Congressional Record—House H5058
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H5058 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 22, 2017 ROBERT MUELLER AS SPECIAL with valuable certificates and creden- ible act of heroism. While off duty, COUNSEL IS A CONFLICT OF IN- tials in Alaska’s many industries. They Specialist Marteney displayed remark- TEREST include: qualification for Alaska’s mar- able selflessness and courage in the res- (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee asked itime and transportation industry; cer- cue and treatment of a fatally wounded and was given permission to address tifications in welding and carpentry; civilian. the House for 1 minute and to revise pre-apprenticeships for electricians, On May 27, 2017, a motor home trav- and extend his remarks.) heavy equipment operators, and iron- eling in Oak Grove, Kentucky, collided Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee. Mr. workers; medical certifications, such with a civilian building. With complete as EMTs and certified nursing aides; disregard for his own personal safety, Speaker, for 71⁄2 years before coming to Congress, I was a judge in Tennessee certification of OSHA and HAZMAT Michael pulled his car over to the site trying felony criminal cases. I tried the agencies; and culinary arts and build- of the accident and rushed to the scene. attempted murder of James Earl Ray ing maintenance repair. The front of the motor home was and many other high-profile cases. These are all programs, Mr. Speaker, crushed, and Michael saw that the driv- Robert Mueller, with his close rela- that help the working person and the er had life-threatening injuries to his tionship with James Comey, should young person to become prepared—just head and leg. never have been appointed as special not going to college. They can become With gasoline still rapidly spilling prosecutor in a case in which Mr. someone that can contribute to the from the vehicle, Michael was able to Comey is such a central player. Mr. good of our State and our Nation. gain access to the passenger side of the Mueller should never have accepted Mr. Speaker, I urge the passage of motor home and fashion a makeshift such an appointment when offered. this legislation. I proudly stand here to tourniquet. Oak Grove Police Officer That would have been the honorable support H.R. 2353. Sergeant Havens arrived on scene and thing to do. f handed Michael a combat application tourniquet, which he swiftly applied. Then, to make matters much worse, HONORING THE LIVES OF CURTIS he has hired several lawyers who are Despite the imminence of fire or ex- BILLUE AND CHRISTOPHER plosion, Michael went into the back of big contributors to and are active cam- MONICA paigners for Hillary Clinton and other the motor home to locate a first-aid (Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia asked Democrats. kit. Michael conveyed lifesaving infor- and was given permission to address Most people believe there are many mation to EMS about the driver’s dis- the House for 1 minute and to revise conflicts of interest here. There are position that prompted the call for im- and extend his remarks.) hundreds of thousands of lawyers who mediate flight evacuation services. Mr. JODY B. HICE of Georgia. Mr. If Specialist Michael Marteney had could have been hired who had not been Speaker, I rise in honor of two Georgia not taken control of the situation and involved in any way for either the State corrections officers, Sergeants implemented key medical assistance, President or Mrs. Clinton. Curtis Billue and Christopher Monica, the wounded driver would not have sur- This investigation has been tainted, who were killed in the line of duty on vived the trauma sustained. and any action now will look like a June 13 in Putnam County, Georgia. I am honored to recognize Specialist partisan witch hunt. Former Speaker I share with their families the deep Marteney’s lifesaving actions, an in- Gingrich said what we now need is a sorrow perpetrated by the violence of spiring illustration of the good will of special counsel to investigate the spe- two rogue inmates, and I pray that God others and the consequences of brave cial counsel. comforts the Billue and Monica fami- deeds. I thank Specialist Marteney for f lies in their time of grief. his bravery and all others in Oak Grove Described as hardworking, kind, and SUPPORT CAREER AND who were involved in the rescue. devoted, Sergeants Billue and Monica TECHNICAL EDUCATION f will be remembered for their service (Mr. YOUNG of Alaska asked and was and sacrifice, for their loyalty as pub- RECOGNIZING 50TH ANNIVERSARY given permission to address the House lic servants, and for their love and OF GRAND VALLEY STATE UNI- for 1 minute and to revise and extend dedication to their families. VERSITY’S PIONEER CLASS his remarks.) I am grateful that the two perpetra- (Mr. HUIZENGA asked and was given Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, I tors of this crime have been brought permission to address the House for 1 rise today to speak on behalf of the back into custody, and I am confident minute.) Strengthening Career and Technical that justice will be served. Mr. HUIZENGA. Mr. Speaker, today I Education for the 21st Century Act, American law enforcement officers rise to recognize the 50th anniversary legislation set to pass today to reau- make a promise to keep our country of Grand Valley State University’s pio- thorize and improve upon the Carl Per- and communities safe. In return, we neer class. kins—a Member of this House in the must restore the tradition of respect In June of 1967, in a tent on its past—Career and Technical Education and honor that is owed to all members Allendale, Michigan campus, Grand program. of the law enforcement community Valley held its long dreamed of first As a former teacher, it is my firm be- who are on the front lines. commencement ceremony. On that lief that school is not just and cannot In gratitude to Sergeants Billue and day, 138 seniors, including 86 members be one size fits all. The Carl Perkins Monica, Governor Nathan Deal ordered of the pioneer class that started in funding has allowed school districts the flags of Georgia to fly at halfstaff 1963, received their diplomas from and school boards from across the on July 17 and 20. Michigan’s newest college. country to develop innovative pro- I ask my colleagues to join me in rec- These first graduates laid the founda- grams to educate our Nation’s youth. ognizing their lives and service and to tion of a university that would grow to I have always supported alternative say ‘‘thank you’’ to every brother and offer 124 degrees, enroll students from forms of education. Education not only sister in uniform who stand on that 82 different countries, and boast a 94 trains the mind, but trains our Na- thin blue line. percent employment rate for its grad- tion’s youth with valuable skills to f uates—always a good thing. succeed outside the classroom and in After that first graduation ceremony the workforce. COMMENDING ARMY SPECIALIST in 1967, GVSU had 138 alumni. Today, Many students in my State and MICHAEL MARTENEY FOR HIS the university has over 110,000 proud across the Nation rely on nontradi- HEROISM alumni throughout Michigan and, tional opportunities to achieve success, (Mr. COMER asked and was given frankly, around the globe. and Carl Perkins grants have done the permission to address the House for 1 Under the leadership of its first presi- job of providing additional opportuni- minute.) dent, James Zumberge, followed by the ties for our youth. Mr. COMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to continued guidance of Arend Lubbers, In my State, these programs have led pay special recognition to Army Spe- Mark Murray, and current president, the way to providing our workforce cialist Michael Marteney for an incred- Thomas Haas, Grand Valley has come VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:31 Jun 23, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K22JN7.016 H22JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBV9HB2PROD with HOUSE.