~ then Came The Dawn ~ - The Weather Today' 'AllIINGEN, GERMANY (Jp) - Cpl. Frank M. Resla Increasing cloudiness and warmer follow .. was lust waking up one mornlnr wben SI1. 1I0wa&'d BInDIngbam walked in anl\ talked hIm Into re-enllsUnr ed by scattered showers tonight. High to· f.r two more years. 1» the time Res1.&. wal fully awake. he found bls com· day 90i low, 65. Yesterday's high was 75 lIJIIl(linr offieer bad promoted him In tbe knowledl'e be OWaJ1 11 :30 p. m., 54. w.ald be on duty until 1950. Established laSS-Vol. BO,No. 23S-AP News and Wirephoto "'-II"lowCl City, Iowa, Thursday, July 'l, I9ol8-Five Cenls ---- ----~------------~--------~~--------------------------~----------------~. Tito Hints at More Trade Police Kill Struggling Negro IWestern Allies To Give With West, a Balkan Union Yugoslavs Continue I • . Germans Green light Defiance of Moscow Army Gains I Nationwide Strike Conlffonts Western On West German State BELGRADE (IP)-Marshal Ti- In Greek War to's Communists yesterday nailed up another proclamation 01 Yugo­ Electric Company ATHENS (JP)-Minisler of War Airforce Trebling 8-29 slavia'B nationalistic independence George Stratos said last night NEW YORK (IP)-A nationwide Allies To Continue (all Ministers of Moscow. Greek army units had beaten back ballot by the Association of Com­ Power in West Europe Then hinted their willingness to guerrilla forces in a hard struggle munication Equipment Workers deil with the west as well as the and restored com m u n i cations (CIO) has authorized the union's WASHINGTON {Jp)-The Unit­ Food Flights-Bevin bargaining committee to call a ed States airforee is trebling, for cut on a basis of peaceful coop­ along the Ioannina-Preveza road. LONDON (IP)-Britlsh Foreign To Frankfurt eration and equality, and revived strike against the Western Elec­ the time being at least, the num­ The guerrillas had taken up Secretary Ernest Bevin said yes­ !be Moscow-derided project of tric company, the union said last ber of B-29 super fortresses in positions behind the army's lines night. Europe. a Balkan federation. on heights flanking the highway terday the western powers are de­ The program was announced as which is the main supply road for Ernest Weaver, union president, This announcement yesterday termined to continue flying food To ,Hear Plan said members voted four-to-one to followed closely the disclosure Tito appeared in public yesterday GrE:ek troops in the Grammos to blockaded Berlin despite the FRANKFURT {JP) - Germani ror the first time in more than mountain front. These troops in­ authorize the national bargaining that \the fighter loree there is being doubled with the assign­ risk of grave trouble with the will be told by the three western two weeks. Accompanied by top clude the Greek eighth, ninth and committee to call a strike "should Russians. such be necessary" to enforce un­ ment of a wing of jet planes to powers today to start forming a Communists and high-ranking tenth divisions. BEFORE SHOOTING Mm to death, two Norfolk, Va.. policemen German government for all west­ ion demands (or a 31 -cenl hourly grappled with this man in the Union bus terminal yesterday. Patrol­ the American zone of Germany. He told the House of Commons: army officers. he inspected a con­ In a counterattack, the army, "If ever there was a time to stand ern Germany. struction job in Belgrade. Mem­ wage increase. man J.P. Bordeaux (lert) struck at the head of lhe Ne(To (tenta­ American air strength thUIl is supported by the Greek air force being bolslered in western Europe firm it is now." They also will be offered an oc­ bers of youth brigades working on Weaver said the union would tively Identified as R.E. 1I0well of Roper, N.C.) whlle Patrolman and the royal Hellenic navy, begin what he called a "cold at the height of the western pow­ Bevin said the western Allies cupation statute to take the place the job hailed him with shouts of drov.e the guerrillas off the M.D. Edwards grasped him from behind. Three blows to the head "Tito, THo" when he appeared. He strike" today. Union members falled to stoP Howell, who jerked loose. Edwards then shot him ers' struggle to keep tbeir foothold are considering a direct approach of a formal peace treaty until all heights. The rebels suffered heavy will carry placards listing their in BerUn. to t he Kremlin in an attempt to four occupying powers can agree spent two hours at the site. losses, Stratos said. fatally. Edwards quoted ih.e Negro as sayln&' "You'll bave to kill grievances in front of "every me flrst" when told to put. down a. knife. On-the-spoi picture was Except for a one-month period settle the Berlin crisis. He did on final peace terms. His appearance indlcaled Yu. A report from the battle zone prominent telephone exchange in last spring, the number of super­ not specify whether the approach cesllLvla's CommunIsts stili are made by a. Norfolk cameraman in the terminal on another assIrn­ Plans for this political fusion ot said American construction men the counlry where our mcmbers ment. fO'rlresses visiting Germany on wouid consist merely of a protest all three western occupation zones behind Tlto In denanee of i.he working on the road were forced are employed," Weaver said. rotational training missions has against the blockade or would in­ leIlusation by the Communist were practically completed yester­ to flee. The union members manufac­ been limited to single 10-plane clude a r'equest for four-power day at a meeting of the British, blernat/onal Wormatlon bu­ Dispatches from the front said ture and install telephone ex­ squadrons. But two squadrons are talks. He dld say, however, that reau (Oomlnform) that he Is American and French military t h r e e g u e rrilla battalions in change equipment. now on training operations there Britain Is ready to renew four­ ·commanders in this proposed cap· IeadinJ them astray trom the northwestern Greece were seeking Weaver emphasized that men Board of Education Approves and a third was due to arrive power attempts to settle east-west werld party \lne. ital of the new western Germany. to surrender. An official at second carrying placards would not con­ yesterday, bringing the tolal force disputes in Berlin-after RUssia It will leave the RUllian oc­ Meanwhile, reliable word was corps headquarters in Kozane said stitute a picket line and they up to a 3D-plane group. lilts her blockade. cupied eastern zone of Germany received here that the Cominform army officers had crossed into would not attempt to inflUence all by It.self In almost complete plans to discontinue publishing its 16 SUI Faculty Appoinlmen,ls rebel positions for negotiations. persons against entering telephone political and economic isolation bi-weekly newspaper in Belgrade. The exact sector held by these buildings, Sixleen appointments to the SUI faculty were approved Tuesday from the rest of Germany. Outwardly the Yugoslav party battalions was not disclosed. The Western Electric company by the Iowa Slate Board of Education at its meeting in Cedar Falls. Agriculture Undersecretary Sworn In is a manufacturing subsidiary of The western allies still held out leaders continued to hold out the Prof. F. Baltzer, Bern, Switzerland, has been appointed to an ex­ an offer to include the Soviet zone olive branch by declaring they the American Telephone and change professorship in zoology during the absence of Prof. Emil Telegraph company. in an all-German government slood for "strengthening and fur­ Witsch1. Baltzer is connected with the Institute of Zoology at the whenever the Russians wiU agree. ther developing tight cooperation Weaver said a strike would af­ University of Bern. with the Soviet Union" and with Warns Against fect 30,000 installers of heavy tele.­ Baltzer will teach one yeal' on the university campus. Witschi is on The Russians, however, were the "peoples democracies" of the phone equipment in 44 states and leave to delivcr a paper nt the International Congress of Zoologists reported going ahead with their other Soviet satellites. the District ot Columbia. and lalcr to teach at lhe Univer- own plans for forming a rival German government in their zone But stoutly, they asserted, He added that the union is free sity of Tuebingen al Tuebingen, 'Contraband' to strike any time aiter loday un­ Germany. which will claim to represent all "the national Independence of Germany. the people of Yugoslavia Is tbe WASHINGTON (JP) - Western der its present contract with the The stale board of cducation Ii­ Pool Fund Campaign condition for their road to socl- Europe was told yeslerday that company. nance committee in Des Moines German ministers were lIum­ alism and their prolress In nn· the United States considers shlp­ Weaver said average hourly wa­ last night announced a $10,000 Hits $4,500 Mark moned to meet here today with erat." ping "contraband" war supplies ges earned by ACEW members grant from the Rockcfellcr found­ the allied commanders to hear They ca1J(!d for a "general into the Russian sphere a cause was $1.15 and that more than half ation to enablo Wltschi to study in The Community Dads announc­ the tel1llll of the Allied arree­ of the men receive less than $1 an Gcrmany, according to The Asso­ menlo strengthenin&" of tbe Yugoslav for halting Marshall plan assist­ hour. He said the company h ad ed last night that a total of $1,- amy which they declared "pro- ance. ciated Press. They will be told to have a con- refused "even to make an offer." 327.50 has been collected in the stituent assembly ready to meet tects the freedom and independ- Paul G.
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