331.668 CATHOLICS in DIOCESE Final Results of Census in 16 Counties Revealed Catholic Population of the Diocese of Miami Is 331,668
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THE VOICE 6301 Blscbyn* Blvd., Miami 3*, Flo. Return Postage Guaranteed TtiPVOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Floridd VOL. II NO. 19 Price $5 a year ... IS cents a copy JULY 29, 1960 331.668 CATHOLICS IN DIOCESE Final Results Of Census In 16 Counties Revealed Catholic population of the Diocese of Miami is 331,668. That is the resounding figure revealed by t h e first diocese-wide census conducted by 20,000 enumerators who made personal calls at every home in the 16 counties of South Florida. The 331,668 total represents every baptized Catholic — men; women and children — in the 70 parishes of the Diocese. It is no estimated statistic, but rather an actual person-by-person count. Catholic The 331,668 Catholics represent 19.1 per cent of the total 1,742,565 population, as de- Population termined by the recent Federal census, of the 16 counties which make up the Diocese of Miami. Highlights Erected Aug. 13, 1958, and the youngest dio- So cese in the United States, the Diocese,of Miami was Following are some high- described as the fastest growing in t h e Official lights compiled from the first Catholic Directory for 1960. The total Catholic population in this country was given as 40,871,302. census report of the Diocese of Miami: 20,000 Took Census Total number of Catholics — Final and official results of the Catholic cen- Born and Converted — 331,668. sus were announced this week by Bishop Coleman DIVISION BY SEX Photo F. Carroll. He released the figures after studying a Total Males BISHOP Coleman F. Carroll receives report on Men, and at right is Father Lamar J. Geuovar, comprehensive report submitted to him by the Mi- 157,777 (48.6%) diocesan census from Richard B. Roberts, Jr., census moderator. In the center is Landon G. ami Diocesan Council of Catholic Men which con-, Total Females 173,891 (52.4%) ducted the census at his direction. census chairman*. At left is C. Clyde Atkins, Haynes, vice president of the First Research AGE GROUPS president of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Corporation which rendered technical assistance. The report was made three months after the census actually got under way. Father Under Six years 41,992 (12.7%) Lamar J. Genovar> moderator of t h e DCCM, From Six to 12 RESEARCH ANALYST EXPLAINS: was in charge. He was assisted by Clyde At- 58,457 (17.6%) kins, DCCM president, and Richard B. Roberts, From 14 to 17 21,136 (6.4%) census chairman. From 18 to 21 14,104 (4.3%) Census Checked Scientifically Technical direction was supervised by Landon From 22 to 30 29,476 (8.9%) G. Haynes, vice president of the First Research From 31 to 44 66,338 (20.0%) From 45 to 64 By LANDON G. HAYNES the role of priorities of eccle- telligent function of manage- Corp., which conducted all statistical evaluation of 69,210 (20.8%) Vice President siastical attention, all these are ment. It is now our privilege to the tremendous amount of information, supplied by 65 and Over 30,955 (9.3%) the 20,000 enumerators as a result of their personal First Research Corporation dependent on the accumulation serve the Diocese of Miami. MARITAL STATUS of vast amounts of information, QUESTIONS ASKED calls at every home in South Florida's 16 counties. The year 1960 is a census accurately developed and logic- Single 151,724 (45.7%) year. The U.S. Bureau of the Bishop Coleman F. Carroll ally presented. Bishop Thanks Volunteers 159,457 (48.1%) Census made its regular ten- had asked on many occasion Married year census report. Many firms First Research Corporation "how many?" and "where?". Father Genovar told Bishop Carroll that he Widowed 15,519 (4.7%) How many Catholics are there and many individuals, statisti- for the last decade has been considered the census to be the most complete, HOME OWNERSHIP cians and economists alike, have acting as consultant to the in the Diocese of Miami and most comprehensive and most accurate ever made been making projections or business and industrial com- where are they located? What by any Diocese. Own Home 87,028(73.8%) workable guesses as to what the munity. Over the years, it has are the problems of concentra- "The final figures hold up a mirror before Rent Home 30,969 (26.2%) population of the U.S. might-be. developed the basic skills nec- tion of the Catholic population? the Diocese of Miami," the moderator said, essary to plan and organize and how can we find them and "and we now have before us a true picture of (School population and These were necessary for projects on which manage- report them? its size, its people, its assets and its needs." other statistics will de an- business activity, in order to ment decisions involving mil- From time to time, the Bish- Bishop Carroll expressed his profound grati- nounced next week.) know how many customers a lions of dollars are made. tude to everyone who had played a part in the .tak- plant had, how many units of op had received educated guess- es and projections. He had in- ing of the census. He declared: .. • • ' particular product could be Such well-known concerns as "Never have I known of a greater service ren- \ /Id, what the production Sears Roebuck, the Government herited certain statistical infor- mation ' from others who had dered to their Bishop by so many. From the invalu- scheduling should be and oth- of the United States and the able data provided in this great apostolic under- er matters of importance to Government of the Bahamas, in- • preceded him. He had the basic Lea La businessmen and economists. surance companies, banks, and information in the various par- taking, we now will be enabled to make a more business in general came to ishes throughout the Diocese. intelligent and most practical approach to the so- The question regarding relig- First Research for the essential The most accurate figufe that lution of the many problems involved in providing ious affiliation was not included information necessary to the in- (Continued on Page 8) the spiritual and temporal needs of all the people Seccion in the census. It was eliminated of the Diocese of Miami. because of the many pressures from various groups who felt Pictures Parish Needs Espanola that other information was 79.7 Per Cent Of Total Population "The required necessities of each individual more important than the re- parish, too, will be apparent to every pastor for his ligious question. Catholics in the Diocese of Miami represent 19.1 per cent of the total population of the 16 counties of South Florida. guidance. De MODERN METHODS "But most importantly, every member of In this respect, the Diocese is on a par with the Arch- the laity, both men and women, has reason The utilization of modern diocese- of Cincinnati, according to figures in the 1960 Official for greater pride in his Diocese and for greater THE VOICE methods and the accumulation Catholic Directory. of basic information is as essen- incentive as a member of the Mystical Body of h • tial to the Catholic Church as c It is ahead of Washington, D.C., (13 per cent); Denver, Christ in supporting and in spreading its doe- to the business and industrial (16.1 per cent); San Diego, (16.1 per cent) and Los Angeles trines and its objectives." En Las community of the area. To plan (18.2 per cent)' and slightly behind Baltimore, (24.8 per cent); Additional information shown in the census adequately and efficiently for Portland, Me., (28 per cent); San Francisco, (24.9 per cent), report includes: PAGINAS 20 Y 21 growth, to identify the areas of and Detroit, (29.1 per cent). Permanent and seasonal residents. maximum •need, to understand (Continued on Page 8) Brother Enters Red China To Visit Bishop Walsh HONG KONG (NO — A 70- The Bishop believes his pres- was sentenced to a 20 - year ter the communists said in a know where he would meet She is Mrs. Mary V. year-old American will wave ence is an inspiration to Chin- prison sentence on trumped-up cable that he could enter their his brother. "I presume he is Downey of New Britain, ese Catholics who are not only charges of espionage. The act country." good-bye to his wife on Aug. 1, in Shanghai, because that's Conn., whose son James T. cross the narrow bridge con- resisting the regime's physical brought expressions of condem- Accompanied by Mrs. Walsh, where the story about his im- Downey, a U.S. Army civilian necting Hong Kong and Red punishment, which one author- nation from around the world. the Bishop's brother arrived China and start a visit to his ity says has produced 14,000 prisonment and trial came employee, was sentenced in U.S. Secretary of State Chris- here about 300 hours later to imprisoned brother, Bishop martyrs, but also fighting Red from," he stated. November, 1954, to life im- tian A. Herter instructed the get his visa, good for a two~ James E. Walsh, M.M. efforts to split Catholics from week stay inside Red China. prisonment. Mrs. Downey vis- the Holy See by illicit conse- State Department to lodge the He said he had not heard William C. Walsh of Cum- strongest possible protest to the Mrs. Walsh will remain in Hong from Bishop Walsh in more ited her son in January, 1956, cration of bishops of a "nation- Kong.