H-Luso-Africa Recent publications on Lusophone Africa Discussion published by Kathleen Sheldon on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 This list of recent publications includes a wonderful range of research on gender, mining, health, religion, history, and more. The blog entries include analyses of the recent elections and politics in Mozambique, check it out! To share your own recent publication information with our network, please send in full citation format and if possible, with a link, to
[email protected]. Virginie Tallio, “Vaccination policies and State-building in post-war Angola,” in Gender a výzkum/Gender and Research 20, 1 (2019): 106-127 https://www.genderonline.cz/en/issue/47-volume-20-number-1-2019-contested-borde rs-transnational-migration-and-gender/565 Virginie Tallio, “L'entrée de nouveaux acteurs sur la scène des projets de développement sanitaires: altération ou maintien du concept de santé publique? L'exemple de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises pétrolières en Angola,” in Autrepart, 83, 3 (2017): 121-139 [just published in 2019 despite 2017 date] https://www.cairn.info/revue-autrepart-2017-3-page-121.htm Virginie Tallio, “La responsabilité sociale des entreprises: modèle de santé publique ou régime de santé globale? L’exemple des entreprises pétrolières en Angola,” in Sciences Sociales et Santé, 35, 3 (September 2017): 81-104 [just published in 2019 despite 2017 date] https://www.cairn.info/revue-sciences-sociales-et-sante-2017-3-page-81.htm Victor Igreja, “Negotiating Relationships in Transition: War, Famine, and Embodied Accountability in Mozambique,” Comparative Studies in Society and History 61, 4 (October 2019): 774-804 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/comparative-studies-in-society-and-history/ article/negotiating-relationships-in-transition-war-famine-and-embodied- accountability-in-mozambique/CAAC4E979078C22B14AC78236CE60B0F Jeremy Ball “‘From Cabinda to Cunene’: Monuments and the Construction of Angolan Nationalism since 1975,”Journal of Southern African Studies pre- publication view Citation: Kathleen Sheldon.