9/7/2018 Don't Let the Latest Yoga Sexual Harassment Scandal Stop You From Exploring the Practice



HEALTHY Don't Let the Latest Yoga Sexual Harassment Scandal Stop You From Exploring the Practice

It would be a shame to let bad publicity of a very few tarnish the opportunity for many.


Earlier this week, a longtime Jivamukti yoga teacher found herself at the center of a $1.6 million civil suit involving allegations of sexual harassment. Considering the intimate nature of yoga as a physical practice, that such charges have begun surfacing should come as no surprise. What is shocking is the response, or lack thereof. Yoga is a beacon for people in distress. Even if you don't hit the mat as a way to deal with trauma, body work can invoke buried memories. This lesson should have been learned.

Once a staple of many gyms and studios, you can't nd an "Anusara" class these days, thanks to sexual harassment and nancial impropriety ndings in 2012 against its founder, John Friend. In 2013, the rst of what would become six complaints was led against the dean of hot yoga, Bikram Choundury; it was led by his own attorney. Hot yoga abides, but you're less likely to see "Bikram" classes.

Now Jivamukti has come under re, not because of its founders, but because of its teachers. First it was Dechen Thurman in 2014, alleged to have slept with many of his students. The response then was to question the motive of the person who made the accusations. Now comes a complaint against Ruth Lauer-Manenti, led by a former student. In her suit, Holly Faurot claims that Jivamukti is more like a cult than a yoga school and uses yogic teachings to engender devotion, resulting in harassment and discrimination. The response has been to question Faurot's motives. Both teachers remain on the studio schedule.

Before I ever entered Jivamukti's studio in New York City in 2007, I was a trained yoga teacher. The consistent excellence of their classes made me consider their training, but I didn't embrace their veganism platform so I merely practiced there. During my years at the studio, I witnessed plenty of calls for teacher worship, along with instructions for pooping, and requests to participate in animal advocacy. I marveled at the empire the founders had built by turning their not-so- mainstream ideals into a business. That distance did not mean my own practice had been trauma-free.

I rst went to yoga to get in shape. Unbeknownst to me, I was about to get a divorce. Many times I would weep in class. The uncontrollable sadness and yearning for a love that had disappeared was reminiscent of the loss of my rst love, a man who'd drowned in his mother's swimming pool. Back then my response had been to bury the pain, which took me down a shame spiral of drugs and alcohol. I couldn't let that happen again, so I moved to India to study yoga and meditation. I didn't know if it would work, but I already knew my way hadn't. https://www.xojane.com/healthy/yet-another-yoga-sexual-harassment-scandal 1/9 9/7/2018 Don't Let the Latest Yoga Sexual Harassment Scandal Stop You From Exploring the Practice

Here's the thing — I was 39, childless, and relatively debt-free. In other words, I was able to do something incredible in response to my trauma. I understand this opportunity was a grace I didn't deserve. But I didn't let that stop me from snatching up the chance that most don't get. As a result of the healing I experienced, I've happily encouraged other trauma survivors to practice yoga. Without having to leave home, I've seen thousands of students get better — emotionally, physically and mentally — through the practice of yoga postures. Even when, like me, they didn't start practicing in search of something more meaningful weight loss. To them I say, "join us!" Because I know the practice will work when they're ready if they need it. Unless, of course, their trauma is exploited.

Whether the plaintiff was exploited in this case is yet to be determined. In the court of public opinion, however, the damage is done.

The response from Jivamukti founders astonishingly bad. In the sole reply I've come across to date, founders David Life and Sharon Gannon don't concede that there was a relationship between their teacher and the plaintiff, instead denying any wrongdoing. Then they go on to offer this: "A person sees what they want to see... If a person is focused on money every thing they encounter is conditioned by that thought. If a person is thinking of sex they will see others around them in that light. If a person sees themselves as a victim they will see others around them as either victims or perpetrators."

To make such an emotionally tone-deaf response to these mounting condemnations is wrong on a human level, while also managing to miss common sense business practice. Look at the difference between what happened recently with morning TV stars Kelly Ripa as compared with Ann Curry. Both women were treated badly by their networks, but the "Live with Kelly and Michael" star and her network were very public throughout, whereas Curry and NBC became embroiled in blame and subterfuge. That didn't stop a book from coming out in 2013, describing the cutthroat politics of morning shows, nor did it stop ABC from overtaking NBC in the ratings.

In a sense, these are two separate issues. There is the cult of personality inherent in any self-improvement movement, be it religion, a cult, or yoga. Then there is the idea that the bigger a business gets, the more its mistakes will be made and felt. If a business is to survive, it needs to address its problems, not blame its victims.

Knowing that yoga attracts people in search of healing makes it all the more urgent to respond proactively. Sensitivity training should become a required component of teacher programs. As a yoga school, Jivamukti could lead the way. At the very least, Yoga Alliance should speak up. https://www.xojane.com/healthy/yet-another-yoga-sexual-harassment-scandal 2/9 9/7/2018 Don't Let the Latest Yoga Sexual Harassment Scandal Stop You From Exploring the Practice

Instead, I (and I assume others, because I'm not afliated with a big studio), have been encouraged to keep quiet in the interest of not feeding into sensationalism. Or not speaking badly about another person? Honestly, I'm not sure which. And I'm not interested in either. But after a season that included "The People vs. OJ Simpson," which dredged up memories of how badly we treated Marcia Clark (and Hilary Clinton still), and the TV drama "Conrmation," beyond the business aspect of this, I am personally invested. And I am personally responsible if I don't say something.

Of course, there's a part of me that wants to hunker down and wait for the winds to blow over. But there's a higher wisdom that says this is an opportunity to make yoga even more welcoming. If nothing else, yoga has taught me dedicate myself to listening to the wisdom within. The real shame would be to let bad publicity of a very few tarnish the opportunity for many.


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rainbowskies > Guest • 2 years ago Honestly, that is so nice to see here. I know that a lot of the commentariat are child free by choice, which is awesome and I'm all for everyone living https://www.xojane.com/healthy/yet-another-yoga-sexual-harassment-scandal 3/9 9/7/2018 Don't Let the Latest Yoga Sexual Harassment Scandal Stop You From Exploring the Practice y , y g their lives, but this thread has shown how many mamas are in the comments and it's nice for xo to feel like a welcoming place for us (it hasn't always, in my experience). 14 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

turkish scorpion farm > rainbowskies • 2 years ago I think it's good to show all sorts of experiences. I thought this article was good too, and this information is certainly...good to know. I think the reason a lot of the other parenting articles get a lot of snark is that you read them and walk away with the impression of "holy shit, this person is screwing up their fucking child!", because the people who write those articles are just as dysfunctional as most of the authors on this site, except they also have kids, which makes it worse. Whereas this article was her sharing her experiences in a way that was actually useful.

On a side note, why do mothers keep referring to themselves as "mamas"? Like obviously you are but for some reason that term sounds babyish and odd when an adult applies it to themselves. No snark, I've just noticed a lot of people doing it all the sudden, as opposed to calling themselves "mothers" or "moms" or whatever. 7 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

rainbowskies > turkish scorpion farm • 2 years ago As for "mamas", I can only answer for myself (I don't know about or experience it being a trend per se). For me, it's what feels most comfortable, natural, and right. For me personally it implies affection, protection, and a sort of primal element. It's the first thing babies call their mothers in many languages, because it's a sound as much as a word. Both of my kids call me Mama, including my daughter who is almost 5. I hope she calls me that forever, even as an adult, but that will of course be her choice. I know plenty of grown women who call their moms "Mama" though, and in my experience, it tends to correspond with close relationships and deep emotional bonds and a sense of realness with each other.

For me, I dislike "Mommy" for the same things you seem to attribute to "Mama"- to me, "Mommy" feels the most babyish when adults use it. When adult women refer to me as a Mommy I don't like it. I don't get offended, it just feels....cloying. My youngest calls me that sometimes, but

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only_stars > rainbowskies • 2 years ago I'm 32, and have always called my mother Mama. My sister does too. She never refers to herself that way, but it's what came naturally for us. I won't be surprised if my daughter calls me Mumma, though, because my husband has for years referred to me as Mumma to my favorite cat. It's just kinda stuck now that we have a baby too. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Louvenia > only_stars • a year ago I've been Topamax (Topiramate) for a few months. I tapered on slowly and now take 50mg am and pm. I usually got at least a few migraines a month..with aura. I've had them my whole life. Some worse than others, some so bad I could've gone to the hospital. Since I've been on the meds I have not had one migraine with aura. Just a few headaches could maybe be considered very mild migraines. A huge improvement. I've also lost 30lbs. I've only ever been on the generic, Topiramate, and for me it works really well. Our insurance doesn't cover the name brand...I wonder how expensive the name brand is as opposed to the generic... When I ordered some Topiramate from

* http://www.bit.ly/2sJvvlF * (You can find also Orlistat- Xenical-Alli & Slimex Sibutramine here)

recently they gave me a 10% off discount code (which was 'SALE10' if anyone's interested). As far as I know this code can be used as many times as you want. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Emma watkins > only_stars • 10 months ago I dont like when my siblings do because, my dad always called my mom that and now he calls his mistress that so. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

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rainbowskies > Guest • 2 years ago I will have to check out that song!! And I 100% agree about the endearing quality. I call my mom Mama some of the time, when I specifically want to convey appreciation, love, gratitude, fondness etc. △ ▽ • Reply • Share › https://www.xojane.com/healthy/yet-another-yoga-sexual-harassment-scandal 4/9 9/7/2018 Don't Let the Latest Yoga Sexual Harassment Scandal Stop You From Exploring the Practice

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rainbowskies > Guest • 2 years ago I had full body goosebumps listening to Stevie Wonder's "Isn't She Lovely" on vinyl the other day...it's a pretty upbeat singsongy tune, but I just love him so deeply and dearly, and if you actually listen to the words he's singing and his joy over his child...oh man...and there is even recording of her crying as an infant at the beginning of the track, and her babbling as a baby at the end of the track...GAHHHHH 5 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

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rainbowskies > Guest • 2 years ago Oh man, I totally get that. I sing it to my daughter sometimes, but mainly I sing her his "Sunshine of my Life". God I love Stevie. He was my very first musical love in life and I still adore him. I've been listening to "Love's In Need Of Love Today" a lot lately because it is super applicable to the times we are living in in this country right now. Stevie Wonder brings soul medicine. 3 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

BrittanySunshine > rainbowskies • 2 years ago Yep, I use "mama" also, and refer to my mother's group friends as mama's as well - it's like a sisterhood of mamas! It's my fav term for myself, more than mom, mum, mother or mommy :) 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

bryan king > rainbowskies • a year ago 27 and my mother still calls me "boo-boo" or "boo" in public without any consideration/regard to the people around us lol I ignored it my whole life and just shut it out (never thought it would go on this long and had I known I would have nipped it in the ass earlier) now I have to consciously say something to her each time she does it but she can't help it because it's been going on for so long △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Mindi Roberts > bryan king • a year ago So at what age should I quit calling my son boo...his entire family calls him that, but he knows he is only my boo. It doesn't seem to bother him at all. I don't call him that in front of his friends cuz I don't want to embarrass him...lol △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

michael pearson > Mindi Roberts • a year ago you need kiss △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

orange70383 . > Mindi Roberts • 7 months ago Wtf is a boo, that sounds right off the heels of mama I sawed da po-po down da street ok mama, you is my mama ain't you mama. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Vlad D. Impaler > orange70383 . • 4 months ago Holy shit guy/gal. You've never heard of calling someone boo? You must live a very sheltered life. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Helmi Shepard > bryan king • 8 months ago Don't know if you will see thisreply to your comment so long after you posted....It used to drive me crazy that my mom would say stuff like "don't cut yourself with that knife" or anything else she would never say to any other adult, but then I started hearing it as "I love you always as much as I did as when you were a child and in my eyes you are always young", which is really lovely. And I hate to be morbid, but some day she won't be around to call you that and that nickname you hate will be the sound you would most like to hear. Finally, I guarantee that no one who hears her call you Boo Boo thinks either she or you are ridiculous. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

BKtillidie > rainbowskies • a year ago we're in the third wave of feminism today; if you WANT to have kids you can, if you don't want to have kids you can, if you want to be a stay at home mom you can, if you want to work full time and have kids you can, if you want to be a sex worker you can, etc. (when I say "can" I just mean without being so harshly judged by others and even ourselves, feeling guilty about the life choices we make). Men have always had these choices without being judged; men are nurses and teachers and chiefs and fashion designers and fathers and bachelors etc etc. I'm happy to see more articles about https://www.xojane.com/healthy/yet-another-yoga-sexual-harassment-scandal 5/9 9/7/2018 Don't Let the Latest Yoga Sexual Harassment Scandal Stop You From Exploring the Practice

women with children, I Love Jane because they have such a wide range of topics. I don't have any children btw and I'm still not sure if or when I want to, but I have a lot of amazing little nieces and nephews and a lot of friends with children. Totally agree with your post btw. I just got a little side tracked haha!! 2 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

el douche > BKtillidie • a year ago hey moron, men deal with esteem and judgement for not being employed, not being provider, not having children and family, not being married, not being dependent on anyone, getting old and ugly and fat, loneliness, and have highest suicide rates and work place death rates and injuries, mental illness and bad health, divorce, cheating, men are mocked for being sensitive--by women and men...etc etc....all of you need to get over yourselves and stop being such selfish one dimensional hypocritical morons that make all these false assumptions about men and how they might struggle and feel....i was searching internet "i have nothing and no one and feel like a failure and want to die", and all i get are these anti- male and women centric articles...whether its relationship or depression articles, they are allll women centric and dumbed down idiocy that offers nothing to men struggling with esteem and close to killing themselves and then told they are the monsters and useless disposable people that have everything made for them...it's sexist, mean, cruel, selfish, and aloof...this article is for privileged white teenager girls whining they dont get likes on facebook and self create their own inadequacies and buy into what other women do and say whether it is body image issues that women culture itself perpetuates through mags and products and entertainment largely designed by and consumed by women and obsession with social media and being popular, living in a wilful plastic bubble of victimization.....if anyone read this stupid article to get advice, they are morons and NEVER were truly suffering from depression and suicide...most ppl suffering and thinking of suicide dont get treatment with "50 reasons to like totally not kill yourself, ima right girlfriend?'...some hack irresponsibly baiting desperate people for clicks and ad revenue passed off as advice that could actually help treat someone..... 8 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Natasha Geoffroy > el douche • 9 months ago Hey dude, you alright? If you're feeling like giving up or whatever you can drop me a line ok? I have some pretty life changing and empowering info if you want to be free. Or just to chat about whatever man, k :) tashageoff[email protected] △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

el douche > Natasha Geoffroy • 7 months ago Nope. Im good. What u can do is maybe remind fellow women and yourself that during all these changing times in fight for women that many good men are left being blamed and lumped in together as some gender epidemic if guilt by asdociation and that men do indeed deal with many horrible things in their own life struggles as well...we all just want respect and love, and we work better together than apart... 3 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Helmi Shepard > el douche • 8 months ago I wish I could give you a hug. I understand the wanting to die part, if not from a male perspective. I think there are some men-centered mental health hotlines now. If you stand to read a self-help book (I listened to it in my car on CDs from the library), I would highly recommend the Power of Now or The New Earth. The author is very "Zen", sounds like he is high on pot all the time, BUT what he says might help you rise above depression, if only while you are listening to him. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

iman > el douche • 8 months ago I did the same thing with garlic clove to get ride from smelly discharge which was low in quantity but i saw one day garlic vlove turn into green color now m worried about why ots color changed anyone tell me of possible △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Vanessa > iman • 7 months ago Me too!!! Any ideas yet? I’ve done this many times before recently, and no color change. Now just the past few times it’s been greenish blue in spots once removed. Please let me know if you come up with anything! △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

mickey18385 > turkish scorpion farm • 2 years ago Like @rainbowskies says - "Mama" is what feels most natural. I was legitimately sad when my son moved from calling me "Mama" to "Mommy". https://www.xojane.com/healthy/yet-another-yoga-sexual-harassment-scandal 6/9 9/7/2018 Don't Let the Latest Yoga Sexual Harassment Scandal Stop You From Exploring the Practice 2 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

bryan king > mickey18385 • a year ago I switch it up and use different variations of "mom" depending on the situations and if I need a favor lol "mother" is when I want to ask for something and I'll add this fake aristocratic, yuppy accent too "Mother, where will you be summering this year? Ahh, sounds grand. Would you mind callin my insurance company and getting my next appointment authorized" 2 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Amanda > turkish scorpion farm • a year ago Yeah, I agree. I like "mother" formally. I like "mama" better than "mom", but even since I was a child, I've hated how mothers are referred to as "moms". My child calling me "mama" or "mom" or "mommy" is a sacred thing to me, but outside of that I'd like to be referred to as a mother, and I refer to other people that way. I seem to be in the minority here. "Mother" is powerful and archetypal; "mama" is intimate and primal. I am suspicious of so much commercialization of intimate, sacred names. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

marypoppings > turkish scorpion farm • a year ago In Spanish, the word "mom" is "mama". I think MAMA sounds more maternal as opposed to MOTHER because the English language is not considered a romantic language. As a bilingual person that speaks Spanish and English, "mama" is more emotional and sweeter as opposed to "mother" or "mom" which sounds cold to me. As a matter of fact, in the English language, the less words we use and the more concise we use the English words, the better we speak/write it - So, bilingual people who speak or write romantic languages (like Spanish, Italian or French) HEAR the English language as too business like, too straight to the point, a bit emotionless, informative or simply cold. While writing in Spanish, the more words we use to express ourselves with adjectives and all in speaking and writing, the better we are speaking or writing these romantic languages. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Gabriel Rodriguez > marypoppings • a year ago English is not a ROMANCE language because it isn't part of the ROMANCE language subfamily not because it's not romantic for God's sake 8 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

> Gabriel Rodriguez • a year ago It's a word all languages in the indo-European family use!... In fact, I'd say even more languages than that! I'm half Taiwanese and mama/ma means mother as well! 3 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Cortado > • 10 months ago This is one of the few babbling sounds an infant makes, "Mmm" or "Maaa;" one of the most natural phonemes for a human to make. This Ma sound is why we are called mammals, and the maternal mammals, that are mamas, use their mammary glands to feed their babies milk, mmmmm good! 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

4Veritas > • 8 months ago Yes, that is because when an infant starts to speak the first sounds that typically come out are "ma", and "ba" and "na" are early sounds too. That is why in so many languages globally the word for mother begins with "m" and sounds similar. △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

el douche > Gabriel Rodriguez • a year ago Well, especially if you don't know how to use it. Try using plurals and commas. Try avoiding capitalising entire words. 2 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Labrador Lover > el douche • 10 months ago Sorry to see you getting ignored ( I get that when I mention depression). I think we stumbled onto the Rainbowskis Show No help, sympathy or acknowledgment here... Ppl suck... Love, Mom, Mummie, Mommy, Ma, Mama, Mums and Mother △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Shinade > marypoppings • a year ago That makes no sense, Germanic languages, which sound the coldest, also use mama for mother. 2 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

j James > marypoppings • 8 months ago https://www.xojane.com/healthy/yet-another-yoga-sexual-harassment-scandal 7/9 9/7/2018 Don't Let the Latest Yoga Sexual Harassment Scandal Stop You From Exploring the Practice

Blah blah blah. Like that? △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Indy > marypoppings • 2 months ago The english words Mother and Father originated from Sanskrit words Matr and Pitr (Oldest Indian language and root of Proto-Indian-European languages) △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Bereal > turkish scorpion farm • a year ago You say no snark, but your comment is by far the snarkiest in the thread. Just saying you come off pretty arrogant. 1 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

Dixie88 > turkish scorpion farm • a year ago I agree △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›

BKtillidie > turkish scorpion farm • a year ago Well it could be a regional, cultural thing and/or based on ones native language. Did you ever even consider that??????? Wow SMH

My husband is from West Africa and speaks French (and Bombara and English) and calls his mom "mama" and his father "papa". I have adult friends who call their moms "mommy", who are Jamaican, some Dominican and Puerto Rican friends of mine call their moms "mama" too, that's how they say it in Spanish. The English call their moms "Mum" lol. Who cares; I find it odd you would even mention it lol You're prob one of those who calls their mom "mother" 3 △ ▽ • Reply • Share ›



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