TOWNSHIP w'mmfnrm illllililiiii

VOL. VII.—No. 38 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1945. PRICE THREE CENTS School Controversy Stirs Town; 2 Local Men On B-25 Crew Only 34% Marking Interference Charged Of 'E' Bond Security Steel tion of Board President Maurice Commissioner, Super- P. Dunigan after an acrimonious vising Principal, Teach- hearing by the Board Monday er Are Involved night, and after several days in- Quota Sold Deal Rejected which the entire community has Cpl. William E. By Charles E. Gregory been seething with .rumors, gossip Buntenbach, Aides In WOO-DBRIDG-E—An investiga- and careless inuendos about the Kenney and Cpl. Prospective Purchaser tion to. determine for itself the incident. The matter -was brought Warren Aquila Concerted Drive To PutGraduation To Make No Further I *BY DIRECT WIRE FROM facts in the controversy among a officially into discussion by Ste- high school teacher, a member of sKown standing Town Over Top Effort To Locate Here f THE END OF A LIMB—-In phen K. Werlock, president of the the Board of Education and theteachers' union. my uncanny way, I figured Supervising Principal over alleged in front of a WOODBRIDGEU-Exactly 71,6% Date Is Set WOODBRIDGE — No further interference in the marking of a Miss Martha Morrow, who has B-25 in which of the -Seventh; War Loan, quo.ta attempt will be made by the Inter- out the industrial future of student's grades, is now being con- been a teacher in the high school has foee n raised, bufc—and it is a .RAKPT'AN TOWNSHIP—.Com- chemical Corporation of the community a couple of ducted by the school board. for nearly two decades and who they have flown big but—only 34.6% of the Emencement exercises in Raritan to' locate a plant in Woodbridge has earned wide respect,; told the weeks ago for the benefit of The action came at the direc- a number of bond quota has been reached. Township schools 'will be held Township. Board that she had been called This announcement was made the clients of this soothsay- into a conference with Supervis- missions in the June 13. This statement was made yes- today by F Klein, chairman ; Mrs. S. Canpen- vMcEwen and Robert Muchanic; Literary Digest felt, that bleak service Jan-u-ory 9, 1945. guidance and cooperation which ter, Mrs. I. M. .Shapiro, Mrs. A. "Best'Looking," Edna Joule and Elects Slate have helped fit us for our part in J. .Hart, 'Mrs. Cha.rle& Lehrer, Mrs. John Kolomatis; "'Class Jester," morning in November, 1932. I society, both educationally a«d so- Carnival Food haven't the slightest idea what cially. 'Our proper reward to you H. Plavin, Mrs. S. Vogel, Mrs. Tom Hynes; "Most Friendly," happened to its presidential opin- Merker Heads RARITAN TOWNSHIP — Ken-will be to go forth into .the vast Morris Klein, $12,237.60; total to Gertrude Mosley; ".Class Flirt ion poll, but I think my prognos- neth Wait was elected fire chief world that awaits us, and, through date, $14,406.25. . and Wolf," Mary Burke and tications in this case were tinged of Raritan Engine Co. No. 1, suc- Bob Davis; "Most Polite,"-Jean Found Tainted our actions, reflect your teaching. Dettiner. a little with prejudice. I thought P9-B* A.'Local ceeding John Bexnat, a-t a meet- May we also extend to our par- —-and still think—it's high time ents- the thanks due them for their Primary Election Tuesday WO ODBRUDGE — Sarnies of the Township stops mooning over ing held ait the Plainifield Avenue hot dogs taken from a tArveBng RARiITAN TOWNSHIP — Pa-firehouse. love, kindness and understanding Fails To Arouse Interest almost every traveling salesman trolman Joseph Merker was elect- which have .helped smooth the earnivail a-t Keasbey two weeks who happens by, and realizes it's War Toll Now ed president of Raritan Township 'Other officers elected'were'-Ken- rough spots in our lives. Through WOODBRIDGE v— Shh! You ago were found to contain bac- getting' along in years and sh-oulc Local No. 75, Patrolmen's Benevo- neth .Stout, assistant chief; .Stan- their many sacrifices, we were don't have to wake up unless you teria "of a harmful nature," ae~ be settling down to face the stern lent Association Tuesday at theley Va,n .Syekle, foreman; Frank taught -the great lesson of life—• want to, because it's not that im- Reaches 123 cording- to a report sent -by the realities ahead. There's a time to Takacs, assistant foreman; 'Ste- we must bear hardships in order Pines. portant—at least, here. State Board of Health to Health g;ive up being' cay and frivolous Merker succeeds Patrolman Wil- phen Varga, senior marshal; El- to achieve our goal successfully." WOODBJRIDGE—There are now But just in case you .are inter- 2 Officer Leonard Fischer. The- s&m- ~ - *^even if the folks who borrow your liam Doll, who served last year wood Wait, junior marshal, and ested there is going to be a pri-123 'gold stars in the Township eggs and your kuvnmower sbill in- John Powers, chaplain. The ' lat- Threte Offer Symposium pie .of drinfes sent to the State Also elected were: Vice president, mary election Tuesday. But since service flag with the announce- 1 sist you're so cute. Patrolma.B John EMmyer, Jr.; sec-ter was re-elected to that post. Roger .Schaufele, Michael Free- there are no local contests it looks ment of the deaths of Av. MM 3/Cwas found to. be free from harm- Nobody ever told me I had anyretary, Doll; treasurer, Patrolman man and Beatrice Johansen were Fred J. Morrissey, .son of Mr. andful bacteria or acids. Administrative officers of thethe speakers on the symposium Roger D. Schaufele as if the poll clerks will have a right to qualify as a seer, and I'm Roland Wuesb; sergeant-at-arms, company, all re-elected at the boring time. It really might be aMrs. Robert Morrissey, Edgewood The report stated that it was sure they won't be tempted to Patrolman Wilbert N. Nelson'; theme "Science in'the Post War WOODBRIDGE—Mr. Schau- Avenue,''Colonia, and Pvt. Eugene meeting, are .George Graff, presi- World." good chance for some of them to found that the frankfurters had after this, little episode. While I'm trustee for three years, Patrolman dent; Joseph Costa, vice president; fele, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank re-read "Gone With the Wind." Urban, son of Mr. and Mrs. John "many ibaeteiia present Includ- Edward iMineu; delegate, Patrol- -A. Sjchaufele, 148 Valentine' •$ swearing off predictions, I'm pret- Albert Friedfcieks, treasurer; Pe- Discussing the sub-topic, "Hous- Tihe only contest that can beUrban, 59 Smith Street, Avenel. ing staphyloeei. and ,B. ^coli f ty safe in guessing that if they man John iCalamonexi. ter • Bacbmaran, financial secre- ing," Mr. Schaufe!e said in part: Place, a member of the class of molds." "'Before the war the typical '4S Woodbridgie High School, has found is on the Democratic ticket Funeral services for Private ihave any temptation in my direc- Doll was in-stalled the newtary; Alex iHassaro, and Fred for the nomination for coroner, Urban, 19, who was fatally in- D-r. Rosenberg, District Health tion at all it will be to find me apresident, who... in turn installed Schultheiss, sergeantfat-arms, and American home was the best con- been awarded a scholarship to Officer, who anade an inspection structed, most efficient dwelling in Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- with James J. Flynn, Jr"., Perth jured in an airplane ,crash at Gun- job where I would be using a shov- the new slate -of officers.. Edward) Wunmenberg, Wendell Amboy; William Jaqui, Highland ter Field, Montgomery, Ala., were of the carndva-1 with Mr. Fischer, el instead of a typewriter. Some- The local voted' to purchase an- Slaviek, Clarence Lowe, Joseph the world. After the war, with tute, Troy, N. Y., by the New said yesterday the "bacteria found the aid of scientific invention fos- Jersey Alumni Association. He Park, and Daniel Eeilly, South held this morning at 8:30 o'clock times, I'ni not so sure but that other war bond, maturity value, Ambrosio and Anthony Gover- Amboy, seeking the nomination. at the house and at 9 o'clock at in the hot d'Qgs could make a per- we both wouldn't be better off. $50!0," totaling bonds $1,500. nale, trustees. tered by the war, the American will begin the Institute's aero- St. Andrew's Churoh. Burial was son, seriously ill. When the carni- Merker reported six teams have home will Be improved still fur- snautical engineering course on 1 All men take office immediately, in -St. Gertrude's Cemetery. A fix-val first opened, approximately 15 entered the softball league the ther. Even, now Shipbuilder Henry July 2. IN GRADUATING CLASS ing squad was present from Camp persons who. ate refreshments at I'll still preach, however, and although a formal installation of WOODBRIDGE—Miss Evelyn I'll still insist that the only salva local is organizing. Three more officers will be held in the early Kilmer, and military rites were the grounds, suffered a form of * are expected to enter this week. Simm, daughter of Mr. and

Discharged From Service St.^James' Societies Slate "We want to help save the lives every person in Woodbridge Town- 38 In Class of our boys and it is such an im- ship will do their blood do- News From The Services PanshDance On Saturday portant way to help even though nations. If only the people back 9 | it may seem so little; to xis." home could see the wonderful WIOOIDBRIDGE—A parish dance !" -Seven Fords men were among At St.James Salvage Sun. Mrs. Peck t suggests that those work this blood-plasma does! So Cpl. Paul (Kovaeh, son of ..Mr. will 'be. sponsored Saturday in St. ! the 1(85,0'DO-J" men and! women of and Mrs. Andrew Kovaeh and' hus- who expect to he away over the many of our boys owe their lives the {Eighth Air Force congra.tu- WOODBRIDGE — Thirty-eight James' Auditorium under the WOOffiBRIDGrE weekend' should leave their waste band of Mrs. Margaret Kovaeh, sponsorship of the Senior Sodality The next to it. Those persons who have '" lated on VE Day by Lt. Gen. 15'0 'Gorhana Avenue, Woodbridge, eighth grade students at St. waste paper collection in the paper with a neighbor to put out given numerous pints of blond -James H. Doplittle. They are: assisted by the Junior Sodality on the curb. has -been promoted to the grade of James' School will receive their and St. James' CYO. ' " ' Township will place Sunday, have really done the fighting man -'.TXSgt. Donald'E. .Spitz, 9'63 Am-sergeant. Before entering the diplomas tonight at commence- There '-will be novelty dances Mrs. Chester G, Peck, chairman a wonderful service. I know they •*" boy Avenue; Sg-t. Stanley J. Pu- service he was employed by B&ke- of the Salvage Committee of the Marie Pellegrino Elected, .'- irdski, 29 Ryan Street; 'Slgt. Ste- ment exercises in the schtro] audi- and a door prize will he awarded. have certainly sho\yii the boys lite (Corp.; Bound Br-ook. He is Defense Council, announced to- overseas that they c-are, and that ' plien, J. Schneider, 151 Woodland now serving with Co. B, 38th ITB, torium. Miss Margaret Dunn is general Vfins New Student Honor chairman asissted by Miss .Mary day. " * they are sacrificing for us too. _^ Avenue; i&gl. Egbei-fc P. Considine, Camp Croft, S. C. 1 The prog-ram will "be as follows: Maher and Miss iClaire Ernst. 5 ' POET READING—Miss Marie •"• &4Q New Brunswick Avenue; Gpl. * i. * As usual, Mrs. Peck requests Processional, "God of Free Peo- "Would appreciate address of Other committees aa'e: Decora- that' all papers, magazines and , A. Pellegrino,- daughter of Mr. and Joseph Hang-o, of Woodbridge, a - JohTi Nag*y, Pine and Elm When-the long-awaited news of ples"; "Ave Maria," C. Frank; Mrs. Nicholas L. Pellegrino, 20 1 * Streets; ,PF,C. Michael F. Patrick, V-E Day came, Gpl. James1 J. tions, Miss Susan Murphy, chair- flattened cartons he tied in sepa- buddy of mine and a fellow work- distribution of diplomas. Rev. man; Miss Anne Dalton, Miss Lor- rate, secure ibundies, and left at 'Tappen Street, ha,s been elected er at Security Steel, AveneL I gg "Second' .Street and PlFC. Ed- Bedi, W-oodbridg-e, mechanic of the raine Rcmond, Miss Henrietta ' senior board member, of War J wafd; F. Wojtanowski, 265 Liberty 1586th. Ordnance Company of the Charles G. McCorristin; Ceni Cre- the "curb before IP. M., when also would appreciate it if you Crowe, Miss Marion DeiJoy; the collection is scheduled to Council in a recent all-college 60th Air .Service Group somewhere ator; address to graduate, Rev. 1 could put my name and address in * Street. Eugene Davis, Hope-lawn; Bene- tickets, Miss Florence Albertson, start. In case of rain, the col- elections at Pembroke College in i * i in Italy was busy putting a trans- the paper, so I could get in touch mission in' a GMC. "My first re- .dietion, Adoramus Te, Act of Con- Miss Ri-ta DeJoy; Juniors, Miss lection will be held the following Brown University, Providence with a lot of the boys from Wood- '"-' Now in training: at the U. S. Many Anderson, Miss Elizabeth R.I.-- Maritime .Service Training Station action," eh said, "was that this secration, graduates; Tan turn Sunday; bridge Township who are now in was a day to. go down in history. Owens, Miss 'Ruth MoKenna, Miss -^at .Sheegsbe&'dl Bay, N. Yv is Wil- Ergo-; "O Sacred Heart," E. A. Frances .Sullivan; CYO, Bert .Mo- Despite the fact that the war service." . " liam G. Connell, 33, &?> Fifth But I couldn't help thinking- the Tozer; recessional, "Praise Ye the senthine, Joseph Geis, Edward is over. in. -Europe, there is a criti- Blood Plasma (Editor's Note: Censorship reg- *i-.-iS-fcp6et, Fords. best day of all mill be that one Father." - ' Crowe, John Coley. cal shortage of paper to be con- ulations prohibit us from publish- * - * & * when we all take the long voyage verted into containers for war (Continued from Page 1) The graduates are Elizabeth ing-»the names of outfits overseas. J-ohm R. Zullo, 5'30 Amboy Ave- home." Cpl. Bedi is the son of PFC. Joseph Zullo materials. Waste paper remains from these unifa. I remember in If anyone is interested in S/Sgt. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Bedi, Wood- Ann Alroasi, Maureen Theresa the'No. 1 item on the critical list, Leyte, during the heavy rains and Bije, Woodibridge, who is stationed Boland, Mary Elizabeth Boyle, Mrs. Grade Gives Party Hamilton's address it will be fur- bridge. He has' been in the army Son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Peck said, and she urged each hot weather, the Red Cross was nished to them at this office " iir France with.the 23rd Base Post since November, 1942 and over- of Tappen Street, Port Eleanor Mary Deak, Virginia Ann At South Park Drive Home householder to put out every bit always there with coffee, cigar- -• Office, which operates the largest seas since May, 1944. Reading, Pvt. Zullo was the pro- Eak, Margaret Loretta Egnot, of waste paper available. ettes, candy and numerous other Y-Jtfail Station in the world, was prietor of a barber shop in lower Mary Jane Einhorn, Jean Marie WOODB'RI'DGE — Mrs. Frieda items for our comfort, and we fel- Finn, Patricia Margaret Floersch, "A large percentage of waste recently promoted to sergeant. A Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret, Grode, South Park Drive, enter- paper collected! is converted into lows really appreciated all the help Marine S/'Sgt. Frederick T. Mary Ellen Grace. Gloria. Diana 8 graduate of Woodbridge High Luzzi, 19, of Woodibridge, a when he entered the Army in tained the following guests at her containers for blood plasma which they gave us. August, 1941. He has been hon- Guasselli, Katherine Marie Haley, home: School, he was employed by the transportation man with a Marine Jean Lorraine Hoagland, Marilyn is being- shipped to the Pacific," 'Wonderful Service' torpedo .bomber squad-ron attached orably discharged from service Mr. and Mrs. William Gery, Mr. the salvage chairman explained. "I sincerely hope that each and_ £J, ,S. Metals and Refirapg' Com- and returned to his home. Last Anne Hughes, Anne Marie Maher, and Mrs. J. Chipponeri, Mrs. Nor? pany, Carteret. Hia wife, Mrs. to a Marine Air Wing, has re- Mary Patricia O'Grady, Mary Ann turned here from the Pacifie for September he was awarded the man Lower, Mrs. J. Herman, all of Bernice Zullo and their son, Rob- Bronze Star Medal for his meri- Prokop, Patricia Dorothea Ryan, Avenel; Mr. and Mrs. Michael furlough and reassignment. Based Elizabeth Ann Rudolph, Katharine ert John, who is now 15 months in the Solomon, New Hebrides torious services while serving as Sasso, Mrs; Frances O'Neil and *" old, live at the Amboy Avenue ad- truck driver f or,- the Quarter- Anne Stig-lich, Corrine Theresa Mrs. Florence Redd, of Port Read- and Palau Islands, he underwent Turner, Elizabeth Catherine Tar- _" jjress. master Corps in the Southwest bombing and strafing but escaped nick. ing; Mrs. Ella Linn, Mrs. Helen ; injury. .Son of Mr. and .Mrs. P. Pacific. Previous to this he had Hancock and Mrs.- Bob Tro'st, - S/Sgt. Thomas E. Anderson, Luzzi, 43 Alwat Street, he attend- been cited for exceptional Also To Graduate Woodbridge. ~ 181 Cutter Avenue, .Fords, is with ed Lincoln High School, Jersey bravery. "Wilfred Joseph Akimovie, Wil- ' the lath AAiF in Italy. The group •City, where he played on the base- This ex-soldier is thirty years liam Alfred' Behaney, William GIRL FOR TREIDERS ' flew 400 combat missions. S'Sgt. 1 ball team. The leatherneck en- of age and had been overseas Thomas Burke, Robert Francis IPOBJT READING—A daughter STENSEN'S Anderson is an aerial gunner. listed in 1942 and attained his since March, 1942, serving in Coll, Richard Edward Dunigan, was horn Sunday .to Mr. and Mrs. present rank in December, 1944. the Bast Indies, Papuan, New James Michael DeJoy, Richard William Treider, Third Avenue, at v -i- .;. Guinea, New Georgia and the Jame's Einhorn, Jaanes Peter the Perth Amboy General Hos- Southern Philippines. Before Louis J. Mazar, hus'band of Foerch, John Francis Grady, pital. CLASSIFIED his discharge he had a total of John Joseph Golden, Lawrence Mrs. Paiuline Mazar, 16 Green 108 points. Street, 'Wood'bridge, has been Joseph Sullivan, Valentine Giles OPERATORS WANTED awarded the Purple Heart. Sabo, Robert James Ungvary, Roy Joseph Valentine,, Thomas Joseph FURS To work on Children's Woodbridge Notes Whelan, John Leonard Zennario. •SySgt. Frank Lattanzio, son of AND WOOLENS dresses. Steady work; Mrs. Anna D. Lattanzio, 437 SLENDERIZE ARE PROTECTED . . one week vacation with School iStreet, Woodbridge, has —Lt. and Mrs. Nathan Duff, 20 THE SAFE WAT been promoted: to T/iSgt. His newClaire Avenue, are vacationing at •without Harmful WHEN STORED IN OUR pay; good pay. Apply Drnss or Diet APO is 214, care of Postmaster, the Cedars Country Club, Lake- VOGUE REDUCING SCIENTIFIC VAULTS Carteret Novelty. Dress New York. ville, Conn. SALOlf • ON OUR PREMISES Z =:: :* 2S0 Hobnrt, - Company, 52 Wheeler —Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mahler Bin. 302-303 „ Avenue, Carteret, N.- J. %t. Nathan Bernstein, 29, 8 and daughter Kathleen and grand- Hours: 11. A. M. to son, William .Sapoto, Washington, O P. M. Statement of availability East Green Street, Woodbridge, P. A. 4-4145 is -with the First 'Tactical Air D. 'C., were the weekend guests required. Force1, "Boomerang Group" in of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Man- France. Overseas since March, ning, Ridgedale Avenue. HELP WANTED FEMALE 1)943, .Sgt. Bernstein works in his —The senior choir of the -BEAiOTKHAN (manager-opera- M-auruder group's administrative Methodist Church will hold a re- "" Sor) for Beauty Shop in Eliza- commifnications section. He at- hearsal tomorrow night at 8:30 beth. 'Good' pay plus commission. tended Woodbridge High 'School o'clock at the church. Short hours. WMC 1'ules -observed. and New York University and was —Mr. and Mrs. George_ H. Box R, c/-o Independent-Leader. employed by the James Motor Rbodes, 'Green Street, spent the 6-7,14 Sales Company, Woodbridge, be- weekend with their son, Harker LONG & SHORT SLEEVES fore entering the AAF in March, Rhodes, hospital apprentice 1/C, HELP WANTED, FEMALE 1942. who is a patient at Chelsea Naval Lowest Rates Fos- Large variety CULTURED WOMAN, capable of Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. FUR STORAGE, repairs, meeting the public. Flexible in training at the U. S. remodelling and glazing 'hours. "Write Box C, c/o Independ- Maritime Service Training Sta- «nt-Leader, Woodbridge, N. J. tion, .Sheepshead Bay, N. Y.,*is THE ROSE Gabardine and Washables 5-17 to 6-7*Alec iL. Masi, 33, 57 Gorham General Mason Avenue, Woodbridge. Before en- rolling1 he was a. shop foreman. SLACK SUITS WANTED Apprentice! Seaman Masi will re- Work 272A Madison Ave. OLD- ACCOBDIONS., We1!! pay ceive six weeks of basic training, ~&igh cash prices for any of the I including lifeboat work, fire- Perth Amboy following b an d instruments: fighting, breeches buoy, mess, sea HENRY J. NEARY PERTH AMBOY, N. J. P. *A. 4-3168 Piano-Accordions, Trumpets, rules and! traditions, swimming, "Boehm System "Clarinets, Alto and ship construction and equipment, 507 Francis Ave. Tenor Saxophones. Call, Write or gunnery and physieall training. Telephone—Eddie's Musie Center Woodbridge, N. J. and School of Music, 357 State St., Tel: Wo. 8-2243 Perth Amboy, N. J. Phone P. A. 4-1290., 3-29 WANTED UNCLE SAM SAYS WIBLPAY 5e a !i>. for clean rags. Independent-Leader, 18 Green TURN THAT OLD CAR St., Woodbridge, N. J. INTO WAR BONDS PERSONAL ' FOR VICTORY Rev. Elizabeth Ricker Seeres WE WILL BUY Commissioned Missionary ANY CAR CLOSING UP UNTIL FALL Spirit Messages and Helper ANY YEAR OR MODEL AND 92 Main St., Woodbridge, N. J. PAY YOU A GOOD PRICE EVERYTHING MUST GO QUICKLY For Qplck Cash SEE OUR DISPLAY OF SHRUBBERY, PAINTING '.' - Results Call PAINTING and paperbanging. Every Repair Job Fully 'Guaranteed. Edward Layton, 50 Guaranteed. For cleaning, UNCLE JOE POTTED PLANTS AND EVERGREENS •- IfaeArthur Driye, Runyon Park, WO. 8-0149 A variety of lightweight fabrics in attractive Fords, N. J. Telephone P. A. new parts or regulating, EVERGREENS AS LOW AS 85c patterns and colors - 4-0874/ F.B. 5-17 to 6-7* bring your watch to SPEEDWAY REFRIGERATION REPAIRS AUTO SALES Co. KELVINATOR. Household and ALBREN Inc. 823 ST. GEORGE AVE. commercial refrigeration serv- 133 Smith St. ice. Also Bendix Automatic Woodbridge 252 AMBOY AVE. WOODBRIDGE Washer Service. 24-hour service, Perth Amboy We sell good transportation, mot merely used cars. Woodbridge 8-0748 iaeluding Sundays and holidays. Call Metuchen 6-1383, or Perth Amboy 4-2314. BLOOMFIELD REFRIGERATION SERVICE GRADUATION GIFTS 1Q0 Grandview Avenue ADULT BOOKS from 50c Rariian Township * MOTTOS - from $1.00 5-17 to 6-21* STATIONERY J, from 59c WRITING PORTFOLIOS from 75c •~ HELP WANTED • CHILDEEN'S BOOKS from 59c EDUCATIONAL TOYS from 59c ,BAKER GRADUATION CARDS FATHER'S DAY CARDS FOR DAD ^ WAITRESSES Corner Lending Library-Bookshop FATHER'S DAY HOSTESSES , 307 STATE ST., PERTH AMBOY NATIONAL BANK Interwoven & Holeproof Socks CASHIERS SUNDAY, JUNE 17 - PORTERS Wembly, Arrow, Superba Ties • DISH WASHERS -Tel. Woodbridge 8-0995 Give Dad A Gift'Of LEATHER AND FELT SHORT ORDER COOKS RADIO SHOP OF WOODBRIDGE -SODA DISPENSERS jewelry becaase you give 110 Main St., Woodbridge, N. J-. HOUSE SLIPPERS GARDENER him a gift of lasting quality. Clioose something of beauty, $rfiEKENDS, PART TIME FOR SALE , durability, and yet some- Hickok Belts and Suspenders AND STEADY. PLEASANT LATEST USED RECORDS - USED RADIOS thing that will give him long •WORKING CONDITIONS. AP- seryice. JEWELRY WALLETS AT ONCE. AVAILABIL- 'STATEMENT NEEDED. RADIO TUBES We have a limited sapply of hard to get tubes HOWARD, for sale. We can replace practically any tube you may require. The Jewelry../Gift Store • _ Route 25 RADIOS REPAIRED Woodbridge, N. J. Wm. Hoffman 127 Smith Street Per{h Amboy, N. J, FORDS AND RAMTAN TOWKSHIP BEACOH THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1945- PAGE THREE Wins New Advancement BOY INJURED greater' than that in food. A new Security Steel •of the amendment I have recom- COLONIA- NEWS WOODBRIDGE.—Three-y.-ar-old artificial cloth already in use looks mended that the measure be de- iBrian Fennell, 74 Crampton Ave- much'. like wool, although it is (Continued from Page 1) feated." The unanimous vote then, By Margaret Scott nue, was slightly injured last night really made of milk protein. Thi.= i telegram from the Mayor of Cin- followed. when he was struck by a car driven and other synthetic, cloths have cinnati in "which the latter said the —MM2/C Bo&ert Morrisey has ~A Democratic rally will be held —Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Storch, 'by Nicholas Rakoneyu. 37, 72 much better.wearing qualities than [nterchemical Corporation had its returned to duty -with, the Navy Saturday ai the Inmari Avenue Inman Avenue, "»e,re dinner ,and Crampton Avenue. The latter was most cloths -of natural fibers.. . .': plant in that city in a "high grade after a 30^-day leave with his par- Hall. Local and1 county candidates theatre guests in New York City backing out his car •when he struck "Health in the Post-War World" residential section and it is defi- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mor- will be guest speakers and re- Saturday. the youngster, who was treated f-or was the subject' chosen by Miss nitely not a public nuisance." I Mrs. Mary S. Degler : risey, Edge-wood! Avenue. He had freshments will be .served. Pri- —Miss Geoergean Sutter, 'Am- abrasions of the ankle and nose. Gloria Kittell who declared: Thomas Moran, member of tie ( WOOLDBKIDIGE— Funeral serv- spent nearly two- years in the Pa- mary elections will be held June 1 herst Avenue, entertained the fol- "In a ..recent comparison of zoning board, said he had' been ices for Mrs. Mary S. Deg-ler, 524 cific a,rea. His brother, AMM3/0 12 at the school. lo,wing' at a wienie roast Wednes- Fred J. Morrisey died as a result 1 Cloth Shrinkage World! War I with World War II fighting' chemical" plants for years Aniiboy Avenue, were held Sunday '—District 12, Middlesex Road, day: Misses 'Beatrice and 'Joan statisticians found that the mor- and would' fight this one. at the Greiner Funeral Home. of wounds suffered when the Strassburg-er, of Elizabeth; Mil- Home economists at Kansas State will sponsor an affair for the bene- college have found that the greatest tality rate- per thousand in the Ernest C. Moffett, a chemical Rev. William V. D. .Strong, pastor cruiser Princeton sank October fit^ of the Colonia Library this dred Madsen and Margaret and 24 in the Pacific, word' was re- shrinkage of cloth occurs during the armed- forces has decreased as- engineer, a resident of Edgar Hill of the Congregational Church of- month. Tentative plans were made Patricia Scott, of Colonia. tounddngly since 1917. This mir- ficiated. Cremation took p-lace ceived recently >by his parents. 1 ! first washing, but that most wash- who helped to compose the 1923 at a meeting held recently at the — Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sea- able yard goods shrink even after acle is due in part to. Sulfa drugs ordinance prohibiting chemical Monday at the Rose-hill Crenta- He "was previously reported as bacty and sons, formerly of Rah- 1 massing. home of Mrs. Erie Davis. Final three or four washings. The largest and in'-part to blood plasma, the plants in Avenel and Edgar Hill, tory, Linden. plans will be announced later. way, " are now I esiding in" iheir A. a/. amount of shrinkage occurs in the latter being used to combat shock. homeon Ihwood Avenue. said that even though he person- —Mr. and Mrs. John, Macke-witz, —Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Frazier length of the material, so buy suffi- The advantages of blood plasma ally would give the plant "a green Mrs. Dorothy U. Washbum Arthur Avenue, were hosts Sun- and niece, Boiris, and Miss Bea- —'Miss Doris Frazier, Arthur cient to allow for this loss. Continu- are many; it relieves the effects iight to go ahead," he would "op- day to Mr. and Mrs. Frant Bladis, Avenue, entertained on 'Sunday ous filament rayon can be restored of shock or -prevents shock en- sei*v- trice Polhamus, Colonia, and Mr. pose the elimination of the 1923 for Mrs. Dorothy TJrbanik Mr. and! (Mrs. Samuel Verreei and and Mrs. Ja'ck Slater and soft, the Missas Helen Senika, Rahway to shape by stretching the fabric as tirely if it has not already set in; ordinance." Mr. and Mrs. .Mathew Delee-o, of and Beatrice iPolhamus, Colonia. you iron. Washburn, 52 Milton Avenue, Jack, Newark, spent Wednesday itis quick and' easy to administer, ^vere held -Saturday at.the Greiner Newark. since it only requires the mixing Peter M. Kroeger, Middlesex at Coney Island. County. Industrial Commissioner, 'Funeral Home, 44 Green Street ''{•'.—Mr. arid Mrs. Fred 1 Girls Organize Softball of the- powdered plasma with dis- and at Trinity Episcopal Church —Open House was held ; on Defer Improvements tilled water; it can-be used with who was instrumental in attempt- iAmhSTst Avenue, visited Mr. and Decoration1 Day at the Legion Hall ing to get the plant for the county, Rev. William H. Schmaus, reetor, 'Mrs. Harold Vreelahd^ Nixon, Team; Recruits Sought Major John Omenhiser, Jr. Due largely to inability to obtain all four types of blood and it can officiated. Burial was in the church by American Legion Post 248. materials for that purpose, railroads be [preserved almost indefinitely. said that he was trying to do the Wedrie-sday.. : ; Mrs. Rudolph. Drinkuth was awacd- AVENElL — A newly formed WOODBRIDGE — Mr. and "best for the most" and was "try- cemetery. The pall -bearers were 1 in 1944 made capital expenditures The benefits ^derived' from the use iCarl Skolanik, Ernest Burrows, ^—-Mr.: and' Mrs. JSdward Nad- ed the special prize. sof.tball team has b'een named: the Mrs. John Omenhiser, 676 for passenger-train cars amounting of blood plasma are universally ac- ing to get a peace-time industry •ler* * iGhaim iO'Hills* Road, |enter- Ranikin Girls i» honor of Commit- to locate here." Joseph -Coll, Stephen Shank, An- ——Mr. and Mrs. James Bla:ek, Ridgedale Avenue, have receiv- only to $1,921,000, the smallest sum cepted, and, with the coming of drew Schaeffer and James Storey. tainer hey. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patricia Avenue, entertained Mr. teemian Hex-bert B. Rankin of the. ed word that their son, John, in any year since 1922. peace, plasmas will be available in The hearing continued until Plbyd: Shipman;: Middle^own, N. and 'Mrs. Richard Betz, Linden, Third' Ward. has been promoted to major. large quantities to civilians." eleven o'clock, and after the pub- •Y./test weekend... Sunday. ' •. 'The team will meet tonight at Mrs. Barbara Tibok Major Omenhiser, 27, a grad- Miss Beatrice Johansen, in her lic hearing was closed the Mayor —-Mis. Thomas Polhamus, Plor- —•Mr. .aadi- Mrs. Joseph Tra- 6:30 o'clock in the Avenel Ball uate* of Woodbridge High School Speakers suggested an executive session. A WOODBRIDGE—Mrs. Barbara ; enice Avarwi-e, visited' her sister, Field. Othetr girls interested in farewell address, mentioned the Tibok, 28, wife of Emery Tibok, zinski have moved from Patricia School, entered the service on (Continued from Page 1) , fact that may of the classmates few minutes later Committee Mrs.; Susan, Leiblein, Elizabeth, Avenue to -their new home in the joining should get in .touch with January 14, 1941 and received members returned to the assembly Jr., 22 Jansen Avenue, died Mon- JFri-dayv •' -"•'.":. • Mrs. Thomas Bell, chairman.. today. In the field *of plastics, were already in service. She day at her home. Besides her hus- Bronx. • • , - , • • his commission as lieutenant at statedl: room and Committeeman Herbert •'• ---JMr. and Mrs> William Od'gen Camp Hood, Texas, in Novem- many improvements in home fur- band, she is survived by a son, : • —-Mr. and Mi*s. Frank Impor- nishings are being made-. Plastic B. Kankin suggested that the mat- .-.".and- family have moved from Ih- ber, 1942. He was promoted to "Classmates, now that the tinVe ter be postponed to allow a com- Emery; her. mother, Mrs. Katie Meo, Patricia' Avenue, entertained School Controversy kitchenware, doorknobs, furniture has come to 'say goodbye, there Barnabas; two sister, Mrs. Theo- wb-od Avenue to their new home Mr. and Mrs. Michael De Vico, a captaincy on September 24, mittee of citizens to go to Cincin- on Wood Avenue. (Continued from Page 1) 1943-. anid even emtire walls of plastic are many incidents which will dore Michalski and Rose, of Wood- Plainfleld, Bundoy. , will all contribute toward making nati to inspect the plant there. .. —'Girl -Scout Tr-oopi Committee "We most eertainly are," Mr. long live, in our memories. During The delegation, however, shouted bridge; four brothers, PFC Wil- —Mr. and Mrs. Chester W-oj-' In February of this year, the the -American home a more pleas- the past few days, there was a liam Barabas, Fort Benning-, Ga., 15 will, meet 'Wednesday at 8 P. ton, Inanan Avenue, -entertained Dunigan replied. , local man was awarded the ant place in which to live." "no" at the suggestion, even M. with Mrs. Genevieve Polhamus, Deber Agrees taut feeling over us as we real- though Mr. Ranldn said that PPC Joseph Barabas, Italy, and heir mother, Mrs. Teesa. Lademia, Bronze Star. He is now in Hal- Tells Of Advataces ized time was fast approaching Ernest and Alex Barabas, Wood- Florence Avenue, to. plan for of'-Elizabeth over the weekend. Dr. Deber said he was in accord lie, Germany. "maybe it would be better to take camping, activities: of the troop. With this principle, but felt that Mr. Freeman had as his sub- When we must go our separate a little more time than to be sorry bridge. Funeral services will be —^Miss Lillian Black, Patricia topic, "[Science in Food and ways. Some of us will go on to held this afternoon at two o'clock •—Hai-ry ..Sutherlin, West Hill 1 while no favors .should be shown later." Averaue, attended the wedding college, others into fields of nurs- at the home. Burial will be in the Road, is visiting in Baton Rouge, the children by board members, Clothing." Outlining the progress Sund'ay of Miss Betty Lear and .War, Toll made to date, he said.: ing, engineering, law, business Before roll call was taken, the Cloverleaf Cemetery. Edward MeOrawley, Rahway.' by the same token they should not and teaching1; while still others Mayor stated, "Because of the tre- • Mrs. Herman Krohne, be penalized because of this rela- (Continued front Page 1) "After the war, fresh meats mendous sentiment which has been —^Mrs. Fred- .Su,ttezy Amherst in April of last year and was sta- will enter into the service of our Flow -of TaraKan oil to the Al- Inman, Avenue, were . hosts last tionship. and vegetables will be sold by demonstrated against the passage lies should1 start in June. week to MKS. • Williani Lillus, -of Avenue, entertained ,a,t luncheon tioned at Napier Field, Ala., at the self-service, all wrapped in cello- country. Many of our classmates Because.of the divergence of the have already left to serve in the Jersey iCity and, on (Saturday liad Friday her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ray- facts, alleged, Mr. Dunigan stated time of the crash. Besides his par- phane and carefully labelled, from dinner and) -attended the theatre mond Suiter, -of Iselin. • ents 'he is survived by a sister, refrigerated coimpartments. This armed forces. We regret that they that before action was taken he ca,nnot be here with us to share in Neiw York, ...--•• ' « . —The Civic ImpV-ovement Club felt the Board should consult Dr. Barbara. fresh food will taste better and held a special meeting Saturday will- be nutritious than the one of the" greatest moments of —•Mr.- and .Mrs. Leo Klein, In- John Lozo who also was present Av. MM 3/C Morrissey lost hi-s our lives as they shared our high S . Wood: A-venue,: entertained (Sunday at the Inman Avenue Hall. Dis- at the conference. food on sale today. ... Scientists 1 life while . serving aboard the school days which we.will cherish MAKE DAD S DREAMS COME TRUE Mr. and Sirs,/Herbert Diefen- cussion was held on the new con- Mr. Werlock also presented the •cruiser Princeton on October 24 working -on new methods and equipment for freezing, storing as a tre.asure of memories in our bacher and. datig-hter, Mary Lou, stitution and by-laws which will claim on behalf of teachers that last in the Pacifi-e. He was pre- earts, never to be forgotten." of Elizaiseth; 'Frank- Adam, New- be voted ,-on at the next regular compensation which ordinarily and defrosting frozen foods hope 1 viously reported missing in action. to provide a' plentiful, year-round After the gradtiates received ark, and Mr. and Mrs. Gustaxe meeting June 15. would be given "substitutes when Sbherr,: Union. : supply of a'll meats, fruits and their diplomas the program was : -—Mr. and ;Mrs. William O-gderi they were available, should like- Tokyo denies reports of unof- vegetables. ... In clothing, sci- ''- -—nMrs. Catherine Keenan, Flor-Inwood Avenue, were hosts .Sun- wise be give nto those teachers •concluded! with ths singing of the enee; Avenue, visited her parents, ficial Japanese "peace feelers." entific .progress has been even class song. 1 day in -celebration of their wed- who assume additional burdens Mri 3.xii MtS , J-oJiii Shumski, Jer- ding anniversary. Guests were wheSi substitutes are not avail- sey-City. "••••.,'. ; Miss Fay Dollinger, -Mr. and Mrs. able. Commissioner Andrew Aaroe • U-JMT. and Mrs. ;paskel Merritt, Franik Geick and Seymour Olsen, agrede with this positio'n, "if only Amherst Aveiiue,: visited her sis-all. of Matawan. to build morale." ter/firs. .0%a g. .Gok,. Westfleld, : —(Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Scott, This matter is also to be studied ,, Saturday.: - .-. - i-:';•'• ' : ST., Enlield Road, were hosts Sun- by the Board. ' •—Mv, aiid! -Mrs. Charles Enz day . to their grandson,, !S'1/C r .and family, Wood Avenue, visited BTandis Scott, recently returned Mr. and Mrs. Rietard Ziegler, from two year's duty in the Pa- Trio Nabbed: • : Park, Sunday. ' cific; Miss • Edith Seoitt, Mr. and (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. H-arry Demorjiani and chil- car window. It was later recovered dren, Judith ,an'd Harry, Elizabeth; • intact. Greiners Overwhelm Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott and Youth Gives Tip children, Robert and James, Lin^ ' A tip from a youth- who haidjjeen den; (Mr. and- Mrs. George Scott and children, Janet and George, with the gunnien earlier in the Kilmer WA§, 15- Jersey City. evening led to a search for Dorio, believed to be an AWOL para- ' WOO'DSRID-GB — With Peppy —flProf. .Carroll .C. Pratt, head trooper, He was observed walking Gall -on the mound, the Gneiner of the Depax-tment of Arts and I along New Brunswick Avenue arid A. A. played its first female op- Sciences at Rutgers University, arrested. In their next move thej position! at Camp Kilmei* against will speak tomorrow at 8 P. M. police ~picked up Wojkiewicz and the WAiCs an-d won, 15-8. at the Colonial Library, on "To- later recovered a fully loaded .45- The Arany lassies came out on day and People." caliber Army automatic at his the field fresh from as viatory -over —-Mrs. Charles .Skibinsky en- home. Morgan was picked up a few the tPhelpshDodlgie team of Eliza- tertained the following members minutes afterward in a parking- beth. But they were soon over- of the Card Club at her home -on lot at his home. powered by the local Igiiis. Hawthorne Avenue Friday: Mns. Wojkiewicz was arrested in In another game, the girls' 'clu'b James 'T-aggaxt, Mrs. William 1 1936 at Bath, N. Y., after he Was Was defeated by the Avenel Fire Wels, Mrs. Theodore Kujawski, nabbed in a gun battle with New- Department. Mrs. Stanley .Seaibasty, Mrs. Pas- York State Police after a hold-up. The scores: kel Merritt and Mrs. Charles Dorio, when picked up was wear- iGKEIN'ERS (IB) Scott, Jr. ing civilian clothes, Morgan's driv- AB R H ,—Frank Vigh, North Hill Road, ing license was permanently "re- Seygilinski, Sib 4 3 2 is spending this week at Wana- voked by the recorder. Raphael, p 4 2 3 masa. Stumpf, c 5-3 3 —Mrs. Ernest Frey, Ijrm-an Gall, p', sf 5 2 2 Avenue, entertained the following R. Kuzma, c 5 2 4 members of the Busy Bees Thurs- Father's Day- - June 17th Kijula, 1b 3 0 1 day: Mrs. Fred Sutter, Mrs. Fedorsza.k, rf 2 11 Charles iSkibinsky, Mrs. Pasfeel >G. Kuama, rf 0 0 0 Merritt, Mrs. Joseph Brongs and •Brown, rf '1 0 0 Mrs. John Schussler, and Mrs, Statile, i-f 0 0 0 George Mapps. Perry, If 4 11 —The troop committee and :A. Roman, ss 2 10 Boy Scout Troop 68 participated firrong, 2b 0 0 0 in the Decoration Day parade in M. Roanan, sf '2 0 0 Woodbridge and enjoyed a picnie On,tkas,,sf 2 0 0 and ball ga>me in the afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 38 15 17 Charles •Oliphant, West Street. WcACs (&) AB R II Link, sa 3 11 Lange, ss 1-0 0 Constantine, lb .... 3 2 1 Albarello, sf 4 2 3 Johnson, ,p 4 12 Buran, cf 4 __ 0 3 Levins, 3i> 1 '4 0 2 Canteen, If 4 Q 0- Don't Let Him Kipilake, If 0 0 0 A GENUINE Sooy, e 4 0 0 Go Begging Cocheres, rf 4 1 ' 2 MePussey, 2ib 2. .0 .0 EXCLUSIVE AT LEON'S. 1 Dad is a Grand Guy and Springer, 2>b I 0/0 this is your opportunity«to 38 3 14 'beat him to the punch with Surpme Dad on His Day wl+fi a handlu! of coiorfu! Iresh Play Safe! some of the things he It's., NEW Us.. MODERN . Its.. K1OEHLER Genuine 4Fo!d Palm Beach Ties, He will bs delighted by - -GREINJeRS (7) needs. - ' USE OUR their coo! comfort. He will be proud of the way they hold AB K H There's a new straw Eat 'You're not spending a penny extravagantly when their shape after foundering (fhcmks to fheir exclusive A. Roman,'" ss a 0 0 patented 4Fold Construction),' and you wil! likewise be Seyglinski, 3b ,J-$ 0 1 just his size that he would you invest in this ffne Kroehl'er suite because it's I Fur Storage be glad to jfet - or a suni- excited b.y the unusual color combinations from which to •Raphael, • Zb 3 0 1 built and designed even better than pre-war. See choose . ., guaranteed washable, ull-oZ, sf 8 10 Protect your furs and woolens mer jacket for the odd how the backs' are shaped to fit you . . . look at the €feH, p '* 1 1 at lowest prevailing prices. moments - sport shirts for. Stumpf, e' ,—•— * 1 1 comfort and good looks - sleek modern lines and rich coverings. Tailored in For the Armed Forces Qatkas, rf 3 0 0 VAULTS ARE IN THE fine fabrics that will wear and wear. 3 wonderful Beau Brummelf • WN£D AND WOVEN BY or light weight suits spe- Take a Full Year To Pay! COtlDALL WOHSTEO CO. tesosft rf 10 1 P. A. NATIONAL BANK cially designed for that lifetime quality pieces! See1 it tomorrow. 4Foid Uniform Ties. Petty,'If- 2 2 1 By BEAU BRUMMElt Kijula, lb 2 10 @ THE BIGGEST cool feeling on hot days. aiD CONST.U.S.PAT.RE.2QS« M- Roman,

audience; "America, the Beauti- ful," class and audience; address of welcome, Janet Ceg-ledy; "Green Cathedral," selected chorus; presentation of class, Vic- tor C. Nieklas, supervising princi- WOODBRIDGE—Harvey Kelly, WOOD'BRIDGE — Six Wood- pal; awarding of diplomas, Mrs. . bridge Township grammar schools the oldest living member of the "wall hold annual commencement Helen Anderson, district clerk -of First Ward Reput^ican Club, will •exercises next week. the Board of Education; Class be honored at a testimonial get- Sewaven School will hold its Song, words by Virginia Bergen; together .Monday at the Hungarian You'll get dozens of ideas for tasty and cooling summer salads program 'Tuesday at 10:45 A. M., Star Spangled Banner, audience; Hall on School Street. in the school auditorium; Iselin, recessional, school orchestra. The affair will be: sponsored by when you see the grand variety of fresh garden produce at your Wednesday, -10:30 A. M., at No. Listed As Graduates b-oth the men'sand women's unit A&P Super Market. There are firm, juicy fruits to tempt the 15 [School auditorium; Port Read- The graduates are: Margaret •of the club .in appreciation of Mr. laziest appetites . . . crisp, young vegetables just waiting to be ing, Tuesday -at 1 o'clock; No. 11 Kelly's long, loyal and faithful Bak, Alice Baranko, Virginia Ber- service to the Republican organi- popped into a salad Bowl . .. all at flavor peak and ripeness School, Woodibridge, Tuesday at gen, Charlotte Blenke, ' Hazel l:*v$ . . . and mighty thrifty eating, too. 2:30 o'clock in Wood-bridge High Brown, Mildred Camilleri, Janet zation. He is still active in club School auditorium; Hopelawn, Cegledy, Ruth Christensen, Evelyn affairs. Wednesday at 1 o'clock and Fordis Members of the Township Com- No. 7 School, Wednesday at 2:3!0 Chubet, Veronica Cinkota, Marion Bed Ripe Coll, Aurora Cunha, Audrey Daub, mittee and county representatives carton •o'clock in No. 14 School audi- will "be present. Joseph Phair, Perfect Slicing torium. Patricia DeBaboehay, Ruth Dem- ko, Estelle Diorio, D-orofchy Don- president -of the men's unit, has ffi'i Port Reading'. Hopelawn and aldson, Janice Dragoset, Joan Du- appointed -the -following com- Fords ha^'e not announced their dar, Annabelle Dunfee, Ruth mittee: graduates as yet due to the fact Du-ska, Eleanor Dworak, Helen Fred Sorenson, chairman; Alex- Spring Crop that some of the final examina- 1 Dazekas, Margaret Fi-esor, Helen ander Hamilton, Konrad Stern, THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO., tions will not be held until to- Gecsey, Dorothy Glaus, Alice Gles- Sherman. iLeonard, Wesley H-eisel- morrow. ter, Florence Glester, Joan Iber'g, Harry Van Den.bree, James The program at Iselin will ibe Graham, Jean Hansen, Patricia Reid, Charles 'Nagy and Charles ti\ • i Fresh as follows: Ovei'ture, pi'ocessional, Harned, Dorothy Hendriekson, S. Willey. "Pomp and Circumstance"; Scrip- ture reading, John Kimball; Lord's Dorothy Hickey. For Delicious 8oz.| Prayer and Star Spangled Ban- Adell H-olewinski, Lillian Hor- Local K, Of C. Unit Elects I Economy Dishes pkg.' » pkg. ner, audience; Welcome, Clara vath, Carolyn Hutzler, Elizabeth Patrick Ryan Grand Knight eacl Nourishing 8 oz. j » 11b. «f 4 . MiHco; 'Boating- iSong," gradu- Ivan, Nancy Jaeger, Anna Janik, I and Wholesome pkg.' ates; poem, "Playing: the Game," Dorothy Jefferys, Vernice Jelicks, WOODBRIDGE—Patrick Ryan Mabel Pigott; presentation, of Hope Jennings, Helen Johnson, was elected Grand Knight of Mid- "Boston Style" 17> class, "Jutland Dance Song," Joan Johnson, Julia. Kara, Norma dlesex Council, Knights -of Colum- graduates; poem, "How Do You Kath, Joan Klein, Eleanor Kuchie, bus, at a meeting Tuesday at the TABLE in a delicious Tackle Your Work," Dorothy Mu- Dolores Lott, Elizabeth Lupo, Jo- Columbian Club, Main Street. v.=^ shinski; prize awards; Farewell, sephine Machat, Mildred Madsen, Tomato Sauce Rae Marsh, Virginia Marsh, Betty Others elected were: Clara Milko; "In Venice," gradu- Hot too sharp ates; recessional, "War of the McElr-oy, Elizabeth Mester, Mary Deputy Grand Knight, John Priests." ' L. Mulcahey, Mary Nagy. Gregus; chancellor, Thomas' Cam- pion; treasurer, James Keating, .Wheat 14 oz J1 Is-elin Graduates Dorothy Nelson, Dolores Novak, Home Grown Iselin graduates are Lorraine Helen O'Rear, Gloria Osborne, Jr., advocate, Carmello. Bellanca; > Farina pkg. G Bahr, June Balland, Mildred Ba- Anna Palfi, Nancy Palmer, Irene secretary, Anthony Ca-cci-ola; war- rish, Patricia B-osey, Antoinette den, Frank McCarthy; inside Patrick, Grace Paulson, Harlean guard, Joseph Dolan; outside BOWBH, Geraldine D'Ale'ssio, Do- Penik, Dolores Pinkham, Elfrieda of 5 or 6 lores Dangwe-11, Joyce Eppler, guard, Edward Gerity; financial Chocolate, Vanilla or Butterscotch Pleyer, Virgina Powers, Cathryn secretary, John Mullen. Catherine Foster, Helen Freeman, Puckett, Lucy Rossi, Irene .Schafer. f-VH Geraldine Graser, Ethel Gre-en, Rose iSchimpf, Marjorie Schwen- Constance Haley, Margaret Har- ze-r, Margaret Scott, Patricia $170 STOLEN riott, Elsie Jursik, Evelyn Kane, Scott,' Doris Senz, Helen Sipos, WOODBRIDGE—David Gutman Adele Kopko, Rita Mastandrea, Helen Suit. of the New Jersey Cabinet & Mill Phyllis M-a.stra.iiffelo, Ma,ry Mazza- Georgean Sutter, Helen Szabo, Co., St. George's Avenue, reported rel'li, Clara Milko, Helen*Mueiller, •if can Eleanor Tasnady, Marie Terzella, to the police last.night that some- ? Dorothy JMushinski, Alberta Odell, Barbara Thompson, Geraldine Joyce Olbricht, Mabel Pigott, Ja- -one stole $170 out of a steel cab- VISIT JUP s MCBERH BAKERY BEPT net- Robinson, Gladys Scank, Elsie Thullesen, Mary Toth, Vilma Toth, inet in his office. Mr. Gutman said Siclillo, Lois iSbrensen, Alice To- Ella Vagozzi, Eleanor VanDalen, the office door was open* and he 107 MAIN .STREET maso, Ann To-maso, Dorothy Woh- Emma Vazzuka, Dorothy Walent, was in the rear of the building Buy Those lert, Alice Yackulich. Marion Wanca, Arlene West-on, when the money was stolen. Jean Whitalcer, Jean Wielonski, The program at Sewaren School WOODBRIDGE, N. J. will he as follows: Anne Wissing, Annamae Zierer, Horning, Stephen Hornyak, Fred Processional, "Pomp and Cir- Barbara Zilai, Lorraine Zwoyer. Iversen, Julius Jensen, George "Extfo"; 1lb 2!b cumstance"; Bible reading, Lard's Robert Ambrosy, Clifford An- Johansen, John Johnson,, Henry -44 - Prayer, hymn, "The Lord Is My derson, Peter Annesi, Robert Bald- Judt, Charles Katko, Gerald Kauf- War Bonis* B Shepherd"; address, Virginia win, James Bennett, Charles Be- man, John Kelemen, Erik Kjeld- size H^ size Shan-ley; pageant, American secker, Rodney Birong, Sidney sen, John Kurta, James LaG-ola, Democracy; presentation of class, Brown, William Burchfield, Edwin Isaac Lane, Riclhard Larsen,,- Alan I MARVEL 20 oz. loaf awarding of diplomas, class song, Calvin, John Capraro, Stanley Lauritsen, Douglas Levi, Bernhard Gold large ''Future Generation"; recessional. Chestnut, Clarence Ohristensen, Madsen, Gustave Mai, Michael er Mar&le 28 oz. cut Sewaren graduates are Rita Daniel Christensen, Erik Christ- Masarik, George May, Michael A tempting Andersen, Eleanor Austen, James iansen, George Cook, James Melnick, Joseph Montesano, John As the battles approach the enemy's home- Breakfast Burns, Helen Clark, Nancy Crane, Dauda, Charles DeBlocker, Fred Mosley, Jack Moskowitz, Richard lands, the fighting grows more intense . . . and Joseph Hallahan, Louise Hous- Dimock, Robert Dimock, Robert Nelson, James Nolan, John Oli- more costly in men, material, and money. Trait! maii, Albert Kr-ogh, Robert Peter- Distelcamp, John Dowling, August vacz, Edward Olsen,. 'Theodore son, Allen Raison, Frances Roe- Dreeson, Robert Dressier, Paul Pichalski, James Poehek, George That's why every American must back this Danish Fs rig, Virginia. Shanley, George Eck, Wayne F i n e g a r , Robert Sedlak, Edwin Smith, William mighty Seventh War Loan Drive with every Solty and Byron Sullivan. Fitzke, John Forian, Robert.Gaw- Sopko, Peter Szewczyk, Jack Tam- dollar he can spare. Buy a bond today! CSiofiiiaf The No. 11 School program will roniak, John Geertsen, Ernest boer, John Urso, Robert Vogel, be as follows: Overture, and pro- Gere, Michael Gulics, George Peter Weisehberger, George Wis- Now in our Meat Departments—FRESH cessional, school orchestra; salute, Harris. sing, Richard Young, Gerald Zeh- French £ra led by Stephen Hornyak, class and Rudolph Hlavenka, Arthur rer, Eugene Zimmerman. Sugared, plain or Ib. assorted. Light... tender ... easy to Perfect for salads or spreads . . . clean, fresh, digest, i Dated "Fresh" Daily. TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE tangy-sweet -flavor; highly nutritious 3 P&mfs Meetfetf/ BEAKS-ln ^cz.4n Tomato Saucs can I*c Baker's C®eoa B«ncf»t W": 11 Pyffed WSseat Sparkles ^9«

FORK & BEANS io°z. q. OF ELIZABETH, NEW JERSEY Baker's ^ U pkg. wneat roits SUNNYFIEU A**,^ §e M Tomato Sauce can >3U ! z AS TRUSTEES FOR VARIOUS ESTATES B&l Beans Eord@n s Hems E-S9e Wheatles X .i CH l flTE -fifie Oocea Marsh s% p ^-220 Ferce Oereaf ', rtaile Fresfc Hf^tftftiAf Chocolate Flavored !5yzoz.fag! BOILEO LOBSTER Arrivals! Campbell's ululiwW Syrup iar &vv Shredded Wheat A Popular Ib. Campbell'* Daryea's Own Starch P£.1Qc Corn Kh . . Fresh iAOKEREl Favorite STARTING AT A. M. Delicious p3R!Jig FOWuSr Double Acting pkg. I &C Kellsgg's Osrn Flakes tktSe • THURSDA Y, JUNE 14lh3 10 Fresh FLOUIDERS Nourishin'g ANN PAGE—Pure 201.90 8 fender@ii! Almond,Lemon,Orange bot. &«l» Sunnyfield Oorn Flakes P& 5e Tasty anil » • ©Mil* Baal! SUNNYFIELD lib. -1 E AT 45 BRANFORD PLACE, NEWARK 2, N. J. 'Fresh Economical SPSSt P83S Greener Yellow cm. 1 3C SBKHYFIELD Ige pig-20c Wheatesia B B «ox.pka.22c GOLD MEDAL. 10lb.£>fS- 3 E DESIRABLE PROPERTIES — ALL TO BE Fresh WEAKFISH For Pan Frying Ib.' Armsyr's Vitalox ^•«^.i»27c HECKER'S. PILLSBBRY'S bag P«C National Sf »«.*.12e ib HHIIASI flflf'Q SISNflYHELB 20oz. 4 4 SOLD SEPARATELY IN ONE DAY For Broiling Ib. Mueller's -'mmmF -^13e FISMF SUNNYFIELD—AH-Purpose 'bJg^Ss ilwllEJU vdiw Quick Cooking pkg- 1 B.v - Fresh PQRGIES or Frying 8 LAKE SHORE qk <5^_ Del Hants Tomato Sauce ,"' 8c Morten's Salt '££5 2 %% 15o Honey Mellowed bot. AUII Inspect These Properties Today There's An A&P Tea To Suit l^ysiirooiiB ^3Sic©' J^AJD can isc 8e.2f.12e EAST SIDE OF LINDEN ATE., LINDEN Mixed Vegetables UBBY'S 20 °r-18c Heinz White ¥inegar Apple Jyfce Vm^s *i«*-20e Located adjacent to Kalivvay boundary lines, and on improved highway. Approximately IS acres, being Your Taste and Purse! ti part of the Jardine Estate Tract. Can readily be developed for industrial or home sites. Now is your fiarrsts KS *>°—Wc Garden Relish PAGE » Apple JilSe BROMEDARY «.brt.28c opportunity to secure a line tract of land -convenient to transportation and all other facilities at the right BE price, before soaring post-war prices. Free and deal' of mortgage. Taxes §404.80—paid to date. MANHATTAN ^•i«22c NECTAR TEA Bleed Beets S 10c Dill Plekles Brand Fig Julee EAST SIDE OF KABITAN BD., CI-AKK TOWNSHIP, UiaOI* COTTXTT SWEET PICKLE :. D LD KOFFMAH Ijocrited on the S. W. corner of Walnut Ave. and Raritan nd. Td the south of tract is-located the .Blood- A National Favorite $••<" Cut Beets !S »-«»18e Llbby's TOMATO RELiSB 23c jrnod Branch of Lelugh Valley R.-R. Both highways being improved. Approximately 35 acres of fine high, 43 B dry and level land. Directly opposite the Hyatfc Holler Bearing Co. (A subsidiary of the General Motors Pickled Beets Sweet Red Peppers^f ^' 18cc Kara L S Syrup Corporation). A short distance from the National Chair Co.'s factories and to the rear ia located the VS. S. 11b. Army's C.C.C. Barracks, running down to Valley Rd. and Central Ave. The frontage on Raritan Rd. is e adaptable for industrial purposes and the land running along Walnut Ave. is suitable for^erection of one pkg. pfcg. and two family homes to accommodate the many factory workers now employed in thia area in the numer- All Purpose Cleaner Dwarf Brand Point Free! ous industrial plants in close proximity to this tract. Will be sold reasonably and on good terms. Frea and clear of mortgage. Taxes S57G.0O—paid to date. i • • BMsBPiW ORANGE JUICE EAST SIDE OF LINDEN ATE., KAH1VAT ,• "•: : 22 z An Outstanding 32 oz. Locaterl adjacent to the Linden boundary line, and situated on improved highway. Approximately 19.094 Fuil-Flavored and Thrifty . 81/40Z. i acres, and being part of the Jardihe Estate Tract. An ideal home site development, being conveniently We ja °r - %$m1h Point Free Value! jar located to all transportation and other facilities. This property immediately adjoins the Linden tract of iar 4 IS acres owned by the Jardine Estate. Now is the opportune time to purchase this- very fine acreage at a very fair and reasonable figure, before post-war enhancement of all land valuation in this fastest grow- ing section of Union County. Free and clear of mortgage. Taxes ?532.£0^-paid to date. pkg. R 7 ilnit Pie Orast -12c layfasr Yosi-AII DR EIK UNION COXJ>TTT 80S SPUING ST. 7(5 GE>"EYA ST., ELIZABETH Ten vacant lots ench to be sold (State Highway '*#S5> . 2 Va story frame with store, 3 Cecl Peas 9c Dorkee's Aunt Jeniln separately. .Sizes vary, some cor- ELIZABETH rooms, 2 rooms and toilet above. SALAD plots, all desirable for erec- Vacant plot oijxIOO in commercial . Mfneed CSams IS ^>°45e DRESSING Id or. jart Ssiiinyfleld tion of residential dwellings, all Yearly rental value ?540. Creain Wipt .section, suitable for any type busi- F r 1 I 333 oz. ' located in vicinity of • East 2nd ness. Street fully improved, all 448 WESTMINSTER ATE., jar -.'lie Ave.. E. 5th Ave., East 7th Ave., utilities. ELIZABETH Delicate and Fragrant Snow's ouM Cliiwder L°n -24c Salad ttressliig »•"«« ir 33s Chandler Ave., Harrison Ave.,'and V-k story frame 1 family, 11 Spruce at. 131-733 BATWAT, ELIZABETH rooms, 2 baths, occupied as room- C'entrall3r < located " vacant plot ing house. All improvements, 3 WASHINGTON- ATE., 50x200. suitable for commercial steam-coal heat. Monthly rental pkg. pkg. Herli@x BsulHoi! Oubes ^ 7c POINTS r.iRTERET or residential. Street fully im- 355. WHITE HOUSE 9 Maz-'QIIi. 2 story frame 'Z family, 5 rooms proved, all utilities. y ^'A LEMON PIE FILLER pkg. 4c and bath each apt. Steam-coal 427-437 UNION ATE., CONDENSED £• cans *©C heat. Gross yearly rental $552. 1152 13. GKAND ST., ELIZABETH Ie STRAIHED VEGETABLES ELIZABETH Plot 125x200 zoned for better type w , For Babies c 432-134 yOTJTH JVROAD ST., 2^ story frame with (5 rooms and home. Street fully improved, all Brand tin w* TMZABT3TIT bath. All improvements, steam- utilities. 's STRAU1E0 FRUITS ist«C [io] ¥-8 Cocktail [ 6 ] 3 story brick with tavern, 2 rooms, coal heat. Yearly income $420. For BaMss 'sTree S t ««.«.34e S and 3 rooms above. All improve- 1(101 LAFAYETTE ST. PRE-COOKED 11 ] Liver Pate' SB «-•«-16c ments, steam-coal liea.t. Yearly in- 353-335-357 WASHINGTON ATE. (Including 156 Spring St.) SABY CEREAL [io] String BeansS:2 Zt 22e come §?00. COB. GROVE ST., ELIZABETH ELIZABETH 349-851 -WASHINGTON ATE., 2 story brick with 8 stores, 3 2 buildings, 2 story frame ^. Bide You won't have to spend a 'Mason.Jars » « ^65c [20] Chill Sauce ".?&" 'lit: 18c • E ELIZABETH apts. Separate steam-coal heaters. of duplex with store. 2 rooms. 2 single ration point for these Vacant ,plot 75x!>0, desirable busi- Gross annual rental value $1,344. apts. 2 story frame -with i rooms ideal.Jars . » sr:75c [20] Snider's i [12] Bleu ness site, suitable for stores ami and batli.' Gross annual income tempting spreads. They're 18 oz. apts. street fully improved, all 350'WESTFIEI-D ATE. • $376. real pepper-uppers for breads [io] Srapefi can 11 ] Sream 0t§8ese £i 1 " (Bet. Colnmbus * Rnosnvrelt Sts.) Siper Sotfs »s '^.P^. 23G C utilities. B31 JEWEKSON ATE., -'. . rolis or lunch-box sand- 1 14S EAST Btli ATE., BGSKLLE PABK > ELIZABETH wiches. Stock up today. 20 Isle Team Borax 2 **>• 25c po] grapefruit Jsilse "t', Wfi CHEESE VAOZ- EOSEL1F, 2K story frame with, store. 6 2 Etox'y frame, brick and stucco standard pkg.( !8 5 stoi:y frame 1 family, 11 rooms and bath aijove. Steam- with tavern, 3 apts. All improve-, : .•.••;." 1 Spread KRAFT ^- rooms, 2 baths. AH improye- coal heat. Cros-H annual income ments; steam-coal heat. Gross Boraxo „ ., . 2**^ 25e [io] Blended Jaice «""' lyi-^n-ts. Gross annual income §9Q0. yearly income $1,500. >8 Old Dutch.Cleanser 2 ** 15e [so] Pineapple Jaice »»tE's B" Caraeinbert B L 2 liiz sr Oxyiffll ^-^-SSs [so] Fruit Oocktsil M 0| TE i? 35c [12] Z"Z.L'.5 Arf A»DIT10>"AL THREE PKOPEBTIES Ivory Snow B „ ^-p^.23c CSASONABIiE TESMS r 7 I CHEESE 9 4oz ANN PAGE IvsrySsap s£6c 3 ^ 29c [20]PSyins SPREADS & cups sr: r> rcn FSES CATALOGUE WITH PHOTOS DE L TE EASlHEE Wsolfsaisi K.'SSSS *>-25c [io] Plums D S «-«-I-14D Kei Cut grape Jelly SCULLY Argo Gloss Starch i*-* 8e [10] PIMENTO Sotifl, DREAM SPREAD iar I 3S 39 E8A.NPORD PLACE at Halsey 5f , MEW*.^;E . tl J SULTANA MArkei 3-1349 Blackberry-Appla tar PAGE SIX THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1945 FORDS AND EABITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL immediately in writing to: B, J,located at floulp J">, Rf Bruns- Polling place, Clara Barton school, manner of payment, in ease one or ot $10.00 plus' interest and other m said block will Be sold together to terms of sale on file with the By THE MEDICO wick, Ne^v .TPIS'3^ Amboy avenue, Clara Barton. more minimum , bids shall be re-terms provided; for in contract of With all other details pertinent, Township Clerk open to inspection NOTICE (Sig-ned) TOM'S PLACE, 1XP WILFRED R. WOODWARD, ceived. sale. said minimum price being §125 00 and to be publicly read prior to U.iritan Tmvnvlnp N T. plus costs of preparing- deed and sale, Lots 50 to 5J inclusive in Blodc Take notice that SAMUEL. HODE3 Township Clerk L'pon acceptance of tlie minimum Take further notice tnat 'at said advertising this sale Said lot in intends to apply to the Township Graunaro Nam, in evident FB -1 11-P/7/4.-1 bid, or bid above minimum, by thesale, or any date to which it ma.y 17-N, Woodbridse Township As- Mj»n. Who Ara Vegetarians Ooncptta Xani, secietAij. said block if sold on terms, -will sessment Map. Committee of the Township of Township Committee and the pay-be adjourned the Township Com- require a'down payment of ?15«00, Woodbridge for a Plenary Ketail F. B. h-7 ] I June, J145 ment thereof by the purchaser ac- mittee reserves the right in 2Cs dis- Take further notice that the A great percentage of men onConsumption license for premises cretion to reject any one or all bids the balance ot purchase price to beTownship Committee has, by reso- situa'ted at 464 New Brunswick PCIJIC NOTICE cording to the manner of purchase and. to sell said lots in said block paid in eaual monthly installments lution and pursuant to law, fixed a the g-ldbe live largely on a vege- Avenue, Fords, Township of Wood- PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given m accordance with term-? of sale to such bidder as it may selei t, due of $10 00 plus interest and otheT minimum price at which said lots table diet. The Chinese find Papa- bridge, N. J. Ttiki nnt.u that that Edward and Rose Gray have on file, the-Township will deliver terms piovided for irT, contract of WC1SLO intends to apply to the .offered to purchase from the" Town- a bargain and sale deed for said regard ' being given to terms and sale. in .said block will be sold together nese use beans quite extensively Objections, if any, should be made Township Oomnrttee • >! the Town- ship of Raritan for the sum of Two manner of payment, in case one or with aU other details pertinent, immediately in writing to: B. J. premises. more minimum -Elds shall be re- Take further notice that at said said minimum, price being $309 <2 as a soui'ce of proteid and energy. ship ot WoodbiKlge lm j Plenar* bundled (5-iOOOO) Dollars, pa% able DA.TED June 5th, 1945. ceived. sale, or any date to which it mayplus- posts ot preparing- deed art'' Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wood- Retail Consumption license for in cash. Block 124-B, Lots 20-21 on B J DUNIGAN, Township Clerk. be adjourned, the Township Com- 1 They prepare a curd from soy bridge, N. .1. premise', •-uuatpd at 1 I New Bruns- the Assessment Map of the Town- advertising this sale. Said lots in To be advertised June 7th and Upon acceptance of the minimum mittee reserves the right m its dis-said block it sold on terms, will beans that is almost white and (Signed) SAMUEL HODES, wick Avenue, Hopel v. w Tmv nshm ship of Raritan. June 14th, 19-45, in the Fo-rds Beacon. bid, or bid above minimum,; by the cretion to reject'any one or all Bids require a down payment of $30.37, : F. B.—6-7. 14 Fords. N. .1.of AVoodbntlge, N i Lots -211-21, Bloi k 124-B, Edward Township Committee and -th_ .pay-and to tell s>aid lot in said block to the balance of purchase price to he platable." This is a staple article Objection^, [t an, -hould be made and Itos^ Gr.ij Refer to: W-.*>70; Docket 143/431 ment thereof by the purchaser ac- sttch bidd-er as it may select, due paid m equal monthly installments of diet. It is not appetizing but 2VOTICE immediateh IP w'iit no: to B J Township of Raritan, County of AOTICI3 OH1 PTJBLIC SALE cording to the manner of purchase regard being given to jlerms and of ?X0.O0 plus interest and other highly nutritious. Take notice that MORRIS A. Dunigan. Township Clerk. Wood- Middlesex ot New )etse\ TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: in accordance with terms of sale on manner of payment, m case one orterms provided for m contract of DEUTSCH intends to apply to thebidgo, x I BEGINNING in the Easterly line At a legular meeting ol tne filet the Township will deliver a bar- more minimum bids shall be re-sale, * Parts of Asia are so over- Township Committee of. the Town- (Signed) ST^NLsLA\. 'U Brunswick Avenue, Fords, Town- Pi-fiiiai'v mieetiiyti dav evening-, June LSth, 1945, theJune 14th. 1945, in the Fords Beacon. ment thereof fty the purchaser ac- mittee reserves the right in its dis- est and most easily produced food ship oi' Woodbridge, N. J. tue NintlrnehteiH line ol Middlesex cording to the manner of purchase cretion to reject any one or all bids 'IWliiiHIP OI' K4RIT1"\ and Essex Turopike: thence running Township Commitiee -will meet at that will sustain life, and keep up Objections, il" any, should be made MiOilJeMex County, .ftesv* S P M. (WT) 'm the Committee in accordance with terms of sale on and to sell said lots m said bk>ek til Northerly along- the Easterly Refer to: W-57©; \Ooetet 143/43T file, the Township will deliver a to such bidder as it may select, due Immediately in writing- to: B. J. Notice is hereby given that in line of Park Place Fifty {50') feet; Chambers, M e m o r ial Municipal 1 nutrition. Dunig-an, Township Clerk, "Wood- Building, Woodbridge, New Jersey, XOTICE OF FCBEIC SALE barg-am and sale deed for said regard being- given to term ? and pursuance of an act entitled "AN thence <2) Easterly at right angles TO WHOS.IT MAT CONCERN: premises mannpr oi payment, in case one oi* A class of white, people in this bridge, "jtf.. .1. ACT TO anfiiUTE DbLCTroxs; with the CasteiH line ot Park Place, and expose and sell at public- sale At a regular meeting of the (SlS-nert) MORRIS A. DEUTSCH, " R. S. 19-12-7, that the District and to the highest bidder according- DATED- Tune "".th, 1145. more minimum bids shall tie re- country are anehic, and vmder- One Hundred Twenty-five and Sev- Township Committee of the Town- B J DUNIGAN, Township Clerk, ceived. F. B.—ti-7, 14 Fords, N. ,1.Boards of Registry and Election enty-three One-hundredths (125.73') to terms of sale on file with the ship of Woodbridge held Monday, itourished, • because they are not will meet in the places hereinafter Township Clerk open to inspection To be advertised June 7 and Upon acceptance of the minimum feet to-the outline of the whole tract June 4th, 1945, I was directed June II, 1345, in tltt^ Ford? Beaoon only iginorant of the subject of NOTICE designated on thence (3) Southerly along- said out- and to be publicly isaa prior to sale, to advertise the fact that on Mon- bi-d, or bid abaie minimum, by the Take notice that Fords Tumble TUESDAY, TUNE 12, 1C15 lnc I it11 (TII'; feet, tneni e (4) Lots 59 and 80 in Block 517-O, day evening, June ISth, 1945, the Township Committee and the pay- nutrition, but quite unwilling- to Inn, Inc., intends to apply to thabetween tile hours of 7 A. M. andY\esteil* parallel with the second Woodbridge Township Assessment Township Committee will meet at liefer to: W-3C0; DoeKet 142/MS ment thereof bj the purchaser ac- Township Committee of the Town- S P. M. (KWT) for the purpose of course One Hundred Twenty-five NOTICE OF PUBLIC SAME cording- to the manner, of purchase learn; and utteiiy refuse to cul- r S P, M. (WT) in the Committee ship "!' TV oodbridge for a. Plenary conducting a primary election lor nd Seventy-three One-hundredths Take further notice that the Chambers, Memorial Municipal TO "WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-. m accordance with terms of salo on tivate a taste for foods to which Retail Consumption license 1'or the nomination of offices herein- ilJTTVi teet tu ihe plai e ol begin- Township Committee has, by reso- Building-, Woodbridge, New Jersey, At a regular meeting of tlie file, the Township will deliver a bar- they &re 'not accustomed. premises situated at 10" Ford Ave., after designated ning lution and pursuant to law, fixed a. and expose and sell at puhlfc sale Township Committee ot the Town- gain and sale deed for said premises. Woodbridge Township, N. J. State Sen.iloi linm thi I'mran o' minimum puce at which said lots and to the highest bidder accord- ship of Woodbridge held Monday, DATED lune 5th, 1»45 The United States government Objections, II' any, should be made Middlps»\ Being kn'own and designated as ing to terms of sale on file "with the June 4th, 1945, I was directed B J. DUNIG-AN, Township Clerk Lots 30 and 31 as shown on a cer- in said block will be sold together spends a great deal of money' an- immediately in writing to: B. J. Three Members of the Ueneral with all other details pertinent, said Township Clerk open to inspection to advertise the fact that on. Mon- To be advertised June 7th and Dunigan, Township Clerk, "Wood- Assembly from the County ot Mid- lain map filed in the Middlesex and to be publicly read prior to sale, day evening, June 18th, 1945«fun«, - 14th. 1943, m the Fords Bea- nually in rtudying- and introduc- CounU Cle'k's offli e entitled, '"Map minimum price being- $200.00' plus bridge, New Jersey. d 1 ese.\ costs of preparing deed- and adver- Lot ^85 in Block 44S-S, Wood- the Township Committee will meet con ing into this country new food (Signed) ' One Coroner for Middlesex Coun- ol" Irving Park, property of Peter ty. Knudson & Stephen Kain, situate in tising this sale. Said lots in said FORDS TDMELE INN, INC., block if sold on terms, will require ' plants. In this way billions of JOHN KOCRCrl, President, Two Members of the Board of Raman T"n p , Middlesex Co, N J , Chosen I leeholdPls 1 oi MTddl(_se~\ Scale 1" - 3D', Mar, 1925." a down payment of ?20.00, the bal- wealth have been added to our MARY KOCBGT, Secretary. ance of purchase price to be paid V. B.—lp-7, 14 Fords, N. .1.C'Otin 1 v Pleing also known as Lots 20 and nation. A ?>rale and Female Jlimb-r ot 21 in Block 124-B as shown on tlte in equal monthly installments of Even before the Japanese in- NOTICE the County Committee from the Re- Raritan Township Tax "Map. $10.00 plus interest ari^l other-terms Take notice that JOHN DEAK publican and Democratic Partis In addition to the foregoing', the provided for in contract of sale. vacion, China was a great suf- intends to apply to the Township from every election district in the purchaser shall also be responsible Take further notice that at said ferer f r o m aver - population, Committee of the Township of Township for the cost of advertising said sale sale, or arjy date to which it may drought and famine. For this rea- Woodbridge for a Plenary Tietail TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1D45 rind for the payment of a reasonable be adjourned, the Township Com- Consumption license 1'or premises between the hours of 7 A. M. and S charge for the preparation of" the mittee reserves the right in its dis- son-., she has been compelled to situated at 300 New Brunswk-k Ave- P. M. fKWT) for the purpose of deed ol ». ontl ac t cretion to reject any one .or all Bids utilize the sources of food supply, nue. Fords, Township ol Wood- conducting a general election for The Board of Corrfmissioners of and to sell said, lots In sauj block bridge. N. .1. the election of offices hereinafter the Township of Raritan In the to such bidder as it may select, due which she could obtain most easily Objections, if any, should be made designated County of Middlesex has fixed Tues- regard being given to terms and and abundantly. immediately in writing to: B. .1. State Senator from the County of da\, Junfi 12(11, I'll", next, at S P manner 'of payment, in case one or Dimignn, Township Clerk, "Wood- Middlesex M. at the regular meeting- of the more minimum bids shall be re- Perhaps our original ancestors bridge, X. J. Three Members of the General Board of Commissioners to be held ceived. at the Town H.all for a hearing as ' were vegetarians. At any rate we (Signed) JOHN DEAK, AssembH unra the Count"* oi Mid- Upon acceptance of the minimum dlesex to whether said offer of purchase bid, or bid above minimum, by the Fords, N. J. shall be confirmed and ratified. The are told in Holy Writ that they F. B, fi-7. 14 One Coroner Cor Middlesex Coun- Township Committee and the pay- subsisted upon the fruits of the ty! Board of Commissioners reserves ment thereof by the purchaser ac- Two Members of the Board of the right to reject said bid or in the earth. SOT'iCR event a higher or better terms shall cording to the manner of purchase Take notice that TH'E PINES OF Chosen rinpholilei s Joi Middlesex in accordance with terms of sale Conn rv be bid for said price or better terms As far back as human records METiJCH'EN. INC. intends to apply siiail be bid" for said property to ae- on file, the Township will deliver extend, man has lived to a large to the Board oi' Commissioners of The polling places for the various i "Pt the same. a bargain and sale deed for said the Township of. Raritan for a Plen- wards ami election lit- ot tlie premises. extent upon the soy bean. The ary Retail Consumption license for Township of Raritan are as follows: W R WOODWARD, DAT-ED: June 5th, 1945. Township Clerk coolies of Japan will sometimes preinises located at Route -7, Vlari- BOUJND/VRIISS Olf BSSTIMCTS B. J. DUNIGAN, Township Clerk. •tan Township, New Jersey. District No. 1 To be advertised in Raritan Town- To be advertised June 7th and run for fifty miles a day several Objections, if any, should be made Beginning- at a. point on the north ship Fouls Beaion on lune 7, 1945 June 14th, 1945, in the Fords Bea- days in succession oxv a diet of imrn-ediat ely in writing to: W. It. bank of the Raritan River where con. rice and bean curds. These men Woodward, Clerk of .Raritan Town- the dividing- line of Highland Park PROPOSAL ship, R.F.I). No. 1, New Brunswick, and tlie township intellects thence Bids will be received by the Board •are small in statare but amaz- New Jersey. northern alone said tin nlmg line or Education up to S:00 P. M. onRefer to: W-l-OO; Boelcet 110/J74 (S'igned) June 18th, 1945, at the Board of ingly muscular. Many of them to the rentei line of Woodbridge r JVOTICE OP 'pirBMO SALE THE PINKS OF KETUCHEN, INC., avenue; thence running- • easterly Education Room in the W oodbridge TO WHOM IT MAY. CONCERN: have tasted' but little meat in their Raritan Township, N. J. along the center line of Woodbridge High School, Woodhridge, N". J., on At a regular meeting oi' the lives, and then only an occasional A. William Ferrance, avenue to Bonhaiutown Corner, a used Dodge sedan. Specifications Township Committee of the Town- President, thence southerly along the center may be procured at tlie District ship of Woodbridg-e held Monday. fish. Billie Kirbery, line of road leading from Bonham- Clerk's Office, Payment for sedan June 4th, 1945, I was directed Vice-president, town Corner to bridge over Red will be with part of the consider- to advertise the fact that on Mon- FOOD Grace R. McCluckie, Root Creek, Raritan River, thence ation the trade-in of a:n Interna- day evening, .lune 18th, 1945, Secretary. up Raritan River to place of Begin- tional station wag-on 1939 model, the Township,Committee -will meet This year's civilian food supply F. P.. 6-7, 14 ning. which may be inspected at the High at 8 P. M. (WT) in the Committee will .be, on the average, from five Polling Place, School Number C, School. Chambers Memorial Municipal NOTICE Woodbridge avenue, Piseataway- Each bid must be sealed, plainly Building-, Woodbridge, New Jersey, to ten per cent less in energy Take notice that LOUIS YARADT marked "Bid on Dodge Sedan" and and expose and sell at public sale town addressed to the Board of Educa- value thaan last year, unless people intends to apply to • the Township Bistriet No. '2 and to the highest bidder according Committee of the Township of Wood- tion, and nrust be delivered by hand to terms of sale on file with the eat more grain products, says the bridge for a Plenary Retail Con- Beginning at Bonhamtown Corner or registered mail. at the intersection of the center line Township Clerk open to inspection Department of Agriculture. The sumption license for premises situ- r The Board reserves the right to and to be publicly read prior to ated at 955 Ford Avenue, Fords, of W oqdbridge avenue with the reject any or all bids, and to waive reduction in .caloijes will reflect center line of Main street; thence sale, Lots 63 and 63 in Block 873-E, Township of Woodbridge, N. J. immaterial informalities. Woodbridge Township Assessment running- along the center line of BOARD OF EDUCATION, mostly the smaller supply of Objections, if any, should be made Woodhridge avenue to the center Map. immediately in writing- to: B. J. Township of Woodbridge, Take further notice that the meats, sugar, food fats and oils. Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wosd- 'j line of Duclos Lane; thence north- Woodbrhlg-e, J^. -I. erly along the center line of Duclns HELEN H ANDERSON, Township Committee has, by reso- bridge, N. J. Lane -to where Mill Brook crosses lution and pursuant to law, fixed a Patton says §100 extra bonds is , (Signed) LOUIS VAEADY, District Clerk. minimum price at which said lots the same; thence easterly up Mill F.B. (i-7 little to pay for victory. F. B.—fi-7, 14 Fords, N, J.Brook to where the same inter- in said block will be sold together sects the line dividing the property with all other details pertineftt, NOTICE of Michael Jelin and the property PROPOSAL said minimum price being J200 00 . ~~~ LEGAL NOTICES Take' notice that JOSEPH ANDknown as the Hill Tract; thence Sealed Bids will be received by plus cosps ol preparing deu* the New Durham and to the highest bidder according At a regular meeting of the" ship of Woodbridge for a Plenary premises situated at 747 King Road to wnere the same is inter- Township Comrhitte'e of the Town- WILL YO to terms of sale on file with the Retail Consumption license ior George's Road. Fords, Township of sected by the line dividing Piscat- Township Clerk open to inspection ship of Woodbridge held' Monday, premises situated at :',r,0 New Bruns- Woodbridge, N. J. away Township and Raritan Town- and to be publicly read prior to June 4th. 1945. I was directed wick Avenue, corner Crows Mill Objections, if any, should be made ship. to advertise the fact that on Mon- Road, Fords, Township ^>f H owl- »\le Lots )s4 and 'is") m Block 44SG immediately in writing to: B. J. Polling Place, Oik Tie* S< nool Wojdblnlse Township Assessment day even Ins, June ISth, 1945, bridge, N. J. Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wood- the Township Committee will meet Objections, if any. should he made Oak Tree Road. Oak Tree. at S P. M. (WT) in the Committee 4fr immediately in writing1 to: B. J. bridge, N. J. Diairict -No. 4 Take further notice that the F. M. L. COMPANY, INC. Township Committee has, by reso- Chambers M e m o r I a 1 Municipal Dunigan, ' Township Clerk,' "Wood- (Signed) FRANK WASIELESKI Beginning at a point in the divid- Building, Woodbridge, New Jersey, ing line between Raritan Township lution and pursuant to law, fixed a and expose and sell at public sale "(sflneV) '' JOHN HOHOL, Pres. 7 minimum price at whic'h said lots F. B.—6-7, 14" Fords, N. J.and W oodbridge * Township near in said block will be sold together and to the highest bidder according F. B.—fi-7, 14 Fords, N. J. Menlo Park where center line of with all other details pertinent, to terms of sale on file with the NOTICE Port Reading Railroad intersects Township Clerk open to inspection NOTICE • !he same; thence running westerly said minimum price being $2QU.OO and to be publicly read prior to Take notice that WILLIAM NO- Take notice that JAMBS E. DOWL- plus costs of preparing deed and 1NG intends to apply to the Town- along the center line of said rail- advertising- this sale. Said lots in sale, Lot 31 in Block 176C, Wood- VAK intends to apply to the Town: road to the point where same inter- bridge Township Assessment Map. ship Committee of the Township ot ship Committee of the Township of said block if sold on terms will Woodbridge for a Plenary Retail sects Metuchen Borough line; thence require a down payment of $20.00, Take further notice that the Woodhridsre for a Plenary Retail Consumption license for premises running southerly and southwester- Township Committee has, by reso- Consumption license Cor premises ly along the dividing line between the balance of purchase price to be situated at Smith Street. Keasbey, situated at Superhighway and Ford paid in equal monthly installments lution and pursuant to la^w, flxed a Avenue. Fords, Townshio o£ Wood- the Borough of Metuchen and Rari- of $10.00 plus interest and other minimum price at which said lot Township of Woodbridge. N. -I. bridge, N. J. tan Township to center line of Am- in said block will be sold together Objections, if any. should be made boy avenue; thence easterly along terms provided for in dfontraet of with all other details pertinent immediately in writing, to: B. .1. Objections, if any, should be made center line of Amboy avenue to the sale. 1 said minimum price being $2,985.00 Dunig-an, Township Clerk, U owl: immediately in writing to- B J ilividing line between Raritan •Take further notice that at said plus costs of preparing deed and bridge, New J ersey. Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wood- Township and WToodbridg-e Town- sale, or any date to which it may advertising this sale. Said lot in (Signed) WILLIAM NOVAK, bridge, N; j. ship; thence northerly along divid- be adjourned the Township- Com- (Signed) JAMES E. DOWLING sa-id, block if sold on terms; will p_ JJ. 6-7, 14 Iveasbey, N. J. ing' line of Woodbridge Township mittee reserves the right in its dis- require a down payment ot .$298 50, F. B.—6-7, 14 . Fords, N. J.and Raritan Township to place of cretion to reject any one or all bids the halance of purchase price to be JtOTICE Beginning. and to sell said lot in said block paid in equal monthly installments' Take notice that JEANETTE KIbH NOTICE to such bidder as it may select, due of $40.00 plus interest and other intends to apply to Hie Township Take notice that DAVID MEY- Polling Place, Clara Barton regard being given to terms and terms provided for in contract of Committee of the Township ot ERS intends to apply to the Town- School, Amboy avenue. Clara-Barton. manner of payment, in case one or sale. Woodbridge for a Plenary Ketail ship Committee of the Township of Dists-iet No. 5 more minimum bids shall be re- Take further notice that at said Consumption license lor premises Woodbridge for a Plenary Retail Beginning in the center of Duclos ceived. Consumption license for premises Lane where the same is intersected Upon acceptance ot" the minimum sale, or any date to Which it ?na:y" situated at r,S2-r.S4 New Brunswick situated at 55S New Brunswick by Mill Brook."said beginning point be adjourned the Township Coiti- Avenue, Fords, Woodbridge Town- bid, or bid above, minimum, by the Avenue, Fords, Township of Wood- being- also a corner in the Highland Township Committee and the pay-mittee reserves the right in its 3(8- Objections, if any, should be made bridge, N. J. Park Borough line; thence running cretipn to reject any one or all bids' immediately in writing to: l>. •)• ment thereof by the purchaser ac- and to sell said lot i.ri said block? Objections, if any, should He made easterly to the center of said brook cording to the manner of purchase to such bidder as it may select, due Dunigan,r Township Clerk, Yvood- immediately in writing to- B I to -where the same intersects the in accordance -with terras of sale on BUY BONDS DURING GIM br 3 Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wood- line dividing the property ofiMich- file, the Township will deliver a bar- regard being" given to terms' an;d' (sfgh«fl") ~ JEANETTE KISH, bridg-e, N. J. ael Jelin and the property known gain and sale deed for said premises. manner of payment, iri case one or F. B.—fi-7, 14 Fords, N. -• (Signed) DAVID METEES, as the Hill Tract; thence continu- DATED: June 5th, 1945. more minimum bids shall be' re- F. B.—6-7, 14 Fords, N. J. ing along said dividing line to the B. J. DUNIG-AN, Township Clerk, ceived. • NOTICE center of Plainfield avenue; thence To be advertised June 7th and Upon acceptance of the mlnimurn r Take notice that PETER §ON- NOTICE lorthwesterly along- the center of June 14. 194a, in the Ford Beacon bid, or bid above minimum, by -the DERGAARD intends to apply to the Take notice that JOHN CSIK, JK., Plainfield avenue to the center of Township Committee and the pay- CAMPAIGN Township Committee of the Town- inte.nds to apply to the Township the Sliddlesex and Essex Turnpike; Refer to: W-473; Docket 13G/i48 ment thereof by the purchaser ac- ship of Woodbridg"e for a Plenary thence nox-theasterly along^ the cen- cording to the manner of pisr/c-hase Committe7 e of the Township of NOTICE OP PUBLIC SAM Retail Consumption license for W oodbridg-e for a Plenary Retail ter o£ the Middlesex and Essex TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: in accordance with terms of sale on premises situated at 524 New Bruns- Consumption license for premises Turnpike to the Metuchen Borough At a regular meeting of the file, the Township will deliver a bar- wick Avenue, Fords, Township of situated at 363-65 Florida Grove line; thence northwesterly along the Township Committee o£ the Town- sain and sale deed for said premises; FIELD HOSPITALS bring quick help to our wounded fighting men. Suf- s Woodbridg-e, N". J. Road, Hopelawn, Township of Wood- Metuchen Borough line to the cen-ship of Woodbridge 'held Monday, DATED- Tune 5th, 1945. Objections, if any, should be made bridge, N. J. ter of the New Durham Road, June 4th, 3945, I was directed B J DUNIGAN, Township Clerk. Immediately in writing" to: B. J. Objections, if any, should be made thence westerly along the center of to advertise the fact that on Mon- To be advertised June 7th arid' fering is eased and countless lives are saved by emergency operations and Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wood- immediately in writing to: B J the New Durham Road to the Pis-day everting, June 18th, 194H, theJune 14th, 1*45, in the. Fords Beacon. bridge, N. J. cataway Township line; thence Dunig-an, Township Clerk, Wood- southerly and southwesterly along Township Committee will meet at (Signed) PETER SONDERGAARD, bridge,' N. J. the Piscataway Township line to the 8 P. M. (WT) in the CommitteeRefer to: 1V-4S2- Docket t3G/300 by the prompt attention that is given to injuries. The goal of 6ur cam- F B.—6-7, 14 Fords, N. J. (Signed) JOHN CSIK, JR., Highland Park Borough line; -thence Chambers, Mem or ial Municipal NOTICE OP PUBLIC SALE F. B.—6-7, 14 - Hopelawn, N. J.southeasterly and easterly along the Building, Woodbriflge, New Jersey, TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN1 : NOTICE Highland Park Bororigh line to theand expose and sell at public sale At a. reg-ulai- meeting of tfre paign is the purchase of ten field hospitals. Take notice that MRS. MARX J. NOTICE place of Beginning (, and to the highest bidder according- Township Committee of the Town- MAJESKI intends to apply to the Take notice that KLEIN'S TAV- to terms of "sale on file with the ship of Woodbi 'ijge held -Monday, Township Committee ot: the Town- ERN INC. intends to apply to the Polling Place, Stelton School, Township Clerk open to inspection June 4th, 1945, 1 was . directed ship of Woodbridge for a Plenary Township Committee of Township Plainfleld avenue, Stelton. and to be publicly read prior to sale, to advertise- the fact that on irioii- Keep Pitchin' Slogan Contest, May 14 to July 7. Buy a bond at any Consumption license for of Woodbridge for a Plenary. Re- District No. O Lot 578 in giock 44g g^ Woodbridge day evening-, June ISth, 1945, premises situated at Corner Juliet & tail Consumption license for prem- Beginning at a point in the divid- Township Assessment Map. the Township Committee will meet Charles Streets. Hopelawn, Town- ises situated at Smith Street and ing- line between Raritan Township Take further notice that the at S.J>. M. ("WT) in th& Cpmmitteie Public Service office or from a Public Service employee and enter the ship of TYoodbridge, N. J. Dahl Avenue, Keasbey, Township and Woodbridg-e Township at Fords, Township Committee has, by reso- Chambers1 , Memorial Municipal Objections, if any. should be made oi Woodbridge, N. J. Building , Woodbridge, N"e"W Jersey, immediately in writing- to B. J. where center line of Amboy avenue lution and pursuant to law, fixed ;• and expose and sell at public sale Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wood- Objections, if. anv, should be made intersects the same; thence westerly minimum price at which said lot and to the highest bidder according contest. Prizes of war bonds and stamps. bridg-e, N. J. immediately in "writing to: B J along center line of Amboy avenue in said block will be sold together, to terms of sale on file with the (Signed) MRS. MARY J. MAJESKI, Dunigan, Township Clerk, Wood- to a point where the same intersects with all other details'pertinent, said Township Clerk open to inspection j\ B.—6-7, 14 Hopelawn, N. J.bridg-e, N. J. Metuchen Borough -line then run- minimum price being- S125.00 plus and to be publicly read prior to (Signed) ning- southwesterly and westerly costs of preparing deed and adver- tising this sale. Said lot in said sale, Lots 29S and 299 in Block 17G, NOTICE KLEIN'S TAVERN, INC. along dividing line between the 1 Woodbridg-e Township Assessment Take notice that STAN. & JOHN, George A. Reinherz, Pres. 'Sorough of Metuchen and Raritan block, if sold on terms, "will require Map, F. B.—6-7. 14 Township to the center line of Bon- a down pajTiient of $15.00, the bal- INC. intends to apply to the Town- hamtown Road; thence southerly ance of purchase price to be paid Take further notice that the ship Committee of the Township of Township Committee has, by reso- Woodbridge for Plenary Retail NOTICE along- Bonhamtown Koad and thein equal monthly installments of : Take notice that TOM'S PLACE, road to the bridge over. Red Root ?10.00 plus interest ahd.other terms lution and pursuant to law, fxed a Constimption license for premises Creek to the Raritan River; thence provided for in contract at sale. minimum prige at which said! lots situated at 203 New Brunswick INC. intends to apply to the Board down the Raritan to the point where in said block will be sold together Avenue, ELopelawn, Township of of Commissioners of the Township the line dividing Raritan Township Take further notice that at said with all other details pertinent, SEVENTH WAR LOAN ... N O,W ... ALL TOGETHER! Woodbridge, N. J. of Raritan for a Plenary Retail and Woodbridge Township inter- sale, or any date to which it mav said minimum price being $250.00 A-155-45 Objections, if any, should be made Consumption license for premises be adjourned, the Township Com"- plus costs of preparing deed and i FORDS AND EARITAN TOWNSHIP BEACON THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 194$ PAGE SEVEN

Pattern Saucy Accessories PAJAMA-CLAD HUNTER on the front porch, Patrolman BAGS BEAR Henry L. Goode launched into a Under He State House Dome WARROAD, Minn-.—Awakened lecture on the general harmless- at 5:30 A. -M. by a neighbor's ness of ibees. Just to prove, his By J, Joseph Gribbins Now that the- war in Europe is pie sports ensemble of a. sweater dog's steady parking, Joseph Guil- point, he picked up one and was over and! the war against Japan and skirt, caught the attention hault didn't take time to dress be- promptly a'nd severely stung. about to swing into full stride, of a Hollywood talent scout, who fore investigating. Grabbing his Research Cent&r of New Yo'rk . . . (Continued front Editorial Page) with its result already apparent. wired his studio and within three gun, he bagged a 200-pou2id bear AGENCIES REDUCED There is still time to plant many agriculltural eo,unty of the State. Hollywood is turning its interest weeks, she was in Hollywood, with that had been treed by the dog. Since 1942 the number of vegetables suitable for home Applications will be made through to stories with post - war themes, a .screen test going- -the rounds agencies soliciting funds foz' for- storage and canning, Prof. "Frank 1 New Jersey's seven _FSA offices. hpme-'coming , etc. of the studios. Hal Wallis saw j eign relief have beon reduced G, Helyar,*of Rutgers University, ' NOT SO CONVINCING State Secretary of Agriculture the test and signed her up. She from 300 ,to 87, thus virtually announces . . - Four members of CV1GM has probably the hpsviest DENVER, Colo.—Summoned by W. H. Allen believes such loans will be stai*red in. "You Came eliminating competition in fund- the .State Division of Tax Appeals schedule of .such stories, among his wife to repel a swarm of bees will fit nicely into the •already- Along," opposite Robert Cum- solicitation among the agencies.•' charged with, inefficiency in office which are "The Homecoming oi which had taken up their lodging estaiblished pattern of veteran aid, Ulysses," by Sidney Kmgsley, and mings. including the New Jersey and and negle-et of duty have until June 20 to submit briefs to Gov- "We Got Back," by Dorothy Hedy Lamarr, after eight years Fereidal GI Bills of- Eights, local ernor Edge to phow why they Thomas. Also, "Neiy Horizons/' with Metro, has left that studio veterans' advisory committees and which deals with the personal per- should not be dismissed . . . and her first picture after the .SPECIAL FREE OFFER! •other public and private veterans' Eleven, of "the 12 Seleral Land plexities, of a couple of discharged expected visit of the stork this services. Banks serving- American farmers Navy friends, "Heaven On a month, will be produced by Jack Picket Femee," ''Now That April's Chertock, under* the banner of SHIP CANAL:—A veritable in- will be entirely out of debt to the Federal Government on July 1, Here," '"The Image of Josephine" Hunt iStromberg. verted Chinese Wall would bisect and "For Betteo1, For Worse." New Jersey if United States Army 1946 . . . Farmers may secure Had you. ever counted up the Engineers succeed in securing' plans and suggestions for meeting As reported before in this col- number of stars in Hollywood Beauty JS moss tkan sLm deep eong'ressi-onal supoort to construct the housing requirements of the umn, we regret to hear that a who started in a band as a step- in exciting- rayon accessories the proposed New Jersey Ship new migrant labor law by writing! cycle of gangster films, led off by ping-ston& to a place before the like this beau bruinrnel hom- Commissioner Harry G. Harper of j the more or less .biographical film, camera? The latest recruit is burg and matching" ascot of Canal. the State Department of Labor, j "Dillinger," which is making This is the -opinion of a group Andy Russell, now playing a stel- crisp plaid rayon taffeta. Taf- Trenton, N. J. . . . The late April money at the box-offices, is be- lar role in "The Stork Club." feta has long been famous as a April 16 and 1" to view experi- ing- planned by practically every and early May frosts seriously Others include Fred Mac-Murray, luxurious fabric for glamorous ed to the Waterways Experiment studio. In times such as these, damag-ed the blueberry crop in' who used to toot a saxophone, clothes. But now that it is made Station, Vieksbui'sr, Mississippi, cm this is certainly one type of film New Jersey . . . Since 1941 farm Batty Grable who sang with Jay of sturdy rayon, you can count April 16 and IT tcmew experi- land values in New Jersey have which the public does not need Pattern 9181 comes in Junior Miss Wbidden's dance band, Alice Faye on it for long service, too, be- mental mo-dels of the canal and •advanced 25 per -cent, according to see and particularly is this true its locks. Opposing the idea, they sizes 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. who was soloist with Ruddy cause it has added excellent to official reports. Size 13, %Vz jards 35-inch. of the teen-agers, who need noth- Vallee's orchestra; Dorothy La-' claim the project would cost be- ing to add to their restless'adven- •wearing qualities to its other Send TWENTY CENTS in coins mour, with Herbia Kay's orches- virtues. .... tween £400,000,000 and $500,- for this pattern to 170 News- ture-seeking'. A BEAUTIFUL ..PIC- 000,000' and would comprise an CAPITOL CAPERS: — Beware tra; Janet Blair, with Hal Kemp; of Gypsies who arc interested in paper Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th Anxious to get authentic back- not to mention Bins? Crosby, who TURE, SIZE .16x20, excessive waste of taxpayers' St., New York 11, N. Y. Print COAL your money, Colonel Charles H. ground shots for his production, was one of Paul Whitman's money.' plainly SiZE, NAME, ADDRESS, Predicting that next winter's WILL BE PRESENTED Schoeffel, Superintendent of State "The Robe," Mervyn Leroy wants "Rhythm Boys." STYLE NUMBER. coal shortage would be "the worst FREE OF CHARGE TO The canal would run from Police, warns . . . New Jersey's to take a camera crew to Itaiy ami JUST OUT! Send Fifteen Cents Wallace Beery- Marjnrie Main] yet experienced' i-n this war," the j Sayreville to Bordentown, ha,ve a political disposition, not its con- Palestine and probably will, if the WEDDING AND FAM- more for our Ivlarian Martin Sum- fans will ,be delighted to hear that j Solid Fuels Administration has 1 channel depth of 27 feet, a bot- stitution, needs doctoring first, mer Pattern Book! Easy-to-make Government permits. another film co-starring these two I announced that householders who 1 ILY GROUPS. tom of 250 feet and would be 31.5 perhaps, claims the New Jersey clothes for all. FEES nightgown When Roddy McDowell went on for the sixth time is about to are willing to accspt any.size and! miles long, tNo definite provision Taxpayers Association. . . . Papa isettarn printed io took. Send now; his recent public appearance tour, THIS OFFER 1 be made. It's "Bab Bascomb," in kind of usable coal that is avail-! is made in army plans for dispo- Cica'da, or 17-year-lo-cust, is a he had along, as excess baggage which Miss Main plays a ...Mormon. able 'should buy and store up to I GOOD ONLY sition, of the excavated material 'harmless fellow wro sips- and sings MILITARY PLANES we know, his teacher, whose ex- Ginny Simms is expected back 30 per cent of next Winter's fuel! and the group assumes that it but iMama Cicada causes injury Tapering off on its demand for penses he had to absorb as well DURING JUNE and JULY in Hollywood momentarily from allotment before October 1st. I would be deposited on the banks. by laying eggs in small twigs and combat stock planes, a revised as paying her $100 a week. All of Broadway for a 20-starring role Theses-spoil banks, if 2'0 feet deep, branches, claims Dr. John B. production schedule may cut the this was made necessary because with Charles Cogburn and Rob- would reaeh an average width of Schmitt, New Jersey Agricultural monthly output of military planes of a California law which says all Upon a Dream," instead. ert Paid in "Alibi in Ermine," a 1,500 feet on both sides of the Eperiment i&tation. from the current 7.000 to 5,000 boys and girls under 18 must get After the hit he made in "Na- comedy with nffrsie. iSusanna 305 Maple St., (near postoffice) canal. .Hence, a veritable inverted by the end of the year. their readin', writin' and 'rilhm-a- tional Velvet," little Butch Jen- Chinese Wall would bisect the Foster, who had been named for FDR TRIBUTE tic, movies or no movies. kins has four stories lined up for Tel. 4-0886 Perth Amboy, N. J. Stale. the singing- role will, do "Once him at MGM. | The Treasury Department re- ' CASUALTIES IN ITALY Lionel Baarymore has spent cently announced two tributes to Casiialties of the American Fifth fifty-two of his sixty-seven years JERSEY JIGSAW:—Jay walk- the memory of Franklin D. Roose- Army in Italy througii April 28 in the acting profession. His cur- ers accounted for three -of every velt. The present Liberty-head totalled 21.577 killed, 17,248 rent role is that of the father in four of the 42 traffic fatalities dime, which has been in existence wounded and 10,338 missing, a "Duel in the Sun." in New Jersey duirn'g April, Ar- twenty-nine years, will be dis- total of 109,163, according to Sec- A picture of Lizabeth Scott, in thur W. Magee, State Motor Ve- continued and a new dime bear- tary of War H. L. Stimson. a fashion ad, wearing just a sira- hicle Commissioner, reports . . . ing the likeness, of Franklin D. State officials are urged by the Roosevelt will be issued. His pic- State Civil Service Commission ture .will be on. war "bonds in the to make appointments from next war loan drive. On'some de- eligible lists of men serving in he nominations -of the Series E Bonds, armed forces . . . Veterans are a suitable Rooseveltian utterance, not eligible to purchase trucks but to be selected by Washington must meet the same requirements newsmen, wi'll'be quoted. The new as non-veterans, the State Vet- Roosevelt dime should be ready erans Loa.n Authority announces for distribution by the end of this . . . Fishermen may again enter year. catches in the Fifth Annual New Jersey Governor's Fishing Tourna- NAZI PWS ment this year . : . A total of-189 About 50,000 "useless" Nazi traffic deaths occurred in New Jer- prisoners of war in IT. S. camps sey during January, February, will be shipped back to Germany March and April this year com- pared with 199 during the same as soon as shipping space can be period last year . . . Three-quar- found for them. Included in the ters of all the tomatoes grqwn in group will' be officers and non- JUNE 17TH the United States for both can- commissioned officers who, un- neries and fresh .markets are der the Geneva Convention, can- not be required to do labor unless raised from seed produced in New 1 Jersey, according to the State they volunteer; rabid Nazis who Department of Agriculture . . . cannot be trusted, and the sick or The 1945 Legislature adopted 27 insane.> The remaining 300,000 new laws pertaining to the wel-German prison>ers in thist country fare of New Jersey veteran? . . . include 85,000 who are working The OPA requests butchers to re- in agricultural jobs; 55,000 allo- Here's lovely lingerie you've been port any packer or slaughterer cated to industry; and about 150,- looking for . . . at below-ceiling who charges more than the legal 000 who are assigned to jobs at prices that truly spell v-a-l-u-e! wholesale ceiling price or who in- Army, air forces or naval posts sizes. sists that they buy something or stations. which they do not want in order to obtain meat to sell their cus- Have Radio EXPERTS tomers . . . New Jersey is near the top among the states in the number, of registered, pure-bred .REPAIR dogs, according to the Gaines Dog Your RADIO AH work guaranteed for one year. Radios fixed while you wait! Call Perth Amboy 4-0289 e Open 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. FORDS RADIO SERVICE 526 New Brunswick Ave. Estimates « Fords OPEN FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS Cheerfully Given HENRY JANSEN & SON 590 Alden Street DIAMOND DUETTE 2-DIAMOND PAIR Woodbridge, N. J. A truly lovely diamond Lovely, shining diamonds in a bridal pair of true Wood. 8-1246 bridai pair. Exquisite diamonds in charming beauty. Ex ceptionai * • , setting. value!

... Insurance .. .

Representing Boynton Brothers & Co. Over 25 Years

Tel. Woodbridge 8-1592-J.

Ladies' ,and RICH Gentlemen's CAMEO Birth Stone Rings BROOCH HSouJ*r& Do Character is built on the plan of a great cathedral—stone upon stone —years in the building. The things a child learns in early life become Dine In A Pleasant the pillars of his temple of character in middle life... One of the great- Atmosphere est cultural influences on children is music. Any child can learn to play Our conks have had top-notch experience In cooking things the the piano and appreciate good music just• as any child can attain a BRACE- way they taste best. Our large LET corps of traitresses is courteous knowledge of good literature. If you are without a piano you can easily NEWEST and efficient. And when it comes and • FOR YOU — to a clean, cheerful atmosphere, select one at Griffiths, where various styles and sizes are obtainable now. LAPEL we are bursting1 with pride, LOCKET A choice of newest WATCH y/E RECOMMEND watches for men and OUR DAILY SPECIAL 40c "The Music Center of New Jersey" women GRIFFITH PIANO COMPANY RELIABLE STEEWAY REPSESENTATIVES RESTAURANT 605 BROAD STREET, NEWARK 2, NEW JERSEY JEWELERS :-15? SMITH STREET OPEN WEDNESDAY.E^ENIN&S.VNTld NINE ;.. ... ", . 190 SMITH ST. •PERTH AMBOY PERTH AMBOY, N. J. F-PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, JtlNE 7, 1945 FORDS AND P.ARITAX r'JWNSMlP

In War Bond Tour I$-Day Architect Speaker Iseiln Briefs Sewaren Personals Mothers Honor Guests At High School Assembly Students h Prog 1 At Sodality Banquet WiOODBRJDGE — Capt. C. N.At Cokma Meefieg —.Mrs. Mary Nash will preside —,S/Sgt. and Mrs.-William H. Miss Elsie Nemeth, Mrs. William Ebden, Currey, of the Royal Brit- at a meeting- of the Library Asso- Franklin, Jr. and daughter, Carol Taggaut, Miss Ruth Baifour, Mrs. •WOODBRIDGE — The Senior ish Navy, the man responsible for TThe Parent-Teacher ciation Monday at 8 P. M. at the Ann, George Street, have re- Thomas Vtacemt, Mrs. iScheidt, Sodality of St. James Church held the engineering of D-Day,' was the Association met Tuesday at Co-Library, .Oak: Tree Road. turned from' a visit with Sgt. Mrs. Magyar, Mrs. F. Newton •its annual mother-daughter ban- speaker at the morning assembly lonia Scfeool, witb .the president, —.Mrs. . Albert Foster and Franklin's parents of Monroe, Va. Howdien, Mrs. A. J. Leitner, Mrs. quet at the Packer Housein (Perth at Woodbridge High School, Fri- Mrs. James Sutherlin, in ^charge. daughter, Catherine, Elmburst and his sister of Arlington, Va. W. Frank Burns, the. Misses Cath- 1 Amboy with il50 m&mhers of theday. The followng picnic committee Avenue, visited in • Newark Mon* Carol Ann was christened at theerine Clark, (Helen Gilbert, An- Juniar and iSetiior Sodalities and dJay. Tidbits: home of her paternal grand- toinette iMaigyjar, Arnn Van Ider- Captain Currey wh<> is on a lec- was appointed: Mrs. Fred Rosen- guests in attendance. The tables ture tour for the British Navy, berg, chakman; Mia. Fred Beck, —>Mr. and 'Mrs. William Sei'ben- Received a few last minute RetJ parents. stine and Theresa Mazar. were prettily decorated with gar- the U. ,S. N,a-vy and! the U. S.Mrs. Thomas (Polhamus and' Mrs. Cross donations, in honor -of boys 1 morgan, Greater Avcnnae, are va- —Mrs. Percy E. Austen, West —'Girl Scout Troop 3 enjoyed den flowers. 'Corsages were pre- 'War Department, said he received Harley MoClure. Mas. Kenneth cationing a,t Bar Harbor, Me. •in" service. Those honored were Avernue, was the New "York an overnight camping- trip to the sented to the moth&rs. his assignment at the- Quebec Con- Chalfcfer is in charge of the 'Patch Edwin M. Mooney, S.K.3/C; Sgt. 'Scout cabin* in: Roosevelt Pank —Sgt. Gbacles' Maughan is luncheon guest of Mrs. D. Mark 1 • Guest speakers were Theodore ference and he told in detail how Towels. The pienic for the chil- 1 spending a- thirty-diay furlough, James P. Mooney, Thomas J. Cummings, Lake .Forest, 111., last week. Thie following attended : Osbahr and) James J. McMahon, docks and serven miles of maca- dren will" be held Wednesday, in 'OiMoney, Sl/C; T/Sgt. Peter J. Tuesday. . ' ' Mrs. Joseph M. Baumgartner, past deputy grand* 'knights of the with his- parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. •Mooney, Cpl. William E. Kenney dam rads were floated across? the case <*£ rain, «n> Thursday. Maughan, Middlesex Avenue. —Mrs. Olive Van Iderstine will captain, iMre. F. N. Howden, lieu- Montclaim-Council, Knights of Co-E-nglrsh Channel. . . . PF-C. Vernan "Bud" eigel, tenant, Scouts Alice Mae O'Con- lumbusc. Miss Mary Maher, gen- A tea in honor of Miss Minnie —Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Neil, Jean 'Court,, who has ,been over- entertain the Sewaren Bridge nor, IPeggy Williams, Helen Clark, •Compton, retiring principal, will Club Wednesday afternoon at the eral chairman, served as toast- Star Street, visited Mr. a.iijd' Mrs, seas 30 months, is now in Austria Eleanor Austen, Carol Giroud, master and the1 welcome was given RATIONING BY MAIL, be held Thursday afternoon, ivom Mark MeGurgan, Elizabeth, Sun- guarding German prisoners. Bud home of Mrs. A. W." Scheldt, Hol- Virginia Rymsha, Joan Girdner, 3 to 4 P. M., at the Colonia Li- ton Street. by Miss 'Margaret Dunn, president The public is advised toyth e day. has been with the 7th Army, fight- Antoinette Magyar, Alberta and of the Senior Sodality, following Office of (Price Administration to brary, and all residents are in- —-Mrs. Harold "Vlouneey, Sih'.cr ing ever since the African Inva- —Fl/C Raymond Jensen spent Claire Krogh. " . the sing-ing- of the national anthem aPPly for their ration coupons and vited to attend. the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Aveii'ue; -Mrs. Leo Christenseu. sion. He was with the troops that —Boy (Scout Thoop 24 con- by the assemblage. The toast to certificates by mail, to save their An exhibition of the children's Hilcrest; Mrs. Mury took Neurnberg- and 'Munich and Harry Halsey, Woodibridge Ave- ducted a scrap paper drive in Se- Mothers was given ,by Miss Mai'y own time and the time of the em-work followed the business .meet- his outfit was congratulated' by nue. ing, and the program of entertain- Nash, Silzer Avenue and Mrs. E. 1 wanen! .Saturday under the leader- Raymond Wachter Anderson, prefect of the Junior ployes of the local boards. Easier Ruckbeil, Lincoln Highway at- Genera } - Eisenhower! Bud has —Miss Catherine Clark has ship of Scoutmaster George Rob- Soladity, and1 the roast to daugh- and faster service will result, ac- ment included the following: 'Miss tended a performance at the plenty of points and is "sweating completed her freshman year at insora and W. Frank Burns. Pro- Warrant Officer Raymond ters was given by Mrs. Michael cording to the OPA. Compton's 1st g-rade, patriotic Paper Mill Playhouse in Milburn it out" waiting- for his turn to Elmira College, Elraira, N, Y., and ceeds will be used to purchase Wachter, graduate of Wood- DeJoy. recitations, Patty' Soule, Gloria Wednesday. come home . . . is now ©pending the summer 'camping equipment. bridg-e High School in 1937, will dinner: Mrs. Maui-ice P. Dunigan, Garafolo, Gail Cooper, Cornelia months with her parents, Mr. and direct his band as part of the Talks were given by the Rev. Sutherlin, Walter Sitarz, Albert —.Mrs. Ida Shaw, Maplewood, Buy "War Bonds Mrs. Henry Neder. Mrs. Joseph was the weekend guest at the home Mrs. H. D. ;Clark, Cliff Road. performance, "Here Is Your In- Charles G. McCorristin, pastor of Grace, Mrs. John Einhorn, Mrs. Meng«s, Boice McCain, George fantry," in Perth Amboy June St. James' Church, wbo is spiritual Hoehle and Nancy Den Bleyker; of Mrs. Tbomas Furze of Ken- Here And There: —Mr. and ,Mrs. .Charles Acker James A. Harding', Mrs. John Mor- nedy (Place. and son, Olin, Greystone Park, Deborah Durkin Weds 9, in aid of the Seventh War director of .the Sodalities, and theris, Mrs. Donald Miller, .Miss Su- Miss iMildred Imdlow's 2nd grade, Hear Berton Dunigan is in a Loan. The show's itinerary in- Rev. Maurice P. Griffin, assistant nlaylet. "Helpers on the Home —The Is'elin Improvement As- hospital recovering from turns' re- spent the holidaiy with Mr. and san 'Murphy, Miss Helen Van Tas- Mrs. Frank J. La Farr, Broad cluded Newa2-k, Montclair, Mor- pastor. sel, 'Miss Susan Pesce and Miss Front," Angus McClure, Barry sociation will meet Monday at the ceived in actions aboard his ship Lt. Felton In Florida A group of vocal selections was Rohd'e, Ronald Pinkham, Robert Harding Avenue flrehouse. somewhere in, the Paeiiic . . . Also Street. ristown, Plainfield, Long Branch Roberta Sullivan. COiLONlA.—.Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Elizabeth also. The thirty- sung 'by Miss Mary Terrig-ino of Committees assisting Miss Maher. Heise, Wandy Wilkerson, Marian —Mrs. W. Hausehild, Ilillcrost hear the opening- affair for the •Sgt. and Mrs. James M. Grant Perth Amboy who played the Fritzen, Marylin Packard, Angela 'Teen Age Canteen Saturday was aind daughter, Ann Margaret, East J. Durkin, Hawthorne, announce seven performers are infantry- in mating- arrangements for the Avenue, entort-ained mtiubers of the marriage .of their daughter, men, all of whom have ihad for- feminine lead in St. Mary's High affair included: Tickets, Misses Gairafolo, Robert Jennings, Vir-the Trinity Church at a luncheon a rip-roaring success. The kids had Avenue, spemt last week in Hack- School play, "Wild 'Flower." Pri- ginia Van Bramer. plenty of fun and jitterbug danc- ettstown. Deborah, to Lt. John A. Felton, eign service and most -of them Roberta '.Sullivan, Mary Anderson, for the missionary society Tucs- ' 1 vate Bernard McClusky, a mem- Miss Rose. Maziaka's 3rd grade: ing . . . There were scores of —Mr. and iMrs. George Cole- son of Mr,, and.Mrs. James Felton, were wounded. They present a Margaret Dunn and Frances Sul- day at her homo, McFairland Roiad.. The marriage demonstration of actual infan- ber ,St. James Parish who has just livan; entertainment, Misses Rita playlet, "Memorial Day Then and —Mr. and Mrs. James Duff and graduation parties around town man, Kearny, spent the holiday returned from Germany where he Now," Betty Johnson, -Patty last nig'ht . . . Which reminds me took place May 16 a,t the 'First try tactics used in combat, and DeJoy, Alice MaLaughlin, Shirley 7 daughter, Jean, Avenue, with Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Wick- was wounded in action, also sang Sutherlin, Adolph Sieckle, Anita that Class Night last Friday was abui'g, East Avenue. Presbyterian Church in St. Pe-also light and heavy machine Reese, Henrietta .Crowe, and Su- spent Satui-day ai the home of .humdinger—Bob Davis stole the tersburg, FJa. guns, demolition bom'bs, mortar a group of solos. Hiss Susan Mur- san Murphy; program, Misses'Vic- Ro&tel, Evelyn Nelson, '• Delores Mr. and Mrs. George Duff, North —The infant son .of Mr. and charges, flame throwing, etc. phy was the piano for Day, Harold Bolik, Haro.ld show . . • Mrs. Chester W. Filarowitz, .Cliff Jit. Felton is among .the first the soloists and the community toria Pesce, Jean DeJoy, Eleanor Arlington. group of veterans to- be dis-Wachter's band plays for the Coffey and Helen Leahy; decora- Schranz, Steve Barthelmes, Mauv- Buy War Bonds Road, was christened John Wil- performance. singing by those nresent. line Den .Bleyker, Patty Krohne. —iMise Marion Shannan, Bay- liam, Sunday by Rev. F. Newton charged, having 12& points. He tions, Misses Claire Ernst, M.arion onne, was the weekend guest of Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Maher introduced the fol-DeJoy. Lorraine Romond and RaeCarol Bacorn, -Philip Prasser, Ramblin' Around: Howdein, vicar of ,St. John's enlisted in 1942 in the Royal Ca- lowing past presidents of the Thomas PolhaomuB, Beverly Thaiss, Missi Loretta'Grogan, Fiat Avenue. Church. (Sponsors were Mrs. An-nadian Air-Force, and "served! in Emil Wachter, formerly of Ise- Valentine. . . •",'. —.Mrs. Charles Benze, Cookley .Debutante, ("Debbie," to you) lin, now of Fairlawn, is director Senior Sodality who attended \he Carol De -Lisle and Shirley Meyers, thony J. iL.eitner and Edward Ku- England with a Polish Fighter Mrs. Kenneth Chalker's 4th Street, visited in Newark Wednes- the Dalmatian at the flrehouse Squadron, in the African and of his band, which is part of the 1 and "Monk" Messick's particular hick. Open house was held at the grade: accordion solos by Wallace day. bonne of Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Malta campaigns. He transferred 158th American Ground Force, —Fire-contro.lman Second iClass pet, is the proud mama of 12 pups in IS48 ,to the U. S. Air Force, in now stationed at Camp Croft, Hughes, and playlet. "Patty's Vic- —ten are male and two female. Burns, East Avenue. tory Party," Russell Mohr, Stina Thomaa Grogan is spending a —Mrs. Georgte Urban, Wood- Africa, and later fought in the S. C. He studied at Juilliard leave with his mother Mrs. G. Monk says please do not ask for Salerno-Naples-Cassino-Anzio and School of Music in New York Rostel, Edith Frey. Anne Ski'bin- any for they are all promised . . .bridge, formerly of .Sewaren, has sky, Charlotte Menges, Cairole Grogan, Fiat Avenue. received word of the death of herother ah- battles of greater before entering the Army. He —Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Stoeber And .by the way,- the firehousei s Europe. . plays trumpet. Scott, Patricia Hutzler, 0. A. getting a new driveway with Eay nephew, Pvt. Louis E. Norwich, Wilkerson, Robert Beck, Thomas and son, Kenneth, t.pent Sunday Anderson super-vising the job... Jr., son of >Dr. and! Mrs. L. E. Lt. Felton flew a total of 1-2,2 'Allardyce, Eug-ene Simmons, Ar- at the home of Mrs. Frank SLeebcr Fred Mawbey would like to know Norwich, Bayoniie. H)e was killed missions, in British; Spitfires, New Club Forms inAvenel; thur Tesar, Larry Rieker. Jr.; New York City. who the lad was who changed the in action in Burma. American P-51 Mustangs, and was —Sgt. Kamel Katen i.s spend- bumtinfg decorations at the speak- —Mrs. G. W. Stilwell and Mrs.recently sent to the Don CesSar Mrs. O'Brien President Plaique to Roosevelt placed ing a furlough with hip father, ers' stand Memorial Day. He would Josephine Humphries, Cliff Road, Army Air. Fojr.ce Convalescent among giant redwoods. K. Katen, Green Street. like him to know, that according spent Monday in New York City. Hospital, St. Petersburg, Fla. He AVENEiL—A new club, known to flag etiquette bunting is always —Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scheidt, wears the E. T, O. ribbon with 5 as the Merrymakers, was formed battle stars, Air Medal with .7 Oak arranged with blue on top—not Holton .Street, were .Sunday din-, at the home of Mrs. Thomas Bell, PERTH AMBOY 4-0109 red—and if you don't believe it, ner hosts to Mrs. Mabel Lcibold, Leaf .Clusters, Presidential Cita- FRIDAY tion with Cluster, British' African Wood'bridige Avenue; look it up in the WorldHs Al- Montclair; Mr. and Mrs. Warren Officers elected were: President, manac, he says ... Brundage and children, Mary Jane Star, Canadian' Operational Medal, TODAY THRU TUESDAY AID with one Maple 'Leaf cluster, Mrs. James O'Brien; vice presi- PERTH an»d Randolph, Mamasquan; Mr. 1 TODAY Buy War Bonds A.A.F. and R.A.F. medals. dent, Mrs. Otis Sears; secretary, Phone P. A. 4-0255 SATURDAY and Mrs. Watson Kuseher and Mrs. Norman Jacojby; publicity, 1 UP" I daughter, Sandra, Mrs. W. W. He graduated from Rahway Mrs. Freida Grpde;" ways and From The Notebook: Brundage, Newark and Miss Flor- High School, and was a profes- Dorothy MpGuire - James Dunn Otto Kruger, Nina I'och, Bob Fitzpatrick is due home ence Alice Waters, New York sional musician. He plans to con-means, Mrs. Thomas Bell; treas- urer, Mrs. Jaimes Dauda; mem- Lloyd Nolan - Joan Blondell in William Wright in from the Pacific any day now andCity. tinue his education, possibly at beTsbip, Mrs. Ray Steward; good expects his discharge on the point —iCapt. Lincoln Derick, son -of Rutgers, and make his home in.this system . . . and he also expects to vicinity. cheer, Mrs. Johra Post. "A TREE GROWS "ESCAPE IN Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Derick, Cliff The club will meet the first and walk down the middle aisle with Road, who recently received his Betty Qiiigley . . . "Big Kelly" FETED ON BIRTHDAY fourth Wednesdays of each month iioS IN BROOKLYN" THE FOG" present rank after action over at the Club Kalita. " who always wore a cap is now rermany, had served at Galapa- WOODBRiIDGE — Mrs. Georgte wearing a felt hat. Couldn't be.the ous Islands for seventeen months Lattanzio, 43'7 School Street, was 4 DAYS - STARTING SUNDAY, JUNE 10TH influence of his new girl friend, I guest of honor at a birthday party S5Sii and a.t Panama for eight months 1 AUTO PARTS could it? ... Helen (Green before going to Europe. given at her home. Guests were "CIRCUMSTANTIAL Mr. and Mrs. William Adams, Pa- In order to assist "motorists" of ABBOTT & COSTELLO Street) 'Leahy thinks a' certain —Siewaren (Day was observed the country in; keeping their old Port Beading lad is pretty keen tricia Adams, Mrs. N; G. Adams, Up — lu — ait the U;SO Center, Perth Amboy, Miss Mildred Montagna, Perth cars running, the W'PB has re- EVIDENCE" . . . And Lorraine Eomond is hav-Friday afternoon aind evening. moved all restrictions on he -manu- WS&/US in'g her troublels with the .Navy Amiboy; Benjamin-Zullo, Mr. and 'Howie-made pies, cakes and sand- Mrs. Albert Zullo, Jr., Mr, andfacture of automobile parts, be- "LOST IN A thrilling melodrama with these, Says. But I'd venture to saywiches were contributed by Mrs. ginning July 1st. ' ; that it will be smooth sailing very Mrs. Joseph . Zullo, Joseph Zullo, Michael O'Shea eorge iLuffbarry,, Mrs. Jeanette Jr., Miss Irene Zullo, Jessie and soon ... 'Randolph, Mrs. H. D. Clark, Mrs. Buy Wlar Bonds Nancy Zullo, (Port Reading; Miss A-HAREM" Lloyd Nolan Kenneth Butler, Mrs. • Albert F. Helen Nemes, Mrs. Elizabeth Par- Soifield, Mrs. A. W, Scheidt, Miss H. WEAN Trudy Marshall Jottings: chak and Charles LaQuadra, with Marilyn MAXWELL Blamcbie Van SycMe, Mrs. William Woodbridge. ROOFING & SIDING The reason there is so much A. Vincent, Mrs. Louis H. Brown, rejoicing in the vicinity of Tis-Mrs. Anton Magyar ,and Mrs. Hu- 59 Moffett St., Fords, N. J. BUY WAR BONDS AT THIS THEATRE dale Place, these days is that Ed- bert 'Castle. Hostesses were Mrs. Telephone.P. A. 4-5554-R die Slotkin, Miriam Slotkin's son, William C. Ecker, Mrs: Randolph, COMING SOON is home. Eddie (better known as Continuous Bay W*r • Pinkie by the High Schoolers of BaUj- from "SMJY O'ROURKE" Bands at THRU 1:30 I\ M. this Thentro- two years ago) was captured by COMPANION FKATCItE WEDNESDAY the Germans inl the Battle of the 1TMAS "To the Shores of Iwo Jima" TODAY' PERTH AMBOV JUNE 13lh Bulge and was liberated shortly Plioae P. A. 4-S3SS •before V-E Day . . . Bill Kath is FORDS, N. J. - P. A. 4-0348 now at Camp Dix Hospital which NOW TO SAT. permits Mm to come home more THURS., FRI., SAT often . . . "Brother" Coley, who liilp : Van Johnson, Lionel Barry- was • liberated from a Germain fHTERNATMSL PICTURES. ISC. N!LS ASTHER ^ELEN WALKED prison carrap, is due home any day RANDOLPH SCOTT more, Gloria De Haven in now . . . • plus JINX FALKENBURG in "Between Two Women" iiiilii GYPSY ROSE LEE < "TAHITI NIGHTS" Buy War Bonds ^OINAH SHORE also East Side Kids in TODAY THRU WEDNESDAY V- BOB BURNS SAT. - SUN. MATS Last But Not least: . * PraitaeJ »1 Item ttr <„ 4 CARTOON COMEDIES "Docks of New York" 2 BIG HITS Frank Casale, Officer Joe Ca- * WILLIAM A. SE1TER -*CHARLES wiNNitf Fri., Sat. - Chapter 3 sale's son, is in a hospital in "FEDERAL OPERATOR 99" TYRONE POWER France, being treated for an old -~ Plus — HENRY FONDA injury he sustained in Africa two Mishoel O'SHEft ISELIN THEATRE NANCY KELLY years ago . . . Don't f org-et to put Uoyd NOIAN Oak Tree Road SUN., MON.' your waste paper out 'Sunday . . . IN It's needed to lick the Japs . . . Fj-i., Sat. - June 8, 9 Faye Emerson, Helmut Dan- TECHNICOLOR' It's a baby girt at the J. Lester Joan Fontaine, tine, Raymond Mas&ey in Neary's, Colonia. Her name is Arturo de Cordova in "Hotel Berlin" II Judy A;nn, she hap blonde hair, "FRENCHMAN'S CREEK" ' — Also —* ESSE blue eyes and is 14 months old —- Also — Donald O'Connor, Peggy Ryan . . . And last but not least, d'o "STAR BRIGHT" — In Sun., Mon. - June 10, 11 your part in 'buying an extra War SUN., MON., TUES., WED. "Patrick The Great" Bond . . • "THE WOMAN in the Buy War Bonds WINDOW" •with Edward,G. RoHinson, TUES., WED. HENRY FONDA Girls' Confirmation Class Joan Bennett Michael OSShea, Lloyd Nolan in — Also — GENE TIERNEY To Rehearse On Saturday "NEVADA". "Circumstantial Evidence" Tues., Wed. - June 12, 13 .— Also — in . WOODBPJDGE — "Post-War Ann Miller, William Wright in Pattern" - will be the subject of "TORRID ZONE" the sermon to be given by Rabbi with — AIMO -— . "Eve Knew Her Apples" "RiTUUfi OF Alter Abelson at Adath Israel Syn- ROBERT JfeAN" ALAN Sidney Toler as Charlie Chan in DISHES TO THE LADIES agogue tomorrow night. Services HUTTON-SULLIVAN • HALE "THE CHINESE CAT" Saturday morning will be held- at DONALD WOODS • ANDREA KING in Technicolor eight o'clock. The girls' class, to 'be confirmed COMING SOO5T June 22, will meet for a rehearsal •Saturday at 0 A. M. Sunday school STATE THEATRE ContiTinoas Always WOODBRIDGE, N. J. X>aily from will be 'held Sunday at 10 A. M. 1:30 P. M. COMPANION l'KATUKE ! Features On June 23, the Bar Mitzvah service for Harold Lehrer, son of TODAY THRU SAT. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lehrer, will Rita HAYWORTH in take place. "TONIGHT and EVERY NIGHT" ([in Glorious Technicolor) TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE Christian Science Lecture plus Chester MORRIS in Sunday; Public Is Invited "BOSTON BLACKIE on > SUSPICION" READE'S MJUESTiC THEATRE WOOD BRIDGE—The public is SUN. THRU TUES. cordially invited by the 'First Randolph SCOTT - Dinah SHORE in MI©MTY 7th. WAK Church of Christ, Scientist, "BELLE of the YUKON" .SUMP waren, to- attend a free lecture plus Joel McCREA in on Christian Science, "The Sci- NEXT THURS. ence of Ever-Present Good" by "THE UNSEEN" WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 27—3 BUY WAR BONDS Robert S. Ross, C.S.B., New York "God Is'My Co-Pilot" with ' 'AT THIS THEATRE City, .Sunday at 3:30 P. M., in WED. THRU SAT.' ADMISSION BY BOND Woodbridge High School audi "Leave It To Blondie" "GOD IS MY CO-PILOT" PURCHASE ONLY torium. MAB6UER1TE CHAPMAN - LASfiY PARKS