Finding an Unusable Past: Why has Eugenics Gone Missing from the History of American Economics? Thomas (Tim) Leonard Dept. of Economics Fisher Hall Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 (609) 258-4036
[email protected] For HOPE April 2004 Conference on The Economic Role of Government in the History of Economic Thought Abstract Darwinian and eugenic ideas were influential and popular in Progressive Era; reform economists and other progressives routinely appealed to their authority. But eugenics is all but absent from the history of American Progressive-Era economics. Why? One aspect of this puzzle is a historiographic tradition that misconstrues eugenics, treating it as an aberrant, pseudo-scientific, laissez-faire doctrine, a successor to Gilded-Age social Darwinism, and a prelude to German National Socialism. Eugenics, in short, represents everything progressives are seen to oppose. This essay argues that the traditional view is doubly incomplete: wrong about the nature of eugenic thought, and wrong about the nature of progressive thought. With respect to eugenics, new scholarship shows convincingly that Progressive-Era eugenics was, in fact, the broadest of churches. Eugenics was mainstream; it was widespread; it appealed to an extraordinary range of political ideologies, not least to the progressives, and it was – as state control of human breeding – a program that no social Darwinian could consistently endorse. Eugenics also survived the Nazis. With respect to the progressives, it is important that, in an era before Mendelian genetics became established, Darwinian thought was protean enough to accommodate a wide range of political views. In particular, it was still unsettled as to whether human heredity was Lamarckian or Darwinian, and whether natural selection operated at the level of the individual or of the collective (e.g., the race or nation).