Conflictual Practices and Dynamics of a Changing Urban Context

Student: Riccardo Telò 816356 Supervisor: Carolina Pacchi Course: Urban Planning and Policy Design AY: 2015/2016 index INTRODUCTION

FIRST CHAPTER SETTING THE GROUND FOR NEIGHBOURHOOD ANALYSIS AND COFLICT ASSESSMENT 1.1. A Question of Scale(s) Assessing the Scale: the Neighbourhood 1.2. Framing Social Housing as an Urban Conflict The source of Conflict and the Ways to Handle It Actors as Meeting Point between Ethnography and Conflict Analysis 1.3. Setting a Point of View on Reality: Instruments to Look at Past and Present Reality Habitat and Inhabiting: Juxtaposing Ways of Urban Life The Tension between Inclusion and Exclusion The City Morphologies: Material and Social Structures

SECOND CHAPTER GIAMBELLINO: AN EVOLVING NEIGHBOURHOOD IN METROPOLIAN CENTER Giambellino Location 2.1. General Perspectives: Milan Urban Dynamics and Projects A border-less delimitation Milan Peripheries in a Metropolitan Context A New Underground for Milan arriving in Giambellino Tertiary Urban Developments: the Shape of a New City? 2.2. Circumscribing Giambellino The Impression at a First Glance: Raising General Issues Planning and Political Documents, Official Data 2.3. On-field Analysis An Archipelago of Villages The Decayed Village A Tell from the Social Housing Compound: Rosalba Story The Associative Life Around the Village THIRD CHAPTER DESCRIBING A CONFLICT 3.1. The Peasants of Neighbourhood Habitability, Identity and Appropriation Actors and Actions Casetta Verde: Description and Actions Dynamoscopio: Description and Actions 3.2. The Conflicting Actor: DRAGO (Dare Risposte al Giambellino Ora) The Soul of a Protest and the Requests Is DRAGO an Actor or a Conflicting Action?

FOURTH CHAPTER AT THE ROOTS OF GIAMBELLINO ASPIRATIONS 4.1. A Photographic Description of the Past War resistance and the legacy for the neighbourhood Industrial past and the workers Political activism and rioting groups relation with public and semi-public spaces 4.2. Places from Giambellino Identity Piazza Tirana and La Bersagliera Municipal Market and the Public Library Convitto Scuola della Rinascita 4.3. DRAGO in Giambellino Gaber’s character Nella tana del drago: Renato Vallanzasca 4.4. The 80’s and Political Drawbacks Born and Rise of Brigate Rosse Heroin and Political Withdrawal FIFTH CHAPTER GIAMBELLINO MASTERPLAN, AN ALTERNATIVE PLANNING OPTION? 5.1. General Purposes and Long Term Strategy Focus on Illegal Occupied Houses and Social Housing Provision The Master Plan as a Political Manifesto for Active Policies Integration and Implementation 5.2. Preparatory Works and Master Plan Analysis Selective Analysis Focused on the Main Neighbourhood Issues Development of Properly Made Analysis Tools through Participatory Processes Policy Integration Exploiting Positive Chain Effects Two Attachments to Trigger and Orient Possible Outcomes 5.3 Final Comments Local Actors Effectivness on Decision Making Processes A New Destiny for Giambellino Lorenteggio Social Housing Compound? Master Plan Preservation and re-Interpretation of Identity Places

CONCLUSION introduction

8 In the following research a multifaced analysis of Giambellino Lorenteggio’s chronicles will be carried. In the first chapter we will review the contributions of several authors to orient our view in ethnographic and policy analysis terms. Concepts as habitat|inhabiting, inclusion|exclusion, social|material structures, the role of actors in the daily life of a neighbourhood and in the structuring of a conflict will be discussed. We will try to go at the core of what is meaningful to explore about urban reality: a scale will be framed and socio-political dyanamics enquired on theoretical basis and we will aquire suitable research tools. In the second chapter we will analyse Giambellino Lorenteggio neighbourhood departing from a metropolitan perspective to narrow down to the life of single inhabitants. The initial large scale will be used to stress current urban development dynamics characterizing Milan as an enlarged entity, i.e. the Metropolitan City. Other factors, altering urban environments, will be taken into consideration such as the construction of the new underground to understand the future of these new metropolitan centres. Social practices and structural reality, instead, will be described with the contribution of Giambellino Lorenteggio inhabitants and official documents in order to have an idea of daily life in this neighbourhood. The third chapter will be focused on the Actors operating in this environment. A detailed description of their actions on the territory will be fundamental to understand the many ways in which a voice can be built. Firstly, we will deeply explore the various actions of two Actors operating in Giambellino Lorenteggio, namely Casetta Verde and Dynamoscopio. Consequently, we will report the conflictual event acted by DRAGO committee and the reactions provoked in the various public, semi-public and private Actors. With the intention to reach a even finer view on the neighbourhood, the fourth chapter will be devoted to the reconstruction of Giambellino Lorenteggio past departing from the Second World War. It will be important to highlight if a certain attitude towards conflictual topics, community life and people engagement in every day life were already in place at that time. A collective voice will be gathered and it will allow us to better frame the socio-cultural mileue characterizing Giambellino Lorenteggio. Lastly in the fifth chapter, we will describe and criticize the master plan published at the end of 2015. Initially the document major topics, prescriptions and projectile intentions will be reported and analysed in depth. Consequently, we will try to link the thesis foundings with the major elements underlined. 9 first chapter


From Analytical Theories to the Development of Empirical Research Tools

10 1111 In this chapter the fundamentals for an ethnographic and conflict analysis will be settled. We will try to find meaningful matches between the two fields highlighting what are their “points of encounter”. This narrative and analytical way of describing reality should lead us to the answer to the research question: is social housing defence in Giambellino an example of urban conflict producing political innovation? This first chapter will be used to settle the research’s theoretical basis, this back- ground elements will be then used in a mixed way in the rest of the essay. We will set up our scale of observation trying to frame the most appropriate research level and to adopt it as our working ground. Nonetheless, we will bear in mind and emphasise the necessary multi-level way of analysis these complex issues deserve. Multi-scalar ways to understand not only social and urban developments but also to systematize the political events, conflicts and claims and the more or less consequent policy orientations. Therefore, the understanding of the various events around Giambel- lino case will be carried trying to define causal dynamics helping us to draw reasonable explanations of why and how the outcome of the conflict was shaped. Moreover, to ac- complish an awareness in the ethnographic and historical views we will define what parts of the urban reality are worth to be explored in-depth during the writing of this essay. Last but not least, in order to build a bridge between theories and practices we will try to operationalize these concepts, i.e. to make “the several passages through which we can attribute an empirical content to not immediately observable concepts” (A. Bruschi, 1999)”. This operation, although usually implemented for quantitative survey, applied to a qualitative research will allow us to acquire the nodal aspects we will focus on in the drawing of this script, in the construction of our empirical tools, and in the orientation of our point of view on reality. Therefore, at the end of each paragraph we will point out the relevant empirical aspects to look at.

12 1.1. A Question of Scale(s) in the overall configuration of society, but also entire territories have seen impressive Why conducting an analysis in a evolutions in the aftermath of both neighbourhood? What premises should outstanding economic growth and fatal we set to explore its environment? What economic decline. are the relevant aspects to highlight when Processes such as de- we go through its street? With which industrialization, post-fordist economic exploration tools should we describe its relations, globalization, and the decay of structure and population? Where should the welfare state have deeply influenced we look for information about it? These urban realities. A suggestive hint to assess are some preliminary questions on the our scale of reference is given by Lefebvre methodology we should adopt to carry this in the famous text “Right to the City” research. Moreover, as long as this essay written in 1968 and then published in a wants to match two reasoning on a case collection, “Writings on Cities”, by Kofman of urban conflict, we might add some other and Leban. According to the author the city questions such as: what is the dynamic would be embedded between what he calls of this struggle? What parts have to be the “far order” and “near order” (1996, p. taken into account to draw a meaningful 107). The two “orders” can be described as description of it? What is the result, or a mixture of socio-economic and political what are the results, of this conflict? On movements modifying one the other, what Institutional and political levels the therefore being both interwoven and having developments allowing possible outcomes? a dialectical dynamic. These two complex How can we define them? scales of reality, interpreted in a multi-faced way from Institutional relations to the social Assessing the Scale: the Neighbourhood (and spatial) division of labour, have indeed changed from the 70’s, as many authors Contemporary world have seen a vast array well explain (Sassen, Kazepov, Mingione, of developments, some traumatic (e.g. the Kesteloot and others). According to fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 or the petrol Purcell’s interpretation of Lefebvre crisis in the 70’s) some slowly accompanied (2002) the future of the city, especially and still developing (Regan and Thatcher’s its government, is deeply entrenched in neo-liberal project or the European Union matters of scales and levels analysis. building process, for instance). Not only As we will see scales are not only a sociological Institutions such as market, matter for the structural development of family, and state have changed their role the city and its neighbourhoods, but they 13 are also important for the definitions of configurations: the shape of the city. On the conflictual issues, representative questions other hand, we can assess, with a certain and the power-related mechanisms. degree of confidence, that important and Therefore, we can already affirm that a trans-scalar events (such as Universal Democracy question is in place here. To Expositions or Olympic Games) or the be clear, still following Purcell, in “Urban nestling of Institutional head-quarters Democracy and the Local Trap”, this (for example the European Union in research doesn’t “assume something Brussels, see Demey and Thierry, 2007) inherent about the local scale”, i.e. tremendously influence the ecology and localization is not treated “as an end in structures of a city. itself”. According to author conception of Thus, we will pay high attention to this scale, this is a strategy “a way to achieve particular scale. Nonetheless, we can affirm a particular end. What this end will be will that all this macro, top down, evolutions are vary according to who is pursuing it” (2005; imposed in a specific territorial place that p. 1928) Consequently, we need to take materializes them also on an architectural into consideration this complexity and at and urban point of view. It is not particularly the same time reinterpret it in empirical brilliant, but it is particularly true, stating terms, our aim is to understand what is the that the above mentioned trans-scalar most affected level by the above mentioned processes have produced spatially defined sovralocal processes. effects (the European Union quarter in We are looking for a match point Brussels, the various Olimpic villages, witnessing phenomenological effects the Expo sites with usually an undefined of various transformations scale both in future and so on). To make a further step social and structural terms,. Trying to towards urban reality, in our opinion, answer to this question we could easily, the neighbourhood is the scale unit that and correctly, affirm that this meeting better fits our field of analysis. Indeed, the ground is the city it self: its spatial forms, interconnections between these two orders its economic functions and socio-structural influences both neighbourhoods’ shape configurations. Looking at the city from a and life. Although mediated by other power strict economic point of view, according to levels, Institutional processes, and socio- Baldwin (Kesteloot, 2005 for a sociological political developments, our aim in this perspective), market liberalization, changes research should be underlining top-down in the social division of labour, and other processes and bottom-up reactions (and macro economic developments indeed vice-versa), intercepting the consequent influence the urban structure of urban load of conflicts as an important factor 14 determining the policy design orientations neighbourhood and the general political, and the future of the same environment. social and economic developments. Moreover, the neighbourhood not only These are the grass-root for the current can be defined as a part of the city wide situation and to fully understand the story enough to constitute an urban structure of our research object. Far from the idea influenced by the “far order” in its structural to understand its complexity, nonetheless, components and functions (for instance the we should be able to trace the research presence of an abandoned industrial area lines to test innovative responses to social due to the de-industrialization process), needs and experimentation of local-based but the quarter is also capable to contain services. We will follow both the bottom up the “near order” (local Institutions, political path of social and political claims and the groups, individuals stories...) and the consequent top down responses to these life of people acting and modifying its requests and vice versa. environment. Conceived as a strategy, Conscious of the difficult task, we as a mean to an end used by the Actors, will recognize in Lefebvre thought, thanks fixed and fluid over time (Purcell, p. 1928; to other authors contributions, what are 2005) this geographical entity perfectly fits the elements enabling us to describe our attempt to respond to the research Giambellino meaningful aspects, its history question. and nowadays situation. But first let’s Concerning the temporality of be clear on the object of analysis: the scales it is important underlining that in conflictual topic and the agents around it. neighbourhoods every building have a story and some buildings can be seen as a witness and result of conflicts or 1.2. Framing Social Housing as an impositions over scalar conflicts. A political Urban Conflictual Topic and the party’s or workers union’s office, the new Actors Centred Perspective head quarter of a multinational company, the presence of a certain kind of service The source of Conflict and the Ways to ext. are all fragments of an “historical Handle It motion” (2005). They have to be observed To develop such an analysis we need a and analysed to go further the mere report more precise way to observe the dynamics of current events. Here it comes an other shaping urban questions agenda and research hint, it will be important to set policy design. If urban policies and spatial the historical basis of this environment to planning are seen as “mediation tools” understand the past relations between the (Mazza, 2007) for conflict focusing on 15 space, then grass-root Actors should Actors as the Meeting Point between act on this sphere of decision making. Ethnographic and Political Research In this respect Melucci reasoning on From this brief analysis we gather a social movement and conflicting Actors fundamental research focus in the comes to the fore when we want to orient observation of reality i.e. the definition of our analysis. According to della Porta grass root collective Actors not only as and Diani, the “new social movements” part of a conflict, but also as a component theorists (among whom Melucci is one of in the daily life of an environment, in our the founders) case the neighbourhood. The reflections on local conflicting Actors will be therefore “drew attention to the structural determinants of protest, re-evaluating the importance of conflict, at central in the following, we will assess a time when non-class conflicts were often ignored. their role as central mediation “bodies” Compared with Marxists, new social movement between Giambellino context and the theorists had two specific advantages:they once macro-Institutional framework. Their again placed Actors at the centre of the stage; capacity to interpret the questions from the and they captured the innovative characteristics of collectivity, to give them a shape and to movements which no longer defined themselves communicate claims to the upper levels of principally in relation to the system of production” the administration. Finally, we will see their (2009, p.8; emphasis mine). capacity to formulate aggregative solutions to common problems and their ability If a conflict on space is there than to stand for moral and non-negotiable the Actors involved deserve an insight principles in front of the various levels of through the description of socio-political Institutions. agents, and their actions, in the attempt to The importance related to Institutions create a common voice around a specific openness to political change will be taken topic: social housing management and into consideration all along this essay, preservation. What Melucci teaches us is here it is finally important highlighting an to pay a strong attention on the differences other Actors’ feature in the structuring of a between sporadic events, characterizing conflict. According to Vitale and Podestà, many urban protests, and the much more we should stress the role of “ concrete grass-roots organizations and learning movements. and reflexivity” in the political sphere to understand their role of “mediators”, as “experts, who manage the codes of formalized knowledge, who are able 16 to interpret the law and the technical 1.3. Setting a Point of View on dimensions of public action instruments”. Reality: Instruments to Look at They can also be called “facilitators, they Past and Present Reality help the coordination between Actors, promote cooperation, and selectively Habitat and Inhabit: Juxtaposing Ways of use informations to foster cooperation in Urban Life heterogeneous and unstable environments” To reach a deeper understanding of the (2010; pp. 9, 10). Here it becomes evident fundamental dynamics involved into the the Institutional orientation of Actors, in our socio-political sphere we will explore the opinion they are the inter-face between the action of associations. As long as any neighbourhood daily life and the general political process takes shape with time and political environment in which it is included. with trust-building among the inhabitants, The people who act as organized we might say by building critical mass intermediaries among these really different around one or more topics, it is interesting levels trying, on the one hand, to face and to see the modalities through which this solve the neighbourhood problems and, on work is implemented. The distinction the other, to communicate with politician between inhabit and habitat (Lefebvre, and Institutional representative. Therefore, 1967) becomes central in this regard. Actors are framed as the match point Following Stuart Elden, in “Understanding allowing us to describe Giambellino in a Henri Lefebvre”, these concepts are those satisfying way. At the end of this work we that better explicit the influence on the should ask ourselves how we can assess author by Heiddeger. In fact, “Lefebvre’s the result of conflictual action. How to suggestion that ‘inhabiting’ (habiter) has describe the outcomes taking into account been reduced to the notion of habitat the non-linear path of agents interactions? (hàbitat) parallels Heidegger’s notion of Being aware of the unclear correlation crisis in dwelling” (2004, p.190). Moreover, between actions and re-actions, we should according to Elden it becomes clear that, be engaged in tracing possible paths in Lefebvre thought, the space of dwelling allowing innovation in urban policy design. is connected to the urban and social space “habiter is an activity, a situation, habitat is a function, a brutal material reality” (2004; p. 190). Although Lefebvre’s thought is sometimes difficult to interpret, the author on this 17 point is clear: social housing estate should constructing alliances with the people living be considered as the last step of state’s Giambellino? What are the modalities to be rationality to create the “habitat” of the active in the creation and definition of its industrial city. “Certain philosophers will appropriation and use? Is this immutable, say that large housing estates achieve the built-for-the-function, space experiencing concept of habitat, by excluding the notion a process of mutation? We should be able of inhabit, that is, the plasticity of space, its to give an answer to this questions firstly modelling and the appropriation by groups by analysing its current situation analysing and individuals of the conditions of their data and making on field research with existence” (2004; p.79). This reasoning participatory observation, secondly by comes to the fore in this work. Giambellino reporting through pictures the uses of have passed through different steps of this so called habitat and testing its urbanization (following the passage from immutability by focusing on the coherence agricultural, to industrialized and de- between the prescriptive use and the actual industrialized urban reality) and the element use. Looking at this topic on the historic of social housing has been of paramount motion we should also make an effort to importance since its “beginning”. We understand if traces of the contemporary should see what happened in time to attitude towards environment can be these produced space. Did a socio-spatial detected in the neighbourhood past. Past evolution happen inside this habitat during inhabitants’ life, their collective actions, and time? If the description of social housing the historical places hosting them are thus condition and its raison d’etre (i.e. creating of paramount importance to discover this habitat), given by Lefebvre in 1968, is still long-standing attitude toward space. true we should make an effort to test it on the ground. On the other hand lies the The Tension between Inclusion-Exclusion concept of inhabit, that we will read as Central focus of this memoir will be the the people’s possibility and willingness objects of the contention itself, we will to be active in the construction of the read it simply as the struggle to remain environment in which a collectivity lives. in a certain place. Speaking about social The quest here is on the use of space, on housing and the fight to preserve it, the its daily life and on the opportunity claimed tension between inclusion and exclusion to to “enjoy and influence” spaces. a particular space of the city (1996; p. 113) Translated in operational terms: are gather particular importance. Any attempts the association addressing the question to preserve and renew public housing of liveability of the neighbourhood stock, to improve its accessibility and to 18 request a more efficient housing-delivery, entity) Milan inner-core assumes a can be seen as a struggle for inclusion. different meaning in the definition centre- This might result a trivial statement but one periphery. Moreover, two other facts point in this reasoning makes it in some help us in understanding the change of way problematic. role of Giambellino spatial configuration On the social point of view it is at the city level. The near arrival in the not always clear how this request is area of the underground number 4, an formulated by Actors trying to meet public infrastructure that will increase land values administration on the policy design field. and the attractiveness of this part of the The “demand for inclusion” in a certain city. Secondly, the recent approval of space will be therefore analysed, looking an 80 million Euros renewal plan for the especially at the level of encounter entire neighbourhood. Both these factors between Municipality, or any other public alter either Giambellino accessibility and or private Actor, and the grass-roots its attractiveness, triggering uncertain Actors. If the relations in every single evolutions for the residents. At the core meeting event have been co-operative, of these concerns there is the document conflictual or based on bargaining will be which triggered the conflict: the plan to highlighted to understand the multi-faced destroy the 50% of social housing stock and complex relation between Institutions in order to build a brand new upper-class and conflicting Actors. Here the demand residential estate. Here it comes the is to maintain spaces “inside the city” conflictual dynamics that see the Actors where disadvantaged classes can set up “capitalize” their entrenchment in the their lives. How this request is expressed? neighbourhood building a critical mass What are the tactics to be heard by grass- able to be a protagonist in the definition roots groups? Although the position of of neighbourhood “destiny” and future the neighbourhood can be regarded as management. peripheral, in comparison to Milan historical Those are the questions to measure centre, three factors helps us to point his and test the aftermath of the efforts to growing positional value (Hirsh, 1980). raise consciousness into the local society: Firstly, the change of scale in the was there a successful mobilization able analysis is allowed by the, although not to gather part of the population under really defined yet, introduction of the one or more specific claim(s)? Was the Metropolitan City last winter. With the mobilization gathering a network of new configuration of the city spatial associations and private citizens? Were relations (an enlarged geographical the expressed claims valid enough to 19 reach Public Actors? And to influence its on agency bring(ing) people back into the behaviour and decisions? If it is so what analysis and emphasa(zing) the centrality were the modalities? of social action and conflict in determining the shape of the built environment.” (2006, The City’s Morphologies: Material and p. 1064). Therefore, we will give voice to Social Structures inhabitants and to groups representatives As long as any social process takes shape grasping the connection among the in an environment, and this framework neighbourhood structure and the social changes in time, we will be engaged in shape this structure hosts. This connection the examination of material and social carries a strong degree of conflictual work, morphologies. These two concepts will be seeing the working of groups to raise used on the ground: they will be inquired attention and consensus about Giambellino to see what is the relation between them in problematic status, to find innovative ways Giambellino as long as “urban life, urban of tackling with problems and realities. society, in a word, the urban, cannot Although we will not be able to go without a practico-material base, a address the socio-spatial relation, morphology” (1996, p.103). As Lefebvre especially looking at the opposition well explains, the relations between this of abstract space maker and social two dimensions are not clear cut. Tu be space maker (2006), we will enquire the sure, in Giambellino a spatial evolution has motivations at the basis of passed decline been socially accompanied by the historical and the actions taken to improve the switch from mass protests, union presence situation by a multi-level set of Actors. and political groups activity, during the 68 We will see if there has been a genesis, revolts, to fragmentation of social reality, i.e. fundamental favourable historical loneliness and alienation arriving to the witnesses, for the creation of a basic mileue nowadays decay. for social and political activities. The urban life and the neighbourhood To operationalize this concepts we will structure will be analysed in the perspective ask ourselves what are the nodal points for of their interconnections. A path including the neighbourhood past and present life: Giambellino historical places, places of paying attention to what have changed in daily activities, and of residential uses time in their socio-structural morphologies will be built. Following Aalbers work on (e.g. uses of important historical buildings), neighbourhood decline, we will go in-depth listing relevant new urban structures in the description of Giambellino long modifying the environment (e.g. recent term process of decay giving “emphasis urban developments, interesting case 20 of re-use), observing public space uses during time (in the long and short turn). The tools we will use to grasp useful elements will be the mapping of important places thanks to the support of historical texts understanding their evolution or regression. Learning and speculating on this elements we could be able to set a series of policy design suggestions and we should make some reflection on the conflicting process outcomes and possible evolutions.

21 Notes from the chapter something to act on its liveability both in social terms and in structural terms? With this chapter our narrative is set Secondly, as long as this has become a up. We have understood on what scale central neighbourhood, especially looking our research will be settled and the at it in a metropolitan perspective (but also motivations at the basis of this choice. In for a quite big investment in infrastructural the neighbourhood, in its environment, a terms), we will read any attempt to remain twofold aspect has to be underlined. On inside this quarter as a quest for inclusion. the one hand, a set of Actors operate in The exclusion and inclusion part will be it and thanks to conflict theories we have also detected in the daily life of people: are understood that these agents are at the them trying to avoid social exclusion by basis of our analysis. Moreover, we have being active in including the disadvantaged defined why some are more important than part of the population? Last but not least, it others. On the other hand, we have framed will be particularly important to describe the the neighbourhood as the most suitable neighbourhood it self, also in a historical reality to conceive daily life of people perspective, pointing put its social and and trans scalar issues. An historical material structures. How have they change perspective will be bear in our mind. during time? How can we describe them? Nonetheless, Actors are not only present on Exploiting the opportunity given by this the very local scale but also at wider scales. last questions here it comes the list of our Therefore, we will take in consideration practical tools of observation and analysis. that our “protagonists” have relations with Pictures will be used to give an idea of Giambellino inhabitants and with other, Giambellino spaces, to document Actors bigger, Actors. The internal composition of actions, and to witness the historical this further Actors, here we will call them past of the neighbourhood. Maps will Institutions, is differentiated. For example be exploited in order to understand the the Region is made by the regional wideness of changes, their locations council itself in its political part and by its and possible influences on the social bureaucracy structures (namely ALER). The housing compound. Interviews will be neighbourhood Actors are intermediaries carried both to informed people and to in between the bottom and the upper part inhabitants in order to understand the of society we will pay attention to it during various ethnographic dynamics and the writing of this essay. Thanks to Lefbvre political developments. Urban plans will and other scholars we have also gathered be the source of information to have an out points of view on reality. We will see idea of the Institutional attitude towards what is Giambellino way of life, i.e. the Giambellino and to gather data. Historical attitude towards its environment detectable documents and interview will be used to in its inhabitants. Is Giambellino, and reconstruct the past of the neighbourhood especially the social housing compound, and to have a more clear idea of nowadays lived as a habitat or is it in inhabited? The circumstances. fine distinction running in between this two concepts is amenable to the process of its mutation: are the population doing 22 23 second chapter GIAMBELLINO LORENTEGGIO: AN EVOLVING NEIGHBOURHOOD IN MILAN’S METROPOLIAN CENTER

Matching Scales and the Basis for the Expression of Urban Questions

24 25 This second chapter will consist of an analysis of Giambellino’s environment in its broadest sense. Firstly, this will be done by drawing up a frame of reference for the reader in order to provide some basic knowledge that is useful for describing some conflicting characteristics of the neighbourhood. This attempt to understand the different ways in which a neighbourhood can be described will give us more details and a deeper understanding of the state of art, allowing us to better appreciate the neighbourhood’s daily life and struggles. In order to assess such an imperceptible and undefined topic as the ‘character of a neighbourhood’ we need to know what is happening in Giambellino in terms of socio-spatial development. Therefore, as well as some particular city dynamics, the neighbourhood as a detached environment will be explored in order to grasp the developmental progress in the area. Therefore, we will start from an overall description of Milan taking into consideration two similar peripheral cases: Milano and Rho Fiera Expo. The second section will consist of a demographic and social description of Giambellino and, in order to provide a background to its social dynamics, we will first give a voice to informed local people regarding their experiences in the neighbourhood. Thus, we will draw a framework, a point of beginning, from which we will be introduced to Giambellino. In the third section we will narrow the analysis down to the technical level, focussing on structural conditions and planning provisions. Data on population, spatial planning and political documents as well as important events and places will be presented. The increasing attractiveness of the area will be explained by reporting the new urban developments that have taken place over the last 20 years. Moreover, a spatial analysis will be carried out in order to give a sense of the environment or, better, what the environment surrounding NIL 49 actually is. Narrowing the focus down to the social housing compound, we will focus on the current situation in Giambellino with the help of two important documents, which facilitate our understanding of major issues in the area. Following this description it will be easier to grasp the main general questions related to the current urban environment in the neighbourhood. From this analysis we will extract the key points, conditions and circumstances that prepare the basis for a demand for a better quality of life and active citizenship participation. In fact, at the root of the conflicting events there are some important factors that will be highlighted and summarized by mapping them in the area. Since our research is not merely a technical review of urban problems and opportunities, an inhabitant of the neighbourhood will describe her life experience in Giambellino. From this, we will try to understand some of the opportunities and threats in the quarter from an inhabitant’s perspective. Finally, we will consider various active social Actors, mapping them and describing their major activities in area. Such an insight will give us an indication of the extent of the active population and associative life in this neglected and generally disregarded environment: it is likely thanks to these associations that the population enjoy a better standard of living and more satisfactory daily life. 26 Giambellino’s location Giambellino is situated in the south-west of Milan and can be geographically described as the periphery of the Savona-Tortona area. It is part of the sixth local council, headed by Gabriele Rabaiotti, also professor at Politecnico di Milano and expert in social housing issues. Giambellino Lorenteggio local division (taking the name from the two main streets surrounding it) is listed as the 49th Nucleo di Identità Locale (NIL, Local Identity Nucleus). The social housing compound discussed in this essay is in the middle of the NIL 49.

Map 1: Zona 6

27 Map 2: NIL 49


28 Map 3: Social Housing Compound


29 Image 1: Giambellino Lorenteggio Social Housing Compound

30 2.1 General Perspectives: Milan’s maps there are several definitions for Urban Dynamics and Projects marking a territorial configuration. Zona 6, for example, is comparable to a small, A Border-Less Delimitation administrative council able to deliberate on From an Institutional point of view, local issues. Although without substantial competences, the administrative body following coded borders, it is not difficult to called “Zona” has a fairly important role as understand the geographical area named a mediator between its inhabitants and the Giambellino Lorenteggio. When we look at municipality. This sub-division serves to the maps above we see what the official define our working ground: it will be used documents define as the neighbourhood. as the nearest administrative area with Nevertheless, this introductory localization formal borders. is not enough to understand where and NIL 49 is another delimitation using what Giambellino Lorenteggio is. the two major streets, Via Giambellino What we have referred to as the and Viale Lorenteggio, as borders. It is “neighbourhood” in the first chapter of useful to to consider the formal definition this paper has to be defined in a more provided by the municipality’s city plan. specific way by taking into account the According to the Milan municipality, NIL flexible borders that come hand in hand (Nuclei Identità Locale) “can be defined as with human reality, people’s descriptions, Milan neighbourhoods where it is possible and social events. Consequently, it is useful to recognise historical and projectile areas to avoid rigorous observation of precise (…). Each of them is an ensemble of sub- geographical or administrative borders, areas connected by infrastructures and considering our observation field flexible in mobility services and green areas. They are as much as it will be useful for the scope of systems of urban vitality: concentrations our research. of local commercial activities, gardens, To be sure, the tactical decision to 1 gathering points, and services” . adopt flexible borders does not render Is this a sufficient definition? Yes Giambellino a broad and undefined entity. and no. On the one hand it works on a Instead, we are trying to understand what technical and statistical level, as long as the term flexible means to us. In order to a NIL contains development areas and better assess this “entity” we can review a certain population with measurable formal documents and informal resources features. On the other hand, using the two to find a balance that will best serve our major streets as limits, it is insufficient for a research framework. According to previous complex description of this urban context. 31 We will consider three aspects here. Firstly, 2014 the fundamental chart (Statuto Via Giambellino and Viale Lorenteggio delle Città Metropolitana di Milano) was might be seen as public spaces, contexts approved by the 134 municipalities of the of exchange and connection, instead Metropolitan City. Although in a somewhat of dividing thresholds. Secondly, when uncertain manner, and following several going into greater depth exploring the decades of failed attempts (see “The social housing compound in relation to the history of governance in Milan since the 1950s” by Bruno Dente; OECD Territorial surrounding environment on a multi-scalar Review, 2006), Milan has therefore point of view, NIL territorial delimitation formally redefined its administrative might be “limited”. Thirdly, inhabitants’ provincial status. Although it is not yet mental conception of Giambellino will be possible to assess if such a change will taken into consideration and used as an be able to tackle present and future actual ground of exploration to understand issues, we nevertheless can see in this the area. This allows us to be free from shift of governance an attempt to “re- fixed boundaries. In this way, broad size” the shape of the city in institutional Institutional and formal definitions will be and geographical terms. This large-scale combined with the mental boundaries of perspective tells us that some forces individual inhabitants. This is to say that are acting in such a way that impinges Giambellino is a complex reality and it is on some previously neglected parts of impossible to contain it within formally the city. Therefore, the territorial context recognized borders. Tales and memories of of reference (the shape of the city) has enlarged and what was considered its present and past should be considered periphery in the past may now be defined just as much as distant and unrelated city as an intermediate area between the inner developments as possible boundaries, city core (the historical hegemonic city) and enriching our research. Far and near the extended territory of the metropolitan borders are thus found and reconciled in area. this border-less description taking into The localization of Giambellino account structural evolutions and daily life is thus centralized in a metropolitan descriptions of the area. perspective, as is the case in other formerly peripheral areas in Milan2,3,4. Therefore, Milan Peripheries in a Metropolitan Context other neighbourhoods in “centralized A preliminary observation should be made contexts” can be seen as fitting examples of the context within which Giambellino is of a development pattern in urban areas framed through the recent establishment in acquiring the status of metropolitan of the metropolitan area: in December centres. Some examples will explain the 32 Map 4: Milan’s Historical Core


Map 5: Milan’s Metropolitan Area


33 projectile features characterizing these new Milano Rogoredo Milano Rogoredo Milan areas to us, while bearing in mind the The environment surrounding Rogoredo Metropolitan Centrality important infrastructural network connecting station has been intensively modified by them. Major developments surrounding the Santa Giulia project; a residential and two important peripheral areas will be tertiary development partially failed be- described in order to try to grasp meaningful cause of soil pollution. This neighbourhood elements for the analysis of Giambellino is located in the south-east of the city near Lorenteggio. Milano Rogoredo and Rho to a railway station served by high speed Fiera Milano transport stations have been chosen as suitable examples of how urban trains and the third underground line. The development dynamics take place within headquarters of the global media and com- concrete structures. Their features, functions, munications company Sky are located just planning methods, and Actors involved might beside the station. There are large numbers be seen as witnesses of trends influencing of residential buildings and, in the original Nodes in an important infrastructure network the future of these metropolitan, centralized project, these were considered a mixture of areas (Maps 4, 5). Therefore, we will describe high-class apartments and affordable hous- them by highlighting the most important ing blocks (Board 1). aspects in order to compare them with Giambellino’s current and possible future urban modification. Features

- Presence of one or more mass transportation Presence of one or more mass transportation lines lines

City Level Metropolitan Level National International Level - Presence of a multi-national company head- mass transportation mass transportation mass transportation Injection of a multi-national company head-quarter quarters New buildings with high volumes and luxury/middle class aesthetic taste

- New buildings with high volumes and luxury/ middle-class aesthetic taste 34 Milano Rogoredo Board 1 Metropolitan Centrality

Nodes in an important infrastructure network

Presence of one or more mass transportation lines

City Level Metropolitan Level National International Level mass transportation mass transportation mass transportation

Injection of a multi-national company head-quarter New buildings with high volumes and luxury/middle class aesthetic taste

35 Rho-Fiera Expo close to the Expo area is a new residential The area in this new centralized edge development, Merlata. Here, has been exploited for different and social housing and middle class residential “extraordinary” purposes. The most famous buildings are being built. (Board 2) example is the international exhibition that took place in 2015. The Expo area is located right in the middle of the city’s inner-core and the metropolitan outskirts. It is near to two mass transportation stations: the first line of the underground and an important railway hub, including the high-speed railway line. It is important to highlight that the Expo area has been built near to the main exhibition structure (Rho Fiera) and the headquarters of a third mobile communication company, Wind, is located next to the station. In addition, Features

- Presence of one or more mass transportation lines - Presence of a multi-national company head- quarters - Exploitation as a new international and metro- politan centre

36 Rho Fiera Expo Board 2 Metropolitan Centrality

Nodes in an important infrastructure network

Presence of one or more mass transportation lines

City Level Metropolitan Level National International Level mass transportation mass transportation mass transportation

Injection of a multi-national company head-quarter Exploitation as international and metropolitan new centre New residential buildings with high density and middle class aesthetic taste

37 It is not the aim of this essay to make a into account to explain possible paths of direct comparison between these realities. modification, and the next two sections will Such an explanation would be hindered explore this. by the fact that Milano Rogoredo and Rho Fiera Expo are impacted by the presence A New Underground for Milan arriving in of the high-speed railway. This strategic Giambellino and international infrastructure is changing “Mettiamo la quarta. Milano più veloce per these areas by providing a link to long tutti.” (“Let’s accelerate. A Faster Milan for distance destinations and, therefore, Everybody”) (Image 8). With this slogan enhancing their accessibility. Giambellino, the municipality and its public transport on the other hand, is situated only near to company (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi) have a local and old railway line: the Vigevanese advertised the new underground in Milan – line. the fourth line. This new mass transportation Nevertheless, we might suggest infrastructure will be the fifth underground that this kind of development is not line in the city and will be 15 kilometres exclusively related to the important, high- long. It will be located in the southern part speed connection, but also to increased of the city and will connect the western significance in terms of centrality and periphery with the eastern periphery going improved positional value. New economic as far as Linate airport5. Milan’s southern activities are filling in the empty areas left area has currently just one east-west mass by the de-industrialization process. These transport connectio –the suburban service, areas have, in fact, had an important made up of just one line, the S9. The new productive role for the city’s economy, line will have three stations intersecting the neighbourhood: San Cristoforo, Via Segneri being the extreme periphery of the old and Via dei Gelsomini. The San Cristoforo city. It is therefore not surprising that other station in particular will host three different productive activities now take place here, rail transport lines, gaining importance as a especially considering their new centrality. connection hub (map 6). Information technology centres need, Nevertheless, at the moment on the one hand, fast connections (in connections to the rest of the city are few terms of transportation and technological and not well integrated. In fact, there is infrastructure) and, on the other, central just one mass transport connection in the locations exploiting agglomeration suburban service station and the other economies. The new developments and near mass connection line is made up of the functions related to them are extremely the underground station of the first line, at similar and follow a similar pattern. Piazza Inganni. Moreover, just one tramway Nevertheless, other forces have to be taken connects the district straight to the centre, 38 Map 6: Giambellino Lorenteggio Transportation Lines

3939 Images 2, 3, 4: M4 Construction Site

40 41 Images 5, 6, 7 : M4 Official Documents Abstracts

42 The future arrival of the fourth under- ground line will not only allow direct access to the city centre, but it will also integrate the local-level public transport system with the rest of the metropolitan network at the city level. The new infrastructure will likely represent a strong asset for the positive evolution of the area and might trigger fur- ther urban transformation as a result of the enhanced centrality and consequent rise in the value of the land that transportation im- provement usually brings. It is reasonable to assume that such urban development will dramatically improve the urban qual- ity of the neighbourhood in general, and of the streets in which they will be located in particular. Following the accessibility urban economy principle, this new development taking shape in the neighbourhood will upgrade Giambellino as long as “accessi- bility governs the locational choices of each single economic Actor, which in cumulative effects, give shape to the overall structur- ing of space, both at the micro and macro territorial levels” (Camagni 1993, p. 69). It is therefore not particularly surprising how much attention this area of the city has had recently, and local witnesses should be considered when examining the changing environment caused by the two sovralocal phenomenons.

Image 8: M4 Advertisement 43 Tertiary Urban Developments: characterized by solid and strong features: the Shape of a New City? it is both long lasting and gives importance Signs of change can already be detected to the use-value of the built environment in the areas surrounding Giambellino. It The strong point of this old way of is possible to notice two different kinds developing the city lies in its resilience to of development in the various structures time, both in terms of the internal life of left abandoned after the massive de- the buildings and in the external urban industrialization process. The first is the atmosphere they create. Therefore, a re-use of former industrial buildings, rigidity of form is combined with vivid valuable for their cultural heritage and and eclectic content and results in a aesthetic features. Meaningful examples vibrant external environment. Conversely, are the former Richard Ginori Industrial site the “city of the future” shows itself in reused for studios and office spaces, the ex appealing and aggressive forms being, Breda factories that have been used to host nonetheless, stuck in its own function. The the new multicultural museum of Milan, external environment results in cold and MUDEC, and former factories located in disassociated “elements”: the offices, via Savona hosting the high fashion shop, the park, the road, the petrol station, the Fendi. restaurant, and so on. These two urban The second kind of development atmospheres interact with each other, and is the injection of new economies and are trying to do so in a “peaceful” way. structures that are slowly changing the shape of the peripheral part of NIL 49. In fact, the neighbourhood is near to district where offices have been built since the 80’s triggering a strong, although not exclusive, tertiary destination for the new developments. These aggressive, new urban forms have taken shape on former industrial areas. It is possible to see that the shape of this new city, the “city of the future”, strongly contrasts with the existing urban environment and that this allows a meaningful juxtaposition of these two, apparently very different, worlds. The city built in the early 20th century is 44 Map 7: New Developments Distances from Giambellino Lorenteggio

e tr 0 metre e 0 s i n 5 n a ng I lo m e g An o ia l v i via Lore nt io eg cc k gio ti a m ri P ia 1 v v ia G iam be llino

o a i i n z n ra i da m Ti o o a z a ls z i e v G ia i p e d o g l.

45 Images 9, 10: Vodafone and Veolia Headquarters

46 47 Images 11, 12: 80’s, 90’s and New Offices

48 49 At the end of this review it is possible to characterizing these metropolitan centres affirm with a certain degree of confidence (Board 3). that Giambellino is passing through a modification process with undefined outcomes, but certainly with likely implications for the future of the existing urban structures. Social housing blocks may well be one of the next targets. The examples of Milano Rogoredo and Rho Fiera Milano are more mature examples of the modifications that are taking place in Giambellino. By listing the new developments in the neighbourhood, we are now able to underline the similarities


Presence of one or more mass transportation lines Arrival of a multi-national company headquarter


50 Giambellino Board 3 Metropolitan Centrality

Nodes in an important infrastructure network

Presence of one or more mass transportation lines

City Level Metropolitan Level National International Level mass transportation mass transportation mass transportation

Injection of a multi-national company head-quarter

51 2.2. Circumscribing Giambellino from via Pisa opposed the really basic and logical idea to mix the two schools classes First Impressions: Raising General Issues placing them on different floors (the first Researching the neighbourhood started classes at first floors, the second classes with some interviews with informed at second floor...) expecting to divide the individuals. The situation described by children of the two schools in two different them was difficult to define. According areas: one wing of the building for via dei to Dario, a teacher at Comunità del Narcisi pupils and the other wing for via Giambellino, an oppressive and negative Pisa pupils”. view characterized the environment, This small but illuminating story helps social isolation and loneliness, exclusion us to understand the divisive dynamics of minorities and weaker parts of the inside different parts of the neighbourhood. population, perceived insecurity and a According to Luca, a researcher and social generally bad reputation within the city innovator at Dynamoscopio (a cultural being key characteristics. association that we will encounter later), The elementary school, situated at the neighbourhood can be described as Via dei Narcisi (Map 1), is a paradigmatic a “dwelling jungle” in which differentiated example of the social division of different and sometimes contrasting ways of ethnicities. Historically a school for the living struggle to cohabit together. Living working class, the school has been in the area since 2000 he describes a experiencing a strong injection of foreign situation of great change both on the pupils becoming known in the last 15 social and environmental points of view. years as the “Moroccan school” and being Agreeing with Dario, Luca affirmed that avoided by Italian families. According to the neighbourhood has been neglected for Dario, this segregation process has been a long time by the public administration. very much fuelled by the liberalization There are various historical and cultural of the catchment area. This gave Italian reasons for this. The decay seen today families the opportunity to avoid the school has been triggered by a population switch at via dei Narcisi in preference for other caused by both a turn-over in land- schools, and it also allowed schools in owners and the changing demographic the district to exclude foreign children. of Giambellino. This switch has triggered Indeed, according to Dario, when another an ageing population as young people elementary school at via Pisa had to close leave for other areas and a strong influx of for renovations and the children were immigrants. moved to via dei Narcisi, “the teachers 52 Map 8: Narcisi School

53 54 Images 13, 14, 15: Narcisi School Structure and Parents waiting for Kids Exit 55 Nonetheless, it is important to the area and the same document outlines a highlight that both interviewees mentioned number of problems in the NIL: “problems Giambellino’s strong social and political related to the social housing compound can grass-roots culture, taking inspiration be listed as follows: unauthorized dwelling from a flourishing socio-political past in occupation; building decay and social order to respond to the current decay. disadvantages”. The overall structural A contemporary process being built development of the neighbourhood is not starting rightly from the energies and good. knowledge present on the territory. In The neglected past of the area addition, although not less important, both (denounced by social operators) is interviewees explicitly noted the current evidenced by an exclusion from the so- “representational crisis” as a focal point called ‘neighbourhood pacts’ (a program for many problems examined in this essay. of urban renewal interventions launched However, let’s now have a look at some in 2004 by the Region). The data in order to have a deeper and more improvements - public spaces, green areas objective idea of the political, ethnographic and urban conditions - have been left to and urban environment processes taking private initiatives. The urban function of the place. area is mainly residential (62,9%) which is in line with the overall city percentage Planning and Political Documents, Official (60%). Other functions - services, Data commerce and tertiary sector - are mostly NIL 49 has 31,836 inhabitants. in line with the city average. Demographically, the population is composed mainly of old people (26% are 2.3. On-field Analysis over 65 years old) and foreigners (25,7%). These constitute more than half of the An Archipelago of Villages overall population. The former portion of On the morphological point of view, the the population is heterogeneous in two landscape is mixed and many different senses: ethnic populations are as follows: dwelling types coexist. These structures Egyptian (1936 people), Philippino (1324 not only vary from a stylistic-aesthetic people), and Sri Lankan (662 people) point of view, but also the level of building constituting an eclectic group. On the other maintenance dramatically differs between hand, the immigrant community is largely different type of block. This eclectic and composed of under-age children (23,7%). differentiated mixitè might seem to be Overall, there are insufficient services in a positive proximity of differences to a 56 superficial analysis, instead it constitutes a threshold for the genuine and natural meeting of people. In fact, all the environments are divided with fences and roads. Metaphorically speaking, the district looks like an archipelago of islands: highly detached. They could also be described as different villages, “constricted” to live next to one another but not really communicating in any meaningful public meeting place. The social fragmentation and isolation described above worsens this detachment, transforming a possible urban melting pot into a mere coexistence of different realities in one area. The unwillingness to live together and integrate found among some families in the via dei Narcisi school is translated and represented by this urban situation. The following section includes short descriptions with comments on the different “villages” that can be found in Giambellino and its surroundings.

Image 16: an Evolving Neighbourhood 57 Villaggio dei fiori

concentration, since its only function is housing. This quarter was built during the 1940s. It is This kind of urban context creates an environment made up of single detached and row houses. It is in which isolation and sense of dispersion takes characterized by striking different morphological over the walker. The urban “continuity” guaranteed features in comparison with Giambellino. Being by the surrounding city fabric is here interrupted by isolated from the rest of the neighbourhood, it is the mono-functional elements of non-urban reality. made up of an uneven collection of factors. It is The absence of meeting places, public services, technically located outside NIL 49, lying just on the commerce and so on, is compensated by the “border”, and it has its own urban logic in terms surrounding city (the school, the market, the park...). of its streets, entrances and external courtyards. Additionally, it has a strong mono-functional Map 9 Villaggio dei Fiori

i n n a ng I o el g n A ia v v ia Lo re io nteg gio icc at m ri P a vi

v ia G iamb e llino

o a i i n z n ra a i i d m T o o a z a ls z i e a v G i i p e d o g l.

N 58 Image 17: Villaggio dei Fiori

5959 Images 18, 19: Villaggio dei Fiori

60 61 70’s and 80’s developments

The shape of the city in the aftermath of the A few buildings face the street that does not receive Second World War is characterised by buildings back any meaningful ground floor. The “functional” of an introspective nature. Surrounded by fences, dynamics therefore resemble those of the Villaggio buildings have their “green supply” in their internal dei Fiori: a total dependency on the external city and courtyard. Built loosely following modernist criteria not much in exchange. these segments of the city do not really give anything back: predominantly of residential use, open-air spaces in these blocks are inaccessible to strangers.

Map 9 70’s 80’s developments i n n a ng I o el g n A ia v v ia Lo re io nteg gio icc at m ri P a vi

v ia G iamb e llino

o a i i n z n ra a i i d m T o o a z a ls z i e a v G i i p e d o g l.


62 Image 20, 21: 70’s 80’s developments

63 Developments from the 1990s and early 2000s These new, large blocks are not the only examples of development one can find walking through In the best cases, this stage of almost-new urban Giambellino: many other, smaller examples development is large-scale with semi-public space are inserted in the historical structure of the provision, usually available only during daytime. neighbourhood, sometimes matching with it Nonetheless, looking at their morphological but usually clashing with it. However, these characteristics, seen as possible occasion of urban developments let us understand that experimentation, those buildings have the usual changes started to occur over the last 20 years in tower-row shapes and trivial aesthetics. Four tower Giambellino. The new tertiary buildings constituting blocks, all for housing, can be counted surrounding a new attitude towards this part of the city confirm this. NIL 49, covering a surface of 58,432m2.

Map 10 90’s 2000’s developments 90’s 2000’s developments

i n n a ng I o el g n A ia v v ia Lo re io nteg gio icc at m ri P a vi

v ia G iamb e llino

o a i i n z n ra a i i d m T o o a z a ls z i e a v G i i p e d o g l.


64 Image 22: 90’s 2000’s developments 65 Images 23, 24: 90’s 2000’s developments

6666 6767 The Decayed Village years, of the social housing unit “that has In this fragmented and uncertain evolving seen in the last years (in the surroundings) urban environment, the location of ALER important urban transformations either quarter Lorenteggio is geographically residential, commercial and infrastructural” central, representing another “village” (2015, p. 5). Therefore, this unbalance can inside this archipelago. Two official be detached also in the juxtaposition social documents, one from the municipality housing unit with the “rest of the district” calling for projects to renovate and and this contributes to further isolate the regenerate the social housing unit and environment. From a social point of view, the other being the new Masterplan for the document points out how this decay the restoration of the island, are our main and overall abandonment is marked by sources of data. difficult inter-generational and inter-cultural Lorenteggio includes 2677 apartments, relations. Among the most worrying factors, 2450 of which are owned by ALER, the the vulnerability of the population must regional agency for social housing. A be highlighted: out of 6000 people, 40% small percentage is owned by private are over 65; a majority of these are lonely; owners (227). The general description by and one third of resident families are under the municipality of both the structural and the poverty line. The major themes of the social situation of the neighbourhood is project can be described as aiming to explicitly negative: “highly environmentally enhance the regeneration of this space in and socially decayed” (2010, p. 2). several key ways: Moreover, the high density of the environment (135000m2 for 670000m3) - integrated regeneration of the ERP is not provided with sufficient services quarter for the number of inhabitants. This state - collaboration with on-going initiatives by of degradation is reflected by the high the municipality (and/or other social bodies) number of empty dwellings (716), almost for the promotion of unused spaces at the half of which are illegally occupied (320). ground floor Translated into practical terms, this - tackle the isolation and ghettoization unbalanced situation is marked by a of the ERP quarter in contrast with the quantitative and qualitative lack of space territorial context next to it for integration and living support. The absence of the public city is Leaving a description of the Masterplan exacerbated by the evident state of to the fifth chapter, the competition call decadence, characterizing the last twenty launched by the Public Actor can be read 68 as willingness by the Municipality to give A Tale from the Social Housing Compound: resources and foster the networking of Rosalba’s Story several energies already present in the Rosalba arrived in Giambellino 15 years area. In fact, Giambellino Lorenteggio is ago. She is a worker at the Vodafone in the middle of an environment where Village and has lived in the social housing different associations are active with the compound since 2009. Her experience purpose of improving living conditions in in Giambellino can be separated into the neglected area. This document can two periods. During the first years she be seen to pave the way for a change of lived in private housing, and during the approach by the Municipality towards a second she moved in the social housing willingness to discover and systematize compound. Speaking with me she directly processes and actions that could be gives a description of her experience in her more effective if structurally supported own courtyard, that is, an independently by the public body. Not surprisingly, the managed courtyard in the social housing public call was followed by another tender compound. notice for the allocation of a space in Having a voice within the organization the public gardens at via Odazio called of the internal garden is particularly Casetta Verde. The condition to obtain important for Rosalba in two particular the space, for seven years, was to make ways. Firstly, thanks to the initiation of remunerative activities by a non-profit the self-management scheme, the space organization, which would pay reduced has dramatically changed. For example, rent to the municipality. Of course, this is a fence to protect the garden from another example of active participation having cars parked in it and preventing by the municipal administration to strangers entering was put up, and the involve associations in the area and draw concierge service was re-established by attention to the social housing located the inhabitants of the building: “before just 200 metres from Casetta Verde. As the fence was put up, the internal we will see, the space is being used by courtyard was used as a parking area a network of associations, exploiting it and the condition of the green space was in order to organize their activities in the miserable”. Self-management is carried neighbourhood. out by 6 volunteers and replaces a service that should be provided by ALER. The regional agency provides money every three years for contracts and various expenses. Rosalba is one of the volunteers 69 Map 11

Giambellino Lorenteggio Social Housing Compound

i n n a Ing o el g n A ia v

via Lore nt io eg cc gio ti a m ri P ia v v ia G iam be llino

o a i i n z n ra i da m Ti o o a z a ls z i e v G ia i p e d o g l.


70 Image 25: Social Housing Courtyard 71 Images 26, 27: Social Hosuing Environment

72 7373 for managing the services needed for the afraid any more. I think one has really to maintenance of the building and services. live some situations”. From participation in Secondly, with this experience Rosalba the neighbourhood workshop she started was not only able to have voice on to be a long-term activist in Casetta issues regarding the communal space, Verde. Among the various activities she but could also build better relations with organizes with another activist in the area, other inhabitants in the social housing the summer open air projection “Scendi compound. In fact, her experience in c’è il Cinema” will be discussed in the third Giambellino is marked by a strong change chapter. in her perception of the neighbourhood at the time of her entrance in the social Associative Life Around the Village housing compound. Although she remains Informed by Rosalba’s tale, it is possible to aware of the bad reputation of this place, understand the importance of associative as soon as she got a public apartment life for people in the quarter. Therefore it she became involved in the social and is worth giving consideration to various associative life of the entire quarter. The active social realities in the area in order to self management scheme opened the have an idea of this eclectic, hidden world door for this: “when I was living the private animating every day life for people., This apartment and I was renting it, not far analysis starting with exploratory aims have from here, to be honest with you I did not to be selective at the end. The same aim know the quarter so well and I did not of this essay suggests that we should look know its sparkling environment. I started at active citizenship that tries to overcome to properly know it only when I moved into the above-mentioned shortcomings of the the social housing quarter: I started to get NIL 49 in general, and of the social housing in touch with all the associations, I started compound in particular. From this list of to be associated with Casetta Verde, the associations we will then be able to select neighbourhood workshop, Dynamoscopio”. those that serve our interests of analysis: Even more interesting is the change in the building of a critical mass on social her attitude towards Giambellino: “when housing whereas easing the daily life of I was living in the private apartment I was people living in Giambellino. always really afraid, now that I live here (in the social housing compound), which should be a more dangerous place as the general belief goes, actually I have learned how to know the “other” and I am not 74 Name Location Year of Activities Legal status establishment

Le Radici e le Ali Via Giambellino 2006 Providing free Association 150 courses for immi- grants; integration activities

Cultural Associa- Via Inganni 12 2007 Educational sup- Association tion Vasilij Gross- port for families; man cultural activities

Samarcanda Italian Via Odazio 7 n.f. Providing free Association school for foreign- courses for immi- ers grants; integration activities

Comunità del Gi- Via Gentile Bellini 6 1979 Assistance for drug Social Co-opera- ambellino addicts; social tive housing services; after-school sup- port and activities; street education

Cormuse Viale Legioni 2013 Inter-cultural in- Non-Profit Organi- Romane 54 tegration through zation choir activities and performance

75 Name Location Year of Activities Legal status establishment Assistance to Gruppo Jonathan via Tito Vignoli 35 1989 young adults and disabled people with recreational Association and working activi- ties Youth support and Comunità Nuova via F. Gonin 8 1973 street education; services for fami- lies and under-age people in need; ONLUS assistance for drug addicts; social inclusion activities for immigrants; social housing services

Cooperativa So- via delle Primule 5 1996 Health and social ciale Cascina services; educa- Bianca tion, recreational Social Co-opera- and aggregative tive activities

Associazione largo Antonio Bal- 1988 Assistance and Handicap su la estra 1 activities for handi- testa capped adults and ONLUS children

GiambellItaly via Gentile Bellini 6 2005 Providing free Association study space in the area on Sundays

76 Name Location Year of Activities Legal status establishment Organizing activi- Azione Solidale via gabetti 15 1993 ties for the social Onlus inclusion of the most vulnerable ONLUS parts of the popu- lation

Seneca Onlus piazza Napoli 24 1998 Services and home assistance to elderly people in ONLUS need

Services to the Cooperativa so- via Gorki 5 1993 under-age and ciale Spazio Aperto families in dif- Servizi ficulty; at-home Social Co-opera- services for adults tive in need

77 Notes from the chapter services to dwelling is strongly felt because of the presence of many people at risk of social exclusion. This analysis provides a better understanding of The situation has become unsustainable in particular Giambellino’s daily-life, problems and struggles. for more vulnerable inhabitants, i.e. families, elderly, Moreover, we have seen that the context in which and disabled people. Social and material structures the neighbourhood is located, Milan’s urban envi- have followed a parallel path of decay. ronment, is facing great changes in terms of scale However, changes are happening within our and structure. Overall, we can say that the various decayed village, and we have tried to describe this issues we have encountered in this analysis con- as the new shape of the city which is making space stitute the groundwork for a demand for a better within the ruins of the previous productive activities: quality of life. new tertiary and residential buildings are taking over The entire neighbourhood is characterised by this urban reality. This has likely been fuelled by the different dynamics that can be defined as divisive future-arrival of the new underground. An additional and that fragment the social reality and urban mass transportation system has raised the attention environment. To be sure, the presence of such of developers and builders. Nevertheless, together variation in living situation is not accompanied by an with this worrying change in urban structure equal inclusive and mixed neighbourhood life. We there are signs of a lively associative life in the can see this in the division of pupils inside Narcisi neighbourhood: Rosalba tells us that, paradoxically, school. The bad reputation of the area infiltrates her life improved when she moved into the social many levels of life in the quarter: the communal housing compound. space of children inside schools; the neglect of the Despite its bad reputation, her story indicates social housing compound in Giambellino; and with that this reality has potential: multiple possibilities the various spatial dynamics that we described of how to inhabit the space are hidden under the using the village imagery. decayed outward appearance of the buildings. In This poor situation has been exacerbated by a order to assess Giambellino’s associative life more lack of municipal attention given to the area, proven broadly, and to make a selection of appropriate by the absence of urban and social policies. There Actors for our research, we have carried a review is an Institutional lapse of memory affecting the of associations, active groups and social activities neighbourhood, which faces large-scale population from across the neighbourhood. The next chapter change with the arrival of new populations and the will focus on two of them. disappearing of older inhabitants. Giambellino’s environment has been affected unevenly. The exclusion from active policies worsen, in particular, conditions within the social housing compound where the absence of structural restructuring and 78 additional notes

79 third chapter DESCRIBING A CONFLICT

Actors Actions and Chronicle of the events in Giambellino

80 81 What are we requesting to the Actors to be suitable for our description? Or, in other terms, what makes an Actor, primarily operating on social issues and as a social entrepreneur, a conflicting Actor? Although the answer is not clear-cut we have some ideas from chapter one’s discussion. Firstly, they should be capable of practical intervention regarding day-to-day life of the neighbourhood. Furthermore, will expect from the Actors to own the above mentioned “political ability” to raise voice acting as intermediaries – necessary condition for an Actor to move political claims in a conflictual context. More precisely the same social objectives, pursued by grass roots agents on the territory, can be seen as the glue between them and the inhabitants. This glue is made of a series of actions allowing us to point out their “routine sowing” eventually oriented towards claiming structuring. Consequently, we should value the development of a basic claiming platform through which they build a demand, gather consensus among the population, and engage in the attempt to propose answers through participatory processes. These efforts are done not only to prepare the ground for future claiming, but also to trigger resources mobilization. Identity-building processes and information acquirement, are at the centre of these efforts together with the expansion and consolidation of the solidarity network. In fact, the level of a social solidarity network should facilitate the group to pass from a mere aggregation of people to a community engaged in obtaining something. We will see how people involved in tackling the many social and urban problems of the neighbourhood are trying to “capitalize” these grass-roots local-based energies into bottom-up requests. Explained in more simple terms, we are engaged in finding agents that are both able to say “no”, to threatening urban evolutions, whereas being able to say “instead we could...”. That means to propose an alternative view of both practical/short-term arrangements and general/long-term visions. Secondly, from an ethnographic point of view, it is not difficult to understand that, to become real, the passage from habitat to inhabited place, many little steps have to be implemented. We will see what the joined forces of some associations have produced in terms of structural and daily life changes. It does not surprise if, beside many imperceptible relational changes as the one explained by Rodalba, physical changes have also taken place. The re-use of two dilapidated, and partly abandoned, buildings was taken as a pretest and exploited to give start to neighbourhood experimentations. The social action is therefore followed by a concrete and visible renewal, although on little portions of space. In the second case study, for example, the opportunity not only for social forces to emerge has been created, but also for economic activities to develop and re-appropriate a former vital and identitarian place for the very local economy (short-term changing). Finally, we will go through the claiming results of these “seed-by-seed” little actions to discover what have been their effects in terms of network expansion and reinforcement and the consequent influence on the public Actors’ projectile intentions upon the social housing compound (long-term proposal). We are not presuming to establish a directly observable cause-effect explanation, nonetheless we will highlight the points of contact suggesting why and how things have happened. But let’s proceed in order and let’s see the result of the public call we have described in the second chapter. 82 3.1. The Peasants of dwelling issues. Moreover, we may read Neighbourhood Habitability, these daily operations as attempts by Identity and Appropriation activists to tackle the disenfranchisement of the local population towards the place Actors and Actions they live: enhancing cooperation and Casetta Verde and Dyanamoscopio have solidarity among the inhabitants. Here been chosen among the multitude of we are juxtaposing in ethnographic terms Actors listed in the second chapter. The the habitat against the inhabiting, threat basic motivation for this choice is provided of exclusion and claim for inclusion in a by the same aim of this Actors and also by certain space, the intersection between their approach to the territory. Engaging social and material structures in a dynamic people in activities going beyond their way. In a conflict analysis perspective, daily needs is the purpose of these two instead, we are trying to understand the associations. The aim is, on the one hand, little steps taken by associations towards to be responsive for a basic but not really neighbourhood solidarity and population expressed and recognised by society need enfranchisement. which is sociability and encounters, and, on the other hand, their more subtle and difficult aim can be defined as the will to engage people into participatory processes in the neighbourhood. This participation oriented attitude is what we value as their role of bridges towards public Institutions. It is therefore interesting to see what tools are used and the actions implemented by the Actors to influence their urban reality. As a participatory observer I have followed a number of different activities inside the neighbourhood carried by Casetta Verde and Dynamoscopio. The description of these activities is important to understand what are the means, objectives and modalities used by this network of associations to address the 83 casetta verde The map of social Actors in the organizing events and scheduling neighbourhood clearly shows the rich the Casetta Verde room to the presence of social activities taking associations in need. Therefore, in place in the territory, witnessed by the order to tackle the social disintegration strong presence of third sector, not- taking place in the contemporary life for-profit and for-profit associations of the neighbourhood, the activities operating on basic social needs. had to be oriented towards social Going back to the municipal call, the cohesion aiming at two goals: mixing few funds given in 2006, according youngsters with old people and to a social operator at Comunità del Italians with immigrants. Secondly, Giambellino, “as leftover from the but no less important, the aim neighbourhood agreement program”, was also to bring Milanese people have been invested to win the above inside the neighbourhood fighting described public call and to manage against Giambellino’s bad reputation what will become the “neighbourhood and isolation at the city level. The laboratory” in 2009. The building was “association of associations”2 was previously used as the head quarter engaged in a program oriented to of the local Associazione Nazionale reach those purposes, their efforts Alpini and was left abandoned (Map have been devolved to network- 12). The idea was to give it back to the building with other agents at both the community by gathering the forces local and municipal level. of several associations operating in Furthermore, the associations were the area on different social fields. The active in working continuously to attempt developed by a series of social gather resources and then invest operators was aimed to involve the them into neighbourhood activities. population in a more meaningful social Fund-raising, for example, was carried life and community building. out not only by organizing attractive The projectile aims shared by an events for the inhabitants, but also eclectic team of social operators – by reaching bigger Actors to receive from Italian teachers to foreigners and funds: for example Cariplo foundation educators for after-school activities allocated 200,000 Euros to develop to assistants of old people – was to Casetta Verde “social cohesion” have enough energies in order to projects. “give a space” to social activities by 84 Map 12 Casetta Verde

i n n a g In o el g n A ia v v ia Lo ren teg o gio i ticc a rim P ia v v ia G iamb el lino

o a i i n z n ra a i i d m T o o a z a ls z i e a v i i G p e d o g l.


85 dynamoscopio A different, but related, reality can and related memory. They are not only be founded in Dynamoscopio. Active a consequence of the other and vice since 2010 in the neighbourhood, versa, but they are also related in terms Dynamoscopio is constituted by a group of vivid social resources that are coming of researchers describing themselves as from past struggles and social claims. a cultural association treating the city as At the same time, the urban structure its major topic under two points of view: hosting this society is re-valued in its ethnographic research and urban policies. own importance: neither as the mere As Luca, one of the activists, told me: witness of a bright past, nor by merely “working together we have learned that exploiting its contemporary exchange we want to give back signification to the and market value. This really important out of border, peripheral places which point will be discussed in-depth. For now are instead consistently part of the city”. it is important to notice that here we are Really explicitly the theme of housing, describing an Actor engaged in present together with social activities, reached daily life issues, trying to understand a central position in the thinking of this them and gathering local knowledge from group, carried through in collaboration the present and the past. This process with other Actors. The aim of the is invented in order to tackle problems association, according to Luca, is to build on a practical and entrepreneurial level, a collective vision of the future, while referring to its nowadays sense making to giving voice to Giambellino’s needs and strong background and historical themes. trying to realize relevant responses. Among the many actions implemented Therefore, in trying to tackle local issues, I cannot describe for space shortage the group is also able to gather local (Jambellico an event carried in Carnival resources: it is important to highlight festivities for multi-cultural integration and here the strong use of collective memory the production of informative materials for in the process of building responses. reviews) we are now focusing the attention One meaningful point in this “sense on those that fit into our three main topics construction” is directly related to the inhabiting, inclusion and social material social structure of the neighbourhood: that structures. present social life cannot be distinguished and divided by the old social structure 86 Map 13 Dynamoscopio

i n n a g In o el g n A ia v v ia Lo ren teg o gio i ticc a rim P ia v v ia G iamb el lino

o a i i n z n ra a i i d m T o o a z a ls z i e a v i i G p e d o g l.


87 Cultural Productions: “nella tana del drago” As the same authors claim, the text, to and “entroterra Giambellino” be elaborated and produced, had to take Two important pieces of memory-based the form of an “artistic and experimental action in Dynamoscopio are represented research project with anthropological by its cultural production. In 2012, both approach” therefore, becoming acceptable the documentary “entroterra Giambellino” by academic contexts and entering in and the book “nella tana del drago” were scientific languages codification. The published, constituting two explorations of multiplicity and flexibility of skills that the deep social, historical and ethnographic the group had to acquire and prove are processes of the neighbourhood. witnessed by the various efforts to take “Nella tana del Drago” is something this project to an end, a final production. more than just a collection of experiences With the capacity to establish various from past and present inhabitants; rather; forms of collaborations, cited by the same it constitutes the process of searching and introduction with many thanksgiven to meaning definition of the same research collaborators, Dynamoscopio proved an of stories, tells and memories willing to other time its ability to move on a multilevel weaving a network of fine senses and set of realities. Moreover, the direct link imperceptible glances on the world and with Casetta Verde is explicitly mentioned on Giambellino itself. Better than my trivial with these words: “There is a green little explanations are the same words of the house inside via Odazio gardens, hidden text: between the local library and some light-coloured social housing blocks. A “Now, let’s imagine to pose at Giambellino little house looking like a paper-made judgement the first question: if we cannot prefab container that, instead, resisted in chase the people through the places they Giambellino for several years” (2012, p. 15; cross, would it be possible chasing the translation mine). This connection tells us places through the persons who inhabit that the cooperation between the relatively them? How? Exploring Imaginaries recent group of researchers and the association of associations was established Let’s also pose to Giambellino judgement reaching a stronger power of resource the second question: how to constitute our mobilization. selves so to gather forces amplifying the The text itself is an incredible chance to go towards where we would like source of information and fine reading of to go? Imagining Explorations” neighbourhood reality and will therefore be (2012, p. 14; translation mine) used to reconstruct Giambellino’s history in 88 the next chapter. exploration gave vital information to the “Entroterra Giambellino” is a documentary group, allowing them to have a deeper aimed at describing the life of people understanding processes characterizing inside the quarter, the imaginaries around this “city into the city” dynamics. it, and the various environments within. In this document the theme of dwelling the public, semi-public and private spaces on the one hand and, on the other, the issue represented by the (political) identity of a local reality come to the fore. Furthermore, the strong importance given to memory and its creative possibilities are stressed and valued as the cornerstone of a re-interpretation of the present and the foundation to build a better future. As the same group claims in the written introduction to the documentary:

“if it is true, as Jacques Deridda claims, that the human psyche often adopts analogies to those belonging to the Archive in the perception and building of memory (selection-conservation-censure-verdict) it is necessary to begin with this limit of the memory’s conceptual and physical threshold, trying to imagine it as a space” (2012; translation mine)

Old and new inhabitants, the related identity question, the issue of inner- neighbourhood environments and the rest of the city, and the housing/dwelling problematic, including its changes over time, are explored thanks to the voice of people facing them in their daily life. This 89 90 91 Notes from the chapter population animating it were able to give it a soul, called DRAGO, that remains until today. All in all, these various social actions, fuelled by the associa- This chapter constitutes the core of this research, tions, have promoted and allowed for a political it tells us that the opposition to the disruptive plan voice in the discussion and decision-making con- did not arise without grass-roots motivation and in cerning Giambellino’s future. In Aalbers words, the a neutral environment. The Actors have been active social space makers were, and are, enough con- in trying to realize all the various concepts we are scious of their role in opposing the abstract space testing from the beginning of this thesis. This is not maker. Although the many voices heard in this only just the two Actors we have described, but a research imply an intentionality in Giambellino’s de- multifaced reality of Actors. One network that has cay, this thesis is not able (and maybe did not ever been able to deliver successful action is DRAGO, want) to demonstrate such an obscure plan. with their presence and activity in the territory suc- In our view, the evidence gathered so far cessful in a number of ways. identifies that the Actors supported by the local Firstly, it allowed inhabitants to maintain society were good enough to oppose, critique, and spaces for their activities, trying to match the routine collaborate with power in a constructive way. This ones to those definable as extraordinary, crea- theme of analysis will be central in the next chap- tive, and pro-active. Despite the strong changes in ter, though now it is important to merely highlight Giambellino’s social and material structure during that urban disenfranchisement was avoided and in time, the neighbourhood was able to keep a de- fact triggered enfranchisement instead. Moreover, gree of human, uncertain, and provocative attitude. Actors were able to avoid the typical representa- The arrival of new populations, the turnover of past tive role in any conflictual question. The episode at inhabitants, and the sad abandonment have been the opening of Mercato Lorenteggio is particularly confronted with a strong degree of creativity. The meaningful in this sense: the inhabitants were there exclusion is tackled in the many layers of reality: “facing” Institutions at the same level. The lower not only avoiding the ghettoisation of the social threshold allowed by Dynamoscopio, although lim- housing compound, but also trying to overcome ited in time, can be seen as the major political point the bad reputation of the neighbourhood in the city in this research on conflictual relations. Furthermore, through interesting activities. The inclusion can be thanks to Vitale, the political openness of key mu- detected in the same salvation of the social housing nicipal figures has to be taken into account when we compound. In fact, we have shown that an area that deal with Actors mobilizing to raise urban questions improves habitability and increased urban quality and problems and with the opportunity for them to can host the most disadvantaged part of the popu- be heard. From this final point we can go beyond lation. Inclusion can be also detected in the same stating that instead of an urban renewal plan an claiming for the rights of refugees and thanks to the urban regeneration plan is in place. Although hard activities of trying to integrate different parts of the to prove in scientific and factual terms, this result is population. surely inserted in a social and political environment Inhabiting is the aim of their plans: making that has allowed for this outcome. people understand that they can do something based on their own reality, whether it be improve- ment and modification, or fighting for the right to have a place to stay. Built as a habitat, the social housing compound, as we will see in the next chap- ter, has never fully been an unmodifiable place. The 92 additional notes


Traces from the History of an Unconventional Neighbourhood

94 9595 This fourth chapter will be devoted to the historical memoir of Giambellino, tracing the lines of its cultural background. It is important not only to carry out such a documentation with “archive aims”, but it is also central to understand the roots and the invisible heritage of a past that have contributed to the evolutions we have seen in the previous chapters. To clarify, the documenting and analysing undertaken for this essay has so far provided quite a substantial amount of information on the recent conflictual event in Giambellino. None- theless, we have looked back on a short time period of chronicles and technical analysis. It was important to see what have been the facts per se. We had to look at the contemporary mechanisms of this peculiar urban conflict through the lenses of an ethnographer and ana- lyse them with an Actor oriented perspective. So far, Giambellino has been treated as a neutral stage on which Actors have interacted with each other autonomously and with their own peculiar reasons. The elements describing the environment have been listed, the various Actors have been described, the social and structural reality enquired into. Nonetheless, something is missing in this “present- focused” way of looking at reality: although it might represent the core of contemporary developments, it does not say anything about the neighbourhood spirit: Giambellino in se. Following Galimberti, an Italian philosopher, we will not be so naive to think there is one defined Giambellino in se; as he affirms during a talk in 2012 “things do not have a meaning in se, instead they have a meaning produced by the cultural world which generate those meanings”. This point of view will lead us through Giambellino’s historical events. What do we mean by neighbourhood spirit? It is clearly neither metaphysical or invented, nor does it have anything to do with the fantastic and idealistic, attitudes toward reality! Instead, the spirit we are looking for is related to the waves of a complex past which constitute a further, hidden, milueu for social and political activism. Giambellino’s spirit comes from all the footages left in its urban environment by past human actions that still resound today. Put in academic terms: we are searching for the culture of the neighbourhood that has had to be interpreted by the Actors to build aspirations and visions of the future. We will take our cue from two cultural productions by Dynamoscopio, as well as comment- ing on historical pictures and drawing inspiration from artistic descriptions. Dynamoscopio’s production: “nella tana del drago” will be central in this analysis as it will allow us to go further into the interpretation of reality. What are we looking for? Traces, small signs from the past, glances and voices of people who can tell us stories of insurgent claims from unexpected times. As Tracy Chapman would put it “our bright future is in our past”. We will look at a history made of struggles, efforts, and errors that have lead to the present positive attitude to take risks to oppose threatening urban plans, an attitude that can state “instead we could...”. The past is thus at the service of future possibilities and it should therefore be analysed by this research in its cultural terms, as a glue for contemporary community life, 96 4.1. A Photographic Description of At the edge between the city and the the Past countryside it struggled with the agricultural past, the waves of bigger social, economic and political developments and the The first glimpse into Giambellino’s uncertainty of the future. We therefore need memory is seen through a series of pictures to know more about the past life of this depicting it at the end of the Second neighbourhood: the common history must World War and through the 50’s 60’s and come to the fore in order to understand the 70’s. Those pictures, provided by Casetta present collective conflicting efforts. Verde and Dynamoscopio, combined with interviews gathered in “Progetto Memoria Giambellino” and the book “Nella Tana del Drago”, are fundamental documents in the reconstruction of the neighbourhood’s environment during those years. By linking the different sources, we will be able to witnesses Giambellino’s spirit at that time. Its story is a composite of resistance, community life and political activism, alongside “malavita” businesses, new immigrants settling in barracks, and huge industrial plants with thousands of blue collars. All these elements give a picture of a multi-faceted periphery, hosting a wide set of realities and individual stories that are intertwined with historical events and political mass movements. The far order of the late industrialization and successive de-industrialization processes is therefore meeting with the near order of a modifying neighbourhood created through overcoming urbanization and individual stories. The neighbourhood had to confront all the drawbacks and advantages of its detached environment. 97 War Resistance and its Legacy for the partisan of the Brigata Garibaldi. Not only did she Neighbourhood refuse to denounce any of the group’s activities that was causing many problems to the so called “Salò Republic”, but she also collaborated in carrying According to the book “From Milan to Barona. weapons to San Cristoforo station11. Stories, Places and People of these Lands”, after This resistance was central in the formation the armistice between the Italian Government and of Giambellino’s identity, it became a strong the Allies on the 8th of September 1943, several foundational stone in its heritage and future groups around Milan began an uncoordinated attack developments. One witness of this important against the Nazis and Fascists until February 1944. protection service is Marco, an old resident of During this period, the 113th Brigata Garibaldi was Giambellino, who states that after the armistice created in order to unite the various cells operating many cellars and basements hosted partisans in the area. In an interview released for the “Progetto and deserters. This informal pact will have great Memoria Giambellino”(Memory Project Giambellino), consequences for the neighbourhood as we will see an elderly inhabitant named Paola, 84 years old, in the following paragraphs: the partisans would not remembers her capture and interrogation by Fascists seeking information about her husband, a forget Giambellino’s protection.

98 99 The industrial past and workers

afternoon. Suddenly everywhere became silent After the Second World War, since it was an as a huge demonstration of thousands of workers industrial neighbourhood of Milan, many blue took to the streets. The demonstrators started to collars sprung up in Giambellino. Paola remembers whistle to get the inhabitants to participate in the the inhabitants’ high propensity to demonstrate march. The various factories around Giambellino and strike in the 50’s and 60’s. The marches, such populated its residential buildings with working as the one done barefoot to welcome refugees, class families. There you could find a strong class- started from the periphery and arrived at the centre. based identity with a common vocabulary, a shared Luciano, another former inhabitant of the area, has a vision of reality, and the will to struggle for a better childhood memory of a warm and sunny summer life condition12.

100 101 102 103 Political activism and riot groups Dalmine) there were some really political oriented ones, such as the Ferrotubi, in which almost all Renata, a former political activist in the “Lotta the workers had joined the Partito Comunista Continua” riot group, lived in the neighbourhood Italiano (PCI). Ferrotubi’s blue collars were the in the 70’s and 80’s. Starting her political activism exceptionally hostile towards students who had at the age of 17, Renata describes Giambellino’s also joined the party, revealing an ancient rivalry political situation and associative life as truly between the various Italian left wing movements sparkling and active: a strong working class and the Institutional communist party. Nonetheless, neighbourhood where the activists, from different according to Renata’s report “Giambellino was a left wing communist groups, were engaged within favourable place for a certain anti-system fighting the worker community to gather consent among the spirit” (2012, p. 115). If someone had seen activists population. Amongst the various factories around writing on the walls, they wouldn’t have denounced the neighbourhood (Osram, Loro Parisini, Ponteggio them to the police.

104 105 106 107 Relations towards public and semi- public spaces construction of buildings. They resisted for some weeks and organised political assemblies and other such initiatives” (2012, p. 121). The construction Renata also tells us about an episode concerning company owner gave up on the development the relationship between the locals and the public project and after some years only half the field space, affirming that what we have seen in this was sold. Within the contract for the construction research has been long rooted in the past. In 1976 of these new buildings, the municipality inserted an abandoned field situated in via Bavona, originally compulsory terms for the provision of a public destined to become a little park, was then to be park, an achievement which the neighbourhood converted into luxury buildings. There was of course still enjoys to this day. It is particularly important resistance to this plan: “a comrade, Maurizio C., to highlight that Renata emphasised the cognitive living in that street, decided to squat the field with terms of this experience by both parties: the other fellows. They set up tents and slept over there. activists learnt how to realize in concrete terms They organised propaganda in the neighbourhood their thoughts; Giambellino’s locals understood the and collected signatures to counter the plan for the importance of being involved in a spatial protest.

108 109 110 111 4.2. Places from Giambellino’s Moreover, we will give voice to the people Identity who have seen these locations in their hey-day and can describe them in the most The human landscape depicted up to meaningful way. Framed in this manner, this point moved within a florid social some places have been the centres, nodes, environment. In the words of Marco of a relational network constituting the Philopat, editor of “Nella tana del Drago”, historical fabric and identity of Giambellino: the social fabric allowing this kind of to gain an insight into it we must make an dynamic was originally composed of effort to match stories with spaces. Only different waves of immigrants: the so called this link will give us a clear picture of the bifolchi. These included peasants moving daily life of that time. To do that we will to fertile lands in search of better life unpack the interviews collected in the condition, enforced repatriates from foreign book “Nella Tana del Drago” in order to colonies or countries hostile to , reconstruct the memory of places. Places and the post-war working class established of encounter, war, and reunion; spaces that in Giambellino because of the number of have been the theatre to people of different factories. This multi layered and eclectic social realities, and who had to share each society lived in social housing and was able other’s space with their different practices. to animate a vibrant social activity. This mixture “was crucial for the formation of Piazza Tirana and La Bersagliera an attitudinal anomaly among Giambellino According to Antonio, former PCI activist inhabitants” (2012, pp 23, 24). and worker at the former communist We have seen how each of the various newspaper “l’Unità”, in his childhood stories told by those interviewed have Piazza Tirana and La Bersagliera were had their roots, their “stage”, in various friendly places used for a wide range of locations around Giambellino: each action, activities. He remembers how just in front be it individually or collectively made, of Bersagliera restaurant, when his father needs a place. The places of Giambellino forgot the car keys inside, a guy swiftly are therefore worth describing because helped them open the car’s door with a they are witnesses of what happened and special trick. Alongside these kinds of are the legacy left by the people’s culture. characters, activists from the various left- In some senses they were the product of wing movements were gathering at the that time. We are looking for the spirit of Bersagliera and at the Cooperative (another the neighbourhood and these places reveal nearby gathering place). Renata, recalling more of its multi-faceted composition. the times of her adolescence, affirms 112 how “in the early 70’s (Bersagliera) was The manifestation of the criticality of this a landmark, one could go there without meeting point of political and illegal social any problem and feel good. You could life had, at times, a dark side. When a meet with other comrades and chat and group of young immigrants from southern argue about any topic” (2012, p.114). She for example, unaware of the risks, also said how even places dedicated to cheated the “ligera” by stealing a large the elderly, such as the social centre in amount of money, one was found burnt via Odazio, were used as meeting places in a car at Idroscalo Park while the other by the young and were great fulcrums for two disappeared forever. The social fabric intergenerational relations. is therefore not an easily defined “object”, Side-by-side to this political the tactics of coexistence sometimes were combative soul, many interviewees successful while others could fail with testify to another society: an underworld terrible consequences. The environment of dominated by the “ligera”, the organized the neighbourhood was “particular, there crime cell, that had its gambling were subjects involving both legal and headquarters just in Piazza Tirana. Here illegal affairs with the same ease” (2012, p. we see, for the first time in this memory 114). There is a question of balance in this enquiry, the incredible proximity, in spatial dynamic. As long as Giambellino’s different and metaphorical terms, of these different souls were able to coexist together they worlds. They had to coexist together, to could gain strength from the other. The share a space. Moreover, using once again neighbourhood provided the right space Renata’s memories, Piazza Tirana was and cover to carry out a desperate number used as a political assembly by the Brigate of activities that were neither matching nor Rosse (BR) activists. They were known by contrasting: their same relations was the the entire neighbourhood and everybody balance. could meet them on the streets or where they lived. That part of Giambellino is Municipal Market and the Public Library defined by Renata as a “freed space”, a Two venues that reveal the past dynamics freedom made evident by the possibility as well as gathering particular importance to gather and organize against power both in the present day efforts of conflictual legally and illegally. mobilization, are the Public Library and the Far from supporting this kind of Municipal Market. Those two apparently social composition, it should be noted how standard functions of the neighbourhood the attitude towards power contrasted were used in a very unconventional sense and conflicted even in its spatial terms. when hosting fervid political and social 113 activities. and all the valuables were hidden. When Renata started her military life the official arrived there was nothing to participating in reunions held in the library be taken” (2012, p.215). What this albeit located in via Odazio. Here the different irregular community network teaches us generations of Giambellino could meet to can be described as the diffused sensation discuss general or local issues. Students that “the power”, represented by the police, were therefore socializing with those had to be overlooked, cheated and fought already active in a place usually used for with through collaboration. studying and reading, this crossroads Once again, however, we must of purpose within the library helped the study the fine line dividing legal actions students become engaged. Meetings and illegal habits. At times these two between comrades and students are attitudes towards power aligned within also remembered by Antonio; he usually the neighbourhood. The above example participated in the organizational reunions highlights how an irregular practice was and then invited the participants at justified and accepted as an instrument to his place to have dinner together. The guarantee everybody’s “well-being”. A local Municipal Market in via Odazio was also (near) power, of uncertain definition, against the scene of an unusual gathering of a general (far) power: a local order trying people. The more combative women used to be as strong as, or at least confront, it as their meeting point, whilst still going the unknown order through various there to shop and share their concerns empowering instruments, practices, and about various local events. Groceries and habits. politics, studying and activist meetings: this way of living common spaces suggests the Convitto Scuola della Rinascita presence of an active participation of the The lengthy interview with Angela Persice, everyday life that was entering into normal President of Istituto Pedagogico della activities. Resistenza, constitutes a fundamental Another important practice within key to understanding this important the Giambellino community was the “anti- place. She describes how the resistance eviction” service operated by elderly played yet another role in Giambellino’s people. According to Renata, “the judicial life, although indirectly. In 1944, when the officers in charge of confiscating the debt partisans escaped from the valley of those behind on payment were known to Switzerland in search for asylum, they by the inhabitants, and when one of them did not find a favourable place waiting for came to the area, the tam-tam started them. Quite the reverse, among the various 114 partisan divisions the Brigate Garibaldi, Rinascita school also managed the social considered as a communist group, were tram service, called “Gioconda”, for funeral forcibly imprisoned and guarded. services catering to the poorest. Moreover, This situation catalysed the various the school organized sport activities groups, all forced together in the same dedicated to the entire neighbourhood as place, to jointly start planning post-war entrainment activities for everyone. actions. Most notably it was the 10th According to Angela, “the school, Brigata Garibaldi, comprised of students between 1970 and 1975, developed itself and professors, who questioned how in other fields beside scholastic activity knowledge was to be transferred, and and contributed in creating the sector that realized how important education was as nowadays is defined as social cohesion. the first post-war step. In 1948 the first The idea was that citizen rights derive school was established in , however from the awareness of the place in which various events forced it to relocate (via someone lives and works. In this sense Padova, via Zeccha vecchia). In 1955 the a series of initiatives were promoted to school was finally moved to via Giambellino allow people to become full citizens” 115 in a former train coach factory, Tallero, (2012, p. 68 Translation and Italics mine). which was half destroyed by bombs. The Although financed by public investments, students themselves therefore had to the Convitto Scuola della Rinascita was re-design and reconstruct the building. recognized as a formal public school only The school was dedicated to Amleto Livi, in 1974. In the same period the school had a young partisan who had died just 10 to move again because the Confederazione years earlier at the age of 16. From its Generale Italiana del Lavoro (CGIL) inception the school was just for partisans obtained the building in via Giambellino in need but during the 50’s, the decision 115. was taken to open up the lessons to non- The constructive Socialist partisans. Some of the school’s activities administration led by , a former distinguished it from other educational partisan in Ossola valley, understood the Institutions. Firstly, its weak Institutional school’s need for a proper space and so character was reflected in the quite open financed the construction of a new building degree of independent activities carried in via Rosalba Carrera: the institute was out alongside its educational role. Its social finally named a middle school and called canteen, for example, was open to the “Rinascita - Amleto Livi”. An additional most disadvantaged as well as the normal symbolic and substantial presence within workers around the neighbourhood. The the school was formed by the Istituto 115 Pedagogico della Resistenza, founded in 1975 by all the supporters of the school: teachers, students, and citizens. From the start, the school adopted democratic practices such as student assemblies during class hours, where they would elect student representative and discuss the claims and proposals to bring to the teachers and parents. Furthermore, in face of a ministerial restriction on the number of pupils enrolled in the school, they had to develop a democratic way of selecting their students. Three of the many criteria adopted were: the complete openness to handicapped people; the complete parity of female and male enrolment; and most importantly the “protected share” of children coming from social housing and migrant families. This school is still active and is the beating heart of the area. Many social practices probably started in this place; in metaphorical terms Amleto Livi school was the home of a social and human spirit that is still present in Giambellino.

116 4.3 DRAGO in Giambellino dominating the wild nature, the other committing terrible assassins in desolate Gaber’s Character landscapes. Two legendary figures. Gaber, Resuming what we have seen in the however, wanted simply to report the story previous chapter, the same name DRAGO, of a character living in Milan, a Milanese given to the conflicting Actors opposing story in its essence and dimensions: the demolition of the Lorenteggio social extraordinary adventures are not available. housing compound, was not conjured Nonetheless, a peaceful life is a struggle to out of the blue. It is related to a memory, find for Cerruti Gino. As the artist explains a song by Gaber, which have given a before singing, the location has been meaning, starting a fil rouge that now chosen, it is not anywhere in Milan, the connects a particular past with a famous song is about a man “staying in Milan at present. It is not a connection that can be Giambellino”, it is in this peculiar context defined in scientific terms, it cannot be that the events take shape. proved with data and statistics, yet it can be perceived by the current inhabitants. If vent’anni biondo mai una lira not, then how would we still understand per non passare guai why the conflictual Actors were called fiutava intorno che aria tira “DRAGO”. Here it comes down to the role e non sgobbava mai of art to create figures, characters, and to give imaginary shapes to the facts of twenty years old, always broke an otherwise imperceptible reality. The in order to avoid troubles title of the book “Nella Tana del Drago” was looking around to understand the situation was also inspired by this song. Tana, he never worked nest, is intended as a hosting identitarian (…) environment, whilst drago, dragon, una sera in una strada scura represents the “anomaly of a population occhio c’e’ una lambretta able to transform the disadvantages of fingendo di non aver paura urban expansion into the practices and il Cerutti monta in fretta poetry of social inclusion” (2012, p. 25). ma che rogna nera quella sera Gaber’s opening lyrics make a comparison qualcuno vede e chiama between two other ballads, those of Tom veloce arriva la pantera Dooley and David Crocket. These two, both e lo vede la madama from the United States, both underwent incredible adventures; one entering and a night in a dark street 117 look there is a Lambretta mystification of his character, to skip the acting as if he was not afraid easy idolisation we could expect from a Cerutti quickly mounted ballad. but what an unfortunate night! It is not a glorious deed, nor is Somebody sees him and calls the police it positive or negative, it is something quickly arrives the police car done with other basic motives. There is and he is caught by the madama a question of respect, a peculiar kind (...) of respect, witnessed by the sentence “quando parleran del Gino diran che è un tipo duro” (when they will speak about s’e’ beccato un bel tre mesi il Gino Gino, they will say he is a tough guy). ma il giudice è stato buono This recognition does not spring from the gli ha fatto un lungo verborino typical reputation that inspires hopes, è uscito col condono this is not someone who wants to create something for the good of the community three months of jail Gino got and gain respect. Conversely, this search but the judge was pitiful for recognition belongs to a much more he made a long exhortation human necessity of gathering power, to and Gino got out with the remission “make a name”, and to distinguish one (…) self from the collective. Although invented, this character synthesizes issues found Gino is not a positive character and he within the city’s neighbourhood dynamics. does not even want to be considered so. For instance, when a young man in the He is just a young guy neither looking for documentary “Entroterra Giambellino” big recognition, nor trying to settle into describes the difference between the normality. Cerruti is an example of one Tortona Savona district and Giambellino of the many guys found on the periphery he immediately points out that the former of Italian society during the sixties, when is “beautiful and for rich people” while the the economic boom was at its height but latter “sucks”. Nevertheless, still according some were left behind, or else did not want to the young skater, when someone comes to take part in the better life promised. from Giambellino there is a degree of The rising middle class way of life did not respect that has to be paid to him or her. attract them. Moreover, we should read Where does this respect come from? From the illegal deed, described in the song, as the very same as that of the neighbourhood a further intention by Gaber to avoid any that, being seen as dangerous and “out of 118 the norm”, deserves special recognition. for a young boy who wanted ehm... to affirm... his independence, for someone Nella Tana del Drago: Renato who wanted to be a bolster; to make a Vallanzasca long story short: one could easily find Despite the various social and political someone else to scramble with” (2012, activities developed within the p.51). The neighbourhood life he describes neighbourhood, there was clearly another can be defined as one united against the society, one on the edge of legality, ill state’s power. When the police wanted to defined and nebulous, not framed by punish him and his friends for robbery, for the standard work market definitions. example, the shop owners were the first According to Renata, this blurred society to protect him and his friends, although it was “fighting” for left wing ideas and was they who called the police. According class struggles; as she says: “they were to Vallanzasca, the shop owners probably comrades”. We are not here interested in perceived the police as the emissary of the testing the consistency of this affirmation; ancient Austrian invaders. instead it is their individual revolt, as Referring to his experiences in described by Gaber song, that we will Giambellino as a young boy, the necessity focus on. to be recognised was successfully The best way to pass from an accomplished through the games carried imaginary description to a real experience out within the neighbourhood. The carellot of this desire of recognition is to give voice contest, for example, consisted in being to a story resembling Cerruti’s. Drawing dragged by a tram whilst seated on a the social relations in the neighbourhood handmade bicycle: the aim was to be the from a real story will help us grasp what last on the track, despite passing through was Giambellino’s attitude towards power dangerous streets. Or else you could and irregular actions in the aftermath of the also gain respect and power by owning Second World War. Renato Vallanzasca is the most sought after football cards (all a well known Milanese criminal, originally rigorously stolen from the newspapers born in , another Milanese shop). periphery, and was subsequently forcibly These experiences, both innocent moved to Giambellino with his father’s first and on-the-edge , are signs of a wife. His interview, reported in Entroterra childhood lived in an environment offering Giambellino, reveals incredibly in-depth opportunities for identity affirmation. Was aspects of life in Giambellino after the this unique to Giambellino? Yes and no. Second World War. “It was the ideal place On the one hand Vallanzasca’s relation 119 with the neighbourhood was clearly strong as both detached and linked to the city life, and identitarian, performing these actions where singular and collective stories are was somehow affirming: “I’m doing it enriched and, at the same time, suffer by this way because I live in Giambellino this asymmetric relation. therefore you have to pay me respect”. Lastly, Vallanzasca speaks about The visceral attachment to the environment how the waves of immigration grew and is witnessed by the fact that every single became increasingly visible during the 60’s place had a meaning for him. Via Apuli, and 70’s: “Milan was a destination for those Piazza Tirana, Piazza Napoli, Via Odazio, migrating from the south and in Giambellino the creamery, the grocery store, are all there were many migrants”. Children places cited in the interview as theatres for became vital to the integration of these adventure. Those places, and the people new peoples, they were the first agents and animating them, were an integral part of facilitators of meetings and hybridizations Vallanzasca’s life. People and places were between newcomers and locals. “If racism references for protection as well as revolt, was overcome quickly it was because of for the mundane and the extraordinary. In kids, they were the first to fraternize, and so Vallanzasca worlds: “It was, I don’t know, stopped the adults behaving like “children”, it was a neighbourhood life, and it was not and differentiating just because one would bad, it was various and lively” (p. 57). The have come from Puglia or Lombardy key as to why Giambellino, could host this or Trentino. I think that the Milanese identity question is found in the comparison peripheries have been excellent integration that one respondent makes between laboratories, especially Giambellino” (p.58). Giambellino and Via Porpora. The latter was This testimony reveals how, alongside defined as “not a neighbourhood. Let’s say, the desire of identity recognition and a mere street in between Loreto square and affirmation, Giambellino had the capacity Lambrate station” (p. 52). The “corridor” to welcome and host the “stranger”, the status of this street probably weakened its newcomer, regardless of their origins. community life and the relations within it. To do so a strong social background is Other neighbourhoods, however, were also needed: just who knows who he or she is described in the interview as environments can take the challenge and react positively where this identity affirmation and to the arrival of others. We return again to recognition quest thrived. Quarters such as the philosopher Galimberti, who describes , Opera, Baggio, how the “stranger” puts us in a situation (all of them on the periphery of Milan) are of crisis and challenges our identity, just places where individuals perceive their self who knows his or her belonging can tackle 120 the imminent questions of the “others”. this blend of community involvement way This embrace of the other could be one of of life. The fall out once this equilibrium the driving factors of the barefoot march was broken, however, was harsh and engaged in by local associations and unpredictable. Giambellino’s propensity, supported by the rest of the inhabitants. as the various tales have shown, to This question of recognition could be host restless movements and counter- considered as the individual’s actualization movements probably started to be waved of the inclusion\exclusion question: if the when the first violent extreme left wing overall city excludes me and my identity I infiltrated the neighbourhood. As Nella tana need to engage in the building of a name; del drago’s editor Marco Philopat explains: regardless of the positive or negative “the contrasts between students and actions this will lead to. workers were stark, however convergences sprang up on the most radical points which 4.4. The 80’s and political lead to the birth of the first Brigate Rosse drawbacks historical cell”. At that time the social and Birth and Rise of the Brigate Rosse associative life was undeniably at its The complexity of Giambellino is interesting peak: “the various political headquarters, since its description reveals a blurred and the numerous secular and catholic delimitation of the “illegal” and “legal”. associations drove the fight against social Between the 50’s and the 70’s there had marginalization” (2012, p.25). In those been an environment allowing this area of years Giambellino was still able to contain the city to be, in Renata’s words, “freed”. and to host these problematic forces; This freedom, although related to the forces that were growing and becoming people who lived there, had a certain dangerous because of the unheeded degree of risk. However, as long as this desire of recognition so important to a unconventional freedom was contained part of the population. Antonio Morlacchi and incorporated within the actions of reports that the first pioneer reunions were the inhabitants, into their daily routines, held in his apartment, shared also by a in the resealable balance between their printing machine. He was unfortunately aspirations, concerns and propositions, excluded from those reunions as his freedom was realised. brother, one of the BR heads, wanted Certain spaces, indeed the to protect him from this dangerous neighbourhood in general, that came to information. We are probably assisting at represent a stronghold were built through one of the cornerstone moments when the 121 political fight becomes violent and lethal. repudiate the dreams of our older brothers The danger was very real, its bloody proof or escape into heroin” (2012, p. 21). being in 1975 when Mara, one of the most Due to the dramatic changes that peaceful and legally oriented Brigate Rosse the society had already undergone, activists, an advocate for restraint, was as explained in the first chapter, the killed during a freedom operation and thus quarter keenly felt the blow of this new further exacerbated the violence of the era of liberalism. The take over of the fight. Here we see the turning point when tertiary sector coupled with the factories’ political fight and opposition to state forces dismantlement inevitably hastened the started to make way for the senseless disappearance of the places sense and use of force. Antonio asked himself “Why identity. “Circles, bars and traditional kill? What does this mean? Everybody is gathering points started disappearing with able to use these methods. I could just the 80’s (political) withdrawing” (2012, go out during the night and kill the first p.25). The changes to the social structural passer by and then I’ll write it on a flyer. described in the second chapter started This does not mean anything”. (2012, p. at this very point, when luxury residential 107). Giambellino was not the only place in buildings were on the rise and the Milan (or Italy) where this kind of violence generational turn-over is the final trigger for occurred. A general, “far order”, process the emptying of Giambellino. was happening across Italian society, Renata points to 1977 as the year something obscure was taking over certain in which heroin aggressively took to the minds whilst the societal structure was stage. The theatre was found on the beginning to unexpectedly and dramatically corner of Via Odazio and Via Giambellino: evolve. The sense of political actions the drug traffic hub of the time. “The started to fade away. neighbourhood paid a high price in terms of heroin”, the biggest sacrifices coming Heroin and Political Withdrawal from those places marked out in previous “Heroin for Giambellino was a disastrous chapters. The Via Odazio library had to drago” (2012, p. 25) is how Marco Philopat close during night due to solvent abuse in graphically explains the powerful effects its bathrooms while the park on the same of drugs. It’s toll was seen greatest on street was riddled with drug addicts and fell the youngest of society, those who had into negligence, the other locals giving it a once been the fuel for social and political wide berth. action. “In 1979 Giambellino’s unsettled Both private and semi-private youngsters had two choices: either spaces suffered because of this silent and 122 disastrous invasion. Renata tells of how the Actors to influence their urban reality. a concierge of a social housing building, As a participatory observer I have although she knew about a drug dealer followed a number of different activities operating inside the building, “couldn’t inside the neighbourhood carried by denounce anything because she had to live Casetta Verde and Dynamoscopio. The there” (2012, pp. 122, 123). Is it surprising description of these activities is important that the places once so important for the to understand what are the means, neighbourhood activity were then the most objectives and modalities used by this affected by the devastating effects of drugs network of associations to address the and de-industrialization? If you look within dwelling issues. Moreover, we may read these places, their internal life depended on these daily operations as attempts by the energy of the young blue collars; once activists to tackle the disenfranchisement they were struck by the blight of drugs and of the local population towards the place production swap, then it is a logical step they live: enhancing cooperation and that their whole environment collapsed. solidarity among the inhabitants. Here Casetta Verde and Dyanamoscopio have we are juxtaposing in ethnographic terms been chosen among the multitude of the habitat against the inhabiting, threat Actors listed in the second chapter. The of exclusion and claim for inclusion in a basic motivation for this choice is provided certain space, the intersection between by the same aim of this Actors and also by social and material structures in a dynamic their approach to the territory. Engaging way. In a conflict analysis perspective, people in activities going beyond their instead, we are trying to understand the daily needs is the purpose of these two little steps taken by associations towards associations. The aim is, on the one hand, neighbourhood solidarity and population to be responsive for a basic but not really enfranchisement. expressed and recognised by society need which is sociability and encounters, and, on the other hand, their more subtle and difficult aim can be defined as the will to engage people into participatory processes in the neighbourhood. This participation oriented attitude is what we value as their role of bridges towards public Institutions. It is therefore interesting to see what tools are used and the actions implemented by 123 Notes from the chapter valued by the authority thanks to legal means. Yet Giambellino has lost a particular spontaneity in the This historical perspective has revealed some of the meeting of “the other” in daily life. The library and major points regarding Giambellino after the Second the market will be renovated, the park in Via Odazio World War. This chapter was not written to celebrate will be revalued by this regeneration process, Piazza its glorious past. However, many of Giambellion’s Tirana will have a new underground station; but the dynamics seen today are inextricably linked to this ordinary, constant, and invaluable relations amongst history. people speaking the same vocabulary might never Firstly, the area’s relation to power, witnessed in return. the various interview, displays many of the same Society and the far order have changed irrepara- features in both the past and the present. It is a bly. This is not necessarily a bad evolution but it is relation that has now evolved into a more peaceful caused by social fragmentation and the loss of a and constructive model, an interaction that has an common way of life. An empty space is there to be increasingly legal and non-violent form of expres- filled; probably not by such figures as Cerutti Gino sion. There still remains, however, some of the or Vallanzasca, nor by habits such as the anti-evic- past’s attitude today. If we go back to the occupa- tion watch. But fresh problems have come and yet tion of the abandoned field and its results, we can more are in store for the future. Heroin and political see an active attitude towards public and valuable violence were just two, they were the first phenom- space for community life, now seen today in the enological consequences of emptiness and of the social housing compound. Both the past and pre- depression left by a past full of hopes and inevitable sent used protest to modify the original, and socially betrayal. Far from giving possible forecast we might detrimental, plan. only state that the activity of local associations is The occupation of space, the meaning given to it probably the only one able to propose something by the presence of humans, is at the centre of this with which we might fill the emptiness of current attitude. The relationships between the inhabitants, social relations and contemporary life. their sense of belonging, their surrounding environ- ment and its identitarian value, are all convincing explanations for this. Just as all relationships evolve with time, so too do the relations humans have with their space: if in the past fight for space was pur- sued in an aggressive and illegal manner; modern times now champion dialogue with Institutions as their weapon of choice in this fight. Something was learned and something was lost. Giambellino has learned how to be recognized and 124 additional notes



A Master Plan for Policy Integration (Author’s Summary) H




C -U









fifth chapter F O I
























































































R S F 126


A Master Plan for Policy Integration (Author’s Summary) H




C -U
































































































R S F 127 This last part of the essay will be focused on the analysis and critique of the master plan, published in December 2015, regarding Lorenteggio neighbourhood regeneration. As af- firmed in the third chapter, we can assess that this new plan is the result of a conflict and that the associations involved in its redaction, at least on the formal point of view, were the same groups acting the conflict. Although this hypothesis has been tested we need to inquire other master plan features. We want to test a set of points listed all along the entire research. Firstly, we want to inquire if the actual and operative prescriptions written in the master plan were defined with the substantial contribution of the described Actors. This is the most methodological test: it does not say much about the final results in terms of distri- bution of resources and technical decisions. Conversely, this way of reading the plan wants to understand the procedures used to build up the plan. Were the public Actors open to requests? Were local Actors effective? If a co-operation was there how did it improve the overall document? Secondly, as explained in the second chapter, some multi level dynam- ics can be described both at the city (metropolitan) level and at the neighbourhood level: are those tackled by the plan? In what sense and with what resource provisions? Is the plan itself a witness of a different way of developing the city? Thirdly, according to our historical perspective and the ethnographic analysis some parts of the neighbourhood have gath- ered particular importance with time. The meanings and values attached to them are well explained in all the various stories collected by Actors. Therefore, we are going to see if this fundamental places are at least protected and re-valued by the documents. Is the plan giving space to their re-appropriation and re-interpretation? What are the prescriptions and future scenarios provided? In order to give an answer to all these questions we need to explore in details the master plan itself. The first part of this chapter will be dedicated to an analysis of its structure, general purposes, operative prescriptions and methodological pro- cedures. We will make a description trying to understand the basic dynamics drawn by the plan, the policy design inscribed, and the strategies adopted to be effective and to tackle various issues. The second part of this chapter will be dedicated to the answers of our questions referring to what was reported in the entire essay and relating it to the description of the master plan. To be sure, we are not pretending to forecast the future of Giambellino Lorenteggio social housing compound by merely reading a technical document. We are more substantially understanding if the paper’s prescription have any consistency with the complex narration carried so far. This will suggest us if the Institutional document satisfies, at least in theoretical terms, the variegated and multilevel set of problems experiences by the neighbourhood.

128 5.1. General Purposes and Long simplistic lectures, the plan also claims the Term Strategy necessity to decrease the fragility cases, as the concentration of weak inhabitants, Focus on Illegal Occupied Houses and with properly made policies aimed at Social Housing Provision solving peculiar problems of the social The first feature we have to observe about housing compound (p. 5). The master the master plan is detected in the strong plan also prescribes further solutions to orientation towards social inclusion and in trigger positive chain effects pointing at the consequent policy integration needed. reactivating Giambellino social life with According to the introduction “shared an injection of new elements. Therefore, goals, and the agreement on expected facing the problem caused by unused flats results, first of all have to be researched (too little to be used by families and out of on the most general level of the objectives law to be used as social housing unit) the ruling public politics satisfying a social plan imagine their use as students houses. inclusion demand” (p. 5). Departing from Meanwhile, new functions could be settled this strong political claim the document in the empty commercial spaces along Via follows in a double declination of inclusion Segneri assigning them preferentially to stating both its social character as well as social enterprises. its structural component. It follows that to The Master Plan as a Political Manifesto satisfy the demand of “social dwelling” the for Active Policies Integration and plan prescribes not only the conservation Implementation of the existing public residential patrimony, Finally, the master plan wants to exploit but also the “substantial incrementation the regeneration process itself by of its actual use”. Consequently, the activating short distance economies and document states an “improvement of the maintenance services. “Considered the neighbourhood liveability decreasing – until system of expected purposes, goals and eliminating – the enclaves of illegality and results the master plan has to provide violence which find space in the illicitly an intelligent localization which has to occupied patrimony” (p. 5). Therefore, in convey the intervention rationality and this passage the master plan definitely coherence” (p. 5) i.e. the plan has to be links the structural component of its policy used as a spatial configuration of structural, prescription with the social components social and economic provisions trying determining the degradation of the area. to maximise positive side effects in a The former should be used instrumentally virtuous circle. Particularly important it is to reduce the latter. Nonetheless, avoiding the configuration of this document as “a 129 Selective Analysis Focused on the Main Neighbourhood Issues (Author’s Summary)

Individuation and Focus on Strategic Public Space to Regenerate

Via Giambellino Via Segneri Via Odazio, Public Library, Municipal Market

i n n a g n I o el g n A ia v via Lore nt io eg cc gio ti a rim P a vi

via Gia mb ellino

io i a z in n a m ra d o i o s T el a ia z v G z i ia e p d o g l.

Social Housing Compound deep enquire In Social Structural Terms

130 communicative tool, a manifesto for urban a “pass through, it allows a view through re-qualification actions which have to be the block” “a real breach towards the oriented, expression of the project for the city” defining a theme of integrated policy future that the local community elaborates intervention for the operative part. departing from its own needs”. Thus, the Development of Properly Made Analysis introduction results as a political strategical Tools through Participatory Processes claim, aimed at clarifying the fundamental The plan uses six groups of criticality purposes of entire document making them defined thanks to an extensive preparatory public and debatable in public arenas. work carried by VALE (Vivere e Abitare il Lorenteggio ERP) composed by Milan 5.2. Preparatory Works and Master Municipality, Dynamoscopio, Comunità del Plan Analysis Giambellino, Fondazione Politecnico and Spazio aperto servizi. The preparatory work Selective Analysis Focused on the Main consisted in a mapping process and social Neighbourhood Issues structural inquires in the neighbourhood Among the various technical aimed at promoting the social housing considerations, stated in the initial enquiry, compound liveability. This families are it is worth to mention the really detailed used to match the structural analysis analysis of empty and illegally occupied with a social evaluation assessing the houses, their locations and structural presence of “social garrison”. They allow conditions. Together with a description of to give priorities to the most degraded public spaces such as parks, squares and situations and they define thematic streets, their weakness and opportunities, projectile interventions for each group a social analysis of the social housing localizing them into the social housing compound is carried with an extended compound. We should highlight this explanation of social services efficiency fine lecture of each family in terms of and deficiencies. Moreover, from this opportunity and criticality. Every building socio-spatial investigation further policy and courtyard is therefore analysed and considerations are designed in projectile interpreted taking into account its internal terms. For example the delineation of and external environment and designing ad Via Segneri as “the only real possibility hoc solutions to improve its structural and of public urban space” inside the social social situation. An other problem faced housing compound. In order to fight in the analysis is the presence of privately against the perceived detachment of the owned apartments that could hinder a compound Via Segneri is mentioned as smooth implementation of the plan. 131 Social Housing Compound deep enquire in Social Structural Terms Families of Criticalities Description (Authors Summary)

Multi Problematic Situations: Severe Structural Decay and Absence of Social Garrisons Family A Main Interventions: Strong Structural Upgrade and Injection of Social Garrisons Pilot Project on Empty, Illegaly Occupied and Out of law Houses

Specific Structural Criticalities and Good Social Garrisons Main Interventions: Family B Precise Structural Interventions Exploiting and Reinforcing already Active Good Social Practices Pilot Project on Empty, Illegaly Occupied and Out of law Houses

Diffused Structural Decay and Good of Social Garrisons Main Interventions: Family C Diffused Structural Upgrade and Pilot Project on Empty, Illegaly Occupied and Out of law Houses

Diffused Structural Decay and Scarce Social Garrisons Main Interventions: Diffused Structural Intervention and Injection of Social Garrisons Family D Allowing Internal Social Cohesion Pilot Project on Empty, Illegaly Occupied and Out of law Houses

132 Families of Criticalities Location (MP Abstract)





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LA i V

o llin be am Gi Via


133 Policy Integration Exploiting Positive Chain use of the criticality families, overlaid Effects with the priorities given to the renewal of The plan is strongly based on policy public spaces, becomes central to settle Integration and we can notice it through the a hierarchy of actions localized in certain entire document. An intervention proposal buildings. According to the master plan: considering three main aspects: structural “the overlap of the two maps allows the restoration, public spaces improvements, detection of those interventions combining and social issues. A peculiar mapping a high criticality with a strategic location for method is developed to help visualizing the the public spaces upgrading” (p. 28). An strategy with an initial complex visualization other important feature of the master plan, matching the different projectile aims in a regarding the structural improvement of the unitary plan. Therefore we learn how the social housing compound, consists in the three lines of action integrate in a unitary provision of different scenarios taking into scheme giving the first imprinting to the consideration several opportunities and the rest of the plan. (Show Maps pages 25 consequent amount of illegally occupied, 26 27.) This summary description is then privately owned, and unused apartments. “unpacked” with an extensive and in- Each scenario is then sectioned with a depth exploration of each field of action. In description and analysis of the state of art the following we will summarize the main providing detailed information on structural aspect regarding the various policies. problems. It is then worth to underline the The Structural Upgrade Part: a Transparent strategical decision to keep the renovation and Strategic Distribution of Economic of some buildings, those facing on Via Resources Segneri, in all scenarios to enhance the Starting with a realistic assessment of second field of action i.e. open spaces. the average expenses needed per square meter (1200 Euros for renewal intervention The Open Space Section: Accessibility and 1100 Euros for restoration) matching Improvements and Integration in the Urban them with the economic resources Context provided by the POR-FESR founds (31,5 This part defines a series of goals designed millions Euros). The final assessment is to reach an overall improvement of the then calculated in the intervention on neighbourhood’s urban quality. It primarily one third of the entire social housing affirms three cornerstones orienting compound. Nonetheless, it is not only improvements: connections, quality of this initial compute giving us the idea of public spaces, and urban context. Via the future improvements, but also the Segneri would become a linear square 134 Individuation and Focus on Strategic Public Space to Regenerate Via Segneri New Centrality (Author’s Interpretation)

Explotation of M4 Station New Arrival New Functions Injection: Commericial and Social Activities New Mobility System with Reduced Hard Mobility Used as a “Breach” into the Curtain

Segneri i n an g In lo e g n A ia v v ia Lo ren io teg c gio ic mat ri P ia v v ia G iam bel lino

i a io in n z m a a o ir d s T o el a z ia G z v i ia e p d o g l.

135 Via Segneri Renewal Technical Details (MP Abstract)

access to M4 station AMENITIES LOCAL MARKET PLACE potential volumes for other uses currently free volumes for other uses via Manzano currently occupied volumes for other uses new tree lines bike sharing stations via Recoaro

via Inganni

via Lorenteggio M4

via Segneri Nord via Segneri Sud


via Giambellino towards the service

via Sanniti platform towards the service platform 22.12.2015

136 strengthening its local role as meeting spaces. It exploits the opportunity given by point, the buildings facing Via Giambellino the arrival of the M4 not only in accessibility would improve their façades and new terms but also as an urban quality factor. urban equipments would be added to The new design injects new public and the street. Really important would be the private functions, such as new pedestrian creation of a green platform to improve Via areas or social activities in the unused Odazio and the municipal garden beside stores, trying to enhance the streets acting on public facilities such as the attractiveness. Library, the Municipal Market and Casetta The second complex of intervention, Verde. Furthermore, to improve and spread explicitly stated as one of the most the perception of safety, the master plan relevant, aims at redesign the public prescribes new street illumination and space and tries to trigger the potentiality a stronger connection with the urban of historical components. Casetta Verde context using cycle paths, green facilities, would be demolished and its functions and allowing the internal courtyards will be moved into the renewed public permeability. library becoming a space for public and This list of interventions are interlocked neighbourhood services. A new public to reach an improvement thought to library would be built, with innovative and be bigger then the summary of single extraordinary functions going further the indications. The goals are then specified typical uses as book loan and reading with proper maps taking into account a activities. The municipal market structure multiplicity of scenarios to better orient would have a complete new style with future actions. As a preliminary step a energy saving improvements and reshaped complete new mobility system is designed external design. Lastly, with the provision in order to facilitate the actual use of the of a new playground and the new design improvements. Avoiding a complete report of green areas, this pole of public activities of the master plan, and bearing in mind its would have a renewed connection with organic nature, we have to underline two Via Odazio. The street will finally become main prescriptions: Via Segneri complete a hinge between the social housing renewal tight with the regeneration of the compound and the municipal park. social housing compound internal streets and the complete renewal of Via Odazio Social Policies Integration: Mobilizing Local together with the Municipal Park beside it. Resources from the Base The first projectile purpose wants to give a What may be the most innovative element new shape to this usually neglected public of this plan it is the inclusion of an entire 137 Individuation and Focus on Strategic Public Space to Regenerate Via Odazio and Municipal Park Service Platform

Protection and Restauration of Important Historical Places Via Odazio Regenerated as an Urban String Exploitation of Existing Public Facilities Strenghtening of the New Connection Positive Effects on Urban Reality

i n n a g n Gelsomini I o el g n A ia v via Lore nt io eg cc gio ti a rim P a vi

via Gia mb ellino

i a io in n z m a a o ir d s T o el a z ia G z v i ia e p d o g l.

138 section dedicated to social issues and multicultural identity, the high presence of possible solutions. In fact, this chapter tries fragile, lonely and isolated people or the to mix the opportunities detected in the development of new economic activities neighbourhood, in terms of competences linked to the knowledge of the territory. and resources, with a fundamental Two Attachments to Trigger and Orient package of dwelling services financed Possible Outcomes by the POR FSE founds. With three Finally, the master plan provides two thematic boards focusing on services and other documents explaining how to economic opportunities the master plan integrate the different dimensions of the lunches hypothesis for entrepreneurial plan. Although we are not going to read activities, social business and community them in details, it is important to underline involvement. The macro-fields are services the participatory nature at the basis of to community and dwelling, community these two documents. Through VALE multi-service start-up, culture and workshop all the Actors were involved in economic development, service to fragile the writing of the master plan. They have people. Each topic has a board with several contributed to draw these informatory and suggestions aimed at activating possible technical supports framed as “preparatory social and standard entrepreneurs to activities for the accompaniment service exploit either the opportunities given by the aimed at the master plan redaction for same process of transformation or by the Lorenteggio neighbourhood”. With an issues left unsolved in the neighbourhood. even deeper description of the problems For example, among the various proposal and opportunities concerning the there are some directly related to the internal courtyards, streets, and public urban regeneration project for example the spaces, the documents draw possible “Technical and Social Accompaniment” evolutions of entrepreneurial agencies or the “Community Empowerment”. They aimed at triggering both spatial and social are aimed at involving the community evolutions. Their aim is to frame policy inside the decisional process developing implementation in operative terms, giving functions as local garrison, consultation micro-economic sustainability of the entire and participation in the decisional making projectile idea. process, individual competences detection, creation and promotion of connections with external inhabitants... Other proposal instead focus more on the features characterizing Giambellino such as its 139 5.3. Final Comments it is not an accidental coincidence that the same people known in the research Local Actors Effectiveness on Decision were discussing with Institutions during Making Processes the preparation process. Moreover, The master plan constitutes a complex the requests listed in the open petition document taking into account various published on internet were accomplished at neighbourhood’s features and policy’s least on a formal point of view: the conflict layers. The same way it was developed played some role in the discussion of the tells us, with a high degree of certainty, master plan. that the associations involved in the Can we, nevertheless, affirm that this conflict were substantially able to influence effort have definitely blocked some of the decision making at the back of this the administrative path dependence document. They were not only cited on the mechanisms and the logic of political recognition section but they also developed and bureaucratic bodies? The definitive tools to understand urban reality and, answer to this question could be given consequently, influence the Institutional just with the observation of the master prescriptions. To test this statement we plan implementation. It should be however have to take in consideration the workshop underlined how the associations have VALE where all the Actors participated in an tried to frame possible setbacks. In fact, effort to build the basis for an effective and thanks to both the preparatory participation consistent master plan. For example, the process, and the attached documents for “families of criticality” used in the analysis, the activation of control mechanisms and and in the consequent drawing of different operative enterprises there should be little scenarios of action, together with the two space for dramatic changes in the plan’s attachments to describe in details the guidelines. Nonetheless, the operative operative part of social services provisions. phase will deserve a further effort by the Those two enriching tools are the proves local Actors, in terms of activities and of an interpretative work which had to be control, to assure the actual implementation carried through the neighbourhood for of the wide range of prescriptions arranged a long time on an informed perspective. by the document. Nonetheless, we are not able to assess if the conflict played a substantial part Master Plan Preservation and re- in the recognition of local associations Interpretation of Identity Places for the master plan redaction; however, We have seen how some parts of the document are focused on particular 140 places such as Via Segneri, the Public point hosting both political activists and Library, or the Municipal Market which are ordinary costumers, allowing people to preserved and valued. Their reinterpretation socialise with daily life experiences. With is attached to their past history although the new configuration provided by the trying to give space to new activities. master plan this place gather innovative For example, Via Segneri would be a functions currently reserved to Casetta central public space allowing the entire Verde. Moreover, the Municipal Market will neighbourhood to have a “centre” with be renewed respecting and revaluing the public as well as private provisions. current functions and economic activities Injection of new activities and a strong carried inside it. Perhaps the trivialization orientation towards soft mobility will allow of these urban facilities can be avoided the inhabitants of the neighbourhood reserving them to social activities. to enjoy an otherwise neglected street. Consequently, the document tries to These kind of actions let us understand defend and upgrade some places regarded the orientation of the plan not only towards as central for neighbourhood life by social housing provision and public spaces the associations and the represented improvements but also towards the central inhabitants. Although the ensemble of role played by meaningful places. Via these prescriptions theoretically leave Segneri is a strategic place both on the possibility for re-appropriation and technical point of view (as the only brench re-interpretation by inhabitants we, allowing an entrance into the social housing nevertheless, have to raise doubts on their block) and on the historical point of view immediate and automatic application. On starting from Piazza Tirana. An other the one hand, founds have been provided attempt to re-value historical places it is by the public Actors but, on the other, the the co-ordinated renewal of Via Odazio, past social and political life enriching those the Municipal Market, and the Public places seems to have faded away: will Library which constitute, together with money and policy prescriptions be effective the Municipal Park, a valuable junction of enough to reach the proposed objectives? public and semi-public services. Beyond Probably the associations will have to their importance as neighbourhood make extra efforts to bring social life back facilities and urban equipments it is worth triggering their vibrant and consistent use to underline their historical and identity in a bottom up perspective. role for the entire area. The Public Library, as described in the fourth chapter, in the sixties and seventies was a meeting 141 A New Destiny for Giambellino Lorenteggio affirm the punctual application of this Social Housing Compound? document. Time is needed to observe what Is it realistic to frame Giambellino into the will happen in the future although, formally, urban development Milan’s dynamics? the social housing compound is preserved To answer this question some proves and revalued. In fact, all the resources of the possible destiny reserved to the allocated by the multi level set of public entire neighbourhood were detected on Actors are distributed to implement re-use the ground taking into account Rho Fiera actions, regeneration purposes, and social Expo and Rogoredo stations as recent policies. Policy integration is, therefore, examples of new urban developments. The one of the strongest characteristic of this common traits with San Cristoforo station master plan and, compared to the main are evident: hubs of mass transportation projects appeared (and appearing) in Milan, lines, the arrival of important media and constitutes its peculiar trait. Moreover, communication companies, and the this effort to integrate different fields of injection of new residential buildings in the policies it aims to tackle the various social, surroundings. In a metropolitan perspective structural and reputation problems that and taking into consideration both, the Giambellino Lorenteggio social housing near arrival of the fourth underground, block is experiencing since the eighties and the tertiary developments around political drawback. Although it can be NIL 49, Giambellino Lorenteggio gained considered a site-specific master plan it an improved positional value with higher will be useful to distinguish between two accessibility. Speculative dynamics, able different kind of methodological features to exploit the consequent increased land characterizing the document. A more value, could be present threatening the general, “universal”, value witnessing a future of the social housing compound. successful example of participated urban Was the master plan able to affect these policy making for the redaction of the mechanisms? On the one hand, we master plan has to be underlined following can positively affirm it: if we look at the these points: document itself the only substitutions provided are prescribed for really critical - the collection and re-interpretation of buildings (although they still need to be information in open and participatory operationally identified). The master plan processes with operational intents is, therefore, theoretically able to avoid massive structural substitutions at present - the consequent lowering of threshold time. On the other hand, we can not yet between political, bureaucratic, and civil 142 society’s active citizenship allowing the only contained into archives, but also lived exchange of knowledge and information by the inhabitants in their daily life

- the evaluation of a decaying and - the development by the Actors of ad neglected structure of the city as an urban hoc participative tools being attached to valuable “object” to regenerate for present the neighbourhood circumstances and inhabitants and future generations dynamics

- the individuation of meaningful and - the special relation of Giambellino’s historical places to be protected and re- inhabitants with public space in general invented assessing current necessities and and social housing in particular economic|human resources - the remaining of a certain feeling of - the development of possible proudness towards the neighbourhood per entrepreneurial ideas exploiting the se allowing extra-efforts to defend it regeneration process it self and transforming nowadays problems into These elements represent the site-specific economic opportunities part of both the Giambellino essence, with its history, identity, attitude toward - the weaving of all these purposes inside “power”, and the consequent outcome a selective master plan oriented towards represented by the master plan. The unique policy integration sum of many small actions departing from the same reality. To be sure, we are not Each of these passages and actions was excluding any possibility for this features necessary to build a tool resulting the most to be detected in other neighbourhoods, effective possible and able to avoid the we are just pointing at their function as process of speculation characterizing Milan change facilitators not manageable and metropolitan peripheries. Peculiar aspects reproducible by any administration or can be highlighted following this points: municipality. The above listed “points of uniqueness”, therefore, allow it to be - the associative milieu at the basis of the most effective possible but lead us the gathering of social, political, and to question its pertinence to other urban information resources for mobilization situations. The master plan is innovative, detailed, consistent with reality and - the presence of an ancient memory, not proactive in finding solutions to actual 143 problems. If it cannot be defined as a “political innovation”, it can definitely be assessed as an incomparable innovative instrument to tackle Giambellino’s future questions. Would it be implemented in all its parts? We cannot know it yet. What we can say is that as long as the population organise and negotiate through associations it will not leave space for the master plan to be imposed on the neighbourhood in any top-down procedure. A follow up is needed.

144 additional notes

145 conclusion

146 This research have tried to report the Multi-Scalar Origins and Local conflictual facts and the fundamental Results mechanisms at the basis of the new master plan for the regeneration of the social We have extensively criticized both the housing compound commonly called use of fixed borders and the conception Giambellino Lorenteggio. The development of the local scale as an intrinsic added of this essay was not a linear process. value either in conflict analysis terms and Many talks, rethinking, unexpected news in urban dynamics logics. We nevertheless characterized its writing and still additional have to point out the very local dynamics work would be needed in either the short of the neighbourhood playing an essential and the long turns. Two major points can part in this story. Clearly, Giambellino is be highlighted, nonetheless, as meaningful embedded in a specific reality that is not findings of this essay: the relation only Milan, with its consolidated urban between the various scales influencing the development practices, but also the Italian neighbourhood and its local reality and, on context constituting a further layer we the other hand, the relation between the did not have the space to explore. In our conflictual dynamics and the generation analysis we have tried to draw a common of the master plan. In both cases it is path characterising the new “metropolitan important to stress their “relational factor” centralities” underlining their common intended as an ongoing movement among traits. Speculative dynamics are in place. various agents, motivations, and reactions. They are allowed by infrastructural Sometimes unpredictable, they can be improvements and the strategic location explained by urban land values principles of these territories. Areas previously and on field observation. Some other times devoted to material production of goods these relations have a direct and formal are now converted into hubs for the new outcome, such as the masterplan as a IT companies. The post industrial wave codified way of policy implementation. Let’s have taken shape leaving empty industrial now interpret these two macro-fields as we buildings and replacing them with brand have explained them all along this review. new tertiary headquarters. Moreover, this is a process taking different level of intensity and extension depending on the area: in Rho Fiera Milano the internationalisation allowed the raising of an entire new neighbourhood (EXPO area) with the injection of WIND company and the 147 construction of a residential development. not defeated as we do not see any stable In Giambellino Lorenteggio, instead, the modification in the institutional bodies process is still at its beginning although allowing us to affirm a generalised change we can underline common traits such as in social housing treatment. Probably some the injection of Vodafone headquarter and space for innovation was open and the the construction of residential buildings opportunity might be there to be exploited. matching a peculiar taste. In this evolving context the social housing compound The conflict and the master plan: results as a “leftover” of a previous age. A what kind of innovation? part of the public city built for workers in particular and disadvantages in general. Although the fragmentation of collective It is in this frame that we can understand protest has probably come to its highest the action of local Actors as a bucking point in recent history, urban questions are way of operating on the territory: in front of still able to mobilize claims and to obtain apparently fatal developments they decided valuable results. Giambellino Lorenteggio to act for the improvement of a neglected history might explain us that the unity of and “out of fashion” infrastructure. Was many voices still remains a possible and this enough to go against speculative convenient path to follow in order to reach dynamics? We can not affirm it based collective results. It was extensively proven on solid prove. What is certain it is that that the various logics, dynamics, tools, the daily seeding of these association actions, vocabularies, and so on were helped not only the life of the social extrapolated and taken to an effective point housing compound inhabitants but also on site specific terms. Does this mean of the entire neighbourhood as Rosaria that such a process can only happen in teaches us. Moreover, the conflictual Giambellino? Yes and no. It could happen relation with negligent part of the public only there within that context with specific bodies and the constructive collaboration spatial forms, allowed by the presence of with the pro-active municipality helped certain persons. At the same time it could them to be recognised and to reach happen in other parts of the city (or of the important results. The most important is country) with a systematised effort of public the activation of resources on a multilevel bodies. What is important to stress are the base, gathering money and projectile ways to build modalities of expression for inputs by a variegated set of Actors (from an identity already present on the territory. the Politecnico University to the European Modalities constructed on specific features Union). Nonetheless, path dependency was of the local reality favouring a positive 148 circle of reinforcement. In the case of our management of social housing various neighbourhood this expansive movement issues. This attitude toward such a was able to gather and release energies complex issue would probably have several to reach the Institutional and non-local outcomes. Among the others the most Actors. When it was clear that something important innovation would be a radical was happening in Giambellino Lorenteggio re-thinking of social housing treatment the attention was consequently raised reaching either political decisions, in terms to attract further resources. A favourable of resources distribution, and procedural Municipal Administration, an indefeasible policy implementation. Those two bureaucratic structure as ALER, the near evolutions would lower the threshold in the arrival of the underground are additional management of this public good. elements helping us to describe the exceptionality of what have happened in this neighbourhood. On the political point of view we might be disappointed by the contained effect (in terms of territorial extension) of this conflict. So far, a local uprise have provoked local outcomes. Does this mean that it will remain only a spatially limited result? To simplify, the answer to this question is embedded into two determining factors: a bottom-up demand has to be built at the city level paying attention to the local needs of each different neighbourhood. 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