Iowa State College Journal of Science 18.2
IOWA STATE COLLEGE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Published on the first day of October, January, April, and July EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR-JN-CHIEF. Joseph C. Gilman. AssrsTANT EnrToR, H. E. Ingle. CONSULTING EDITORS: R. E. Buchanan, C. J. Drake, I. E. Melhus, E. A. Benbrook, P. Mabel Nelson, V. E. Nelson, C. H. Brown, Jay W. Woodrow. From Sigma Xi: E. W. Lindstrom, D. L. Holl, C. H. Werkman. All manuscripts submitted ~~Quld be apdressed to J . C. Gilman, Botany Hall, Iowa St_a.t~ !Go~e~e.: !f..~s. I!J"!a; • : • • , . ~ . .. All remittances sfulolB :be ~tldr~~sed° to ~~.,"dQ~iiate Press, Inc., Col legiate Press Buildir\g, f\,m,.e9. lewa. • • • I • •• • • • • 0 Single CoP.~~s;''1.0ll ci;_c~~ V~.t~ ~~Il,:il0''. ~$2.QO}.•.A:U,.ual Subscrip tion: ~3 . ao;:in'Ca!'lada.$3.25~ Forei~. $S.!i0. ~ •• •• : ••• : ·· ~ .·· .............. :· ·: . .: .. : .....·. ·. ... ··= .. : ·.······ Entered as second-class matter January 16, 1935, at the postoffice at Ames, Iowa, under the act of March 3, 1879. THE COCCIDIA OF WILD RABBITS OF IOWA II. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES WITH EIMERIA NEOLEPORIS CARVALHO, 1942' Jos:E C. M. CARVALHO' From the Entomology and Economic Zoology Section, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station and the Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Department of the Interior Received December 10, 1942 During the author's experiments with coccidia of wild rabbits in Iowa, the most complete studies were made with E. neoleporis, because it was able to grow in the tame rabbit. Experiments were carried on to observe its behavior, life cycle, biometrical or physiological changes, immunity relationships, etc., in the latter host.
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