THE THEME OF THE Shattered SELF IN TONI MORRISON’S THE BLUEST EYE AND A MERCY Manuela López Ramírez IES Alto Palancia de Segorbe, Castellón
[email protected] 75 The splitting of the self is a familiar theme in Morrison’s fiction. All of her novels explore, to some extent, the shattered identity. Under traumatic circumstances, the individual may suffer a severe psychic disintegration. Morrison has shown interest in different states of dementia caused by trauma which, as Clifton Spargo asserts, “has come to function for many critics as a trope of access to more difficult histories, providing us with entry into a world inhabited by the victims of extraordinary social violence, those perspectives so often left out of rational, progressive narratives of history” (2002). In Morrison’s narratives, dissociated subjectivity, like Pecola’s in The Bluest Eye, is usually connected to slavery and its sequels and, as Linda Koolish observes, is frequently the consequence of the confrontation between the Blacks’ own definition of themselves and slavery’s misrepresentation of African Americans as subhumans (2001: 174). However, Morrison has also dealt with insanity caused by other emotionally scarring situations, such as war in Sula’s character, Shadrack, or as a result of the loss of your loved ones, sudden orphanhood, as in A Mercy’s Sorrow. In this paper I focus on Morrison’s especially dramatic depiction of the destruction of the female teenager’s self and her struggle for psychic wholeness in a hostile world. The adolescent’s fragile identity embodies, better than any other, the terrible ordeal that the marginal self has to cope with to become a true human being outside the Western discourse.