N2 Town to Road Improvements

Coolkill East - Corracrin

Part 8 Application Description of Proposed Development

Road Design Revision No: 0 Monaghan County Council Date: July 2011 The Glen Prepared by: RNAI Monaghan Checked By: CMcC 047 30500 Approved By: JMcG

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N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale Road Improvements

Coolkill East to Corracrin

Part 8 Planning Application Description of Proposed Development

Table of Contents

1.0 THE NEED FOR THE SCHEME ...... 5 1.1 BACKGROUND ...... 5 1.2 THE PROPOSED SCHEME ...... 6 2.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ...... 7 3.0 EXTENT OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT...... 8 3.1 TOWNLANDS AFFECTED BY THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT...... 8 3.2 ACCESS TO THE N2 ...... 9 3.2.1 LT12201 Enagh South Junction ...... 9 3.2.2 LP01155 West Junction and LT12201 (North) Tirnaneill East Junction – Tirnaneill Crossroads...... 9 3.2.3 LS05260 Drumcaw Junction ...... 10 3.2.4 LT11701 Drumgeeny Junction ...... 10 3.2.5 LT52501 Lisboy Junction ...... 10 3.2.6 LP01170 Junction ...... 10 3.3 IMPACT ON LAND AND PROPERTY ...... 11 3.3.1 Impact on Residential/Commercial Property...... 11 3.3.2 Impact on Agricultural Lands...... 14 3.3.3 Impact on Protected and Historic Structures...... 14 4.0 ENVIRONMENT ...... 16 4.1 OVERVIEW...... 16 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES ...... 16 4.2.1 Heritage and Archaeology...... 17 Heritage ...... 17 Archaeology...... 17 4.2.2 Ecology, Freshwater, Bird, Large Mammal and Bat reports...... 18 4.2.3 Arboricultural (Tree and Hedgerow Survey) Report ...... 18 4.2.4 Noise Assessment & Report...... 19 4.2.5 Human Beings and Air quality ...... 19 4.2.6 Interrelationship of the above factors ...... 19 4.3 LANDSCAPING PROPOSALS ...... 20 4.3.1 Hedging - General...... 20 4.3.2 Hedgerow Translocation ...... 21 4.3.3 Hedgerow Trees...... 21 4.3.4 Embankments...... 22 4.3.5 Grass Verges...... 22 4.3.6 Miscellaneous Landscaping Proposals ...... 22

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List of Appendices


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1.0 The Need for the Scheme

1.1 Background The N2 National Primary Route is a main arterial route linking Dublin to County Donegal. It passes the major hubs of Monaghan Town, , Strabane and links , Dungannon and Derry. As it passes through Northern , the N2 becomes the A5. The proposed N2 Monaghan to Emyvale Road Improvement Works refers to 8.5km section of the N2 north of Monaghan Town. This section of road is an unimproved, single carriageway road. It currently carries significant traffic volumes with large proportions of heavy goods vehicles, has substandard vertical and horizontal alignments and has a poor accident history. Refer to Appendix 1: Scheme Location Map and Phasing, which illustrates the N2 between Monaghan Town and Emyvale.

In the mid 1990s the N2 between Monaghan and Emyvale was proposed for realignment as the second phase of the Monaghan to Emyvale road realignment - the first phase being the Monaghan Town Bypass which was opened to traffic in 2006. Phase two – the Monaghan to Emyvale road realignment – has Part VIII planning and design was progressed to Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) stage, however the CPO was not served.

In recent years a decision was taken to upgrade the A5 in between Aughnacloy and Derry. The A5 is being progressed and the preferred scheme was announced in July 2009. The scheme proposed is a cross section and is currently proceeding through the statutory approval process in Northern Ireland. Subject to the necessary approvals the scheme is programmed to start construction in 2012.

Following on from the decision to upgrade the A5 in Northern Ireland, the previously proposed N2 Monaghan to Emyvale Road Realignment is being reviewed as part of the larger N2 to Northern Ireland Border scheme. Under this scheme the N2 from it’s tie-in to the Clontibret to 2+1 Road Realignment at Clontibret village, through Monaghan Town and Emyvale village and through to the Northern Ireland border at Moybridge is proposed for realignment. The scheme is currently at route selection stage. There is no agreed programme for construction of the realignment. The N2 Clontibret to the Northern Ireland Border scheme supersedes the previous proposed route for the realignment of the N2 between Monaghan Town and Emyvale.

The N2 between Clontibret Village and Monaghan Town has previously been improved and has benefited from overlay schemes in 2008 and 2010. Monaghan Town was bypassed in 2006. The N2 north of Emyvale village to the Northern Ireland border has previously been realigned and carriageway improvement works and an overlay have been undertaken over the past 5 years. The 8.5km section of the N2 between the Monaghan Town Bypass and Emyvale village has not been subject to any major improvement works. The existing N2 between Monaghan Town and Emyvale is a single carriageway and offers a poor Level of Service (LOS) to users.

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The current status of the N2 Clontibret to the Northern Ireland Border scheme will result in the existing N2 being in use as the N2 Dublin-Derry National Primary Route for a number of years to come. This section of road was given a medium-high risk rating in the 2008 EuroRAP report. It is proposed to undertake road improvements on this section of the N2 under the NRA’s Pavement and Minor Improvement works to improve the efficiency and safety of the road.

1.2 The Proposed Scheme The proposed “N2 Monaghan to Emyvale Road Improvement” project aims to provide interim road safety and travel quality improvements on the existing N2 between Monaghan Town and Emyvale village.

The project has been broken into 4 sub-phases to facilitate design, construction and multi-annual funding. Appendix 1: Scheme Location Map & Phasing, illustrates how it is proposed to progress the phased works. The first phase of the easement and minor realignment works extend for a distance of 1,510m from the Townland of Derrynagrew to the Townland of Kilnadreen, immediately north of Monaghan Town. Phase 1 was granted Part 8 Planning Permission in 2010 and is currently under construction. Phase 2 will tie into the Phase 1 works. Phase 4 links Phase 2 and the settlement of Corracrin. Phase 2 and Phase 4 are proposed under this Part 8 planning application. A 60km/h and 50km/h speed limit applies through the settlement of Corracrin and it is not intended to undertake road improvement works on the existing road through the village. The proposed Phase 3 works will improve the existing N2 national primary road between the settlement of Corracrin and the village of Emyvale.

The proposed works involve widening, easement, realignment, improvement and overlay of the N2, road drainage and all ancillary works.

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2.0 Proposed Development

The road improvement works are to be undertaken with reference to the (NRA) Design Manual for Road and Bridges (DMRB). The location and extent of the works is shown in “N2 Monaghan to Emyvale Road Improvements, Coolkill East – Corracrin, Site Location Map”, Maps 1, 2 and 3”, Scale 1:1,000 at A0, ref map “Key to Site Location Plan Drawings” for a key to these maps.

The proposed road cross section is a reduced single carriageway standard. 2 no. 3.65m carriageways and 2 no. 0.5m hard strips will give an overall pavement width of 8.3m, in compliance with the cross section for a reduced single carriageway road (with curve widening as per TD9/10 of the DMRB). Localised road widening at junctions will facilitate right turning facilities. The verges are to be widened to 3.0m. Typical cross sections are included in Appendix 2.

This high speed road is the N2 Dublin – Derry National Primary Road and caters for significant traffic volumes and a large proportion of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs). Pedestrian and cyclist facilities are not proposed and it is not intended to encourage vulnerable road users to use this road, however a 2.0m hard strip will be incorporated into the verge to facilitate any vulnerable road users who may choose to use the road. Between Coolkill East and Corracrin the hard verge is to be incorporated into the western verge. Where the proposed improvements travel offline, the proposed 2.0m hard strip facility will be retained along the line of the existing N2 to segregate vulnerable road users from mainline traffic as much as possible.

The vertical alignment is to be improved to provide sight visibility splays at junctions and to facilitate forward stopping sight distance and overtaking sight distance where applicable. Maps of the proposed vertical alignment entitled “Plan & Proposed Vertical Alignment” @ Scale 1:1,000 (A1) are included in Appendix 2.

Retaining walls may be used to minimise the impact of the proposed improvements on sensitive locations. Safety barriers will be used to protect against hazards where necessary in accordance with NRA DMRB standards. There are a significant number of watercourses, including small streams and drainage ditches, along the route. Existing culverts may need to be widened or replaced, a new watercourse crossing is required at Chainage 2170 and several watercourses will be diverted to facilitate road and verge widening. Refer to Section 4.0 for details of the environmental impact of the proposed development.

There are six watercourses piped under the existing N2. A number of these culverts may be replaced or widened. All culverts will be planned, designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) and Best practice guidelines for works crossing watercourses by the NRA and the Eastern Regional Fisheries Board.

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Landscaping will be undertaken as part of the works to mitigate against the impact of the proposed development and to screen properties impacted by the proposed improvement works. A general landscaping methodology is proposed, however at key locations detailed landscaping features are also proposed.

Permanent fencing will be erected along the proposed scheme. Permanent agricultural fencing will be post and rail with mesh facing. Where temporary fencing is required to facilitate construction of the works, it will consist of post and wire fencing. Fencing types to the front of dwellings will be agreed as part of the accommodation works with landowners.

Ecological and Environmental studies have been undertaken to identify the impact of the proposed development – refer to Section 4.0 of this document.

Appropriate sight visibility splays and approach gradients are to be provided at accesses and sideroads. Appendix 3 contains details of sideroad access arrangements at junctions and accesses directly affected by the proposed works.

A Stage 1 Road Safety Audit has been undertaken on the proposed development in accordance with HD19/09 of the NRA DMRB. The Road Safety Audit was broken into two separate phases; Phase 2 and Phase 4, as identified in Appendix 1. The completed Stage 1 Road Safety Audit Reports are contained in Appendix 4. As the proposed scheme undergoes detailed design, a Stage 2 Road Safety Audit will be undertaken. A stage 3 Road Safety Audit will also be undertaken upon completion of the works.

The finished road will be surfaced with Hot Rolled Asphalt and road markings and road studs will be provided.

3.0 Extent of the Proposed Development

3.1 Townlands affected by the proposed development Townlands affected by this proposed development are as follows;

Coolkill East, Tirnaneill, Enagh, Mullabrack, Legacurry, Drumcaw, Drumgeeny, Lisboy, Cloghnart, Knockronaghan, Corracrin

The location and extent of the works is shown in; “N2 Monaghan to Emyvale Road Improvements, Coolkill East – Corracrin, Site Location Map”, Maps 1, 2 and 3”, Scale 1:1,000 at A0, ref map “Key to Site Location Plan Drawings” for a key to these maps.

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3.2 Access to the N2 It is not proposed to restrict any existing access to the proposed realigned and improved N2 National Primary Road. All existing junctions will be retained and access arrangements to the junctions will be improved. Sight visibility splays from the junctions will be secured. Right turning facilities are proposed at all junctions. Localised works will be required at the junctions to regrade and realign the sideroads to meet the proposed realigned N2 as follows;

3.2.1 LT12201 Enagh South Junction The existing junction of the LT12201 South onto the N2 is in a difficult location. There are poor sight visibility splays from the junction to the mainline. When turning right into the junction from the mainline there is poor forward visibility and there is a danger that southbound mainline traffic will collide with turning vehicles. The left-turn from the mainline is also difficult due to the constrained junction geometry – traffic must decelerate to negotiate the acute left-hand turn and there is a danger of rear-end shunts from N2 mainline traffic travelling south.

As the N2 is proposed for realignment past this junction, it is proposed to create a new junction for traffic accessing the LT12201 South at Chainage 2470. The new junction has been shifted north to avoid locating it on a potential overtaking straight which could lead to high speed collisions between vehicles turning right off the N2 into the LT 12201 and vehicles overtaking on the N2. The proposed junction location provides a right-turning facility for N2 traffic turning onto the old N2. Junction radii will be provided in accordance with current design standards to minimise the risk of rear-end shunts between N2 traffic travelling southbound and N2 traffic turning left into the junction. When traffic turns in at the proposed junction at Chainage 2470, it will travel on the old N2 before turning in to the LT12201 at the existing junction location. Refer to Drawing “Sideroad and Access Details, LT12201 Enagh South Jcn, Ch 2470” in Appendix 3.

The old N2 will remain open from the Enagh Junction south to the proposed N2, where it is proposed to construct a left out and right out junction at Chainage 2140. Traffic will not be permitted to turn from the realigned N2 onto the old N2 at this location.

3.2.2 LP01155 Tirnaneill West Junction and LT12201 (North) Tirnaneill East Junction – Tirnaneill Crossroads Right turning facilities will be provided for both junctions. There currently is a restriction on the Tirnaneill west junction as traffic is prohibited from turning from the LT12201 (North) onto the N2 as it is not possible to achieve the required sight visibility splay from the junction to the N2 mainline. Discussions with local people indicate that traffic does in fact exit this junction on to the existing N2. It is therefore proposed to improve the junction to provide adequate sight visibility splays to enable traffic to exit from the LT12201 (North) onto the proposed new N2.

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Minor regrading of the Tirnaneill East Junction will be undertaken to meet the proposed vertical alignment of the N2. Refer to Drawing “Sideroad and Access Details, LP01155 Tirnaneill West Jcn, Ch 2575” in Appendix 3.

3.2.3 LS05260 Drumcaw Junction The existing crest on the N2 mainline north of the Drumcaw Junction severely restricts sight visibility from the junction and also restricts forward visibility for traffic travelling on the N2 mainline, potentially resulting in collisions between N2 southbound traffic and turning vehicles. It is proposed to vertically realign the N2 to remove the hillcrest, providing forward visibility on the N2 mainline and sight visibility splays from the junction in accordance with current standards.

Right turning facilities will be provided for the Drumcaw junction, however significant regrading of the LS05260 sideroad is required to meet the proposed vertical alignment of the N2 mainline. A gradient of over 9% is proposed on the sideroad, however a level area at a grade of 2% is proposed on the immediate approach to the N2 mainline. Refer to Drawing “Sideroad and Access Details, LS05260 Drumcaw Junction, Ch 3080” in Appendix 3.

3.2.4 LT11701 Drumgeeny Junction The existing crest on the N2 mainline north of the Drumgeeny Junction severely restricts sight visibility from the junction and also restricts forward visibility for traffic travelling on the N2 mainline, potentially resulting in collisions between N2 southbound traffic and right-turning vehicles. It is proposed to vertically realign the N2 to remove the hillcrest, providing forward visibility on the N2 mainline and sight visibility splays from the junction in accordance with current standards.

Right turning facilities will be provided for the Drumgeeny junction. Refer to Drawing “Sideroad and Access Details, LT11701 Drumgeeny Road, Ch 3690” in Appendix 3.

3.2.5 LT52501 Lisboy Junction The existing junction of the N2 mainline and the LT52501 is a skewed junction. The turning radius from the N2 left into the junction is restrictive. It is proposed to widen the mouth of the junction to provide corner radii in accordance with current design standards. Right turning facilities will be provided for the Lisboy junction. Refer to Drawing “Sideroad and Access Details, LT52501 Lisboy Road, Ch 4425” in Appendix 3.

3.2.6 LP01170 Tydavnet Junction The existing bend and crest on the N2 mainline south of the Tydavnet Junction severely restricts sight visibility from the junction and also restricts forward

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visibility for traffic travelling north on the N2 mainline, potentially resulting in collisions between N2 northbound traffic and turning vehicles. It is proposed to horizontally and vertically realign the N2 to remove the bend and the hillcrest, providing forward visibility on the N2 mainline and sight visibility splays from the junction in accordance with current standards.

This junction is also on a high speed straight and there is potential for overtaking traffic travelling southbound to collide with right-turning vehicles. A right turning lane is proposed which will provide some shelter for right- turning traffic and the right turning lane road markings will discourage overtaking manoeuvres on the approach to the junction. Refer to Drawing “Sideroad and Access Details, LP01170 Tydavnet Road, Ch 5200” in Appendix 3.

3.3 Impact on Land and Property

3.3.1 Impact on Residential/Commercial Property The proposed project will ease bends and where required will realign the road to improve curve radii. This will have an impact on residential/commercial property where the existing property is located within the proposed line of the road improvement works. While the proposed road improvements will have an impact on the gardens and curtilege of residential properties, the proposed development will not require the demolition of any residential/commercial property.

Where residential accesses off the existing N2 are being directly or indirectly impacted, revised access arrangements from the existing N2 will be provided with reference to current NRA DMRB and Monaghan County Development Plan Standards. Appendix 3 contains details of sideroad access arrangements at junctions and accesses directly affected by the proposed works. Where necessary, accommodation works will be arranged with each affected property owner on a case by case basis.

A list of residential properties closest to the line of the proposed development is given in Table 1; Properties adjacent to existing N2 alignment.

Chainage Location Owners Impact & Proposed Mitigation Measures relative (Where applicable) to N2 Mainline 1600 West Moffett No direct impact 1690 West Hackett Proposed realignment is shifting slightly east – no direct impact 1780 West Farrell Proposed realignment is shifting slightly east – no direct impact

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Chainage Location Owners Impact & Proposed Mitigation Measures relative (Where applicable) to N2 Mainline 2350 West Kelly It is proposed to shift the road west, however the proposed centreline is still approximately 150m from the property. The proposed road realignment severs the lane, however where the lane now joins the N2 there will be an improved sight visibility splay. Refer to Drawing “Sideroad and Access Details, Kelly’s Avenue, Ch 2930” in Appendix 3 for details of the proposed access arrangements to the realigned N2. 2550 West Star It is proposed to shift the road alignment slightly west and closer to the dwelling house, particularly at the rear of the property. All lands comprising the dwelling house garden are not currently in the ownership of the dwelling house owner, however for mitigation purposes the lands will be treated as a single plot relating to the dwelling house. In consultation with the landowners, the area between the dwelling house and the proposed road level is to be filled with suitable material to improve the utility of the existing garden. Any further accommodation works will be designed in consultation with the landowners. Refer to “Cross Sections at Properties” drawing in Appendix 2, Chainage 2550. 2600 West Murphy The proposed alignment is shifting slightly east and will (Sean) have minimal impact on the dwelling house. 2610 East Derelict The road widening and bend easement proposes to widen the Church road closer to the existing derelict Mullabrack Presbyterian Church. Sight visibility splays at Tirnaneill Crossroads are affected by the church. The existing condition of the Church creates a hazard for those entering the building or working in the vicinity of the building. Consultation has taken place with the descendants of the trustees and the Church and its grounds are not in use. The grounds are not consecrated and contain no burials. It is proposed to demolish the derelict Church, removing any potential safety and health hazard both during the works and into the future. 2660 East McKenna No change to road centreline, however proposed road edge (Dominic) is shifting closer to the dwelling house due to verge widening etc.

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Chainage Location Owners Impact & Proposed Mitigation Measures relative (Where applicable) to N2 Mainline 2730 East McKenna Construction of the road improvement works will result in (Kevin) disturbance to the existing garden – where translocation or protection of the trees is required to retain existing mature decorative trees, the services of professional arboriculturist/horticulturist will be used in designing the works. The proposed embankment gradient past the property has been reduce from a standard embankment of 1:2 to 1:3.5 to facilitate access and maintenance of the embankment. Accommodation works will be provided in consultation with the landowner. Sight visibility splays from the entrance will be improved. 2800 West Connolly Proposed road widening and realignment encroaches into the (Brendan) property. The dwelling house heating system is contained in the lawn of the property and detailed design will be undertaken in consultation with the property owner to mitigate against any potential damage to the system. Accommodation works will be provided in consultation with the landowner. 2900 East Rafferty The proposed centreline is shifting closer to property. Road and verge widening will also push the road edge closer to the property and the vertical alignment will require regrading of the laneway to meet the porposed N2 road level. The existing hedge and some of the mature trees will be affected. Accommodation works will be provided in consultation with the landowner. Sight visibility splays from the entrance will be improved. 3220 West Murphy Proposed road alignment is shifting further away from the property. 3330 East McCarron The proposed centreline is shifting closer to the property and road/verge widening will require some landtake. Diversion and/or piping of watercourse will be required along the frontage of the property. Accommodation works will be provided in consultation with the landowner. 3740 West Kelly Proposed road alignment is shifting further away from the property. Earthworks for revised vertical alignment may impact the property, however retaining walls may be used to minimise the impact on the garden. Sight visibility splays from the entrance will be improved. 3970 East Redhead Proposed road alignment is shifting further away from the property. 4440 East McCarron Proposed road centreline is shifting closer to the proposed (Planning dwelling house, The property is not yet constructed. Ref 08/1289)

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Chainage Location Owners Impact & Proposed Mitigation Measures relative (Where applicable) to N2 Mainline 4530 East Connolly Proposed road centreline is shifting closer to the property a (Frances) watercourse diversion is required. Existing trees/scrub will need to be removed to facilitate roadworks. Accommodation works will be provided in consultation with the landowner. The services or a professional arboriculturist/horticulturist will be employed to determine and mitigate against the impact on the existing woodland. 4540 West McKenna Proposed road alignment is marginally shifting further away (Owen) from the property. 4630 West McKenna Proposed road alignment is marginally shifting further away (Eamonn) from the property. 4760 West Sherry Proposed road alignment is marginally shifting further away from the property. 5160 West McCeel & Proposed road centreline is shifting toward the property Boyd however the current planning permission has lapsed. (Planning Ref 04/692) 5530 East Woods The proposed alignment of the road is not changing. 5550 West McClernon The proposed alignment of the road is not changing. Table 1; Properties adjacent to existing N2 alignment

3.3.2 Impact on Agricultural Lands The proposed project will ease bends and where required will realign the road to improve curve radii. This will have an impact on agricultural land where the existing property is located within the proposed line of the road improvement works.

Where existing agricultural accesses/farmgates off the existing N2 are being directly or indirectly impacted, revised access arrangements from the existing N2 will be provided with reference to current NRA DMRB and Monaghan County Development Plan Standards and in consultation with the landowners. In many cases this will improve the safety of the existing accesses by relocating the access point to a more appropriate location and by providing a verge facility for farm machinery to pull into when accessing lands.

3.3.3 Impact on Protected and Historic Structures There are two recorded monuments or protected structures recorded to the east of the N2 at Tirnaneill crossroads; - MO006/025 Ring fort - MO009/008 Ring fort The proposed development will not impact either of these structures.

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Legacurry House is a demesne house dating from circa 1850. It is located approximately 100m west of the existing N2. It is not a listed building or protected structure, however in the Constraints Study for the N2 Clontibret to Northern Ireland Border both the house and the demesne were identified as unregistered architectural sites. The proposed road improvement works shift the existing N2 to the east, increasing the distance between the demesne house and the N2.

An existing derelict church ruins (Mullabrack Presbyterian Church, also known as Tirnaneill Church) to the northeast of Tirnaneill Crossroads will be impacted by the proposed development. Monaghan County Council’s Heritage Officer and NRA Archaeologist Mr. Niall Roycroft undertook two separate archaeological assessments of the proposed works areas. Both reports are contained in Appendix 6.

Descendants of the trustees of the Church have been consulted with respect to its usage. The Church was originally used as a “Session Church”. It is no longer in use and the grounds of the Church are not consecrated and do not contain any graves or burial sites. This is not a protected structure, although it is listed as an unregistered architectural site in the N2 Clontibret to Northern Ireland Border Constraints Study report. The roof of the Church was previously removed and the building condition has deteriorated since. The proposed works result in a widening and easement of the existing road in the vicinity of the Church. Given the existing condition of the Church structure, the proposed works may weaken the fabric of the structure, rendering it a hazard. It is proposed to demolish the Church as part of these works. A full archaeological record will be taken of the Church structure prior to any works taking place to preserve the details of the Church for future generations.

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4.0 Environment

4.1 Overview The proposed development is a road improvement project. The overall road improvements are approximately 8km in length (Phased 1 to 4).

With reference to Article 8 of the Roads Regulations, 1994 (Road development prescribed for the purposes of Section 50(1)(a) of the Roads Act, 1993), An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required for “The construction of a new road of four or more lanes, or the realignment or widening of an existing road so as to provide four or more lanes, where such new, realigned or widened road would be eight kilometres or more in length in a rural area, or 500 metres or more in length in an urban area”.

While the proposed road improvement project (Phase 1 – 4) extends to approximately 8km in length, only two lanes will be provided over the length of the project. Monaghan County Council has, on the basis of the above, determined an EIS is not required for the proposed road improvements.

Where a proposed road development would be located on certain environmental sites the road authority shall decide whether the proposed road development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment. As per Section 50(1)(d) of the Roads Act, 1993, as inserted by Art. 14(a) of the EIA (Amendment) Regulations, 1999, the sites concerned are: (i) Special Area of Conservation (SAC) (ii) A site notified in accordance with Regulation 4 of the European Communities (Natural Habitats) Regulations, 1997 (S.I. No. 94 of 1997) (iii) Special Protection Area (iv) A site where consultation has been initiated in accordance with Article 5 of Council Directive 92/43/EC of 21 May, 1992, on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna. (v) A Nature Reserve within the meaning of sections 15 or 16 of the Wildlife Act, 1976. (vi) Refuge for Fauna under section 17 of the Wildlife Act, 1976.

An Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening report undertaken by the Monaghan County Council has determined that the proposed development does not have a direct impact on any of the above listed areas of protection. A copy of the Appropriate Assessment Screening Report is contained in Appendix 5.

4.2 Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Although an Environmental Impact Statement is not required for this development it was considered informative to have regard to Schedule 6 of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001, in ascertaining the environmental consequences of the proposed development.

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To determine the environmental consequences the proposed development will have, a number of specialist consultants were appointed to review the proposed scheme, identify existing conditions, identify likely impacts and propose measures to mitigate against these impacts.

4.2.1 Heritage and Archaeology Monaghan County Council’s Heritage Officer and NRA Archaeologist Mr. Niall Roycroft undertook heritage and archaeological assessments of the proposed works area. These reports are contained in Appendix 6 to this planning application Heritage The Heritage officer for Monaghan County Council identified the importance of Hedges, Mammals, Bats, Wetlands, Churches and Burial Grounds that may potentially be impacted by the scheme. It was recommended that an Ecological survey be carried out by a qualified Ecologist (See appendix 7).

It was also noted that the derelict Church ruins at Tirnaneill was not a protected structure and should demolition of the ruins be required, the Presbyterian Congregation should be consulted. It is proposed to demolish the derelict Church as part of these works. Monaghan County Council Roads Section has consulted with the Descendants of the Trustees of the church regarding this issue.

It is Monaghan County Council’s intention to comply with the recommendations of the Heritage officer’s report. Archaeology Monaghan County Council Roads Section contacted the National Roads Authority (NRA) Archaeological Department in relation to carrying out a review of the proposed scheme. The NRA Archaeology section “is responsible for the management of the archaeological implications of national road projects”.

Mr Niall Roycroft (NRA Archaeologist) carried out a desktop survey and a site visit for the proposed scheme on the 28th January 2011. The Archaeological survey and site visit identified the following sites of interest:

Tirnaneill Church Ruins: The archaeological report states that “this is not a protected structure” and “should the church require demolition, then a full architectural survey will be required by a qualified person”.

Cottage at Ch 1775: The report states “This building will require a survey by a qualified person if it is due to be demolished”. It is not anticipated this building will be affected by the proposed works.

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The Archaeologist also stated that trenching along the off-line section Ch 2100 – 2500 must be carried out prior to topsoil stripping.

It is the Monaghan County Councuil’s intention to comply with the recommendations of the NRA Archaeologist’s report.

4.2.2 Ecology, Freshwater, Bird, Large Mammal and Bat reports Flynn Furney Environmental Consultants were appointed to undertake Ecology, Freshwater Ecology, Bird, Large Mammal and Bat Surveys and reports. A copy of Flynn Furney Environmental Consultant’s Reports are contained in Appendix 7.

The main findings of these reports are:

 No designated Areas for Conservation lie within or will be affected by the proposed route,  The proposed scheme will not significantly impact upon any rare, threatened, protected plant or terrestrial mammal species,  The watercourses to be crossed, as part of the works, are not of salmonid standard and are not under any statutory designation,  No badger territory will be impacted by the proposed scheme,  The majority of birds recorded were of low conservation concern although a single ‘Red Listed’ species (Lapwing) was recorded.

Flynn Furney Environmental Consultants Reports also identified potential minor and moderate impacts the scheme may have on Ecology, Freshwater Ecology, Birds, Large Mammals and Bats. A number of recommendations to mitigate against potential impacts are listed in these reports. It is the Road Authorities intention to comply with the recommendations of these reports.

4.2.3 Arboricultural (Tree and Hedgerow Survey) Report Due to the nature of the proposed development, the road improvement scheme will require the removal of mature trees and significant lengths of hedgerows to facilitate widening of the road. Where feasible, existing mature trees and hedgerows will be retained and will be protected during construction works.

Existing tree sizes, species and condition along the existing road vary greatly along the length of the proposed works. Dr. Philip Blackstock was commissioned to undertake an arboricultural assessment on the existing trees and hedgerows between Coolkill East and Emyvale (with the exception of Corracrin settlement area). All trees have been surveyed, numbered and recorded and hedgerows have been identified and recorded.

Parts of the road through the townland of Legacurry is planted with mature trees on both sides of the road. These trees are listed in Appendix 3 of the Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 – 2013 as trees of special amenity value. The trees potentially pose a road safety hazard due to their size and proximity to the existing carriageways. It is proposed to remove the trees on

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the eastern side of the road as part of the road realignment proposal – the trees fronting the west side of the road will be retained where possible. The increased segregation between the trees on the west side of the road and the proposed road alignment will negate the potential road safety hazard. Notwithstanding this, Dr. Blackstock’s survey has identified that some of the trees are in bad condition and should be removed. Dr. Blackstock’s survey and report is contained in Appendix 8.

Recommendations of Dr. Philip Blackstock’s report have been incorporated into the landscaping plan, detailed in Section 4.3.

4.2.4 Noise Assessment & Report QED Engineering Ltd was appointed to undertake a Noise Survey and Report for the proposed scheme. Noise Sensitive locations were identified and noise monitoring and modelling was carried out. The main finding of this report are that “..no specific mitigation measures are required at any dwelling along phase 2 & 4 of the route” and “.. the road upgrade works on phase 2 & 4 of the N2 between Monaghan and Emyvale are not expected to pose a noise impact”

A copy of their report is contained in Appendix 9.

4.2.5 Human Beings and Air quality The Existing N2 is substandard in terms of carriageway width, substandard horizontal and vertical alignments, variable road surfacing, limited forward visibility and stopping sight distance. The proposed scheme aims to improve the horizontal and vertical profile of the existing N2 by bend easement and realignment. The proposed scheme will involve the purchase of horticultural and agricultural lands, this will be minimised to have the least possible impact on landowners.

The proposed scheme will not increase traffic volumes on the road but will provide an improved road alignment, forward visibility, stopping sight distance and a consistent road surface in accordance with the National Roads Authority (NRA) Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB). This will provide a safer road for road users.

Monaghan County Council anticipates Air Quality will not decrease as a result of the scheme, however, during construction there shall be minor adverse impacts on Air Quality caused by dust. This will be mitigated against by use of dust suppression when necessary.

4.2.6 Interrelationship of the above factors The proposed development will result in the provision of a high quality and consistent road, with good quality road surface which meets current horizontal and vertical geometric requirements, appropriate sight visibility splays from junctions and accesses, forward visibility in accordance with current design

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standards and improved road safety. The completed road project will provide benefits to all road users. The proposed scheme will have minor impacts on the environment and mitigation measures are proposed where appropriate.

4.3 Landscaping Proposals To mitigate against the loss of existing trees and hedgerows, landscaping is proposed along the length of the works. The scope for large-scale landscaping is limited by the fact the project consists of road improvement works and the proposed road improvements follow the line of the existing road and attempt to limit the required landtake and the impact on existing properties as much as possible.

The proposed landscaping has been developed with reference to Dr. Philip Blackstock’s Arboricultural Report, which determined the existing species planted on the line of the existing road and identified key landscaping features of the road which can be emphasised through the proposed landscaping plan for this scheme. The NRA document “A Guide to Landscape treatments for National Road Schemes in Ireland” also forms the basis for the landscaping proposals.

The general landscaping proposals for the scheme will be repeated over the length of the scheme and are described below. Some key landscaping proposals are also made at individual locations - a drawing of key landscaping proposals is contained in Appendix 10.

4.3.1 Hedging - General The Arboricultural Report concluded that the roadside hedges appear to have been originally planted when the road was built approximately 150 years ago. Trees are planted at 7m centres through the hedge. The hedges themselves are dominated by common privet, hawthorn, blackthorn and guilder rose over this section of the N2 between Monaghan Town and Corracrin. The existing species composition is equally mixed and is of native species. It is noted that agricultural field hedges close to the road are less species rich and are dominated by hawthorn and ash.

It is proposed to replant hedges with a mix identical to the existing to maintain the existing character of the area. As suggested by Dr. Blackthorn, where adjacent agricultural lands are under-utilised, for example in the area adjoining Griggy Lough where the lands are of poor quality, blackthorn will be replaced with hazel. Holly will be included as a minor component.

Hedging stock will be 900mm to 1000mm tall for taller species and between 300mm and 450mm in height for lower species. The hedgerows will be planted as staggered double rows 300mm apart at 400mm centres. Maintenance of the landscaping will be undertaken with reference to the NRA Guidelines.

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4.3.2 Hedgerow Translocation Dr. Philip Blackstock has identified a number of sections of hedgerow that are particularly species rich and warrant translocation. Translocation involves digging out the existing hedgerow root system and floor and placing it in a different location. A methodology for translocation is detailed in the Roscommon County Council document “Hedgerow Translocation – Documenting the successful translocation of a Mature Hedgerow, Croghan, Boyle, Co. Roscommon, October 2007”. Two sections of hedgerow have been identified as warranting translocation – one at Mullabrack and one at Cloghnart, both on the east side of the existing N2. In both locations, the identified sections of hedgerow will be translocated using the methodology specified in the Roscommon County Council document.

Dr. Blackstock’s survey also identified a patch of Bluebells at Hoof Bridge, which could be transplanted – this area related to Phase 3 of the proposed N2 Monaghan to Emyvale Road Improvements and is not affected by these proposed works. Also identified was a patch of Wild Garlic at Legacurry House – the proposed works will have minimal impact on this area and translocation is not required.

4.3.3 Hedgerow Trees The Arboricultural Report concluded that the roadside hedges appear to have been originally planted with beech trees, spaced about 7.0m apart and augmented by naturally dispersed ash and alder trees. The report notes that the provision of a robust, species rich hedge with evenly spaced trees would be a desirable landscaping treatment where the proposed works require the removal of existing hedgerows or the provision of new road boundaries.

While this is the preferred landscaping treatment for this scheme, the long- term operation and safety of the road must be ensured. The Safety Barrier design standard TD 19/07 of the NRA DMRB states “Trees 3.18; When evaluating new plantings or existing trees, the maximum allowable girth should be 175mm measured 1m above the ground when the tree has matured.” This equates to a maximum diameter of 56mm when the tree is fully matured and effectively means no trees should be planted close to the road where there is a risk that errant vehicles may collide with them.

Where the road is in cutting, there is an opportunity to plant trees in the hedgerow at the top of the bank, as the risk of collision with the trees is minimal. The NRA guide to landscaping recommends “species selected should reflect the composition of existing hedgerows in the surrounding landscape”. In Dr. Blackstock’s survey, mature species of alder, ash, beech, birch, larch, oak, scots pine and sycamore occur repeatedly throughout the survey area. Of these species, the NRA guidelines recommend alder, ash, oak, silver birch and scots pine for use in hedgerows. It is noted “Sycamore should not be planted due to its invasive nature”. In the case of this road proposal, the proposed road width is a reduced single carriageway standard and the vertical alignment will match as closely as possible the existing alignment, so the scope to plant large areas at the top of banks is limited. The tops of banks will

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be relatively close to the carriageways and tree species must be robust to minimise the potential to fall onto the road. Birch and alder have relatively short lifespans and could be at risk of falling into the carriageway.

The NRA Guidelines state “where tree species are included in rural hedgerows they should be randomly dispersed, thereby avoiding for development of simple repeating patterns and formal avenues”. For this reason a mix of ash, beech, oak and scots pine will be planted in the hedgerow at the top of cuttings. When planted, the trees will be between 900m and 1200mm in height, as recommended in the NRA Guidelines.

4.3.4 Embankments Where embankments are formed and are suitable for landscaping they will be planted with a scrub/transitional woodland mix based on the species and mixes listed in Para 6.2.4 of the NRA Guidelines. As the site is over 5km in length and conditions vary over the length of the scheme, the exact planting arrangements over the length of the scheme will be determined with regard to the prevailing site conditions, including soil geographic factors.

4.3.5 Grass Verges A 3m grass verge is proposed on the east side of the road. On the west side of the road, 2m of the 3m verge will be a “hard verge” and will be surfaced with road making materials. The remaining verge will be planted with grass.

The proposed road verges will be well drained. Topsoil will be placed on the verges to achieve the finished level. The proposed treatment of the grass verges is as per “Treatment 2” of Section 6.1.3 of the NRA Guidelines; “Simple grassland mix of Creeping Bent (Agrostis stolonifera), Red Fescue (Festuca rubra) and Sheep’s Fescue (Festuca Ovina) from indigenous seed sources – areas treated in this manner will be colonised naturally, over time, by species from adjacent plant communities”. Seeding of the area will be undertaken in accordance with the NRA Guidelines.

4.3.6 Miscellaneous Landscaping Proposals While scope for wider scale landscaping beyond the planting of hedgerows and hedgerow trees is limited, there are a number of locations where the opportunity exists to provide a larger scale planting area or individual planting proposals;

Area 1: Legacurry; According to Dr. Blackstock’s report, beech trees are evident along the entire length of the existing N2 between Monaghan Town and Emyvale. They are approximately 160 years old and appear to have been planted coincident with the construction of the original road. The road frontage in the townland of Legacurry is planted with mature trees on both sides of the road. These trees are listed in Appendix 3 of the Monaghan County Development Plan 2007 – 2013 as trees of special amenity value. As

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outlined in section 4.3.3, beech trees are not conducive to long-term landscaping proposals along the road edge, as they may represent a roadside hazard when mature, however between Chainage 3200 and 3650 the proposed line of the N2 shifts to the east and the existing eastern road edge is segregated from the proposed N2 mainline. This area presents a location setback far enough from the road alignment to allow the planting of beech trees. The proposed line of beech trees will complement the existing beech trees which are to be retained on the west side of the road at Legacurry.

Area 2: Kelly’s Avenue; 2 rows of semi-mature lime trees line the avenue to Kelly’s Lane in Tirnaneill. The proposed road alignment cuts through Kelly’s Lane and requires the removal of a number of lime trees, both to facilitate the road realignment but also to facilitate the regrade of Kelly’s Avenue to join the proposed N2 realignment. It is proposed to replace any lime trees removed along Kelly’s Lane to facilitate the works. To enhance the feature of Kelly’s lane, additional lime trees will be used to define the bellmouth of Kelly’s Lane at the N2. While it will take some time for the proposed new lime trees to become established, in the future there should be little visible difference between the original line of trees and the new trees.

Area 3: Tirnaneill Crossroads; At Tirnaneill Crossroads two small areas of ground provide potential for the plantation of semi-natural woodland. The first area (Ref 3a) is the site of the derelict Mullabrack Church and will provide approximately 0.1 acres of lands. The second area (Ref 3b) is between the proposed new junction of the LT12201 Enagh South Junction and the severed Kelly’s Lane and also provides an area of about 0.1 acres. It is proposed to plant these lands with a mix of WN1 Oak-Birch-Holly species. Existing and proposed hedgerows will provide interconnectivity between these woodlands and the surrounding landscape.

Area 4: Cloghnart, Chainage 5000 – 5100; A large area of cut through greenfield site is proposed on the west side of the realigned N2 through the townland of Cloghnart. This is the deepest area of cut proposed on the scheme. When the embankment is cut through the existing drumlin, undisturbed soils will be exposed. Rather than topsoiling and landscaping the newly formed embankment, it is proposed to allow the cut slope to colonise with naturally occurring species, allowing the underlying biodiversity of the area to take hold on this embankment.

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N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 1: Scheme Location Map & Phasing

Contents: Scheme Location Map Proposed Phasing of Works


N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, County Monaghan Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 2: Vertical Plans, Typical Cross Sections

Contents: Key to Plan and Vertical Alignment Drawings, Not to Scale, A3 Plan & Proposed Vertical Alignment @ Scale 1:1,000 (A1) Drawing 1 of 8 Drawing 2 of 8 Drawing 3 of 8 Drawing 4 of 8 Drawing 5 of 8 Drawing 6 of 8 Drawing 7 of 8 Drawing 8 of 8 Typical Cross Sections A-A, B-B, C-C, Not to Scale (A2)


N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, County Monaghan Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 3: Junction and Access Details

CONTENTS Kelly’s Avenue, Ch 2930 LT12201 Enagh South Jcn, Ch 2470 LP01155 Tirnaneill West Jcn, Ch 2575 Rafferty’s Access Lane, Ch 2825 LS05260 Drumcaw Junction, Ch 3080 LT11701 Drumgeeny Road, Ch 3690 LT52501 Lisboy Road, Ch 4425 LP01170 Tydavnet Road, Ch 5200


N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, County Monaghan Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 4: Road Safety Audits

Contents: Stage 1 Road Safety Audit, Phase 2 Stage 1 Road Safety Audit, Phase 4


N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, County Monaghan Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 5: Appropriate Assessment Screening Report


N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, County Monaghan Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 6: Archaeology & Heritage Reports

Contents: Report by Niall Roycroft, Archaeologist, NRA Heritage Report, Shirley Clerkin, Heritage Officer, Monaghan County Council


N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, County Monaghan Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 7: Environmental Reports

Contents: Ecology Report Freshwater Ecology Report Terrestrial Mammal Report Bat Report


N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, County Monaghan Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 8: Arboricultural (Tree and Hedgerow Survey) Report

Contents: Tree & Hedgerow Survey And Report Tree Survey Report Sheets Hedgerow Survey Sheets Hedgerow Survey – Species Abundance Lists Hedge Row Survey & Tree Constraints Plan, A1, Scale 1:2000 Drawing 1 of 5* Drawing 2 of 5* Drawing 3 of 5*

*Not included: Drawing 4 of 5 and Drawing 5 of 5, as these relate to Phase 3 of the Proposed N2 Monaghan to Emyvale Road Improvements and will be the subject of a separate Part 8 Application.


N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, County Monaghan Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 9: Noise Assessment Report


N2 Monaghan Town to Emyvale, County Monaghan Proposed Pavement and Minor Improvement Scheme

Coolkill East – Corracrin, Part 8 Application, July 2011

Appendix 10: Key Landscaping Proposals