Bearers of the Safety Net
Bearers of the safety net The influence of social service organisations on the social rights of social assistance recipients in the Netherlands (1982-1998) Utrecht University Master thesis – RMA History Supervisor: Prof. dr. L. Heerma van Voss Hans Rodenburg (3998290) 20 June 2017 I am not a client, a customer, nor a service user. I am not a shirker, a scrounger, a beggar, nor a thief. I am not a national insurance number, nor a blip on a screen. I paid my dues, never a penny short, and was proud to do so. I don’t tug the forelock, but look my neighbour in the eye. I don’t accept or seek charity. My name is Daniel Blake, I am a man, not a dog. As such I demand my rights. I demand you treat me with respect. I, Daniel Blake, am a citizen, nothing more, nothing less. Thank you. Quoted from: I Daniel Blake. Directed by Ken Loach. London (2016) 1 Acknowledgements Although I am the sole author of this thesis, this study would not have been possible without the support and advice of many others. Firstly, I would like to thank the people of DIVOSA for offering me the opportunity to delve through their organisational archives for several months and for sharing their time, workplace, and coffee with me. I particularly would like to thank Gerard Galema for the interview. Furthermore, I would like to thank my supervisor Lex Heerma van Voss for his steady and reassuring supervision over the past six months and for his assistance as a tutor during the RMA, enabling me to develop my own field of specialisation.
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