Minutes of & Corney Parish Council Meeting held in Waberthwaite, Corney & District Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 10th September 2018.

Item Action

Present Cllrs. N Southward in the chair, J Varden, A Hadwin, E Wilson, A Clegg, M Steele & R Thornton. 1. Apologies for absence None

2. Declaration of interest None

3. Minutes It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the chairman sign the minutes of the council meeting held on 9th July 2018 as a true record 4. Public Question Time None

5. Progress Reports

5(a) Highways 1. The footway behind the hedge up Broad 1. Reported Oak needs cutting 2. Completed 2. The pothole under the viaduct at 3. Reported Newbiggin 3. Fence on South bound side of the A595 at Lane End needs replacing 5(b) Parish Plan Nothing to report

6. District & County An up-date on the repair work to the Birkby Councillors’ reports road was given with the possibility of the work being completed before Christmas. 7. Correspondence a) Invitation from St John’s Waberthwaite – a) Three councillors said Shared service on Sunday 11th November they would be 2018 at St Paul’s Irton. attending. b) Town Council – invitation to attend b) It was proposed and the Remembrance Parade on 11th November resolved that the 2018. council would only support the Irton service.

8. Finance

8(a)Statement of accounts It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the statement of accounts; current account £220.12 deposit account £4,593.59 be accepted.


8(b) Waberthwaite, Corney It was proposed, seconded and resolved that & District Village Hall the payment be made electronically. invoice for hall hire March, April, May & June - £56.00 9. Correspondence for None information 10. Clerk’s report on actions None taken under delegated powers not otherwise mentioned 11. Planning Applications a. 7/2018/4035 Smithy Wood Farm, Waberthwaite LA19 5YL Proposal: Feed Passageway – This is under permitted development and therefore does not need prior approval – for information b. 7/2018/4009 Grant of planning permission - Land at rear of Mandalay bungalow, Waberthwaite LA19 5YL. Proposal: A three-bedroom house with existing out buildings and parking space for two vehicles – for information c. 7/2018/4037 Grant of planning permission - Muckleground, Waberthwaite LA19 5YH. Proposal: Conversion of redundant barn into dwelling, including new sewage treatment and LPG storage tank – for information. d. 7/2018/4039 Grant of planning permission – Mill Gate, Broad Oak, CA18 1RS. Proposal: Conversion of joiner’s workshop and annex to form separate dwelling together with porch extension – for information.

12. Councillors’ reports and 1. Gulley at the top of Ally Hill is covered with Items 1, 2, & 3 to be items for future agenda tar and chippings reported to


2. Land encroaching onto footway at Ally Hill County Council 3. Run off ditches need clearing at Newbiggin. highways. 4. It was brought to the attention of the council that a group has been formed to develop Corney Village Hall. 5. Councillor Clegg asked to see the oldest Footpath map that the council holds

13. To consider exclusion of None the public and press in the public interest for consideration of the following items 14. Date of the next parish Monday 8th October 2018 at 7.30pm in meeting Waberthwaite, Corney & District Village Hall

The meeting closed at 8.15pm