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^ 1934 ^ VOLUME 11 ^A//TEO ^ NUMBER 136

Washington, Saturday, , 1946

The President Regulations CONTENTS THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 9751 TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE E xecutive Order': Page D esignating P ublic I nternational Or­ Subtitle A—Office of the Secretary of Public international organiza­ tions entitled to enjoy cer­ ganizations E ntitled to E n jo y Certain Agriculture P rivileges, E xemptions, and I m m uni­ tain privileges, exemptions, ties P art 1—Administrative R egulations and immunities; designa­ tion ______7713 By virtue of the authority vested in me DELEGATION OP AUTHORITY TO ADMINISTRA­ by section 1 of the International Or­ TOR OF PRODUCTION AND MARKETING AD­ REGULATIONS AND NOTICES ganizations Immunities Act, approved MINISTRATION December" 29, 1945 (Public Law 291, 79th Agriculture D epartment: Congress), and having found that the Pursuant to the powers vested in me Authority delegation to Produc­ United States participates in the follow­ by the statutes of the United States and tion and Marketing Admin­ ing-named international organizations the executive orders of the President* istration______7713 pursuant to a treaty or under the author­ there is hereby delegated to the Admin­ Meat inspection regulations, . ity of an act of Congress authorizing istrator, Production and Marketing Ad­ miscellaneous amendments such participation or making an appro­ ministration, all authority heretofore to subchapter______7714 priation therefor, I hereby designate delegated to and vested in the Assistant Milk handling in Cincinnati, such organizations as public interna­ Administrator for Regulatory and Mar­ Ohio, marketing area; hear­ tional organizations entitled to enjoy the keting Service Matters, Production and ing------7721 privileges, exemptions, and immunities Marketing Administration, by delega­ Alien P roperty Custodian: conferred by the said Act: tion of authority dated August 25, 1945 Vesting orders, etc. : Inter-American Coffee Board (10 F.R. 10988), with respect to the for­ General Aniline & Film Corp. Inter-American Institute of Agricul­ mulation, administration and enforce­ (3 documents)_____ 7733, 7734 tural Sciences ment of war food orders, the adminis­ Greulich, Clara______7732 Inter-American Statistical Institute tration of regulatory statutes (including Hollander, Franz, and Jacob International Bank for Reconstruction the Commodity Exchange Act), the rules, Hollander______7734 and Development regulations, orders, and marketing Jimusho, Nomura______7735 International Monetary Fund agreements thereunder, the formulation Mucke, Dora F______7732 Pan American Sanitary Bureau v, Renfert, E. & H______7735 The designation of the above-named and issuance of grades and standards, Schoenian, W., and Elisabeth organizations and of those named in all matters pertaining to commodity Schoenian______7735 Executive Order No. 9698 of February 19, market news and grading and inspection Schwartze, Fritz______7736 1946, as public international organiza­ services, and coordination of the opera­ Westermann, Margarete____ 7731 tions within the meaning of the said In­ tion of industry committees. Zadich, Amalie E______7732 ternational Organizations Immunities The Administrator may redelegate to Zissel, Karolina..______7731 Act is not intended to abridge in any re­ any employee of the United States De­ Children’s Bureau: spect privileges and immunities which partment of Agriculture any or all the Occupations hazardous for mi­ such organizations have acquired or may authority vested in him hereunder. nors between 16 and 18 acquire by treaty or Congressional ac­ Any action heretofore taken by the years of age; operation of tion; provided, that with respect to the Administrator or any Assistant Admin­ power-driven hoisting ap­ International Bank for Reconstruction paratus______7719 istrator of the Production and Market­ Civilian P roduction Administra­ and Development, such designation shall ing Administration with respect to the not be construed to affect in any way the tio n : applicability of the provisions of section foregoing matters is hereby ratified and Suspension order; William G. 3, Article VH, of the Articles of Agree­ confirmed, and shall remain in full force Jackson_:______7720 ment of the Bank as adopted by the and effect unless and until expressly, F ederal F ower Commission : Congress of the United States in the modified, amended, suspended, revoked Canadian River Gas Co., hear­ Bretton-Woods Agreements Act of July or terminated. ing------7722 31,1945 (Public Law 171, 79th Congress). I nterstate Commerce Commission : Done at Washington, D. C., this 11th Commodities, certain, unloading H arry S. T ruman day of July 1946. at St. Louis, Mo______7723 T he W h ite H ouse, [seal! N. E. Dodd, O ffice of P rice Administration: , 1946. Acting Secretary of Agriculture. Regional and district office or­ ders: [F. R. Doc, 46-12072; Piled, , 1946; [F. R. Doc. 46-12076; Piled, July 12, 1946; Community ceiling prices, list 10:59 a. m.] 11:17 a. m .] of orders filed______7723 7713 7714 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 CONTENTS—Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE—Continued Æ\ S ecurities and E xchange C o m m is- Page T itle 13—B usiness Credit: PaSe sio n —Continued. Chapter I—Reconstruction Fi­ FEDERAL^pREGISTER Hearings, etc.—Continued. nance Corporation: •V,Wwino* «3« ¿y Consolidated Industries, Inc_ 7730 Appendix—Charters of emer­ National Gas & Electric Corp. gency companies------7718 and National Utilities Co. T itle 29—Labor: m Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, of Michigan______7730 Chapter IV—Children’s Bureau: and days following legal holidays, by the T reasury D epartm ent: Part 422—Occupations par­ Division of the Federal Register, the National General licenses, Hawaii: ticularly hazardous for Archives, pursuant to the authority contained employment of minors in the Federal Register Act, approved , Blocked accounts and safe de­ 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as .amended; 44 U.S.C., posit boxes______7720 between 16 and 18 years ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Public circulars, miscellane­ of age or detrimental to Adniinistrative Committee, approved by the ous; revocation______7719 their health or well­ President. Distribution is made only by the Safe deposit boxes leased to being ------7719 Superintendent of Documents, Government nationals of blocked coun­ T itle 31—M oney and F inance: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. tries______— 7719 T reasury: The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, W age and H our D iv is io n : Chapter I—Monetary Offices, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant L e a r n e r employment certifi­ Department of Treasury: to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as cates, issuance to various Part 132—General licenses, amended June 19, 1937. industries______7722 Hawaii (3 documents)— 7719, T he F ederal R egister will be furnished by WAr S h ip p in g A dministration : 7720 mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 General agents, agents and Part 136—General licenses, per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ berth agents; compensation Hawaii; safe d e p o s i t vance. The charge for individual copies (m in im u m 154) varies in proportion to the payable______7720 boxes ______7720 size of the issue. Remit check or money T itle 46—S h ip p in g : order, made payable to the Superintendent CODIFICATION GUIDE Chapter i n —War Shipping Ad­ of Documents, directly to the Government A numerical list of the parts of the Code ministration: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. of Federal Regulations affected by documents Part 306—General agents There are no restrictions on the republica­ published in this issue. Documents carried and agents— ------7720 tion of material appearing in the F ederal in the Cumulative Supplement by uncodifled R egister. tabulation only are not included within the purview of this list. TITLE 9—ANIMALS AND / T itle 3—T h e P r e sid e n t : Page ANIMAL PRODUCTS NOW AVAILABLE Chapter II—Executive Orders: 96981 ____ 7713 Chapter. II—Production and Marketing Code of Federal Regulations 9751 ______- ______7713 Administration (Livestock Branch) 1945 Supplement T itle 7—Agriculture: Subtitle A—Office of the Secre­ Snbchapter B—Meat Inspection Regulations Book 1: Titles 1 through 9, in­ tary: Amendments to R egulations R elating cluding, in Title 3, Presidential doc­ Part 1—Administrative reg­ to M eat I nspection uments in full text with appropriate ulations______7713 Pursuant to the authority conferred reference tables. T itle 9—Animals and Animal upon the Secretary of Agriculture by the Book 2: Titles 10 through 14. P roducts: act of Congress, approved March 4, 1907 Chapter II—Production and as amended and extended (21 U.S.C. These books may be obtained from the Marketing Administration and Supp. IV, 71-91, 96); the regula­ Superintendent of Documents, Government (Livestock Branch) : tions in Subchapter B, Chapter H, Title Printing Office, at $3 each. Part 251—Definitions______7714 9, Code of Federal Regulations, as A limited sales stock of the 1944 Supple­ Part 256—Assignment of Di­ amended, 10 F.R. 3316, are hereby fur­ ment (3 books) is still available at $3 a vision employees------7715 ther amended as follows: book. Part 257—Facilities for in­ spection------7715 P art 251—D efinitions Part 258—Sanitation------7715 Section 251.1, paragraphs (d), (e), Part 259—Ante-mortem in­ (f), (o), and (q) are amended to read: CONTENTS—Continued spection______7715 Part 260—Post-mortem in­ (d) Production and Marketing Ad­ O ffice of P rice Administration— Page spection______7715 ministration. The Production and Mar­ Continued. Part 261—Disposal of dis­ keting Administration of the U. S. De­ Regional and district office or­ partment of Agriculture. ders—Continued. eased carcasses and p a rts ______—______7716 (e) Administrator. The Administra­ Fuels, solid: tor of the Production and Marketing Delaware—______7729 Part 262—Carcasses of ani­ mals slaughtered without Administration. Maryland______‘------7727 ante-mortem inspection- 7716 (f) Division. The Meat Inspection Baltimore a n d A n n e Division of the Livestock Branch, Pro­ Arundel Counties — 7725 Part 265—Rendering car­ casses and parts into duction and Marketing Administration. New York: ***** Monroe County------7726 lard, rendered pork fat New York City__.---- .----- 7725 and tallow, and other (o) "U. S. retained.” The carcass, region------7727 cooking______7716 viscera, part of carcass, meat, meat by­ Plumbing, etc., New Mexico— 7723 Part 266—Marking, branding product, meat food product, or other ar­ and identifying products- 7716 ticle so marked or identified is held for R econstruction F inance Corpo­ Part 267—Labeling__— 7716 further examination by an inspector to ration:. War Assets Corporation, disso­ Part 268—Reinspection and determine its disposal. lution------7718 preparation of products- 7717 ***** Part 273—Bribery, counter­ (q) “U. S. condemned” The animal Securities and E xchange Commis­ feiting, etc------7718 sio n : so marked has been inspected and found Hearings, etc.: Part 274—Export stamps and to be in a dying condition, or to be af-, Associated Electric Co. and certificates ______7718 fected with any other condition or dis­ Arizona General Utilities Part 277—Imported products- 7718 ease that would require condemnation Co______7731 1E.O. 9751. of its carcass. FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 7715 P art 256—A ssig n m ent of D iv isio n liquid soap and hot water, and rinse division employee either when the ani­ E m ployees them in clean water. Implements used mal is released to a responsible official Section 256.3 is amended to read: in dressing diseased carcasses shall be for treatment, or following treatment thoroughly cleansed in boiling water, or under division supervision if the animal § 256.3 Badge as identification of in­ in a prescribed disinfectant followed by is found to be free from disease. When spectors. Each division employee will rinsing in clean water. The employees an animal under the provisions of these be furnished with a numbered official of the establishment who handle any regulations is to be released for a pur­ badge, which he shall not allow to leave product shall keep their hands clean, pose other than slaughter, the official his possession, and which he shall wear and in all cases after visiting the toilet establishment or the owner of the ani­ in such manner and at such times as rooms or urinals shall wash their hands mal shall first obtain permission for the the chief of the division may prescribe. before handling any product or imple­ movement of such animal from the local, This badge shall be sufficient identifica­ ments used in the preparation of product. tion to entitle him to admittance at all state, or Federal livestock sanitary offi­ regular entrances and to all parts of the P art 259—An t e -M ortem I nspec tio n cial having jurisdiction. establishment and premises to which he 1. Section 259.2 (a) is amended to 4. Part 259 is amended by adding the is assigned. read: following section: P art 257—F acilities for I n spectio n (a) Any animal which, on ante-mor­ § 259.18 Vesicular diseases, (a) Im­ mediate notification shall be given to the Section 257.6 is amended to read: tem inspection, does not plainly show, but is suspected of being affected with, local state and Federal livestock sanitary § 257.6 Inspectors to furnish imple­ any disease or condition that, under this officials having jurisdiction when an ani­ ments and maintain hands and imple­ subchapter, may cause condemnation of mal is found to be affected with a vesic­ ments in sanitary condition. Inspectors the carcass on post-mortem inspection, ular disease. shall furnish their own work clothing and and any animal which shows, on ante­ (b) No animal under, quarantine by implements, such as knives, steels, flash­ mortem inspection, any disease or con­ state or Federal livestock sanitary offi­ lights, and triers, for conducting inspec­ dition that, under this subchapter, cials on account of a vesicular disease tion and shall cleanse their hands and would cause condemnation of only part will be given ante-mortem inspection. implements as prescribed by § 258.8 (c) of the carcass on post-mortem inspec­ (c) If no quarantine is invoked, or if of this subchapter. tion, shall be so marked as to retain its a quarantine is invoked and later lifted, ante-mortem inspection shall be as fol­ P art 258—S anitation identity as a suspect until final post­ mortem inspection, when the carcass lows: 1. Section 258.3 (d) is amended to shall be marked and disposed of as pro­ (1) Any animal affected with vesicular read: vided elsewhere in this subchapter, or exanthema or vesicular stomatitis in the (d) The water supply shall be ample, until disposed of as otherwise provided acute stages, as evidenced by acute and clean, and potable, with adequate facili­ for in this part. active lesions or an elevated tempera­ ture, shall be marked ”17. S. condemned” ties for its distribution in the plant and 2. Section 259.3 is amended by adding its protection against contamination and paragraph (d): and disposed of in accordance with pollution. Every establishment shall § 259.16. make known, and whenever required, (d) Any animal found in a comatose (2) Any animal affected with vesic­ shall afford opportunity for inspection of, or semi-comatose condition or affected ular exanthema, or vesicular stomatitis, the source of its water supply, the stor­ with any condition not otherwise cov­ but which has recovered to the extent age facilities, and the distribution sys­ ered in this part, which would not war­ that the lesions are in process of heal­ tem. Equipment using potable water rant release of the animal for slaughter ing, the temperature is within normal shall be so installed as to prevent back- for food shall be marked “U. S. con­ range, and the animal shows a return siphonage into the potable water system. demned” and disposed of in accordance to normal appetite and activity, shall be Non-potable water is permitted only in with § 259.16 except that such animal marked ”U. S. suspect” and disposed of those parts of official establishments may be set apart and held for further in accordance with § 259.2, except that if where no edible product is handled or observation or treatment under Division desired, such animal maydpe set apart prepared, and then only for limited pur­ or other responsible official supervision. and held under division dr other re­ sponsible official supervision for treat­ poses such as on ammonia condensers 3. Section 259.16 is amended to read: not connected with the potable water ment. If the animal is set aside for supply, in vapor lines serving inedible § 259.16 Disposition of condemned treatment, the ”U. S. suspect” tag will product rendering tanks, in connection animals. Except as otherwise provided be removed by a division employee, with equipment used for hashing and in this part, animals marked “U. S. con­ either when the animal is released for washing inedible products preparatory demned” shall be killed by the official treatment to a responsible official, or, to tanking, and in sewer lines to move establishment, if not already dead, and following treatment while under the cus­ along heavy sewage. Non-potable water shall not be taken into an establishment tody of a division employee if the animal is not permitted for washing floors, areas, to be slaughtered or dressed; nor shall is found to be free from disease. Such or equipment involved in trucking mate­ they be conveyed into any department animal, found to be free from disease, rials to and from edible products depart­ of the establishment used for edible may be released for slaughter or for pur­ ments, nor is it permitted in hog scald­ products; but they shall be disposed of poses other than slaughter, provided ing vats, dehairing machines, vapor lines and tanked in the manner provided for that in the latter instance, the official serving edible product rendering equip­ condemned carcasses in Part 264 of this establishment or the owner of the animal ment, or for clean-up of shackling pens, subchapter. The “U. S. condemned” shall first obtain permission from the bleeding areas, or runways within the tag shall not be removed from, but shall local state or Federal livestock sanitary slaughtering department. In all cases, remain on, the carcass until it goes into official having jurisdiction of the move­ non-potable water lines shall be clearly the tank at which time it may be re­ ment of such animal. identified and shall not be cross-con­ moved by a division employee only. The P art 260—P o st-M ortem I n spectio n number of such tag shall be reported to nected with the potable water supply Section 260.10 is amended to read : unless this is necessary for adequate fire the inspector in charge by the inspector protection and siiéh connection is of a who affixed it, and also by the inspector § 260:10 Carcasses with skin or hide type with an adequate break to assure who supervised the tanking of the car­ on; cleaning before evisceration; removal against accidential contamination, and cass. Any animal condemned on ac­ of larvae of oestrus bovis. When a car­ is approved by local authorities and by count of hog cholera, swine erysipelas, cass is to be dressed with the skin or hide the chief of the division. vesicular exanthema, vesicular stomati­ left on, the skin or hide shall be thor­ tis, railroad sickness, parturient paresis, 2. Section 258.8 (c) is amended to oughly washed and cleaned before any read: • anasarca, or inflammatory condition in­ incision is made for the purpose of re­ cluding pneumonia, enteritis, and peri­ moving any part thereof or evisceration, (c) Butchers and others who dress or tonitis, may be set apart and held for except that where calves are slaughtered handle diseased carcasses or parts shall, treatment under division or other re­ by the kosher method, the heads shall before handling or dressing other car­ sponsible official supervision. The “U. S. be removed from the carcasses before casses or parts, cleanse their hands with condemned” tag will be removed by a washing of the carcasses. The skin shall 7716 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 be removed at the time of post-mortem slaughtered by a farmer on the farm, to on the label or the container or product. inspection from any calf carcass in­ which the head and all viscera other When the name of the manufacturer or fested with the larvae of the “ox-warble” than the stomach, bladder, and intes­ packer is not that under which inspec­ fly (hypoderma lineata and hypoderma tines, are held by the natural attach­ tion is granted at the establishment but bo vis). ments, may be received for inspection at is the name of a tenant operating in the establishment, full information identify­ P art 261—D isposal of D iseased C ar­ official establishments where there is a veterinary meat inspector, upon the con­ ing the tenant and the scope of his opera­ casses and P arts ditions prescribed in this section. After tions shall be furnished to the chief of 1. Section 261.24, Paragraphs (c) and receipt in an official establishment, every division. When product is not prepared

not be used in such a manner as will re­ used if less than 50 percent of the total 4. Section 268.10 (c) (2) is amended sult in the container being so filled as to weight of bones has been removed. to read: be misleading. * * * * * P art 268—R einspection and P reparation (2) :Refrigerating. At any stage of (25) No rendered edible animal fat or o f P roducts preparation and after preparatory chill­ mixture of fats containing rendered 1. Section 268.1 (b) is amended to ing to a teinperature of not above 40° F. edible animal fat shall contain added read: , or preparatory freezing, all parts of the water, except that puff pastry shortening muscle tissue of pork or product con­ may contain not more than 10 percent of (b) Care shall be taken to see that taining such tissue shall be subjected product is in good condition when placed continuously to a temperature not high­ water, and oleomargarine may contain in freezers. If there is doubt as to the water within the limits prescribed under er than one of those specified in Table 1, Part 278 of this subchapter. soundness of any frozen product, the in­ the duration of such refrigeration at the * * * * * spector will require the defrosting and specified temperature being dependent reinspection of a sufficient quantity on the thickness of the meat or inside (27) Product labeled “chili con came” thereof to determine its actual condition. dimensions of the container.. shall contain not less than 40% of meat (1) Product, such as pork tenderloins, computed on the weight of the fresh T able 1—R equired Period of F reezing at T em­ brains, sweetbreads, stews, chop suey, perature Indicated meat. Head meat, cheek meat, and etc., shall not be packed in hermetically heart meat exclusive of the heart cap sealed metal or glass containers, unless may be used to the extent of 25% of subsequently heat processed or otherwise Temperature Group 1 Group 2 the meat ingredient under specific' treated to preserve the product in a man­ °F. Days Bay» declaration on the label. The mixture ner approved by the chief of division. 5 20 3Ö may contain not more than 8%, individ­ (2) Frozen product may be defrosted -10 10 20 ually or collectively, of cereal or soya in water or pickle in a manner and with -20 6 12 flour. the use of facilities which are acceptable (28) Product labeled “chili con carne to the inspector in charge. Before such Group 1 comprises product in separate with beans” shall contain not less than product is defrosted, a careful examina­ pieces not exceeding 6 inches in thick­ 25% of meat computed on the weight of tion shall be made to determine its con­ ness, or arranged on separate racks with the fresh meat. Head meat, cheek meat, dition. If necessary, this examination the layers not exceeding 6 inches in and heart meat exclusive of the heart cap shall include defrosting of representative depth, or stored in crates or boxes not may be used to the extent of 25% of the samples by means other than in water or exceeding 6 inches in depth, or stored as meat ingredient under specific declara­ pickle. solidly frozen blocks not exceeding 6 tion on the label. 2. Section 268.7 (m) and (o) are re­ inches in thickness. (29) Product labeled “hash” shall con­ voked, and paragraph (n) is relettered Group 2 comprises product in pieces, tain not less than 35% of meat computed (m). layers, or within containers, the thick­ on the weight of the cooked and trimmed 3. Section 268.7 (d), (g), and (i), are ness of which exceeds 6 inches but not meat. The weight of the cooked meat amended to read: 27 inches, and product in containers in­ used in this calculation shall not exceed cluding tierces, “barrels, kegs, and car­ 70% of the uncooked weight of the meat. (d) With appropriate declaration, as tons having a thickness not exceeding Corned beef hasft'Shall not be made with provided in Part 267 of this subchapter, 27 inches. cereal, vegetable flour, dried skim milk, the following preservatives may be The product undergoing such refrig­ or similar substances. added, in the amounts indicated, to eration or the containers thereof shall be * * * * * rendered animal fat or a combination of so spaced while in the freezer as will (36) Liver sausage, liver loaf, liver such fat and vegetable fa t: insure a free circulation of air between paste, liver cheese, liver pudding, liver (1) Resin guaiac not to exceed Ho of the pieces of meat, layers, blocks, boxes, spread, and the like shall contain not less 1 percent; or barrels, and tierces in order that the tem­ than 30% of liver computed on the weight (2) Nordihydroguaiaretic acid not to perature of the meat throughout will be of the fresh liver. exceed Hoo of 1 percent; or promptly reduced to not higher than (3) Tocopherols not to exceed %oo of 5° F., —10° F., or — 20°F., as the case 4. Section 267.8 (c) is amended by add­ 1 percent. (A 30-percent concentration ing subparagraphs (37), (38), (39), (40), may be. and (41): of tocopherols in vegetable oils shall be During the period of refrigeration the used when added as a preservative to product or lot thereof shall be kept sep­ (37) Product labeled “ham spread”, products designated as “lard” or “ren­ arate from other products and in the “tongue spread”, and the like, shall con­ dered pork fat”) ; or custody of the division. Rooms or com­ tain not less than 50% of the meat in­ (4) Lecithin: Provided, That nothing partments equipped for being made se­ gredient named (to the exclusion of other in this paragraph shall prevent the use cure with division lock or seal shall be meat-and meat by-product except fat), of this substance as an emulsifier as ap­ provided. The room or compartments computed on the weight of the fresh proved by the chief of division; or containing product undergoing freezing meat. (5) Citric acid not to exceed Hoo of 1 shall be equipped with accurate ther­ (38) Deviled ham may contain added percent; or mometers placed at or above the highest ham fat: Provided, That the total fat (6) Citric acid not to exceed 5/1000 level at which the product undergoing content shall not exceed 35% of the fin­ of 1 percent, or phosphoric acid not to treatment is stored and away from re­ ished product. The moisture content of exceed 5/1000 of 1 percent, in combina­ frigerating coils. After the prescribed deviled ham, deviled tongue, and the like, tion with not more than 1/100 of 1 per­ freezing has been finished, the product shall not exceed that of the fresh unproc­ cent of nordihydroguaiaretic acid. shall be kept under close supervision of essed meat. (g) Under appropriate declaration as an inspector until it is prepared in fin­ (39) Potted meat food product and required in Parts-266 and 267 of this sub­ ished form as one of the articles enu­ deviled meat food product shall not con­ chapter, sausage may contain not more merated in paragraph (b) of this section tain cereal, vegetable flour, dried skim than 3% percent, individually or collec­ or until it is transferred under division, milk, and similar substances. tively, of cereal, vegetable starch, control to another establishment for (40) Pork sausage and breakfast sau­ starchy vegetable flour, soya flour, dried preparation in finished form. sage, whether fresh, smoked, or canned, skim milk, or dried milk. Pork which has been refrigerated as shall not^be made with product which, in (i) Bicarbonate of soda, caustic soda, herein specified may be transferred in the aggregate for each lot, contains more sodium carbonate, diatomaceous earth, than 50 percent trimmable fat; that is, fuller’s earth, carbon, acetic acid, tan­ sealed railroad cars, sealed motortrucks, fat which can be removed lay thorough, nic acid, agents used exclusively as cata­ sealed wagons, or sealed closed contain­ practicable trimming and sorting. lyzers such as nickel preparations, and ers to another official establishment at (41) Cooked, cured, or pickled pigs such other substances as may be ap­ the same or another station for use in feet, Pigs knuckles, and the like, shall be proved by the chief of division, may be the preparation of meat and product of labeled to show that the bones remain in used in the preparation of rendered a kind customarily eaten without cook­ the product, if such is the case. The des­ fats: Provided, That they are eliminated ing by the consumer. The sealing of ignation “semi-boneless” shall not be during the process of manufacturing. closed containers, such as boxes and 7718 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July IS, 1946 slack barrels, shall be effected by cording tests are used, they may rim concur­ the seal of the Department of Agricul­ and affixing thereto division seals, and rently.” ture. Section 268.15 is amended by inserting such containers as tierces and kegs shall [ seal] N . E. D odd, be held in division custody by 'sealing the word “pancreas” following “supra­ Acting Secretary of Agriculture. with wax impressed with a ¿vision metal renal” in paragraph (a) and by striking brand. Railroad cars, motortrucks, and out the words “and pancreas” in para­ [F. R. Doc. 46-12078; Filed, July 12, 1946; wagons shall, when necessary, be sealed graph (b). 11:17 a. m.] with division car seals. Properly sealed 8. Part 268 is amended by adding the and marked closed containers may be following new section shipped, with other meat in unsealed § 268.16 Tagging chemicals, preserva­ TITLE 13—BUSINESS CREDIT railroad cars, motortrucks, and wagons. tives, cereals, spices, etc., “U. S. re­ Containers such as boxes, barrels, and tained.” When any chemical, preserva­ Chapter I—Reconstruction Finance tierces shall be plainly and conspicuously tive, cereal, spice, or other substance is Corporation marked with a label or stencil furnished presented for use in an official establish­ by the establishment, as follows: “Pork ment, it shall be examined by a division A ppendix—Charters of E mergency product_____degrees P . ______days’ employee, and if found to be unfit or C om panies refrigeration”, indicating the tempera­ otherwise unacceptable for the use in­ DISSOLUTION OF WAR ASSETS CORPORATION ture at which the product was refriger­ tended, or if final decision regarding ac­ ated and length of time so treated. For „ ceptance is deferred pending laboratory Reconstruction Finance Corporation each consignment there shall be prompt­ or other examination, the employee shall hereby certifies that, pursuant to section ly issued and forwarded to the inspector attach a “U. S. retained” tag to the 5d of the Reconstruction Finance Cor­ in charge at destination a report on the substance or container thereof. The sub­ poration Act, as amended, it created Pe­ form entitled “Notice of Unmarked stance so tagged shall be kept separate troleum Reserves Corporation on June Meats Shipped in Sealed Cars”, appro­ from other substances as the inspector in 30, 1943, and issued its Charter on that priately modified to show the character charge may require, shall not be used un­ date.1 of the containers and that the contents til the tag is removed, and such removal Reconstruction Finance Corporation are “Pork product _____ degrees F. shall be only by a division employee after hereby further certifies that, pursuant to _____days’ refrigeration.” A duplicate a finding that the substance can be ac­ the aforesaid section 5d of the Recon­ copy should be forwarded to the Wash­ cepted, or, in the case of an unacceptable struction Finance Corporation Act, as ington office of the division. Cured bone­ substance, when it is removed from the amended, it-amended the Charter of Pe­ less pork loins shall be subjected to pre­ establishment. troleum Reserves Corporation, effective scribed treatment for destruction of November 15, 1945,2 by substituting for trichinae prior to being shipped from P art 273—B ribery, Counterfeiting, E tc. the name “Petroleum Reserves Corpora­ the establishment where cured. Such Section 273.1 is amended by adding the tion” wherever it appears, the name “War cured boneless pork loins may then be following paragraph: Assets Corporation,” in order to facilitate shipped to other official establishments its acting as a disposal agency for surplus (b) Division employees shall not pro­ property under the Surplus Property Act without sealing but they shall carry the cure product from an official establish­ mark of inspection. of 1944, as amended. ment except through the retail market Reconstruction Finance Corporation 5. Section 268.10 (c) (3) is amended when such a market is maintained. In hereby further certifies that all author­ by striking out the three sentences pre­ the absence of such retail market, divi­ izations, commitments or other obliga­ ceding the colon and by substituting in sion employees shall not procure product tions incurred by War Assets Corporation lieu thereof the following: from an official establishment unless such establishment sells such product di­ as a disposal agency under the Surplus (3) Curing— (i) Sausage. Sausage rect to its own employees. Division em­ Property Act of 1944, as amended, were may be stuffed in animal casings, hydro­ ployees must obtain receipts for money transferred, effective March 25, 1946, to cellulose casings, or cloth bags. During paid to official establishments for prod­ War Assets Administration^ created by any stage of treating the sausage for the uct. Executive Order 9689,3 and its remaining destruction of live trichinae, except as assets and liabilities have been taken over provided in Method 5. these coverings P art 274—E xport S tamps and by its parent, Reconstruction Finance shall not be coated with paraffin or like Certificates Corporation. substance, nor shall any sausage be Section 274.4 (c) (6) is amended to Reconstruction Finance Corporation washed during any prescribed period of read: drying. In the preparation of sausage, hereby further certifies that the purposes one of the following methods may be (6) No product from the carcasses of for which War Assets Corporation (orig­ used: sheep or lambs showing any lesions of inally Petroleum Reserves Corporation) caseous lymphadenitis will be permitted was created, no longer sexist. 6. Section 268.10 (c) (3) is further export to England, Wales, Scotland, and Reconstruction Finance Corporation amended by adding Method No. 5 under Northern Ireland. “Sausage” as follows: hereby further certifies that, with the approval of the President of the United Method No. 5. The meat shall be ground P art 277—I mported P roducts or chopped into pieces not exceeding three- States, War Assets Corporation was, on fourths of an inch in diameter. A dry-curing Section 277.3 (e) is amended to read: June 28,1946, dissolved effective midnight mixture containing not less than 3% pounds (e) No inedible grease, inedibleytal- June 30, 1946. of salt to each hundredweight of the un­ stuffed sausage shall be thoroughly mixed low, or other rendered inedible fat pos­ [SEAL] R econstruction F inance with the ground or Chopped meat. After sessing the physical characteristics of an C orporation, being stuffed the sausage shall be held for edible product shall be admitted into the C harles B . H enderson, not less than 65 days at a temperature not United States for industrial use unless it Chairman. lower than 45° F. The coverings to t sausage Attest: prepared according to this method may be has been first denatured or otherwise coated at any stage of the preparation before destroyed for food purposes TEnd the con­ A. T . H obson, or during the holding period with paraffin tainers have been marked in the man­ Secretary. or other substance approved by the chief of ner prescribed by § 266.18 of this sub­ division. [F. R. Doc. 46-12053; Filed, July 11, 1946; chapter. 5:05 p. m.] Section 268.11 (i) is amended by strik­ This amendment shali be effective on ing from the second and third sentences and after July 11, 1946. 18 F.R. 9044; 13 CFR, 1943 Supp., Ch. I, App. the words “and, in addition, where * 10 F.R. 14059; noted in 13 CFR, 1945 Supp., thermophilic bacteria might be present, Done at Washington, D. C., this 11th Ch. I, App. for 10 days at about 130° F. When both day of July 1946. Witness my hand and * 11 F.R. 1265. • FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 7719

TITLE 29—LABOR (b) Definitions. As used in this sec­ TITLE 31—MONEY AND FINANCE: tion: TREASURY Chapter IV—Children’s Bureau, (1) The term “elevator” shall mean Department of Labor any power-driven hoisting or lowering Chapter I—Monetary Offices, Department [Hazardous Occupations Order 7J mechanism equipped with a car or plat­ of the Treasury form which moves in guides in a sub­ P art 422—O ccupations P articularly stantially vertial direction. The term P art 132—G eneral L ic e n se s U nder E x ­ H azardous for t h e E m plo y m en t of shall include both passenger and freight ecutive O rder 8389, April 10, 1940, as M ino rs B etw een 16 and 18 Y ears of elevators (including portable elevators or A mended, and R egulations Issued A ge or D etrimental to th eir H ealth tiering machines), but shall not include P ursuant T hereto b y th e G overnor or W ell-B eing dumbwaiters. of H aw aii operation of po w er - driven ho isting (2) The term “crane” shall mean a safe deposit boxes leased to nationals of power-driven machine for lifting and BLOCKED COUNTRIES apparatus lowering a load and moving it horizon­ § 422.7 Occupations involved in the tally, in which the hoisting mechanism J u n e 29, 1946. operation of power-driven hoisting appa­ is an integral part of the machine. The Revocation of General Ruling No. H -l ratus—(a) Finding and declaration of term shall include all types of cranes, under Executive Order No. 8389, as fact. By virtue of and pursuant to the such as cantilever gantry, crawler, gan­ amended, Executive Order No. 9193, as authority conferred by section 3 (1) of try, hammerhead, ingot-pouring, jib, lo­ amended, sections 3 (a) and 5 (b) of the the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and comotive, motor-truck, overhead travel­ Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended pursuant to the regulation prescribing ing, pillar jib, pintle, portal, semi-gantry, by the First War Powers Act, 1941, re­ the Procedure Governing Determinations semi-portal, storage bridge, tower, walk­ lating to foreign funds control. of Hazardous Occupations;1 an investi- ing jib, and wall cranes. Effective , 1946, General Ruling 1 Issued November 3, 1938, pursuant to au­ (3) The term “derrick” shall mean No. H-l, issued May 19, 1942, is hereby thority conferred by section 3 (e) of the Fair a power-driven apparatus consisting of revoked. Labor Standards Act of 1938, published in a mast or equivalent members held at (Sec. 3 (a), 40 Stat. 412; sec. 5 (b), 40 the F ederal R egister, Vol. 3, p. 2640, Novem­ the top by guys or braces, with or with­ Stat. 415 and 966; sec. 2, 48 Stat. 1; 54 ber 5, 1938, Procedure Governing Determina­ out a boom, for use with an hoisting tions of Hazardous Occupations. Stat. 179; 55 Stat. 838; E..O. 8389, April mechanism or operating ropes. The 10, 1940, as amended by E.O. 8785, June gation having been conducted with re­ term shall include all* types of derricks, 14, 1941, E.O. 8832, July 26, 1941, E.O. spect to the hazards for minors between such as A-frame, breast, boom, 8963, Dec. 9, 1941, and E.O. 8998, Dec. 16 and 18 years of age in employment gin-pole, guy and stiff-leg derrick. 26, 1941; E.O. 9193, , 1942, as in occupations involved in the operation (4) The term “hoist” shall mean a amended by E.O. 9567, June 8,1945; Reg­ of power-driven hoisting apparatus and power-driven apparatus for raising or ulations, April 10,1940, as amended June a report of the investigation having been lowering a load by the application of a 14, 1941, July 26, 1941, and February 19, submitted to the Chief of the Children’s pulling force that does not include a 1946) Bureau; a finding and order relating to car or platform running in guides. The the employment of minors between 16 term shall include all types of hoists, I ngram M. S tainback, and 18 years of age in the said occupa­ such as base mounted electric, clevis sus­ Governor of Hawaii. tions having been proposed for final pension, hook suspension, monorail, over­ [F. R. Doc. 46-12050; Filed, July 11, 1946; adoption by the Chief of the Children’s head electric, simple drum, and trolley 2:09 p. m.] Bureau upon the basis of the, said report suspension hoists., of investigation; a public hearing having (5) The term “high-lift truck” shall mean a power-driven industrial type of been held with respect to the said pro­ P art 132—G eneral L ic e n se s U nder E x ­ truck used for lateral transportation posed finding and order; all statements ecutive Order 8389, A pril 10, 1940, as submitted in connection with the said that is equipped with a power-operated «.lifting device usually in the form of a A mended, and R egulations I ssued hearing having been carefully consid­ P ur su a n t T hereto b y the G overnor ered and minor changes having been fork or platform capable of tiering of H aw aii made in the proposed finding and order loaded pallets or skids one above the as a result of suggestions made at the other. Instead of a fork or platform, the revocation of miscellaneous public hearing; and sufficient reason appearing lifting device may consist of a ram, scoop, CIRCULARS shovel, crane, revolving fork, or other therefor, J u n e 29, 1946. attachments for handling specific loads. Now, Therefore, I, Katharine F. Len- s Revocation of Public Circulars Nos. root, Chief of the Children’s Bureau of The term shall mean and include high- lift trucks known under such names as H -2 ,Jij, H-6, H-7, H-8, H-U and H -l2 the United States Department of Labor, under Executive Order No.\ 8389, as hereby find and declare that the follow­ fork lifts, fork trucks, fork-lift trucks, tiering trucks, or stacking trucks, but amended*, Executive Order Nd 9193, as ing occupations involved in the opera­ amended, sections 3 (a) and 5 Cfo) of the tion of power-driven hoisting apparatus shall not mean low-lift trucks or low-lift platform trucks that are designed for Trading with the Enemy Act, as amended are particularly hazardous for minors by the First War Powers Act, 1941, re­ between 16 and 18 years of age: the transportation of but not the tiering of material. lating to Foreign Funds Control. (1) Work of operating an elevator, 1. Effective July 1, 1946, Public Cir­ crane, derrick, hoist, or high-lift truck, (c) This section shall not justify non- compliance with any Federal or State cular No. H-2, issued December 15, 1941, except operating an unattended auto­ law or municipal ordinance establishing Public Circular No. H-3^issued January matic operation passenger elevator or an a higher standard than the standard 15, 1942, Public Circular No. H-67 issued electric or air-operated hoist not exceed­ established herein. June 28, 1943, Public Circular No. H-7, ing one ton capacity. (d) This section shall become effec­ issued September 16, 1943, Public Cir­ (2) Work which involves riding on a tive on September 1,1946, and shall be in cular No. H-8, issued December 31, 1943, freight elevator. (Where employees are force and effect until amended or re­ Public Circular No.JI-11, issued Novem­ customarily transported to their work pealed by order hereafter made and pub­ ber 14, 1945, and/ Public Circular No. place at the beginj^ing and end of sched­ lished by the Chief of the Children's H-12, issued January,23,1946, are hereby uled work periods in a freight elevator Bureau. revoked. 2. The revocation of Public Circular operated by an assigned operator, such Dated: July 11, 1946. riding shall not be considered as work No. H-3 shall not be deemed to modify or (Act of June 25, 1938, C. 676, 52 Stat. reinstate any general licenses, specific within the intent of this paragraph.) 1060, 29 U.S.C. 201) (3) Work of assisting in the operation licenses or other authorizations which of a crane, derrick, or hoist performed K atharine F. L enroot, were amended or revoked by Public Cir­ by crane hookers, crane chasers, hook- Chief of the Children’s Bureau. cular No. H-3. ers-on, riggers, rigger helpers, and like [F. R. Doc. 46-12067; Filed, July 12, 1946; (Sec. 3 (a), 40 Stat. 412; sec. 5 (b), 40 occupations. 10:24 a. m.] Stat. 415 and 966; sec. 2, 48 Stat. 1; 54 7720 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 Stat. 179; 55 Stat. 838; E.O. 8389, April combination residence and 14 unit motel TITLE 46—SHIPPING 10, 1940, as amended by E.O. 8785, June structure located at 9720 Long Beach 14, 1941, E.O. 8832, July 26, 1941, E.O. Boulevard, South Gate, California, at an Chapter III—War Shipping 8963, Dec. 9, 1941, and E.O. 8998, Dec. estimated cost of $14,000, which amount Administration 26, 1941; E.O. 9193, July 6, 1942, as exceeded the $1,000 limit permitted by [Gen. Order .56, Supp. 1] amended by E.O. 9567, June 8,1945; Reg­ Veterans Housing Program Order No. 1. ulations, April 10,1940, as amended June William G. Jackson was aware of the re­ P art 306—G eneral A gents and A gents 14, 1941, July 26, 1941, and February 19, strictions on construction and his begin­ COMPENSATION PAYABLE TO GENERAL AGENTS* 1946) ning and carrying on of such construc­ AGENTS AND BERTH AGENTS tion constituted a wilful violation of Vet­ I ngram M . S tainback, erans Housing Program Order No. 1. Section 306.173 Compensation for Governor of Hawaii. This violation has diverted critical mate­ port services in continental United [P. R. Doc. 46-12049; Piled, July 11, 1946; rials to uses not authorized by the Civil­ States, paragraph (a) (3) (i), is 2:09 p. m.] ian Production Administration. In view amended, effective as of January 1,1946, of the foregoing, it is hereby ordered by adding the following: that: id) In lieu of the fees authorized in P art 132—G eneral L icen ses U nder E x ­ § 1010.944 Suspension Order No. S-944. (a) above, the Berth Agent at his option ecutive O rder 8389, A pril 10, 1940, as (a) For a period of three months from may be paid 5% of vessel’s revenue for A mended, and R egulations I ssued P u r ­ the effective date of this order no author­ each passenger handled outward, and suant T hereto b y th e G overnor of ization shall be granted to William G. 2% of vessel’s revenue for each passenger H aw aii handled inward, less the extra husband­ Jackson to do construction, nor shall he ing fees authorized in (b) of this sub­ P art 136—G eneral L icen ses U nder R eg­ during such period apply or extend any division. u latio ns of th e G overnor of H aw aii preference ratings, regardless of the de­ R elating to S afe D eposit B oxes livery date named in any purchase order Section 306.173, paragraph (b) (3) (i), to which such ratings may be applied or is amended, effective as of January 1, BLOCKED ACCOUNTS AND SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES extended. 1946, by adding the following: J u n e 29, 1946. (b) William G. Jackson shall cancel (d) In lieu of the fees authorized in Revocation of General Licenses Nos. immediately all preference ratings which (a) above, the Berth Agent at his option H-16 and HSD-1 under Executive Order he has applied or extended to orders may be paid 5% of vessel’s revenue for No. 8389, as amended, Executive Order which have not yet been filled, except each passenger handled outward, and 2% No. 9193, as amended, section 5 (b) of the that if he has extended a customer’s rat­ of vessel’s revenue for each passenger Trading-with the Enemy Act, as amended ing to get an item for delivery without handled inward, less the extra husband­ by the First War Powers Act, 1941, re­ change in form to that customer (as ing fees authorized in (b) of this sub­ lating to foreign funds Control. distinct from replacing it in inventory), division. Effective July 1, 1946, § 132.18 (Gen­ he need not cancel the rating, provided eral License No. H-16), issued January the item when received is promptly de­ Section 306.181 Compensation of 11, 1943, and § 136.1 (General License livered to the customer whose rating was General Agents and Agents, paragraph No. HSD-1), issued October 2, 1942, are extended. (d), is amended, effective as of January hereby revoked. (c) All preference ratings, allotments 1, 1946, to read: and allocations presently outstanding in (d) In addition to the compensation (Sec. 5 (b), 40 Stat. 415 and 966; sec. 2, connection with orders for delivery of 48 Stat. 1; 54 Stat. 179; 55 Stat. 838; E. O. otherwise provided in §§ 306.171 to materials to William G. Jackson or 306.205 inclusive, each General Agent and 8389, April 10, 1940, as amended by E.O. placed prior to the termination date of 3785, June 14, 1941, E.O. 8832, July 26, Agent shall be paid a fee of $100.00 each this order are void and shall not be time a vessel assigned to the General 1941, E.O. 8963, Dec. 9, 1941, and E.O. given any effect by suppliers of William 8998, Dec. 26, 1941; E.O. 9193, July 6, Agent or Agent under his service agreed G. Jackson or any other person> This ment calls at a continental United States 1942, as amended by E.O. 9567, June 8, does not apply to material already de-w 1945; .Regulations, April 10, 1940, as port. Except for services for which com­ livered or in transit for delivery to him pensation is provided in paragraph (a) amended June 14,1941, July 26,1941, and on the effective date of this order. February 19, 1946) of this section and in § 306.182, the fee (d) William G. Jackson shall refer to provided in this paragraph covers all I ngram M . S tainback, this order in any application or appeal port services, including arrangements for Governor of Hawaii. which he may file with the Civilian Pro­ pilots and entrance and clearance [F. R. Doc. 4^iaoai;__Filed. July 11,1946; duction Administration or the National through the local customs where re­ 2:09 p. m.] Housing Administration for priorities assistance or for authorization to carry quired. > on construction. Section 306.196 Compensation of (e) Nothing contained in this order General Agents, pargaraph (a) (2), is TITLE 32—NATIONAL DEFENSE shall be deemed to relieve William G. amended, effective as of January 1,1946, Jackson from any restriction, prohibi­ to read: Chapter IX—Civilian Production tion, or provision contained in any other (2) Harbor service—(i) Tugs engaged Administration order or regulation of the Civilian Pro­ in harbor service in the United States. duction Administration, except insofar Authority: Regulations in this chapter 'First tug, $500.00 per month. unless otherwise noted at the end of docu­ as the same may be inconsistent with the Each additional tug, $350.00 per month. ments affected, issued under sec. 2 (a), 54 provisions hereof. Stat. 676, as am ended by 55 Stat. 236, 56 Stat. (f) The restrictions and prohibitions (ii) Lighters (scows) engaged in har­ 177, 58 Stat. 827 and Pub. Law 270, 79th contained herein shall apply to William bor service in the continental United Cong.; E.O. 9024, 7 P.R. 329; E.O. 9040, 7 F.R. G. Jackson, his successors and assigns or States. 527; E.O. 9125, 7 P.R. 2719; E.O. 9599, 10 persons acting on his behalf. Prohibi­ One (1) to ten (10) units, $90.00 per P.R. 10155; E.O. 9638* 10 F.R. 12591; CPA tions against the taking of any action lighter, per month. Reg. 1, Nov. 5, 1945, 10 P.R. 13714. include the taking indirectly as well as (iii) Barge derricks (floating derricks) P art 1010—^Suspension Orders directly of any such action. engaged in harbor s&vice in the conti­ (g) This qjrder shall take effect on the nental United States. [Suspension Order S-944] 11th day of July 1946. WILLIAM G. JACKSON First Each added Issued this 1st day of July 1946. Description William G. Jackson is engaged in busi­ derrick derrick ness as a building contractor at 2640 Civilia n P roduction A dministration, Per month Per month Flower Street, Walnut Park, California. $175.00 By J . J oseph W helan, To 29-ton capacity-'______$250.00 On March 29, 1946, as a contractor for 30-to 59-ton capacity______300.00 • 100.00 Etta Wamsher he began without author­ Recording Secretary. 60- to 99-ton capacity______350.00 £50.00 100- to 149-ton capacity...... 400.00 300.00 ization from the Civilian Production Ad­ [P. R. Doc. 46-12052; Filed, July 11,’ 1946; 150-ton capacity or over_____ 500.00 400.00 ministration the construction of a 5:01 p. m.] FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July IS, 1949 7721 S e c tio n 306.200 Definitions, para­ Agents who were subject to the recapture (7 U. S. C. 601 et seq.), and in accordance graph (v), is amended, effective as of provisions of §§ 306.1 to 306.69c, inclu­ with the applicable rules of practice and January 1, 1946, to read: sive (General Order 12), and §§ 306.71 to procedure, as amended (7 CFR, Cum. (v) Port call. A port call includes 306.100, inclusive, (General Order 34), Supp., 900.1 et seq.; 10 F.R. 11791), notice calls at any or all points within a given shall receive a fee equal to 10% of the is hereby given of a public hearing to be harbor. fees received pursuant to the provisions held in the Gibson Hotel, Cincinnati, of §§ 306.7 and 306.7a (General Order Ohio, beginning at 9:30 a. m., e. s. t., July Section 306.202 Compensation to Gen­ 12), and §§ 306.73 and 306.74 (General 18, 1946, with respect to the proposed eral Agents, Agents and Berth Agents Order 34, as amended by Supplements 1 amendments to the tentatively approved for liquidating the business of vessels, and 2), for services performed during the marketing agreement, as amended, and paragraph (a), is amended, effective as period July 1, 1942, through June 30, order, as amended, regulating the han­ of April 1, 1946, to read: 1945, payable in twelve equal monthly dling of milk in the Cincinnati, Ohio, (a) In addition to the compensation installments, beginning April 15, 1946. marketing area (7 F.R. 9503; 9 F.R. 825, otherwise provided in §§ 306.171 to 306.- (3) With respect to tugs and barges 9880; 10 F.R. 7607; 11 F.R.' 7331). 205 inclusive, General Agents, Agents and redelivered to the War Shipping Admin­ These amendments have not received the Berth Agents shall be paid for liquidating istration or lost—(i) Prior to July 1, approval of the Secretary of Agriculture. the business of vessels assigned to them 1945. No fee« This public hearing is for the purpose under a standard form of service agree­ (ii) Subsequent to June 30, 1945. To of receiving evidence with respect to eco­ ment, GAA, TCA, BA: General Agents, liquidation compensa­ nomic or marketing conditions which re­ <1) With respect to a dry cargo vessel, tion shall be paid on the following basis: late to the proposed amendments which a tanker, a collier or a passenger vessel As to tugs (other than V-4 type), if are hereinafter set forth. redelivered to War Shipping Adminis­ operated by the General Agent for one The following amendments have been tration, or lost—(i) Prior to July 1, 1945. year or more, a flat fee of $700.00 per proposed by the Cincinnati Sales Asso­ No fee. tug; if operated less than one year, but ciation, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio: Cii) Subsequent to June 30, 1945—(a) more than six months, a fee of $350.00; Delete the provisions of § 965.6 (a) and To General Agents. Except as provided operated less than six months, no fee. substitute therefor the following: in (d) of this subdivision, the General As to tugs of the V-4 type, a fee equal Agent of a vessel redelivered to War to the sum of $13.50 per day for each (a) Class prices—(1) Basic formula Shipping Administration or lost «subse­ day for which compensation was paid price. The basic formula price per hun­ quent to June 30, 1945, shall receive a to the General Agent pursuant to his dredweight of milk to be used in deter­ fee equal to $15.00 per day for each day service agreement for operation of the mining the class prices provided by this compensation was paid to the General tug; minimum $1000.00; maximum section shall be the highest of the^prices Agent pursuant to §§ 306.72, 306.77, $6500.00: Provided, however, That the per hundredweight for milk of 4.0 per­ 306.81 or 306.85 (General Order 34), compensation herein authorized with re­ cent butterfat content as determined for and/or §§306.172, 306.181, 308.186 or spect to V-4 type tugs shall be reduced the delivery period by the market admin­ 306.191 of this order, under his service by $13.50 for each day that date of re- istrator pursuant to (i), (ii), and (iii) agreement; minimum $1,500.00; maxi­ delivery or loss precedes January 1,1946. of this subparagraph: mum $7,665.00; Provided, however, That As to barges (other than barge der­ (i) The average of the basic, or field, the compensation herein authorized shall ricks), if operated by the General Agent prices per hundredweight ascertained to be reduced by $15.00 per day for each day for one year or more, a flat fee of $180.00 have been paid for milk of 4.0 percent that date of redelivery or loss precedes per barge; if operated for less than one butterfat content received during the de­ January 1,1946, but such deduction shall year, but more than six months, a fee of livery period at the following plants: not exceed the fee herein authorized with $90.00; operated less than six months, no M. & R. Dietetic Laboratories, Inc., Chilll- respect to the vessel. fee. cotbe, Ohio. (b) To Agents who are not also Gen­ As to barge derricks, if operated by the Carnation Milk Co., Hillsboro, Ohio. eral Agents. The Agent (TC) shall re­ General Agent for one year or more, a Nestle’s Milk Products, Inc., Greenville, ceive a fee equal to $15.00 per day for Ohio. flat fee of $350.00 per barge; if operated Nestle’s Milk Products, Inc. (Osgood Milk 60 days after redelivery or loss of a vessel for less than- one year, but more than Co.), Osgood, Ind. assigned to him under his service agree­ six months, a fee of $175.00; operated Carnation Milk Co., Maysville, Ky. ment. less than six months, no fee. (ii) The price per hundredweight for (c) To Agents who are also General (E. O. 9054, 3 CFR Cum. Supp.) Agents. The Agent (TC) who is also a milk of 4.0 percent butterfat content General Agent, shall receive a fee equal [ seal3 G ranville Co n w a y , computed in accordance with the fol­ to $15.00 per day for a period of 60 days Administrator, lowing formula: multiply by 4 the aver­ after redelivery or loss of a vessel as­ War Shipping Administration. age price per pound of 92-score butter at wholesale in the Chicago market, as re­ signed to him under his service agree­ J u l y 11, 1946. ment; Provided, however, That the fee ported by the United States Department herein authorized shall be reduced by [P. R. Doc. 46-12074; Piled, July 12, 1946; of Agriculture (of such other agency as $15.00 per day for each day that date of 11:14 a.m .} may hereafter be authorized to perform redelivery or loss precedes January 1, this price reporting function) for the de­ 1946, but suph deduction shall not exceed livery period during which such milk the fee.herein authorized. Notices was received, add 20 percent thereof, and (d) Vessels delivered to General add or subtract ZV2 cents per hundred­ Agents subsequent to March 31, 1946. weight for .each full one-half cent that With respect to a vessel delivered to a DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the price of dry skim milk for human General Agent under his service agree­ consumption is above or below, respec­ ment, subsequent to March 31, 1946, the Production^ and Marketing Adminis­ tively, 5Yz cents per pound. The price tration. per pound of dry skim milk to be used General Agent shall receive a fee of in this subparagraph shall be the arith­ $1,500.00 as liquidation compensation; [Docket No. AO 166-A5] metical average of the carlot prices for Provided, however, Such liquidation Cin c in n a t i, O h io , M arketing A rea both spray and roller process dry skim compensation shall be reduced by $500.00 milk for human consumption, f. o. b. for each thirty-day period that com­ NOTICE OF HEARING ON HANDLING OF MILK manufacturing plant, as published by pensation has been paid pursuant to Proposed amendments to the tenta­ such agency for the Chicago area during §§ 306.172, 306.181, 306.186 or 306.191. tively approved marketing agreement, as the delivery period, including in such (2) To Berth Agents. Berth Agents amended, and order, as amended, regu­ average the quotations published for any who are also General Agents, and Gen­ lating the handling of milk in the Cincin­ fractional part of the previous delivery eral Agents or Agents (when the Agent nati, Ohio marketing area. period. In the event such agency does is also a General Agent), who performed Pursuant to the Agricultural Market­ not publish carlot prices for dry skim berth agency functions, and Berth ing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended milk for human consumption, f. 0. b. No. 136------2 7722 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 manufacturing plant, the arithmetical South Building, Washington 25, JD. C., the second 460 hours, not less than 26 average of the carlot prices for both or may be there inspected. cents an hour for the third 460 hours; d. Lithographers; 3 learners; at not spray and roller process dry skim milk Dated: July 11, 1946. for human consumption, delivered at less than 16 cents an hour for the first Chicago, shall be used, and the figure [ seal] E . A. M eyer, 690 hours, not less than 21 cents an hour “7Viz” shall be substituted for “5 V2” in Assistant Administrator lor for the second 690 hours, not less than 26 the formula set forth above in this Regulatory and Marketing cents an hour for the third 690 hours, proviso. Service Matters, Production and for every hour thereafter not less (iii) The price of $2.50 per hundred­ and Marketing Administra­ than the minimum established by any weight. tion. applicable wage order that may be in (2) Class I milk price. Subject to the [F. R. Doc. 46-12077; Filed, July 12, 1946; effect at the termination of the learning provisions of (b) of this section, the min­ 11:17 a. m. period; effective , 1946, expiring imum price per hundredweight to be paid , 1947. by each handler f. o. b. the marketing* U. S. Textile Importing Co., 32 William area for milk of 4.0 percent butterfat Jones Street, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico; content received from producers or from DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. Machine Embroidery Industry; one hun­ an association of producers which is dred (100) learners; in the operation of classified as Class I milk shall be deter­ Wage and Hour Division. machine embroidering at not less than 18 mined by the market administrator by L earner E m ploym ent C ertificates cents an hour for the first 240 hours and multiplying the basic formula price com­ not less than 24 cents an hour for every puted pursuant to (1) of this paragraph ISSUANCE TO VARIOUS INDUSTRIES hour thereafter; effective June 29, 1946, by 1.6. Notice of issuance of special certifi­ expiring June 28, 1947. (3) Class II milk price. Subject to the cates for the employment of learners un­ The employment of learners under provisions of (b) of this section, the min­ der the Fair Labor Standards Act of these certificates is limited to the terms imum price per hundredweight to be paid 1938. and conditions therein contained and is by each handler f .0. b. the marketing Notice is hereby given that special cer­ subject to the provisions of the appli­ area for milk of 4.0 percent butterfat tificates authorizing the employment of cable determinations, orders and/or reg­ content received from producers or from learners at hourly wage rates lower than ulations cited above. These certificates an association of producers which is the minimum wage rate applicable under have #been issued upon the employers’ classified as Class II milk shall be deter­ section 6 of the act have been issued to representations that experienced workers mined by the market administrator by the firms hereinafter mentioned under for the learner occupations are not avail­ multiplying the basic formula price com­ section 14 of the act, Part 522 of the reg­ able for employment and that they are puted pursuant to (1) of this paragraph ulations issued thereunder (August 16, actually in need of'learners at submini­ by 1.45. 1940, 5 F.R. 2862, and as amended June mum rates in order to prevent curtail­ (4) Class III milk price. Subject to 25,1942,7 F.R. 4725), and the determina­ ment of opportunities for employment. the provisions of (b) of this section, the tions, orders and/or regulations herein­ The Certificates may be cancelled in the minimum price per hundredweight to be after mentioned. The names and ad­ manner provided in the regulations and paid by each handler f. o. b. the market­ dresses of the firms to which certificates as indicated in the certificates. Any per­ ing area for milk of 4.0 percent butterfat were issued, industry, products, number son aggrieved by the issuance of any of content received from producers or from of learners, and effective and expiration these certificates may seek a review or an association of producers which is dates of the certificates are as follows: reconsideration thereof within fifteen classified as Class i n milk shall be de­ Independent Telephone Learner Reg­ days after publicatjpn of this notice in termined by the market administrator by ulations, , 1944 (9 F.R. 7125). the F ederal R egister pursuant to the multiplying the basic formula price com­ Public Utilities- Company, Crossett, provisions of regulations, Part 522. puted pursuant to (1) of this paragraph Arkansas,- (T ); effective , 1946, Signed at New York, New York, this by 1.10. expiring July 17,1947. 10th day of July 1946. Regulations, Part 522—Regulations The following amendments have been Applicable to the Employment of P auline C. G ilbert, proposed by the Cooperative Pure Milk Authorized Representative Association, Cincinnati, Ohio: Learners (.supra). El Mundo, Inc., 2-6 San Jose Street, of the Administrator. 1. Delete the provisions of § 965.6 (a) Sain Juan, Puerto Rico; Printing Indus­ [F. R. Doc. 46-12068; Filed, July 12, 1946; (1) and substitute therefor the follow­ try; four (4) learners; as linotypists at 10:40 a. m.] ing: not less than 21 cents an hour for the first 690 hours, not less than 27 cents an (1) Class I milk—$5.15. hour for the second 690 hours, not less 2. Delete the provisions of § 965.6 (a) than 33 cents an hour for the third 690 FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION. (2) and substitute therefor the follow­ hours, and for every hour thereafter, not ing: less than the minimum established by [Docket No. G-742] any applicable wage order that may be (2) Class II milk—$4.70: Provided, Canadian R iver G as Co. That the price for Class II milk shall not in effect at the termination of the learn­ ing period; effective May 28, 1946, ex­ NOTICE OF APPLICATION be less than the price for Class III milk piring May 27, 1947. J u l y 10, 1946. plus 15 cents. Real Hermanos Inc., San Juan, Puerto The following amendments have been Rico; Printing Industry; twelve (12) Notice is hereby given that on June 26/ learners in the following operations: 1946, an application was filed with the proposed by the Dairy Branch, Produc­ Federal Power Commission by Canadian tion and Marketing Administration: a. Ruling machine operators; 3 learn­ ers; at not less than 16 cents an hour River Gas Company (Applicant), a Dela­ 1. Make such other changes as may for the first 1040 hours^iot less than 21 ware corporation having its principal be necessary to make the entire market­ cents an hour for the second 1040 hours* place of business in the State of Texas, ing agreement and order conform with not less than 26 cents an hour for the for a certificate of public convenience any amendments thereto that may result third 1040 hours. and necessity pursuant to section 7 of the from this hearing. b. Type setters; 3 learners; at not less Natural Gas Act, as amended, authoriz­ than 16 cents an hour for the first 690 ing the construction and operation of Copies of this notice of hearing and hours, not less than 21 cents an hour for certain additional facilities to its exist­ of the tentatively approved marketing the second 690 hours, not less than 26 ing natural gas transmission pipe line agreement and order,'now in effect, may cents an hour for the third 690 hours; system as hereinafter described. be procured from the Hearing Clerk, c. Pressmen; 3 learners; at not less The facilities for which a certificate is Office of the Solicitor, United States De­ than 16 cents an hour for the first 480 sought will, be located at the site of Appli­ partment of Agriculture, Room 1331 hours, not less than 21 cents an hour for cant’s Biyins Compressor Station in FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July IS, 1946 7723

southern Moore County, Texas, and will visional rules of practice and regulations OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION. constitute additions to, and integral under the Natural Gas Act. parts of Applicant's existing main trans­ Regional and District Office Orders. mission pipe line system, and are the [ seal] L e o n M. F u q u a y , Secretary. [Region VII Rev. Order G-12 Under RMPR following: 251, Amdt. 1] 1. One additional 600 H. P. gas engine (P. R. Doc. 46-12079; Filed, July 12, 1946; driven natural gas compressor, including 11:52 a. m.J P lu m bing S ervices and S ales of I n ­ foundation, water circulating system, stalled P lu m bing M aterials and etc. E q u ipm en t i n N e w M exico 2. A solid adsorption type natural-gas Revised Order No. G-12 under Revised dehydration plant (to replace the present INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMIS­ Maximum Price Regulation No. 251, liquid adsorption plant). SION. Construction services and sales of in­ 3. Revamp gasoline plant by installing: stalled building materials. Docket No. Three absorber columns 6' 0" diameter x [S. O. 545] 7-251-9-16 Rev. 4' 0" long capable of handling 450# to U nloading op V arious C om m odities at For the reasons set forth in an opinion 500# pressure; new gasoline still, to­ S t . Lo u is, M o . issued simultaneously herewith and filed gether with necessary gasoline condens­ with the Division of the Federal Register, ing and oil circulating system, including At a session of the Interstate Com­ and pursuant to the authority vested in pumps, valves and fittings; necessary ad­ merce Commission, Division 3, held at the Regional Administrator of Region ditions to present boiler house and pump its office in Washington, D, C., on the 11th VII of the Office of Price Administra­ house including one boiler and setting, day of July A. D. 1946. tion by section 9 of Revised Maximum one cooling tower unit, and other neces­ It appearing that numerous cars con­ Price Regulation No. 251, Revised Order sary pressure vessels, pipe valves, fittings taining various commodities at St. Louis, No. G-12 under Revised Maximum Price and electrical wiring, etc., in connection Missouri, on the Terminal Railroad As­ Regulation No. 251, Maximum Prices for with rearranging present equipment. sociation of St. Louis, have been on hand Plumbing Services and Sales of Installed 4. Install approximately 2000 feet of for an unreasonable length of time and Plumbing Materials and Equipment in 24" discharge piping to replace present that the delay in unloading said cars is the State of New Mexico, is hereby 22" and 16" discharge piping. amended in the following respects: The proposed additions to facilities at impeding their use; in the opinion of the Applicant’s Bivins Compressor Station Commission an emergency exists requir­ 1. Strike all of section 4 I (3) and and Gasoline Plant are asserted to be ing immediate action; it is ordered, that: insert in lieu thereof the following: required for the following reasons: The Cars at St. Louis, Mo., on TJRR.A. of (3) Overtime. When work is per­ Bivins Compressor Station is the initial St.L. be unloaded, (a) The Terminal formed at the purchaser’s request be­ station on the main transmission pipe Railroad Association of St. Louis, its tween 5:00 p. m. and 8:00 a. m. of any line of Canadian River Gas Company. It agents or employees, shall unload forth­ day from Monday to Friday, both inclu­ is vital to the continued operation of the with the following cars, containing vari­ sive, or at any time on Saturdays, Sun­ piptf line and is not a peak-load station. ous commodities, on hand at St. Louis, days or legal holidays, the maximum The proposed additions are for the pur­ Mo., consigned to Majestic Manufactur­ labor charge per hour for work during pose of supplying a definite expected in­ ing Company: such hours or days may not be in excess creased demand on Applicant’s Denver of 150% of the straight time rate au­ line during the 1946-47 winter season. In itia l and N o.: Contents thorized in this order. No additional' customers are expected NYC. 195112____ ste e l EJE, 6405______Do. This Amendment No. 1 to Revised Or­ to be served by Applicant as a result of PLE, 30944______Wool der No. G-12 shall become effective June the installation of the proposed facilities N&H, 31864...... i______S teel 21, 1946. covered in this application. The sole PRR, 79826______Wool Issued this 26th day of . stated^purpose is to make certain that (b) Notice and expiration. Said car­ deliveries to Colorado Interstate Gas rier shall notify V. C. Clinger, Director, Arthur S . B rodhead, Company may be maintained on peak Bureau of Service, Interstate Commerce Regional Administrator. days. Commission, Washington, D. C.p when it IF. R. Doc. 46-12023; Filed, July 11, 1946; Applicant estimates that total cost of has completed the unloading required by 11:03 a. m.] all the proposed facilities will be $554,- paragraph (a) hereof, and such notice 397.00. shall specify when, where and by whom Applicant states that the proposed such unloading was performed. Upon L is t o f C o m m u n it y C eiling P rice O rders construction will be financed entirely by receipt of that notice this order shall The following orders under Revised Applicant under the terms of a contract expire. (40 Stat. 101, sec. 402 ; 41 Stat. with Colorado Interstate Gas Company, General Order 51 were filed with the 476, sec. 4; 54 Stat. 901, 911; 49 U.S.C. 1 Division of the Federal Register , an affiliate, dated January 3, 1928. (10)-(17), 15 (2)) 1946. Any interested State Commission is It is further ordered, that this order Region I requested to notify the Federal Power shall become effective immediately; that Commission whether the application a copy of this order and direction shall Augusta Order 3-F, Amendment 59, should be considered under the coopera­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in be served upon the Terminal Railroad Portland, South Portland and West­ tive provisions of Part 67 of the pro­ Association of St. Louis and upon the brook. Filed 2:54 p. m. visional rules of practice and regulations Association of American Railroads, Car Augusta Order 5-F, Amendment 58, under the Natural Gas Act, as amended, Service Division, as agent of the railroads covering fresh fruits and vegetables in and, if so, to advise the Federal Power subscribing to the car service and per Bangor and Brewer. Filed 2:54 p. m. Commission as to the nature of its inter­ diem agreement under the terms of that Augusta Orders 19 and 2-W, Amend­ est in the matter and whether it desires agreement; and that notice of this order ments 13 and 12, covering dry groceries. a conference, the creation of a board, be given to the general public by deposit­ Filed 2:56 p. m. or a joint or concurrent hearing, to­ ing a copy in the office of the Secretary Concord Orders 17 and 4-W, Amend­ gether with the reasons for such request. of the Commission, at Washington, D. C., ment 10, covering dry groceries in the Any person desiring to be heard or to and by filing it with the Director, Division State of New Hampshire. Filed 2:56 uiake any protest with reference to the of the Federal Register. p. m. application of Canadian River Gas Com­ New England Order 7-F, Amendment By the Commission, Division 3. 62, covering fresh fruits and vegetables pany should file with the Federal Power in the area. Filed 2:54 p. m.’ Commission, Washington 25, D. C. not [ seal] W . P . B artel, Secretary, New England Order 8-F, Amendment later than fifteen days from the date of 58, covering fresh fruits and vegetables this publication, a petition or protest in IF. R. Doc. 46-12075; Filed, July 12, 1946; in certain areas in Massachusetts. Filed accordance with the Commission’s pro­ 11:33 a. m.] 2:54 p. m. 7724 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July IS, 1946

New England Order 9-F, Amendment Louisville Order 12-F, Amendment 76, certain counties in . Filed 2:49 59, covering fresh fruits and vegetables covering fresh fruits and vegetables in p. m. Jefferson county, Kentucky and Clark Order 20-F, Amendment 10, in certain areas in Massachusetts. Filed covering fresh fruits and vegetables in 2:55 p. m. and Floyd counties, Indiana. Filed 2:59 New England Order 10-F, Amendment p. m r certain counties in Georgia. Filed 2:49 57, covering fresh fruits and vegetables Louisville Order 18-F, Amendment 36, p. m. in certain areas in Massachusetts. Filed covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Atlanta Order 13-0, Amendment 12, 2:55 p. m. certain counties in Kentucky. Filed 2:59 covering eggs in Chatham county, Geor­ New England Order 11-F, Amendment p. m. gia. Filed 2:50 p. m. 58, covering fresh fruits and vegetables Louisville Order 17-F, Amendment 42, Atlanta Order 22-0, Amendment 14, in certain areas in Massachusetts. Filed covering fresh fruits and vegetables in covering eggs in the Atlanta-Decatur 2:55 p. m. certain counties in Kentucky. Filed 2:59 Metropolitan Trade area. Filed 2:50 New England Order 13-F, Amendment p. m. p. m. 39, covering fresh fruits and vegetables Louisville Order 19-F, Amendment 36, Atlanta Orders 7-W and 38, Amend­ in the Brockton area. Filed 2:55 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in ment 9, covering dry groceries in the At­ New England Order 14-F, Amendment certain counties in Kentucky. Filed 2:57 lanta area. Filed 2:49 and 2:50 p. m. 20, covering fresh fruits and vegetables p. m. Atlanta Orders 8-W and 40, Amend­ in cities and towns of Barnstable county, Louisville Order 28-F, Amendment 16, ment 8, covering dry groceries in the Massachusetts. Filed 2:55 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Savannah area. Filed 2:50 and 2:49 certain counties in Kentucky. Filed 2:57 p.m. Region II p. m. Atlanta Order 39,’Amendment 5, cov­ Baltimore Order 11-F, Amendment 22, Louisville Order 31-F, Amendment 6, ering dry groceries in the Atlanta area. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Filed 2:49 p. m. certain counties in Kentucky. Filed 2:57 Atlanta Order 41, Amendment 6, cov­ the Baltimore, Maryland area. Filed ering dry groceries in the Savannah 3:01 p. m. p. m. Baltimore Order 12-F, Amendment 22, Louisville Order 32-F, Amendment 6, area. Filed 2:50 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Birmingha'fn Order 5-F, Amendment certain counties in Kentucky. Filed 2:57 37, covering fresh fruits and vegetables the Baltimore, Maryland area. Filed in Jefferson county. Filed 10:42 p. m. 2:53 p. m. p. m. Baltimore Orders 51 and 55, Amend­ Louisville Order 27, Amendment 14, Birmingham Order 26-F, Amendment ments 4 and 3, covering dry groceries covering dry groceries in Jefferson 36, covering fresh fruits and vegetables county, Kentucky and in Clark and Floyd in Mobile county. Filed 10:43 a. m. in the Baltimore, Maryland area. Filed Birmingham Order 27-F, Amendment 2:53 p. m. counties, Indiana. Filed 2:57 p. m. Baltimore Order 18-W, Amendment 3, Louisville Order 32, Amendment 11, 38, covering fresh fruits and vegetables covering dry groceries in the Baltimore, covering dry groceries in certain areas in in Montgomery county. Filed 10:43 a. m. Maryland area. Filed 2:52 p. m. Kentucky. Filed 2:58 p. m. Birmingham Order 28-F, Amendment Baltimore Order 3-B, covering butter Louisville Order 36, Amendment 6, 36, covering fresh fruits and vegetables and cheese in the State of Maryland. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in in Houston county. Filed 10:42 a. m. Filed 2:53 p. m. certain counties in Kentucky. Filed 2:58 Birmingham Order 29-F, Amendment Buffalo Order 6-F, Amendment 22, p. m. 35, covering fresh fruits and vegetables covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Louisville Order 37, Amendment 1, in Dallas county. Filed 10:43 a. m. Rochester, Eastern Rochester, Fajrport covering dry groceries in certain counties and Pittsford, New York. Filed 2:52 in Kentucky. Filed 2:58 p. m. Region VI p. m. Louisville Order 9-W, Amendment 1, Sioux Falls Order 5-F, Amendment 23, Buffalo Order 8-F, Amendment 22, covering dry groceries in certain coun­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in covering fresh fruits and vegetables in ties in Kentucky. Filed 2:58 p. m. the county of Minnehaha, South Dakota. the counties of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Region IV Filed 2:51 p. m. Chautauqua, New-York. Filed 2:52 p. m. Sioux Falls Order 23, Amendment 2, Buffalo Order 9-F, Amendment 18, Atlanta Order 12-F, Amendment' 28, covering dry groceries in certain counties covering fresh fruits and vegetables in covering fresh fruits and vegetables in in Minnesota, Lyon and Osceola counties, certain areas in Nev/ York. Filed 2:52 Atlanta - Decatur Metropolitan Trade p. m. Iowa and all counties in South Dakota. Buffalo Order 10-F, Amendment 14, area. Filed 2:58 p. m. Filed 2:51 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Atlanta Order 13-F, Amendment 28, Sioux Falls Order 24, Amendment 4, certain areas in New York. Filed 2:52 covering fresh fruits and vegetables out­ covering dry groceries in certain counties p. m. side of the Atlanta-Decatur Metropoli­ in South Dakota, Lyon and Osceola New York Order 14-F, Amendment 22, tan Trade area. Filed 2:47 p. m. counties, Iowa and certain counties in covering fresh fruits and vegetables in the Atlanta Order 14-F, Amendment 28, Minnesota. Filed 2:51 p. m. five Boroughs of New York City. Filed covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Sioux Falls Orders 25 and 26, Amend­ 2:57p.m. certain counties in Georgia. Filed 2:48 ment 4, covering dry groceries in certain New York Order 15-F, Amendment 22, p. m. counties in South Dakota, and Lyon and covering fresh fruits and vegetables in ¿Atlanta Order 15-F, Amendment 28, Nassau and Westchester counties, New Osceola counties, Iowa and certain coun­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in ties in Minnesota. Filed 2:51p.m. York. Filed 2:58 p. m. Bibb and Muscogee counties, Georgia and New York Order 16-F, Amendment 22, Sioux Falls Orders 9-W and 10-W, Phenix City, Alabama. Filed 2:49 p. m. Amendments 5 and 4, covering dry gro­ covering fresh fruits and vegetables in Atlanta Order 16-F, Amendment 10, certain counties in New York. Filed 2:59 ceries in certain counties in South Da­ p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in kota, Iowa and Minnesota. Filed 2:51 Scranton Order 5-F, Amendment 23, Chatham and Richmond counties. Filed covering fresh fruits and vegetables in 2:49 p. m. Sioux Falls Order 11-W, Amendment certain counties in Pennsylvania. Filed Atlanta Order 17-F, Amendment 10, 4, covering dry groceries hi certain coun­ 2:59 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in ties in South Dakota. Filed 2:52 p. m. Scranton Order 6-F, Amendment 22, Dougherty and Thomas counties. Filed Copies of any of these orders may be covering fresh fruits and vegetables in 2:47 p.m. obtained from the OPA Office in the des­ certain counties in Pennsylvania. Filed Atlanta Order 18-F, Amendment 10, ignated city. 3:00 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in E rvin H. P ollack, Region III certain areas in Georgia. Filed 2:47 Secretary. Cleveland Order 40, Amendment 4, cov­ p. m. ering dry groceries in all counties in the Atlanta Order 19-F, Amendment 11, [F. R. Doc. 46-12073; Filed, July 12, 1946; Cleveland, Ohio area. Filed 2:59 p. m. covering fresh fruits and vegetables in 11:00 a. m.] FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 7725

[Region II Rev. Order G-3 Under RMPR 122, On “yard sales” of Pennsylvania An­ Amdt. 9] Per 100 thracite to persons other than resellers, lbs. for Per 10 S olid F u els in N e w Y ork Cit y sales of lbs. for you may add 100 per net ton on the sizes Size Y ton 100 lbs. sales of specified in the schedule of prices for For the reasons set forth in an opinion or more less than % but less “yard sales”. issued simultaneously herewith, and than Y 100 lbs. under the authority vested in the Re­ ton 7. Paragraph (g) (1) (i) is amended gional Administrator of the Office of to read as follows: Broken, egg, stove, n u t.... $8.70 $1.07 $0.112 Price Administration by §§ 1340.259 Pea...... 7.70 .96 .101 (1) Delivered sales (E aster n 5.85 Queens)— (i) Sales made on a “delivered (a) (1) and 1340.260 of Revised Maxi­ 5.30 mum Price Regulation No. 122, Revised 4.65 to storage” basis. Order No. G-3 is amended in the follow­ Discounts and service charges remain the ing respects: ' Per Per 100 Per sam e. net lbs. for 10 lbs. 1. Paragraph (d) (1) (i) is amended to ton for sales of for 4. Paragraph (e) (2) is amended to Size sales of Y ton 100 lbs. sales read as follows: read as follows: more or more of less than but less than (1) Delivered sales (Manhattan and (2) Yard sales. Y ton than .Y 100 Western Bronx)—(i) Sales on a “side­ ton lbs. walk delivery” basis. Per 100 Broken, egg, stove, n u t... $16.85 $8.70 $1.07 $0.112 Per net lbs. for Per 10 Pea...... 15.00 7.75 .96 .101 ton for sales of lbs. for Buckwheat...... 11.70 6.10 Per net Per 100 Size sales of 100 lbs. sales of Rescreened...... 11.95 6.25 ton for lbs. for Per 10 Y ton or more, less Rice...... 10.65 6.60 Per net sales*of sales of lbs. for or more but less than Rescreened...... 10.90. 5.70 ton for 100 lbs. sales of than Y 100 lbs. Barley...... 9.30 4.90 Size sales of less than H ton 5 tons 5 tons, ton or more, less or more but more but less than than Y than Y 100 lbs. Broken, egg, stove, nut...... $13.80 $0.97 $0.102 Discounts and service charges remain the ton ton 11.70 .86 .091 sam e. 9.20 Broken, egg, 8.15 8. Paragraph (g) (2) is amended to stove, nut.. $16.15 $16.40 $8.45 $1.07 $0.112 6.50 read as follows: . Pea...... t 14.15 14.40 7.45 .96 .101 Buckwheat- 10; 90 11.15 5.85 9.85 10.10 5.30 On “yard sales” of Pennsylvania An­ (2) Yard sales. 8.50 8.75 4.65 thracite to persons other than resellers, you may add 100 per net ton on the sizes Per 100 Discounts and service charges remain the specified in the schedule of prices for Per net lbs. for Per 10 ton for sales of lbs. for same. “yard sales”. 100 lbs. sales of Size sales çf or more, less 5. Paragraph (f) (1) (i) is amended Y ton but less than 2. Paragraph (d) (2) is amended to to read as follows: or more than Y 100 lbs. ton read as follow's: (1) Delivered sales (Brooklyn and ( (2) Yard sales. Western Queens)—(i) Sales made on a Broken, egg, stove, nut...... *14.30 $0.97 $0.102 “delivered to storage” basis. 12.45 : 86 .091 9.45 Per 100 Rice...... 8.40 lbs. for Per 10 7.05 Per net Per Per 100 Per ton for sales of lbs. for lbs. for 101b. 100 lbs. sales of net sales of for Size sales of or more, less ton for Y ton Size sales of Y ton 100 lbs. sales On “yard sales” of Pennsylvania An­ or more but less than or more of less than Y 100 lbs. more but less than thracite to persons other than resellers, ton than than Y 100 Y ton ton lbs. you may add 1Q0 per net ton on the sizes Broken, egg, stove, nut...... $13.80 $0.97 $0.102 specified in the schedule of prices for Pea...... 11.70 .86 .091 Broken, egg, stove, n u t... $16.60 $8.55 $1.07 $0.112 “yard sales”. 8.95 14.75 7.65 .96 .101 7.90 10.95 5.75 This Amendment No. 9 to Revised Barley...... 6.50 11.45 6.00 9.75 5.15 Order No. G-3 shall become effective 10.25 5.40 June 25, 1946. 8.40 4. 45 On “yard sales” of Pennsylvania An­ (56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law thracite to persons other than resellers, Discounts and service charges remain the 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; you may add 100 per net ton on the sizes sam e. E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) specified in the schedule of prices for 6. Paragraph (f) (2) is amended to Issued this 25th day of June 1946. “yard sales.” read as follows: J ames L. M eader, 3. Paragraph (e) (1) (i) is amended to (2) Yard sales (Brooklyn and Western Regional Administrator. read as follows: Queens). [F. R. Doc. 46-12018; Filed, July 11, 1916; (1) Delivered sales {Eastern Bronx) — 11:02 a. mi.] (i) Sales on a “sidewalk delivery” basis. At yards, etc. re­ At yards, Per 100 ceiving etc. re­ lbs. for other ceiving sales of Per 10 Per net than via via water, lbs. for [Region II 2d Rev. Order G-15 Under RMPR Per net water, per net 100 lbs. sales of Per net ton for ton for Size or more, 122, Amdt. 3] ton for sales of per net ton for but less less than sales sales of more than ton for sales of 100 lbs. Size 3 tons or sales of ton or than Y S olid F u e ls in B altimore, and B alti­ of 5 more, but Yton Y ton tons or but less Y ton or more more and A n n e A rundel C o u n t ie s, more less than than 3 more 5 tons tons M d. Broken egg, For the resaons set forth in an opiniop Broken, egg, stove, nut... $16.15 $16.60* $16.85 stove, nut. $14.05 $13.80 $0.97 $0.102 issued simultaneously herewith and un­ Pea____ 14.15 14.60 14.85 12.20 11.95 .86 .091 Buckwheat__ 10.90 11.15 ir.15 Buckwheat.. 9.20 8.95 der the authority vested in the Regional Rice__ 9.85 10.10 10.10 8.15 7.90 6.75 6.50 Administrator of the Office of Price Ad­ Barley...... 8.50 8. 75 8.75 ministration by §§ 1340.260 and 1340.2C9 7726 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 194S (a) (1) of Revised Maximum Price Reg­ (1) Sales at dealer’s yard to consum* This Amendment No. 3 to Second Re­ ulation No. 122, Second Revised Order ers. vised Order No. G-15 shall become ef­ No. G-15 is amended in the following fective as to bituminous as of June 21, respects: Per net Per 100 lbs. 1946, and as to Pennsylvania Anthracite ton for for sales of as of June 25; 1946. 1. Paragraph (d) Is amended by revis-i Kind and size of coal * sales of 100 lbs. or H ton or more, but (56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law ing the schedule on prices for Pennsyl­ more less than H ton 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; vania Anthracite and Bituminous to read E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) as follows: Pennsylvania anthracite: Broken, egg, stove, n u t_____ (15.60 (0.92 Issued this 26th day of June 1946. (d) Schedule 1—Sales on a “direct-de­ P ea.______13.65 .81 livery” basis. For sales of coal of the Buckwheat __ 11.65 .75 J ames L . M eader, Rice______I— 10.70 .70 Regional Administrator. kinds and sizes, and in the quantities Barley______9.15 specified. Screenings______4.10 [F. R. Doc. 46-12019; Filed, July 11, 1946; Bituminous coal from under­ 11:02 a. pa.] ground mines—District 1 (low volatile): Per 100 lbs. 9.47 for sales of Stoker pea...... 10.22 .60 [Region II 2d Rev. Order G-18 Under RMPR Per net Per net 100 lbs. or 9.52 .65 122, Arndt. 2] Kind and size of coal ton }4 ton more but Egg and lump...... - 10.27 .60 less than Dealer rescreened egg______11.17 .65 S olid F uels i n R ochester, N. Y„ and }4 ton District 1 (high volatile): Run- M onroe C o u n t y , 8.82 N. Y. District n , HI and VI (high Pennsylvania anthracite: volatile): For the reasons set forth in an opinion Broken, egg, stove, nut (16.50 (8.75 (0.97 8.68 issued simultaneously herewith and un­ Pea______14.65 7.85 .86 Stoker (special) Sewell Seam, der the authority vested in the Regional Buckwheat______... 12.55 6.80 .80 classification “A”...... 9.18 .55 Bice______11.70 6.35 .75 Stoker (double screened) bot­ Administrator of the Office of Price Ad­ Barley______10.15 5.60 tom size over Y\" and nut ministration by §§ 1340.260 and 1340.259 Screenings...... 5.10 and slack, top size over 2"_ 8.48 .55 Bituminous coal from Egg and lump-Sewell seam, (a) (1) of Revised Maximum Price Reg­ underground mines classification “A” ______9.93 .60 ulation No. 122, Second Revised Order District 1 Gow vola­ Egg and lump-Exeept Sewell tile): seam, classification “A” ...... 8.98 .55 No. G-18 is amended in the following Run-of-mine------10.47 5.75 Golden Ridge coal, mine index respects: Stoker pea...... 11.22 a io .65 No. 65 (provided that it is Nut and slack______10.52 5.75 .60 kept separate in storage and 1. Paragraphs (d) (1), (d) (2) and Egg and lump...... 11.27 a 15 .65 delivery and sold and in­ Dealer rescreened egg—. 12.17 6.60 .70 voiced as “Golden Ridge (d) (3) are amended by revising the District 1 (high volatile): bituminous coal”): schedule on prices for anthracite to read Bun-of-mine.______0.82 5.40 Egg and lump______10.08 .60 as follows: Districts II, IH, and VI Stoker (special)______9.48 .55 ¿high volatile): Stoker (double screened) bot­ Run-of-mine—______0.68 5.35 tom size over ana nut (1) Sales on a “direct-delivery” basis. Stoker (special) Sewell and slack, top size over 2".— 8.78 - .55 For sales of anthracite of the sizes and eeam classification Bergoo No. 2 coal mine index in the quantities specified. “A”_ ...... 10.18 5.60 .60 No. 16 (provided that it is Stoker (double kept separate in storage and screened) bottom size delivery and sold and in­ Per 100 lbs. over %" and nut and voiced as “Bergoo No. 2 for sales of slack, top size over 2"•fi h 0.48 5.25 .60 bituminous coal”): Per net T er net 100 lbs. or Egg and lump-SewellIV r Stoker (special)______9.33 .55 Size ton H ton more but seam, classification Stoker (double screened) bot­ less than “A”...... 10.93 5.95 ,65 tom size over. and nut 14 ton Egg and lump—except and slack, top size over 2".— 8.63 .55 Sewell seam—classifi­ District VII (low volatile): cation “A ".—______0.08 6.50 ; .60 Domestic run-of-mine______10.93 .65 Broken, egg, stove, nut__ $17.10 $8.85 $0.97 Golden Ridge coai, Mine Stoker and pea______10.18 .60 Pea...... ■14.75 7.70 ,86 Index No. 65—Sewell, Stove______11.73 .65 Buckwheat______„. 11.50 6.05 .75 seam—All price clas- i Egg and lump______11.98 .70 Rice-...... 10.05 5.35 sifi cation “A" (pro- J District VIII (high volatile): Barley...... 9.00 4.80 vided that it Is kept1 Egg...... 9.21 .60 Screenings...... 5.70 2.85 separate in storage and delivery and sold , and invoiced as Disoounts remain unchanged. Discounts and service charges remain the “Golden Ridge bitu­ sam e. minous coal”): (2) Sales at dealer’s yard to other Egg and lump...... 11.08 «. 05 .65 dealers for resale. (2) “Yard sales”. For sales of anthra­ Stoker (special)______10.48 5.75 .60 Stoker (double screened) Kind and size of coal Maximum price cite of the sizes and in the quantities bottom size over Pennsylvania anthracite: per net ton specified to dealers and to consumers. and nut and slack, top size over 2"_____i 0.78 5.40 .60 Broken, egg, stove, nut------$13)65 Bergoo No. 2 coal.Mine P e a _____s______- 11.75 Per net ton, for Index No. 16—Sewell' Buckw heat______8. 75 sales of Yi ton Per 100 lbs. for sales of seam, all price classi­ R ic e ______7.65 or more to— fication “A” (pro­ Size 100 lbs. or vided that it is kept B arley______6.40 more but separate in storage Bituminous coal (from underground Deal­ Con­ less than and delivered and m in e s): ers for sum­ ton sold and invoiced as resale ers “Bergoo No. 2 bitu­ Run-of-mine (district 1, low vola­ minous coal”) stoker. tile) ______7.42 (special)...... — 10.33 5.65 .60 Egg (district 2, high volatile)_____ 7.16 Broken, egg, stove, n u t... $13.85 $15.50 $0.87 Stoker (double screened) Egg (district 3, high volatile)______7.18 11.55 13.15 ... - .76 bottom size over %" I Buckwheat...... 9.15 10.35 .65 and nut and slack, Nut (district 3, high volatile)______7.08 8.05 9.25 top size over 2"_____ 0.63 5.30 .60 Golden Ridge Coal, mine index No. 65 6.70 District VII (low volatile): (district 3) (provided that it is 3.60 Domestic run-of-mine__ 11.93 6.45 .70 kept separate in storage and de­ Stoker and pea____ ...j 11.18 6.10 .455 Stove...... j 12.73 6.85 .70 livery and sold and invoiced as Discounts remain the same. Egg and lum p...___ 12.98 7.00 .75 “Golden Ridge bituminous District VIU (nigh vola­ coal”) : (3) “Sales of bagged coal” (Maximum tile) : Egg------. 7.33 prices per bag). Egg...... 10.21 5.60 .65 N u t ______7.38 [Maximum prices per 50-lb. paper bag] Bergoo No. 2 coal, mine index No. 16 (district No. 3) (provided that it is Discounts and service charges remain un­ Sales to kept separate in storage and deliv­ Delivered Delivered changed. ultimate ery and sold and invoiced as “Ber­ Size , at deal­ to retail consum­ er’s yard stores 2. Paragraphs (e) (1) and (e) (2) are goo No. 2 bituminous coal”) : Nut_ 7.23 ers amended by revising the schedules on District VII (low volatile): Egg------9. 73 N ut...... $0.53 $0. 58 $0.63 prices for Pennsylvania Anthracite and S to v e ______._ 9. 88 Pea...... 47 .52 .57 Bituminous to read as follows: Pea______8. 28 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 7727

[Maximum prices per 17-lb. paper bags] 3. Paragraph (d) is amended by de­ . (b) The increases specified in sub- leting the undesignated subparagraph paragraph (a) (1) may be added by sell­ Delivered at / immediately after subparagraph 3. ers subject to: dealers’ yards Sales to Deliv­ 4. Paragraph (e) is amended by delet­ Order: Area covered to— ered to ulti­ • Size retail mate ing the undesignated subparagraph im­ G -4______Kellogg, Idaho. con­ G—8______Elko, Nev. Deal­ Con­ stores sumers mediately after subparagraph 4. ers sumers G -6______Sacramento, Calif. This Amendment No. 2 to Second Re­ G -10_____ Pendleton and LaGrande, Oreg. vised Order No. G-18 shall become effec­ $0.182 $0.202 $0.202 $0. 222 tive as to bituminous as of June 21, 1946 (c) The increases specified in sub- and as to Pennsylvania Anthracite as of paragraph (a) (2) may be added by sellers subject to: 2. Paragraphs (e) (1) and (e) (2) are June 25, 1946. Order: Area covered amended by revising the schedule on (56 Stat. 23, 765, 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law G -2...... Seattle, Wash. prices for Bituminous to read as follows: 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R.-7871; G -7______Tacoma, Wash. E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) (1) Sales on a “direct-delivery” basis. . (d) The increases specified in sub- For sales of underground mine bitumi­ Issued this 26th day of June 1946. paragraph (a) (3) may be added by sell­ nous coal of the kinds, sizes and quan­ J ames L. M eader, ers subject to G-9, Designated Areas in tities specified. Regional Administrator. the State of Washington. Per Kind and size of bituminous coal net ton [F. R. Doc. 46-12020; •Filed, July 11, 1946; This order shall become effective June High volatile bituminous coal from 11:02 a. m.] 21, 1946. district No. 2: Issued this 27th day of June 1946. Lump, egg, nut and stoker (except B e n C. D u n iw a y , “Castle Shannon” coal, miñe in­ [Region VIII Order G-13 Under RMPR 122] dex, No. 224)______$8.11 Regional Administrator. Nut and slack (except “Castle Shan­ S olid F uels in S an F rancisco R egion [F. R. Doc. 46-12024; Filed, July 11, 1946; non” coal, mine index No. 24)____ 8.01 11:03 a. m.] Slack______7.81 For the reasons set forth in an opinion “Castle Shannon” coal, mine index issued simultaneously herewith and un­ No. 224 lump, egg, nut and stoker- 8.36 der the authority vested in the Regional [Region II Rev. Order G-41 Under RMPR 122, Nut and slack______8. 26 Administrator of Region VIII of the Of­ Arndt. 3] High volatile bituminous coal from fice of Price Administration by § 1340.260 S olid F uels in M aryland district Nos. 1, 3, or 4: of Revised Maximum Price Regulation Lump, egg, n u t and stoker------8.06 No. 122, as amended, It is hereby or­ For the reasons set forth in an opinion Nut and slack___* ______7. 96 dered: issued simultaneously herewith and un­ Slack______7. 76 (a) (1) To the maximum prices estab­ der the authority vested in the Regional Low volatile bituminous coal from dis­ lished by the area orders listed in para­ Administrator of the Office of Price Ad­ trict No. 1—Pennsylvania: ministration by §§ 1340.260 and 1340.259 All lump, all double screened coal graph (b) below, the following increases with top sizes over 2” and coal may be added on all sales and deliveries (a) (1) of Revised Maximum Price Reg- customarily sold as Run-of- made pursuant to these orders of coals ugation No. 122, Revised Order No. G-41 Mine produced in the.specified districts: is amended in the following.respects: 1. Coal in price classification “A”_ 9. 57 1. Paragraphs (d) (1) and (d) (2) are 2. Coal in price classification “B” Per ton H ton 100-lb. amended by revising the schedule on through “E” inclusive______8. 77 sack prices for Pennsylvania Anthracite and Where deliveries are requested in quanti­ Bituminous to read as follows: ties of less than two tons, the foregoing Cents Cents Cents 21 11 1 (1) Sales on a “direct-delivery” basis. prices, for the kinds and sizes of coal in­ 18 9 1 cluded in-such deliveries, may be increased 86 43 4 For sales of coal of the kinds and sizes, by 50tf per net ton. and in the quantities specified. Service charges remain the same. (2) To the maximum prices estab­ Per 100 lbs. (2) “Yard, sales”. For sales uf under­ lished by the area orders listed in para­ for sales of ground .mine bituminous coal of the graph (e) below, the following increases Per net Per net 100 lbs. or Kind and size of coal ton ■ Y ton more but kinds, sizes and quantities specified to may be added on all sales and deliveries lëss than dealers and to consumers. made pursuant to those orders of coals Y ton produced in the specified districts; (in­ creases in prices for coals produced in Pennsylvania anthracite: Sales to Sales to other districts will be provided by Broken, egg, stove, nut. $16. 75 $8.65 $0.97 dealers consum­ Pea...... 14.65 7.60 .86 Kind and size of bituminous coal (per net ers (per amendment to the order when the neces­ Buckwheat—...... 12.55 6.55 .80 sold ton, for net ton, sary data has been compiled): Rice...... 11.35 5.95 sales of for'sales Barley...... 10.00 5.25 y¡ ton or of H ton 5.60 2.80 more) or more) 100-lb. Bituminous coal (from Per ton Yt ton sack underground mines) low volatile—produc­ High volatile bituminous coal ing district 1: from district No. 2: Cents Cents Lump or egg (size group Lump, egg, nut and stoker (ex­ $1.09 55 50 L price classification cept “Castle Shannon” coal, .25 13 1 D an d E )...... 11.32 5.90 .70 mine index No. 224)...... 7.41 .25 83 1 Nut and slack (size Nut and slack (except “Castle District 22, Montana______.25 13 1 group 4, price classi­ Shannon” coal, mine index fication G)...... 9.37 4.95 .60 No. 224)...... 7.31 Run-of-mine (size Slack____ r ...... 7.11 group 3, price classi­ “Castle Shannon” coal, mine (3) To the maximum prices estab­ fication E and G)___ 10.02 5.25 .65 index No. 224: lished by this area order listed in para­ Producing district 2: Lump, egg, nut and stoker..., 7.66 Run-of-mine (size Nut and slack______7.56 graph (d) below, the following increases group 6, price classi­ High volatile bituminous coal may be added on all sales and deliveries fication D )______9.81 5.15 • 65 from district Nos. 1, 3, or 4: made pursuant to those orders of coal Producing district 3: Lump, egg, nut and stoker...... 7.36 Lump (size grouf) 3, Nut and slack______— 7.26 produced in the specified district: price classification Slack...... — “DE”)...... 9.33 4.90 .60 Low volatile bituminous coal from Stoker (size group 5, district No. 1—Pennsylvania: 100-lb. price classification E). 9.18 4.85 .60 All lump, all double screened Per ton H ton sack coal with top sizes over 2" and coal customarily sold as Discounts and service charges remain un­ run-of-mine: Cents Cents changed. 1. Coal in price classification District 23, Washington...... $1.09 55 5 “A”...... i_.___ . 8.47 8.87 District 19, Wyoming______.40 20 2 (2) “Yard sales”. For sales of coal of 2. Coal in price classification District 2Ö, Utah______.40 20 2 “B” through “E” inclusive 7.67 8.07 District 22, Montana______.40 20 2 the kinds and sizes, and in the quantities specified. 7728 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 3. Paragraphs (f) (1) and (f) (2) are Per net Per 100 lbs. amended by revising the schedules on Per 100 lbs. ton for for sales of % (for sales of Kind and size of eoal sales of 100 lbs. or prices for Pennsylvania Anthracite and Kind and size of coal Per net Per net 100 lbs. or Y ton or more, but Bituminous to read as follows: ton Y ton more but more less than leafe than Y ton (1) Sales on a “direct-delivery” basis. Yt ton) For sales of coal of the kinds and sizes, Pennsylvania anthracite: and in the quantities specified. Pennsylvania anthracite: Broken, egg, stove, n u t...... $15.66 $0.87 Broken, egg, stove, nut- $16.10 $8.30 $0.92 Pea...... 13.55 .76 Pea.______13.95 7.25 .86 Buckwheat..______11.45 .70 Buckwheat...... 11.80 6.15 .75 10-25 Per 100 lbs. Rice...... 10.80 5.65 8.90 for sales of Barley______9.20 4.85 4.50 Kind and size of coal Per net Per net 100 lbs. or Screenings...... 5.10 2. 55 Bituminous coal (from under­ ton Y ton more but Bituminous coal (from ground mines—low volatile, less than underground mines)— producing district 1): Y ton low volatile—Produc­ Lump or egg (size group 1, ing district 1: prioe classification D and E ). 10.22 .60 Lump (size group 1, Nut and slack (size group 4, Pennsylvania anthracite: prioe classification D price classification G)_____ 3.27 .50 Broken, egg, stove, nut. $15.70 $8.10 $0.92 and E)...... 10.17 5.35 .65 Rim-of-mine (size group 3, P e a _____j...... 13. 75 7.15 .81 Double screened coal 2" price classification E and G). 8.92 .55 Buckwheat______11.40 5.95 .75 and smaller (size Producing district 2: Run-of- 10.20 5.35 group 2, price classi­ mine (size group 6, price classi­ 8:60 4.55 fication E and F)...... 9.82 5.15 .60 fication D )...... 8.71 .55 5.10 2.55 Run-of-mine (size Producing district 3: Bituminous coal (from group 3, price classi­ Lump (size group 3, price clas­ underground mines) fication E and F)...... 9.82 5.15 .60 sification “DE”)______... 8.23 .50 low volatile, produc­ Producing district 7: Stoker (size group 5, price clas­ ing district 1: Stove (size group 3, sification E )...... 8.08 .50 Lump (size group 1, price classification A). 11.68 6.10 .70 price dassification A, Pea (size group 5, price C, D, E, G, andH ).. 9.67 5.10 .60 classification A)____ 10.13 5.30 . .65 Discounts remain unchanged. Run-of-mine (size group 3, price classification D am dE ). ______9.32 4.90 .60 Discounts and service charges remain un­ 2. Paragraphs (e) (1) and (e) (2) are Producing district 3: amended by revising the schedules on Lump (size group 1, changed. price dassification G). 8.93 4.25 .65 prices for Pennsylvania Anthracite and Producing district 7: (2) “Yard sales”. For sales of coal of Bituminous to read as follows: Egg (size group 2, price the kinds and sizes, and in the quanti­ dassification D )____ 11.53 6.00 .70 ties specified. (1) Sales on a “direct-delivery” basis. Stove (size group 3, price For sales of coal of the kinds and sizes, dassification A)____ 11.73 6.10 .70 Stove (size group 3, prioe Per 100 lbs. and in the quantities specified. classification O and Per net for sales of D)------, ------11.23 5.85 . .70 ton for 100 lbs. or Nut (size group 4, price Kind and size of coal sales of more, but Per 100 lbs. dassification A)____ 11.43 5.95 .70 Y ton or less than for sales of Pea (size group 5, price more Y ton Per net Fernet 100 lbs. or ~ classification A)____ 10.48 5.50 .65 Kind and size of coal . ton Y ton more but less than Pennsylvania anthracite: Yt ton Discounts and service charges remain un­ Broken, egg, stove, nut_____ $15.00 $0.82 changed. Pea...... 12.85 .76 Buckwheat______, 10.70 .65 Pennsylvania anthracite: Rice 9.70 Broken, egg, stove, nut. $16.20 $8.35 $0.97 <2) “Yard sales”. For sales of coal Barley..______8.10 Pea...... 14.25 7.40 .86 of the kinds and sizes, and in the quanti­ Screenings...... 4.00 Buckwheat______11.95 6.25 .75 Bituminous coal (from under­ 10.75 5.65 ties specified. ground mines) low volatile, ■ 9.15 4.85 producing district 1: Screenings...... 5.60 2.80 Lump (size group 1, price Bituminous coal (from Per net Per 000 Ihs. dassification D and E)____ 9.07 ■ .55 underground mines) ton for for sales of Double screened coal 2" and low volatile, produc­ Kind and size of coal sales of 100 lbs. or smaller (size group 2, price ing district 1: Y ton or more, but classification E and F )____ 8.72 i 1 .50 Lump (size group 1, more less than priee dassification D Yt ton Run-of-jffine (size group 3, and E).__...... 9.82 5.15 .65 price d&ssification E and F). 8.72 .50 Run-of-mine (size group Producing district 7: 3, price classification Pennsylvania anthracite: Stove (size group 3, priee das- E).------10.02. 5.25 .65 $14.60 $0.82 10.58 ■ I .60 Producing district 7: 12.65 .71 Pea (size group 5, price das­ Stove' (size group 3, 10.30 .65 sification A)__ . . i ...... 1 9.03 .55 price dassification A 9.10 and D)...... 10.78 5.65 .65 7.50 Discounts remain unchanged. 4.00 Bituminous coal (from under­ Discounts and service charges remain un­ ground mines) low volatile— 5. Paragraphs (h) (1) and (h) (2) are changed. producing district 1: amended by revising the schedules on Lump (size Group 1, price prices for Pennsylvania Anthracite and (2) “Yard sales”. For sales of coal of classification A, C, D, E , G, 8.57 .50 Bituminous to read as follows: the kinds and sizes, and in the quantities Run-of-mine (size group 3, specified. price dassification D and (1) Sales on a “direct-delivery” basis. E)...... 8.22 .50 For sales of coal of the kinds and sizes, Producing district 3: Lump Per net Per 100 lbs. (size group 1, price dassifica- and in the quantities specified. ton for for sales of 6.93 .45 100 lbs. or Prodpcing district 7: Kind and size of coal sales of more, but Per 100 lbs. Y ton or Egg (size group 2, prioe classi- for sales of. less than 10.43 .60 more fon Per net Fernet 100 lbs. or ,Y Stove (size group 3, price clas- Kind.and size of coal more but 10.63 .60 ton Y ton Stove (size group 3, price.clas- less than Pennsylvania anthracite: 10.13 .60 Y ton Broken, egg. stove, nut...... $15.10 $0.87 Nut (size group 4, price clas- Pea______13.15 .76 10.33 ' .60 Buckwheat______10.85 .65 Pennsylvania anthracite: Pea (size group 5, price elassi- $0.92 9.65 ■ 9.38 .55 Broken, egg, stove, nut. $16.05 $8.30 Barley...... * 8.05 Pea...... _...... 14.00 7.25 .86 4.50 Buckwheat...... 11.40 5.95 .75 Bituminous coal (from under­ Discounts remain unchanged. 10.15 5.35 ground mines) low volatile, 8. 55 4. 55 producing district 1: 5.10 2.55 Lump (size group 1, price 4. Paragraphs (g) (1) and (g) (2) areBituminous coal (irom dassification D and E)____ 8.72 .55 amended by revising the schedules on underground mines) Run-of-mine (size group 3, low volatile, produc­ price classification E)...... 8.92 .55 prices for Pennsylvania Anthracite and ing district 1: Producing District 7: Bituminous to read as follows: Lump (size group lx Stove (size group 3, prioe price classification C dassification A and D)____ 9.68 .60 (1) Sales on a “direct-delivery” basis. * and H)...... 11.72 6.10 .70 Run-of-mine (sizé group For sales of coal of the kinds and sizes, 3. price dassification Discounts remain unchanged. and in the quantities specified. E and H )...... 10.32 5.40 .65 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 7729 on prices for Pennsylvania Anthracite (3) “Sales of bagged Pennsylvania Per 100 lbs. for sales of and Bituminous to read as follows: anthracite” (Maximum prices per bag). Per net Per net 100 lbs. or (1) Sales on a'“direct-delivery” basis. [Maximum prices per 50-lb. paper bag] Kind and size of coal ton )4 ton more but less than For sales of solid fuels of the kinds and Yi ton sizes, and in the quantities specified. Delivered at dealers’ yards Deliv­ Sales to High volatile producing to— ered to ulti­ Per 100 lbs. Size retail mate district 2: for sales of con­ Lump 5" x 2" (size Deal­ Con­ stores sumers group 2, price classi- Kind and size of fuel Per.net Per net 100 lbs. or tion E)______$11.06 $5.80 $0.70 ton ton more but ers sumers Lump 6" and larger x less than 1]4" and smaller (size 14 ton group 4, price classi- N ut...... $0.43 $0.48 $0.48 $0.53 tion D)...... 10.11 5.30 .65 ...... 37 .42 .42 .47Pea Producing district 3: Pennsylvania anthracite: Double screened coal Broken, egg, stove, nut. $16.10 $8.30 $0.92 2" and smaller (size 14.25 ' 7.40 .81 [Maximum prices per 20-lb. paper bag] group 5, price classifica­ 11.95 6.25 .70 tion F)...... 10.75 5.65 .65 0.78 5.15 .65 9.40 4.95 Delivered at 5.55 2.80 dealers’ yards Deliv­ Sales to Discounts and service charges remain un­ to— ered to ulti­ Size retail mate changed. Bituminous coal (from underground con­ Deal­ Con­ stores sumers (2) “Yard sales”. For sales of coal mines) from District No. 1—Penn- Per ers sumers of the kinds and sizes, and in the quan­ sylvania : net ton Egg or pea (double screened coal sold tities ¡&>ecified. for dom estic u se --______$11. 07 N ut...... $0.175 $0.195 $0.195 $0.215 Run of mine in price classification Per net Per 100 lbs. “A” ______— 10.22 2. Paragraphs (e) (1) , (e) (2) and (e) for sales of Run of mine in price classification ton for 100 lbs. or (3) are amended by revising the schedule Kind and size of coal sales of more,' but “D” and “ E”______9.67 Yt ton or less than 2" lump in price classification “E”___ 9.87 on prices for Anthracite to read as more H ton Smithing coal______11. 22 follows: High volatile coal from district No. 3 : (1) Sales on a “direct-delivery” basis. Pennsylvania anthracite: 2” nut and slack_,______9.08 Broken, egg, stove, nut...... $14.95 $0.82 Stoker pea (double screened)______9.08 For sales of anthracite of the sizes and Pea...... 12.90 .76 High volatile coal from district No. 8 : in the quantities specified. Buckwheat...... 10.30 .65 Cannel coal—lump______19.41 RiCe_...... 9.05 Barley______7.45 Splint coal—lump sold as fireplace Per 100 lbs. Screenings...... 4.00 c o a l______i ______15.91 for sales of Bituminous coal (from under­ Per net Per net ' 100 lbs. or ground mines) low volatile, Discounts and service charges remain the Size ton )4 ton more but producing district 1: same. less than Lump (size group 1, price )4 ton classification C and H)...... 10.62 .60 (2) “Yard sales”. For sales of Anthra­ Run-of-mine (size group 3, price classification E and H ). 9.22 .55 cite of the sizes and in the quantities Broken, egg, stove, n u t... $16.40 $8.45 $0.97 High volatile, producing dis­ specified to dealers and to consumers. 14.65 7.60 .86 trict 2: 11.75 6.15 .75 Lump 5" x 2" (size group 2, 10.65 5.60 price classification F)__...... 9.96 .60 Por net ton, for 9.30 4.90 Lump 6" and larger x 1H" and sales of Y ton Per 100 lbs. 5.55 2.80 smaller (size group 4, price or more to— for sales of classification £>)...... 9.01 .55 100 lbs. or Producing district 3: Double Kind and size of fuel more' but Discounts and service charges remain the screened coal 2" and smaller Deal­ Con­ less than sam e. (size group 5, price classifica­ ers for sum­ 14 ton tion F)...... 8.68 .55 resale ers (2) “Yard sales”. For sales of an­ thracite of the sizes and in the quantities Discounts remain unchanged. Pennsylvania anthracite: specified. Broken, egg, stove, nut- $14.10 $15.10 $0.82 This Amendment No. 3 to Revised Or­ Pea_...... 12.25 13.25 .71 der No. G-41 shall become effective as to Buckwheat...... 10.25 10.95 .60 Per 100 lbs. Rice...... 9.05 9.75 - .55 Per net for sales of bituminous as of June 21, 1946 and as to 7.70 8.40 ton for 100 lbs. or Pennsylvania anthracite as of June 25, 3.70 3.80 Size sales of more, but 1946. \4 ton or less than more \4 ton (56 Stat. 23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law 383, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871 Per net ton for sales Broken, egg, stove, n u t __ _ . .. $15.30 $0.87 and E.O. 9328, 8 F.R. 4681) of H ton or more 13.65 .76 to— 11.15 .65 Issued this 25th day of June 1946. Kind and size of fuel 10.05 Dealers Con­ 8.70 J a m es L. M eader, for resale sumers 3.70 Regional Administrator. [F. R. Doc. 46-12022; Filed, July 11, 1946; BITUMINOUS COAL (FROM UNDER­ Discounts remain the same. 11:03 a. m.J GROUND MINES) (3) “Sales of bagged coal” (Maxi­ From district No. 1—Pennsyl­ vania: mum prices per bag). • Egg or pea (double screened [Region II Rev. Order G-27 Under RMPR 122, coal sold for domestic use)__ _ $8.97 $9.57 [Maximum prices per 40-lb. paper bag] Run of mine in price classifi­ Arndt. 2] cation “A”______8.62 9.22 Run of mine in price classifi­ Delivered at S olid F uels i n D elaware cation “D” and “E ”„ ______8.07 8.67 dealers’ yard Deliv­ Sales to 2" lump in prioe classification to— ered to ulti­ For the reasons set forth in an opinion “E”...... 8.27 8.87 retail mate issued simultaneously herewith and un­ Smithing coal...... 9.62 10.22 stores con­ High volatile coal from district Deal- Con- sumers der the authority vested in the Regional Nm 3: ers sumers Administrator of the Office of Price Ad­ 2" nut and slack...... 7.48 8.08 Stokdr pea (double screened)__ 7.48 8.08 ministration by §§ 1340.260 and 1340.259 High volatile coal from district $0.45 $0.50 $0.50 $0.55 (a) (1) of Revised Maximum Price Reg­ No. 8: .39 .44 .44 .49 Cannel coal—Lump...... 17.31 17.91 ulation No. 122, Revised Order No. G-27 Splint coal—lump sold as fire­ is amended in the following respects; place coal______13.81 14.41 3. Paragraph (d) is amended by delet­ 1. Paragraphs (d) (1), (d) (2) and (d) ing the undesignated subparagraph im­ (3) are amended by revising the schedule Discounts remain unchanged. mediately after subparagraph 4. aNo, 136——3 7730 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 This Amendment No. 2 to Revised Or­ thereby reducing the funded debt of (1) Whether the proposed issue and der No. G-27 shall become effective as to Michigan to $980,000 principal amount sale of notes by National meet the re­ bituminous as of June 21,1946, and as to of First Mortgage 5% Bonds, all held by quirements of section 7 of the act; Pennsylvania Anthracite as of June 25, National. (2) Whether the proposed issue and 1946. (3) Michigan proposes to issue and sell sale of new Bonds of Michigan are solely $980,000 principal amount of new First for the purpose of financing the business (56 Stat.-23, 765; 57 Stat. 566; Pub. Law Mortgage Bonds, 3% Series A, due Au­ of Michigan and have been expressly 363, 78th Cong.; E.O. 9250, 7 F.R. 7871; gust 1, 1971, to The Mutual Life Insur­ authorized by the State Commission of E.O. 9328, 8 P.R. 4681) ance Company of New York at 100 and the State in which it is organized and Issued this 26th day of June 1946. accrued interest from August 1, 1946. doing business; J ames L M eader, The proceeds from the sale of such new (3) Whether the proposed redemption Regional Administrator. Bonds together with other corporate of Michigan’s outstanding Bonds is det­ funds will be used by Michigan to redeem rimental to the public interest or the (F. R. Doc. 46-12021; Filed, July 11, 1946; at 100% and accrued interest its First interest of investors; 11:03 a. m.] Mortgage Bonds to be outstanding after (4) Whether in-connection with the the bond cancellation by National above proposed bank loan of National and the referred to. National proposes to apply proposed sale of securities by Michigan the $980,000 to be received by it from the the fees and expenses to be paid are fair SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COM­ redemption of Michigan’s bonds toward and reasonable and whether competitive MISSION. the reduction of its $2,100,000 bank loan. conditions have been maintained; Michigan states that the Michigan Public (5) Whether the proposed accounting [File No. 70-1317] Service Commission has jurisdiction over adjustments and entries to be made in N ational G as & E lectric Corp. and N a­ the issue and sale of its new First Mort­ connection with the proposed transac­ tional U t il it ie s Co. of M ichigan gage Bonds. tions are proper and in accordance with It appearing to the Commission that sound accounting practice; NOTICE OF FILING AND NOTICE OF AND ORDER it is appropriate in the public interest (6) Generally, whether the proposed FOR HEARING and in the interests of investors and con­ transactions are in all respects in the At a regular session of the Securities sumers that a hearing be held with re­ public interest and in the interests of and Exchange Commission, held at its spect to said application-declaration, and investors and consumers and consistent office in the City of , Penn­ that said application should not be with all applicable requirements of the sylvania, on the 10th day of July A. D. granted nor said declaration permitted Act and the Rules thereunder, and, if 1946. to become effective except pursuant to not, what modifications should be re­ Notice is hereby given that National further order of this Commission; quired to be made therein and what Gas & Electric Corporation (“National”) , It is hereby ordered, That a hearing on terms and conditions should be imposed a registered holding company, and Na­ said application-declaration under the to satisfy the statutory standards. tional Utilities Company of Michigan applicable provisions of the act and the By the Commission. (“Michigan”), a gas utility company and rules and regulations of the Commission a subsidiary of National, have filed a promulgated thereunder be held on July [SEAL] NELLVE A. THORSEN, j oint application-declaration pursuant to 23, 1946, at 10:00 a. m., e. d. s. t., at the Assistant to the Secretary. Sections 6, 7, and 12 of the Public Utility office of the Securities and Exchange [F. R. Doc. 46-12069; FUed, July 12, 1946; Holding Company Act of 1935 and Rules Commission, 18th and Locust Streets, 10;47 a. m.] U-42, U-45 and U-50 thereunder. All Philadelphia 3, Pennsylvania. On that Interested persons are referred to said day the hearing room clerk will advise as application-declaration, which is on file to the room where such hearing will be in the office of this Commission, for a held. It is requested that any person de­ [File No. 812—441 ] statement of the transactions therein siring to be heard in these proceedings proposed, which are summarized as fol­ shall file with the Secretary of this Com­ Consolidated I nd u str ies, I n c . lows: mission on or before , 1946, an notice of and order for hearing (1) National proposes to borrow, pur­ appropriate request or application to be suant to a loan agreement, from Con­ heard, as provided by Rule XVII of the At a regular session of the Securities tinental Illinois National Bank and Trust Commission’s rules of practice. and Exchange Commission held at its Company of Chicago, The Girard Trust It is further ordered, That William W. office in the City of Philadelphia, Penn­ Company of Philadelphia and The Con­ Swift, or any other officer or officers of sylvania on the 11th day of July 1946. tinental Bank & Trust Company of New the Commission designated by it for that Consolidated Industries, Inc. has filed York an aggregate principal amount of purpose, shall preside at the hearing an application under and pursuant to the $2,100,000 at an interest rate of 1%% above ordered. The officer so designated provisions of section 3 (b) (2) of the In­ per annum. The term of the proposed to preside at the hearing is hereby au­ vestment Company Act of 1940 for an or­ loan agreement is six months, and Na­ thorized to exercise all powers granted der declaring that upon completion of a tional will have the right to renew any to the Commission under section 18 (c) proposed exchange of common stock of unpaid balance for a further period of of the act and to a trial examiner under Consolidated Industries, Inc. for all or six months, subject to payment by Na­ the Commission’s rules of practice. any part but not less than 90% of the tional of a commitment fee of % of 1% Notice is hereby given of said hearing 822,900 issued and outstanding shares of of the amount so renewed. National will to National, Michigan, the Michigan common stock of Appliance Development have the right to repay the loan at any Public Service Commission, and to all Corporation, at the rate of shares of time without premium. As collateral se­ interested persons, said notice to be common stock of Consolidated Industries, curity for such loan, National will deliver given to National, Michigan, and the Inc. for one share of common stock of to said banks all of the outstanding se­ Michigan Public Service Commission by Appliance Development Corporation, the curities of two of its subsidiary com­ registered mail, and to all other persons applicant, Consolidated Industries, Inc. panies, Michigan and Industrial Gas by a general release of this Commission will be primarily engaged in a business or Company. The proceeds of such loan will which shall be distributed to thé press businesses other than that of investing, be used to redeem National’s First Lien and mailed to all persons on the mailing reinvesting, owning, holding or trading in Collateral Trust 5% Bonds presently out­ list for releases issued under the Public securities;' standing in the principal amount of Utility Holding Company Act of 1935 and It is ordered, Pursuant to section 40 (a) $2,000,000 at the redemption price of by publication of this notice and order in of said act, that a hearing on the afore­ 105% of principal amount plus accrued the F ederal R egister. said application be held on Tuesday, July interest. It is further ordered, without limiting 23, 1946 at 2:00 p. m., eastern daylight (2) National proposes to cancel $583,- the scope of the issues presented by these saving time, in Room 318 of the Securi­ 500 principal amount of Michigan’s First proceedings, that particular attention be ties and Exchange Commission Building, Mortgage 5% Bonds, presently outstand­ directed at the hearing to the following 18th and Locust Streets, Philadelphia, ing in the principal amount of $1,563,500, matters and questions: Pennsylvania. FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 7731 It is further ordered, That Willis E. OFFICE OF ALIEN PROPERTY CUS­ The terms “national” and “desig­ Monty or any other officer or officers of TODIAN. nated enemy country” as used herein the Commission designated by it for that shall have the meanings prescribed in purpose, shall preside at such hearing. [Vesting Order 6742] section 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, The officer so designated is hereby au­ M argarete W estermann as amended. thorized to exercise all the powers granted to the Commission under sec­ In re: bank account owned by Mar­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on tions 41 and 42 (b) of the Investment garete Westermann; F-28-23562-E-1. June 25, 1946. Under the authority of the Trading Company Act of 1940 and to trial ex­ [ seal] J ames E . M arkham, aminers under the Commission’s rules of with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Alien Property Custodian. practice. Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, Notice of such hearing is hereby given and pursuant to law, the undersigned, [F. R. Doc. 46-12011;. Filed, July 11, 1946; to the applicant and to any other per­ after investigation, finding: 9:30 a. m .] sons whose participation in such pro­ 1. That Margarete Westermann, whose ceedings may be in the public interest or last known address is Carolinensiel, Os- for the protection of investors. triesland, Germany, is a resident of [Vesting Order 6743] Germany and a national of a designated By the Commission. enemy country (Germany); K arolina Zissel [ seal] N ell ye A. T hqrson, 2. That the property described as fol­ In re: Bank account owned by Karo­ Assistant to the Secretary. lows: That certain debt or other obliga­ lina Zissel; F-28-12622-E-1. tion owing to Margarete Westermann, Under the authority of the Trading [F. R. Doc. 46-12070; Filed, July 12, 1946; by First National Bank in St. Petersburg, with the Enemy Act, as amended, and 10:47 a. m.] 400 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, Florida, arising out of a Checking Ac­ and pursuant to law, the undersigned, [File No. 70-1254] count, entitled Margarete Westermann, after investigation, finding: and any and all rights to demand, en­ 1. That Karolina Zissel, whose last A ssociated E lectric Co. and A rizona force and collect the same, known address is Gernsbach, Germany, G eneral U t il ities Co. is a resident of Germany and a national is property within the United States of a designated enemy country (Ger­ ORDER MODIFYING CONDITION AND GRANTING owned or controlled by, payable or de­ EXTENSION OF TIME many) ; liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ 2. That the property described as fol­ At a regular session of the Securities count of, or owing to, or which is evi­ lows: That certain debt or other obli­ and Exchange Commission, held at its dence of ownership or control by, the gation owing to Karolina Zissel, by Bank office in the City of Philadelphia, Pa., on aforesaid national of a designated enemy of America National Trust and Savings the 10th day of July 1946. country; Association, 1 Powell Street, San Fran­ Associated Electric Company, a regis­ And determining that to the extent cisco, California, arising out of a Sav­ tered holding company, and Arizona that such national is a person not within ings Account,' Account Number 18580, General Utilities Company, a subsidiary a designated enemy country, the na­ entitled Gustave Viola or Karolina Zis­ thereof, having filed a joint application- tional interest of the United States re­ sel, maintained at the branch office of declaration pursuant to sections 9 (a), quires that such person be treated as a the aforesaid bank located at 345 East 10 and 12 of the Public Utility Holding national of a designated enemy country Main Street, Stockton, California, and Company Act of 1935 and Rules U-43 (Germany); any and all rights to demand, enforce and U-44 promulgated thereunder in re­ And having made all determinations and collect the same, spect to the proposed sale by Associated and taken all action required by law, Electric Company of its entire invest­ including appropriate consultation and is property within the United States ment in Arizona General Utilities Com­ certification, and deeming it necessary in owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ pany to Graham County Electric Co­ the national interest, erable to, held on behalf of or on account of, or owing to, or which is evidence of operative, Inc., and the towns of Safford hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ and Thatcher, Arizona for an aggregate ownership or control by, the aforesaid todian the property described above, to national of a designated enemy country; base price of $410,000, subject to certain be held, used, administered, liquidated, adjustments as provided in the contract And determining that to the extent sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­ that such national is a person not within of sale; and est and for the benefit of the United The Commission having by order a designated enemy country, the na­ States. tional interest of the United States re-* dated May 9,1946, granted and permitted Such property and any or all of the to become effective the said joint appli­ quires that such person be treated as a proceeds thereof shall be held in an national of a designated enemy country cation-declaration subject to the terms appropriate account or accounts, pend­ and conditions prescribed in Rule U-24; (Germany); ing further determination of the Alien And having made all determinations and Property Custodian. This order shall A request having been made by said and taken all action required by law, not be deemed to constitute an admission including appropriate consultation and applicant-declarant that the time within by the Alien Property Custodian of the which the transactions set forth in the certification, and deeming it necessary in lawfulness of, or acquiescence in, or the national interest, joint application-declaration may be licensing of, any set-offs, charges or de­ consummated be extended to September ductions, nor shall it be deemed to limit hereby vests in the Alien Property Custo­ 9,1946 in order to permit additional time the power of the Alien Property Cus­ dian the property described above, to be in which to work out various prelimi­ todian to return such property or the held, used, administered, liquidated, sold nary matters necessary to such consum­ proceeds thereof in whole or in part, nor or otherwise dealt with in the interest mation; and shall it be deemed to indicate that com­ and for the benefit of the United States. The Commission having considered pensation will not be paid in lieu thereof, Such property and any or all of the such request and deeming it appropriate if and when it should be determined to proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ that it be granted: take any one or all of such actions. propriate account or accounts, pending It is ordered, That the condition con­ Any person, except a national of a further determination of the Alien Prop­ tained in the order of May 9, 1946, be designated enemy country, asserting any erty Custodian. This order shall not be and hereby _4s modified to the extent claim arising as a result of this order deemed to constitute an admission by the necessary to extend the time within may, within one year from the date here­ Alien Property Custodian of the lawful­ which such transactions may be consum­ of, or within such further time as may be ness of, or acquiescence in, or licensing mated to September 9, 1946. allowed, file with the Alien Property Cus­ of, any set-offs, charges or deductions, By the Commission. todian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, nor shall it be deemed to limit the power together with a request for a hearing of the Alien Property Custodian to return [seal] N ell y e A . T horsen, thereon. Nothing herein contained shall such property or the proceeds thereof in Assistant to the Secretary. be deemed to constitute an admission of whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed [F. R. Doc. 46-12071; Filed, July 12, 1946; the existence, validity or right to allow­ to indicate that compensation will not be 10:47 a. m.] ance of any such claim. paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should 7732 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July IS, 1946 be determined to take any one or all of not be deemed to limit the power of the be held, used, administered, liquidated, such actions. Alien Property Custodian to return such sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­ Any person, except a national of a des­ property or the proceeds thereof in whole terest and for the benefit of the United ignated enemy country, asserting any or in part, nor shall it be deemed to in­ States. claim arising as a result of this order dicate that compensation will not be Such property and any or all of the may, within one year from the date paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ hereof, or within such further time as be determined to take any one or all of propriate account or accounts, pending may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ such actions. further determination of the Alien Prop­ erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice Any person, except a national of a erty Custodian. This order shall not of claim, together with a request for a designated enemy country, asserting any be deemed to limit the power of the Alien hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ claim arising as a result of this order Property Custodian to return such prop­ tained shall be deemed to constitute an may, within one year from the date here­ erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or admission of the existence, validity or of, or within such further time as may in part, nor shall it be deemed to indi­ fight to allowance of any such claim. be allowed, file with the Alien Property cate that compensation will not be paid The terms “national” and “designated Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of in lieu thereof, if and when it should enemy country” as used herein shall have claim, together with a request for a hear­ be determined to take any one or all of the meanings prescribed in section 10 of ing thereon. Nothing herein contained such actions. Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. shall be deemed to constitute an admis­ Any person, except a national of a Executed at Washington, D. C., on sion of the existence, validity or right designated enemy country, asserting any June 25, 1946. to allowance of any such claim. claim arising as a result of this order Hie terms “national” and “designated may, within one year from the date [ seal] J ames E . M arkham, enemy country” as used herein shall hereof, or within such further time as Alien Property Custodian. have the meanings prescribed in section may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ [F. E. Doc. 46-12012; Filed, July 11, 1946; 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice 9:30 a. m.] amended. of claim, together with a request for a hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on tained shall be deemed to constitute an July 3,1946. admission of the existence, validity or [Vesting Order 6930] [ seal] J ames E . M arkham, right to allowance of any such claim. D ora F. M ucke Alien Property Custodian. The terms “national” and “designated enemy country” as used herein shall In re: Estate of Dora F. Mucke, de­ [F. R. Doc. 46-12013; Filed, July 11, 1946; 9:30 a. m.] have the meanings prescribed in section ceased; File No. D-28-10561; E. T. sec. 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as 14962. amended. Under the authority of the Trading [Vesting Order 6704] with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Executed at Washington, D. C., on Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, Clara G reulxch June 21, 1946. and pursuant to law, the undersigned, In re: Estate of Clara Greulich, de­ [ seal] J ames E . M arkham, after investigation, finding; ceased. File No. D-28-9199, E. T. sec. Alien Property Custodian. That the property described as fol­ 11928. lows: All right, title, interest and claim Under the authority of the Trading [F. R. Doc. 46-12054; Filed, July 12, 1946; of any kind or character whatsoever of with the Enemy Act, as amended, and 10:11 a. m.] George Winter in and to the estate of Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, Dora F. Mucke, deceased, and pursuant to law, the undersigned, Is property payable or deliverable to, or after investigation, finding: [Vesting Order 6711] That the property described as fol­ claimed by, a national of a designated A m alie E . Zadich enemy country, Germany, namely, lows: All right, title, interest and claim of any kind or character whatsoever of In re: Estate of Amalie E. Zadich, de­ National and last known address Gertrude Greulich Huld, Alfrieda Siedel ceased. File D-28-10434; E. T. sec. 14825. George Winter, Germany. and Elizabeth Scholkmann, and each of Under the authority of the Trading That such property is in the process of them, in and to the Estate of Clara with the Enemy Act, as amended, and administration by Christopher Stein- Creulich, deceased, Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, kamp, as Executor of the Estate of Dora is property payable or deliverable to, or and pursuant to law, the undersigned, F. Mucke, deceased, acting under the claimed by, nationals of a designated after investigation, finding: judicial supervision of the Surrogate’s enemy country, Germany, namely, That the property described as fol­ Court, New York County, State of New lows: All right, title, interest and claim York; * Nationals and Last Known Address of any kind or character whatsoever of And determining that to the extent Gertrude Greulich Huld, Germany. Martin Schiff, Jenny Schiff, Edwai*l that such national is a person not within Alfrieda Siedel, Germany. Fischer, Elise Fischer, Ida Zadich, Anita a designated enemy country, the na­ Elizabeth Scholkmann, Germany. Melamerson, and each of them, in and tional interest of the United States re­ That such property is in the process of to the Estate of Amalie E. Zadich, de­ quires that such person be treated as a administration by Mrs. Sherwood C. ceased, and in and to the property of national of a designated enemy country Perry, as Executrix of the Estate of Clara said decedent presently under adminis­ (Germany); Greulich, deceased, acting under the tration by Frederick Reutzel and Edward And having made all determinations judicial supervision of the Surrogate’s Rosenfeld, San Antonio, Texas, as inde­ and taken all action required by law, Court, Rockland County, New York. pendent executors, including appropriate consultation and And determining that to the extent is property within the United States certification, and deeming it necessary that such nationals are persons not owned or controlled by, payable or de­ in the national interest, within a designated enemy country, the liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ hereby vests in the Alien Property national interest of the United States count of, or owing to, or which is evi­ Custodian the property described above, requires that such persons be treated as dence of ownership or control by na­ to be held, used, administered, liqui­ nationals of a designated enemy country tionals of a designated enemy country dated, sold or otherwise dealt with in the (Germany) ; (Germany) ; interest and for the benefit of the United And having made all determinations States. and taken all action required by law, in­ Nationals and Last Known Address Such property and any or all of the cluding appropriate consultation and Martin Schiff, Germany. proceeds thereof shall be held in an certification, and deeming it necessary Jenny Schiff, Germany. in the national interest, Edward Fischer, Germany. appropriate account or accounts, pend­ Elise Fischer, Germany. ing further determination of the Alien hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ Ida Zadich, Germany. Property Custodian. This order shall todian the property described above, to Anita Melamerson, Germany. FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July IS, 1946 7733 And determining that to the extent & Company in custody for N. V. Maat- Executed at Washington, D. C., on that such nationals are persons not with­ schappii voor Industrie en Handelsbel- June 26,1946. in a designated enemy country, the na­ angen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, tional interest'of the United States re­ [seal] J ames E. M arkham, and having vested the above-described Alien Property Custodian. quires that such persons be treated as stock in Vesting Order Number 5, dated nationals of a designated enemy country April 24, 1942; ]F. R. Doc. 46-12056; Filed, July 12, 1946; (Germany); 10:12 a. m.] And having made all determinations 2. Finding that the property described and taken all action required by law, in­ as follows: That certain debt or other obligation of Bank of the Manhattan cluding appropriate consultation and [Supp. Vesting Order 6768] certification, and deeming it necessary in Company, 40 Wall Street, New York, New the national interest, York, arising out of a current account, G eneral A n il in e & F ilm Corp. entitled “N. V. Maatschappij voor In­ hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ dustrie en Handelsbelangen”, maintained In re: Dividends on stock of General todian the property described above, to at the aforesaid bank, and any and all Aniline & Film Corporation, beneficially be held, used, administered, liquidated, rights to demand, enforce and collect the owned by I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G. sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­ same, Under the authority of the Trading est and for the benefit of the United with the Enemy Act, as amended, and States. represents deposits by the aforesaid Gen­ Executive prder No. 9095, as amended, Such property and any or all of the eral Aniline & Film Corporation between and pursuant to law, the Alien Property proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ May 10, 1940 and October 11, 1941, on Custodian, after investigation, propriate account or accounts, pending account of dividends declared and paid 1. Having found and determined in further determination of the Alien Prop­ on the stock described in subparagraph Vesting Order Number 907, dated Feb­ erty Custodian. This order shall not be 1 hereof, and is property within the ruary 15,1943, that I. G. Farbenindustrie deemed to limit the power of the Alien United States held by N. V. Maatschap­ A. G. is a national of a designated enemy Property Custodian to return such prop­ pij voor Industrie en Handelsbelangen country (Germany) and the beneficial erty or the proceeds thereof in whole or for, on behalf of and on account of I. G. owner of the property described as in part, nor shall it be deemed to indi­ Farbenindustrie A. G., the aforesaid na- follows: 900,000 shares of Class B com­ cate that compensation will not be paid tional of a designated enemy country mon stock of General Aniline & Film Cor­ in lieu thereof, if and when it should be (Germany); poration, a corporation organized under determined to take any one or all of And determining that to the extent the laws of the State of Delaware, reg­ such actions. that such national is a person not istered in the following names and Any person, except a national of a within a designated enemy country, the amounts: designated enemy country, asserting any national interest of the United States Number claim arising as a result of this order requires that such person be treated as a Names of shares may, within orie year from the date national of a designated enemy country Chemo Maatschappij voor Chemische (Germany); Ondernemungen, Amsterdam, The hereof, or within such further time as Netherlands ______600, 000 may be allowed, file with the Alien And having made all determinations N. V. Maatschappij voor Industrie Property Custodian on Form APC-1 a and taken all action required by law, en Handelsbelangen, Amsterdam, notice of claim, together with a request including appropriate consultation and The Netherlands______* ______300, 000 for a hearing thereon. Nothing herein certification, and deeming it necessary in contained shall be deemed to constitute the national interest, T o ta l______900, 000 an admission of the existence, validity hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ and having vested the above-described or right to allowance of any such claim. todian the property described above, to be stock in Vesting Order Number 5, dated The terms “national” and “designated held, used, administered, liquidated, sold April 24, 1942; enemy country” as used herein shall or otherwise dealt with in the interest 2. Finding that the property described have the meanings prescribed in section and for the benefit of the United States. as follows: That certain debt or other 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as Such property and any or all of the obligation of General Aniline & Film amended. proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ Corporation, 230 Park Avenue, New York, Executed at Washington, D. C., on propriate account or accounts, pending New York, arising out of dividends de­ June 21, 1946. further determination of the Alien Prop­ clared on the stock described in subpar­ erty Custodian. This order shall not be agraph 1 hereof, for the payment of [seal] J ames E . M arkham, deemed to constitute an admission by the which General Aniline & Film Corpora­ Alien Property Custodian. Alien Property Custodian of the lawful­ tion deposited $402,412.50 with The Na­ [P. R. Doc. 46-12055; Piled, July 12, 1946; ness of, or acquiescence in, or licensing tional City Bank of New York, 55 Wall 10:11 a. m.] of, any set-offs, charges or deductions, Street, New York, New York, in a trust nor shall it be deemed to limit the power account entitled “General Aniline & of the Alien Property Custodian to re­ Film Corporation, in trust for the owners [Supp. Vesting Order 6767] turn such property or the proceeds of 900,000 shares of Common B stock of thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it General Aniline & Film Corporation, G eneral An il in e & F ilm Corp. be deemed to indicate that compensation registered in the name of Chemo Maat­ In re: Dividends on stock,of General will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and schappij voor Chemische Ondernemin- Aniline & Film Corporation, beneficially when it should be determined to take any gen, Amsterdam, Holland and N. V. owned by I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G. one or all of such actions. Maatschappij voor Industrie en Han­ Under the authority of the Trading Any person, except a national of a des­ delsbelangen, Amsterdam, Holland”, with the Enemy Act, as amended, and ignated enemy country, asserting any maintained at the aforesaid bank, and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, claim arising as a result of this order any and all rights to demand, enforce and pursuant to law, the Alien Property may, within one year from the date and collect the same, Custodian, after investigation, hereof, or within such further time as is property within the United States 1. Having found and determined in may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ owned or controlled by, payable or de­ Vesting Order Number 907, dated Feb­ erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice liverable to, held on behalf of or on ruary 15,1943, that I. G. Farbenindustrie * of claim, together with a request for a A. G. is a national of a designated enemy hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ account of, or owing to, I. G. Farben­ country (Germany) and the beneficial tained shall be deemed to constitute an industrie A. G.r the aforesaid national owner ' of the property described as admission of the existence, validity or of a designated enemy country; follows: 650,000 shares of Class B com­ right to allowance of any such claim. And determining that to the extent mon stock of General Aniline & Film The terms “national” and “designated that such national is a person not within Corporation, a corporation organized enemy country” as used herein shall have a designated enemy country, the national under the laws of the State of Delaware, the meanings prescribed in section 10 of interest of the United States requires registered in the name of L. D. Pickering Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. that such person be treated as a national 7734 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July IS, 1946 of a designated enemy country (Ger­ schappij voor Industrie en Handels- have the meanings prescribed in section many) ; belangen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as And having made all determinations and having vested the above-described amended. and taken all action required by law, in­ stock in Vesting Order Number 5, dated Executed at Washington, D. C., on cluding appropriate consultation and April 24, 1942; June 26,1946. certification, and deeming it necessary in '2. Finding that the property described the national interest, [ seal! J ames E. M arkham, as follows: That certain debt or other Alien Property Custodian. hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ obligation of General Aniline & Film todian the property described above, to Corporation, 230 Park Avenue, New York, [F. R. Doc. 46-12058; Filed, July 12, 1946; be held, used, administered, liquidated, New York, arising out of dividends de­ 10.12 a. m.] sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­ clared on the stock described in subpara­ est and for the benefit of the United graph 1 hereof, for the payment of States. which General Aniline & Film Corpora­ [Vesting Order 6770] Such property and any or all of the tion deposited $47,125.00 with The Na­ F ranz H ollander and J acob H ollander proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ tional City Bank of New York, 55 Wall propriate account or accounts, pending Street, New York, New York, in a trust In re: Bank account owned by Franz further determination of the Alien account entitled “General Aniline & Film Hollander and Jacob Hollander. F-28- Property Custodian. This order shall not Corporation, in Trust for ultimate bene­ 8328-E-l. be deemed to constitute an admission by ficiaries of 650,000 shares of common B Under the authority of the Trading the Alien Property Custodian of the law­ stock of General Aniline & Film Corpo­ with the Enemy Act, as amended, and fulness of, or acquiescence in, or licens­ ration registered in the name of L. D. Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, ing of, any set-offs, charges or deduc­ Pickering & Co.”, maintained at the and pursuant to law, the undersigned, tions, nor shall it be deemed to limit the aforesaid bank, and any and all rights after investigation, finding: power of the Alien Property Custodian to demand, enforce and collect the same, 1. That Franz Hollander and Jacob to return such property or the proceeds Hollander, whose last known address is thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it is property within the United States Germany, are residents of Germany and be deemed to indicate that compensation owned or controlled by, payable or de­ nationals of a designated enemy country will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and liverable to, held on behalf of or on (Germany); when it should be determined to take account of, pr owing to, I. G. Farben­ 2. That the property described as fol­ any one or all of such actions. industrie A. G., the aforesaid national of lows: That certain debt or other obliga­ Any person, except a national of a des­ a designated enemy country; tion of The Hibernia Savings & Loan So­ ignated enemy country, asserting any And determining that to the extent ciety, Market, McAllister & Jones Streets, claim arising as a result of this order that such national is a person not within San Francisco, California, arising out of may, within one year from the date a designated enemy country, the national a savings account, Account Number 628,- hereof, or within such further time as interest of the United States requires 543, entitled Francis Joseph Nielsen, de­ may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ that such person be treated as a national ceased, Trustee for Franz Hollander and erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of a designated enemy country (Ger­ Jacob Hollander, and any and all rights many) ; to demand, enforce and collect the same, of claim, together with a request for a And having made all determinations hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ and taken all action required by law, in­ is property within the United States tained shall be deemed to constitute an cluding appropriate consultation and owned or controlled by, payable or de­ admission of the existence, validity or certification, and deeming it necessary liverable to, held on behalf of or on right to allowance of any such claim. in the national interest, account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ The terms “national” and “designated dence of ownership or control by, Franz enemy country” as used herein shall have hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ Hollander and Jacob Hollander, the the meanings prescribed in section 10 of todian the property described above, to aforesaid nationals of a designated en­ Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. be held, used, administered, liquidated, emy country; Executed at Washington, D. C., on sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­ And determining that to the extent June 26,1946. est and for the benefit of the United that such nationals are persons not States. .. within a designated enemy country, the [ seal! J a m e s E . M a r k h a m , Such property and any or all of the national interest of the United States Alien Property Custodian. proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ requires that such persons be treated as [F. R. Doc. 46-12057; Piled, July 12, 1946; propriate account or accounts, pending nationals of a designated enemy country, 10:12 a. m.] further determination of the Alien Prop­ (Germany); erty Custodian. This order shall not be And having made all determinations deemed to constitute an admission by and taken all action required by law, in­ the Alien Property Custodian of the law­ cluding appropriate consultation and [Supp. Vesting Order 6769] fulness of, or acquiescence in, or licens­ certification, and deeming it necessary in G eneral A n il in e & F ilm C orp. ing of, any set-offs, charges or deduc­ the national interest, tions, nor shall it be deemed to limit the In re: Dividends on stock of General power of the Alien Property Custodian to hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ Aniline & Film Corporation, beneficially return such property or the proceeds todian the property described above, to owned by I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G. thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it be held, used, administered, liquidated, Under the authority of the Trading be deemed to indicate that compensa­ sold or otherwise dealt with in the inter­ with the Enemy Act, as amended, and tion will not be paid in lieu thereof, if est and for the benefit of the United Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and when it should be determined to take States. any one or all of such actions. Such property and any or all of the and pursuant to law, the Alien Property proceeds thereof shall be held in an Custodian, after investigation, Any person, except a national of a designated enemy country, asserting any appropriate account or accounts, pending 1. Having found and determined in claim arising as a result of this order further determination of the Alien Prop­ Vesting Order Number 907, dated Feb­ may, within one year from the date erty Custodian. This order shall not be ruary 15, 1943, that I. G. Farbenindus­ hereof, or within such further time as deemed to constitute, an admission by jjjhe trie A. G. is a national of a designated may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ Alien Property Custodian of the lawful­ enemy country (Germany) and the béné­ erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice ness of, or acquiescence in, or licensing ficiai owner of the property described as of claim, together with a request for a of, any set-offs, charges or deductions, follows: 650,000 shares of Class B com­ hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ nor shall it be deemed to limit the power mon stock of General Aniline & Film tained shall be deemed to constitute an of the Alien Property Custodian to return Corporation, a corporation organized admission of the existence, validity or such property or the proceeds thereof in under the laws of the State of Delaware, right to allowance of any such claim. whole or in part, nor shall it be deemed to registered in the name of L. D. Pickering The terms “national” and “designated indicate that compensation will not be & Company in custody for N. V. Maat- enemy country” as used herein shall paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 7735 be determined to take any one or all of tional of a designated enemy country deposit with the Manufacturers Trust such actions. (Japan); Company, New York, New York, arising Any person, except a national of ^a And having made all determinations out of a dollar checking account, entitled designated enemy country, asserting any and taken all action required by law, in­ Herbert Renfert, Special, maintained at Claim arising as a result of this order cluding appropriate consultation and cer­ the branch office of the aforesaid bank may, within one year from the date here­ tification, and deeming it necessary in located at 680 Columbus Avenue, New of, or within such further time as may be the national interest, York, New York, and any and all rights allowed, file with the Alien Property Cus­ to demand, enforce and collect the same, todian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ together with a request for a hearing todian the property described above, to is property within the United States thereon. Nothing herein contained shall be held, used, administered, liquidated, owned or controlled by, payable or de­ be deemed to constitute An admission of sold or otherwise dealt with in the in- liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ the existence, validity or right to allow­ •terest and for- the benefit of the United count of, or owing to, or which is evi­ ance of any such claim. States. dence of ownership or control by, the The terms “national” and “designated Such property and any or all of the aforesaid national of a designated enemy enemy country” as used herein shall have proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ country; the meanings prescribed in section 10 of propriate account or accounts, pending And determining that to the extent Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. further determination of the Alien Prop­ that such national is a person not within erty Custodian. This order shall not be a designated enemy country, the national Executed at Washington, D. C., on deemed to constitute an admission by the interest of the United States requires June 26,1946. Alien Property Custodian of the lawful­ that such person be treated as a national [seal] / J ames E. M arkham, ness of or acquiescence in, or licensing of a designated enemy country (Ger­ Alien Property Custodian. of, any set-offs, charges or deductions, many) ; nor shall it be deemed to limit the power And having made all determinations [P. R. Doc. 46-12059; Piled, July 12, 1946; of the Alien Property Custodian to re­ and taken all action required by law, 10:12 a. m.] turn such property or the proceeds including appropriate consultation and thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it certification, and deeming it necessary be deemed to indicate that compensation in the national interest, [Vesting Order 6771] will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and when it should be determined to take any hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ N omura J im u sh o one or all of such actions. todian the property described above, to be held, used, administered, liquidated, In re: Debt owing to Nomura Jimusho. Any person, except a national of a des­ ignated enemy country, asserting any sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­ F-39-2160-C-1; F-39-2160-C-2. terest and for the benefit of the United Under the authority of the Trading claim arising as a result of this order may, within one year from the date States. with the Enemy Act, as amended, and Such property and any or all of the Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, hereof, or within such further time as may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ proceeds thereof shall be held in an“ap­ ■and pursuant to law, the undersigned, propriate account or accounts, pending after investigation, finding: erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice of claim, together with a request for a further determination of the Alien Prop­ 1. That Nomura Jimusho, the last hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ erty Custodian. This order shall not be known address of which is Marunouchi deemed to constitute an admission by Building, Tokyo, Japan, is a corporation, tained shall be deemed to constitute an admission of the existence, validity or the Alien Property Custodian of the law­ partnership, association or other busi­ fulness of, or acquiescence in, or licens­ ness organization, organized under the right to allowance of any such claim. The terms “national” and “designated ing of, any set-offs, charges or deduc­ laws of Japan, and which has or, since enemy country” as used herein shall have tions, nor shall it be deemed to limit the the effective date of Executive Order the meanings prescribed in section 10 of power of the Alien Property Custodian to No. 8389, as amended, has had its prin­ Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. return such property or the proceeds cipal place of business in Japan and is thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it a national of a designated enemy coun­ Executed at Washington, D. C., on be deemed to indicate that compensa­ try (Japan); June 26,1946. tion will not be paid in lieu thereof, if 2. That the property described as fol­ [ seal] J ames E . M arkham, and when it should be determined to lows: Alien Property Custodian. take any one or all of such actions. a. That certain debt or other obliga­ Any person, except a national of a tion owing to Nomura Jimusho, by Iron & [P. R. Doc. 46-12060; Filed, July 12, 1946; designated enemy country, asserting any Ore Corporation of America, 122 East 10:12 a. m.] claim arising as a result of this order 42nd Street, New York 17, New York, in may, within one year from the date the amount of $9,795.99, as of December hereof, or within such further time as 31, 1945, together with any and all ac­ [Vesting Order 6774] may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ cruals thereto, and any and all rights erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice to demand, enforce and collect the same, E. & H . R en fer t of claim, together with a request for a and In re: Debt owing to E. & H. Renfert. hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ b. That certain debt or other obliga­ Under the authority of the Trading tained shall be deemed to constitute an tion owing to Nomura Jimusho by The with the Enemy Act, as amended, and admission of the existence, validity or Texas Company, 135 East 42nd Street, Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, right to allowance of any such claim. New York 17, New York, in the amount and pursuant to law, the undersigned, The terms "national” and “designated of $1,240, as of December 31,1945 together after investigation, finding: enemy country” as used herein shall have with any and all accruals thereto, and 1. That E. & H. Renfert, the last known the meanings prescribed in section 10 of any and all rights to demand, enforce and address of which is Essen, Germany, is a Executive Order No. 9095, as amended. collect the same, corporation, partnership, association or Executed at Washington, D. C., on is property within the United States other business organization, organized June 26,1946. owned or controlled by, payable or de­ under the laws of Germany, and which liverable to, held on behalf of or on has or, since the effective date of Execu­ [ seal] J ames E. M arkham, account of, or owing to, or which is evi­ tive Order No. 8389, as amended, has had Alien Property Custodian. dence of ownership or control by, the its principal place of business in Ger­ many and is a national of a designated [P. R. Doc. 46-12061; Piled, July 12, 1946; aforesaid national of a designated enemy enemy country (Germany) ; 10:12 a. m.J country; 2. That the property described as fol­ And determining that to the extent lows: All those debts or other obliga­ [Vesting Order 6775] that such national is a person not within tions owing to E. & H. Renfert by Herbert- a designated enemy country, the national Renfert, 280 West State Street, West- W. S ch oenian and E lisabeth S choenian interest of the United States requires port, Connecticut, including particularly In re: Bank account owned by W. that such person be treated, as a na­ but not limited to that sum of money on Schoenian and Elisabeth Schoenian, 7736 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, July 13, 1946 also known as Elizabeth Schoenian. D- Custodian to return such property or dence of ownership or control by, the 28-614-E-l. the proceeds thereof in whole or in part, aforesaid national of a designated enemy Under the authority of the Trading nor shall it be deemed to indicate that country; with the Enemy Act, as amended, and compensation will not be paid in lieu And determining that to the extent Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, thereof, if and when it should be deter­ that such national is a person not within and pursuant to law, the undersigned, mined to take any one or all of such a designated enemy country, the national after investigation, finding: actions. Interest of the United States requires 1. That W. Schoenian and Elisabeth Any person, except a national of a des­ that such person be treated as a national Schoenian, also known as Elizabeth ignated enemy country, asserting any of a designated enemy country (Ger­ Schoenian, citizens of Germany, whose claim arising as a result of this order many) ; present whereabouts are unknown, and may, within one yeaj from the date And having made all determinations who are believed to be residents of Ger­ hereof, or within such further time as and taken all action required by law, many, are nationals of a designated may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ including appropriate consultation and enemy country (Germany); erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice certification, and deeming it necessary in 2. That the property described as fol­ of claim, together with a request for a the national interest, lows: That certain debt or other obli­ hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ gation owing to W. Schoenian and Elisa­ tained shall be deemed to-constitute an todian the property described above, to beth Schoenian, also known as Elizabeth admission of the existence, validity or be held, used, administered, liquidated, Schoenian, by The Commercial National right to allowance of any such claim. sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­ Bank and Trust Company of New York, The terms “national” and “designated terest and for the benefit of the United 46 Wall Street, New York, New York, enemy country” as used herein shall States. arising out of a joint checking account, have the meanings prescribed in section Such property and any or all of the entitled Mr. W. Schoenian &/or Miss 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as proceeds thereof shall be held in an ap­ Elisabeth Schoenian, and any and all amended. propriate account or accounts, pending rights to demand, enforce and collect Executed at Washington, D. C., on further determination of the Alien Prop­ the same, June 26,1946. erty Custodian. This order shall not be is property within 4he United States deemed to constitute an admission by [ sea l] J a m e s E . M a r k h a m , the Alien Property Custodian of the law­ owned or controlled by, payable or deliv­ Alien Property Custodian. erable to, held on behalf of or on account fulness of, or acquiescence in, or licensing of, or owing to, or which is evidence of [F. R. Doc. 46-12062; Filed, July 12, 1946; of, any set-offs, charges, or deductions, ownership or control by, the aforesaid 10:13 a. m.] nor shall it be deemed to limit the power nationals of a designated enemy country; of the Alien Property Custodian to re­ And determining that to the extent turn such property or the proceeds that such nationals are persons not thereof in whole or in part, nor shall it within a designated enemy country, the [Vesting Order 6776] be deemed to indicate that compensation national interest of the United States F ritz S chwartze will not be paid in lieu thereof, if and requires that such persons be treated as when it should be determined to take nationals of a designated enemy country In re: Bank account owned by Fritz any one or all of such actions. (Germany); Schwartze. F-28-12214-E-1. Any person, except a national of a des­ And having made all determinations Under the authority of the Trading ignated enemy country, asserting any and taken all action required by law, with the Enemy Act, as amended, and claim arising as a result of this order including appropriate consultation and Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, may, within one year from the date certification, and deeming it necessary and pursuant to law, the undersigned, hereof,, or within such further time as in the national interest, after investigation, finding: may be allowed, file with the Alien Prop­ 1. That Fritz Schwartze, whose last erty Custodian on Form APC-1 a notice hereby vests in the Alien Property Cus­ known address is Kollaustr. 90, Ham­ of claim, together with a request for a todian the property described above, to burg-Lockstedt, Germany, is a resident hearing thereon. Nothing herein con­ be held, used, administered, liquidated, of Germany and a national of a desig­ tained shall be deemed to constitute an sold or otherwise dealt with in the in­ nated enemy country (Germany) ; admission of the existence, validity or terest and for the benefit of the United 2. That the property described as fol­ right to allowance of any such claim. States. lows: That certain debt or other obliga­ The terms “national” and “designated Such property and any or all of the tion owing to Fritz Schwartze, by The enemy country” as used herein shall proceeds thereof shall be held in an West Side Savings and Loan Association, have the meanings prescribed in section appropriate account or accounts, pend­ 2025 West 25th Street, Cleveland 13, 10 of Executive Order No. 9095, as ing further determination of the Alien Ohio, arising out of a Savings Account, amended. Property Custodian. This order shall Account Number 2905, , entitled Fritz not be deemed to constitute an admis­ Schwartze, and any and all rights to Executed at Washington, D. C., on sion by the Alien Property Custodian demand, enforce and collect the same, June 26,1946. of the lawfulness of, or acquiescence in, is property within the United States [ seal] J ames E. M arkham, or licensing of, any set-offs, charges or owned or controlled by, payable or de­ Alien Property Custodian. deductions, nor shall it be deemed to liverable to, held on behalf of or on ac­ [F. R. Doc. 46-12063; Filed, July 12, 1946; limit the power of the Alien Property count of, or owing to* or which is evi­ 10:13 a. m.]