doi:10.12741/ebrasilis.v10i1.667 e-ISSN 1983-0572 Publication of the project Entomologistas do Brasil Creative Commons Licence v4.0 (BY-NC-SA) Copyright © EntomoBrasilis Copyright © Author(s) and Systematic / Taxonomia e Sistemática Checklist and new records of (: Heteroptera: ) from Goiás, Brazil

Registered on ZooBank:

Julianna Freires Barbosa¹ & Karina Dias da Silva²

1. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Biologia, CCS, Depto. de Zoologia, Lab. Entomologia. 2.Universidade Federal do Pará.

EntomoBrasilis 10 (1): 44-50 (2017)

Abstract. The brazilian savannah, called Cerrado, has the richest flora among the world’s savannahs, and the State of Goiás comprises part of this biome. We present here a checklist for Goiás based on literature and specimens collected, with 18 species of Notonectidae, including new distribution records of Martarega membranacea White, 1879, and first records of konta Nieser & Pelli, 1994; Buenoa pseudomutabilis Barbosa, Ribeiro & Nessimian, 2010; Buenoa tarsalis Truxal, 1953; Martarega bentoi Truxal, 1949 and Martarega brasiliensis Truxal, 1949 in the State. This checklist highlights a gap in the knowledge of Notonectidae and a great necessity of works with diversity of backswimmers in Goiás.

Keywords: Buenoa; Central-West region; Cerrado; Martarega; Neotropical.

Lista de espécies e registros novos de Notonectidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) do Estado de Goiás, Brasil

Resumo. A savanna brasileira, chamada de Cerrado, possui a maior riqueza de flora dentre as savannas mundiais, e o Estado de Goiás encontra-se dentro dos limites deste bioma. Apresentamos aqui uma lista de espécies para Goiás baseada em literatura e espécimes coletados, com 18 espécies de Notonectidae, incluindo registros novos de distribuição de Martarega membranacea White, 1879, e o primeiro registro no Estado de Buenoa konta Nieser & Pelli, 1994; Buenoa pseudomutabilis Barbosa, Ribeiro & Nessimian, 2010; Buenoa tarsalis Truxal, 1953; Martarega bentoi Truxal, 1949 e Martarega brasiliensis Truxal, 1949. Esta lista destaca uma lacuna no conhecimento de Notonectidae e a grande necessidade de desenvolvimento de artigos com foco na diversidade de Notonectidae em Goiás.

Palavras-chave: Buenoa; Cerrado; Martarega; Neotropical; região Centro-Oeste.

he State of Goiás comprises part of the 2 million km² of 1904, Martarega White, 1879, Notonecta Linnaeus, 1758 and brazilian savannah, called Cerrado, that covers Central Enitharoides Brooks, 1953 , with 55 species (Mo r e i r a et al. Brazil (Ra t t e r et al. 1997). This biome has the richest 2011; Ba rb o s a & Ne s s i m i a n 2013a, b; Ba rb o s a & Ro d r i g u e s , 2013; flora among the world’s savannahs (> 7.000 species) (Kl i n k & Ba rb o s a et al. 2012, 2015). Ma c h a d o 2005). With high levels of endemism, the Cerrado is considered one of the hotspots of biodiversity conservation in Buenoa and Martarega are the largest and most common the world due to anthropogenic pressure to which it is submitted genera, and hemelytra polymorphism is highly frequent in both. with the advance of agriculture and livestock (My e r s et al. 2000). Brachyptery occurs more often in Martarega, which in general Much of its biodiversity remains unknown and this scenario is are found in perennial waters (Ba rb o s a & Ro d r i g u e s 2013), inhabit worse when it comes to aquatic (Co n t a d o r et al. 2012), eddies of rivers where there is slight current, swim constantly when taking into account the Linnaean deficit (Wh i t t a k e r et al. at or near the surface (Tr u x a l 1979) and tend to be gregarious 2005; Bi n i et al. 2006) – the lack of taxonomic knowledge of forming large schools in deep sheltered eddies (Me n k e & Tr u x a l these species – along with Wallacean defficit (Wh i t t a k e r et al. 1966). Macropterous individuals are most frequently found in 2005) – characterized by a lack of knowledge of the geographical Buenoa, which occurs generally in lentic and temporary waters distribution of these species. (Ba rb o s a & Ro d r i g u e s 2013); in Notonecta, that such as Buenoa, live in static water waiting for free-moving prey to come near Members of Notonectidae are commonly known as (Tr u x a l 1979); and Enitharoides, which are commonly found in backswimmers. This family is the second largest of Nepomorpha, lotic waters. with 11 genera and about 400 species (Po l h e m u s & Po l h e m u s 2008). In Brazil four genera are found, Buenoa Kirkaldy,

Edited by:  Corresponding author: Funding agencies: William Costa Rodrigues Julianna Freires Barbosa  CNPq; CAPES; FAPERJ

Article History:  [email protected]  No ORCID record Received: 20.xi.2016 Accepted: 19.iii.2017 45 Checklist andnewrecordsofNotonectidae(Hemiptera:Heteroptera:… N for the municipality of Peixe and vicinity found in was part of the territory of State of Goiás until 1988. The records Tocantins of State [The Goiás from mainly region, this in family Grosso do Sul (F Sul do Grosso about studies Mato of State for the only achecklist with species, Notonectidae recent lacks Brazil of Region Central-West The with QGIS®2.14.2. at the same locality collected on different dates is not specimens cited. Maps were to made individual “f” of citation letter full the The and females. specimens male to refers “m” letter The parentheses. in species. cited are a institutions of collection and records Collectors new indicates (!) mark In exclamation An alcohol. specimens. different ethyl of information separates semicolon a 80% and in preserved quotations of label were data, a comma separates different specimens information The Janeiro. Alfredo Pinheiro Dutra (DZRJ), Universidade Federal do Rio de José Entomológica Coleção and Goiás, de Federal Universidade Silvânia. Specimens were deposited in Caldazinha, Coleção Zoológica Caiapônia, (ZUFG), Bonfinópolis, Cristalina, Jataí, Leopoldo de Bulhões, São João da Aliança, and Goiás, de Paraíso Alto Samplings were taken in nine municipalities of the State of Goiás: of of records distributional new State, this in occurring Notonectidae species of checklist a here present gap we this Goiás, of fill State to the aid in to order In species. 14 and genera three of are within the limits of the current State of Tocantins (B White, 1879. 1953, 2010, Nessimian, & Ribeiro Barbosa, 1994, Pelli, & Nieser konta Buenoa Figure 1.Biomes ofBrazilindicatingthelocation StateofGoiás. i s s e Martarega membranacea Martarega m Martarega bentoi Truxal, 1949 and n a i 2013)], was made by made was 2013)], Material andehods o l r o n a i

et al. et Results White, 1879, and first records of records first and 1879, White, 2013). The main work about this about work main The 2013). T r l a x u una pseudomutabilis Buenoa (1957) with new records new with (1957) una tarsalis Buenoa Martarega brasiliensis T r l a x u a Truxal, B R (1957) a s o &

between GoiásandTocantins)( border the in is probably locality (This Peixe” of south km 124 crec i Goiás in Occurrence 2013 N eta-et ein G) (N (GO) Region Central-West Brazil. in Distribution Buenoa fittkaui RN, PB, PE), and Central-West regions (MT, GO, MS) (W MS) GO, (MT, regions Central-West and PE), PB, RN, (CE, Northeast TO), PA, (AM, North Brazil. in Distribution Buenoa amnigenus(White,1879) Buenoa Kirkaldy,1904 to newrecords. of species 18 with 13 records found Goiás in literature and of five species corresponding state the Notonectidae (12 for of recorded were total, In B M, J (N RJ) (MG, Brazil. in Distribution Buenoa konta m and1fbrachypterous(ZUFG5161). W), 0.84” Caldazinha (16° 43’ 39.66” S, 48° 52’ 42.51” W), 17.VIIII.2012: 1 56’ 48º de 5177); S, (ZUFG brachypterous f 1 40.92” Silva): Dias- (K. 20.VI.2012 34’ (16º Bulhões de Leopoldo examined Material Feia” ( Occurrence in Goiás 1970). & 1879; a e s e i B R N i s s e a s o ). r T 04 R 2004; N r m &R e s e i l a x u n a i r d o 03 B 2013; 1970). 93 1957; 1953, e s e i r Nieser &Pelli,1994 s e u g i Nieser,1970 i b r i e P & r Buenoa o 2013 a

B R t al. et i l l e (Figure 2). Fgr 2. rsl Etd d Goiás!, de Estado Brasil, 2). (Figure a s o Fgr 2). (Figure ). 1994; N , 5 of R & ot (A ad otes regions Southeast and (PA) North e s e i 00 B 2010; T r Martarega and 1 of d o 1975; r N l a x u r “Goiás, e s e i s e u g i a Barbosa &DiasdaSilva(2017) 2 k es o Formoso; of east km “24 B R 1957). r H a s o M & e-ISSN 1983-0572 03 F 2013; c e near Formosa, Lagoa & M K o l e n a N i s s e 98 B 1998; 97 M 1997; o l m Notonecta r n a i o n a i 2013

a o l e t al. et B R e s e i e t i h a s o & b; ), r

Janeiro - Abril 2017 - EntomoBrasilis 10 (1): 44-50

Buenoa machrisi Truxal, 1957 Distribution in Brazil. North (TO), Central-West (GO), Southeast (MG), and South regions (PR) (Ja c z e w s k i 1928; Distribution in Brazil. Central-West Region (GO) (Tr u x a l Tr u x a l 1957; Ni e s e r & Me l o 1997; Me l o & Ni e s e r 2004; So u z a 1957). et al. 2006).

Occurrence in Goiás (Figure 2). “Veadeiros (In 1963 the Occurrence in Goiás (Figure 3). “20 km north of São João da municipality of Veadeiros was renamed to Alto Paraíso de Goiás Aliança; 24 km east of Formoso; 34 km. south of Amaro Leite, (IBGE 2016), Goiás, Brazil” (Tr u x a l 1957). 124 km. south of Peixe²” (Tr u x a l 1957).

Material examined. Brasil, Estado de Goiás, Alto Paraíso Buenoa platycnemis (Fieber, 1851) de Goiás, ponte sobre o córrego Rodoviarinha (14°10’4.20” S, 47°49’15.90” W), 26.III.2013 (D.M. Takiya & A.P.M. Santos): 1 Distribution in Brazil. North (AM, PA, TO), Northeast (MA), m macropterous (DZRJ 3743); Cachoeira das Loquinhas, Poço Central-West (MT, GO), and Southeast regions (RJ) (Tr u x a l do Sol (14°8’40.20” S, 47°28’58.20” W), 23.III.2013 (A.P.M. 1953, 1957; Ni e s e r 1970; Ri b e i r o et al. 1998; Ri b e i r o et al. 2010; Santos & D.M. Takiya): 4 m and 1 f macropterous (DZRJ 3744); Ba rb o s a & Ne s s i m i a n 2013b). São João da Aliança, Cachoeira do Macaco, acima da Catedral, encontro de afluente de água branca e do Rio do Macaco (14° Occurrence in Goiás (Figure 3). “24 km. east of Formoso” 8’ 39.10” S, 47° 20’ 33.60” W), 22.III.2013: 1 m macropterous (Tr u x a l 1957). (DZRJ 3747). Buenoa pseudomutabilis Barbosa, Ribeiro & Nessimian, 2010 Buenoa mutabilis Truxal, 1953 Distribution in Brazil. Northeast (PI), and Southeast regions Distribution in Brazil. Northeast (PI), Central-West (GO) (RJ) (Ba rb o s a et al. 2010a; Ta k i y a et al. 2016). and Southeast regions (MG) (Truxal 1957; Nieser and Melo Material examined (Figure 3). Brasil, Estado de Goiás!, 1997; Vianna and Melo 2003; Melo and Nieser 2004; Ta k i y a et Leopoldo de Bulhões (16º 35’ 20” S, 48º 56’ 52” W), 14.VI.2012 al. 2016). (K. Dias-Silva): 4 m and 1 f (ZUFG 5193), 1 m (ZUFG 5194) Occurrence in Goiás (Figure 2). “20 km north of São João da macropterous; (16º34’41” S, 48º56’01” W), 20.VI.2012: 4 m Aliança” (Truxal 1957). (ZUFG 5191), 1 m (ZUFG 5204) macropterous; (16º37’49” S, 48º48’24” W), 18.VII.2012: 2 m and 1 f macropterous Buenoa pallens (Champion, 1901) (ZUFG 5153); (16º32’12” S, 48º49’48” W), 24.VII.2012: 1 m macropterous (ZUFG 5122), 3m macropterous (ZUFG 5172), 1 m Distribution in Brazil. North (RR), Central-West (GO) and and 1 f macropterous (ZUFG 5189); (16º 40’ 51” S, 48º 55’ 45” W): Southeast regions (MG) (Tr u x a l 1953, 1957). 1 m and 2 f macropterous (ZUFG 5209); Bonfinópolis (16º36’13” S, 48º57’36” W), 12.VI.2012: 2 m and 5 f macropterous (ZUFG Occurrence in Goiás (Figure 2). “34 km south of Amaro 5201); Caldazinha (16º40’16” S, 48º50’55” W), 12.VII.2012: Leite” (Tr u x a l 1957). 4 m and 4 f (ZUFG 5175), 1 m (ZUFG 5200) macropterous; Buenoa paranensis Jaczewski, 1928 (16º44’32” S, 48º53’01” W), 03.VIII.2012: 2 m macropterous (ZUFG 5155); (16º42’53” S, 48º55’13” W), 16.VIII.2012: 2 m 46

Figure 2. Distributional records of Notonectidae species in municipalities of the State of Goiás (*= known records) – Buenoa amnigenus, B. fittkaui, B. konta, B. machrisi, B. mutabilis and B. pallens.

e-ISSN 1983-0572 47 Goiás, Brazil”(T (GO) (T Region Central-West and (PA) North Brazil. in Distribution Buenoa tibialis (K. Dias-Silva):1mmacropterous(ZUFG5198). 3937); Município (DZRJ de Caldazinha macropterous (16º40’16” S, m 48º50’55” 2 W), 12.VII.2012 Camisão): B. & Gonçalves C. Takiya, (D. 3913); (DZRJ macropterous f 2 and 5 Takiya): (D.M. 25.X.2013 m), 818 W, 47º48’20.6” S, (14º11’31.8” piscinas das and 1 f (DZRJ 3911); Vale das Pedras, Rio São Miguel, praia abaixo C.C. Gonçalves & D.M. Takiya): 1 m (DZRJ 3912); 26.X.2013: 1 m Camisão, (B.M. 25.X.2013 m), 792 W, propriedade 47º50’33” S, (14º12’16.4” da estrada Sol, do Morada Goiás, de Paraíso Alto examined Material crec i Goiás in Occurrence N N P, E ad otes rgos M, J (T RJ) (MG, regions Southeast and PE) PB, RN, CE, (PI, Northeast PA), (AM, North Brazil. in Distribution Buenoa tarsalis macropterous f 1 05.VII.2012: (ZUFG 5182). W), 48º48’21” S, (16º32’59” Silvânia 5203); (ZUFG macropterous f 1 and m 2 17.VIII.2012: W), 48º52’43” S, (16º43’40” 5176); (ZUFG macropterous f 1 and Checklist andnewrecordsofNotonectidae(Hemiptera:Heteroptera:… (IBGE 2016 Goiás de Paraíso Alto to renamed was Veadeiros of municipality Goiás in Occurrence 1957). eta-et ein G) (T (GO) Region Central-West Brazil. in Distribution Buenoa triangularis al. 2010;B B. pseudomutabilis Figure 3. Distributional records of Notonectidae e s e i r 1970; r l a x u a ), Goiás,Brazil”( B R N 1957;B a s o e s e i Truxal, 1957 r Truxal, 1953 &N l a x u r , B.tarsalistibialis andB.triangularis & M Truxal,1957 a i s s e 1957). B R o l e a s o Fgr 3. rsl Etd d Goiás!, de Estado Brasil, 3). (Figure m Fgr 3). (Figure Fgr 3). (Figure n a i 1997; M &N T 2013b; r l a x u i s s e m o l e , 1957).

n a i T

2 k. at f Formoso, of east km. “24 a & Vaers I 16 the 1963 (In “Veadeiros 2013b). k a y i N e s e i

etal.2016). species r 2004; R

in municipalities of the State of Goiás (*= known records) - r l a x u .

i b 1953; i e r r l a x u o


B M m and 7 f brachypterous (ZUFG 5174); (16º40’51” S, 48º55’45” S, (16º40’51” 5174); (ZUFG brachypterous f 7 and m 6 5173); (ZUFG brachypterous f 3 and m 4 brachypterous, 5208) (ZUFG f 8 and m 13 5202), (ZUFG f 1 and m 1 5195), (ZUFG f 2 and m 3 5192), (ZUFG f 1 5186), (ZUFG f 1 5185), (ZUFG f 1 and m 2 5183), (ZUFG f 6 and 1m 5181), (ZUFG f 18 and m 8 5180), and 6 f (ZUFG 5169), 1 m and 2 f (ZUFG 5179), 3 m and 7 f (ZUFG m 4 5165), (ZUFG m 1 5160), (ZUFG f 1 5152), (ZUFG m 3 5151), macropterous m 1 brachypterous, f (ZUFG 5178); 2 (16º32’12” S, 48º49’48” and W), 24.VII.2012: 1 m f (ZUFG 1 5168), (ZUFG S, 48º56’01” W), 20.VI.2012: 1 f brachypterous, 1 f macropterous (16º34’41” 5159); (ZUFG brachypterous f 1 and m 1 18.VII.2012: and 8 f (ZUFG m 5210) brachypterous; 3 (16º37’49” S, 5199), 48º48’24” W), (ZUFG f 1 and m 2 5196), (ZUFG f 2 and m 1 5163), 3 m and 3 f brachypterous (ZUFG 5149), 1f brachypterous (ZUFG Dias-Silva): (K. 14.VI.2012 W), 48º56’52” S, (16º35’20” Bulhões 19.III.2013: 4 m and 10 f brachypterous (DZRJ 3749); W), 47°31’26.80” Leopoldo S, (16°47’37.10” de Arrojado do Cachoeira 3748); (DZRJ brachypterous f 3 and m 4 19.III.2013: 47°34’8.60”W), S, de (16°43’48.80” Sol estrada de Chapéu pedra na a para ordem caminho no 1º chão brachypterous de f córrego 5 Cristalina, and 3746); m (DZRJ 4 22.III.2013: Macaco,(14°8’39.10” W), Rio do 47°20’33.60” e do S, branca água de afluente de encontro Catedral, da acima Macaco, do Cachoeira Aliança, da & D.M. Takiya): 3 m and 1 f brachypterous (DZRJ 3745); São João Bento (14°9’39.50” S, 47°35’39.00” W), 21.III.2013 (A.P.M. Santos brachypterous (DZRJ 3614); Alto Paraíso de m Goiás, 2 Cachoeira São Raimundi): (E. 25.II.2012 W), 52º20’50.4” S, (17º37’43.9” (A.P.M. Santos & E. Raimundi): 2 m brachypterous; Jataí, riacho 15.II.2012 m), 602 W, 52º06’41.6” S, (17º02’12.5” rio Caiapônia, examined Material et M) n Suhat M, J rgos (T regions RJ) (MG, Southeast and (MT) West Brazil. in Distribution Martarega bentoiTruxal,1949 Martarega a o B R r i e a s o r a R & 2015;M d o White,1879 r s e u g i o r i e r 03 B 2013; a etal.2016; Fgr 4. rsl Etd d Goiás!, de Estado Brasil, 4). (Figure Northeast (PI, CE, PE, BA), Central- BA), PE, CE, (PI, Northeast a B R a s o T B. paranensis , & a Barbosa &DiasdaSilva(2017) k a y i G e-ISSN 1983-0572 etal.2016). l h e i 2014; B. platycnemis , r C l a x u o r i e d 1949; r o & Janeiro - Abril 2017 - EntomoBrasilis 10 (1): 44-50

W): 2 f brachypterous (ZUFG 5209), 357 m and 115 f (ZUFG 5211); Material examined. Brasil, Estado de Goiás, Caldazinha (16º33’39”S, 48º49’05” W) 12.VIII.2012: 1 m macropterous (16º44’32” S, 48º53’01” W), 03.VIII.2012 (K. Dias-Silva): 2 m (5171); Bonfinópolis (16º36’13” S, 48º57’36” W), 12.VI.2012: and 1 f (ZUFG 5154); (16º42’53” S, 48º55’ 13” W), 16.VIII.2012 2 m and 3 f brachypterous (ZUFG 5156), 6 m brachypterous (K. Dias-Silva): 1 m brachypterous (5150), 1 m brachypterous (ZUFG 5157), 1 m and 3 f brachypterous (ZUFG 5158), 34 m and (ZUFG 5184); (16º43’40” S, 48º52’43” W), 17.VIII.2012: 1f 8 f (ZUFG 5207); (16º35’04” S, 48º58’45” W), 26.VII.2012: 1 m brachypterous (ZUFG 5166); Silvânia (16º32’59” S, 48º48’21” brachypterous (ZUFG 5190); Caldazinha (16º40’16” S, 48º50’55” W), 05.VII.2012: 1 m and 1 f brachypterous (ZUFG 5164). W), 12.VII.2012: 1 f brachypterous (ZUFG 5197); (16º42’53” S, 48º55’13” W), 16.VIII.2012: 34 m and 18 f (5150), 1 f (ZUFG Martarega nessimiani Barbosa & Rodrigues, 2013 5162), 1 f (ZUFG 5167), 1m (ZUFG 5170), 28 m and 5 f (ZUFG Distribution in Brazil. North (PA), Central-West (GO) and 5184), 1 m and 2 f (ZUFG 5187) brachypterous; (16º43’40”S, Southeast regions (MG) (Ba rb o s a & Ro d r i g u e s 2013). 48º52’43” W), 17.VIII.2012: 3 f brachypterous (ZUFG 5166).

Occurrence in Goiás (Figure 4). Jataí (Ba rb o s a & Ro d r i g u e s Martarega brasiliensis Truxal, 1949 2013). Distribution in Brazil. North (PA, RR), Northeast (CE, PE), Martarega uruguayensis (Berg, 1883) Central-West (MT, MS) and Southeast (RJ, SP) regions (Tr u x a l 1949; Ni e s e r 1970; Ba rb o s a et al. 2010b; Ri b e i r o et al. 2010; Distribution in Brazil. All regions (TO, PE, GO, MS, MG, SP, Ba rb o s a et al. 2012; Ba rb o s a & Ro d r i g u e s , 2013; Ca s t a n h o l e et al. RJ, PR, SC) (Ja c z e w s k i 1928; Tr u x a l 1949, 1957; Ni e s e r & Me l o 2013; Fl o r i a n o et al. 2013; Ba rb o s a & Gi e h l 2014; Pe r e i r a et al. 1997; Vi a n n a & Me l o 2003; Me l o & Ni e s e r 2004; Pe l l i et al. 2015a, b). 2006; So u z a et al. 2006; Ba rb o s a et al. 2010b; Ri b e i r o et al. 2010; Fl o r i a n o et al. 2013; ). Material examined (Figure 4). Brasil, Estado de Goiás!, Caldazinha, (16º42’53” S, 48º55’13” W), 16.VIII.2012 (K. Dias- Occurrence in Goiás (Figure 4). “20 km north of São João da Silva): 1 f brachypterous (ZUFG 5150). Aliança; 24 km east of Formoso” (Tr u x a l 1957).

Martarega membranacea White, 1879 Notonecta Linnaeus, 1758

Distribution in Brazil. North (AM, RO, PA, TO), Northeast Notonecta disturbata Hungerford, 1926 (PI), Central-West (GO, MS) and Southeast regions (MG, RJ, SP) (Wh i t e 1879; Tr u x a l 1949, 1957; Ni e s e r 1970; Me l o & Ni e s e r Distribution in Brazil. All regions (PA, TO, PI, MT, GO, 2004; Pe r e i r a & Me l o 2007; Ba rb o s a et al. 2010b; Ri b e i r o et al.. MG, RJ, SP, RS (Hu n g e rf o r d 1933; Tr u x a l 1957; Ni e s e r 1970; 2010; Ba rb o s a et al. 2012; Ba rb o s a & Ro d r i g u e s 2013; Ca s t a n h o l e Ba c h m a n n 1971; Ri b e i r o et al. 1998; Me l o & Ni e s e r 2004; Ri b e i r o et al. 2013; Fl o r i a n o et al. 2013; Pe r e i r a et al. 2015a; Ta k i y a et et al. 2010; Ba rb o s a & Ne s s i m i a n 2013a; Ta k i y a et al. 2016). al. 2016). Occurrence in Goiás (Figure 4). “Anápolis” (Tr u x a l 1957). Occurrence in Goiás (Figure 4). “Goiás, near Formosa, Lagoa Feia” (Ni e s e r 1970). Discussion 48

Figure 4. Distributional records of Notonectidae species in municipalities of the State of Goiás (*= known records) - Martarega brasiliensis, M. bentoi, M. membranacea, M. nessimiani, M. uruguayensis and Notonecta disturbata.

e-ISSN 1983-0572 49 abs, .. HDD Rdius 21. nw species new A 2013. Rodrigues, H.D.D. & J.F. Barbosa, la para clave y sistematico Catálogo 1971. A.O., Bachmann, (FAPERJ) forpostdoctoralfellowshipsawardedtheauthors. (CAPES)/ Janeiro de Rio Superior do Estado do Pesquisa Nível à Amparo de de Fundação Pessoal and de CNPq Aperfeiçoamento the de to grateful also are We (CNPq). by sponsored was work This Tecnológico e Científico Desenvolvimento to de Nacional Conselho study. Waterbodies”, this in specimens “Cerrado the part of provided project who Melo Adriano the to and above to cited collectors grateful are We (B Brazil in species known 31 with America, South on distributed widely is genus The Checklist andnewrecordsofNotonectidae(Hemiptera:Heteroptera:… ooetde n a ra ncsiy f ok wt dvriy of diversity with backswimmers inGoiás,andBrazil. works of necessity great a and Notonectidae of knowledge the in gap a highlights checklist This state. the of municipalities 246 of 16 to restricted are cited herein those and literature of Records family. this of record any lacking State the in area great the realize to possible was maps the With Brazil. in known species total of 33% representing Goiás, in found species Notonectidae of number the 18 to increased work This 2013a). recorded in the country (M 2013). species in Brazil (B Brazil in species of distribution of pattern same the has abs, .. JL Nsiin 21a Nw pce and species New 2013a. Nessimian, J.L. & J.F. Barbosa, Barbosa, J.F., J.R.I. Ribeiro & J.L. Nessimian, 2012. A synopsis of 2010a. Nessimian, J.L. & Ribeiro J.R.I. J.F., Barbosa, of records distribution New 2014. Giehl, N.F.S. & J.F. Barbosa, genus The 2013b. Nessimian, J.L. & J.F. Barbosa, Barbosa, J.F., J.L. Nessimian & D.M. Takiya, 2015. Description 2015. Takiya, D.M. & Nessimian J.L. J.F., Barbosa, Barbosa, J.F., J.R.I. Ribeiro & R.L. Ferreira-Keppler, 2010b. A new eod o Ntncia (eitr: Heteroptera: (Hemiptera: Notonectidae Zootaxa, Brazil. from Nepomorpha) of records of 601- 30: Physis, 617. Argentina. República la de Notonectidae las de especies y generos subfamilias, las de determinacion e rcrs of records new DOI: of descriptions with three new species. Journal Amazonia, of Natural History, 46: 1025–1057. Brazilian the in occurring Martarega White, 1879 (Insecta: Heteroptera: Notonectidae) DOI: 560-564. 54: Entomologia, de Brazil. of Janeiro, Brasileira de Revista Rio species from Notonectidae) Heteroptera, new A 10: 1152-1155.DOI: Notonectidae) in eastern Mato Grosso State, Brazil. new Check List, genus the inventory, DOI: 101-130. Brazil: 3694: Zootaxa, species. northern new and records, Nepomorpha: in Heteroptera: Notonectidae) (Hemiptera: 1904 Kirkaldy, DOI: 692-696. 30: Zoologia, Brazil. from Notonectidae) eoopa Ntncia) oe ae o te mixed the on of based type-series one Notonectidae), Nepomorpha: of species new two of for threespeciesinBrazil.Zootaxa, 2351:58-64. Notonectidae) from the State of Pará, Brazil, and new records of species s csooia gns wt egt species eight with genus, cosmopolitan a is Notonecta Martarega is restricted to the Western Hemisphere and Hemisphere Western the to restricted is Buenoa a B R Martarega White, 1879 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: (Hemiptera: 1879 White, Martarega a s o Acknowledgements & a B R . oriximinaensis M. ht, 89 wt nw distributional new with 1879, White, N a s o 10.11646/zootaxa.3682.4. 10.1590/S0085-5626201000040000 10.11646/zootaxa.3694.2. 10.1590/S1984-4670201300500001 References i s s e Notonecta

White, 1879 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: (Hemiptera: 1879 White, White, 1879 (Heteroptera: 1879 White, Martarega et al. et o m r 10.1080/00222933.2011.65164 n a i i e Buenoa r 2012, 2015; B 2015; 2012, a 03) Te genus The 2013b).

et al. Hmpea Heteroptera: (Hemiptera: ikly (Hemiptera, Kirkaldy 2011; B Buenoa abs, ier & Ribeiro Barbosa,

62 5450 DOI: 534-540. 3682: 10.15560/10.5.115 a a B R B R , with 15 known 15 with , 1. a s o 4. a s o Coordenação & R & & Martarega N d o i s s e Buenoa r 1. s e u g i 5. m 4. 2. n a i

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Barbosa, J.F. & K. Dias da Silva, 2017. Checklist and new records of Notonectidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Nepomorpha) from Goiás, Brazil. EntomoBrasilis, 10 (1): 44-50. Available on: doi:10.12741/ebrasilis.v10i1.667 50

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