*, who * retired yes­ new radlo. Gruffly he mumbled Yette~~ Marshall's itatement: and circling planes covered the Prof. RobNt We·t, head or the By SISTER VIRGINIA ANN terday as a janitor at the pharma­ that the people in the building " We are in Berlin a e ull movement of the 2,500 troops as Univer 'Ity of Wi sconsin speech * * * * * * cy-chemistry building, didn't shouldn't have bought him the ra­ of agreements between th gov­ plitholollY d partment, will speak A universlly professor and a plight through a letter received back to the docks. Finally all dio. that remained under British COIl­ reahze folks appreciated his rears ernmentJ on the areas ot occupa­ tomorrow aftcrnoon al 4 in the page Crom his deceased 'lather's trom her last week. She intimated "You've all got plenty to buy Pre­ tion In Germany and we Intend to senate chamb!'r of Old Capitol. nineteenth-centul")' diary brought that she h'lld almost given up hope trol was a small area ringed by of service. barbed wire. without getting me a radio," he stay. The lecture will be Ihe econd happine s Into the life of an 88- of proving her past marital status But people in the buildirtg said, "but I thank you trom the "The Soviet attempt. to blockade in a series or four an SUI's l)rO­ year-old widow from Augusta, when she heard of the diary. She That too passed from 'British showed yesterday afternoon that bottom of my beart." the German ciVilian population of control as Lt. Gen. Gordon lL A. eram of speech pathology nnd Me., yesterday. asked If Wblte "would kindly look they did appreciate "John, the Just then, Roy Hall, storekeeper In1yenfory Ic MacMiUan stepped aboard a B rlin ral ba questions of hearing conS('Tvalion Other lec­ Upon request of Mrs. William to see if there be any possible janitor." They said thank you at of -the biochemistry department" serious Imporl with whleh we tUres will be held July 9 and 16 Goodwin, Prof. Dorrance S. White mention" of her marriage. ship's boat a few moments after a surprise party given in his honor and his committee brought in two the Union Jack was pulled down ances was expect to deal promptly. or the SUI classics department Upon tinding the statement during Healy's last hour on the huge 12-Uter round-bottomed West will speak on "Aphasia, from the harbor office. that ample "Meanwhile, maximum u'e of earched in the family strong quoted above, the professor job. He was given a new radio flasks of coffee. Healy was of­ Clearance lts Diagnosis and Treatment." given the p atr transporL wlll be made to box and found, on a yellowed answered her letter immediately. and a cash gift. Apha ~ill I, the los. or impairment fered the first beaker of coffee disa pproval supply the civilian population. It page of his father's diary, the He is now having a photostatic Nearly eighty professors, in­ and perched 6n a laboratory table has been found, arter study, thal of the powel' of lip~('h or or betwee n sessi proper undl"rolunding and lise of (ollowing statement: "Ocl. 6, 1886 copy made of the diary entry as structors, laboratory workers, with his drink, just a little dazed, the tonnage 01 foodsh.tffs and - 1 married William C. Goodwin further proof for government students, secretaries and building as folks passed by to wish him Questionin g supplies which can be lift.ed by certnin words. st.,tcment say Saturday mornll1 We ~l will to Flora Prince at one o'clock au thoritles. Relax, Folks workers gathered in one of the good luck. air i greater than had at flr.t. they would tllkl' part In a round-tabl dis­ today." "I'll be happy if I can help Mrs. large botany iaboratories to say Healy lives with his wife and SALE been assumed." test from t cu ion reiutmg 10 hIS Friday lec­ The en!t·y, in the Rev. George Goodwln get her pension. It bord­ That DDT Spray Will goodbye to Healy, who has been a two daughters, Mary and Jose­ Dlp!omatlc offICiR!! aw the university employee for the past this comm pronounc ment as a likely prelude ture. L. White's handwriting, was the ers somewhat on a Boy Scout's phine, at 113 E. Prentiss street. their own Both the lecture and the dls­ first Ct'uit of a long search by Mrs. Kill Only Bugs 18 years. He has worked in the He h,as a married son living in T e~ to a strong three-power protest 'good deed,' you know," White readings oC CUSSJon are open to stUdents. fac­ Goodwin to establish proof of her said with a glint of the same scout pharmacy-chemIstry building for xas. For fifteen years before he directly to Moscow against the the last two and one-half years. Now in on three ully members ond th\, public. marriage. For some tlme the aeed satisfaction in his eye. worked in the pharmacy-botany Rus ian squeeze on the city's The DDT to be sprayed in CI ty "Tohe reason su pply Ii nes. woman had been denied her wid­ He said the contents of the Prof. Robert Hulbary ot the bo­ building, he was storekeeper in ow's pension because she could diary brought back nostalgic park Friday morning will harm tany department made the awarGis the pharmacology department in test is clear. not produce this identification tor memories of his Cather. It had only the insects it is designed to to Healy on behalf of the chemi~ the medical laboratories. the July 41h Find Missing Boy; au thorlties. been some time since White had eliminate. stry, botany and pharmacy de~ Most people Born on a Johnson county farm driving on At the time of Mrs. Goodwin's perused the pages that covered The insecticide to be used In the partments. east of Solon on the Cedar river, 'No Surprise' Full that day. ]f a period of years from 1864 to park area is a one percent solu­ Aaron Marple, chief custodian Healy spent his childhood there Hadn'f Left Town marriage, the state required no taverns or legal registry of such ceremonies. 1930. His father was ten years old tion, and "will not effect fish, of the building, who had been "and just stuck around" to farm 4th or 5th, he had no credentials when when he started his written rec­ bees, flowers or human beings," chief planner of the party, led taU the place for 40 years. Police last night returned Bur­ dents at a At IResignation Washington oWclals asked for ord, whleh is contained in several Robert E. J. Snyder, chairman of grey-haired Healy into the labor­ He has no plans for his days of ton W. Burge, route 5, to his home marital proof before granling her books ot all shapes and sizes. the advertising committee for the atory where everyone was wait­ City Attorn arter the 16-year-old youth hod leisure. "I'm afraid I'll get kind ley last rcqu st [or the widow's pension. White mentioned that he found Fourth of July Celebration, said ing. of jiHery," he said. "I'll have a Swing · been missing since Sundny. "nothing in Thl'ough contacts, Mrs. Goodwin brief, a lmost casual, refet'ences to yesterday. Bushy-browed, in grey-striped gardEn next year." Police said he wa found in Io­ forbid s the Of Studebaker learned that the Rev. Mr. White, Lee's surrender and Lincoln's The mayor's committee on fly cover-ails, the elderly janitor wa City. Prices Reduced Monday who o(ficiated at the wedding, assassination, penned in a boyish and rat control received calls yes­ stood in the doorway and stared aIter His par nls, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. day." Dr. John W. Studebaker's resig­ died in 1931. hand. He was amused to find terday concerning the effect ot the in surprise whUe people applau­ Swimmer Gets Li cense nation as U. S. commissioner of Burge, reported the youth missing Regarding t A letter to the Rev. Mr. White's accounts of childish frlction be­ DDT on wild Ufe. ded him. and thought. he was going to Te;­ Bowen D. Stassforlh, SUI breast beer in Iowa educatlon Tuesday is no surprise daughter In Owego, N.Y., brought tween his father and his father's to his long-Ume friend, Pro!. F'. C. as on a motor scooter. The report The park is to be sprayed .in "I couldn't figure out what was stroke Olympic hopeful from Los word of the minister's diary, sister Lizzie. going on," he said later. "I was nelly, .''';1'''''1'.1 prompt.cd D call to the Iowa High­ preparation for the Fourth of J uly Angeles, Calif., received a private keeper s a Ensign oC the college of education. which si nce his death has been in The professor toll owed the way patrol who wcre searChing celebration sponsored by the Jun­ never so surprised in my life.' pilot license Tuesday. Stassforth organization "Studebaker is 61 years old," the possession of his son here. account of the years through the for the you th . ior Chamber of Commerce to be After Hulbary gave him the is a member of the Iowa City 1h Ensign pointed out, "and when a month not to White learned at the widow's minister's courtship of Mrs. White. flying club. AND MORE man reaches thal age, he thinks ('If held Monday, July 5. gifts and made a short speech, added th at retiring Irom governmenl service. Holy Hour Scheduled City are not His new position on the dltorial association . For Cdtholic Students SECOND FLOOn board of Scholastic magazine is FASHION CENTER more suited to his age." The Rev. Leonard 'Brugman Retarding his resignation from wllL conduct II holy hour this ve­ the $10.oo0-a-year job because he ning at 7:30 in the Sl. Thomas zens who run couid "no longer afford to remain More chapel. .. SUITS in the federal government," En­ Dr. Du sign explained, "r don't think he ' (Values from 29.95 to Preston was sayIng that wholly on a fi­ 'RifJ1f#B.~~'/J#If)~f:IIf:#J. 69.95.) A small seleclion did not protesting. nancial basis. He could probably in gabardine knit and all to Dr. manage to squeeze by on $l(),- THER E'S wool. 000." oothing of Even after Studebaker went to he arrived at dealers have night. Washington, Ensign pointed out, the Des Moines school board did not immediately release him from wonderful his position as superintendent of Des Moines schools, since Stude­ I£E £ llEAl\1 (OATS baker expected to return to Iowa. Broken sizes in attractive Ensign eXplained that for the past few years, Studebaker has had fleece, gabardine, camel offers of school superintenden­ hair and coverts. (Values insidc this gone to'St andard Oil to 79.95.) cies, "to a financial advantage." "He was a fine IJUperinlendent," Ensign recalled. "There's no telling- he may do lh.at work packagc! 8galn." Commenting on Studebaker'S Celebrate on the Fourth, have fun, but in a moment work as commissioner ot educa­ of relaxation, atop and think! Realize why we NOW DRESSES tion, Ensign said, "StUdebaker de­ 1j '.~<~.c:c"'~ -C:R~o~§:> AM ' ~ givi veloped and greatly improved the . are obaerving Independence Day , • . because the schools '0 your car 1I.'lerservice 1 and 2 piece styles in office of education. It. basn't -. crepes, rayons. prinls and been a great oWce, but he dld all fathem of our country had foreaight and good Judg· solid colors. Sizes 10 to he could with its limitations." , ~ 24Y2. (Values from 12.95 ment! ...... •...... to IIel'Ve you even better than ever before, Enslen said Studebaker could • • A.nnoaI 10 22.95.) always get a Job as a skilled • Standud Oil Dealers eagerly attend our schools for bricklayer. • 'Add more mlleag. to adYaftoed trl\ining. 5006 already have completed • "He pays his unioo dues every Start your holiday weekend at Moore's for the • your gal .upply the COIll'8e. 250 more start th e course every t wo year," Ensign explained. "I'll bet • • ween at the 80 dools we operate. The course be couid still make the bricks best in food. • HERE'S HOW TO DO IT: feature. one central idea, "Pet80nalized $ervice"­ fly." • • Keep your .~ moderate - high for you the personal service you enjoy, for your car • epeed. mMJ1 fut fuel COQlumption. the individual attention it needs. Oxford Man fjned We will be closecl • Avoid "jack rabbit" atarta- come to a l1'8dual atop- don't idle your When your Standard Oil Dealer bas mastered this HANDBAGS ' engine unnecellarily. See yoUI' training, and daily puts it into practice, he is . A ss 0 r tmenl of evening On Driving Charge Sunday and Monday. StaDdard Oil Dealer for other waYII awuded our Servi~ Specialist emblem. When you Clarence L. Zimmerman, 17, to eave gu- Im training can help b ag s, sport and dress m jrelh (U it' jm_, rrMJdy !Iee.it banging proudly inside his station, expect a '18 you. Standard Oil COUIIJIIII'Y' bags in bluo, red, green Oxford, wall tined $100 a.tter he to dip out of itll di tinctivf!, Bur. little extra ' 'pep'' in his windshield cleaning, a little pleaded gullty to • reckless driv­ and black. p.ci8~e. extra promptness and courtesy, a lit tle extra ine charge TuelKiay in police (undy-rolOl'ed court. attention to clean rest rooms. E xpect your car to (ValulJ8 to, 2,98) Now 1.9$ County Attorney J ack. C. Whlte be handled with additional know·how and skill. (Values to 12,95) Now 3.98 I8.Id the char,e Involved throwing fiJ'ecrac:kers (rom a car on Hi&h ­ L4DY BORDEN 19,95) NOW way II. west of Iowa City, Su.nday 13 S. Dubuque DIal 7961 niehl. I£E CRIEA:81 'our other boy. will be in court ' IT FOR A CO L DE~ POO:' {or a hearing Thursday morninl &t hnaliwJ Service in connection with the Am. inci- AT YOUR .TANDARD OIL DIAL.R'S -----.,.."...,------,,--._---- .., -~ --._----

.. -- ,~ ,_.... ~ ...... &.C& ... _~<_"_~"'-_~ .... _,_, - -~"'...::...... ,. :..--. • - .. - ~_ ~~:&~.: __ ' :a;a:&:i: p" ..