Award Volume VII, No. 2 • New York City • OCTOBER 2001 Winner FOR PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS U.S. POSTAGE PAID U.S. POSTAGE NEW YORK, NY Permit No.633 PREST STD. 2 Award EDUCATION UPDATE ■ FOR PARENTS, EDUCATORS & STUDENTS ■ OCTOBER 2001 Winner EDITORIAL GUEST EDITORIAL EDUCATION UPDATE O AN S N SLAND N M I A I Schools Surrounding Tragedy Mailing Address: It was a beautiful, spring-like day in New 276 5th Avenue, Suite 10005 York City. My husband and I voted in the may- By JERRY CAMMARATA Bergtraum HS. With all the devastation, to my New York, NY 10001 oral primary and then walked to Park Avenue. The morning walk to school. A time for par- knowledge, all our children, parents, teachers email:
[email protected] Incredulously, I looked at the billows of black ents and children to enjoy the fresh air and and staff, left safely. smoke filling the sky 80 blocks away. Shortly carry on conversation about the day, school Today, it gives us pause. Should we be doing Tel: 212-481-5519 thereafter, our office building at 30th and Fifth work, or even random chit chat. a risk assessment about where are schools are Fax: 212-481-3919 Avenue was evacuated. Thousands of people, as On September 11th at PS 234, two blocks and what potential dangers could take place? if on a death march, serious and silent, streamed from the World Trade Center (WTC), dozens Clearly, the Chancellor has indicated he will be PUBLISHER AND EDITOR: north up Third and Lexington Avenues for of parents and children were approaching the reviewing the security of our schools.