Received 7/13/2021 @ 3:28 PM By City Clerk Office

Robert E. Barnes 222 Grand Reserve Drive Bunnell. FL, 32110 July 13, 2021

Mayor Catherine Robinson City of Bunnell 201 West Moody Boulevard Bunnell, FL, 32110

Dear Mayor Robinson,

I would appreciate consideration of me as a candidate for appointment to fill the vacancy on our City Commission. I am a resident of Bunnell and meet all requirements and qualifications for the position. I currently serve my community as a Board Supervisor for the Deer Run Community Development District in the Grand Reserve subdivision.

In 2020 I retired from the U.S. Government, having worked for the Federal Aviation Administration in a number of positions from entry level Inspector to Manager of Field Operations for the Aircraft Evaluation Division. Prior to working in government, I worked in the airline industry from 1975-2002 in positions of increasing responsibility. I began my airline career as an Aircraft Mechanic for Trans New England Airlines and ended it as Vice President of Maintenance for Pan American Airways.

As you will see from my attached resume, I have extensive experience in management, budgeting, labor relations in both union and non-union environments, team building, contract negotiation, facilities construction and maintenance, investigation, and a host of other areas critical to success in the position of City Commissioner. I have run organizations with over 1,200 employees and, as Manager of Administrative Services for in Chicago, I received an Award of Merit for creating and managing a zero based budget of $56 million dollars.

My wife and I chose to make the City of Bunnell our home for the remainder of our lives. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to work with you and the Commission to serve our city and to help our city thrive as we move forward into the future. I believe we can grow and maintain the feel and friendliness of a small town, much as it is today. I feel I can contribute to that effort in a significant way. I’ve attached my updated U.S. Government resume for your reference.

I greatly appreciate your consideration in this matter, thank you.


Robert E. Barnes

CC: John Rogers, Tonya Gordon

RESUME Robert E. Barnes

Name: Robert E. Barnes 222 Grand Reserve Drive Bunnell, FL, 32110

Phone: H - (386) 313-5883 C - (978) 886-2597

Country of Citizenship: USA

Veterans' Preference: No

Reinstatement Eligibility: Career

Highest Federal civilian grade held: FV-1825-K

Note: Retired May 31, 2020


November 2020 – Present Employer: Deer Run Community Development District 222 Grand Reserve Drive Bunnell, FL, 32110

Job Title: Board Supervisor Function: Elected Official Duties: The Deer Run Community Development District (CDD) is a local, special purpose government entity authorized by Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes created by ordinance of the City of Bunnell. As a Board Supervisor, I am one member of a five-person board responsible to oversee all aspects of the district planning, acquisition, operation and maintenance of facilities as well as community-wide infrastructure improvements in our planned community that will contain 843 homes when complete. I attend regular board meetings, respond to constituent concerns, questions, and complaints. I am engaged in the process of planning our annual budget with the board. The board evaluates and approves expenditure of funds. The board is responsible for issuance and repayment of district bonds. I also interface with and oversee vendors providing services to the district. I am actively engaged with a number of city officials in the City of Bunnell as our district is located fully within the boundaries of the city.

July 2012 – May 31, 2020 Employer: FAA, Boston AEG 12 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803-5299

Job Title: Supervisory Aviation Safety Inspector Function: Manager, Boston / Propulsion and APU Aircraft Evaluation Group Grade: FV-1825-K Supervisor: Jeffrey Phipps Phone: (336) 840-6261 Duties: As Manager I was responsible for all office functions including staffing, budget, training, time and attendance approval, leave approval, purchasing, staff meetings, interface with union representatives, facilities, Occupational Safety and Health, and drug and alcohol testing. I provided functional oversight of office work products including, but not limited to Flight Operations Evaluation Boards, Master Minimum Equipment Lists, Airworthiness Directives, Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, Alternative Methods of Compliance, and Aircraft Flight Manuals. My office was engaged in the certification and continued operational safety for all aircraft engines worldwide. This frequently required engagement with foreign aviation authorities and manufacturers. I also supported Aircraft Evaluation Division by providing routine support to the Division Manager. Selected as a member of the Office of Safety Standards reorganization team. Selected to lead reorganization of the Aircraft Evaluation Division. I was the organizer of and member for a number of interorganizational teams working with the Aircraft Certification Service to improve interface and performance.


March 2019 – April 2020 Employer: FAA, Boston AEG 222 Grand Reserve Drive Bunnell, FL, 32110

Job Title: Supervisory Aviation Safety Inspector Function: Detail, Acting Manager, Rotorcraft and Powered Lift Aircraft Evaluation Group Grade: FV-1825-K Supervisor: Jeffrey Phipps Phone: (336) 840-6261 Duties: As Acting Manager I was responsible for all office functions including staffing, budget, training, time and attendance approval, leave approval, purchasing, staff meetings, interface with union representatives, facilities, Occupational Safety and Health, and drug and alcohol testing. I provided functional oversight of office work products including, but not limited to Flight Operations Evaluation Boards, Master Minimum Equipment Lists, Airworthiness Directives, Instructions for Continued Airworthiness, Alternative Methods of Compliance, and Aircraft Flight Manuals. My office was engaged in the certification and continued operational safety for all rotorcraft and powered lift vehicles worldwide. This frequently required engagement with foreign aviation authorities and manufacturers. I also supported Aircraft Evaluation Division by providing routine support to the Division Manager.

October 2016 – April 2017 Employer: FAA, Aircraft Evaluation Division 1200 District Avenue Burlington, MA 01803-5299

Job Title: Supervisory Aviation Safety Inspector Function: Detail, Acting Manager of Field Operations, Aircraft Evaluation Division Grade: FV-1825-K Supervisor: Jeffrey Phipps Phone: (336) 840-6261 Duties: As Acting Manager of Field Operations I provided support for the Division Manager in day to day operations of the division and the five AEG offices. Helped establish the new division by creating operating plans, goals, and recommending changes in organizational structure. Provided interface with the Aircraft Certification Service and created teams to improve interaction and coordination between the services. Conducted routine outreach to internal and external customers to evaluate division performance and identified problem areas and initiated corrective actions as appropriate. I was actively engaged in development of a division succession plan as well as interviews and selection of management staff. Acted for the division manager in his absence.


August 2011 Employer: FAA, New England Region 12 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803-5299

Job Title: Supervisory Aviation Safety Inspector Function: Detail, Acting Deputy Regional Administrator, New England Region Grade: FV-1825-K Supervisor: Amy Corbett Phone: Retired Duties: This was a one-month detail assignment at the request of the Regional Administrator while the incumbent Deputy Regional Administrator attended executive training. As Acting Deputy Regional Administrator, I was responsible to the Regional Administrator for all FAA personnel, all facilities, and all aviation activities in the six state New England Region. Responsible for interface with all aviation entities including airlines, airports, airway facilities, air traffic personnel and facilities, airway facilities and equipment. Responsible to oversee interface with Tribal Nation Representatives in negotiating rights for aviation activities over tribal lands. Met with federal and local officials and Federal and State Emergency Management personnel in response to a tornado that struck Western Massachusetts. Also met with individuals and companies affected by the devastation. Identified and provided access to resources to aid in recovery efforts.

May 23, 2010 – July 2012 Employer: FAA, FSDO-01 One Cranberry Hill Lexington, MA 02421

Job Title: Supervisory Aviation Safety Inspector Function: Manager, Boston Flight Standards District Office Grade: FV-1825-K Supervisor: Edward Reinecker Phone: Retired Duties: As Office Manager, I was responsible for all office functions including staffing, budget, training, time and attendance approval, leave approval, purchasing, staff meetings, interface with union representatives, facilities, Occupational Safety and Health, and drug and alcohol testing. Performed all tasks associated with a General Aviation and Air Carrier Office including but not limited to oversight of airmen, a 14 CFR part 121 air carrier, large 121/135 air carrier, and numerous135 air operators, testing and issuance of certificates, airworthiness determinations and issuance of airworthiness certificates, evaluation of and issuance of ferry permits, and oversight of 14 CFR part 145 repair stations. Attended public meetings and interacted with airmen and members of the public in providing aviation safety information. Assigned and oversaw accident investigations, pilot deviations, and in-flight incident reports involving members of the public. The office performed surveillance activities, investigations, certifications, and aviation education. The office also performed compliance and enforcement activities necessary to address and prevent reoccurrence of incidents, accidents, and events.


January 2010 – April 2010 Employer: FAA, Engine & Propeller Directorate 12 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803-5299

Job Title: Supervisory Aviation Safety Inspector Function: Detail, Acting Branch Manager, Engine Certification Office Grade: FV-1825-J Supervisor: Thomas Boudreau Phone: (781) 238-7140 Duties: As an Acting Branch Manager, I managed a team of Aerospace Engineers engaged in type certification and Continued Operational Safety of all General Electric and GE Honda Aircraft Engines. Provided support for type certification projects, type certification boards, amended type certificates, continued operational safety evaluation and reviewed proposed action for failures, malfunctions, and defects. Reviewed draft Airworthiness Directives and attended Corrective Action Review Boards. Provided interface with manufactures and both internal and external stakeholders including operators and the general public.

March 2006 – May 2010 Employer: FAA, Boston AEG, FSDO-07 12 New England Executive Park Burlington, MA 01803-5299

Job Title: Aviation Safety Inspector Function: Propulsion Systems Specialist Grade: GS-1825-14 Supervisor: Gilbert DaCosta Phone: (781) 238-7887 Dates: March 2006 – May 2010 Duties: As a Propulsion Technical Specialist, I was responsible for all Aircraft Evaluation Group functions in performance of oversight of General Electric and Turbomeca Aircraft engines. Worked in concert with the Aircraft Certification Service as a member of type certification boards for new engines and continued operational safety of legacy aircraft engines. As a subject matter expert, I performed detailed reviews of Instructions for Continued Airworthiness and recommended approval of same prior to issuance of type certificates. I performed maintenance program validation for the GEnx Engine and Rolls Royce Trent engines powering the B-787 aircraft. I frequently travelled both domestically and internationally, meeting with manufacturers, foreign authorities, and airline operators. I conducted an audit of the GE Departure Record process that resulted in significant non-compliance findings. Worked with GE, AIR, and AFS to help GE revise the process and ensure compliance.


September 2005 – March 2006 Employer: FAA, FSDO-01 One Cranberry Hill Lexington, MA 02421

Job Title: Principal Maintenance Inspector, General Aviation Grade: GS-1825-13 Supervisor: Beth Babb Phone: Retired

Duties: As a Principal Maintenance Inspector I was a member of the Boston Flight Standards District Office airworthiness team. I had primary responsibility for air carriers, aircraft operators, air agencies, and airmen. Responsibilities include certificate management, surveillance, and oversight for 14 CFR Part 145, 137, 135, 133, and 91 operators and repair facilities as well as 14 CFR part 65 technicians and part 183 Testing Centers. I was responsible for evaluation of overall maintenance programs for Part 133, 135, and 137 air operators. I Inspected aircraft and related equipment for airworthiness and performed aircraft conformity inspections. I conducted investigations and reported on accidents, incidents, and violations. In addition to these responsibilities, I worked with office certification team, evaluating new certificate applications. I evaluated MEL submissions by operators. I evaluated field approval submissions and processed FAA Form 337.

Job Title: Aviation Safety Inspector, Air Carrier Grade: GS-1825-12 Supervisor: Tom Welman Phone: Retired Dates: August 2003 - September 2005 Duties: As a Geographic Aviation Safety Inspector I worked as a member of the Boston Flight Standards Field Office airworthiness team. I was primarily responsible for oversight and surveillance of 14 CFR part 121, 129, and 135 air carriers in coordination with the Certificate Management Offices. In addition, I conducted oversight and surveillance of 14 CFR part 91 and 91k operators. I also conducted frequent en-route inspections in airline cockpits inspecting the entire airline operation. Responsibilities included surveillance of air carriers and aviation maintenance technicians, performance of special emphasis inspections, performance of routine and non-routine inspections, and investigation of accidents, incidents, and violations. I also participated in the Logan Airport Airside Safety Group and the Logan Aviation Safety Council, a group I cofounded, and numerous emergency preparedness drills including Operation Atlas as a member of the planning committee. I also participated in accident preparedness drills at Martha’s Vineyard and Bedford Massachusetts airports.


Apr 2002 – July 2003 Employer Pan American Airways Boston-Maine Airways Services 14 Aviation Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 Job Title: Vice President, Aircraft Maintenance Supervisor: Barry Bermingham Phone: Retired Duties: Reporting to the company President, as Vice President of Maintenance for Pan American Airways, a 14 CFR part 121 Air Carrier, I was leader of a team of highly qualified aviation professionals in the performance of maintenance on the company fleet of -200 aircraft. I also held the position of Vice President of Maintenance for Boston-Maine Airways, our sister company and a 14 CFR part 121/135 air carrier operating a fleet of British Aerospace Jet Stream 32 and CASA 212 aircraft. I also held the position of Director of Maintenance for Pan Am Services, our 14 CFR part 145 repair station, whose principal business is repair and overhaul of aircraft life vests, escape slides and rafts.

My responsibilities included development of both long and short term business plans, budget development and oversight, and schedule and route planning. I participated in several business ventures including Pan American Airways Dominicana and Pan American Airways Bahamas. I also participated in company efforts to acquire and develop the airport at Barahona, Dominican Republic, working with local airline employees and government officials to create a maintenance facility.

Key Accomplishments: • Reduced “C” Check expense from an average of $750,000 to under $500, 000 per aircraft, per check. • Completed “D” check on N369PA in 4 months with minimum staffing. The aircraft had been in maintenance check and storage for five years prior to my employment and was less than 25% complete upon my employment. • During my tenure, the airline achieved the best operating performance levels in the history of the company. • Initiated a transition to an MSG-3 maintenance program from the original Boeing MPD. Purchased the full Boeing maintenance program, transition package, and work cards with the transition to be completed by Boeing Engineering. Program was projected to save 25-30% in overall maintenance expense throughout aircraft life cycle. • Initiated and completed purchase of a company established by former employees of Wood Group, a company specializing in maintenance and repair of JT8D powerplants. The finalized agreement included hiring of technical staff and purchase of parts, tools and equipment. • Developed first succession plan senior leaders for the airline.


Feb 2002 - Apr 2002 Employer Pan American Airways 14 Aviation Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 Job Title: Managing Director, Aircraft Maintenance Supervisor: Barry Bermingham Phone: Retired Duties: As Managing Director of Maintenance for Pan American Airways I was responsible for coordination with the Director of Quality Assurance (Chief Inspector) and Director of Maintenance in accomplishment of day to day aircraft maintenance activities of our fleet. I provided liaison for the Vice President of Maintenance between all departments, the FAA, and outside vendors. I assisted the Vice President of Maintenance by attending senior officer staff meetings in his stead, developing budgets, and determining staffing levels for our main base and out stations.

Key Accomplishments • Negotiated with a number of critical parts suppliers to reduce costs and resume service. • Completed reorganization of department staff. • Prepared, distributed and trained supervisors on first company safety plan and performance goals.

July 1990 – Feb 2002 Employer: United Airlines 300 Terminal C Logan International Airport Boston MA 02128 Job Title: Manager of Aircraft Maintenance Operations Supervisor: Duncan Nielsen Phone: Retired Duties: As Manager of Aircraft Maintenance Operations, I was responsible to the Director of Line Maintenance for the performance of all maintenance activity at the Boston station. I was also responsible for a staff of maintenance technicians at Hartford and field service for Portland, Burlington, and Manchester stations. I was also responsible for maintenance on customer aircraft for America West Airlines, Atlantic Coast Airlines, Lufthansa, and Virgin Airways producing significant income for the company. I established and implemented station policy and ensured all operations were conducted in accordance with company and federal regulations. I was also responsible to establish short and long term goals for the station regarding operational performance and profitability. I developed, implemented, and monitored the department’s annual budget. Act as primary liaison between Aircraft Maintenance and federal, state and local governmental agencies. I supervised staff of 9 management and 150 organized employees. I regularly communicated the corporate vision and goals to employees through both oral and written communications.

Key accomplishments:

8 • I oversaw expansion of Boston Maintenance Department from a staff of 9 employees in 1990 to an organization with 150 employees in 2001. • Obtained a lease agreement on a portion of the former Eastern Airlines hangar at Boston to facilitate expansion and addition of maintenance letter checks at the station. • In 1994 completed construction of an interim hangar. In 2000 completed a new and permanent facility at Boston. I worked full time on special assignment as the project manager for the company B747-400 hangar construction project. The hangar was completed in 293 days, on schedule and under budget. • I oversaw construction and completion of the aircraft maintenance portions of our $100 million terminal expansion and relocation project. • I was unanimously elected President of the Logan Airport Maintenance Managers Council in 1993 and was reelected annually through1997. • I worked as Fleet Champion for United Airlines fleet of 98 Aircraft. The position functioned as the primary fleet contact the Line Maintenance Organization in coordinating with engineering, flight operations, ramp, and system aircraft maintenance control for all matters pertaining to fleet performance. This included schedules and maintenance opportunities. I identified performance issues and proposed maintenance program improvements, reviewed and approved engineering change order authorizations, AD’s, and reliability improvements. • I was a member of the Reliability Review Board and the ETOPS Policy Review Board for the B757 fleet. In this position I coordinated efforts between ETOPS engineering, fleet engineering, airframe and powerplant manufacturers, and affected internal departments to establish and set policy, programs, and procedures for my assigned fleet. • I was selected for special assignment at our San Francisco maintenance base to correct deficiencies in a $538 million program to install premium seats on international aircraft. The seats purchased from BAE Aerospace incurred significant in-service reliability problems and generated high volumes customer complaints. I spearheaded the effort to correct this situation. I coordinated efforts involving interiors engineering, purchasing, system maintenance control, the manufacturer, line maintenance, and the company seat repair shop. Within four months we achieved operating performance goals, reduced company costs through warranty recovery, and provided an exceptional product for our customers. • I managed an annual budget at Boston exceeding $13 million dollars including salaries, tooling, expendable parts inventory, and capital equipment. The station also maintained $15 million dollars in inventory of rotable stores. I was also responsible for $45 million dollars in company fixed assets. • I initiated company support and sponsorship of the annual “Aviation Expo”; a joint program between the FAA, United Airlines, MassPort, and MasPEP, that introduced inner-city students to aviation and transportation related careers. Annual attendance for this one-day event rose to over 3000 students with 70 companies participating. I was a member of the planning committee from 1993 until 2001.

9 • I was selected as Company Hearing Officer in union personnel dispute resolution working with Human Resources and the IAM Union. • I was selected as company diversity trainer. • I co-founded the Logan Airport Aviation Safety Council with FAA ASI John Gagliardi. This was the first such group at a large international airport in the United States. • Recipient of the FAA Diamond Award for training. The first major airline in the nation to receive this award.

July 1989 – July 1990 Employer: United Airlines O’Hare International Airport Chicago, IL 60666 Job Title: Manager, Aircraft Maintenance Administration Supervisor: Duncan Nielsen Phone: Retired Duties: I was responsible to the Manager of Aircraft Maintenance for all administrative functions of the aircraft maintenance department. The Chicago station operated over 800 flights per day which required a staff of over 1,200 aircraft mechanics performing line maintenance and heavy maintenance on aircraft. My responsibilities included resolution of union issues, staffing, as well as development and implementation of a budget in excess of $56 million per year. I was also responsible for an administrative staff of 16 whose assignments included payroll, personnel records, manual revisions, mail distribution, and staffing. I also performed the functions and duties of Maintenance Manager in his absence.

Key Accomplishments • Received Award of Merit for performance in achieving budget goal within 3% below target expense. • Reduced department overtime expense by $500,000 per year by realigning shift start times and manpower.

Nov 1986 – July 1989 Employer: United Airlines O’Hare International Airport Chicago, IL 60666 Job Title: Foreman, Aircraft Maintenance Supervisor: John Ryan Phone: Retired Duties: Responsible for daily shift operation and direct oversight of maintenance, avionics and inspection personnel to include staffing requirements and performance related objectives. I was responsible for receipt and dispatch of 47 flights per day in an eight hour shift. I administered company and union contract policies and procedures, coordinated the training requirements for my assigned staff. I investigated aircraft and ground equipment incidents, accidents including employee injuries.

Key accomplishments: • Achieved highest operating performance levels against goals of any foremen, within a group of 54 Foremen at O’Hare, in my first full year on the job.

10 • Member of management team responsible for completing and opening “Terminal One” at O’Hare. • Selected as “Field Advocate” for O’Hare Airport in our initial employee suggestion program.

Feb 1986- Oct 1986 Employer: Rolls Royce, Inc. 2250 East Devon, Suite 342 Des Plaines, IL 60018 Job Title: Service Representative, Maintenance Supervisor: Alan Broom Phone: Retired Duties: I was a technical representative for the company on Rolls Royce Dart, Spey, and RB211 engines responsible for the Midwest Region. I provided technical support, training, and company information to both airline and general aviation customers. I performed routine visits to customer facilities. I responded to telephone inquiries from customers regarding company products and services. I traveled to customer facilities to resolve significant technical issues and assist in troubleshooting when necessary. I performed verification flights with customer flight crews during test following repairs. I worked with company and customer engineering staff to resolve customer problems when necessary.

Key Accomplishments: • Selected as North America Coordinator for the Dart 552 program.

Jan 1985 – Feb 1986 Employer: All Star Airlines Inc. Hangar 845 Shepard Drive Manchester Airport Manchester, NH 03103 Job Title: Director of Maintenance Supervisor: Barry Bermingham Phone: Out of Business Duties: I was responsible for directing all maintenance department functions for the company on a fleet of DC-9-10 aircraft in a 14 CFR part 121 scheduled and supplemental domestic airline operation. I was responsible to ensure compliance with company and federal regulations and ensure a safe and efficient operation. During my employment I participated in the purchase of four aircraft from Finnair.

Key Accomplishments • Reorganized the department and received commendation letter for improving operational performance, morale, and reducing expenses. • Completed first company “D” check at Finnair on a fixed price contract saving the company $700,000 over the closest competitive bid. • Chairman of the JT8D Engine Reliability Board in coordination with Aviall.


Oct 1984- Jan 1985 Employer: Servpro of Beverly/Cape Ann Whittemore Street Gloucester, MA 01930

Job Title: Owner (Interim) Supervisor: Self Employed Franchise Operator Phone: Office closed Duties: Although the final ownership was not completed, I operated this professional cleaning franchise as owner through a purchase and sale agreement. The company specialized in fire and water damage restoration for private homes, businesses, and public buildings.

Key Accomplishments • During my tenure I increased profits from sales from an initial average of $65,000 per year to over $120,000 in a four month period. • I completed agreements with several insurance companies to provide exclusive services to their customers in Eastern Massachusetts. • I expanded the franchise from a single employee operation to 4 full time employees and 4 part time employees and purchased additional assets.

Nov 1979 – Oct 1984 Employer: Eastern Airlines Logan International Airport Boston, MA 02128 Job Title: Foreman, Line Maintenance Supervisor: Jerry Coyle Phone: Out of business Duties: I was responsible for supervision a staff of aircraft maintenance technicians and avionics technicians in line maintenance for this 14 CFR part 121 air carrier at the Boston station. The maintenance I supervised included “A” and “C” checks, heavy maintenance, sheet metal shop, overnight maintenance checks, and through flight maintenance. I also supervised engine maintenance on JT8D, RB211-22B, RB211-535, and CF-6. In addition, I supervised the L1011 mod line and interior upgrade crew. A dedicated crew assigned to L1011 extended layover maintenance established to improve performance and cabin condition.

Key Accomplishments • Selected as Regional Taxi Supervisor, responsible for training aircraft taxi instructors in the Eastern Region. Qualified on each aircraft type by the company chief pilot in the aircraft flight simulators at Miami, Florida.


July 1981 – July 1983 Employer: Essex Police Department Main Street Essex, MA Job Title: Patrolman, Part Time Supervisor: Chief James Platt Phone: Retired Duties: I was responsible for enforcement of state and local laws. I performed routine patrols and provided emergency response services. I performed investigations and represented the department in court cases.

Key Accomplishments • I was certified as an Emergency Medical Technician A. • Certified by the American Red Cross as a First Responder, • Certified in Advanced Life Support and Advanced CPR • Also, a member of the Essex Volunteer Fire Department.

Jan 1976 – Nov 1979 Employer: Eastern Airlines Logan International Airport Boston, MA 02128 Job Title: Mechanic, Line Maintenance Supervisor: Heinze Andreas Phone: Out of business Duties: I was responsible for aircraft line maintenance on all aircraft in the fleet for this 14 CFR part 121 air carrier. I performed overnight checks, through flight checks, heavy maintenance, landing gear changes, engineering orders, and engine maintenance.

Key Accomplishments • Selected for borescope inspection training. Qualified in borescope and borescope photography on RB-211 and CF-6 engines. I was the first inspector qualified at the Boston Base. • Selected to attend engineering training on reading and interpretation of RB-211 chip detectors.

Jun 1975 – Oct 1975 Employer: Boeing Military Airplane Division McConnell AFB Wichita, KS Job Title: General Assembler Installer, Sheet Metal Supervisor: unknown Phone: unknown Duties: As a member of the B-52D wing sheet metal crew, I was responsible for completion of wing assemblies and installations of completed assemblies on the aircraft fuselage.

13 Jan 1975 – Jun 1975 Employer: Trans New England Airlines Logan International Airport Boston, MA 02128 Job Title: Mechanic, Line Maintenance Supervisor: Anthony Collela Phone: Out of business Duties: I performed line maintenance on the company fleet of DC-3C aircraft. I performed engine maintenance on Pratt & Whitney R-1832-92 engines.


East Coast Aero Technical School Hanscom Field Bedford, MA 02421

1974 Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic training Aeronautical Maintenance Technology Certificate A&P Mechanic Certificate

Gloucester High School Leslie O. Johnson Road Gloucester, MA 01930

1972 Diploma - College Preparatory Course Military Training Certificate JROTC


Management Training

Title Year Incident Command System Course 2005 DLS – Interpersonal Skills 2004 DLS - Interpersonal Skills (FAA) 2003 DLS – Leave Administration (FAA) 2003 DLS - Grievances Unfair Labor Practices (FAA) 2003 Coaching for Leaders 2001 Managing Inclusion 2001 Dupont Safety Training 2001 Briefing and Presentation Skills for Management 2000 Conducting Performance Reviews for Managers 2000

14 Business Process Improvement 2000 Leading Leaders Training for Managers 2000 Leadership Forum 1999 Harassment, Discrimination in the Workplace 1998 Human Factors in Maintenance 1997 Building Effective relationships 1997 Cultural Leadership Training 1997 Coaching Skills for Supervisors and Managers 1997 Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics 1996 Team Building 1996 Staying Competitive in the New Culture 1996 Team Development Workshop 1996 IAM FAA Enforcement Action Training 1995 Diversity in the Workplace 1995 Zero Tolerance Discrimination in the Workplace 1995 Maintenance Operational Safety Awareness 1995 Ramp Operational Safety Awareness 1995 Eastern Airlines Training for New Supervisors 1979

FAA Training Principles of Composite Structures 2006 Human Factors in Aircraft Accident Investigation 2005 Targeted Enforcement Briefing 2005 QMS Orientation 2005 Cert and Surveillance of 145 Repair Stations 2005 System Safety 2005 Aircraft Alterations and Repairs 2005 Flight Standards OJT Trainer Training 2005 SPAS Training 2005 Blood borne Pathogen Training 2005 Jet Blue Geographic Oversight Seminar 2005 Parts 121 Ground Deicing/Anti-Icing Operations 2005 Air Carrier Airworthiness Indoctrination 2004 Professional Attributes for ASI's and AST's 2004 FAA Training (continued) Flight Standards Automation Tools 2004 Basic Aircraft Accident Investigation 2004 Inspector Cockpit En Route Inspection 2004 Compliance and Enforcement Procedures 2004 Performance Management System Briefing 2004 Joint Aviation Authority Training 2004 Air Cargo Operations 2004 Phase IV Certification Task for New A/W Insp. 2004 Phase III Surveillance/Insp. Tasks for A/W ASI's 2004 Airworthiness Indoctrination Technical Core 2003 Orientation to the FAA and AFS 2003 Introduction to Flight Standards Automation 2003 Professionalism/Standardization Customer Svs. 2003 Phase II Basic Task for New ASI's 2003 Phase I Orientation for New ASI's 2003 Roles and Tools for the ASI 2003


Technical Training Title Year SUPS 2002 B767 Pneumatics and Air Conditioning 1989 Pratt & Whitney Engine Line Maintenance (factory) 1989 DC-10 Landing Gear, Hydraulics, Flight Controls 1988 DC-10 Automatic Flight Guidance System 1988 United Airlines Fire Fighting Level II 1988 B767 APU Troubleshooting 1988 B737 Radio and Electronics Familiarization 1988 DC-8-71 Engine Systems 1987 B767 Aircraft Systems Introduction 1987 DC-10 Aircraft General Familiarization 1986 B767 Integrated Drive Generator Servicing 1986 Wide-body Passenger Doors (video) 1986 B747 Connectors (video) 1986 Towing and Brake Riding (video) 1986 Aircraft Receipt & Dispatch (video) 1986 Tire and Wheel Safety (video) 1986 Fuel Spills (video) 1986 Oxygen Handling & Safety (video) 1986 Fire Extinguishers (video) 1986 Compressed Gas Safety (video) 1986 Spey Maintenance and Servicing 1986 Dart Maintenance and Servicing 1986 All Star Airlines Required Inspection Items 1985 DC-9 Avionics Familiarization 1985 All Star Airlines Manual Procedures 1985 B-757 Maintenance Training Simulator (factory) 1984 B-757 Aircraft Systems (factory) 1984 Regional Taxi Supervisor DC-9 1984 Regional Taxi Supervisor B-727 1984 Regional Taxi Supervisor L1011 1984 Regional Taxi Supervisor A300 1984 Log Book Training 1981 OSIS Log Book Introduction 1981 Borescope Photography 1980 RB211 & CF-6 Borescope 1979 L1011 APU Troubleshooting 1978 RB211 Engine Troubleshooting 1978 Movie Projector Maintenance 1978 Trump Deicer Training 1978 DC-9-50 Aircraft Differences 1977 L1011 Aircraft Familiarization 1976 L1011 APU Tester 1976 RB211 Thrust Reverser Deactivation (video) 1976 DuPont Refinish Training Center 1975 Engine Removal R-1830-92 1975 DC-3C Aircraft battery Removal and Installation 1975 DC-3C Main Wheel Removal and Installation 1975

16 DC-3C Propeller De-sludge 1975 DC-3C Propeller Removal 1975 DC-3C Propeller Installation 1975 DC-3C “B” Phase Inspection 1975 DC-3C Terminal Through Check 1975 DC-3C Service Check 1975 DC-3C Engine Change 1975 R-1830-92 Cylinder Change 1975 R-1830-92 QEC Build-up 1975 DC-3C Towing 1975 DC-3C Run-up 1975 Hazardous Materials 1975


Year Manager of the Year 2011 Manager of the Year 2010 Leadership Award 2010 New England Regional Employee of the First Quarter 2005 Boston FSDO Employee of the First Quarter 2005 FAA Time Off Award, First Quarter Nomination 2005 NTSB Letter of Appreciation 2005 FAA Star Quality Award 2005 FAA Star Quality Award (second) 2005 FAA Time Off Award Validation and Correction of VIS 2005 Mass port Letter of Appreciation (Bedford Emergency Drill) 2005 FAA Time off Award (Accident Kit Redesign) 2005 FAA Nominated for Field Inspector of the Year 2004 FAA Regional Commitment to Safety Award 2004 Letter of Commendation, FAA Academy 2004 FAA “Silver Award” for Training 2003

UAL Letter of Appreciation 2001 FAA Certificate of Appreciation (Expo) 2001 FAA Certificate of Appreciation (Expo) 2000 FAA Certificate of Appreciation (Expo) 1999 FAA Best AMT Program Promoter 1999 FAA Certificate of Appreciation (Expo) 1998 FAA Certificate of Appreciation (Expo) 1997 FAA Certificate of Appreciation - (Logan Airport Maintenance Managers Council President) 1997 FAA Certificate of Appreciation (Expo) 1996 FAA Certificate of Appreciation (Expo) 1995 Gloucester High School Letter of Appreciation (Expo) 1995 Mass port Letter of Appreciation (Expo) 1995 UAL Letter of Appreciation (Engine Borescope) 1994

17 UAL Letter of Recognition 1993 UAL Corporate Annual Award Nomination 1993 UAL Letter of Appreciation 1993 UAL Letter of Appreciation 1992 FAA Certificate of Recognition (ACE Camp Staff) 1991 FAA Letter of Appreciation, ACE Camp Staff 1991 Eagle Scout Tim Gibson, Letter of Appreciation 1990 UAL Award of Merit 1990 UAL Letter of Appreciation 1990 UAL Letter of Appreciation 1989 UAL Letter of Appreciation 1988 Cub Scouts BSA Certificate of Appreciation 1987 UAL Letter of Appreciation 1987 All Star Airlines Letter of Appreciation 1985 All Star Airlines, Letter of Appreciation (reorganization) 1985 Eastern Airlines Letter of Appreciation 1983 Eastern Airlines Letter of Commendation 1983 Eastern Airlines Letter of Commendation 1980

Additional Certifications, Appointments, and Honors Appointed to the Emergency Plan Development Task Force preparing for a major air crash event with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency 1995

Appointed FAA Volunteer Aviation Safety Counselor FAA 1995

Career College Association Hall of Fame Inductee, Washington DC Congressional Recognition Dinner, Washington DC, 1994

United Airlines Operational Performance Goal Development Team World Headquarters, Chicago 1994

United Airlines Diversity Awareness Facilitator World Headquarters, Chicago 1993

United Airlines Award of Merit, 1989

Insurance Producer Certificate for Life, Accident, and Health Insurance State of Illinois 1988

Wentworth Institute of Technology, College of Engineering and Technology Industrial Professional Advisory Committee 1992, 1993

East Coast Aero Technical School Industry Advisory Committee 1991 – 2003

New Hampshire Technical College Aviation Technology Craft Committee, 1991-2001


- I have extensive aircraft maintenance experience in the following aircraft: A300, A320, B-727, B-737, B747, B757, B767, DC-8, DC-9, DC-10, L188, L1011, B52D

- I have extensive engine maintenance experience in the following: CF-6, CFM-56, JT8D, JT9D, PW2000, PW4000, Dart, Spey, RB211-22B, RB211- 535, GE90, LEAP, Turbomeca . - Proficient with Microsoft Office Software

19 Kristen Bates

From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 4:14 PM To: Kristen Bates Subject: RE: Voter Registration


Robert Barnes has been a registered voter in the city limits of Bunnell since October 20, 2018.

Thank you,

Karen Sousa MFCEP Deputy Supervisor of Elections

Flagler County Elections Office 1769 E. Moody Blvd., Bldg. 2, Ste. 101 P.O. Box 901 Bunnell, FL 32110 (386) 313-4170

Florida has a very broad public records law. Written communications to or from county officials constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request, unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, this email and any that you sent that generated this response may be subject to public disclosure.

From: Kristen Bates Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 3:43 PM To: Karen Sousa Subject: Voter Registration

Karen- Can you please tell me how long the following person has been a registered voter in the City of Bunnell? Robert Barnes 222 Grand Reserve Dr., Bunnell, FL 32110

Thank you.

Kristen Bates, CMC City Clerk PO Box 756 201 W. Moody Blvd. Bunnell, FL 32110 Direct Dial: 386-263-8808

Please Note: Florida has a very broad public records law. Written communication to or from city officials and staff regarding city business is public record and open to inspection including names, addresses, and email addresses. Therefore, your email communication may be subject to public disclosure.

1 Kristen Bates

From: [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 9:10 AM To: Kristen Bates Subject: RE: Voter Registration


I am sure you know already, but Robert Barnes is currently one of the Deer Run CDD elected Board Members. I am assuming this was for one of the vacant City Commission seats which means he would have to resign from his CDD seat to serve on the Commission.

Thank you,

Karen Sousa MFCEP Deputy Supervisor of Elections

Flagler County Elections Office 1769 E. Moody Blvd., Bldg. 2, Ste. 101 P.O. Box 901 Bunnell, FL 32110 (386) 313-4170

Florida has a very broad public records law. Written communications to or from county officials constitute public records and are available to the public and media upon request, unless the information is subject to a specific statutory exemption. Therefore, this email and any that you sent that generated this response may be subject to public disclosure.

From: Kristen Bates Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 3:43 PM To: Karen Sousa Subject: Voter Registration

Karen- Can you please tell me how long the following person has been a registered voter in the City of Bunnell? Robert Barnes 222 Grand Reserve Dr., Bunnell, FL 32110

Thank you.

Kristen Bates, CMC City Clerk PO Box 756 201 W. Moody Blvd. Bunnell, FL 32110 Direct Dial: 386-263-8808