\0 rtY\Y\o..\s o~ Co r\). 595 HISTORY OF CONGRESS. 596 597 H. OF R. Case 0/ .Tonathan Robbins. MARCH, 1800. ingston, Nathaniel Macon, Peter Muhlenberg, An Platt, John Randolph, Samuel Sewall, John Smilie, but he h thony New, John Nicholas, Joseph H. Nicholson, John John Smith, David Stone, Thomas Sumter, Benjamin not bee'n Randolph, John Smilie, John Smith, Samuel Smith, Taliaferro, George Thatcher, Abram Trigg, John Trigg, sive. FJ Richard Dobbs Spaight, Richard Stanford, David Stone, to shed Philip Van Cortlandt, Joseph B. Varnum, Peleg Wads tIlea~g-u Thomas Sumter, Benjamin Taliaferro, John Thomp. worth, and Robert Williams. son, Abram Trigg, John Trigg, Philip Van Cortlandt, N..l.Ys-Theodorus Bailey, Jonathan Brace, SllIlluel been ass Joseph B. Varnum, and Robert Williams. J. Cabell, Gabriel Christie, William Craik, John Den men of 1 N..l.Ys-George Baer, Bailey Bartlett, James A. Bay nis, George Dent. Joseph Eggleston, Thomas Evans, not thin ard, Jonathan Brace, John Brown, Christopher G. Samuel Goode, William Gordon, Edwin Gray, An voted to Champlin, William Cooper, William Craik, John drew Gregg, William Barry Grove, John A. Hanna, taiued il Davenport, Franklin Davenport, John Dennis, George Archibald Henderson, William H. Hill, James Jones, those a( Dent, Joseph Dickson, William Edmond, Thomas Aaron Kitchell, Matthew I.yon, James Linn, Abra ing to d Evans, Abiel Foster, Dwight Foster, Jonathan Free ham Nott, Harrison G. Otis, Robert Page, Josiah Par in supp maq.,Henry Glen, Cha cey Goodrich, Elizur Goodrich, ker, Thomas Pinckney, Leven Powell, John Reed, order in William Gordon, liam H.
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