עת רקוד • time to dance 4 marches, Waltzes and hakofa nigunim from the sanzer and BoBover dynasty Arranged and Conducted by Yisroel Lamm • Music by Neginah Orchestra Produced by Zalmen Leib Blau TIMe To DAnCe — THe Inner SouL of CHASSIDIC MuSIC “Time to Dance” proudly brings you the fourth album in the classic series. As in the previous recordings, these are not well-known, popular tunes. Rather, these selections bring back the depth of feeling of a bygone era. They are as timely today as when they were originally composed by the Tzaddikim of , and Ropshitz. Sung at the Tischen and during the tefillos on Shabbos and Yom Tov, these nigunnim stir the listener’s soul to joy, to tears, and to strive for spiritual heights. The richness of tone, beautiful arrangement and symphonic sound are sure to please the most discriminat- ing ear, while pulling at the strings of the Jewish heart. Truly, this is a “Time to Dance” for us. This recording is being released in con- junction with the wedding of our dear children, · ‰Á˘Â· ‰Ș¯ ‰Á˙Ô ‡·¯‰Ì ‡ÏÚʯ ¢È Ú·¢‚ ‰Îω ‰·˙Âω ‰Ó‰ÂÏω È¡ ˙ÁÈß È¡ ‰Ó‰ÂÏω ‰·˙Âω ‰Îω Ú·¢‚ ¢È ‡ÏÚʯ ‡·¯‰Ì ‰Á˙Ô Â‰È˜¯ ‰Á˘Â· · ·˙ η„ ÓÁÂß ‰¯‰¢‚ ¯ß „„ ȇÓÙ‡ÏÒ˜È ˘ÏÈË¢‡ ȇÓÙ‡ÏÒ˜È „„ ¯ß ‰¯‰¢‚ ÓÁÂß Î·Â„ ·˙ Á˙Ô Î¢˜ ‡„Ó¢¯ ¯ß ˘ÏÓ‰ ÊÏÓÔ Ù¯ÈÚ„Ó‡Ô ÊˆÂ˜¢Ï ÓËÚ˜‡ ʈ˜¢Ï Ù¯ÈÚ„Ó‡Ô ÊÏÓÔ ˘ÏÓ‰ ¯ß ‡„Ó¢¯ ΢˜ Á˙Ô May the ‰ÂˆÓ Ï˘ ‰ÁÓ˘—together with the ‰ÁÓ˘ and inspiration provided by these recordings—bring the day closer when ‰„Â‰È È¯Ú· ÚÓ˘È „ÂÚ ‰ÏΠϘ Ô˙Á Ϙ ‰ÁÓ˘ Ϙ Ô¢˘ Ϙ ÌÈÏ˘Â¯È ˙ˆÂÁ·Â speedily in our days, ÔÓ‡Æ Â˙Èگ ‡ÈÂÏ· ·ÈÈÏ ÔÓÏÊ ¢ÈÂÓ‡ ‚ß Á˘ÂÔ¨ „ß ÏÒ„¯ Á¢ ÏÒ„¯ „ß Á˘ÂÔ¨ ‚ß ¢ÈÂÓ‡ Zalmen Leib Blau Ú˙ ¯˜Â„ Ú˙ ·‚Èß ÎÓÈÔ ÓÂÁ‰ ¢ÓÁ‰ ‡Â¯ Ïȉ„ÈÌ ‡Â¯ ¢ÓÁ‰ ÓÂÁ‰ ÎÓÈÔ

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k 4. l 3. 2. 8. 7. l 6. 5. k 1. Neginah Symphony Orchestra Engineer: Itamar BenZakai at StudioX,,NY M Composed by R’Chaim Duvid Blum h Ï–‡‰ Á˙ÂÙ‰ Composed by R’Yossele Mandelbaum Composed by R’Chaim Duvid Blum Nigun D’veikus Composed by R’Yossele Mandelbaum Composed by R’ChaskeleRottenberg B ÔÂÈÏ Composed by R’AronMiller k Ï„ Composed by R’AronMiller Recordings with o o Aruch EIl o EIl uloM IMkoMchA S S Ú ‚ ’k ÍÏ Ï– M A AIvoShI AIvoShI EIl Ó DoN ‡ A Elch


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13. to 9. Chaim J. Bernath/Calligraphix

Cover Design&Production: L B’ D D Composed by theAdmorofBobov,R‘BenZion T’ Composed by theAdmorofBobov,R’Shloma Composed by R’EzrielMandelbaum Composed by theTiferesShlomaofRadomsk Composed by theAdmorofRopshitz,R’ Naftoli T Composed by theAdmorofBobov,R’Shloma E Composed by theAdmorofBobov,R‘BenZion t Y Composed by R’Munish Chazan h DANcE Efichoch mEs iboNEh ish zoM akofah EhASIAINu ol Nu ANcE ANcE rAch 718.438.1334 N


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AfShI amikdosh – EDlEy EDlEy igguN oDI


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© 2006ZalmenLeibBlau Ï¢˜ÂˆÊ

www.TimeToDance.org Ï¢˜ÂˆÊ Ï¢˜ÂˆÊ Ï¢˜ÂˆÊ Ï¢˜ÂˆÊ Ï¢˜ÂˆÊ All Rights Reserved

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