Team Clergy Church Wardens St. Andrew Caspar Bush—Team Rector 01209 216958 Lez Seth 01209 215191 Deb Grigg 07742 865618 Sue Pearce 01209 217596 Graham Adamson 01209 315965 St. Euny Redruth Peter Fellows 07903 807946 Margaret Johnson 01209 211352 Lay Readers Lucie Rogers 01209 211255 Jim Seth 01209 215191 Web site: Judith Williams 01209 202477 St. Andrew Pencoys Margaret Du Plessy 01209 481829 Jill Tolputt 01209 214638 Christchurch Lanner Magazine Editor/Treasurer Ross Marshall 01209 215695 Richard & Rosemary 01209 715198 Mary Anson 01209 211087 Robinson St. Stephen’s Treleigh PASTORAL TEAM 07724 639854 Anne Youlton 01209 214532 Christine Cunningham 01209 218147

Enquiries Concerning Church Halls

St Andrew’s Crypt Lez Seth 01209 215191 Pencoys Church Hall Christine Walker 01209 215850 Lanner Church Hall Margaret Davis 01209 214470 Treleigh Church Hall David Rowe 01209 218416

Enquiries Concerning Weddings and Baptisms

Please email Revd Caspar Bush on [email protected] or telephone 01209 216958

Benefice Office & weekly news sheet Administrator: Simon Cooper: Tel office 01209 200739 (Please leave a message) E-mail: [email protected] Benefice website Administrator: Alice Bush Email: [email protected] FIVE ALIVE MAGAZINE Subscriptions (£7.50 PER YEAR OR £1.00 PER COPY): please contact your Churchwardens

Articles and advertisements: please contact:- Richard and Rosemary Robinson: [email protected] by FRIDAY 16 AUGUST

Rector’s Notes – AUGUST 2019

Rest – one of God’s good ideas

I write this as some schools are breaking up, and I myself am looking forward to a summer break.

Work is a God-given thing. Whether it’s paid work, or (something the church totally relies upon), voluntary work, work is good and normal. I find it interesting that the idea of retire- ment is not actually found anywhere in our scriptures! And with life expectancy having increased so much over the last two generations, roles in church which are mainly filled by retired people do give people a real opportunity to serve God in a fulfilling and rewarding way, which can make a real difference to our communities.

But while retirement may not have been invented in biblical times, rest most certainly was. It’s surely one of the key things to take from the extraordinary Creation narrative in Genesis chapter 1, where after God has worked to bring the whole created order into being in six days, God rested on the seventh day. ‘Remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy’ says the third of the Ten Commandments, though of course the principle of rest is more important than which day of the week we take it.

Not long ago I saw a meme (an internet image) directed at church ministers. A minister is saying “I never take a day off because the devil never takes a day off”. The reply comes back “You might want to choose a different role model…”

I’ve mentioned before that my parents have a zoo near Bristol. They are both 81, and they still manage it themselves, albeit with 70 staff. But over the last two years my siblings and I have been helping them go through the process of passing it on. Next month, having spent 25 years in marketing in various organisations, my brother will become the managing director. It’s been difficult for my parents to let it go, but now that they’ve made the decision a weight has been lifted from their shoulders and they seem so much happier!

Though retirement isn’t biblical, as we get older of course our capacity to work becomes less, and we need to watch out for our fellow church members who might be toiling with more than is good for them.

If you are a key player in one of our churches and you need to slow down, or to give something up, do be brave enough to say. Conversely, if you have noticed a church friend struggling with their responsibilities, might you be able to take something over from them? At least help share the load?

May God bless our rest, as well as our work.

With my prayers & best wishes Caspar Bush (Team Rector)


As I write this, the first of the Crocosmia blooms are bursting into life across the area. Each August the woods, hedges and cliff tops around West are full of the fiery orange flowers. In the same way as Daffodils and Bluebells take their place in the early months of the year, the vibrant Montbretia Crocosmia bring the colour in summer. When I first moved to Cornwall in July 2007 I was struck by the vibrant colours of the Crocosmia growing in the wild areas of the valley where I lived in Tuckingmill. Adding as it did to the summer season, I assumed that they were a Cornish native plant.

But did you know this? According to Burncoose nurseries the crocosmia flower was only introduced to these parts in the 1880s as an addition to the gardens of the well-to-do, brought back by Cornish mining expeditions to Southern Africa. In the space of a little more than a century, the flowers have shown just what they were capable of and, refusing to be bound by the garden walls, burst into life right across Cornwall to the very edges of the land. “Invasive” is one word used to describe the way that these plants have spread, but I think other words would be better: persistent, relentless, enterprising, dynamic!

Around the same time as these unassuming orange flowers were being planted in genteel borders, the churches of our benefice were undergoing their own building and restoration: Christchurch Lanner was consecrated in 1845, St Stephens Treleigh, 1846, St Andrews Pencoys was built in 1882, St Andrews Clinton Road in 1884. (It must be said that St Euny church is the obvious exception to the rule here… Founded in the 6th century, the church as it now is was mostly built in 1786 around the 15th century tower. But nevertheless, the 19th century was clearly a time of great growth for our churches!)

But I wonder, what will be the legacy of our church be? What has our “spread” been over the same period as the montbretia has been moving incessantly outwards from the confines of the enclosures it was planted in?

And how can we continue to spread the wildflower seed of the gospel? The good news that God loves us and has come to us in Jesus should and does transform and bring vibrance, life and colour to all parts of our land.

Revd Graham Adamson


The Benefice Service at Treleigh on Sunday June 30th, and attended by all five Churches, was Reverend Graham Adamson’s first presiding Communion since his Ordination service on the previous Saturday. He was assisted by Reverend Caspar Bush with the sermon being given by his Mother, Barbara Adamson. Intercessions were by Reverend Deb Grigg, readings were by Trish Knights, and Mike Hichens was at the organ. A presentation was made to Graham and his family and a picnic in The Hawthorn Garden followed. An Ordination cake, made by Rachael Giddens and donated by Carol Stewart, was cut by Graham and enjoyed by everyone. It was a great get-together where everyone brought their own picnic, meeting old friends, making new ones with weather to go with it.

Treleigh Ladies Group had a very enjoyable trip to St. Ives on Tuesday July 2nd with an energetic few hours discovering the atmospheric delights of the town.

It was great to see Reverend Deb Grigg back in action on July 7th when she took the service, assisted by Len Cunningham as Eucharist Minister, with readings by Andrea Rogers. Welcome back Deb!

Treleigh Fete on Saturday July 6th was a great success and a wonderful afternoon’s get-together with music by The Skyliner’s Band giving a real swing and atmosphere to the whole proceedings. Amid the buying and selling, demon- strations and games there was a great sense of comradeship with old friends meeting up and catching up with the latest news. Griff’s Martial Arts Club gave an impressive demonstration with youngsters of all ages taking part. A further high- light was the large and tempting array of refreshments that was served in the hall. Treleigh Garden Fete has moved with the times but still retains the feeling of a traditional village fete. Our sincere thanks to all who supported the event, buyers, sellers, helpers, raffle ticket sellers, organisers, refreshment staff and those who helped to set up the stalls and gazebos in the morning. It was a real team effort, as always and a wonderful summer’s get together.

Fundraising continues for the massive upgrade and refurbishment of Treleigh Hall which will be even more of an asset to the ever growing community around Treleigh. An exciting project which will see the hall with greatly enhanced facilities for use by those in the locality. Plans have been passed and applications for Lottery funding and grants will be prepared, together with fundraising activities.

Trish Rowe (01209 218416)

CHRISTCHURCH LANNER Film Club June’s film wasA Day At The Races, starring the Marx Brothers, with Margaret Dumont, Allan Jones and Maureen O’Sullivan. The film was released in 1937 and showcased the various comic and musical talents of the Marx Brothers. July’s film will beStan And Ollie which tells the tales of Laurel and Hardy attempting to reignite their film careers following a gruelling theatre tour of post-war Britain. The film stars John C. Reilly as Oliver Hardy and Steve Coogan as Stan Laurel. Doors open at 6:30pm and the film starts at 7pm on Friday 26th July. Film Club nights are always the last Friday of each month and is part of the CFylm scheme.

Summer Fete The sun shone for our Summer Fete on Saturday 22nd June. Skyliner Big Band entertained the crowds as they browsed through the stalls and rested with a cup of tea and a slice of cake. Thank you to everyone who supported this event.

The “Statin Strollers” The Statin Strollers ventured out again on 12 July. They made their way along the track from Bissoe to Devoran taking in the beautiful scenery, identifying plants and spotting wildlife. The impressive Carnon Viaduct replaced the original viaduct de- signed by Brunel in 1863. The piers of Brunel's viaduct are still evident in the foreground. A welcome break was taken at the Yummy Scrummy Bakery & Cafe at Devoran (highly recom- mended). Here we saw a Smart Car covered in artificial grass! Not sure about its "green credentials" but it certainly was eye- catching. The group are looking forward to next month's walk along another part of the same trail.

Sister Act – Young Generation Falmouth This is a shameless plug by Julia Knight-Bennett, who is Musical Director for Young Generation’s performance of Sister Act. Young Generation was formed back in 1982 for young people aged between 1-20 years old who love to sing and dance. Sister Act is filled with disco music, outrageous dancing and a truly moving story based on the 1992 film. YG are presenting Sister Act from 30th July to 3rd August at Falmouth Poly – you can buy tickets online from the Poly web- site or contact them by phone.

St. Andrew’s Church Pencoys with Four Lanes United Methodist Church ‘Flapjack’ working, worshipping and praying together as ‘One in Christ’ You are most welcome to visit the church, open daily, usually from 10 am to 5 pm

What a jolly evening we had at our Pet Service, the LAMP First Sunday Evening Event held at St. Andrew’s Pencoys on 7th July! Fr. Peter blessed ‘Mikey’, a visiting tortoise, who had to be placed on the altar away from the curious eyes and sniffs of a variety of doggie friends, ranging from very vociferous blue Staffies to Westies, Jack Russells, Winnie the Whippet, and Denzil the Dachsund (pictured on later page), who had to be calorie-conscious about his treats prior to his weigh-in at “Doggie Slimming World” the following day! Our thanks go to all who took part in readings and prayers. It was lovely that so many members of the team participated, and we are extremely grateful for the generous donations totalling £100 to support the work of the Cornwall Animal Hospital at Treleigh, who are fundraising in earnest for the construction of a new hydrotheraphy pool. Rather strangely, a little wild rabbit must have heard about the service and tried to get into the church – but was barred for having no owner with him! He must have been longing to be blessed! The next LAMP First Sunday Evening Event will be held at Christchurch, Lanner, on Sunday, 4th August at 6 pm, when the theme will be ‘Bras for Africa’, and the cost of sending them to Malawi.

Our sincere thanks also go to everyone who came to our Summer Fete on Saturday, 13th July. Thankfully the weather stayed dry, and we were able to raise £310. We are particularly grateful to everyone who ran stalls, helped in the kitchen and donated items, especially for the cake stall, and to our friends from Four Lanes Methodist Church for their faithful support.

Flapjack invite everyone to two special events in August: Our Tea Treat at Portreath on Sunday 4th August, meeting there at 1pm and open to all. Please contact Jenny Opie for more details and if you would like to order a pasty and/or tea treat bun (Phone No. 212530) and … The Four Lanes Village Songs of Praise, on the Chapel’s Anniversary, Sunday 11th August at 2.30pm at Four Lanes Methodist Church, which is always followed by a delicious tea!

Our Children’s Clothing Bank will be launched on Saturday 21st September at 10am (till 12 noon) in Pencoys Hall, when we hope families will be able to take advantage of the items offered, or do a swap, as well as an opportunity for parents to relax and have a chat over a cup of tea or coffee, a subject raised at our recent HeartEdge meetings and discussions. Please pray for the success of this project, so that local families may come to know and experience the loving care of their church, whose members actively represent Jesus trying to help them. Jill Tolputt

ST EUNY CONGRATULATIONS – to Revd Graham Adamason on his ordination to the priesthood and to Jason Hoole-Jackson on being selected to go forward for Licensed Reader Training in the CofE. We wish you both all the best for the future.

HUGE THANKS – to all who helped in any way at our church clean-up and cut-back on Thursday, 4 July. All were rewarded afterwards with a pasty for their sterling efforts! The church looked stunning for our first wedding of the season on Saturday, 6 July the officiant of which was Revd Graham Adamson, his first wedding after his ordination the previous week. It is fair to say that the whole wedding was a huge success and it was lovely to see the grounds of the church being used for a champagne and cream scone reception by the bride and groom, their friends and family on what was the most perfect of days.

Thanks to Rosemary, Rosanna and Jenny for the many hours they have spent cleaning inside St Euny Church; they have deservedly ‘hung up their dusters’ after many years. Thanks also go to Jane and Jenny for the time they have spent counting the collection after church services on a Sunday morning.

We are delighted to announce the appointment of a new Treasurer for St Euny DCC. Thanks to Carrie Glenister for taking on this arduous of roles. We look forward to working with Carrie and welcoming her to the DCC.

There was a vibrant atmosphere in the town for the Murdoch Day Celebrations on 16 June, however, we were hard pressed to get 50p and £1 off people for our array of plants, marmalade and bric-a-brac, so are delighted that we managed to raise a total of £132 for church funds.

Up-date on the St Euny Church Public Access Defibrillator – an order has been placed with AEDDonate and the defibrillator paid for in full. We now await delivery, installation and training. Once again, thanks to all who helped in any way to get this vital community resource off the ground.

On 20 June we said a fond farewell to our Outreach Worker, Clare Brown, who was showered with cards, gifts, cash and a specially-made cake by Suzanne. Caspar presented both Clare and Suzanne with flowers as a thank you for all they have done for St Euny Church.

If anyone in the community or indeed in one of our Benefice churches feel they have skills and talents they could share with the group, we would be delighted to welcome you. From art painting, crafts or music. Or why not just come along and see what happens in St Euny Church on a Thursday afternoon between 1-4pm. Plus there’s always the bonus of tea and cake. It’s obligatory!

Margaret Johnson ST ANDREW REDRUTH Experience Church sessions A willing band of volunteers under the leadership of Deb and Caspar hosted 3 school visits for "Experience Church" sessions. Children from Trewirgie school and Pennoweth school experienced various aspects of church life - ranging from baptism to prayer and all sorts of things in between - at several stations set up around the building. With the use of craft activities and other interactive media some of our rites and rituals were demystified and the children were able to learn more about why we do certain things in our services. We are hoping to invite the schools back for similar sessions at Harvest and Christmastime. Civic Service A beautiful summer Sunday afternoon at the beginning of July saw us throw open our doors to welcome in our town Mayor, local councillors, other dignitaries and guests to our annual civic service. Redruth Town Band provided the music, Jim Seth preached, Methodist minister Carol Holmes led the prayers, children from the town youth council spoke, congregation members read the lessons, and afterwards everyone repaired to the crypt to be greeted by a delicious tea. The whole afternoon was a wonderful celebration of community and fellowship. Sunday Club This month our fantastic Sunday Club had its final meeting before the summer holidays. They have had a busy year of cooking, artwork, craft and slime-making all in the name of learning about God and Faith. They are a lively and lovely group of children, and their enthusiasm is catching. It is always enjoyable hearing about what they’ve been up to, in their own words, at the end of the service. We hope they all have a great summer and look forward to more fun, laughter and crafting in September. Green Church event - “Environmental Champions” On July 20th we hosted a Green Church Kernow event run by Lucie Isaacson, our Diocesan Environment Officer. Around a dozen participants joined us for a very informative morning during which we focussed on climate change and the risks and opportunities of which we need to be aware. There was a chance to discover what individual churches around the diocese are doing to become “greener” in their approach, and also to share in successes as well as helping each other with ideas and advice. Our very own Green Champion, Tamsin, shared our journey to becoming a gold award church, explaining how we had tackled various issues and especially how the young people of Sunday Club had been involved. Thanks go to everyone involved in organising this event and for raising the profile of Green Church. Open Church Our open church has been going well, with a good variety of people visiting to pray and to look at our beautiful church. We even have regular visits from nature, with several birds and cats spotted making use of our warm, sunshine filled aisles! In keeping with our open church aims we have a set of art sessions coming up in August. Our ‘Come Rain or Shine’ summer sessions are aimed at primary age children and younger and their parents. There will be toys available for the Toddlers and art activities for the older ones. These sessions will run from ten until twelve on the first four Thursdays in August. We look forward to seeing you there. Lez Seth August 1st Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Morning Prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning prayer & Holy Communion 10am-12pm St Andrew Redruth ‘Come Rain or Shine’ - free art & craft activities for children & their parents/carers (NB) No Open Café at St Euny. Re-opens 15th August 2nd Fr 10.15am 12 Mount Carbis Gdns Book Club 7pm St Stephen Treleigh Healing Service 3rd Sa 10am-5.15pm Christchurch Lanner Fr. Peter reads The Bible in an hour six times. See pew sheets for more details (NB) No DSBeenies or DSTeenybeenies throughout the school summer holidays 7pm Pencoys Hall First Saturday Quiz +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4th Su 7th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Christchurch Lanner Sung Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Sung Holy Communion (NB. No Sunday Club until 15th Sept.) 11am Four Lanes Chapel FLAPJACK Holy Communion 11.15am St Euny Holy Communion 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 1pm Lighthouse Hill, Portreath Tea Treat 3pm-5pm Four Lanes Chapel Lighthouse 6pm Christchurch Lanner LAMP First Sunday. Theme: ‘Bras for Africa’ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5th Mo 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 6pm St Andrew Redruth Healing Service 6th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 2pm Glencoe Hymn singing 7th We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 11am Christchurch Lanner Holy Communion (BCP) (NB) No Margaret’s Upper Room meetings throughout August. These will resume on 4th September 2pm Tremethick Hymn singing 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 8th Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Morning Prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning prayer & Holy Communion 10am-12pm St Andrew Redruth ‘Come Rain or Shine’ - free art & craft activities for children & their parents/carers 6pm Christchurch Lanner Summer Holiday Project* Adventure Week planning meeting 9th Fr 10th Sa 12 noon Pencoys Hall Jumblefood ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 11th Su 8th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Christchurch Lanner CHAMP All Age Monthly Praise 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Informal Worship with Holy Communion 11am St Andrew Pencoys FLAPJACK Family Event 11.15am St Euny Alternative Holy Communion 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 12.30pm St Andrew Pencoys Said Holy Communion 1pm St Stephen Treleigh Baptism 2.30pm Four Lanes Chapel Four Lanes Village Songs of Praise 3pm Christchurch Lanner Said Holy Communion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 12th Mo 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 6pm St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 13th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 14th We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel (NB) No 11am Christchurch Lanner service today 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 15th Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Morning Prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning prayer & HC 10am-12pm St Andrew Redruth ‘Come Rain or Shine’ - free art & craft activities for children & their parents/carers 1.30-3.30pm St Euny Open Café re-opens. Everyone is welcome 16th Fr 17th Sa 12 noon St Euny Wedding 2pm Christchurch Lanner Jumble Sale 3pm Christchurch Lanner Summer Holiday Club* Theatre Week performance 6pm Christchurch Lanner Summer Holiday Club* Theatre Week performance ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 18th Su 9th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Christchurch Lanner Family Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Sung Holy Communion 11am Four Lanes Chapel FLAPJACK Service of the Word 11.15am St Euny Holy Communion 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Holy Communion 1pm St Euny Baptism 6pm St Andrew Pencoys Sung Holy Communion ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 19th Mo 1.30pm Crypt Crafty People 6pm St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 20th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 21st We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel (NB) No 11am Christchurch Lanner service today 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice

22nd Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Morning Prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning prayer & HC 10am-12pm St Andrew Redruth ‘Come Rain or Shine’ - free art and craft activities for children & their parents/carers 1.30-3.30pm St Euny Open Café. Everyone is welcome 23rd Fr 24th Sa 11.30am Four Lanes Chapel Bangers & Mash ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 25th Su 10th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Christchurch Lanner Sung Holy Communion 9.30am St Andrew Redruth Sung Holy Communion 11am St Andrew Pencoys FLAPJACK Holy Communion with hymns 11.15am St Euny Morning Praise 11.15am St Stephen Treleigh Sung Holy Communion 2pm St Euny Wedding 4pm Pencoys Hall Tea Time event 6pm St Andrew Redruth Breathing Space ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 26th Mo 4.30pm Trelowan Last Monday Bible Study (NB) No 6pm St Andrew Redruth service today 27th Tu 8.30am St Andrew Pencoys Morning Prayer 9.30am St Euny Holy Communion 28th We 8.30am St Andrew Redruth Morning Prayer in the Lady Chapel 10am St Andrew Redruth Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 11am Christchurch Lanner Holy Communion (BCP) 2pm Crossroads Hymn singing 7.30pm St Euny Tower Bell Practice 29th Th 8.30am St Euny Quiet Morning Prayer 9.30am St Stephen Treleigh Morning prayer & HC 1.30-3.30pm St Euny Open Café. Everyone is welcome 30th Fr 2.30pm Christchurch Lanner Snack and Chat 6.30pm/7pm Christchurch Lanner Film Club 31st Sa 8.30am-12pm St Andrew Redruth Moveable Feast of Prayer 10am Christchurch Lanner The big clean at Christchurch

Redruth Team Ministry is delighted to support various independent community groups which are marked *

St Andrew’s Redruth War Memorial

You may have noticed that the war memorial outside of St Andrew Redruth is missing. This is just a temporary absence whilst some repairs and renovations are being made to the wooden cross and canopy. The significance of this memorial is that it was the first in Cornwall to be dedicated to the fallen of WW1 on 19th July 1919. It would be good to re-dedicate it at some time in the near future. Needless to say there is a significant cost involved in the repairs and so if you would like to make a donation towards this cost it would be much appreciated. Please send any donations to Richard Robinson our Treasurer. Thank you. FROM THE REGISTERS

FUNERALS 18 June 2019 Barbara Isaacs St Stephen Treleigh 26 June 2019 Carol Elizabeth Roberts St Euny 28 June 2019 Arthur David John Pascoe MBE St Andrew Redruth 05 July 2019 Joan Chaffe St Stephen Treleigh

WEDDINGS 28 June 2019 David Carl Harvey and Samantha Dawn Spittle St Andrew Pencoys 06 July 2019 Samuel McDonald and Robyn Ferguson St Euny

BAPTISMS 23 June 2019 Lorelei Wallwork St Stephen Treleigh 14 July 2019 Charlie Alexander Naylor St Andrew Redruth 20 July 2019 Miya Ann Bray-Powell St Stephen Treleigh ST EUNY UKES

St Euny Ukes outreach band have been performing at various events over the past few months – in actual fact three times by invitation at Barncoose Rehabilitation Lanyon Ward.

They report that once their presentation got going on Lanyon Ward people kept peeping in to see what was happening and one by one extra patients arrived. One lady who was from Spain and visiting her mother enjoyed the music. There was jiving and much merriment. The patients played having been given percussion instruments and clapped and sang along.

Their next outreach gig is at Miners Court in Redruth on 30 July from 1.30-3.30pm. Terry Jones


Thanks to congregation donations and fund raising together with the support of the British Heart Foundation and AED Donate, St Andrew Redruth and St Euny have each obtained a public access defibrillator to be put in a prominent position outside their church which will be available 24/7 for anyone who needs it. In order that the health benefit to the community of having this equipment is maximised we will in due course be holding a training event covering how to identify a heart attack, the proper use of CPR and when to use the defibrillator. Many thanks to Mary Anson who has agreed to present this course and also make her care home at Scorrier available as a venue. The course is open to members of the congregation from all the team churches and anyone who uses our facilities. If you are interested in attending please email me so we can plan the event. Richard Robinson ([email protected])

‘Denzil’ Pearce at the Pets Service at St Andrew Pencoys on Sunday 07 July 2019

FRIDAY 02 AUGUST—BOOK CLUB Charles Dickens: Faith, Angels and the Poor by Keith Hooper "Deeply respecting, and bowing down before the character of Our Saviour, you cannot go very wrong, and will always preserve at heart a true spirit of veneration and humility." Charles Dickens. Dickens was a great storyteller; he possessed the unique ability of documenting the realities of life for both his contemporaries and fu- ture generations. A journalist, commentator, historian, and the social conscience of a nation, his influence and reach extended far beyond that normally associated with a novelist. Although the subject of numerous books, none have sought to detail how the writer tried through his work to change the hearts of his readers. In this authorita- tive and highly readable new biography, Keith Hooper explores the nature and development of Dickens's faith, and the means by which it was expressed. This excellent study of Dickens's beliefs and struggles with the contemporary church gives new and valuable insight into his literary work.

Friday September 6th The Girl Who Smiled Beads: A Story of War and What Comes After by Clemantine Wamariya Clemantine Wamariya was six years old when her mother and father began to speak in whispers, when neighbours began to disappear, and when she heard the loud, ugly sounds her brother said were "thunder." In 1994, she and her fifteen-year-old sister, Claire, fled the Rwandan massacre and spent the next six years wandering through seven African countries, searching for safety--perpetually hungry, imprisoned and abused, enduring and escaping refugee camps, finding unexpected kindness, witnessing inhuman cruelty. They did not know whether their parents were dead or alive.

When Clemantine was twelve, she and her sister were granted asylum in the United States, where she embarked on another journey--to excavate her past and, after years of being made to feel less than human, claim her individuality


Tuesday August 06 Jubilee Pool Thursday August 08 Craft Day at Christchurch Lanner

Tuesday August 27 Heartlands Thursday August 29 Portreath Beach



Performances are on SATURDAY 17 AUGUST AT 3.00PM and 6.00pm PACKED TEA IS ESSENTIAL


COST IS £150.OO PER CHILD If you would like more information please contact FP 079 038 079 46

Redruth Team Ministry is delighted to support various independent community groups which are marked* Redruth Market Recalled by Michael Tangye

How good it is to see an attempt to revive Redruth’s ancient market with stalls, however few, on Market Strand and activities in the old Butter Market area. Sadly, gone are the huge departmental West End Departmental Stores, the great variety of fashion shops for ladies—Gribble’s and Cocking’s; John Knight’s, which sold such varied products; the great Trounson’s wholesale store, Chandler’s pianos, Wiltons hardware, Griggs and the male outfitters, Clotworthy’s, Menhenniots ,along with the national brand Burton – all producing suits and sport-jackets made to measure.

Many will recall the market days of each Tuesday and Friday, mainly for the sale of livestock in the Fair Meadow. Farmers and their wives brought dairy products, eggs, cream and butter for sale in the Butter Market area; the large covered Market House was divided into separate units, each with its saw-dust covered floor where butchers from the area chopped large joints of meat on deeply rutted benches of heavy wood. Market Strand was filled with numerous stalls– the sisters Franklin selling second-hand Victorian and Edwardian china articles and beneath the town clock the Hicks family sold their renowned home produced boiled sweets. Purchasers would have been less keen as this writer was told many years ago that ‘Mr Hicks suspended the mass of warm boiled sweet material from a hook when ready for shaping and spat on his hands before stretching it! No ‘Elf and Safety’ in those days!’

The Friday Cattle Market was always an attraction for pupils of Trewirgie School—the chants of the auctioneer elderly farmers leaning on cattle pens assessing the quality of various animals in rich broad dialect the sorrow when seeing cows beaten heavily to drive them up steep slippery ramps into old lorries, followed by the sprint of pupils to get to school on time!

At that period during the last war, Redruth remained as a thriving town with the attraction of numerous shops. Even earlier it was suggested as being the best shopping centre from westwards, with thousands filling its streets each Friday. In the Victorian period a line of bricks, set in the road, extended on the north side of Fore Street up to the Town Clock; it marked the boundary in which each shopkeeper held the right to erect a ‘standing’ (Stall) out- side of his shop. With shops on the South side displaying boxes on the pavement, there was little room left for the masses of people on market days, made worse by horse-drawn traffic attempting to pass along the limited space. From this evolved an old saying— “you always know a ‘Redruth man—he always walks in the middle of the street”, and regarding its steep- ness, “a Redruth man always walks leaning forward!”

The street situation was sorted by a group of wealthy Redruth business men who had fi- nanced the market house; it was reported that they illegally forced the standing owners to relinquish their ancient right of having the space fronting their shops and made them move to the market house. <> Coastal Footpath Polzeath— © by Tricia Rowe We left Redruth is glorious sunshine but by the time we were half way to Padstow the clouds rolled in and it stayed like it all day. Such are the vagaries of our Cornish weather we heard later that Redruth had retained the sunshine all day! In Padstow the cafes were busy and plenty of activity on the boats. We caught the Black Tor ferry across the to Rock. We later found out that this was the last day that this particular ferry would run as a new and updated one will be taking over. A notice at the ferry landing said: “To summon ferry, wave the hand- flag in the box until you see the ferry leave Padstow. Please replace flag in box”. The plan today was a circular walk as there were no buses to do the inland part of the walk. So we walked to Polzeath via the inland lanes and paths to get us on track for our coastal walk later in the day. Passing through a farm we saw a huge bull with cows and calves behind a very flimsy electric fence. We hoped he was a family man and wouldn’t charge at the fence. It certainly didn’t look strong enough to stop him if he took a fancy to us! Polzeath was packed out when we got there. The beach was crowded, the sea was crowded and there were four ice cream vans cruising around. We had already done nearly 6 miles and we hadn’t started on the coastal bit yet! The coastal path out of Polzeath towards Daymer Bay is a very civilised part of the path and a great favourite with walkers of all abilities. It is mostly a flat, well defined, smooth path and not too far to Daymer Bay. We were now in Betjeman country, close to where he lived. He is buried at St. Enodoc Church nearby. There were a lot of people on the path in all states of dress….some have just come off the beach, some just in swim suits, some with just a towel around their necks and everyone just strolling. We appeared to be the only long distance walkers around, most are just wandering from one bay to the next to see what’s around the corner. Just before Daymer Bay three little girls were running around the long grassy meadow-like clifftop chasing butterflies with butterfly nets. They looked as if they should have had had the long dresses and white pinafores of early last century, rather than the modern flowered leggings and tee-shirts. Up and over the very steep Brae Hill and we were heading for the Black Tor Ferry once again and passing the famous Doom Bar across the estuary. It was along here that as children living at Polzeath, my sisters and I used to play amongst the sand dunes, jumping off the high ones and shouting: “Geronimo” and with our own children too! When we alighted from the ferry at Padstow a band was playing and Redruth people were coming out of the woodwork as there had been an Old Cornwall trip that day! Just over twelve miles today! DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WITH MEMORY PROBLEMS? WE ARE HERE TO HELP AND SUPPORT Redruth Memory Café/Activity Group

· We meet at Redruth Community Centre · On second and fourth Wednesday each month · Between 1:30 and 3:30 · For anyone with concerns about their own memory or a family member’s memory · For friendship, fun, support, information · Free parking, refreshments and raffle

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No. 35588

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