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Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 500000 550000 600000 650000 700000 750000 Ã Æ Ã Æ Legend Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ 915 914 918 135 à 910 Æ .! Project Location Ã Æ 102 Ã Æ .! Towns & Cities à 965 Æ Highway, Paved 165 935 ­ Highway, Unpaved 6100000 6100000 Railway Ã Æ Waterbody 155 Ã Æ Watercourse Ã Æ Ã Creighton Æ Ã Æ 911 904 167 919 Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Ã Æ Æ 951 Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã 950 Æ 941 924 6050000 6050000 Ã Æ Ã 224 Æ 912 Æ Ã 954 106 à Pierceland 55 Goodsoil 903 916 Æ Æ Dorintosh Ã Ã Æ 969 à 2 Æ 967 927 Meadow à LakeLake Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ Æ Loon à 922 à Lake Makwa Æ Ã 6000000 26 304 Æ 920 6000000 Ã Æ Ã 913 Æ 926 à 942 Æ Ã Æ Ã 264 Æ Ã Æ Big 265 943 River 123 Æ Ã 945 Ã Æ Candle à 21 Æ Lake St. Æ 263 à 946 Æ Walburg Ã Ã Æ Ã Æ Ã Æ 9 Paradise Spruce 4 55 Hill Lake Leoville 120 5950000 953 5950000 Æ Ã Christopher 24 Debden Lake Birchbark Tobin Paddockwood Lake Smeaton Lake Meath Choiceland à Turtleford Æ Ã Æ Park Shore Gold Mervin Glaslyn Weirdale MB Æ Spiritwood à à AB Æ Canwood 240 355 Shell Albertville Medstead Star-Orion LloydminsterLloydminster Lake 55 Æ 303 à Marshall South Location Æ Ã 3 Edam Codette à Prince Æ Lashburn Rabbit Prince Æ 16 à .! Vawn Lake Parkside 5900000 Albert 302 5900000 à 0 Maidstone Æ Ã Waseca Æ Ã PayntonÆ Meota 335 Ridgedale 378 Arborfield à 674 Æ Birch Leask Weldon Hills Zenon 324 Park Æ Marsden Marcelin à Kinistino Æ Ã St. Beatty à Neilburg Æ 11 25 Mistatim Æ Blaine Louis à à Cut North Lake Duck Melfort Star Tisdale Æ Ã North Æ Tisdale à Lake Æ 3 Knife Krydor 212 City Domremy Yellow Valparaiso 981 Æ Battleford à Hafford 225 320 Creek à Rockhaven Æ Richard 40 Laird Bjorkdale 5850000 Speers 5850000 à Battleford Æ BattlefordDenholm St. Æ Ã 980 Ã Æ Wakaw Porcupine Æ Waldheim Brieux Ã Ã Æ Æ 29 à 312 Plain Senlac St. Æ Ã 340 Pleasantdale 23 Ruddell Maymont 12 Benedict Scale: 1:2,000,000 Æ Ã 982 Ã Æ Ã 17 Adanac Alvena Æ Æ Ã Middle Weekes Hepburn à Evesham Hague Cudworth Æ Æ 0 Lake Ã Ã Æ Æ Radisson 41 à 368 984 50 25 0 50 Lake Naicam 35 983 Æ Cando Ã Æ 20 Ã Ã Æ Lenore 349 à Pilger Æ Archerwill Kilometres Primate Scott Borden 16 Osler 38 Æ Ã Prud'homme Spalding Rose Æ Denzil 376 305 à Annaheim Arelee Valley Æ Warman 27 à Aberdeen 2 Bruno 5800000 5800000 à Landis Æ Martensville Vonda Ã Æ Martensville 9 Fosston à 374 Æ Humboldt Endeavour Æ 317 Luseland Asquith à St. Englefeld Æ Ã Saskatoon Tramping Saskatoon Muenster Gregor Watson Handel Ã Æ 5 Meacham 670 Quill Lake 14 Perdue Kinley Lake Lintlaw Reference Æ Ã Æ Ã 316 Æ Springwater à Base data: NTDB Tile 073H, 073A; NRN. Æ Kelfield à Leroy 21 Vanscoy Elstow Colonsay 49 à 60 Clavet Æ Mine facilities: Amec, dated 19 February 2009 51 Bradwell Viscount Sturgis Major Stenen Hyas Arran Æ Ruthilda Delisle Plunkett à 397 Norquay CLIENT: Guernsey 6 Pelly Æ Tessier Zelma Margo à Dodsland Allan Invermay 5750000 5750000 à Coleville Plenty Dundurn Æ Jansen 5 Ã Æ Æ Ã Rama Loverna Harris Dafoe Ã Æ Young Drake Elfros 31 365 Buchanan 307 219 Leslie PROJECT: Smiley Herschel Zealandia Æ Hanley à Lockwood Veregin 57 Star - Orion South Diamond Project Æ ShehoÃ Ã Æ Ã Conquest Wishart Æ Æ Ã Sovereign Marengo Flaxcombe Kindersley Æ Netherhill Brock à Broderick Nokomis 16 Insinger 47 à Alsask 7 Milden Æ 15 229 Theodore Togo à Glenside Kenaston Æ Ã Raymore Æ 357 Ã Æ Æ Ã Hawarden Rhein Semans Punnichy Springside Æ 5700000 Mantario Dinsmore à 369 5700000 30 Wiseton Macrorie Strongfield Bladworth Imperial 309 Quinton 310 Ebenezer Stornoway Regional Site Location Map Eatonia Govan Lestock Jedburgh 8 Leross Glidden Kelliher Ã Æ Ã Æ Æ Ã Æ Ã Willowbrook Ã Æ Æ 4 Elrose 45 44 à Calder 52 DATE: ANALYST: Æ Loreburn à à 44 Duval Ituna Æ Æ 11 à Girvin Yorkton 0 Dec 7, 2010 RM Figure 5.2.7-1 Ã Æ Æ Ã Hubbard Elbow Liberty Æ Ã 15 Birsay Goodeve 381 QA/QC: Æ Saltcoats à PDF FILE: Craik Penzance 10 JOB No: 42 Lucky Ã Æ 19 Strasbourg Fenwood Figure 5.2.7-1 Regional Site Location Map.pdf à Lake Æ 80 SX0373301 SG Leader Bulyea Bredenbury Ã Æ Ã Ã Æ Æ Ã Æ Holdfast Æ Ã 373 Cupar Dysart Prelate Aylesbury 220 Earl Southey Melville Churchbridge GIS FILE: Æ Ã Melville 5650000 22 5650000 Sceptre 32 Beechy Grey Lipton Figure 5.2.7-1 Regional Site Location Map.mxd 342 Riverhurst 367 322 Duff 0 Markinch PROJECTION: DATUM: 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 500000 550000 600000 650000 700000 750000 UTM Zone 13 NAD83 C:\Users\Rachel\Documents\GIS_Work\SX03733.02 - Shore Gold\_MAPS\HydroG Baseline\Figure 5.2.7-1 Regional Site Location Map.mxd 440000 460000 480000 500000 520000 540000 560000 580000 Legend Candle !R SWA Armley Observation Well Lake 5960000 5960000 ! A Gronlid Test Site monitoring well ­ !. Rural Towns Rural Municipalities Highway, Paved Highway, Unpaved TORCH Starpit RIVER Orion South Pit Overburden Piles PADDOCKWOOD Coarse PK PKCF ú Dam 5940000 5940000 Railway Vegetation Christopher Lak e Waterbody Birchbark Tobin Lake Wetlands Lake Paddockwood Watercourse Sm eaton Choiceland Lov e Parks White Fox Weir dale Meath x R i v e r W h i t e F o Park MOOSE 5920000 5920000 Alber tville RANGE Nipawin BUCKLAND GARDEN RIVER r e Codette i v R h e w a n a s k a t c R i v e r a n h S w o r t h e NIPAWIN N a t c S a s k 5900000 5900000 Prince Albert Gronlid Test Site A! KINISTINO Arborfield Scale: 1:500,000 Armley Observation W ell 10 5 0 10 20 r Zenon Rive Ridgedale Park Kilometres e k WILLOW Carr ot re !R 5880000 PRINCE C 5880000 n a CREEK en CONNAUGHT ALBERT R i v e r BIRCH P o a n w Weldon e HILLS h Birch Reference c Hills t Base data: NTDB Tile 073H, 073A; NRN. a k Mine facilities: Amec, dated 19 February 2009 s Kinis tino a CLIE NT : S t h S o u St. Beatty Louis PR OJE C T: Star 5860000 City 5860000 Star - Orion South Diamond Project Melfort Tisdale S T. Valparais o LOUIS STAR TISDALE Local Features near Site Dom rem y FLETT'S INVERGORDON CITY SPRINGS DA TE : AN A LY S T : Yellow Creek Dec 22, 2011 RM Figure 5.2.7-2 JO B No: QA /QC : PD F F IL E : SX0373301 SG Figure 5.2.7-2 Loca l F eatu res near Site.p df HOODOO Bjorkdale GIS F ILE : Figure 5.2.7-2 Loca l F eatu res near Site.mxd 5840000 5840000 PR OJEC TION : DA TU M : 440000 460000 480000 500000 520000 540000 560000 580000 UTM Zone 13 NAD83 I:\LG713365 \[GIS_Work]\SX03733.02 - Shore Gold\_ MAPS\HydroG Baseline\Figure 5.2.7-2 L ocal Features near Site.mxd 400000 450000 500000 550000 600000 à Legend Æ 912 .! Project Location NARROW HILLS 6000000 PROVINCIAL 6000000 à PARK Æ Cross Section Locations Ã Æ 920 .! Rural Towns 969 ­ Rural Municipalities Ã Æ Ã Æ NORTHERN Highway, Paved 926 913 Highway, Unpaved Ã Æ ADMIN Railway PRINCE ALBERT 264 DISTRICT NATIONAL PARK Vegetation Ã Æ Ã Æ Waterbody 922 265 Wetlands Æ Ã Watercourse 2 Parks à Candle Æ Indian Reservations Lake 106 Ã Æ B-B' 263 ? Ã Æ TORCH Ã Æ Ã 5950000 Æ 5950000 120 RIVER 952 953 PADDOCKWOOD Birchbark Tobin Lake Lake à Debden CANWOOD Æ Christopher Paddockwood 123 Lake Smeaton Choiceland Love Ã Æ Ã 55 Æ Weirdale White 255 Ã Æ Fox MOOSE e r à v Æ x R i Meath W h i t e F o 240 Park ? RANGE 355 Albertville Canwood GARDEN r Nipawin e Nipawin ? BUCKLAND RIVER i v R n Codette a SHELLBROOK w S a s k a t c h e w a e r t h n R c h N o i v e a t N I PAW IN A-A' r .! S a s k 5900000 à 5900000 302 Æ Parkside Prince Albert Æ Ã Scale: 1:750,000 JAMES SMITH Ã Æ Æ 6 à CREE NATION Arborfield 335 23 105 0 10 20 30 Æ Ã Nisbet MUSKODAY CONNAUGHT k r FIRST e ve Zenon 40 Provincial re t Ri Kilometres LEASK PRINCE NATION C WILLOW Carro Park n Ridgedale Forest na Leask ALBERT oe CREEK ARBORFIELD h e w a n P t c R i v e Weldon a r Birch Æ DUCK à k Hills LAKE s BIRCH 3 a KINISTINO ? Reference Æ Marcelin S à HILLS Kinistino Æ Ã t h 25 Base data: NTDB Tile 073H, 073A; NRN. S o u Mine facilities: Amec, dated 19 February 2009 11 Beatty St. Louis Star Mistatim CLIENT: Ã Æ City S T. Tisdale BLAINE 212 Duck Melfort Valparaiso Lake LOUIS à LAKE Æ Ã Æ BJORKDALE Domremy FLETT'S STAR PROJECT: Æ Ã TISDALE 225 320 5850000 BATOCHE Yellow 41 SPRINGS CITY 5850000 Star - Orion South Diamond Project NATIONAL Creek HISTORIC PARK à INVERGORDON Æ Bjorkdale Laird 368 Cross Section Location Map LAIRD Ã Æ Æ FISH à Wakaw Waldheim CREEK 35 312 St.
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