

Exploring Use of Expanded Polystyrene Food Ware in Food Service Establishments City of Milpitas, California

JULY 28, 2017

Prepared by



Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………….3 Methodology………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………4 Findings / Results………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………..7 Appendix 1 Summary of survey responses by question…………………………………………….…..………………11 Appendix 2 Sampling of responses to open ended survey questions ……………………………..…….….……14 Appendix 3 Survey questionnaire in English, Vietnamese, and traditional Chinese………………..………16 Appendix 4 Fact sheet in English, Vietnamese, and traditional Chinese………………………………………….26 Appendix 5 City of Milpitas Business License list of food establishments with businesses surveyed highlighted and validation record……………………………………………………………………………………….……31 Appendix 6 Identification used by field surveyors and photos of surveys in progress ……….……………40


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) is a petroleum-based plastic material commonly used as foam food ware containers in the food service industry. Its chemical properties contain Styrene, a known carcinogen, it is difficult and uneconomical to handle and recycle, especially if soiled by food, and it easily breaks down into smaller pieces, making it difficult to clean up in creeks and catch basins. To address this problem, the City of Milpitas (City) is considering an ordinance restricting the use of EPS foam food ware in its local dine-in and take-out food establishments. The City of Milpitas is under strict State requirements to reduce the amount of trash that ends up in storm drains and our creeks, especially single-use plastic bags and EPS foam food containers. The EPS foam food ware ban would give the City an important credit towards achieving the required trash source reduction goals. July 1, 2018 is the proposed effective date for the EPS foam food ware ordinance. GreenPro Network was commissioned to develop and execute a statistically reliable field survey to determine the use of EPS foam food ware containers among food service establishments in Milpitas. The purpose of the study is to identify economic and operational concerns regarding the proposed EPS ordinance. The goal of the survey and aggregated research is two-fold: 1) Provide information that helps create an action plan to facilitate the smoothest possible transition of the ordinance for food establishments, and; 2) Guide development of resources that address the concerns of food establishment owners and managers affected by the ordinance. This project was implemented within Milpitas city limits and used a standard survey methodology as the primary vehicle for data collection. It encompasses a quantitative and systemized (non-random) selection of food establishments and added a qualitative approach in order to maximize the inferences gathered from the data collected. Of the 367 total establishments relevant to the study, 281 were surveyed between June 28 and July 28, 2017. To summarize results of the quantitative approach, 51.6% of food establishments surveyed use EPS foam food ware for either dine-in or take-out service and almost 48.4% use a recyclable or compostable product. Because of the impressive amount of completed interviews, there is a 95% confidence level and 2.85% confidence interval for this survey. For example, the result that 48 .4% of food establishments do not use EPS foam food ware has a confidence rate of +/- 2.85%. Quantitative strategies were employed to infer key factors for the qualitative results. Consequently, survey responses paint a clear picture of the general sentiment among the local food service community and is supported with reliable data. The results show that EPS foam food ware is used by 51.6% of food establishments surveyed, especially among ethnically owned businesses. We observed a higher incidence of resistance to the ban based on ethnic

3 background of the respondents, which could be a result of a cultural bias. These and other observations are summarized in the Finding / Results section of this report.

METHODOLOGY THE RESEARCHER’S ROLE Having experience in how field agent representation affects perceptions, interpretations, and can hinder objectivity, the field surveyors were trained to introduce themselves as a third-party, conducting a questionnaire on behalf of the City of Milpitas. This important distinction had a dual purpose: to provide a level of separation so that the participants responded comfortably to the questions, and; to remove bias and establish an understanding of how the food service community perceived a possible EPS ordinance. Field agents that administered the survey were hired based on past experience with field work of this nature and their individual expertise in translating the questionnaire in their native language(s): Vietnamese, Cantonese and/or Mandarin. The intent here was to establish participant trust in the surveyor. Additionally, the surveyor’s previous experience was instrumental in developing logistics and executing field work in an efficient manner. It served to enhance the comprehension, awareness, knowledge, and sensitivity to the issue and contexts studied. The result of this interaction yielded an unusually high standard of quality data. DESIGN Survey methodology combined quantitative and qualitative approaches using five questions. For quantitative data, this study used a systematic, non-random sample with the objective to interview a minimum of 50% of food establishments with a business license. For qualitative data, this study used three open-ended questions which encouraged individual response to capture true sentiments and ideas from respondents. This combination has become a standard way of collecting data in the social sciences. Each survey question, developed with City staff, has a specific purpose and is detailed in Appendix 1, along with the results of the data collected. Additional comments were paraphrased and used to convey the general attitude of each respective category of food establishments. A paraphrased summary of the additional comments can be found in Appendix 2. The questionnaire was translated and presented in three languages: English, Vietnamese, and traditional Chinese (four were administered in Spanish by one interviewer). GreenPro Network interviewers were able to capture accurate and thorough data from the diverse population that comprises the food service industry in Milpitas.


SAMPLING Sampling was determined using a cleaned list derived from the database of business licenses provided by the City of Milpitas. There are 376 food establishments with a business license in Milpitas. After removing 15 corporate-owned businesses that do not use EPS foam containers, and adding 6 gas stations with convenience stores, 367 food establishments remained with possible use of this material. GreenPro Network exceeded the objective of surveying at least 50% of the 367 food establishments by interviewing 281 owners or managers, a total of 76% of food establishments in Milpitas.

Figure 1 - Breakdown of respondent sampling by category

DATA COLLECTION Data collection was administered, for the most part, in person, Monday through Friday between the hours of 10:00AM and 5:00PM. The data represented here was collected between Friday, June 29th, 2017 and Wednesday, July 26, 2017. This ample three-week window allowed enough time to go back to the establishment a second time when a first attempt was unsuccessful. There were four businesses where the survey was conducted over the telephone because the manager or owner was not available for a face-to-face interview after the second attempt. All phone surveys were conducted in English. Survey participants received a fact sheet (Appendix 4) that outlined the proposed EPS ordinance requirements, product alternatives and process for a grace period.

The table below shows the number of interviews that were administered in each language:

Language # of interviews % of total surveys English 176 63% Spanish 4 1% Vietnamese 46 16% Chinese 55 20%


This project used SurveyCTO to collect and store the data. This online cloud-based server has many features, and allowed us to not only collect detailed meta-data, but also enabled field surveyors to work offline, which meant the work was not interrupted due to lack of wi-fi or cell signal of the tablet or android phone being used. The meta-data collected was especially useful in determining outliers and allowed for real-time monitoring for quality control of the data. The survey’s electronic format used constraints and relevance rules that yielded cleaner data with a high degree of reliability, and thus allowed for reasonable inferences when analyzing the data. It also created an efficient use of field time. For example, if an establishment did not use EPS food containers at all, the surveyor would never see questions regarding impact or how the city could help because they were rendered irrelevant by answering question 1, a yes/no question that determines if EPS food containers are used in their establishment. VALIDATION Validation procedures were developed to ensure the accuracy of the entries and verify that data collected came from the appropriate personnel of a vetted establishment on the list. The person validating individual surveys calls the establishment using the number provided by the surveyor and asks to speak to the person named on the survey. The following script was used:

1. Hi,

2. May I speak with name on survey? If not, mark line item for 2nd pass, then move on to next establishment.

3. If Yes,

4. Introduce yourself:

5. My name is and I am simply calling to verify that one of our surveyors went to your establishment and spoke to you regarding the proposed EPS ban.

6. Did you understand the content?

7. Did they leave the informational fact sheet with you?

8. Do you have any additional comments or questions?

9. If yes, then record their questions or comments on the spreadsheet. Inform them that their question has been recorded and someone will get back to them on it.

10. Thank them for their time. Almost 84% of all surveys collected were validated using these procedures (Appendix 5). LIMITATIONS Some cafeterias inside business campuses were unreachable because they were housed within a secured building. GreenPro Network interviewers did not have the proper credentials to gain entry to the building and were not able to administer the survey. This limitation did not

6 allow us to form an accurate understanding of the cafeteria category and EPS foam food ware use. Another limitation was that for 16% of the validation calls made, the procedures failed to verify interviews. It is important to note that 17 of the 44 calls that failed were due to a language barrier. The individual conducting the phone calls did not have the proper language skillset to successfully validate many of the interviews conducted in Vietnamese or Chinese. All English and Spanish language entries that underwent the validation procedure were successfully verified.

RESULTS / FINDINGS DATA ANALYSIS The bulk of the data was analyzed using an online server’s built-in feature called Data Explorer. It allowed GreenPro Network to develop relationship variables and filter groups based on question responses and food establishment category. All demographic variables were obtained using field summaries furnished by SurveyCTO. The data shows that 51.6% of all participants surveyed are still using EPS foam food containers and 48.4% use an alternative recyclable product: This respresents 145 and 136 establishments respectively.

Figure 2 - Does your business use EPS?

The categories of food establishments were further scrutinized using the survey responses as a global filter. The bar chart below details the 51.6% of food service establishments from each category that still use EPS foam food ware:

Figure 3 - Categorical break-down of businesses that currently use EPS


Of those respondents that said they still use EPS foam containers, the following break-down was observed when asked about the impact of restricting use of EPS foam food containers:

Figure 4 - Response summary for question 3 for businesses still using EPS

The data clearly shows that an overwhelming majority of the participants still using foam food containers will experience a financial impact as a direct result of the proposed EPS ordinance taking effect. An interesting combination of qualitative and quantitative data was layered and cross-tabulated to develop key inferences. Using a global filter that isolated the ‘yes’ responses to question 1 (using EPS or not), we sought to understand how many of those survey entries chose the option ‘Financial Impact’ on question 3 (How will business be impacted). Relationship data from question 5 was then analyzed to establish general sentiment about the EPS ordinance within this group. Question 5 was a post survey question that required the interviewer to rate the participant’s acceptance of the EPS ordinance using a simple 3 variable rating; positive, neutral, or negative. We found that, despite the overwhelming evidence that financial impact is the main concern among participants still using EPS, 57.9% stated that they believe the proposed ordinance would be a positive change for the environment. The ‘additional comments’ data for this group was then interpreted and summarized, and supports this inference. Refer to Appendix 1 for summary of responses and Appendix 2 for record of para-phrased responses for ‘additional comments’. When asked, “How can the City help you,” the businesses still using EPS foam containers reported the importance of materials in the following order: 1. Public outreach and advertisements 2. Small business exemptions 3. Posters and flyers to inform customers 4. Guide for acceptable alternatives 5. Staff training 6. Other


The summary of comments associated with ‘Other’ on question 2 were pooled and analyzed for trends. The common thread derived from the comments was that participants would like to see subsidy programs established to help them ease into compliance. Record of responses can be found in Appendix 2. This common theme is demonstrated in the following comment by one of the small business owners surveyed,

“I know that saving the environment is important, but that would increase my operating expenses so much so that I would have to think about closing for good. If the city could help subsidize the price of alternatives, it would be a great big help for me.” When asked about the proposed July 1, 2018 start date, 99.9% of the surveys indicated that businesses perceived that to be enough time to prepare for ordinance compliance. OBSERVATIONS Of the 48.4% of food establishments that do not use EPS foam containers, two distinct sentiments surfaced depending on whether they were corporate owned or an individually owned small business / franchise. The corporate owned business manager is proud to report that they had followed suit when San Jose implemented its restriction in 2014. This is because the responsibility to enforce an operational change regarding food containers lies with the regional manager. When an EPS ordinance went into effect in San Jose, it was more efficient to adopt the policy throughout a sales region, rather than implementing based on individual city ordinances and timelines. Generally, this group felt that they were environmentally responsible and were doing their part. The small business / franchise owner or manager in this group exhibited another sentiment altogether. Although they too were proud to report their environmentally-friendly practices, they were somewhat surprised to learn that the City was just now proposing an EPS ordinance. Most wondered, “Why is taking the City so long?” Others were concerned that they did not receive any recognition from the City regarding early adoption and now it seems like the stragglers would receive more resources. They felt it was unfair for the City to provide additional support to food establishments having to transition to non-EPS foam food containers (see Appendix 2). The 51.6% of businesses using EPS foam food containers exhibited distinct characteristics as well. The data identified the following characteristics of these food establishments:

 17% were owned by corporations  81% were individually owned small businesses or franchises  Based on a careful phonetic review of the establishment names or name of the owner, we can safely assume that a statistically high percentage of EPS users serve ethnic food


 Most were not aware of the health dangers or impacts on environment specific to EPS foam food ware  Almost 7% exhibited a level of distrust or otherwise negative sentiment toward the City With this group, there were two ideologies of thought that surfaced, creating a stark distinction between corporate owned and individually owned or small franchise businesses. The summary of additional comments from this group were evenly split amongst those establishments that supported the EPS ordinance, even though they would be negatively impacted financially, and those establishments that felt no community responsibility to adopt environmentally friendly business practices, citing either indifference toward the subject or prioritizing financial impact over environmental accountability. Further, the data suggests that there may be a cultural bias at play that could be, in large part, responsible for the negative disposition towards the EPS ordinance.



After completing the identifier categories, the very first question that participants were asked was a yes/no question to determine whether or not they were using EPS foam food ware in their daily business operations. Quantifiable data for this question is a key factor in developing the scope of resources necessary to build a successful plan for city-wide ordinance compliance. The data shows that out of 281 establishments surveyed, 145 are still currently using EPS foam food ware, which translates to 51.6%.

Figure 5 - Question 1: Response summary for Does your business currently use EPS foam food containers for dine-in and/or take- out?

Relevance rules were set to trigger an additional question if respondents answered ‘no’ to the first question. This pool of respondents was asked to choose an option from the drop-down menu that describes what they were using in place of EPS, or if they were using anything at all. The aggregated data would help us understand what the industry trends are as they pertain to alternative materials for food ware. 79 of 136 establishments are currently using paper, 35 are using recycled plastic, 3 are using compostable fiber. 9 businesses stated that they were not using any material for food containers and 10 participants chose ‘Other’, which ended up being to a combination of paper and recycled plastic. A percentage break-down for each option is shown below:

Figure 6 - Question 1a. Summary of responses to conditional survey question: What material type(s) of take-out containers does your business use? (EPS foam food containers not used)


Question 2 asked respondents still using EPS foam containers for their input on how they would like to see the City help them transition into compliance with the EPS ordinance. They were given a list of choices, with one of them being ‘other’, which allowed them to express their own ideas on the question. The chart below details a break-down of the summary responses. Note that participants were able to choose more than one option on this question. The data demonstrates that 61% of the time, respondents chose ‘Public outreach and advertising’. The second most popular option was ‘Small business exemptions’, coming in at 41%. ‘Other’ was offered as an option on this question to encourage unique input and ideas. When the comments were analyzed, a common theme emerged. The local food service industry would like to see the city develop and implement subsidy programs to stabilize the increased cost of alternative materials. Refer to Appendix 2 for record of open-ended responses.

Figure 7 - Summary response for Question 2: How can the City help you adjust to a likely ban on EPS food containers?

Question 3 asked interviewees to think about how a ban on EPS foam food containers would impact their business. They were given a menu of 4 choices; ‘Financial Impact’, ‘Operational Impact’, ‘No Impact’ and ‘Other’. The ‘Other’ option was open-ended, so as to facilitate unique answers that would shed light on unforeseen trends. It is important to note that this and all subsequent questions answered were dependent on the answer to question one. The below pie chart represents only those respondents that stated ‘yes’, they were still using EPS foam food ware. The data shows a heavy skewing towards ‘Financial Impact’ within the group of establishments still using EPS food containers. 92.4% of the 145 entries specified ‘Financial Impact’ as their main concern, which is an unusually high preponderance.

Figure 8 - Summary response to survey question: How will a ban on EPS foam food ware impact your business?


Question 4 asked how respondents perceived the proposed effective date of July 1, 2018. The data clearly shows that almost 1 years’ time to prepare for the ordinance would be sufficient time for businesses still using EPS foam containers. Out of 145 business that were still using EPS foam food ware, only 4 stated that they needed more time, which translates to 99.9% of the surveyed establishments feeling confident that they will be able to comply with the EPS ordinance by July 1, 2018.

For Question 5, field agents conducting the interviews and collecting the survey data were asked to rate the general disposition of their interaction with the establishment owner or manager as it relates to the EPS ordinance. They were able to draw from subtle cues such as changes in tone, facial expression, demeanor to determine respondent’s sentiments, and then chose the rating that best fit the encounter: Positive, Neutral, and Negative. This rating allowed us to not only determine the general attitude towards the ordinance, it was also critical in relationship summaries where bi-variate data was examined.

Figure 9 - Summary of responses for post survey form question: How did the interviewee perceive the ordinance?


The form also provided a space for additional comments that were not captured anywhere else in the questionnaire. A qualitative approach was used to analyze comments and summarize the main points.

From corporate businesses NOT using EPS – This group felt that they had already addressed the issue from an organizational standpoint.

From small businesses NOT using EPS -- the collective nature of the comments from this group was that of surprise and curiosity. Many thought the EPS ban was already in place and others wondered why it has not yet taken place. They also felt that they were not being recognized by the city for being early adopters.

From corporate businesses STILL using EPS – The general attitude deduced from the comments was that of indifference, or resentment towards having to comply. Comments seemed to capture a disbelief that they were contributing to EPS ending up in creeks.

From small businesses STILL using EPS – Although they expressed concern over increased financial costs as a result of the ordinance, they understand why the ban is being proposed and support any kind of action to help the environment, as they consider themselves as being part of the community, and don’t want to contribute to trash in creeks.



The following entries are paraphrased excerpts from the overall sampling of 97 additional comments. These reflect the most common themes that surfaced:

Their manager has confirmed that they have switch from EPS to compostable fiber some time ago This establishment switched from EPS foam food ware to recycle plastic and paper compost some time ago Owner stated that he knew that saving the environment is important, but that would increase his operating expenses so much so that he would have to think about closing for good. If the city could help subsidize the price of alternatives, it would be a great big help for him Why doesn’t the City just leave us alone? We are not doing anything wrong. This business made the switch when they received the letter from the City a while ago. Surprised to hear that it is still allowed until next year The owner proudly said that he was among one of the first establishments to adopt a green alternative for food containers. He has been in business for over 30 years! Noted that City did not help him when he made the switch. "Why are all the EPS offenders getting special treatment?" Owner want to know if they can use styro-foam internally only, not serving to customer. Their salmon comes wrapped in EPS from the supplier. Technically they are not using it for dine-in or take-out, it is simply what the supplier chooses to use to package their salmon. Would this circumstance render them non-compliant? This is a supermarket. They do not sell food to go but they do sell food packaged from San Francisco vendor with styrofoam. The manager is actually surprised that he is allowed to still order EPS containers. He stated that they would observe no impact. All he has to do is take it off of the ordering menu.

This establishment uses very little EPS foam food containers, but none the less they use it. Maria was surprised to learn that Milpitas is just now implementing the ban when so many other cities have adopted it a while ago. I believe this lady is the wife of the owner and she doesn't seem to care one way or the other about this ordinance.

I spoke with Francisco over the phone as he was not in the building. We had a quality conversation regarding the EPS food ban. He also has a in Fremont, and they have already adopted the no EPS food container ban, so he is no stranger to the news. If it helps the environment, he's all for it, although it will affect his bottom dollar, and anything that City could do to help alleviate that would be greatly appreciated. Juan is all for positive changes to help the environment! He is happy that Milpitas is finally implementing this. This establishment is glad to comply with an EPS ban if it's going to help the community and be environmentally sane.


The owner was not in and they did not have an acting manager so I called Casey on the phone and administered the survey that way. She seems to think that a ban on eps foam food containers is a great idea if it will help. She stated that the ordinance will have little impact on her business being that they only use it for cups and such. The manager is well aware of the EPS issue and was very understanding. He says the bottom line in a business like his is cost. If the city can figure out a way to bring the cost of Alternatives down, I imagine compliance would be at 100% Should change the compliance date to 2017, not 2018 No EPS why do others receive incentive? Complained that they have been using 1+ years and did not receive incentive

The following entries are paraphrased excerpts from the overall sampling of comments from the ‘Other’ field on survey question 2 – How can the City help you adjust to a likely ban on EPS foam food ware?

Help us seek alternative options that are comparable in price to avoid cost increase associated with the ban Suppliers to price match with styrofoam prices are She would like to see the city provide some type of compensation to even out the price of the alternative Get paper price down somehow Work with suppliers to lower the cost to a comparable price Train us on being green More time to comply subsidy on alternatives They wish the city to provide subsidies for alternatives to even out the price Suppliers need to do price match on other materials



SURVEY – ENGLISH Talking Points

I have a brief overview and then would like to ask you five questions for a survey. Your responses today will help the City identify and evaluate economic and administrative concerns. May I have about five minutes of your time?

o Currently, over 80 cities and counties in California have banned the use of EPS foam (“Styrofoam”) food containers for dine-in and take-out uses.

o EPS (commonly called “Styrofoam”) is a petroleum-based, lightweight plastic material that contains Styrene, a chemical known by the State of California to cause cancer.

o The City of Milpitas is under strict State requirements to reduce the amount of litter that ends up in storm drains and our creeks, especially plastic bags and EPS foam (“Styrofoam”) food containers.

o The EPS ban would give the City an important credit towards achieving the required goals.

o However, the City of Milpitas is concerned how this would affect your business.

Here are the survey questions:


Name: ______

Title: ______

Business Name: ______

Phone Number: ______


Business type:

___ Bar / Pub

___ Cafeteria

___ Coffee Shop

___ Convenience / Liquor Store

___ Gas Stations with a convenience store

___ Grocery Store / Supermarket

___ Mobile Food Truck, Vehicle or Cart

___ Restaurant / Delicatessen

___ Retail Shop / Sales Outlet

___ Other: (Also includes: caterer, coffee shop)

1. Does your business currently use EPS foam food containers for dine-in and take-out? ___ Yes

___ No

1a. If ‘No’ to Item 3, what material type(s) of take-out containers does your business use?

___ Paper

___ Compostable Fiber

___ Recyclable Plastic

___ Aluminum (foil and/or containers)

___ None

___ Other: ______

2. How can the City help you with a likely ban on EPS foam food ware?

___ Staff training ___ Posters and flyers to inform customers ___ Guide for acceptable alternatives


___ Public outreach and advertising

___ Small business exemptions


3. How will a ban on EPS foam food ware impact your business?

___ Financial Impact

___ Operational Impact ___ No Impact


4. Would a July 1, 2018 start date allow you enough time to prepare your business to comply with the ordinance?

___ Yes

___ No

Thanks for your time today. May I leave this fact sheet with you for future reference?

Post Survey Question to Interviewer:

5. How did the interviewee perceive the ordinance?

____ Positive

____ Negative

____ Neutral




我先介绍一个简短的概述,然后想问你五个调查的问题。您今天的回答将有助于本市识 别和评估有关经济及行政管理方面的问题。请问我是否可以用大约五分钟的时间向您做


o 目前, 在加州有超过80个城市和县区,已经禁止使用EPS发泡塑料餐具用来


o EPS (一般称为“发泡塑料”)是一种以石油为基础,轻质含聚苯乙烯的塑料


o 米尔彼得斯市根据严格的州政府规定,需减少在雨水道和我们小溪中丢弃

的垃圾,特别是塑料袋和EPS发泡塑料餐具。 o EPS 的禁令将会帮助本市达


o 然而,米尔彼得斯市关心这将会如何影响您的生意。


姓名: ______


商业名称: ______


电话号码: ______

第2页 – 调查


___ 酒吧/酒馆

___ 自助餐厅

___ 咖啡店

___ 便利店/酒类商店

___ 附有便利店的加油站

___ 杂货店/超市

___ 流动食物店,食物车

___ 餐厅/熟食店

___ 零售商店/销售网点

___ 其他:(也包括:食物承办商,咖啡店)

1. 您的商业目前是否使用EPS发泡塑料餐具装盛在店内用餐和外卖的食物? ___ 是

___ 否

1a. 如果“否”问第3题,您的商业使用的是什么材料装盛外卖的食物?

___ 纸制


___ 可堆肥纤维

___ 可回收的塑料

___ 铝 (锡箔和/或容器)

___ 没有

___ 其他:______

2. 市府怎么能帮您实行禁止使用发泡塑料餐具呢?

___ 员工培训

___ 宣传海报和传单告知客户

___ 可接受的替代方案指南

___ 公共宣传和广告

___ 小型商业豁免

___ 其他“请写下全部的评论/说明” 第3页 – 调查

3. 禁止使用EPS发泡塑料餐具对您的商业将有什么影响 ?

___ 财务影响

___ 营运影响

___ 没有影响

___ 其他“请写下全部的评论/说明”

4. 2018年7月1日开始实施禁用,您是否有足够的时间来准备您的商业以遵守该 法令?


___ 是 ___ 否



5. 受访者如何看待该法令?

____ 正面

____ 负面

____ 中立


SURVEY – VIETNAMESE Các Điểm Nói Chuyện o Tôi có một trình bày tổng quát ngắn và sau đó muốn hỏi quý vị năm câu cho một cuộc thăm dò. Các trả lời của quý vị hôm nay sẽ giúp cho Thành phố nhận biết và đánh giá các quan tâm về kinh tế và hành chánh. Xin cho phép tôi được năm phút thì giờ của quý vị được không?

o Hiện nay, có hơn 80 thành phố và quận ở California đã cấm sử dụng các đồ đựng thực phẩm bằng chất phôm EPS (“Styrofoam”) để sử dụng cho việc ăn uống tại chỗ và đem về nhà.

o EPS (thường được gọi là “Styrofoam”) là một vật liệu nhựa nhẹ, có thành phần chính là dầu hỏa chứa chất Styrene, một hóa chất mà Tiểu bang California biết được là gây ung thư.

o Thành Phố Milpitas đành phải theo các đòi hỏi nghiêm ngặt của Tiểu bang trong việc giảm thiểu số lượng rác vương vãi rơi vào các cống thoát nước mưa và các con lạch của chúng tôi, đặc biệt là các túi ny lông và đồ đựng thực phẩm bằng chất phôm EPS (“Styrofoam”).

o Việc cấm dùng EPS sẽ đánh dấu một bước quan trọng của Thành phố hướng đến việc đạt được các mục tiêu theo yêu cầu.

o Tuy nhiên, Thành Phố Milpitas lo là việc này sẽ ảnh hưởng tới doanh nghiệp của quý vị như thế nào.

Sau đây là các câu hỏi thăm dò:

Thăm dò

Tên: ______

Chức vụ: ______

Tên Doanh Nghiệp: ______

Số Điện Thoại: ______

Trang 2 – Thăm dò

Loại doanh nghiệp:


___ Quán Bar / Quán Rượu

___ Quán ăn nhỏ ___ Tiệm Cà Phê

___ Cửa hàng bán đồ tiện lợi / Bán rượu

___ Các Trạm Xăng có cửa hàng bán đồ tiện lợi

___ Cửa hàng tạp hóa / Siêu thị

___ Xe Tải, Xe hoặc Xe Đẩy Bán Thực Phẩm Di Động,

___ Nhà Hàng / Nơi Bán Đồ Nấu Ăn Sẵn

___ Tiệm Bán Lẻ / Cửa Hàng Bán Sỉ

___ Khác: (Ngoài ra bao gồm: cửa hàng giao thức ăn tận nơi, tiệm cà phê)

1. Cơ sở kinh doanh của quý vị hiện có dùng các đồ đựng thực phẩm làm bằng chất phôm EPS cho việc ăn uống tại chỗ hoặc đem về nhà không? ___ Có ___ Không

1a. Nếu ‘Không’ cho Mục 3, (các) loại vật liệu nào mà đồ đựng đồ ăn đem về nhà mà cơ sở kinh doanh của quý vị sử dụng?

___ Giấy

___ Chất sợi có thể làm phân bón được

___ Chất nhựa có thể tái chế được

___ Nhôm (giấy thiếc và/hoặc các đồ đựng)

___ Không có

___ Khác: ______

2. Thành phố có thể giúp cho quý vị như thế nào về việc cấm bán đồ đựng thực phẩm làm bằng chất phôm EPS?

___ Huấn luyện nhân viên


___ Các bích chương và tờ rơi để báo cho khách hàng biết

___ Hướng dẫn về các lựa chọn khác có thể chấp nhận được

___ Tiếp ngoại và quảng cáo cho công chúng

___ Các miễn trừ cho cơ sở doanh nghiệp nhỏ


Trang 3 – Thăm dò

3. Việc cấm dùng đồ đựng thực phẩm làm bằng chất phôm EPS có ảnh hưởng đến cơ sở kinh doanh của quý vị như thế nào?

___ Ảnh hưởng về tài chánh

___ Ảnh hưởng về hoạt động

___ Không ảnh hưởng


4. Liệu ngày bắt đầu vào 1 Tháng Bảy, 2018 có cho quý vị đủ thì giờ để chuẩn bị cho cơ sở kinh doanh của mình tuân thủ theo sắc lệnh không?

___ Có

___ Không

Xin cám ơn về thì giờ của quý vị hôm nay. Tôi có thể để lại tờ dữ kiện này với quý vị để tham khảo sau này được không?

Đăng Tải Câu Hỏi Thăm Dò cho Người Phỏng Vấn:

5. Người được phỏng vấn cảm nhận về sắc lệnh này như thế nào?

___ Tích cực

___ Tiêu cực

___ Trung l




Proposed Expanded Polystyrene Ordinance FACTSHEET

What does this ordinance propose? No food vendor shall sell or otherwise provide prepared food in extended polystyrene (EPS) foam food ware on or after July 1, 2018.

Who has to follow this law? Food vendors or establishments located in the City of Milpitas that sell or otherwise provide prepared food for consumption on or off its premises, and includes, but is not limited to, any shop, sales outlet, restaurant, bar, pub, coffee shop, cafeteria, caterer, convenience store, liquor store, grocery store, supermarket, delicatessen, mobile food truck, gas station, vehicle or cart, or roadside stand.

What are the requirements of this ordinance? As of July 1, 2018, this ordinance bans the use, sale or distribution of both dine-in and take-out EPS foam food service ware made, in whole or in part, from polystyrene foam (also called Styrofoam™ and expanded, extruded or blown polystyrene). • EPS foam food ware includes, but is not limited to, plates, trays, cups, bowls, and hinged or lidded containers (clamshells) used in the restaurant and food service industry for serving prepared food.

What products are acceptable alternatives to polystyrene foam? Packing materials and disposable food ware used or distributed be food vendors in the City of Milpitas must be compostable or recyclable in the City’s collection programs. Examples include those made with paper, cardboard, molded or rigid pulp or plastic. Regularly updated types of acceptable take-out products will be posted at www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov.

Are exemptions available? The City of Milpitas may grant exemptions to the ordinance in the following circumstances: • If a food vendor requires a grace period for “unused inventory.” Food vendor must demonstrate that polystyrene foam food service ware purchased before December 31, 2017 cannot be returned to the distributor and, despite the food vendor’s best efforts, will remain in inventory


on July 1, 2018. This exemption may be granted, in whole or in part, for up to three (3) months and will not be extended. • If a food vendor requires a grace period due to “unique packaging hardship.” Food vendor must demonstrate that no reasonably feasible alternative exists to a specific and necessary polystyrene foam disposable food service ware. This exemption may be granted, in whole or in part, for up to twelve (12) months

Requests for exemption must be submitted on a written application on a form approved by the City of Milpitas and will be reviewed upon a case-by-case basis. Determination shall be final and is not subject for appeal. For questions about exemptions, please call: (408) 586-3352.




本法令建议些什么? 在2018年7月1日或以后,任何食品摊贩不得出售或以其他方式提供以聚苯乙烯(EPS)发泡塑料餐具 装盛食物。

什么人必须遵守本法令?位于米尔彼得斯市在其店内外出售或提供熟食的食品摊贩或食物店,包 括但不限于任何商店,销售点,餐厅,酒吧,酒馆,咖啡店,自助餐厅,食物承办商,便利店, 酒类商店,杂货店,超市,熟食店,移动食品车,加油站,食物车或手推车,或路边摊位。

本法令有什么规定?由2018年7月1日起,本法令禁止店内用餐或外卖、出售或分发使用全部或部 份由聚苯乙烯发泡制造的塑料餐具(也称为Styrofoam™,以及膨胀的、挤压的或吹制的聚苯乙烯 )。

• EPS发泡塑料餐具包括,但不限于在餐厅和食物业使用之供应准备食物的碟子、盘子、杯 子、碗和铰链或有盖子的容器(蛤壳形)。

什么产品可以替代聚苯乙烯发泡塑料?食品摊贩在米尔彼得斯市使用或分销的包装材料和一次性 使用的餐具,必须是本市收集垃圾计划可堆肥或可回收的材料。例子包括那些用纸、纸盒、模压 或硬纸浆或塑料制成的产品。我们将在www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov定期发布可接受产品类型的更新资料 。

是否有豁免? 在以下的情况,米尔彼得斯市可能准予豁免遵守本法令:

• 如果食品摊贩必须有一个使用“未使用的库存”的宽限期,食品摊贩必须证明其聚苯乙烯的 发泡塑料餐具是在2017年12月31日前购买并且不可退回给经销商,同时在食品摊贩尽力之 下,在2018年7月1日仍有库存。这项豁免可准予全部或部份最多为三(3)个月,将不再延长 。

• 如果食品摊贩由于“独特的包装困难”而需要一个宽限期,食品摊贩必须证明没有合理可行 的取代方法以某种和必须的聚苯乙烯发泡制造的一次性使用的餐具。这项豁免可准予全部 或部份最多为十二(12)个月。

提出的豁免请求必须由米尔彼得斯市批准之表格提供书面申请,部门将按各个个案予以评审。 部门之决定应属最后,同时不可上诉。有关豁免的问题,请致电:(408) 586-3352.



Sắc Lệnh Về Chất Xốp Polystyrene Theo Đề Nghị TỜ DỮ KIỆN

Sắc lệnh này đề nghị điều gì? Không một người bán thực phẩm nào được bán hoặc mặt khác cung cấp thực phẩm đã được nấu sẵn đựng trong đồ đựng thực phẩm bằng phôm có chất xốp polystyrene (EPS) vào hoặc sau ngày 1 Tháng Bảy, 2018.

Ai phải theo luật này? Những người bán thực phẩm hoặc các hàng quán tọa lạc trong Thành Phố Milpitas bán hoặc mặt khác cung cấp thực phẩm đã được nấu sẵn cho việc tiêu thụ tại hoặc ngoài các cơ sở của họ, và bao gồm, nhưng không giới hạn tới, bất cứ cửa tiệm, cửa hàng bán sỉ, nhà hàng, quán rượu, quán nhậu, tiệm cà phê, quán ăn nhỏ, tiệm giao thực phẩm tận nơi, tiệm bán đồ tiện lợi, cửa hàng bán rượu, tiệm tạp hóa, siêu thị, tiệm bán thức ăn nấu sẵn, các xe tải bán thực phẩm di động, trạm xăng, xe cộ hoặc xe đẩy, hoặc quầy bán bên đường.

Các yêu cầu của sắc lệnh này là gì? Kể từ ngày 1 Tháng Bảy, 2018, sắc lệnh này cấm sử dụng, bán hoặc phân phối đồ đựng trong dịch vụ thực phẩm làm bằng chất phôm EPS cả ăn tại chỗ và đem về nhà, được làm hoàn toàn hoặc một phần bởi, chất phôm polystyrene (cũng còn được gọi là Styrofoam™ và chất xốp polystyrene được chế tạo theo kiểu mở rộng, nhô ra hoặc thổi phồng).

• Đồ dùng đựng thực phẩm bằng chất phôm EPS bao gồm, nhưng không giới hạn tới, các đĩa ăn, khay, cốc, tô, và các đồ đựng có bản lề hoặc nắp đậy (đóng lại kiểu vỏ sò) được dùng trong nhà hàng và công nghiệp dịch vụ thực phẩm để phục vụ thức ăn nấu sẵn.

Các sản phẩm thay thế nào có thể chấp nhận được thay vì chất phôm polystyrene? Các vật liệu đóng gói và đồ dùng đựng thực phẩm dùng một lần được sử dụng hoặc phân phối bởi những người bán thực phẩm trong Thành Phố Milpitas phải có thể làm phân bón hoặc tái chế được trong các chương trình thu gom của Thành Phố. Các thí dụ bao gồm những đồ đựng làm bằng giấy, giấy bìa cứng, bột giấy được đúc thành khuôn hoặc cứng hoặc chất nhựa. Các loại sản phẩm đựng đồ ăn đem về có thể chấp nhận được và được cập nhật thường xuyên sẽ được đăng tải tại www.ci.milpitas.ca.gov.

Có các miễn trừ hay không? Thành Phố Milpitas có thể cho miễn áp dụng sắc lệnh đối với những hoàn cảnh sau đây:

• Nếu người bán thực phẩm cần có một thời gian nhân nhượng để “kiểm kê những đồ chưa dùng tới.” Những người bán thực phẩm phải chứng minh được rằng đồ đựng dùng trong dịch vụ thực phẩm bằng chất phôm polystyrene đã mua trước ngày 31 Tháng Mười Hai, 2017 không thể hoàn trả lại cho nhà phân phối được và, bất kể đến những nỗ lực tối đa của người bán thực phẩm, sẽ


vẫn phải lưu lại trong hàng kiểm kê vào ngày 1 Tháng Bảy, 2018. Sự miễn trừ này có thể được cấp, toàn phần hoặc bán phần, lên đến ba (3) tháng và sẽ không được triển hạn.

• Nếu người bán thực phẩm đòi hỏi một thời gian nhân nhượng do “sự khó khăn đặc biệt về đóng gói.” Người bán thực phẩm phải chứng minh được rằng không có lựa chọn nào khác có thể thực hiện được trong vòng hợp lý hiện nay để thay cho đồ đựng trong dịch vụ thực phẩm dùng một lần làm bằng chất phôm polystyrene cụ thể và cần thiết. Sự miễn trừ này có thể được cấp, toàn phần hoặc bán phần, lên đến mười hai (12) tháng.

Các yêu cầu để được miễn trừ phải được nộp lên dưới dạng đơn xin trên một mẫu đã được Thành Phố Milpitas chấp thuận và sẽ được duyệt xét theo từng trường hợp một. Quyết định sẽ là chung cuộc và sẽ không được kháng cáo. Nếu có các câu hỏi về các miễn trừ, xin gọi số: (408) 586-3352.


APPENDIX 5 CITY OF MILPITAS BUSINESS LICENSE LIST OF FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS WITH BUSINESSES SURVEYED HIGHLIGHTED AND VALIDATION RECORD EstablishmentName Address Verified? Comments 7 Eleven 2366-22277C 1771 Clear Lake Yes 7 Eleven Store #2367-39690A 190 W Calaveras Bl 7-Eleven #2232-29788a 1838 Milmont Dr 7-Eleven #2366-15952F 596 North Abel St Yes 7-Eleven #23879B-2234 1496 North Milpitas Blvd Yes 7-Eleven Store #2233-14240D 15 South Abbott Avenue Yes 99 Ranch Market 338 Baber Ln Yes A.J. Royal Taco Inc 1469 Landess Avenue Yes ABSI Retail Inc dba 7-Eleven Store 57 S Park Victoria Dr Yes Allium Rising Corporation 179 Ranch Dr American Harvest Group Corp 1535 Landess Avenue Ste122 Yes Amrita Inc dba 115 N Milpitas Blvd Yes Amrita Inc Dba #37979 1243 E Calaveras Blvd Yes Anderson and Cafe 270 Great Mall Drive Yes Andy investment LLC 510 Baber Ln Milpitas Yes Anh Hong Bo 7 Mon 233 West Calaveras Blvd Yes Annapoorna Catering Services 1466 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Apple Gilroy Inc Dba Applebees 84 Ranch Dr Yes Aramark Corporation (PC # 6946) 135 N McCarthy Blvd Aramark Corporation (PC # 6958) 707 Tasman Dr Aramark Services @KLA Tencor 1 Technology Dr Arco Gas 43 S Abbott Ave Arete Fine Chocolate 1114 Wrigley Way Yes Aroma 212 Ranch Dr Aroma Coffee & Snacks Corporatio1n535 Landess Avenue, #159 Yes Ash Foods, Inc. 675 Great Mall Dr Yes Asian Batter & Foods Inc 556 S Milpitas Bl Yes Baja Cactus Milpitas Inc 338 South Main St No person not available// staff asked to call back later Bambu Desserts 1756 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Banana Leaf Inc 182 Ranch Dr Yes Bao House 52 South Abel St Yes Barrio Fiesta Restaurant 1790 Milmont Dr Yes Baskin Robbins 357 Jacklin Road Yes BBH Noodle 1203 East Calaveras Boulevard Yes Bcute Tea Drinks & Finger Foods 200 Serra Way #12 No Language barrier Beijing Flavor 79 South Abbott Avenue Yes Bezawada Inc 127 Dixon Road Yes Biryaniz Inc 18 South Abbott Street Yes Black Angus Steakhouse 275 Ranch Drive Yes Black Bear Diner 174 W Calaveras Blvd Yes Blendz at South Bay Honda 920 Thompson St Yes Blue Note 765 E Capitol Ave

31 EstablishmentName Address Verified? Comments Blue Sky Cuisine 1828 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Bob's Discount Liquor 206 North Abel Street Yes Bombay Chaat House Inc 454 South Main St Yes Bon Appetit @ Bright Horizons 800 Barber Ln Bldg 25 Bonfare Market 1233 Jacklin Road No disconected number Bosphorus Trade Dba Kebab Gyros172 Great Mall Drive Yes #975 175 W Calaveras Bl Burrito Express 275 Jacklin Rd C & T Milpitas Inc dba 1723 North Milpitas Blvd Yes C.K. Golden Inc. dba 30 S Park Victoria Dr Cafe Alma 1001 Murphy Ranch Rd Yes Cafe Connextion 691 S Milpitas Blvd Caffino KC 315 West Calaveras Blvd Yes Cajun & Grill Of Great Mall Inc 609 Great Mall Dr No Directed to voicemail - 2nd attempt California Bakehouse 1718 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Cam-Bas Inc Dba McDonald's Restau18ran54 tsN Milpitas Blvd Cambrige TRS Inc dba 1800 Barber Ln Milpitas Yes Carering Central LLC 1558 Gladding Yes Carls Jr 1890 McCandless Dr Yes Casa Azteca Restaurant Inc 20 North Abel Street Yes CBI Kitchen 290 Barber Ct No Number not in service Charley's Grilled Subs 604 Great Mall Dr Yes Cheerlitre Liquors 104 Dempsey Rd Chef P's Restaurant 1535 Landess Ave Suite 162 Chevana dba Bambu Desserts & Drin17ks56 II N Milpitas Blvd Chevron 1249 Great Mall Dr Yes Chevron 1490 s Park Victoria Yes Chez Christina 1339 Jacklin Road Yes Chili Garden 210 Barber Ct Yes Chili Palace Chinese Restaurant 177 W Calaveras Blvd Yes Chili's 300 W Calaveras Blvd Yes Rose 387 Jacklin Rd Chipotle Mexican Grill # 1184 246 Great Mall Drive Yes Chowking 535 Landes Ave Suite 157 Yes Christy's Donut 1291 East Calaveras Boulevard Yes Chung Chou City Inc #3 648 Baber Ln Yes Cinnabon 510 Great Mall Dr Yes CJ Great Mall LLC 605 Great Mall Dr CJ House 260 S Abel St Cold Zone Creamery Inc 426 Great Mall Dr Colosseum New York Pizza 761 E Capitol Ave Com Tam Thien Huong 41 Serra Way #106 Yes Compass Group USA 1000 Gilbralter Dr Crawdaddy408 Incorp 1228 S Abel St Yes Creative Treets 475 Sinclair Frontage Yes Curry Pizza House 1806 Milmont Drive Yes

32 EstablishmentName Address Verified? Comments CustomRipe Avocado Company 1141 Montague Ex Dakshin Indian Restaurant LLC 458 Barber Ln Dave & Buster's 940 Great Mall Dr Yes De Los Altos Grill 1830 Milmont Dr Yes Dingguagua Tasty Legend dba 550 Barber Ln No Number not in service Dish Dash Restaurant Inc 181 Ranch Dr Dixon Mart And Liquor 81 E Dixon Rd Donut Basket 1559 Landess Avenue No person not available// staff asked to call back later Donut Basket 242 North Abel St Yes Doraku Inc 760 E Calaveras Blvd Yes Dunshi corporation dba 74 Ranch Dr Yes Eat on Monday 1558 Gladding Ct. Yes Edgie's Billards 235 S Milpitas BL Edible Arrangements 283 Jacklin Road Yes El Alazan 75 South Abbott Avenue Yes England Rose Garden Tea House 678 Barber Ln Erik's delicafe 148 North Milpitas Boulevard Yes F.T. Cafe 660 Barber Ln Falafel bite 222 Barber Ct Yes Fanel Bakery & Coffee Delight 1666 Centre Pointe Dr Fantasia Coffee & Tea Inc 528 Barber Ln No Directed to voice mail Fiesta Market Corp 110 Dempsey Road Yes Fire Eye Cafeteria 1440 McCarthy Blvd Food Truck in fromt of Home Depo1t177 Great Mall Dr Foodie Hall 662 Barber Ln No Language barrier Foster's Freeze 78 Serra Way Yes Fresh Brand Foods 611 Great Mall Dr FC #11 Yes Fu Chun Jiang Food Beverage Manag27em8 Barbent erCo Ctrp Fulfillment System Inc DBA Giorgio6's4 Italian3 East CalaFoodv eras& Piz Bozeriaulevard Yes Fun Chun Inc 206 Barber Ct Yes Galaxy Cocktail Lounge and Bar 134 South Main Street Yes Gangnam House 1245 Jacklin Rd General Nutrition #1871 169 Great Mall Dr General Nutrition #5041 168 Ranch Dr Global Bazaar 81 South Main St Yes Gold Ribbon Bake Shop & Rest 380 S Main St No No answer and no vm service set up Golden Chopstick, Inc 402 Barber Ln Yes Golden Sun Palace 1678 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Gourmet Express 463 Valley Way Yes Gracefulife Supply 16 Corning Av Suite 124 Great khans great mall 601 great mall Dr No directed to voicemail Great Mall Mayflower Restaurant 222 Great Mall Dr Guckenheimer Services LLC 951 SanDisk Dr Half Penny Fish & Chips 1350 South Park Victoria #43 Yes Happi House Restaurant. LLC 133 Ranch Drive Yes Henley Management Corp. Dba McD41o Ranchnalds Drive Yes

33 EstablishmentName Address Verified? Comments Henley Management Corporation D12b4a9 M GreatcDon aldMalls Dr Yes HIT 228 Barber Ct No Automatic voicemail -->Person not accepting call at this time HM Islamic Inc Dba 296 Baber Ct Yes Honey Thai Restaurant 57 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Honeybee Foods Corporation Dba 1 Red00 Great Ribbo Mn allBake Driveshop Yes Honeyberry #7 1735 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Hot dog on a stick 610 Great Mall Dr Yes Huong Lan Sandwiches 4 41 Serra Way #108 No Language barrier Hyderabad Biryani 55 Dempsey Road Yes I ang Food Beverage Managen 278 Baber Ct Yes Call forwarded to automatic voice message system IBU Taproom & Bottleshop 1422 Dempsey Rd Yes IHOP 3294 765 East Calaveras Boulevard Yes Ikabobi Inc dba 10 South Abbott Avenue Yes Ima's Kusina 1535 Landess Avenue, #163 No No answer and no vm service set up In N Out Burger #115 50 Ranch Dr J&J California Dinning Service 510 Cottonwood Dr Jack In The Box #3411 1740 S Main St Jan Chu Inc 1710 N Milpitas Blvd Yes Jang Su Jang Next Door 265 W Calaveras Blvd Yes Jerky King 406 Barber Ct Yes Jerry's Market 1491 South Main Street Yes JK Liquors 108 East Dixon Road Yes Jobgrak LLC 1244 S Abel St Yes JSJ Milpitas Inc DBA Jang Su Jang K2o6rean9 W BBQ. Calaveras Blvd Yes JSJ Milpitas Inc DBA Jang Su Jang Next263 DWoestor Calaveras Boulevard Yes Kaaraikudi 61 Serra Wy Suite 120 Kalesa 1783 North Milpitas Blvd No Number not in service Kang Nam Tofu 1747 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Keep wah (San Jose) 386 Barber Ln No 07/10 Person will come back at 12pm Kentucky Fried Chicken 73 South Main St Yes Kettllepop LLC 298 Great Mall Dr King Chicken Wing 77 S Park Victoria Dr KOGA BBQ dba 1535 Landess Av Suite 143 Yes Koong's Restaurant 103 N Milpitas Blvd No Call cannot be completed as dialed Koufu Ju Gourmet 79 S Abbott Avenue Yes L&L Milpitas HB Inc 273 West Calaveras Blvd Yes La Milpa Mexican Restaurant 107 North Milpitas Boulevard Yes Layang Layang Malaysian Cuisine 181 W Calaveras Blvd Le Moulin 1758 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Lion Supermarket 1838 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Little Ceasar Pizza #5046 287 Jacklin Rd Living Water Fountain Inc 1712 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Loving Hut 516 Barber Ln Lucky #727 1350 S Park Victoria Dr Lucky Liquor 63 S Abbott Av Lucky Supermarket 1350 South Park Victoria Yes

34 EstablishmentName Address Verified? Comments Mac Acquisition LLC dba Romanos 1M10acaro Ranchni GrilDrivel Yes Magic Circles LLC dba 768 Barber Ln Marina Grocery 25 N Milpitas Blvd Yes MaxiPenny Inc 540 Barber Ln Yes Max's of Manila 1535 Landess Avenue #139 Yes Mayflower Seafood Restauran 428 Baber Ln No Language barrier McDonalds #7533 99 N Milpitas Blvd McDonalds #7534 1795 Landess Ave Me Kong Supermarket 777 East Capitol Avenue No Language barrier // asked to call 510-861-1288 Meadowood Corp dba Xpress23 North Milpitas Boulevard Yes Mei Garden corp 1706 N Milpitas Blvd No Language barrier Melody and Zeka Bakery 25 North Milpitas Boulevard Yes Mi Rancherita Taqueria and Bakery51 S Park Victoria Dr Yes MIHIR LLC DBA Sri Surati Thali 138 South Main Street Yes Mikonos Grill 756 E Calaveras Blvd Yes Milage Inc dba 286 barber ln Yes Milan Indian Cuisine 418 South Main St Yes Milan Sweet Center 296 S. Abel St Yes Milpitas Buffet Inc 24 South Abbott Avenue Yes Milpitas Grocery Outlet 215 West Calaveras Blvd Yes Milpitas Halal Market 74 Dempsey Rd Yes Milpitas Liquor 190 S Main St Yes Milpitas Sgd Tofu House 231 W Calaveras Blvd Yes Milpitas Sweets 489 East Calaveras Blvd Yes Mil's Diner 36 South Abbott Avenue Yes Mint & Basil Corporation 1741North Milpitas Blvd Yes Mirch Masala 80 Ranch Dr Morrison Senior Dining #10742 186 Beresford Ct Yes Mountain Mike's Pizza 85 North Milpitas Boulevard Yes My BBQ 1708 North Milpitas Blvd Yes My Dumpling 300 Barber Ct No Number not in service My Goods Market #5671 1640 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Myanmar Royal LLC 1810 Milmont Dr Naan-n-Masala 94 Dempsey Road Yes Nestle Toll House Cafe 230 Great Mall Dr New China Foods 1836 N Milpitas Blvd Yes New Hwong Kok Inc 1705 N Milpitas Blvd No Language barrier New Indian Bazar 440 South Main St Yes New King Eggroll II Inc 442 W Calaveras Blvd Yes New Pho Saigon Noodle & Grill Restaura1770 Clearnt Lake Avenue No Language barrier New Tung Kee Noodle House #2 481 East Calaveras Blvd Yes Nihchal Inc Dba Subway #14276 607 Great Mall Dr Nine in 85 Invest men's LLC DB 672 Barber Ln Yes NMSO Inc dba Shell Oil 1885 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Noah's New York Bagels #2509 124 North Milpitas Boulevard Yes Noodle Hut 1810 Milmont Dr

35 EstablishmentName Address Verified? Comments Nutrition House Restaurant Inc 496 Barber Ln No Language barrier Ocean Cities pizza Inc DBA Domino1's0 0P izDzixoa n Road Yes Ocean Supermarket 2 S Park Victoria Dr Yes Olive Garden 1350 Great Mall Yes Omega Family Restaurant 90 S Victoria Dr Yes Orchid Thai Cuisine 380 South Main St No No answer and no vm service set up Organic Pisa 106 Dempsey Road Yes 1246 Great Mall Dr Yes Outertainments 1454 S Main St Pacific Meritage LLC DBA On The Bo26rd0er Ranch Drive Yes #875 70 N Milpitas Blvd Yes Papaya Thai 1818 Milmont Dr Yes Paris Baguette America 249 West Calaveras Blvd Yes Parktown Pizza Company 1350 S Park Victoria Dr Suite 46 Peet's Coffee & Tea 543 E Calaveras Blvd USA 408 Barber Ln No Language barrier Pho 909 72 South Park Victoria Yes Pho Factory 888 East Capitol Av. Yes Pho Nguten Restaurant 275 West Calaveras Yes Pho Quynh 1203 East Calaveras Yes Pho Saigon Noodle House 1455 Landess Avenue Yes Pikapak Corporation dba Subway 416573454 Landess Ave Suite 151 Ping Shen Bar 551 E. Calaveras Blvd Yes Pinoy Barbeque 10 South Abbott Avenue #C Yes 102 S. Park Victoria Dr Yes Poke Supreme Sushi Bowl 1687 N. Milpitas Blvd Yes Poki Run 119 North Milpitas Blvd #158 Yes Ponco Enterprise Inc dba 55 N Milpitas Blvd Yes Qing Hua Restaurant Inc Dba (Fortun123es5 ERest Calavauranerast )Blvd Yes QQ noodle 416 Barber Ln No Number not in service Queen's Cafe 372 Baber ln No 07/10 person doesnt know, manager may know, they will call back 1350 South Park Victoria #30 No Language barrier Rana Holdings Inc Dba 296 Great Mall Dr Ras Llc 1547 California Cr Yes Raw Sugar 442 West Calaveras Blvd Yes Red Lobster (#0532) 503 E Calaveras Blvd Yes Red Robin International Inc DBA Re2d4 8Ro Greatbin Go Muallrm Detrive Burgers and Brews Yes RM El Torito LLC 477 East Calaveras Boulevard Yes Robson Specialty 1535 Landess Avenue, #155 Yes Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory170 Great Mall Drive Yes Round Table Pizza 1271 East Calaveras Boulevard Yes S Two Puffs LLC 1535 Landess Avenue #122 Yes Safeway Store # 1879 551 East Calaveras Boulevard Yes Saga Diner 333 South Abbott Avenue Yes Sancha Bar 279 Jacklin Rd Yes Sandy Cafe 1177 Great Mall Dr Yes

36 EstablishmentName Address Verified? Comments Savory Chicken 1557 Landess Avenue No Person hang up the phone SBC Liquors 148 W Calaveras Blvd Yes SD & L Bay Area Inc dba 688 Barber Ln Yes Sea Food Milpitas 1535 Landess Avenue, #115 No No answer and no vm service set up Sea Link Cafe 187 S Main St Yes See's Candies Inc 607 E Calaveras Bl Sen Dai Sushi 224 N Abel St Yes SFC Milpitas Inc 1535 Landess Ave Suite 115 Shanghai Delight 218 Barber Ct Yes Shanghai Family Cuisine 1470 N Milpitas Blvd Yes Shell Coop 900 Jacklin Rd Yes Sheng keep bakery & Cafe 288 Babel Ct Yes Shri Ram Corp Dba New India Bazar440 S Main St Sigma Foods LLC 392 Railroad Ct Simple Tea 1535 Landess Avenue Yes Sinaherbs 272 Barber Ct No Language barrier Smart & Final Stores LLC 401 Jacklin Road Yes Smartea USA Inc 82 Ranch Dr Yes Sno Crave Tea House 1777 N Milpitas Bl South Bay Pizza 1426 Dempsey Rd Yes South Legend Restaurant 1720 North Milpitas Blvd Yes South Point JE Co dba Shabu House1191 E Calaveras Bl Yes Specialty's Cafe & Bakery 690 N McCarthy Blvd Suite 120 Spicy Way 42 Dixion Rd Yes Splash Fruits Inc 652 652 Great Mall Dr Yes Splash Fruits Inc 663 663 Great Mall Dr Yes Sri Krishna Sweets U S A 1208 S Abel St Srs Milpitas Inc. 1475 South Dempsey Rd Yes Coffee #17972 120 W Calaveras Blvd Starbucks Coffee #23107 666 Great Mall Dr Starbucks Coffee #5247 128 N Milpitas Blvd Starbucks Coffee #5818 367 Cypress Dr B Starbucks Coffee #5962 447 Great Mall Dr Starbucks Coffee #626 127 Ranch Dr Starbucks Coffee #6476 1197 E Calaveras Blvd Starbucks Coffee #6758 1545 California Cir Starbucks Coffee 22279 1333 S Park Victoria Dr Starlite Shell 1780 S. Main St. Yes Street Corner News of Great Mall L1L3C9 Great Mall Dr Subway Great Mall 607 Great Mall Dr Yes Subway Sandwiches #18516 176 Ranch Dr Subway Sandwiches #32944 61 Serra Way Suite 110 Yes Sugandh India Imports 114 S Abel St Super Indian Food 10 South Abbott Avenue Yes Sushi Kai Restaurant 1728 North Milpitas Blvd No Directed to voicemail Sushi mark Restaurant 599 E Calaveras Blvd Yes

37 EstablishmentName Address Verified? Comments Sushimaru Restaurant 599 E Calaveras Blvd Swagat Indian Cuisine 68 South Abel St. Yes Sweet Creations Inc 1842 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Systems Services of America 1029 Montague Expwy T L Longchamp Corporation Dba 1838 N Milpitas Blvd TA Restaurant 90 South Abel St Yes Tabellco Inc Dba 1365 S Park Victoria Dr Tabellco Inc Dba Taco Bell 774 S Main St Tabellco Inc dba Taco Bell 81 Ranch Drive Yes Cafe 568 N Abel St Yes Taiwan Street Snack Franchise Inc 522 Barber Ln No Language barrier Taqueria Las Vegas 1417 N. Milpitas Boulevard Yes Taqueria Los Cunados 196 Ranch Drive Yes Tea Villa 1679 North Milpitas Blvd Yes Team Fusion llc dba Red Chillies""167 South Main St Yes Teaspoon Milpitas LLC 201 W Calaveras Blvd Yes Co 1732 N Milpitas Blvd Yes Tequila Shots Bar & Grill 38 N. Main Street Yes Thai Cafe Restaurant Inc 690 Barber Ln No Language barrier Thai Town Restaurant #1 Inc 542 Barber Ln Yes The Cheese Steak Shop 136 North Milpitas Blvd Yes The Coffee Adventure 1535 Landess Avenue, #141 No Directed to voicemail The Green Barn 190 Ranch Drive Yes The Olive Garden Italian Restauran1t3 #1508 Great58 Mall Dr The Original Luisa & Son Bake Shop6 2In Dcixon Rd The Pizza Box 1253 Jacklin Road Yes The Poolside Grill 1811 Barber Ln Thick and Thin Ventures Inc Dba Ko1p5i3 Cafe5 Landess Ave Suite 147 Thousand Tasty 50 Dixon Road Yes Tian He Restaurant Inc 613 Great Mall Dr #FC13 No Directed to voicemail - 2nd attempt Tirupathi Bhimas 1298 South Abel St. Yes Togo's 137 Ranch Drive Yes Tomisushi Restaurant Inc Dba 539 Barber Ln No Directed to voice mail Top Cafe Inc 650 Barber Ln Top Swirl Inc 180 Great Mall Dr Truong ThAnh Restaurant 690 Barber Ln No Language barrier TT Cookies 112 Great Mall Dr Tung Kee Noodle House 5 1792 North Milpitas Blvd Yes TV Sweet Corner 89 South Park Victoria Yes UIS South Bay dba 1890 McCandless Dr Universal Enterprises USA Inc 76 South Abel St Yes Valerio's Tropical Bakeshop 1535 Landes Avenue Suite 165 No Language barrier Var On Inc Dba 320 Barber Ct No Number not in service Vedas Indian Restaurant LLC 560 North Abel St Yes Victoria Liquors & Food 22 S. Park Victoria Dr Yes Vinh Khang Tofu #3 141 Dixon Road No Number not in service

38 EstablishmentName Address Verified? Comments Vista Meat Processing, LLC 615 Vista Wy Vitamin World Inc #4901 116 Great Mall Dr Von's Chicken 179 West Calaveras Blvd Yes Vung Tau 2 Restaurant 1750 North Milpitas Blvd No Language barrier Wang's Kitchen USA LLC 438 Barber Ln WeCare Naturally 1118 Cadillac Ct West Coast Wings Milpitas Inc 80 North Milpitas Boulevard Yes Wetzel's Pretzels 108 Great mall Dr Yes Wetzel's Pretzels 661 Great Mall Dr Yes William Pure Water 95 Dixon Road Yes Wing Hong Soyfood Co 141 Dixon Rd Winpin 85 Investments LLC dba 672 Barber Ln Yes Wintek Solutions LLC dba 131 Ranch Dr Wok Star 1787 Landess Ave Yes Yo Pho 242 Serra Way No Language barrier Yogurt land Milpitas 752 E Calaveras Blvd Yes Yu Palace Restaurant 177 W Calaveras Blvd Yes Zahir's Bistro 579 South Main Street Yes

Legend Surveyed establishments Pulled establishments Added gas stations that were surveyed

39 APPENDIX 6 Photo identification used by Project Field Specialists: