.+ ', h~6baIlhmanagesfirst sweep of the.fgar, moves to second in OVC Page 7

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IVolume 56, Issue 26 u Student newspaper of'uJacksonville State University since 1934 April 17, 201

MORE- . JSU board raises tuition, housing prices Meehan addresses . ONLINE By Bethany Harbison up 15 percent. The fee required when applying to JSU Faculty Senate Wk4W is also increasing from $20 to $30. >I .' . "These represent a significant increqse that is not JSU's top models On Monday, April 14, the Jacksonville State recommended lightly," President Dr. William Meehan Tuition kcreuse, stadium Check out Clark Barron's Univers~tyBoard of Trustees dec~ded,in a unanimous said. expansion, transit system vote on Resolution 515, to increase tuition for the first Meehan, in his address to the board, attributed the footage from the 3rd need for this year's steep price hike to the uneven cuts annual JSU Rocks the time in two years. Undergraduate tuition will shoot points of discussion up 12.4 percent and graduate courses by 11 percent. Gov. Bob Riley placed upon learning institutions across Runway @ The university's graduate and undergraduate distance tbe state.. - Fqur-year colleges and universities like JSU By Zach Childree thechanticleeronline.com. leafning courses will undergo a $50 per credit hour w-- increase, and the cost of residence housing will shoot See "Board," page 3 \ On the afternoon of April 14, the Jacksonvi.lle State University Faculty On Monday, April 14, JSU students gathered peacefilly, senate met to discuss subjects such as the proposed stadium expansion, ,the increase presenting to the Board dfrZustees their ... in tuition, and the plan by the university to implement 'a bus transit system on ' campus. President Dr. William Meehan addressed the faculty members, informing them of the events of the morning's meeting of the Board of Trustees. Faculty members questioned Meehan about the transit system, and he assured the senate that funding for the transit system is coming from a grant and will not be fully funded by the university. Young love Tjle faculty senate also discussed the JSU art student tuition increase, and Meehan reminded Jessica Haynes them that tuition doesn't increase very juggles planning a often at JSU. wedding with life as'a "We have not gone up in tuition in the last two years," Meehan said. "Jacksonville college student. State University is the only institution of higher learning in the state of Alabama story on wt.. . - : that has not raised tuition in the last two years." The meetlng was ~r.James Rayburn's last as president of the JSU faculty senate. Rayburn's term as president ends at the end Work it out of this semester. Meehan took time in his address to Everyday activities can: praise Rayburn. burn major calories, "I want to compliment Dr. Rapbwor creating a healthier the way he has represented our fac'Hty'ais lifestyle. last year," Meehan said. "He's done a @eat Story on m: job." . I

I can handle - 40%

Working my butt off for the willinlg to listen to the students. tuition money - 33% ' "I think the school has been good

Other - 20°/0

UGoing home - 7% about their view on the stadium manner,"Meehari said.

thinks there are better things for of voicing opinions. "We believe that our students A student model strikes a pose. Photb by Jessica Rupprecht 1 The Chanticleer :eive makeover "I am taking as many . UniverSi~amid process of bringing classes as I can in May term and working." I fnterrtet-p~"esenceup to date *.. . . -Michelle Mauldin , ., - .. Lewis said these portals are intended to . ., '- \, , <' .A> , make the site more user-friendly. Freshman . . 2 I ,I I ..-kt* :.., 8 "We are hoping this will better direct IS&s mm hnn'd&"~~,;~b, ii~people that actually come in where to go," in gelfmg a fkelift. me s& jiv-4 Lewis said. "If you -click future students, ONLINE @ virtuilly ~nchangedsince the this gives you a link list, bastcally of what 1990sj aocording to Grahadis,::~ a student coming in tvould want. If you of tbremodelers. By rnid-Mly, & toam, go back and do parents and family, it's going to have, stuff a parent would want hopes to have the site in operation. ' "The .motivation behind the new ~ibto know." site was acquiring new students," Tw Gamer says parents of first-generation Garner, director of marketing for JSU, students car? click on the Parents and

said. "We have to a-unicate JSU'$ ' family link and virtually get a'checklist to product,'JSU's image, JSU's reputation,,to . .guide them through the Process. . ' On Campus... :...... 2 that prospective student. The Web site is ''When I came to Jacksonville State University, my mom had one of those , Campus Crime ...... 2 our first marketing line of defense that we have, and our website was outdated." little manuals, and she had to go through Editorial...... , ...... 4 Those entering the new site will find . the whole thing to figure it Out- -. She would Entertainment ...... 5 three portals - one each for future ------.-. . - A look at JSU's new Web presence, which will continue to be found students, parents and family, and alumni. Bee ''web me,"page d Sports...... 7,8 I at www.isu.edu. Illustration courtesy of Graham Wfght 1 JSU thechanticleeronline.com 1 I "L La." .nIIVUIIV.". Y , ..I. U *..IUJ, C.." WCU.. U ,, hopes to have the site in operation. going to have stuff a parent would want "The motivation behind the new Web to know." site was acquiring new students," Tim Girner says Parents of first-generation Garner, director of marketing for JSU, students car? click on the Parents and family link and virtually get a.checklist to said. "We have to co-unicate JSU's .. . . . Page 2 Volume 56, Issue 26 OM CAMPUS CAMPUS CMENC and Kappa Kappa Reaching new heights- BRIEFS Psi Colony will host a cookout and fundraiser on Thursday, April 17 at 3 p.m. behind Brandon Steward was Sparkman Hall selected by the* Human Resources Office as the The JSU drama depaitment JSU Employee of the and Alphi Psi Omega Fraternity Month for April. present Enchanted April. The show opens April 17 and runs *English Department through April 20. Professor Dr. Andrea Porter was awarded honorable mention by the College English The Chanlicleer Announcements Policy: Any JSU student urganiration or Assoeiatiori for her paper Un~versity office niay submit I tr13is for entitled "Jarhead and the the Announcements coiamn. Subn~tssrons Failure of the Vietnam must be typed and limit& to 50 words. Sub~mifs~ons nlust also i~nctude contact Iblyth." The paper was tntcIrmatlon. This info1rmation does one of three awarded not count to\lvard the :50-word total. honorable mention. Sub~rni.;slruns mr 1st arrive at the Chfttitii.lrer . - .-- .* .. office In KOOm lau, aelr- l-iall or e-mailed io [email protected]. by -ntmn *JSU's mathematical, on the 7iiednp prior t o the desi red computing and publication date. information sciences Thc Cltanricleer reserves the right to refuse publication of any submiission for I 1nY department hosted rmson. iiie also resente the ripht to edit for hundreds of chess breviry, clarity 2ind style. players and their supporters over the weekend for the 2008 Alabama Scholastic Chess Championships. Tuesday, April 8 The event allowed Student Christy Gentemenn the MClS department reported harrassment at Rowe to showcase their Hall. webcasting technology, JSU employee Penny Mize as well as video reported theft of property from games programmed Stone Center. JSU student Ashley Hellums climbs a rock wall in front of the TMB on April 9. The rock wall was part of the Game- by computer science cock Recreation Connexion event, which showcased local activities. Photo by Zach Childree / The Chanticleer students. Individual state Wednesday, April 9 championships were Joseph Hall was arrested on awarded on Saturday charges of harassment. April 12, and team Student Tonya Trahan championships were reported unlawful breaking and Price af young love awarded on Sunday, entering of a vehicle outside of April 13. Stone Center. Stolen property included a biology textbook. 20-year-old student counts costs of approaching wedding Catalina Alup~i,Amy By Julie Skinner belleve that you love somebody, you Thursday, April TO Anderson, April Casey, Senior Writer just know," Haynes says. David Cooper, Justin Cobb Esther Clay, Kathryn Rachel Rutledge, 19, is one of and Aaron Branham were Condit, Rachel Gordon, When Jessica Haynes talks about Haynes' five bridesmaids and works arrested for driving under the her future wedding, her big brown - as a waitress at The Glass House. She Dora Hayes, Carrie influence of liquor. ' curls almost bounce as much as she Johnson, Dung Le, does. sees their love like a fairytale. "I think it's nice that two people Susan Middlebrooks, Friday, April 11 "I'm just so excited," Haynes said, found each other and fell in love so Kimberly Nelson, Student Jerry Perkins was beaming. Haynes, a 20-year-old college quickly, and +now they're going to Vanessa Nelson, arrested for possession of student majoring in graphic design spend the rest of their lives together," Kristi Pereira, Kristina crack rock and was also cited at Jacksonville State University, has Rutledge said, starry-eyed. Pittard, Lakita Varner, for resisting arrest. been faced with stress while planning Haynes plans to finish her Bachelor Ronald Walker, Claton - Daniel Palmer was arrested her October wedding. She's also had of Fine Arts degree in the next two Whittemore, Brandon to adjust to living with her fiancC, for harrasrnent. vpnrc and hopes to be hired as a Yopp and Raquel .andon Johnson, 24. J--*- . Zavaleta were inducted ' Haynes has already put her graphic: designer soon after. Right turday, April 12 into the JSU chapter of anning in high gear after her now, tl-tough, she can't think past the - ~tudentCarl Dotsc . . n~Al-~~,I:..,. ,.-,.I -I,.--:-- -L->ll Beta Gamma Sinma nn 1 "1 JU.,. .," "~~ICI", IlUJllru .,..A", Friday, April 11 nlrnDerly ruelson, beaming. found each other and fell In love so Student Jerry Perkins was quickly, and now they're going to Vanessa Nelson, Haynes, a 20-year-old college Kristi Pereira, Kristina arrested for possession of student majoring in graphic des~gn spend the rest of their lives together," Pittard, Lakita Varner, crack rock and was also cited at Jacksonville State University, has Rutledge said, stany-eyed. for resisting arrest. been faced with stress while planning Haynes plans to finish her Bachelor Ronald Walker, Claton Daniel Palmer was arrested her October wedding. She's also had of Fine Arts degree in the next two Whittemore, Brandon for harrasment. to adjust to living with her fianck, years and hopes to be hired as a Yopp and Raquel Brandon Johnson, 24. graphic designer soon after. Right Zavalebwere inducted . Saturday, April 12 Haynes has already put her now, though, she can't think past the into the JSU chapter of planning in high gear after her Student Carl Dotson, Jr. endless spending and planning she'll Beta Gamma Sigma on romantic and surprising engagement April 11. reported theft of property in the this past November. With a big have to do before October. lobby of Crowe Hall. smile and waving ams, she recalls So far, Haynes has spent $1,000 on JSU student Jessica Haynes, a Fall 2007 issue the memorable night where Johnson graphic design major, shares a mo- her ring, $1,000 on Johnson's ring, : he Monday, April 14 painted huge blue letters on their ment with her husband to be, Bran- $745 on her dress, $200 on a special of the Houston Cole JSU employee Janet White white bedroom wall asking Haynes, don Johnson. Photo contributed by bra designed for her dress, $1,200 on Libary newsletter The reported a stolen vehicle from "Will you marry me?' Jessica Haynes photography, $700 on videography Cole Train is available the Bibb Graves parking lot. Johnson, a graduate of Culinard, and $150 on flowers. Food, however, for download online. first met Haynes 15 years ago at time friend and fellow graduate of Student Darrell Lewis won't be much of a problem with the The issue.contains an church. After not seeing each other for Trinity Christian Academy and*maid- in-depth introduction to reported an unlawful breaking asset of her parents' restaurant. qulte a while, Johnson happened to go of-honor. Faced with the responsibility new library dean John- and enterin'g of a vehicle in the Haynes's biggest stressor has been eat at The.Glass House, the restaurant of planning a bridal shower and the Bauer Graham. Sparkman Hall parking lot. Haynes' parents own and operate In dealing with the bridesmaid's dresses perfect bachelorette party, she's been and trying to match them with her Munford, Ala. under some stress her$lf. bouquet of fall colors, including According to Dr. Tuesday, April 15 After ask~ngHaynes on a date, "Jessica doesn't want the party to orange, yellow, red and brown. Haynes Timothy King, associate Student Jeffery Kretzschrnar Johnson took her to eat at FUJI'Sand be wild," Porter snickered. "But I was then to watch Dlsturbia at hls house. has always dreamed of a fall wedding vice president for reported an unlawful breaking like no, we're getting strippers!" The rest is history. with vibrant colors and a wedding student activities and and entering of a vehicle in the After three months of datlng, Haynes says those close to her are excited about the wedding, but she has gown with antique lace. enrollment management, Logan all parking lot. Johnson popped the question. He may had some skeptics whispering behind Haynes sald the couple's first fight 684 students have not know every mlnute deta~lof the focused on laundry. responded to the student upcomlng weddlng, he knows what's her back. "He thought you had to use bleach activities survey that was important. "Some people thought that I, was' lnfornlation in the c.mprls crime col~rmn pregnant," Haynes laughs. every time you washed white towels, sent to student e-mail is obtained from incident and arrest reports "The ceremony, reception and all a1 the J! iU Police Department in Sails Hall. that is important, but gettlng mamed Haynes knows what she and and I just wasn't raised that way," addresses. 587 of the These records are public document.. nhich to her, that's the best part," Johnson Johnson have is special and doesn't Haynes chuckled. "After the whole surveys were completed. a*., ;.., air," i~vid~lhas the right to examine said. let the comments bother her. thing was over, we laughed about it under 1ilabama sta te law. If !roil believe Ashton Porter, 20, is Haynes's long- "You don't have to make yourself and agreed we had to mesh." Local rape crisis center this infimmation to be in error. please call 782-47(14, or conk3ct JSUPD a!t 782-5050. Daybreak, announced its volunteers partnership Fashion show raises cash for school supplies with Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network By Ryan Rupprecht (RAINN). Volunteers Staff Reporter from Daybreak will work with RAINN to provide Thursday, April 17 On Wednesday night, April 9, Common Sense support services for * Pie in Your Face, Relay for Media held their third annual "JSU Rocks the sexual assault victims Life, JSU Quad, Runway Fashion Show" in the Leone Cole online. Daybreak is 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Auditorium. The show was coordinated by JSU also an affiliate of senior Brandie Foreman and hokted by junior the National Sexual Fred Washington, Jr. ~aturday, April 19 Assualt Hotline. For Fourth Annual Chief Ladiga The night consisted of JSU students modeling spring and summer fashions donated by RUE21 more information about 5K, Pete Mathews Coliseum, in Oxford's Quintard Mall and the Purple Store Daybreak and RAINN, 8:00 a.m. - 11 :00 a.m. in Jacksonville. Music was provided by hip- visit daybreakcenter.com Admission: $1 5.00 hop deejay and Anniston local, DJ Cool, with a or call 256-237-6300. musical performance by guest rapper L' Bronze. sunday, April 20 Additional support came from other local JSU Gospel Choir Spring businesses such as Landon Brooks Photography, Concert,TMB Auditorium, located in the Quintard Mall, and Mary Kay - From wire, staff reports makeup representative Tameka Smith, who 6:00 p.m. provided products for the model's. In attendance were people from as far away as Atlanta, ~uesday,April 22 Georgia and Birmingham, who said they came Academic Preparation Day to support the students and help contribute to SENATE the group's fundraising efforts, which will go to a local elementary school. All the proceeds MINUTES Wednesday, April 23 from the show this year will go to benefit Cobb Elementary students in Anniston. *Midnight Snack & Karaoke in According to Washington, the Common Sense The SGA Senate did not the Caf', jack Hopper Dining A male model shows off his swirnwear at Wednesday night's third Media group will donate the money in the form meet on Monday, April 14. Hall, 10:OO p.m. annual JSU Rocks the Runway Fashion Show, presented by Chm- of "100 backpacks filled with essential school mon Sense Media. Photo by Jess~caRupprecht 1 The Chant~cleer supplies.~ ------r - --.a*--=- provided products for the models. In attendance were people from as far away as Atlanta, ~uesday,April 22 Georgia and Birmingham, who said they came Academic Preparation Day to support the students and help contribute to SENATE the group's fundraising efforts, which will go MINIITFS Mlputfirleex Page 3 Volume 56, lssuei26 McCain addresses student loans and gas taxes Did we miss By,LizSidoti ' . and their families to find loans. .Nearly many Republicans in Congress became Associated Press Writer two dozen lenders have dropped out indistinguishable from the big-spending of the federally backed student loan Democrats,they used to oppose." something? PITTSBURGH (AP) - John McCain program. He also argued that Democratic rivals called Tuesday for the federal government Students, McCain said, "Sh0~ld not Barack Obama and Hi]lary Rodham to free people from paying gasoline taxes be denied an education because the Clinton would impose the single largest this summer and ensure that college recklessness of others has made credit tax incZease since world war 11 by If you see news happen, students can secure loans this fall, too hard to obtain." allowing tax cuts enacted in 2001 and proposals aimed at stemming the public's Among proposals, Mccain said' 2003 - and that McCain voted against give us a call pain now from the troubled economy. . he would: but now wants to make permanent - to In the longer-term, the certain . . -Require more affluent ' people expire. - couples making more than $160,000 Republican -presidential nominee said promise big .change.; And a he would double the tax exemption for - enrolled in Medicare to pay a higher trillion dollars in new taxes over the dependent children and offer people the premium for their prescription drugs than option of choosing a simpler tax system. less-wealthy people. next decade would certainly fit that "We know from experience that no -Raise the tax exemption for each description,!' McCain said. Playing on the serious reform of the current tax code will dependent child from $3,500 to $7,000. .title of an Obama book, McCain added: come out of Congress, so now it is time -offerpeople, the option of "All these tax increases are the fine print to turn the decision over to the people," a simpler tax system with two tax rates under the sl%an of 'hope:' They 're going McCain said in a sweeping economic and a standard deduction instead of to raise YOUrtaXeS by thousands of dollars speech at Carnegie Mellon University a sticking with the current system. per year - and they have the audacity to week before Pennsylvania's primaries. -Suspend for one year all increases in . ho.pe you don't mind." To help people weather the downturn discretionary spending for agencies other The speech was part of ~ccain's immediately, McCain urged Congress than those that cover the military and ongoing effort to counter the notion to institute a "gas-tax holiday" by veterans while launching an expaqsive - fueled by his own previous comments suspending the 18.4 cent federal gas tax review of the effectiveness of federal - that he's not as strong on the economy

and 24.4 cent diesel tax from Memorial programs. , . as he is on other issues. He also sought Day to Labor Day. He also renewed his Oxma campaign bpokesma~ Bill, to fend off criticism from Democrats, call for the United States to stop adding Burton said McCain's ~ro~osab. offer including qbarna and Clinton, that his to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and "no change from George Bush's failed sma~~-~ovefnment,free-market stances 702 Pelham Road thus lessen to some extent the worldwide policies going full speed ahw'with don't ms~withpeople feeling the pinch I demand for oil. fiscally irresponsible tax cuts'.fbr, the - p;uricularjy those hurting now, Combined, he said, the two proposals wealthiest Americans," and amount tb !'a Jacksonville H~-made his remarks a day after he I would reduce gas prices, which would gift basket of new lax cuts for @@rate said he believesthe coun~has already are have a trickle-down effect, and "help 'merib at a limewhen entexcd a recession, a label the Bush to spread relief across the American making more in a day than some workers administration has resisted even as a economy." make in a year." .' credit crisis, a housing slump,. soaring Addressing the feared fallout of the The four-term Arizona ' senator ongoing credit crunch, McCain also said packaged the fresh proposals with long- energy costs and'rising layoffs combined the Education Department should work standing positions :in a wide-rangitig thheconomy. with the country's governors to make economic speech oo Tax Day. in which The 'peech a'so came the same sure that each state's guarantee agency he faulted not ofd3 Democrats but morning'the Labor Department reported - nonprofits that traditionally back also fellow Republicans for failing, to another worrisome sign for the economy: student loans issued by banks - has both practice prudent spending and fix pricey 1,nflation at the wholesale level soared in the means and the manpower to be the entitlement programs. march at nearly triple the rate that had lender-of-last-resort for student loans. ''In so many ways, .we need to make been expected as the costs of energy and Lawmakers, students and financial a clean break from the worst excesses food both climbed rapidly. Oil prices hit experts are worried that the credit crisis of both political parties," McCain said, a new high, rising over $1 12 a barrel for might make it more difficult for students adding "somewhere along the way, too the first time.

Board: Meehan given go-ahead to seek) *I transit system Continued from page 1 and we will still have to trim the budget," Meehan said, naming travel, positions and face average of l4 percent program expenditures as possible areas in two-year institutions will be cut by 10 which the univel-sity could cut costs. percent and the Depamnent of Meehan explained while Jacksonville Education's funds were cut by 6 percent. Among four-year institutions, the cuts State University is one of the first schools were skewed. Troy University was dealt in the state to announce its increases in tuition and housing, he believed they the lowest cut of 10.23 percent. and the . . University of. West ~labamafaces the wait. . highest - 17.25 percent. JSU's fundswill ''We want our faculty and to be reduced by $6,591,697, amounting to have time to prepare," Meehan said. n-e trustees also voted unanimously 13,.36 percent. . . tuition and feesAto cover the %ansit -.. -*;u-.- Loroceed with the.. develo~ment~af~a------.- . - - .> - .. - rv'-~,.' "" "".. -- r-----A"-- -- Meehan explained while Jacksonville Education's funds were cut by 6 percent. Out-of-state ukdergradt Among four-year institutions, the cuts State University is one of the first schools in the state to announce its increases in In-state graduate were Skewed. Troy University was dealt Out-of-state graduate the lowest cut of 10.23 percent, and the tuition and housing, he believed they University of West Alabama faces the should not wait. Ice learni ?grad 9 highest - 17.25 percent JSU's funds will "We want our faculty and students to Ice learni rate 9 be reduced by $6,591,697, amounting to have time to prepare," Meehan said. . 13.36 percent. The trustees also voted unanimously to proceed with the development of a tuition and fees to cover the transit Vice President for Administrative and system's continuing costs. Business Affairs Clint Carlson said in campus-based &ansit system, which In other business, the board approved the meeting the additional funds raised would be made available to 'JSU the following: from increases in cost to students would students and citizens of the surrounding & Army ROTC conimunity. Resolut~on 516, which sought to generate approximately 3.8 million, A premiere Officer Training Environment roughly,half the sum of money lost i.n the Meehan said JSU was awarded a replace Brewer Hall's flat roof system cut. $1,943,557 grant in September 2007 with a new pitched roof system during I In order to continue operating on a through the Federal Transportation the summer of 2008, a project estimated Are you interested in a comparable budget-and cope with the Administration. The resolution to cost about $250,000. budget rising costs of retirement and authorized Meehan to provide the 20 Resolution 5 18, which sought variety of career health insurance-the university needs percent institutional grant and engage to authorize Meehan to amend the opportunities, great benefits $45,884,645. a transportation consultant, and it also university's annuity plan to include AIG- "We think(theincreaSes) arereasonable, stated that the board will increase future Retirement as a,service provider. and excellent pay? Web site: Will go live in mid-May but'rernain a p;ocess I Become an Army Officer!

Continued from page 1 will eventdally be included on the new Web slte A virtual tour of What's an Army Officer's the l~braryis also in the works. Starting Salary Worth? have loved to have had a step one, step two, step three," Garner ~h~ web site is based off an entirely new system, says. "It's l~kesending my lud to school 101." Luminis Content Management System, which was installed after Starting salary $42,303 A banner at the top of the page will have a graphic that rotates winter break. The system 1s from the same company that created every time the page is loaded. Each one represents a different the B~~~~~ system the school uses. After 2 years of service $58,846 aspect of JSU. One 1s a photograph of a football player, and Lewis said JSU is one of the first groups in the country to use After 4 years of service $70,925 clicking on it takes visitors to the Gamecock Sports page. the svstem.

"My hope for the second round of this is to have most of this &<& are son of a test group in that we helped find bugs for interactive, flash based - Tim (Gamer) was wanting to do some them," Lewis said. podcasting - just make it more fun," Lewis said. "You know, "This will go live, hopefully (in) mid May, but it will only people visit andzome back. You want them to come back and be six areas: the homepage, admissions, distance education, the say, 'What's happening now?"' library, financial aid, registrar, and housing," Lewis said. "We're The university's admissions office is working on a virtual tour just going to roll out the main things we thought people would of the campus dubbed You-niversity, according to Lewis, that visit, and then we're just (adding) on (the rest) as we finish." Protest: Students begin dialogue with administration Continued from page 1 Adams said she realizes that the stadium expansion does have some good open to our views," Stark said. "After in it. "The dorm that supposed to be they heard them they were like 'Okay, coming in we don't mind," Adams said. we've got it, thanks. "' "And the parking lot, well, we all know Folsom said the students were we need better parking." misinformed about the proposed stadium Meehan said only $17.5 million of the expansion. "We are in need of additional housing $37 million price tag is for the stadium. anyway, and a large portion of this is for The rest goes to build a new 400-bed student housing," Folsom said. dormitory for students as well as more Stevie Dorrough, a drama major, said parking. her main concern was that the stadium Phil Goodman, who spoke to the expansion would increase tuition. board on behalf of the students, said he Other Benefits Include: understood the money for the expansion "I'm not opposed to the stadium," Annual Vacation 30 days + Federal Holidays Dorrough said. "But I am opposed to the is coming from private donors. raising of tuition." "I'm saying that these private donors Unlimited Sick Leave Meehan said he understands students are giving to a cause that is not needed Free Health and Dental Care concerns about tuition. right now," Goodman said. "They could Ylus annual cost of living adjustments "We know that student's aren't rich, " begiving to the cause of education which 4 Meehan said. "Many of them work and is needed." go to class at the same time." Eveh with all of the controversy Meehan said the stadium expansion surrounding the protest, Stark said- she has nothing to do with the increase hopes other students will feel encouraged JSU Army ROTC in tuition, rather the cutbacks of $6.6 to speak out about issues at the university. Rowe Hall million the university is facing. Meehan "Hopefully this has opened the door so (256) 782-5601 said, while there is going to be a tuition that students feel more aot to do thinas," A JSW student holds sign featuring a Da- increase of 12;4 ~ercent,none of that is Stark said. "Rather than' just talk about vid Cpby quotation at Monday's protest. WWW.ROTC.JStl.EDU 1 r abaLIu11 JV uaya T rcuct UI n Dorrough said. "But I am opposed to the IS comlng from prlvate donors. raising of tuition." "I'm saying that these private donors t 1 Unlimited Sick Leave Meehan said he understands students are giving to a cause that is not needed Free Health and Dentai Care concerns about tuition. right now," Goodman said. "They could Ylus annual cost of living adjustments "We know that student's aren't rich, " be giving to the cause of education which .* . .. -- .. . . . I 191 Page 4 Volume 56, Issue 26 EDITORIAL Qlhe Q&alttirleer

h-,aq;:'* ,-.* ,-.* ' DAVE DILLON ..' ..' &,' Political Cartoonist .,d:--*' .. Bethany Harbison Editor in Chief [email protected], 782-5701

Brandon Hollingsworth Commentary Editor jsu9348m @jsu.edu, 782-8192

Mike Stedham Faculty Adviser [email protected], 782-5713 OUR VOICE Benedict 's visit to U. S. highlights problems within Catholic Church

On Tuesday afternoon, April 15, Pope Benedict XVI arrived in Washington, D.C., to inaugurate his first papal visit to the United States. While on paper the purpose of Benedict's trip is to help celebrate the bicentennial of the oldest Catholic dioceses, there is an unwritten reason: to help heal rifts within the Church here in the States. The United States is the third-largest Catholic population in the world ,- at 67 million people. But the demographic landscapes are changing from an East-Coast based European Catholicism to a Latin American sort. Hispanics now make up nearly 30 percent of Catholics in this country, according to U.S. Embracing love beyond these pages News and World Report. Benedict faces an uncertain situation during his stay in By the time this paper reaches your mothers' wombs. a man who lived and died and rose again the U.S. A recent survey, for example, found 63 percent of hands, staining your fingertips charcoal No matter how more than 2,000 years ago. American Catholics disagree with the Church's stance on gray, the eyes and pens of this staff have genuine or well- Does my hope ever falter? Yes, condom use. scanned these pages dozens of times. We meaning our efforts, absolutely. But never because God fails A Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life poll says, have poured our time and hearts - and, they will never be me or doesn't listen or is unfair - no, ''@th@ic&& lost pore peoplg to other reqgi~esOF to na in my cpse, Fs- in? creating and . enough. On my the fault always lies with me. religion srt afi'tNm my other sin~k~es;ehgwwsgroup'' , placing each page, each qid~each own, I can never ~l~~~~. For the scholarly and generaIly non-confrontational ene edict ' picture as best we can. be I can Each day, I come up short. Each day, XVI, the problems his American flock faces are formidable. Yet each week, in some way, we fall never be just light. I I sin, and each day, I disappoint the God As the Church begins its recovery from the clergy-sex abuse sbort of the mark. A misplaced line here, can never the who saved and loves me. scandal, for instance, the Poee has his work cut out for him. a typographical error there, something Bethany expectations of the But because of the of His love, here, something there. Already, there are rumblings in Boston -the epicenter of the Harbison me. a love so strong that He could, that he abuse debacle - &out Benedict's omission of the city from his It's inevitable. chantyedltor@v~l far* far more itinerary. But just as inevitable, just as seemingly importantly, I can ~~ulddie the most painful of deaths to save me from myself, He forgives me for Despite hls statement of being "dee~lvashamed" of the certain as it is that you will find a fumble never come near to fulfilling the bold. 1x v L, CII~~IVVIC.IIIJ IILJ ~IIIC.IIL~IIIIUC.~ II(CGJ aIC; IuIIIuuauIG. L"L ""1." ..""'., *,A O",,'" "UJ, .." 'U" ,..#.UL "U JUOI LIB.LC. I 1 sln, and each day, I disappo~ntthe God As the'church begins its recovery from the clergy-sex abuse short of the mark. A misplaced line here, can never fulfill the who saved and loves me. expectations of the scandal, for instance, the Pope has his work cut out for him. a typographical error there, something Bethany But because of the depth of His love, here,, something there. Already, there are rumbling

On Friday, April 11, I attended a JSU lesbian literature. It from audiences anymore. If the song was Parking lots not the problem Show Choir performance. The show portrays gays and so offensive that the JSU Show Choir had was a mash-up of tunes from Broadway lesbians honestly to shave off most of "La Vie Boheme," A recent Chanticleer editorial stated that the majority of shows. Being a musical lover myself (no and doesn't skimp then why perform it? JSU students are against expanding the stadium and in favor of comments about stereotypes please), I on the ramifications I understand that Dr. Renee Baptiste, expanding the parking lots. figured it would be a fun show to see. that HIVIAIDS the director of the choir, didn't edit They're wrong about the parking lots. Then the choir got to the song "La Vie has had on our the song herself. It was bought from a Take a look at the lots above the Stone Center, behind the Boheme" from the musical Rent. I've community. company that publishes music arranged library and in front of the coliseum during peak class hours. If heard the song many times and was As I labored for show choirs. it's a clear day you will see a vast expanse of unused asphalt astounded to hear the show choir sing through the song, it Still, I think choosing to perform such. shimmering in the hot sun. If it's a rainy day you will see sheets a version completely devoid of any dawned on me that a betrayal of queer literature was a poor of water flooding off the impervious surfaces into storm drains "boheme." choice. chanlycarnpusnews@grnaIImrn there was another and out to sea, rather than replenishing our drinking water Anything that might have been , reason this edited, If the choir had performed a song springs and local forests. considered offensive was simply cut out censored version from Ragtime with the parts about black - Do we really want a world with better habitat for cars, or of the song. They might as well have felt wrong: All the "gay" parts were cut people cut out, there would be outrage. would we like better habitat for people? changed the lyrics to being about puppies out too. Because Rent deals with issues Imagine The Diary of Anne Frank JS,U could become a more walkable and bicycle-friendly and kittens. that don't make for good jazzy musical without Jews, or The Lion King with all community. We could meet our friends under the shade trees, If you've never seen Rent, let me numbers. the references to Africa cut out. enjoy walking paths away from the traffic and take core break it down for you - it's not a pretty Ripping all the queer parts out of queer It's that level of betrayal. classes in buildings that are closer together. show. literature isn't a new concept. Tennessee I hope that, in the future, all groups Or we could keep driving from class to class to fast food Jonathan Larson, the writer- of Rent, Williams had to hide his gay characters - on this campus and off - will take restaurant, mindlessly surrendering to poor health, lethargy and crafted a story about love and loss in the from audiences using subtle nuances this into account when doing songs from a degraded world. It just depends on what kind of life students time of AIDS. and slang that only those "in the know" Rent, or any other musical. decide is worth creating. His musical featured gay and lesbian would recognize. If you can't portray the spirit of the characters - when it wasn't very But, this isn't the 1950s. song and stay true to it's meaning, don't -Susan DiBiase popular. Rent is essentially gay and We don't have to hide gay charafters, do the song at all.

w deer Lel Hcy : . . Roo If..... Hall - .tacKsonvtlte wa~eunlversrry Ib Jacks1onville, AL 36265 The Chanticlc?er welcor nes letters to the e'ditor. Letters Student newspa,per of J:5'U since heP~hvww.th echanticieeronllnf for publicatiolI must be ! limited tc 300 wor ds and must Editor in Chief:...... 78 #2-5701, Features: i be typed. Lett ers may ..b .e hand-de.-!livered or sent through News bes~lweo site: 782-8521, Sports UeSK: canlpus mail ro our onices In noom iau, Self Hall, or ng: 782-8 le mailingI address to the lef t. Letters may also be sports Editor ...... Jer ed Staul9s...... sroom Fa: 782-593: ailed to cl hantyeditordgmai I.com. assistantsports Editor ....Jar ed G rawstte...... A.-.I.- . P.L. - - r nf tho untinc e Edltot ris Pittman..,...... , snanr~creeris the newspapel ,...... - bnanrrc~eerwttt not print letters wntcn are ~t~etous Jacksonvifle State University community. Copies or defamatory. Letters may be E!dited for style, brevity Camp bus New s Editor :h Childr of The Chanticleer are distributed across the JSU or clarity. The Chanticleer reseni/es the right to refuse bb Dillar Multirnedia 6dit or..... campus weekly en Thursdays during the fall and publication of any subrriission. ... LE!Hers must be received Iirector, rra Sher ng semes by noon on the Monday prtor to aesired publication date. There will be at least two weeks between publication of Manage tthew M Single copies :3rc 3 free frr3m newss tands. letters from the same person. Rebuttals will be published Unautholrized rem,O\ ies will be ..... ral of mi ~Riplecop no later than two weeks after ~ublicationof the article, oerea rnefi and prosecuted as sucn. orial or leiter in que Editor in Chief: 78#2-5701, Features: 782-8192, yped. Lett ers may be hand-de sent throi News bc 3skJ Web site: 782-8521, Sports Desk: )pus mail to our. . off)ices in Rc Self Hall,I or . -...... - sports Editor ed Staub: ....782-5703 782-5703, Advert~sing:782-81 91, Newsroom Fax: to tne malllng aaaress to tne lert. Letters may also be I emailed to cl hantyeditordgmai _Assis -- ---tantSpcr~ LP CUIL - edGravet. - . ....782-5703 Page 5 Volume 56, Issue 26 Music Corner Fittine in fitness AT THE MOVIES

, 1 Weekend box office top 5 ALBUM OF T,HEWEEK ' LOS AN~ELES(AP) - The slasher remake Prom Night took Frightened Rabbit Experts recommend 1 hour the biggest slice of the weekend box office, debuting with $20.8 ~idni~htOrgan Fight million. of exercise 4 days a week The top five movies at U.S. and Canadian theaters Friday Scottish indie-rock band Frightened ~abbit's through Sunday, followed by distribution studio, gross, number I of theater locations, average receipts per location, total gross and ' sophomore rel~ase,Midnight organ Fight, is rich and textured musically, lyrically and creatively. By Chris Foshee number of weeks in release, as compiled Monday by Media By The melding of interesting instrumentatimi, Celtic Contributing Writer IN 30 MINUTES .. . Numbers LLC are: , in0uence and the Scottish accent in the vocals, a 150 Ib. individusd wilJ bum 1. Prom Night, Sony Screen Gems, $20,804,941, 2,700 along with lyrics that are thought .provoking Countless hours spent with one's loca'tions, $7,706 average, $20,804,941, one week. and provocative, create a musical mixture nose in a book may bum mental 2. Street Kings, Fox Searchlight, $12,469,63 1,2,467 locations, that is interesting and innovative. "Modern energy, but the mind and body need $5,055 average, $12,469,63 1, one week. ' Leper" contemplates life through the eyes of exercise to perform at their peak. 3. 21, Sony, $10,470,173, 2,736 locations, $3,827 average, people crippled in many ways, physically. and College students often spend a $6 1,738,420, three weeks. emotionally. The lyrics are deep, sang over music great deal of time in their sedentary 4. Nim's Island, Fox, $9,111,667, 3,518 locations, $2,590 that is rhythmically'interesting and stjrring. pursuits,' With high school gym average, $25,39 1,566, two weeks. "Old Old Fashioned" is musiCally reminiscent of classes behind them, most college 5. Leatherheads, Universal, $6,276,665, 2,771 locations, Paui Simon's folklrock stuff. "Give me soft static students struggle to find time to $2,265 average, $21,976,580, two weeks. with a human voice underneath," the singer sings. exercise. According to Student Support - -'~atkitIg$h'~ - 36 The theme is going back to the way things used to LAST-DITCH EFFORT By John Kroes be. The bass dtim beats steadily - thump, thump, Services of Gadsden State ~ketba~(q'&rt) - 279 thump - perfectly connecting the rest of the band Community college, college . and forcing compliance from the listener. students are expected to study three "Keep Yourself Warm" is pointedly honest about hours for every hour they spend life and love:"You won't find love in a hole, it in class. If the perage student takes more than f***irig someone you don't know. takes 15 hours #'classes a week, to keep yourself warm," the singer proclaims in that leaves 45 IgWs dedicated to a soul-piercing falsetto voice. The sharp lyrics studying - and&& is not counting are sung over the somber music strengthened the 56 hours of sleep they're are by the organ. This new album supposed to be getting. is wonderfully witty. The lyrics When classes, sleeping and are satiric '*and sarcastic at times, studying are taken into account, the At pretty and ponderous at others. average college student, is left with Sudoku solution @ - Jacob Probus only 52 hours of spare time each week. And students often choose "There are countless *asons why to dedicate time to other activities to exercise," JSU exercise science I www. thechanticleeronline.com ALSO IN ROTATION such as clubs, jobs and Greek life. mfessor Donna Hey sdd. "Among Thomas Once wrote that Mny, you feel better aWtyourself. to be successful in academic studies wmconfidence is hportant a person should, "give two hours, fdctor to so~eone~slife." One Hell of a Ride every day, to exercise; for health F~~~time may be a rarity for must be sacrificedto learning. A college students, but better health Willie Nelson is one of the greatest, most prolific strong makes a strong mind." can be achieved through just song writers America has ever produced. His song The Department of changing a few everyday activities writing career spans more than half a century. His and Human Servrces' h0wev4 around. One could bike or walk to Ride recommends one hour of exercise new box set One Hell of a is a picture-perfect class instead of driving. Students slice of that career, confaining 100 songs. four days a week. might also try parking further The first song on the first disc - and the first "I make sure to dedicate at least away then normal to enhance more song Willie ever recorded - is "When I've Sung one hour of exercise every other My Last Hillbilly Song," recorded in '54 or '55. day," 22-year-old senior Zack - Or perhaps taking the For some reason, Willie can't remember. The last ~l~~~ said. -1 also make sure my stairs instead of the elevator. song on the last disc is the song reprised in '07, bod,, gets plenty of exercise during JSU's available exercise options aptly titled "When I've Sang My Last Hillbilly regular activities. After all, your include physical education classes, Sank." The next song is the most raucous, funky body i,s a temple." such as weight training, martial arts, yoga and aqua aerobics. I ?I love 7 -my.. qua. aerobics year music career. It personifies students who reported exercising class," 19-year-old ' sophomore everything - Willie Nelson is at least three days a week were Kayla Garrett said. "It's a great about, from his 14 No. 1 hits to the more likely to report better health opportunity to get in exercise and ' At emotionally rich and thoughtful and attitudes. Regular exercise may it's a lot of fun. You get three songs.that never made it to radio. help performance in the classroom credited hours for playing in a pool. - Jacob Probus and in social situations. You can't beat that." the mo to report to get in exercise and :ful and aultuaes lf -.fun. Y hree I. help perfom 10111 crt: rs tor playing III a pool. - Jacob Probus and in social alruarrvlrs You can't beat that." Page U Volume 56, Issue 26 'Mhe U~rzrtticleer

Page 7 Volume 56, Issue 26


NickJacksonvrlle Hetland State'swas named Ohio Valley Conference Pitcher of the Week on Ove.A Monday, The senlor from

Apple Valley, M~nn.,had 4, h~sbest outing of the year on Saturday, pitching 6 Baseball manages ist sweep, moves to 2nd in OVC 113 Innings of relief in the *$; I I Gamecocks 16-6 victory By JereB !&wb over Southeast Missouri Sports Mitar-- State. During that span, Hetland allowed only two The fSU baseball team put together singles and struck out a clinical weekend at the plate to earn seven to record his third its first season sweep of the year. After defeating SEMO three times, win of the season.-.- the Gamecocks (16-16, 9-3 OVC) have moved into sole position of sec- - Jacksonville State's ond place in the OVC, a half game be- Steven Leach was named hind Samford. Ohio Valley Conference "When you sweep, that gives you an opportunity to win a championship," co-Player of the Week on head coach Jim Case said. "You can't .Monday. The sophomore go wrong with two out of three, and from Decatur, Ala., hit it's going to get you in the tournament .778 in the Gamecocks' if you do that, but if you can sweep three-game sweep over every now and then, then you have a to Southeast Missouri State. chance win a championship." The opening and closing games of Wch hit his first career the series folldwed a pretty similar home run and drove in script - SEMO took a decent early six during the weekend lead, but JSU's offense kept wearing series. on the Redhawks' pitchers, and the Gamecocks were able to win rather . s' comfortably. Jacksonville State In the opener. the first game of a Sat- golfers Mercedes Huarte urday doubleheader, SEMO jumped and Portia Abbott were out to a 6-1 lead after scoring three named to the All-OVC runs in each of the first two innings off first team on Monday. JSU starter Jason Zylstra. The Game- cocks scored 15 runs in a row to earn Huarte, a senior from the 16-6 win. Chacabuco, Argentina, Bert Smith, Clay Whittemore and led the Ohio Valley Steven Leach each had three hits, and Conference with a 77.0 Smith drove in four runs. Each mem- stroke average. Abbott ber of the starting lineup scored a run was third in that category in the win. While the Gamecocks poured with a 78.0 average. in the runs. Nick Hetland (3- 5) pitched 6 113 113 innings and Bert Smith (right), who had eight hits on the wdend, and Steven Leach round tMrd bake after Leach hit his first Sophomore Ashley career home run, a three-run blast in the fourth Inhgof a 10-7 win over SEMO Sunday afternoon. The Gamecocks See Cox and freshman mge won ail three games againstthe Redhawks Photo COUrteSy of James Harkins / JSUFan.com Laura Cutler also I received honors for their performance this year. Cox was named to the LOOKINGFOR A All-OVC second team, 4 while Cutler was named to SUMMERJOB? the All-OVC Newcomer We are hiring Group Initiatives ------A&-ee& *Lb-A LUU. U VU..". Ul"" received honors for their performance this year. Cox was named to the LOOKINGFOR A All-OVC second team, while Cutler was named to SUMMERJOB? the All-OVC Newcomer team. Cutler also received We are hiring Group Initiatives OVC co-Freshman of the Facilitators, Kitchen Staff, Maintenance Year honors. Staff, and Life Guards for Summer of Both the Jacksonville 2008. Competitive pay, fun relaxed State men's and Runs environment. Great Summer job women's tennis teams Todd Cunningham 33 for outgoing students! defeated Morehead State C last Friday only to fall Bert Smith 24 to astern Kentucky a Interested? wflfikeach.., a& aa ' day later. The women I,: Call Kevin McDade defeated Morehead 5-2 behind a strong 256-236-8941 performance from Viviane [email protected] Marani, who has won her orvisit . last nine matches. Both squads lost 4-3 to EKU. www.cam plee.org The losses snapped the women's eight-match winning streak and the men's five-match streak. Both the men and women finished in third place in the regular season FREEDOM HOUSE- standings. The OVC tournament begins on Friday in Nashville, Tenn. THRIFT STORE Flinton Street(Just off the Square) 0 ~acksonvill~ Jacksonville State track and field athletes Megan Ziarek and Crystal Estes set school records for the second consecutive week in the Spec Towns Track and Field Invitational at the University of Georgia. Ziarek, a senior from Muskego, WE., lowered her own school record by 13 seconds in the steeplechase. She finished first in the event with a time of 11 :27.37. Estes finished fifth in the 81.00 Keystone or Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer shot put competition, breaking her own school $5.00 Pitchers of Bud Light record with a throw of 41- 11.50. -LIVE ENTERTAINMENT- Thursday thru Saturday Jacksonville State's Nolinda Garner finished -DAILY FOOD SPECIALS- Shoes - lops Appliances won the 400-meter hurdles. The junior from . Boots Men's Computers Town Creek, Ala., finished JSU Students, Staff & Alumni 10% Off Coats Women's Accessories with a time of 1 :01.57. ---OPEN--.. Jackets Kid's Clothes Jewelry *I1 a.m. - 10 p.m. M-W *I1 a.m. - 2 a.m.Th.-Sat. Pants Housewares I?urses Skim odd^ 6 Ins breaking her own school record with a throw of 41- 11.50. [ VAULT) -LIVE ENTERTAINMENT- Thursday thru Saturday Aol; R +,Ill4 ,+ h- ,- 26 SPORTS P* f&e (alpdicker y' a I

Dominance&iscontinued I ' 2nd-@ace Mqehead takes tyospl~hreeon rizilestone weekend

YY '

After breezing through the early portion of their OVC schedule;,!the Jacksonville State softball team

met their match last weekend againstu Morehead State. The Gamecocks (25-1 1, 14-3 OVC), who entered Don 't the weekend ranked ninth nationally in scoring, struggled to score runs all weekend, dropping two Gf Phil three against the Eagles.

lt # up, In 911 seriousness, how l@g does it take to hire a baskktball coach? . .

Jacksonville State #, University has been khout a coach since-Mad3f-- almost six weeks ago - wEn it :I, was announced wIMike aLaPlante's contriet would not be renewed. ' '.pathletic department ' has been holding interviews wittffour finalists - ,Charl,es . Burkett, Phillip Pearson, Tim a player here when played their Jacksonville State head &ach Jana McGinnis.talks.withsenior Rachel Fleming during Wednestkiy's ' Maloney and James Green - ' first game and I had ffiends-on the team, so I can Blackout garne againt Sarnford. Photo courtesy of James Harkins / JSUFan.com . . ,, throughout this week and last remember seeing their first game. It's just good to in an attempt to fill the void : have been around and been a part of that and to see left after LaPlante's departure. games'ofthe first-place Ggmecocks. added. "I thought Jackie Jarman and Whitney Elder Burkett was an assistant at how the program has grown." The Eagles sent Gjevre to the circle once again. played very good. We just didn't have enough JSU jumped out to an early 2-0 lead in the second JSU in 1995 before beginning VU 'did a much better job the second time players that had good weekends." a .very successful high school inning of the nightcap after a Jackie Jarman RBI aroud!, ut couldn't come through with runners in JSU lone run of Sunday's,tilt came on 'a Jarman double in the top of the fifth inning. coaching career at Saks. He ' has since moved to Hoover to The Gamecocks split a doubleheader with Middle coach the B'ucs. Tennessee on Tuesday, leaving McGinnis just one Maloney is currently he win away from 500 for her career. associate head coach,at UM&S "Honestly, jt (winning my 500th) will just make t me proud of all of the players that I've had the opportunity to coach," McGinnis said. "Honestly, I couldn't imagine myself, 10 years ago, being around to see ,500 wins. I've been very lucky to coach playemthat want to win. . .ir+:i'* . . t

-# *?'mrro~~500.wina.1fI:fe~~~*ns~&e~ogo, Gamecocks, earning her 16th win of the season. ' "That was very frustrating and very disappointihg if I couldn't do.this job and get this program where coaching experience at Morehead took the final game of the series 5-1 on because we've got hitters one-througk-nine that I it needed to be, I'd quit at 499. It's not about me and , Southern Mississippi. . Sunday, pulling themselves within two and a half expect to come up with those big hits," McGinnis it's n,a about the wins. ItTs about the program." In my opinion, any of these guys would make a better hire than Pearson, who has spent nine seasons under Mark DOWINTHE STRETCH Gottfried at Alabama. coacnlng expenence at ..l".r.."uu .vv.. ..." .I..u* bu...r ". LA," rr",.Urr ., r v.. uvVuurr ..r ." ev. ....rnv v..r C..L"Ub...... V .I.... 1 A. I.r"UVU L" "1)I U YUIC C'L TZI.11 J LlVC LlV""L ,,,C a,,,, Southern Mississippi. Sunday, pulling themselves within two and a half expect to come up with those big hits," McGinnis it's n,ot about the wins. It's about the program." In my opinion, any of these guys would make a better hire than Pearson, who has spent w-wJ nine seasons under Mark DO THE STRETCH Gottfried at Alabama. JSU reached for an assistant coach eight years ago when Fyjp +,--w Lil SOFTBALL BASEBALL they brought in LaPlante from Mm Auburn, ahd that didn't work The Gamecocks have been nothing sbrt of dominant in Ohio JSU has seemed to find a lineup that is capable of getting back out very well. Valley Conference play this year. to the OVC Championship Game for a fifth consecutive year. Todd That aside, Pearson's current program at Alabama After splitting a twogame seftes w~thTennessee Tech, the Cunningham and Bert Smith provide high batting averages and is in shambles. Why Gottfried Qarneoooks won thsir.nexl 12 OVC contests before fallhg to excellent speed at the top of the lineup, and the power hitters have and his coaching staff are still Morehead State last weekend. started to drive in more runs. in Tuscaloosa after missing the JSU has nine conference games remaining on the schedule It has turned into almost an automatic win when Ben Tootle takes NCAA and NIT tournaments against the trio Of Eastern Illinois, Austin Peay and Southeast the mound, and that is always a valuable asset. But neither Jim Case two years in a row, I will never Missouri State. EIU is the only team In the group with a wlnning nor Gamecock fans can be too confident when anyone besides know. percentage above .500against OVC opponents. But to add insult to injury, Tootle takes the mound. With the Gmecocks already up 2.5 games In the standings and But JSU does posess probably the best bullpen in the conferenoe, Alabama is likely losing ' the majority of their team. . the toughest part of their schedule behind them, they should cruise largely because of sidearmers Brian Booth and Alex Jones. Alabama's two best players , to a regular season Me. The,difficult non-conference schedule has left JSU prepared for - Ronald Steele and Richard It appears that Morehead State m~ghtpose the biggest Mat anything the OVC has to throw at it. The 7-13 mn-conference rewrd Hendrix - have already ; to knock off JSU in the OVC Wnament behind the arm of Alex included some ugly losses, but it also prepad the Gamecocks declared for the NBA draft kjevre. better than beating up on inferior team. That could loom Large in with Alonzo Gee yet to make a However, the Gamecocks always seem to flnd a way to win when the OVC tournament. decision. . . their backs are agakt the wall. JSU has as yet to lose a conference serk this year, and has Rum09 have also been I swirling.around that the NMPrier, Allle Barker, Rachel mng Chrissy O'Neal have already taken two of three from conference-leading Samford. If the Crimson Tide may lose at least bem~lutchperformers all season long, should be hoisting Gamecocks can find someone to step up as a quality number.two three other players to transfers. the OVC championship trophy in mid* starter, the team is capable of emerging as the class of ttie OVC. Really, it's getting so bad /. that JSU cobld probably beat 1 - Jared Gmvette , 2 ~ered~/aubs Alabama next year if they were on the schedule. ' Alabama has had some of the most talented athletes in all 'of college basketball over the Sweep: Gamecocks twice rally from large early deficits to win three last six or seven years. With players like Gerald continued from page 7 without hitting the ball out Wallace and Mo Williams of the ballpark, but after Jake coming through the program, allowed only two hits and, no Sharrock, 'Todd Cunningham there is no reason the Crimson runs to earn the victory. It was and Smith singled - Leach Tide shouldn't have made"a Hetland's second consecutive a pulled a threelrun homer to Final Four. victory since being moved to right field, and the Gamecocks The furthest Alabama has the bullpen. never : were seriously ever gone in the tournament is The Sunday finale again saw threatened again in their 10-7 to the Elite Eight. That team JSU's starter get hit hard, as victory: wasn't as talented as some John David Smelser gave up In between the two offensive of the previous teams under four runs in his three innings outbursts, Ben Tootle (6- Gottfried, but the leadership of work. But OVC Player of 2) recorded another victory and grit of Antoine Pettway the Year Whittemore tied the - his sixth in his last seven put them over the top. game with one swing of his starts - in a 4-3 Gamecocks' If JSU wants a coach with bat with his first career grand win. He allowed three runs in tiqs to Alabama, why not ' slam. eight innings, and Alex Jones Pettway? He knows what it "You knd, I'd nevkr really pitched a scoreless final inning feels like to play in big games thought about (not having to earn the save. and the leadership aspect i's ever hit a grand .slam)," Brian Booth (2-0)' took certainly there. Whittemore said. "To be advantage of the Gamecock Nothing against Pearson, honest, I wasn't expecting to rally to earn the victory. he could turn out to be a hit any home runs in the game. Booth allowed only three base great head coach, but I hope The biggest thing for me was -runners in his three innings he can figure out how to use gettingus back even and of work - though one was the athleticism ofLhisplayers getting the momentum back a two-run home run - and because Gottfried still hasn't in our ,favor, and we carried Case said he was a major key figured that one ~ut. that momentum the rest of the in the victory. Clay Whitternore (second from right) is greeted by teammates after hiding his first career The Gamecocks have good game I felt." "I' thought when (Booth) grand slam, which erased a 4-0 SEMO lead. Photo courtesy of James Harkins I JSUFancom athletes on their roster. Nick The momentum certainly came in, .he settled the game \. - Murphy, Jonathan Toles and carried to the next inning, , down," Case said. "The game the game." Gamecocks' batting order The Gamecocks will look others are great basketball when the Gamecocks scored up until that time, itseemed ones came in and pitched each had huge series. Smith to continue pounding out players, and JSU needs a another four runs largely. on like we were behind in the the final two and two thirds finished the series with eight coach who knows how to use the strength of Steven Leach's . count.. He came . in with the inninns to finish off the sweep. hits in 13 at-bats. and both-he runs as they resume non- first career home run. attitude. of, 'I'm going to He ailowed no hits or walks and Leach scored six runs and their skills.to put wins on the conference against Troy bend,.,, L,.U,U. Leach had gone the first attack ~e strike' zone.' and and struck out four. drove in five more in the three Nothing against Pearson, honest, I wasn't expecting to rally to earn the victory. he could turn out to be a hit any home runs in-the game. Booth allowed only three base great head coach, but 1 hope The biggest thing for me was runners in his three innings ,. ." &I--- -.~.-. petting 11s hack even and nf wnrk - thn~~ohnne wac