
Cambridge University Press 0521790247 - Medieval , 1250-1800 Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore Index More information


Abd al-Karim, and otherthrow of Africa in the Iron Age ‒ Tunjur – Agades , ,  Abd al-Mumin of  Agau people, –,  Abd al-Wadids, dynasty of  Ahmad, Mawlay, of Morocco, and Abdallabis, rulers of ,  invasion of Songhay –, – Abdallah Jamma of Nubia  Ahmad b. Ibrahim of Adal Abu Abdullah Muhammad, sharif of and destruction of Solomonid Morocco  empire – Abu Amr Uthman, ruler of Kanen  defeat of , ,  Abul-Hasan, of Morocco  Ain Jalut, battle of  Abu Yusuf Yaqub of Morocco  Aïr , ; see also Agades Abu Zakariyya, sultan of ,  Aja people ,  Accra ,  and  Acholi people  Akan people Adal, Sultanate of , ,  and slave trade ,  and destruction of Solomonid and gold,  empire – Akinjogbin, I. A.  overrun by Barentu Oromo  Aksum  Aden , ,  fall of  Adrar ,  pillaged by Imam Ahwad  Africa Akwamu, expansion and Atlantic slave and artistic, material and cultural trade – independence before ,  Alawi dynasty of Morocco , –,  climate zones – Albusaid Imams of Oman,  geography – Algeciras, Moroccan capture of  historical sources for –  independence of –,  Ottoman government organisation interregional trade – – languages  trade  oral tradition  political enlargement as motive force growth of – – involvement of al-Din brothers  political organisation  Ottoman control of  political vitality  Bey al-Kabir of  population growth and political seizure of power – change – Almeida, Francisco de  slave trade –; traditional nature Almohad empire ,  of  decline of  society, expansion of  Almoravids, conquest of Morocco  spiritual vibrancy – Alvarez, Francisco – transport systems – Alwa warfare, nature of –,  capital city   Aegean Sea, islands , ,  kingdom of , 

© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521790247 - Medieval Africa, 1250-1800 Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore Index More information


penetration by Arab pastoralists  Bambuk goldfields , , ,  political breakdown , ,  bananas , ,  trade  ,  see also Nubia and speakers ,  Amara Dunkas, Funj conqueror of in rain forest –, – Nubia  contact with Lwo  Ambuila Tiongo, battle of  household organisation in rainforest Amda Siyon, emperor of Ethiopia   Amhara , ,  East African Iron Age , ,  Amharic language –, , – occupation of eastern South Africa   competing warrior-smiths  South-Eastern complex – early political organisations within South-Western complex  – Banu Hassan nomadic people, foundation of Portuguese colony  Morocco  origin of name   as slave-trading enterprise   Anjou, Charles, Count of  Morocco – Ap-Funy ,  role in Maghribi society  Arabia , ,  Banu Maqil, migrations of  language , , , , , , Banu Marin, and invasion of Morocco , , ,  ; see also Morocco, Marinid , , , , , , , , , Banu Wattas, Morocco  , –, , , , , Barbarossa, see Khayr al-Din ,  Barentu Oromo people, expansion of Aregay, Merid  ,  Arochuku  Barquq, Sultan ,  Aruj al-Din  Barreto, Francisco  Asante kingdom Barros, João de ,  expansion and Atlantic slave trade Batavian Republic  – Battell, Andrew – foundations of  Battle of the Three Kings, Morocco  imperial system of  Bayezid II, Sultan  , Ottoman capture of  Bemba, kingdoms of – at  Benguela ,  , , , , , , Benin –, ,  emergence of – Avungara rulers of Azande  expansion – Awjila, oasis of ,  obas of, –,  Awlad Mumammad, Fezzan dynasty and slave trade – ,  trade with Portuguese – Aybeg, Sultan of Egypt  Berber language ,  Ayyubid dynasty of Egypt –,   Azande in –; in Morocco  assimilation of subjects  inter-dynastic conflict  origins of hegemony  unification by – al-Azhar, university mosque , , ,  Bidderi, shrine – Bigo earthworks site, Uganda ,  Badi II, sultan of Funj  Bijaya (Bougie) , ,  Badi IV, sultan of Funj  Aruj al-Din’s expedition against  

© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521790247 - Medieval Africa, 1250-1800 Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore Index More information


Bijaya (Bougie) (cont.) Burckhardt, J. L. – Spanish garrison at  Burton, Richard  university mosque of  Burundi, kingdom of , , –, Bilma salt mines , ,   Birmingham, David  Bushong people, and Kuba kingdom Bisa, kingdoms of ‒  Bito dynasty of Bunyoro ,  Butana ,  Butwa arrival in Alexandria  attacks on Portuguese  Ifriqiya  challenge to Mutapa kingdom – Egypt  trade relations with Portuguese  blacksmiths , , ,  in Kongo  Cairo , , ,  itinerant – Bonaparte’s occupation of  organisers of warrior bands  capture by Ottomans  Blue Nile , , ,  character of  Bonaparte, Napoleon ,  foundation of  Napoleonic wars – growth of under Maluks  Borana Oromo people importance in  encroachment into Ethiopia  religious centre  migrations of –,  social hierarchy – Bornu ,  camels , , , , , , , , , ascendancy of  , , , , , , ,  attacks on Hausa  canoes , , , –, , , , decline of  , ,  Islamic influence  Câo, Diogo  colonisation by Kanem  Cape, settlement of Dutch East India military strength , – Company at , – relations with Tunis  Dutch gentry class – slave trade – Dutch moves inland  trans-Saharan slave trade , – importation of slaves –; effect of Botswana  settlement on Khoi  and Sotho-Tswana ,  emergence of Cape Coloured people Bouré goldfields ,   British ethnic composition  expulsion of Xhosa from Zuurveld growth of  – Cape of Good Hope ,  rule of Cape  Cape Town – Browne, W. G.  cattle , , , , –, , , , Bruce, James ,  –, , , , , , , Buganda, kingdom of  –, –, , , , expansion of  –, –, – government of  cavalry forces , –, , , –, trade –,  , , , –, , –, , Bulala, attacks on Kanem ,  –, , , , ,  Bungu ,  Central Sudanic languages , , migrations from  , , ,  Bunyoro, kingdom of  Ceuta ,  conflict with Buganda  Portuguese occupation of   impact of Nilotes, – , lake , , –, , 

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Chadic languages , ,  , –,  Changamire, – Dragut, Corsair captain, and Ottoman Charles V, Emperor  control of  Chibinda Ilunga, and Lunda origin Dunama Dibalami of Bornu  traditions – Dutch Chibuene  capture of Luanda  Chittick, Neville  occupation of Cape –,  Christianity and Christian missions , slave trade ,  , –, , , , , , , Dutch East India Company – , , , , , ,  Dyula ,  in Ethiopia – activities of  in Kongo –, –,  trade with Portuguese  in Nubia –, –,  Chwezi kingdom  East African coast , , – Lwo conquest of – Indonesian contact with – Congo river , , , , –, Muslim settlers  – Edo  estuary (Nzadi) –, , , , and emergence of Benin   Efik people, and Atlantic slave trade  copper , , , , , , , –, Egba people – , –, , –, , , Egypt , , , , , , ,  –, , , , , , agriculture   benefits of Ottoman control  Coptic language  Bonaparte’s conquest of  Corsairs –, , ,  conquest by Fatimids  Cushitic languages –, , , effects of Ottoman conquest   Islam, adoption of – Cyrenaica , ,  language  Mamluk seizure of power  Dahomey, kingdom – slavery and military recruitment Damascus – sacked by Mongols  taxation  sacked by Timur  see also Mamluks; Ottoman Egypt; Dar Fertit ,  Mamluk Egypt Darb al-Arbain (Forty Days Road)  Elmina –,  Ethiopia , , , ,  Christian outposts in  abdication of Susenyos  defeat of Tanjur dynasty  Christian Church  expansion  Christianity , – Islamisation of – defeated by Funj sultanate  penetration by Arab pastoralists  destruction of Solomonid empire pilgrimage route through  – trade links with Egypt  Oromo settlement in –, – David, king of Maqurra  partial Islamisation of – Delagoa Bay ,  nature of medieval – Denkyira, expansion of and Atlantic Roman Catholicism in – slave trade  Sarsa Dengel’s attempts to stabilise Dias, Paulo   occupation of Luanda Island  survival of Christian kingdom – Dols, M. W.  see also Solomonid empire 

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Eware, oba of Benin – , –, , –, , , , Ewe people  , , ,  Gold Coast Fagan, Brian  European trading settlements  Fasiladas, emperor of Ethiopia  slave trade – Fatimids Goletta, Tunis  conquest of Egypt  as corsair base  relations with Nubia  Graham, John  Fernandes, Antonio  Gray, Richard  Fez , , , ,  Great Zimbabwe, see Zimbabwe Fezzan ,  Griqua people – and trans-Saharan slave trade  firearms , , , , –, –, , Habesh, establishment of Ottoman , , , , , , , , province of  , , , , , , , , ,   attacked by Morocco ,  France origins  and Egypt ,  rule in Ifriqiya – and Algiers  see also Ifriqiya and  Hammadi Pasha, bey of Tunis  Fulbe people , ,  Harar , , , ,  expansion into Adamawa  Harms, Robert  revolutionary jihad  and cities , –,  Funj sultanate  Bornu attacks on  campaigns against Ethiopia  conversion to Islam  creation of  Islamic influence ,  effects of emergence of  military raids  expansion – slavery  Islamisation of – trade  origins – Henry the Navigator, Prince ,  political disintegration – Herbert, Eugenia  zenith of power  , – Fur people  migrations of  establish dominance over Arab Hinda dynasties of Karagwe ,  nomads  expansion of – Hofrat en-Nahas, copper mines , Galadewos, emperior of Ethiopia , ,   horses , , , , , , , , , Gama, Vasco da  , , ,  Gambia river ,  military significance of  Garlake, Peter  role in trans-Saharan slave trade Geez, Ethio-Semitic language , –, , ,  ,  Husayn b. Ali of  Genghis Khan  people  , –,  Ghadames oasis , – Ibn al-Mukhtar ,  Ghat –  Goa, Portuguese settlement in India , –, , ,  , –,  Ibn Rashiq   gold, trade in , , , , –, , , Ibo people 

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and Atlantic slave trade – on East African coast , –,  Ibrahim Bey of Egypt  Egyptian adoption of – Idris Aloma, mai of Bornu ,  encirclement of Ethiopia – Ifat, Walasma dynasty of  establishment in the Maghrib  Ife – in Ethiopia –, , –, spiritual primacy of  –,  Ifriqiya , ,  Hausa conversion to  agriculture  in Kanem  annexation by Marinid Morocco  in Mali and Songhay –, – Banu Hilal  Malikite school  Black Death  in Morocco – character of Hafsid rulers  in Nubia and Funj ,  decline of  pilgrimage  economic strength of  reverence for knowledge  growth as maritime power  sharia law ,  Ottoman–Spanish rivalry in Sufism – Mediterranean – unification of Berbers – political eclipse by Algiers  trade – al-Jabarti  under Husayids – Jallaba traders , – Igala kingdom Jerusalem ,  defeat by Benin  Jesuit , and Ethiopia political reorganisation of Nupe  – Ijaw people, trading activities  Jews , , , ,  Imbangala John, king of Portugal  cooperation with Portuguese slave Judar Pasha, invasion of Songhay – traders – formation of Kasanje  Kakongo kingdom, and Atlantic slave militaristic social organisation of  trade  war bands – Kalahari desert ,  India , , , , , –,  Kalenjin people – , East African coast of Maasai incursions – , , , , , – Kanem –, ,  maritime trading system , , , abandonment of Nijimi   characteristics of – Portuguese activities , –,  conflict with Sao  trading activities –, , ,  conversion to Islam  Indonesians impact of Arab pastoralists  settlement of East African coast , Islamic influence – settlement of Bornu  of Madagascar  as slave suppliers  iron deposits and ironwork , , , strategic position on trade route  , , –, , , , , Kankan, origins of  –, , , , –,  Kano , , , , ,  Ishaq, askiya of Songhay, defeat by of Kanem , –,  sharifian Morocco  Karimi, Egyptian merchants ,  Islam , , – Kasanje  African conversions to  Katsina , , ,  at Cape  Kawar oasis, trans-Saharan slave trade in Darfur and Wadai – ,  

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Kayrawan  Portuguese military assistance  university mosque of – settlement of new areas – Kazembe kingdom , , –, significance of copper  ,  slave trade with Portuguese – Kenya plateau  , penetration by Arab incursion of Eastern Nilotes – pastoralists – transition from early to late Iron Age Kreish people, southern migration  culture  Krump, Theodore  Khayr al-Din (Barbarossa)  Kuba kingdom – allies himself with Ottoman empire Kuchuk Muhammad   Kwena people, migration of  appointed high admiral of Ottoman fleets – Lalibela, emperor of Ethiopia ,  captures Algiers  Lango people ,  defeat of Spanish fleet  language families, African  death of  Las Navas de Tolosa, battle of  Khayr Bey, Mamluk amir  Lebna Dengel, emperor of Ethiopia defection to Ottomans  , , –,  Khoi people Leo Africanus, , ,  decimated by smallpox  Lepanto, battle of  geographical spread of  Lesotho, and Sotho-Tswana  historical importance of – Limpopo river , , ,  impact of European settlement at Loango Cape ,  and Atlantic slave trade  raids on European colonists  manufacturing  scale of cattle-keeping societies  royal rituals – Kikuyu people  trade with Dutch  Kilwa Island , , ,  Louis IX of France, King ,  growth of  Luanda –, ,  Mahdali dynasty  capture by Dutch  focus on mainland  strategic significance  characteristics of  trade in gold  kingdom formation  Kintu period in Buganda – kingship rituals  Kiswahili ,  Lulua people  Kitara kingdom  and Kuba kingdom  Lwo conquest of – Lunda Kiteve – contact with Portuguese  probable origins of  expansion – Kongo kingdom ,  expeditions against Portuguese  battle of Ambuila  extent of – blacksmithing kingdom  kingship  Christianity in – origin traditions – conflict with Yaka – political organisation – defeat by Imbangala and Portuguese trade with Portuguese –  Luyana (Lozi) people ,  expansion ,  Lwo people political and economic development contact with Bantu  – incorporation of subjects ,   Portuguese contact with – southern migration , 

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Maasai people , ,  al-Maqrizi ,  Madagascar Maqurra kingdom Indonesian settlers ,  capital city (Dongola)  trade with  Christian kingdom of  settlement by Africans  disintegration of , – Maggs, Tim  Egyptian installation of Muslim ruler Maghrib   establishment of Islam  see also Nubia Moroccan expansion in  marabouts , –,  Regencies (Ottoman provinces) – Maravi people  trade in  conflict with Portuguese forces  trade links with  kingdoms as confederations  see also Ifriqiya; Algiers; Morocco trade – Mahdali dynasty, and Kilwa  Marinids, see Banu Marin Malawi, lake , – Marj Dabiq, battle of  Malebo, lake , , , –,  Marrakesh , –,  , – , Ottoman conquest of ,  decline of – al-Masudi ,  gold trade –  Islam – Mawlay Ismail of Morocco – slave trade  Mbanza Kongo, later São Salvador Malikite school, of Islam ,  –, –,  in Nilotic Sudan – Mbum people ,  Malta ,  Mbundu people repels Ottoman attack  migration from Bungu  Mamluk Egypt , – stabilising of relations with art and architecture – Imbangala  Bahri rulers  Mecca and Medina ,  Black Death in – Mediterranean , , , , , –, Burji rulers ,   defeat of Mongols  Ottoman–Spanish rivalry in – expansion into Maqurra  Meknes, Mawlay Ismail’s capital  intervention in Nilotic Sudan – Miller, Joseph –, , – invasion of empire by Timur  Mogadishu, Islamic influence  measures against Arab nomads – Mogador  military decline  Mombasa ,  military defeat by Ottomans  Portuguese occupation of  Muhammad Ali’s slaughter of revolt against Portuguese  Mamluks  occupation of  impact of migrants  origins of mamluks – Kuba kingdom  restoration of caliphate  migration of – trade in gold  southern expansion  Mande people , , –, ,  Mongol empire – Manekweni, discovery of – defeat by Mamluks ,  and kingdom  Monophysite Christianity ,  origins of hegemony – Morocco , ,  Mapungubwe Hill, kingdom at – arabisation of – Maqqari family and trans-Saharan Berbers in  trade  conquered by Banu Marin  

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Morocco (cont.) Nama people  eighteenth-century decline – Namibia , ,  influence of marabouts –,  al-Nasir Muhammad, Mamluk sultan invasion of Songhay –, – ,  pilgrimages from  Natal  Portuguese encroachments on – and Tsonga  sixteenth-century resurgence of  Ndongo kingdom Morocco, Marinid accession of Nzinga Mbande  annexation of Ifriqiya  campaign against Portuguese capital at Fez  colonists  conquest of Tlemcen  conquest of Matamba  conquest of Tunis  relations with Portuguese , – control of trans-Saharan trade  as slave-raiding state  Maliki school of Islam  see also Ngola trade  Ngazargamu, establishment of new Morocco, Sharifian Kanem capital at  black slaves in – Ngbandi people  control of trade routes – ngola emblems  invasion of Songhay –, – Ngola a kiluange rulers ,  Ottoman threat – Ngoyo kingdom, and Atlantic slave political weakness –,  trade  resumption of trade with  Nguni people  trans-Saharan trade  characteristics  victory at battle of al-Qasr al-Kabir expansion into southern South  Africa  Mozambique , ,  historical traditions  trading networks ,  Portuguese description of  Portuguese on coast of , ,  Niger river , , , –, –, ,  Tsonga of ,  delta  Mpondo people  Nile, river –, , , , , –, , Mubende ,  –,  Muhammad al-Amin al-Kanemi  Nilo-Saharan language family , , Muhammad Ali of Egypt   Muhammad ibn al-Hasan of Tunis  Nilotes, Eastern  Muhammad ibn Uthman Bey, ruler of impact of early expansion – Algiers  impact of later expansion – Muhammad Ture, askyia of Songhay southern expansion – ,  Nilotes, Western ,  Murad Bey in Egypt  impact of – Murzuk, Saharan oasis ,  southern migration  Musa, Mansa, king of Mali ,  Nilotic languages , , , –, Muscat ,  , – al-Mustansir, Hafsid ruler of Tunis Njimi, capital of Kanem, foundation of – – Mutapa kingdom , – nomads, see pastoralism loss of control over tributary Ntusi, archaeological site at  kingdoms  Nuba people  threat from Butwa – Nubia  Mwata Yamvo –,  Christian civilisation of –; art of  Mwene Mutapa, see Mutapa kingdom 

© Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521790247 - Medieval Africa, 1250-1800 Roland Oliver and Anthony Atmore Index More information


Egyptian invasion of Maqurra – modernising attempts – influx of nomads of  Napoleon’s invasion of – migration of Arab nomads  Nubian conquests  Ottoman invasions  social organisation – pact with Fatimid Egypt  trade , – political breakdown of Alwa  – political breakdown of Maqurra people  – and Atlantic slave trade  see also Alwa and Maqurra Oyo empire Nuer people ,  expansion of – Nupe kingdom  fall of  Nyamwezi people – military government  trade ,  occupation by Nupe  Nyanja people  origin tradition  Nzakara people ,  reconquest and reconstruction  Nzinga a Nkuwu of Kongo ,  Ozdemir Pasha, Ottoman campaign in Nzinga Mbande, Dona Anna, ruler of Nubia of  Ndongo – Nzinga Mbemba, Afonso, of Kongo  Park, Mungo  pastoralism, pastoralists –, , , Obayemi, Ade  , –, , , –, , , , Oliver, Roland  , –, , –, , Olum Labongo, see Rukidi –, –, –, , , ,  –, , , , , , Orange river –, , , ,  , –, , , , , Oromo people , –, ; see also –, , –, – Barentu; Borana Oromo Persian Gulf, trading with East African Osei Tutu of Asante  coast , , ,  Ottoman empire  Phiri kingdoms among Maravi  and Algiers  pilgrimage defeat of Mamluks  Christian Ethiopian to Jerusalem  Egptian province of –; see also Muslim , , , ; Mansa Musa’s Ottoman province of Egypt , ; routes , ,  establishment of new province of plague, see Black Death Habesh  pombeiros (traders) –, , ,  growth of ,  Portuguese janissaries in – attacked by Butwa  Khayr al-Din – Benin  naval defeat at Lepanto  capture of Moroccan ports  North African Regencies – conflict with Maravi forces  rivalry with Spain in Mediterranean defeat at battle of al-Qasr al-Kabir  – Dyula traders  Ottoman province of Eygpt entry into Africa  administrative reforms  military cooperation with Kongo benefits of Ottoman control  ,  Cairene hierarchy – naval superiority in Indian Ocean economy –  golden age of – Omani attacks on East African janissary ascendancy – settlements – military revolts  origins of Angola colony – 

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Portuguese (cont.) Sao, conflict with Kanem  relations with Shona – Sarsa Dengel, emperor of Ethiopis , revolt in Mombassa   slave trade , , ; cooperation al-Sayyid, Marsot  with Imbangala – Schweinfurth, Georg ,  Sofala trade – Sebastian, Don, King of Portugal  supplanted by Dutch in West Africa Sefuwa dynasty, of Kanem –  Selim, Ottoman sultan ,  trade with Lunda – Selim II, Ottoman sultan  West African exploration – sharia law of Islam, ,  prazeiros – Shilluk people ,  Pubungu, Lwo military encampment Shona peoples , –  relations with Portuguese – Pyramids, battle of the  see also Zimbabwe Shyam, and foundation of Kuba Qalaun, Mamluk sultan , ,  kingdom  al-Qasr al-Kabir, battle of  Sidama people , , ,  Qayt Bey, Mamluk sultan  Sidi Muhammad of Morocco  Qutuz, Mamluk sultan  Sierra Leone, slave trade in  ,  rainforest, Central African  Silveira, Gonçalo de  Bantu-speaking population –, Sinan Pasha, Ottoman admiral, capture – of Tripoli  household organisation of Bantu- Sinnar –,  speakers  slave soldiers Raymond, André  Darfur – , , , , –, , , , Ethiopia , , , ,  –, , –, , , , Fatimid ,  , – Funj  Regencies – Mamluk – government organisation  Moroccan  janissary dominance of – Ottoman  political organisation  slave trade, trans-Saharan , , , power rivalries  – trade  Bornu – see also Algiers; Tripoli; Tunisia Egypt , ,  Reubeni, David  Fezzan  Ridwan Bey of Egypt  Kanem  Riebeeck, Jan van  Kawar  Roberts, Andrew ,  to Mauritius  Rozwe people and kingdom  slavery, African kingdoms and , , Rukidiof Kitara – – Rumfa, Muhammad, sarki of Kano  slaves and slave-trading, Atlantic , , Runga people  –,  Rwanda kingdom , , –,  Aja  origins of  Akan  Ryder, Alan  Akwamu  Angola as slave-trading enterprise San hunter-gatherers –, , ,   ; see also Khoi Asante –

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Benin, restriction on slave sales ,  government of – Bornu – importance of Timbuktu  Cape – Islamic influence – Dahomey – military expansion – Denkyira  Moroccan invasion of –, – effect on internal African origins  development  successor to Mali – Efik  slave trade – Ewe  Sonni Ali of Songhay – Fulbe  Sotho-Tswana people ,  Gold Coast – Spain, North African garrisons  Ibo – rivalry with Ottoman Empire in Imbangala – Mediterranean – Kakongo  Suakin  Kasanje  occupation by Mamluks  Loango  Ottoman conquest of  Mali empire  Sudan (Nilotic) Mane  development of nascent Sudanese Ovimbundu  patriotism in Funj sultanate  Portugal , , , – process of Islamic conversion – Portugal and Kongo – trade links with Maghrib  Sidama  trade with Ifriqiya – Sierra Leone  Sudd  Slave Coast  Sufism , ,  Songhay – Sulayman Pasha, Ottoman governor of trader Morice  Egypt  Tsonga  Sulayman Solongdungu of Darfur  Vili , – Suleyman the Magnificent, sultan  Wadai  Suleyman Mawlay, sultan of Morocco Wolof   Yaka  Susenyos, emperor of Ethiopia Sofala abdication  capture of trade by Portuguese – conversion to Roman Catholicism trade with Kilwa   Solomonid empire incorporation of Oromo  awareness of Islam  Sutton, John  collapse of – Swahili settlements ,  conflict with Ifat – economies  international contacts  trade – origins and expansion – see also Kiswahili peasantry  Swaziland, and Tsonga  peripatetic court – social dynamism of  Taghaza, salt mines, ,  strength of Christianity  Takrana, pilgrim migrants  westward expansion  Teke people  Somali people –,  Teke kingdom  Songhay kingdom political development – capture of Timbuktu  Teso people – economy  Tigre, district of Ethiopia –, , expansion of ,  , ,  

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Tikar dynasties ()  Tuareg  Timbuktu , , , , ,  Tunis – captured by Songhay  Wadai – Moroccan arma – Zimbabwe  Moroccan military citadel  Transvaal  Moroccan occupation of  settlement of Sotho-Tswana  Songhay empire  trekboers  trans-Saharan trade  Tripoli ,  Tuareg occupation – as Ottoman province  Timur (Tamerlane)  capture by Ottomans  Tlemcen , ,  Ottoman rule of – conquest by Marinid Morocco  sovereignty over Fezzan  involvement of corsair Aruj  Spanish garrison at  political dependency on Ottomans trade with Bornu ,    trans-Saharan trade  Tsonga people –,  Tondibi, battle of  Tswana people  trade emergence of large conurbations Algeria   Benin trade with Portuguese  Tuareg people ,  Bisa – occupation of Timbuktu  Buganda – relations with Songhay  Darfur  trans-Saharan trade  Dyula trade with Portugal  Tunis  Gold Coast European trading as capital of Ifriqiya – settlements  capture by Ottoman empire  Hausa  conquest by Marinid Morocco  Ifriqiya – Hafsid rulers of  Ijaw  Ottoman–Spanish conflict – Indian Ocean –,  population growth  Kongo  trans-Saharan trade –,  Loango trade with Dutch  university mosque of  Lunda trade with Portuguese – Tunisia  Maghrib ,  Husayn ibn Ali’s control of  Mali ,  Ottoman rule of – Mamluk Egypt ,  Tunju rulers of Darfur Morocco , , –,  origins  Nyamwezi  overthrow of – Ottoman Egypt  ritual kingship  Persian Gulf trade with East African Turkana people – coast  people  Portuguese capture of Sofala trade – Ubangian language group ,  Portugal –, –,  Uganda , ,  Regencies  arrival of Lwo  Sofala , – incursion of Eastern Nilotes  Swahali settlements – transition from early to late Iron Age Timbuktu  culture  Tlemcen  Umar b. Idris, mai of Bornu   Tsonga  Usuman dan Fodio , 

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Vansina, Jan , , , ,  with Lunda  Venda people  slave trade  Vili people ,  Yamvo Naweji, and Lunda kingdom and Atlantic slave trade , –  Yekunno Amlak, first Solomonid ruler, Wadai   expansion of trade – Yoruba people ,  government of  infiltration of Arabs  Zaghawa people  kingship rituals – Zagwe dynasty of Ethiopia – overthrow of Tunjur dynasty – Zaire, see Congo slave trade  Zambezi , , , , , –, Walasma dynasty of Ifat, conflict with , , , – Solomonids – Zanata Berbers  warfare, nature of African –,  and Marinid Morocco – Wazimba, and expeditions against coast, characteristics of Portuguese  peoples  White Nile , , , –, , Zanzibar island , , ,  , – Zara Yaqob, emperor of Ethiopia Wing, J. Van –  Wolof kingdoms  Zaria, Hausa city , , ,  break away from Mali – Zawila, oasis of  slave trade  of Tlemcen  Wrigley, Christopher  Zeila  Wute people – Ottoman conquest of  Zimbabwe, Great, kingdom , Xhosa people  –,  clearance by British from Zuurveld abandonment of  – de Barros’ description of  conflict with Dutch ,  disruption of trade routes  population  modest beginnings of  see also Nguni political character of  Portuguese and – trade in gold  conflict with Kongo 


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