COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2015 SESSION OF 2015 199TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 65 SENATE Now, Father, bless all that will take place today, the noble purpose of our gathering, and the justice of our cause. This we TUESDAY, November 17, 2015 ask in the name of whom we serve, Jesus Christ, the Lord. We The Senate met at 1 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. thank you. The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack) in the The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Bishop Morris, who is Chair. the guest today of Senator Haywood. PRAYER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Chaplain, Bishop ERNEST C. MORRIS, SR., of Mount (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled.) Airy Church of God in Christ, Philadelphia, offered the follow- BILLS INTRODUCED AND REFERRED ing prayer: The PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following Senate God bless you and thank you, Lieutenant Governor Stack, and Bills numbered, entitled, and referred as follows, which were the one who invited me, Senator Arthur Haywood, and to the read by the Clerk: ladies and gentlemen of the Senate. Shall we pray. November 17, 2015 O God our Father, master of the house of life in which we dwell, the God from whom every good thing cometh, we dare not Senators BROWNE, CORMAN, SCARNATI, GORDNER ask You for anything before we thank You for the blessings such and EICHELBERGER presented to the Chair SB 1071, entitled: as the gift of life, healthy bodies and minds, work to do and lei- An Act amending Titles 24 (Education), 51 (Military Affairs) and 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, ex- sure to enjoy, and shelter.
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