Biogeography of Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion, Southwestern USA

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Biogeography of Aquatic and Semiaquatic Heteroptera in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion, Southwestern USA Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist Volume 4 Article 2 10-3-2008 Biogeography of aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion, southwestern USA Lawrence E. Stevens Museum of Northern Arizona, John T. Polhemus Colorado Entomological Institute, Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Stevens, Lawrence E. and Polhemus, John T. (2008) "Biogeography of aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion, southwestern USA," Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist: Vol. 4 , Article 2. Available at: This Monograph is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact, Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 4, © 2008, pp. 38–76 BIOGEOGRAPHY OF AQUATIC AND SEMIAQUATIC HETEROPTERA IN THE GRAND CANYON ECOREGION, SOUTHWESTERN USA Lawrence E. Stevens1 and John T. Polhemus2 ABSTRACT.—We examined the biogeography of aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera (ASH) in the Grand Canyon (GC) ecoregion (GCE) on and adjacent to the southern Colorado Plateau. We report 89 ASH taxa in 86 species, 37 gen- era, and 14 families in the GCE, including 54 ASH taxa detected within or on the rims of GC and its major tributaries, a fauna 3.8-fold greater than previously reported. We tested 2 groups of biogeographic hypotheses to account for this high level of diversity, demonstrating an underlying pattern of mixed biogeographic affinity and strong landform-climate effects. Equal numbers of ASH taxa were derived from allochthonous (neotropical and nearctic) sources and autochtho- nous (range-centered) sources. A negative linear relationship existed between area-adjusted ASH taxon density and ele- vation, with more Mexican/neotropical taxa at low elevations and more nearctic taxa at higher elevations. While species richness was positively scale dependent, biogeographic landform impacts were unrelated or negatively related to spatial scale. The uplifted southern margin of the Colorado Plateau along the Mogollon Rim supported elevated ASH diversity as a function of ecotone effects and interprovincial basin connectivity. Barrier/filter effects were stronger than null, or refuge effects, and little endemism was detected in the GCE. Colonization history varied across elevation and in relation to landscape evolution. No reported GCE taxa have been extirpated, but 52.8% of the fauna occurred at 3 or fewer local- ities (primarily springs), sites that may be threatened by habitat alteration and climate change. Key words: aquatic Heteroptera, biogeographic affinity, Colorado Plateau, diversity, ecoregion, Grand Canyon, land- form-climate impacts. Ecoregional diversity is the result of evolu- to which elevational zonation of the assemblage tionarily distal taxon origin and more proximal recapitulates origin, the evolution of endemism landform-climate interactions, processes that (review in Lomolino et al. 2006, Wilmé et al. are mediated by life history and adaptation 2006), and the resilience of diversity to climate (Nekola 1999, Willig et al. 2003, Jablonski et change. Such biogeographic studies require al. 2006). New World aquatic and semiaquatic thorough knowledge of landform history and Heteroptera (ASH) are appropriate taxa in fauna in topographically complex terrains, such which to study these factors because (1) the as large, deep canyons with adjacent mountains. taxa have a lengthy evolutionary history (Gri - Here, we present comprehensive documenta- maldi and Engel 2005), (2) contemporary tion of ASH diversity and compare origin and neotropical ASH diversity (1289 species) is far landform influences on the fauna in and around greater than that in the nearctic region (424 the Grand Canyon (GC), the world’s most species; Polhemus and Polhemus 2008), and renowned large, deep canyon system. (3) the large fauna includes numerous rare and The temporal and geomorphic development endemic taxa (Schuh and Slater 1995). Regional of the Grand Canyon ecoregion (GCE) in Cen- biogeographic studies provide insight into tec- ozoic time has received considerable attention. tonic history, drainage basin development, vi - Major vicariance and associated climate change cariance, and conservation (Hansen 1985, Pol- events have occurred in the GCE since late hemus 1993, Polhemus and Polhemus 1998, Paleozoic time: (1) the formation of the Creta- 2002, Gotelli and Ellison 2002, Beck et al. ceous (146–65.5 million years ago [mya]) sea- 2006, Wilmé et al. 2006). However, the roles way; (2) the Sevier and Laramide orogenies and interactions of origin and landform and (ca. 120 and 80–40 mya, respectively); (3) the how these roles and interactions affect diver- Basin and Range orogeny (<22 mya to the sity remain obscure, limiting our understanding present); (4) the relatively recent integration of of the sources of diversity and rarity, the extent the Colorado River drainage (Hamblin 1994, 1Museum of Northern Arizona, 3101 N. Ft. Valley Road, Flagstaff, AZ 86001. E-mail: 2Colorado Entomological Institute, 3115 South York St., Englewood, CO 80113. E-mail: 38 2008] GRAND CANYON AQUATIC HETEROPTERA 39 A E Muav Gorge J Fig. 1. Map of the Grand Canyon ecoregion. Major tributaries and sites: 1 = Cataract/Havasu Creek, 2 = Diamond Creek, 3 = Kanab Creek, 4 = Lees Ferry, 5 = Little Colorado River, 6 = Paria River, 7 = Phantom Ranch. Cities and sites in inset: A = Flagstaff, B = Holbrook, C = Lukachukai, D = San Francisco Peaks, E = Springerville, F = Tuba City, G = Verde River / Camp Verde, H = Winslow, I = Virgin River, J = Mogollon Rim. Young 2001); and (5) late Tertiary and Quater- and some invertebrate taxa, and stronger nary climate changes, which resulted in a refugial effects among some low-vagility taxa 1000-m upslope redistribution of major vege- (Garth 1950, Stevens and Huber 2004). tation zones in the past 13,000 years (Allen ASH diversity and distribution in the GCE and Anderson 1993). These events have played were previously known from specimens col- important roles in the distribution of many lected at 12 sites during an expedition through southwestern taxa across elevation (Martin the Colorado River corridor in 1972 (Polhe- and Klein 1984, Phillips et al. 1987, Colgan et mus and Polhemus 1976). Their study docu- al. 2006). Grand Canyon itself generally is mented the presence of 14 taxa at low eleva- regarded as a geologically young landscape tions in GC, and made several important ob - feature (<5.5 million years old; Young 2001). servations about the biogeographic role of GC. Stevens (1983) proposed that a large deep They reported a depauperate fauna with low canyon, such as GC, may exert 4 primary land- levels of endemism, primarily composed of scape biogeographic influences on regional range-centered taxa. They concluded that the biota: functioning as a barrier/filter, function- uplifted southern edge of the Colorado Plateau ing as a range or movement corridor, provid- along the Mogollon Rim (Fig. 1) has blocked ing a refugium (e.g., for endemic taxa in rare the northward dispersal of ASH taxa that are habitats), or having no effect (e.g., on highly common in central Arizona and suggested that vagile taxa). Stevens and Huber (2004) exam- ASH origin has a relatively minor impact on ined those influences among GCE tiger beetles contemporary ASH diversity (i.e., little mixing (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) and reported strong of biogeographic regions has occurred). How- influences of the first 3 effects. However, origin ever, the Polhemuses did not collect ASH and landform responses varied among different from middle and higher elevations in GC in taxa, with stronger origin and corridor effects 1976, nor did they attempt to integrate ASH among GCE plants and butterflies, stronger data from the surrounding southern Colorado barrier effects among terrestrial vertebrates Plateau, data that are needed to clarify the 40 MONOGRAPHS OF THE WESTERN NORTH AMERICAN NATURALIST [Volume 4 effects of elevation on biogeographic affinity In addition, our data provide insight into the and range constraints on the assemblage. integration of the lower Colorado River In contrast to the GCE, Polhemus and Pol- drainage in the western GC. Lastly, we discuss hemus (2002) reported that the ASH fauna of ASH conservation in the context of ecoregional the southern Great Basin exhibited a high pro- biogeographic patterns. portion of endemism, with unique taxa found particularly in warm stenothermic limnocrene HYPOTHESES springs in southern Nevada. They concluded that the apparently depauperate, low-endemism Origin Effects condition of the Colorado Plateau ASH fauna Insight into the factors responsible for con- was the result of the Colorado River’s relatively temporary ASH diversity may be gained using recent drainage integration from the Rocky classic biogeographic analyses of taxon biogeo- Mountain geologic province into the older graphic affinities, ranges, and elevational dis- Basin and Range geologic province; however, tribution. Following the descriptions of indi- insufficient data precluded them from dis- vidual ASH taxa and diversity in the GCE, we cussing the transition

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    IOWA STATE COLLEGE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Published on the first day of October, January, April, and July EDITORIAL BOARD EDITOR-JN-CHIEF. Joseph C. Gilman. AssrsTANT EnrToR, H. E. Ingle. CONSULTING EDITORS: R. E. Buchanan, C. J. Drake, I. E. Melhus, E. A. Benbrook, P. Mabel Nelson, V. E. Nelson, C. H. Brown, Jay W. Woodrow. From Sigma Xi: E. W. Lindstrom, D. L. Holl, C. H. Werkman. All manuscripts submitted ~~Quld be apdressed to J . C. Gilman, Botany Hall, Iowa St_a.t~ !Go~e~e.: !f..~s. I!J"!a; • : • • , . ~ . .. All remittances sfulolB :be ~tldr~~sed° to ~~.,"dQ~iiate Press, Inc., Col­ legiate Press Buildir\g, f\,m,.e9. lewa. • • • I • •• • • • • 0 Single CoP.~~s;''1.0ll ci;_c~~ V~.t~ ~~Il,:il0''. ~$2.QO}.•.A:U,.ual Subscrip­ tion: ~3 . ao;:in'Ca!'lada.$3.25~ Forei~. $S.!i0. ~ •• •• : ••• : ·· ~ .·· .............. :· ·: . .: .. : .....·. ·. ... ··= .. : ·.······ Entered as second-class matter January 16, 1935, at the postoffice at Ames, Iowa, under the act of March 3, 1879. THE COCCIDIA OF WILD RABBITS OF IOWA II. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES WITH EIMERIA NEOLEPORIS CARVALHO, 1942' Jos:E C. M. CARVALHO' From the Entomology and Economic Zoology Section, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station and the Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Department of the Interior Received December 10, 1942 During the author's experiments with coccidia of wild rabbits in Iowa, the most complete studies were made with E. neoleporis, because it was able to grow in the tame rabbit. Experiments were carried on to observe its behavior, life cycle, biometrical or physiological changes, immunity relationships, etc., in the latter host.
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