Hazelnuts and Honey Highlight Georgia's Export Potential

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Hazelnuts and Honey Highlight Georgia's Export Potential SOLAR PANELS TO BE PRODUCED GEORGIAN BUSINESSES A BILLION EUROS FOR AT KUTAISI FREE ZONE EMBRACE COACHING CULTURE GEORGIA Investor.A Magazine Of The American Chamber Of Commerce In Georgia geISSUE 68 APRIL-MAY 2019 Hazelnuts and Honey Highlight Georgia’s Export Potential APRIL-MAY 2019 Investor.ge | 3 Investor.ge CONTENT 6 Investment News Investor.ge provides a brief update on investments and changes in government policy that could impact the business environment. The information in this issue was taken from agenda.ge, a government supported website, and other sources. 8 Georgia Pushes for Close Relations with Japan Georgian Prime Minister Mamuka Bakhtadze led a delegation to Japan in March. The prime minister noted that it is possible to increase exports to Japan and increase foreign direct investments from Japanese businesses. 16 9 Solar Panels to Be Produced at Kutaisi Free Zone 10 Georgia Goes All in On Education – Way to Freedom Initiative 11 Breathe a sigh of relief: Georgian government acts to improve air quality 16 A Billion Euros for Georgia: An interview with investor Oleg Ossinovski 19 Georgian Hazelnuts and Honey Highlight Export Potential Georgian agriculture exports are steadily increasing: in 2018 the country exported $959.2 million worth of agricultural products, up 23.2 percent compared to 19 2017. Exports to the EU are still dwarfed by the demand from other countries, but two products — hazelnuts and honey — underscore the potential for growth. 23 Explainer: Anaklia Deep-Sea Port 25 Georgia Ski Resorts Prepare to Host Freestyle Ski and Snowboard World Championships Georgian ski resorts are steadily growing in popularity. The resorts are hosting more skiers and snowboarders but remain under developed. The government and international donors are planning major infrastructure projects, especially new roads, to make the resorts more accessible in time for the 2023 Freestyle Ski and 28 Snowboard World Championships. 28 USAID Programs Encourage Private Businesses to Invest in Local Communities 31 Georgian Businesses Embrace Coaching Culture 32 NEWS ...... 32 4 | Investor.ge APRIL-MAY 2019 ! "# $ " % ! & '$ ( ! APRIL-MAYAPRIL-MAY 20120199 Investor.geInvestor.ge | 5 AZERBAIJAN LARGEST SOURCE factory. The factory produces parts for INVESTMENT OF FDIS IN GEORGIA IN 2018 civil aircraft, including doors and control Azerbaijan (19.5%), the United panels. ATC will produce parts for Boe- Kingdom (16.5%) and the Netherlands ing and other large aircraft companies NEWS (13.6%) topped the list of sources of including Airbus and Bombardier. foreign direct investments (FDIs) in ATC is a joint venture between INVESTOR.GE Georgia in 2018. The total amount of Israeli Elbit Cyclone and the Georgian PROVIDES A FDIs in Georgia was $1.23 billion in state-owned Partnership Fund. It opened 2018, a decrease from 2017, GeoStat in 2018 and has already received ISO BRIEF UPDATE reported in early March. FHUWL¿FDWLRQ ON INVESTMENTS The three sectors receiving the high- AND CHANGES HVWYROXPHVRI)'VZHUH¿QDQFH GEORGIA INCREASES BLUEBERRY IN GOVERNMENT million), transportation ($209.9 million) PLANTATIONS POLICY THAT COULD and energy ($157.2 million), agenda.ge The agriculture cooperative IMPACT THE BUSINESS reported. Agrotema has received state funding ENVIRONMENT. THE worth 100,000 lari to create a six hectare INFORMATION IN THIS STUDENTS CREATE FIRST CANNED blueberry plantation in western Georgia, ISSUE WAS TAKEN GEORGIAN WINE agenda.ge reported on March 19. Two Georgian students have cre- The funding comes from the state-run FROM AGENDA.GE, DWHGDFDQQHGZLQHSURGXFW±D¿UVWIRU Plant the Future program, which aims to A GOVERNMENT- the country, commersant.ge reported in boost agriculture in rural areas. The plan- SUPPORTED WEBSITE, February. tation is planned for Samegrelo-Zemo AND OTHER SOURCES. Inventor Saba Sakhvadze said he and Svaneti. Reportedly 50 people will be his partner George Machavariani were employed on site. Georgian blueberries ELENE TABAGARI inspired by the words of Albert Einstein: are currently exported to the Middle East “Everything should be as simple as it and Europe. can be.” The two students decided to create canned wine – called Mivino – $32 MILLION TO PREVENT when they had trouble opening a bottle NATURAL DISASTERS IN GEORGIA of wine. Sakhvadze told commersant.ge Georgia is launching a $32 million, he wants their wine to be as popular and seven-year project to prevent natural accessible in Georgia as beer. He also GLVDVWHUV7KHSURMHFW¶V¿UVWVWHSLVWR says they plan to export Mivino world- design special geological maps which wide. Mivino’s Rkatsiteli and Saperavi will be used to determine the best places wines are currently available in a limited to install early detection systems. number of shops. Early warning systems have already The students plan to eventually offer been built in the River Vere in the capital canned sparkling wine, semi-sweet wine of Tbilisi and in the Devdoraki Gorge in and rose wine. Mivino will soon be avail- northern Georgia. able at local supermarkets, Sakhvadze The Green Climate Fund is investing added. $27 million and the Swiss government is contributing $5 million to the project. GEORGIAN FACTORY PRODUCES Deputy Minister of Environment Protec- PARTS FOR BOEING AIRCRAFT tion and Agriculture Nino Tandilashvili %RHLQJKDVSXUFKDVHGLWV¿UVWRUGHU QRWHGWKLVLVWKH¿UVWWLPHVXFKDODUJH of aircraft parts from Aerostructure project has been launched to target envi- Technologies Cyclone, a Tbilisi-based ronmental threats in the country. 6 | Investor.ge APRIL-MAY 2019 VXSHUYLVLRQ 1RWDEO\ QHZ UHJXODWLRQV HOLPLQDWH WKH TXHVWLRQDEOH SUDFWLFHRIÛWUDGLQJZLWKFRHIéFLHQWVÜ(DFKPXQLFLSDOLW\VKDOODGRSW UHVSHFWLYH XUEDQ GHYHORSPHQW PDVWHU SODQ WR VHW RXW DPRQJ RWKHUV FRHIéFLHQWV ZKLFK FDQ EH DPHQGHGH[FHHGHG RQO\ LQ H[FHSWLRQDOFLUFXPVWDQFHVDQGFRQVLGHULQJWKHSXEOLFLQWHUHVW W]] W]]W] 3OHDVHDSSO\IRUWKHSURIHVVLRQDODGYLFHSULRUWRUHO\LQJRQWKHLQIRUPDWLRQJLYHQ LQWKLV1HZVOHWWHU 2Q0DUFKWKHQHZHGLWLRQRIWKH/DZRI*HRUJLDRQ/DERU %/&DQGLWVWHDPVKDOOEHUHDG\DQGSOHDVHGWRSURYLGHDQ\LQIRUPDWLRQ 6DIHW\ ZDV SXEOLVKHG 7KH UHJXODWLRQ KDV EHHQ XSJUDGHG IURP OHJDODGYLFHDQGVSHFL¿FUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVUHJDUGLQJWKHVXEMHFWPDWWHUVFRYHUHG E\WKLVLVVXHRIWKH1HZVOHWWHU UHJXODUODZWRWKHRUJDQLFODZZKLFKPHDQVWKDWLWSUHYDLOVRYHU RUGLQDU\ ODZV LQ WKH KLHUDUFK\ RI QRUPDWLYH DFWV DQG LQ FDVH RI LQFRQVLVWHQF\WKHUXOHVVHWE\WKLVRUJDQLFODZZLOOSUHYDLO7KHPDLQ ] ']WW ]W DPHQGPHQW EHFRPLQJ HIIHFWLYH IURP 6HSWHPEHU LV WKH ] H[WHQVLRQRILWVVFRSHWRDOOHQWLWLHVSHUIRUPLQJHFRQRPLFDFWLYLWLHV 2Q'HFHPEHUDPHQGPHQWVZHUHLQWURGXFHGWRWKH/DZRI LQ *HRUJLD 7KXV ZKHUH WKH ODZ GRHV QRW VSHFLéFDOO\ DGGUHVV *HRUJLDRQ(OHFWULFLW\DQG*DV3XUVXDQWWRWKHDPHQGPHQWVRQO\ KD]DUGRXVMREVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVWKHUHXQGHULQFOXGLQJKDYLQJWKH WKH WDULIIV RI KRXVHKROG FRQVXPHUV VKDOO EH é[HG &RPPHUFLDO ODERUVDIHW\VSHFLDOLVWGHSDUWPHQWVKDOOEHPDQGDWRU\IRUDOOW\SHV FXVWRPHUVVKDOOEHUHTXLUHGWRUHJLVWHURQDZKROHVDOHPDUNHWDQG RIEXVLQHVVHV0RUHRYHUWKHQHZHGLWLRQRIWKHODZéQDOO\FODULéHV QHJRWLDWH WKH WDULII RI HOHFWULFLW\ GLUHFWO\ ZLWK WKH VXSSOLHUV 7KH WKDWDFFLGHQWLQVXUDQFHVKDOOEHSURYLGHGRQO\WRWKRVHHPSOR\HHV UHDVRQ IRU VXFK GLIIHUHQWLDWLRQ ZDV DEXVH RI ORZHU SULFHV E\ ZKRDUHDFWXDOO\SUHVHQWRQVLWHDQGDUHWKXVH[SRVHGWRSK\VLFDO FRPPHUFLDOFXVWRPHUV:KLOHVXFKORZHUWDULIIVZHUHVHWSULPDULO\ KD]DUGWKHUHE\H[FOXGLQJRIéFHZRUNHUV IRU WKH KRXVHKROG FRQVXPHUV WKH FRPPHUFLDO FXVWRPHUV ZHUH W ] ]H ]] UHO\LQJRQWKHVDPHWDULIIDQGDVDUHVXOWWKHKRXVHKROGFRQVXPHUV VXIIHUHGVLQFHWKH\ZHUHVKDULQJWKHéQDQFLDOEXUGHQRILQFUHDVHG 1HZELOORQPDQGDWRU\FLYLOOLDELOLW\LQVXUDQFH 73/ RIRZQHUVRI GHPDQG,QDGGLWLRQWRIDFLOLWDWHHOHFWULFLW\WUDGHDQGH[SDQGWKH YHKLFOHVUHJLVWHUHGLQ*HRUJLDZDVVXEPLWWHGWRWKH3DUOLDPHQWE\ SRRORIVXSSOLHUVRQWKHZKROHVDOHPDUNHWVWDWXVRIDZKROHVDOH WKH/(3/,QVXUDQFH6WDWH6XSHUYLVLRQ6HUYLFHDQGWKH0LQLVWU\RI VXSSOLHUKDVEHHQDGGHGWRWKHFDWHJRU\RITXDOLéHGHQWLW\HQWLWOLQJ )LQDQFH 7KH ELOO KDV QRW \HW UHDFKHG WKH éUVW VHDVRQ RI ZKROHVDOH VXSSOLHUV WR SXUFKDVH DQG VXSSO\ HOHFWULFLW\ WR GLUHFW 3DUOLDPHQWDU\KHDULQJV,WLQWURGXFHVVLJQLé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éHOG WR WKH EHVW (XURSHDQ VWDQGDUGV 3ULQFLSDO ]]H ]]] SURYLVLRQVRIWKH&RGHVKDOOFRPHLQWRHIIHFWJUDGXDOO\IURP-XQH h H W WLOO7KH&RGHLVEHLQJLPSOHPHQWHGWKURXJKWKHDGRSWLRQ RIYDULRXVLPSOHPHQWLQJUHJXODWLRQVE\WKH*RYHUQPHQWRI*HRUJLD 2Q1RYHPEHUWKH6XSUHPH&RXUWRI*HRUJLDGHOLYHUHGDQ $PRQJPDQ\RWKHUQRYHOWLHVWKHQHZ&RGHVXEMHFWVSHUIRUPDQFHRI LPSRUWDQWGHFLVLRQUHLQIRUFLQJWKHSUHVXPSWLRQRIOR\DOW\DQGJRRG DUFKLWHFWXUDO DQG FRQVWUXFWLRQ DFWLYLWLHV WR WKH PDQGDWRU\ IDLWK RI GLUHFWRUV DQG LQFUHDVLQJ WKH VWDQGDUG IRU UHIXWLQJ WKLV FHUWLéFDWLRQ0RUHRYHUWKHPDMRUQRYHOW\HQYLVDJHGXQGHUWKH&RGH
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    INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION RESEARCH IN PRIMARY GRADES OF GEORGIA Research Report AUTHORS: SHALVA TABATADZE NATIA GORGADZE Tbilisi 2013 Center for Civil Integration and Inter-Ethnic Relations (CCIIR) was established as non-profit, non- governmental organization in February 2005.The main goal of CCIIR is to ensure equal opportunities for all citizens of Georgia facilitate the process of civil integration and raise civil consciousness through quality education. CCIIR started implementation of public policy research projects from 2009. The main goal of policy research projects is to study context, identify existing problems and challenges, define most efficient ways for changes and translate research findings in practical policy recommendations for improvement of educational reform in Georgia. The study “ Intercultural Education Research in Primary Grades of Georgia” is one of the most significant analytical works of CCIIR. The policy research strives to gather civil society and policymakers around the multiculturalism and develop the intercultural sensitivity and tolerance in Georgian society. The implementation of developed research-based policy recommendations will facilitate the equal educational opportunities for all school students of Georgia. AUTHORS OF SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS ANALYSIS SHALVA TABATADZE NATIA GORGADZE KAKHA GABUNIA IRMA KHOMERIKI DAVID TINIKASHVILI EDITOR: CHABUKI KIRIA GRAPHIC DESIGN AND LAYOUT: ALYONA ELTISHEVA ISBN: 978-9941-0-4199-0 კვლევის დოკუმენტის შინაარსზე მთლიანად პასუხისმგებელია სამოქალაქო ინტეგრაციისა და ეროვნებათშორისი
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