The Ledger and Times, July 26, 1948
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Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 7-26-1948 The Ledger and Times, July 26, 1948 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, July 26, 1948" (1948). The Ledger & Times. 6947. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. airt " 19 la Selected As But All-Round Kentucky Community Newspaper For 1947 • MEMBER • UDIT WEATHER FORECAST UREAU l'U5SLEFI KENTUCKY: Partly cloudy 0I and warm wi few scat- IRCULATI tered thun rshoivers today il and tonigh Tuesday sen- erally fair a d not so warm. par. cooks United Press YOUR PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- PAPER FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Monday ags of Afternoon, July 26, 1948 MURRAY POPULATION - 8,000 Vol. XX; No. 34 aday's iravy, Russian Rail Traffic Former Murray Athlete Barred turn Today From ready ig our Miraculously 1*:0'‘s1/es fruit 1 Western Zones oat if It-over citrus 111 and Action Cuts Off 7 Death In Accident nixing Large Amount of COUNTY MINISTERS ricots, About Annual Trade Nice- NAME COMMITTEE ROY BARNM Bus-Truck Crash Saturday potato BERLIN, July 26 1UP1-The FOR DEVOTIONALS sit ice. Anglo-American zones if Germany o solid today were ordered closed to rail Local city and county ministers DIES TODAY IN Kills Six, Injures Twelve iVS the zone held a meeting in the Murary couit before. traffic between the Russian • Bud Dubia. 23, son o'clock Saturday af- oL_Mr. and sugar and Western Europe. house at 2:00 VETS HOSPITAL ternoon to work out a daily radio Mrs. Harry Dubia of 1615 Main The action cut off about 100.000 devotional service. They appointed Roy Barnett. LASSITER NAMED St.. miraculously escapeed with annually between the 56.6 died of com- tons of trade a committee consisting of a chair- his life plications Saturday when a bus in Russians and Western Europe. man and one man from each den- this morning at the Vet- which he was riding collided with A British spokesman said it omination to schedule the speakers erans Hospital in Marion. Ill. MANAGING EDITOR a gasoline truck in Minnesota. would affect Chiefly the Soviet on a rotating basis. Survivors include five daughters, Switzerland Dubia, a former three zone trade with Italy. They voted to exclude denomin- Mrs.. Elaine Collins and Mrs. Ber- OF LAW JOURNAL -letter and the Scandinavian countries. athlete at Murray State ational and controveersies from nice Phelps of Detroit, Mich.. Miss- College . It was a clearcut counter-move the devotional 'service and exclude was travelling with the Duluth es Ronda, Maxine and Rachael LEXINGTON. KY., July 26- against the Russian blockade of Dukes baseball team announcements. Kenneth Turner, James M. Lassiter. son of Mr. and enroute to Berlin. "Technical difficulties" Barnet 'of Murray; six o•ns, Le- Duluth, Minn. manager of the' radio station. corn- GIANT FLATTOP TO LAUNCH ATOM BOMBERS-Here Is an In a telephone con- reason given. The main artist's conception of the Mrs. E. A. Lassiter of Murray. has was the mended them on this action and Navy's proposed new flattop that is Roy, Jr.. of Detroit. and Glen, versation with his mother this offiAals said, was that designed for the jet-launching of a task force of atom been named managing editor of the difficulty. told them that the station will Oliver, Bradley, Dale and L. J. morning from the Bethesda hospi- bombers. The ship, an admitted 65.000 tons whose deck is the equivalent Of Kentucky Law Journal at the Uni- the Russians held 13.449 freight 10,000 feet 01 tal tvlaere he was make their announcements for runway, may Barnett of Murray; two sisters. admitted after cars belungink in Western Ger- be ready by 1952, according to Mechanix Illustrated Magazine. versity of Kentucky beginning them in the daily news programs. Mrs. Ellen Shelton of Murray the accident. Dubia said that his failing to return them in the with the fall semester. 1948, the many, This devotional aervic is broad- route 7, Mrs. Kate Grogan of Mura,4 condition was not critical. Prelimi- -zonal College of Law announced recen- pre-blockade days of inter nary examination showed • cast each day except Sunday at ray route 3; three brothers, E. L. tly. that he traffic. 8 15 in the morning. The Ledger and Tom of this county. and Dick had several broken ribs, face in- Appointment as managing editor A statement announcing the move and Times in cooperation with Barnett of East Prairie, Mo.; one juries and a fractured ankle. international rail traffic Congress Meets is based upon scholorship and the Mrs. DubIa said Today tlso WNBS will With carry on Saturdays. ad- grandson. talked willt through Germany would continue ability to do creditable professional Frank Kurkosski, a vance listings of the speakers for Mr. Barnett was a member of farmer. this move freely. That meant trade writing. The Journal is published morning, the man to the following week. th.heerPeopfulanrer-SalprsemrtsiceBapBas who pulled her between Western Europe and those four times a year. in November. son out of the s flaming wreckage. the iron curtain such as Po- January, March, and May. and has Kurkosski said that he behind Immediateate Adjournment Urged -at 3:00 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon just hap- land, Czechoslevagia and the Hal- a mailing list composed largely of pened to be passing SHROAT CALLS under the direction of the Rev. 'when the ac- not be affected. practicing attorneys in Kentucky cident inns.. would Lloyd Wilson. Burial will be in the -occured. Dubia was the difficulties WASHINGTON, July 26. •UP1 - nation. The GOP is ready to says law school libraries, and others Official sources said first one that he pulled from "no- to that. Barnea cemetery. the that followedfollow the Soviet blkadeblockade CHAPMAN MEETING The Republican-controlled congress who have a professional interest in bus. un- After a 90-minuje leadership The Max Churchill funeral publications. of Berlin made the...train ban met in extra sesison today with such Latest reports today were that meeting, Martin said the OOP FUNERAL. SERVICES home is in charge of arrangements. avoidable They adinitted it would Lassiter, a junior in law, is six of the men GOP leaders hoping to wind up there until who were in the effect on the HERE TONIGHT wanted to hear Mr. Truman before The body will remain president of Phi Delta Phi, legal have considerable acoident have died, business in a few weeeks and some setting any daunts legislative the funeral hour. including the economy of the Soviet zone. FOR MRS. SMITH TO fraternity. He is a graduate of Mur- manager of the baseball club John Shroat, chairman of Virgil of them urging.an_gamoat immedi- course. who Asked tabstbiti the move was ray High School, was driving the Chapman's campaign for election to ate adjournment. bus, ant the truck the beginning of Western economic driver. Five Sehate. P".7 keder others are in critical penalties against the the United States Senate on the House speaker Joseph W. Martin, Taft. R. 0. told newsmen the sen- MELD TUESDAY sanctions of condition, ,and the seven comment. Democratic ticket, announced this Jr., and senate president Arthur ate will meet daily this week "if CURT M'DANIEL other Russians. they declined passengers are seriously morning that a public meeting LIVESTOCK injured. belief was widespread how- will Vandenberg gavelled the two wg decide to stay here." He reveal- Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy T. The Witnesses saki that the gasoline might be the first be held in the County Judge's office houses into session at noon, EDT., ed that a suggestion was made ever. that this S.mith, 58. will be held at the DIES TODAY AFTER exploded, turning the two So- in the Courthouse tonight at eight in response to President during the leadership meeting that vehicles serious attempt to counter the ST. LOUIS NATIONAL STOCK- into an inferno, o'clock. First Baptist church at 3:30 Tues- The bus toppled viet restrictions. Truman'scall. congress adjourn without consider- YARDS, Ill., July 26. UP)-IUS- over day afternoon under the direc- on its side and members of The rail traffic affected formerly Shroat urges that all supporters of Mr. Truman will appear before ing any of Mr. Truman's pro- LONG ILLNESS DAt- Livestock: the team were trapped in the was permissible under the Four Chapman be present at this meeting a joint session at 12:30 p.m. to- posals But no decision was made, tion of the Rev. R. H. Falv.aal; Hogs 7,600; all classes active, un- wreckage. Power planning programs, which and help in the formulation of plans morrow to- present in person his Taft said. Jr.. and the Rev. J. E. Skinner, Curt McDaniel. 65, died of cancer evenly sharply higher: weights 250 The Dukes, who have a working ceased when the Soviets withdrew for precinct organization for the legislative requests. These are ex- Rep. Clarence Brown. R 0, said at 3:30 'this morning at his home lbs down. 25c to mostly 50c over Mrs. Smith died at the Ford hos- agreement with the St. Louis Card- their support of the Four-Power election to be held Saturday. Aug- pected to include meat rationing he believes the session will last after an illness of several weeks.