University of Bologna Department of Management Research Yearbook 2019

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University of Bologna Department of Management Research Yearbook 2019 UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 INDEX Making an impact on our nation and the world 5 Facts & Figures 7 Research Groups 19 Accounting 20 Arts and Cultural Organisations 20 Banking 21 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 22 Finance 22 Marketing 23 Organisation & Human Resources Management 24 Social Management and Sustainability 24 Strategy 25 Yunus Social Business Centre 26 Short bios 27 Faculty 29 Research Fellows 47 Ph.D. Students 52 Staff 58 Publications 2018-2019 63 Journal articles 64 Books 74 Book chapters 75 Making an impact on our nation and the world s the current Head of the Department of Departments in Europe by 2023, following three Management (DiSA), I have the privilege to main lines of activities: introduce you to the first edition of our “De- 1. Strengthen all that has made us successful so far. partment Research Yearbook” in which we We will work to improve our publishing record, Apresent the Department of Management’s results further develop the Ph.D. program, increase the and impact at the national and international levels international attractiveness of our courses, and for 2018-2019. continue to support campus-wide entrepreneur- We are proud to share the efforts of our long- ship activities; term strategy of developing theory and practice in 1. Grow along the lines needed to overcome our the different disciplines that we cover in our cours- weaknesses. We will recruit new faculty with es, in our research and in our collaborations with strong international expertise, increase our ca- private and public organisations. pacity to attract competitive funding, and devel- We are a group of 160 women and men working op new research areas in our campuses (Industry Prof. Maurizio Sobrero in three of the five campuses of the University of 4.0 and Next Production Revolution in Bologna, Head of the Department Bologna: Bologna, Forlì, and Rimini. With 6 out of Social Innovation and Public Management in of Management 13 courses taught entirely in English and/or offering Forlì, and Service and Tourism in Rimini); dual degrees, we have the highest number of inter- 1. Explore new opportunities to launch addition- national programs of our Alma Mater. al initiatives in the future. We will promote the The QS World University Ranking by Subject 2019 collaboration with other disciplines in research places the University of Bologna among the first and teaching, develop dedicated monitoring ac- 100 World Universities overall and 73rd in Social tivities and partnerships in all our campuses, and Sciences & Management, thanks to our contribu- experiment with new forms of interaction with tion. different stakeholders. According to national rankings, the University We are well aware of the hard work ahead of us of Bologna holds the first position among public and the responsibility we all share. We are ener- Universities in Social Science and Management and gized by the opportunities to significantly contrib- Accounting and Finance. ute to our country and our society as an essential In 2018, we secured a special grant worth over group of the oldest university in the western world. 8ml€ from the Ministry of Univerity and Research Standing on the shoulders of our past, we are in- to grow our strengths further. We developed an am- spired to build the future with our daily efforts. bitious plan to improve our international position- ing and place the Department among the best Maurizio Sobrero DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 5 FACTS & FIGURES The Department is a point of reference for teaching and research activities in Management and The Department Team all its disciplines. Mission FACULTY93 To increase and disseminate managerial culture, University of Bologna and foster innovation. RESEARCH20 FELLOWS Research groups • accountinG 29 WORLD73rd POSITION IN SOCIAL • arts anD cultural orGanisations Ph.D. STUDENTS SCIENCES & MANAGEMENT • BanKinG • entrePreneursHiP anD innoVATION 18 • Finance STAFF by suBject 2019 IN1st ITALIAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES • MarKetinG FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE AND • orGanisation & HuMan resources ManaGeMent MANAGEMENT, ACCOUNTING AND • social ManaGeMent anD sustainaBilitY FINANCE RESEARCH FIELDS • strateGY (SCOPUS 2014-2018) Faculty by Campuses • Yunus social Business centre IN 2018, THE DEPARTMENT WAS Campuses AWARDED THE “DEPARTMENT 46 OF EXCELLENCE” BY THE ITALIAN The Departments branches are located in Bologna, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND Forlì and Rimini. RESEARCH BOLOGNA 26 21 FORLÌ RIMINI Data updated on 13 December 2019 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 9 Research activities DiSA outputs in 2018 DiSA Networking The Department's publication performance has •o 113 sc Pus PuBlications been continuously improving over time and is • 2 PuBlications 4* aBs (acaDeMY oF ManaGeMent in line with international standards. For a quick journal, journal oF ManaGeMent) appreciation of where we stand, we present some • 32 scientiFic PuBlications 4 anD 3 aBs comparisons based on the publications reported • 2,210 citations aMonG all FacultY in Scopus between 2014 and 2018 and including all • 117.15 cuMulatiVe inDiViDual sjr -scientiFic 44 Italian scholars in the Department's disciplines as a journal ranKinG PROJECTS benchmark. Faculty with at least 1 published Cumulative Individual SJR: paper in ABS 4* journals, 2014-18 median, 2014-18 8.14%DISA 3.3125DISA ITALIAN2.58% UNIVERSITIES ITALIAN1.5435 UNIVERSITIES Faculty with at least 1 published Individual citations: paper in ABS 4 and 3 journals, median, 2014-18 2014-18 19.77%DISA 33.5DISA 16.47%ITALIAN UNIVERSITIES ITALIAN UNIVERSITIES12 10 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 DiSA Networking PROGRAMS 9,433,780€ 21% FINANCING (INCLUDING THE PROJECT DEPARTMENT OF EXCELLENCE) 5% 9% FINLAND SWEDEN 53% 12% NORWAY ESTONIA EUROPEAN PROGRAM UK LITHUANIA NATIONAL PROGRAM POLAND BELGIUMGERMANY REGIONAL AND/OR LOCAL PROGRAM FRANCE AUSTRIA HUNGARY UNIBO PROGRAM USA RESEARCH AGREEMENT SPAIN GREECE CHINA MALAYSIA DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 11 Research Partnership and Funding Institutions MINISTERO DELL’ISTRUZIONE DELL’UNIVERSITÀ E DELLA RICERCA FONDAZIONE CASSA DI RISPARMIO IN BOLOGNA 12 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 Interdipartimental Centres Member of Networks partecipated by the Department • Bi-reX (Big dATA innovation & reSeArCh eXCellenCe) PuBlic-PriVate consortiuM, tHe • CAST - CenTro di STudi AvAnzATi Sul TuriSmo eMilia roMaGna inDustrY 4.0 coMPetence (centre For aDVanceD stuDies in tourisM) center GatHerinG oVer 50 PuBlic anD PriVate locateD in riMini Partners, suPPorteD BY tHe MinistrY oF econoMic • AlmA Ai - CenTro inTerdipArTimenTAle per DeVeloPMent l’inTelligenzA ArTifiCiAle (researcH institute • The prinCipleS for reSponSiBle mAnAgemenT For HuMan-centereD artiFicial intelliGence) eduCATion (prme), a PlatForM to raise tHe locateD in BoloGna ProFile oF sustainaBilitY in scHools arounD • AlmA ClimATe - CenTro inTerdipArTimenTAle tHe worlD, anD to equiP toDaY's Business (alMa Mater researcH institute on GloBal stuDents witH tHe unDerstanDinG anD aBilitY cHallenGes anD cliMate cHanGe) to DeliVer cHanGe toMorrow. GoVerneD BY un locateD in BoloGna GloBal coMPact anD tHe Main Business scHool accreDitation BoDies. • reSponSiBle reSeArCh for BuSineSS And mAnAgemenT (rrBm) coMMunitY, DeDicateD to insPirinG, encouraGinG, anD suPPortinG creDiBle anD useFul researcH in ManaGeMent • The SCAndinAviAn ConSorTium for orgAniSATionAl reSeArCh – SCAnCor, to Facilitate inquirY in a transnational networK oF scHolars tHrouGH worKinG Visits anD resiDencies at stanForD anD HarVarD uniVersities. • The europeAn inSTiTuTe for AdvAnCed STudieS in mAnAgemenT (eiASm), an international networK For ManaGeMent researcH anD teacHinG tHat incluDes More tHan 50,000 ManaGeMent scientists FroM all oVer tHe worlD. DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 13 Teaching activities Students Degree Programs More than 5,000 students (A.Y. 2019/20) attend the 13 First and Second Cycle Programs. Eight of these programs are international and taught in English, while three of them offer a double degree with a foreign institution. For post-graduate and execu- tive education, the Department works closely with 13 Bologna Business School, the Business School of the >5,000 University of Bologna, which offers more than 50 A.Y. 2019/2020 62% IN ENGLISH programs involving every year around 800 students from almost 100 countries. Students with a foreign Students with a foreign citizenship in DiSA citizenship in University A.Y. 2019/20 of Bologna. A.Y. 2019/20 12.7%INTERNATIONAL 18.9%INTERNATIONAL DEGREE PROGRAMS DEGREE PROGRAMS OTHER5.7% DEGREE OTHER8.7% DEGREE PROGRAMS PROGRAMS 14 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 Teaching and mobility agreements with foreign Universities SPAIN1 COSTA1 RICA FRANCE9 UK1 CANADA1 ALBANIA1 JAPAN1 USA6 CHINA1 BRAZIL1 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT RESEARCH YEARBOOK 2019 15 Students satisfaction and Job Placement Ph.D. in Management Graduates in Economics and Management Programs Overall satisfaction Second Cycle Programs • in enGlisH According to the 2019 Report released by AlmaLau- • 4-Years Full-tiMe ProGraM witH tHe PossiBilitY oF rea (the Italian Inter-University consortium focused a 6-MontH PerioD aBroaD on students and graduates), the graduates of the • 7 Full scHolarsHiPs Plus aDDitional teacHinG Department show levels of overall satisfaction with 94.3%UNIBO anD researcH assistantsHiPs oPPortunities their program and
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