(Iowa City, Iowa), 1952-09-20
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Serving the State ~ The Weather University of Iowa Part! doudr UMI ~ Campul and 1011.,.. Fair ana ~l b da)'. llI,b loclaJ'. II: I •• Iowa City ••. UlIrb FriuJ', S7 : low. at lS. -------------------------------------------------~Eat. 1868 AP Leased Wire Five Cent. Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, Sept. 20, 1952 - VoL 86, No. 247 More Fun Than Exams! • e .en 5 unnln • * * * Thinks Nixon Says '~achine Stevenson Says Republicans Is Honest Man; Bosses Back ' A 'G hOld P .. t ' Of Stevenson re roue y esslmls S Advisors Split WASHINGTON (.4» - Owleht KANSAS CITY (.4') - Dwl.ht NEW YORK C.4') - Gov. Adlai D. Eisenhower expre.ssed belief D. EIsenhower said Friday that E. Stevenson !lew here Fr day the CathoUc prelate's Madison Av under a pN)teellnl! canopy. the Il Friday that Sen. RIchard M. Nix Adlai Stevenson Is a candldale of atter teliln, a Ma.. achusetta audi enue residence. Monday he ad linois governor asked the crowd to on was an honest man, but lOme the "machIne bo ses" who will try ence the Republican.! are ".rouchy dresses the AFL national conven follow him Into the adjacent audi ot the general's advisers were re to win the presidency Cor hIm 'by old pessimists" who haven't been tion at the Commodore Hotel In torium. ported to teel Nixon should rWln whatever means" In Ihe November happy since President William New York. The place was filled In ,(1 ve as vice presIdential nominee. election. McKinley'. d y •. Stevenson new here from minutes and Stevenson pIcked up A political uproar of major pro Mel Kerr, AI, In the harshest Indlc:tment of The Democratic presidential Sprln,field, ., where In • where he had lert off. porOonl was set oft by the du WapeUo, relax from a hard week of orlentaUon with a ,arne of. the camp len the GOP pr iden nomlncc's chartered plane landed mid-day speech he talked about sand From ~ID. clo ure that Nixon acc pt d 10m plll&'-pons- a~ the field house Frida), nl,.hi. Frida), nl,M wa the Ual nomlnec declared "the bo es" at LaGuardia airport at 4:12 p.m. GOP "vouchy pesalmlsts" a.nd "At least I DVed you from $16.000 In natorlal expense money [rom California buslneq, .I, lint of a series of "Play Nl,hts" to be held !bl )'ear. New tuden'" delivered the vote and "sewed up (Iowa time) and the 1lIinois ,ov banged away ae.in at a favorite drownln,," tho ,overnor joked. th nomination for Stevenson," eroor went to the Biltmore Hotel theme - that the slan.b In the "What I re,lIy want to do Is to men over the past two years. wtll be subject to more exams todllo)" but an Open House lor them Democrata kept up a drumfire It planned for th m from 8 to lZ tonl,ht at the Iowa l'tItmorlal Un '·x sympathl:te with the nominee for an overnlaht Itay. campalln ot his R publlc.n op save you from drownln, next ponent for the prC3ldency, Dwl,ht of criticism of Nixon, who replied Ion. of the Democratic party becau e Saturday he mes to Washing January." of the ~mpany he Is obll,ed to ton. D.C., and then motors to D. Eisenhower, now are beln, He declared: th.t he wu beln. smeared be keep." Eisenhower said. RIChmond. Va., for a major ad called by Sen. Robert A. Taft of " If It had not been tor the wis cau of his attacks "on COmmun bm and corruptlon." Ill... Truman AclmlJIWraUon dress there In the ev nin. - the Ohio. dom and courage ot OUt nation I Crowd Oe... o_keel lead nhlp Europe mlaht now The ' tar' kepori Also, he accu ed the Truman first speech of hb campaign in the ! VA Will Provide (ounciling Southland. Stevenson drew applause and have fallen to the CommuniJts. It The Kansa. Cit), Star, which administration of permlttln. the laulhs Crom a capaclty crowd ot It had not b n for the wisdom edItorially supports Eisenhower, to move "theIr kind" Into Will Addrea. Marinq 5,400 rain-soaked peraona In the and courale of our national lead lederal jobs to "practJce on the said lOme advlJ rs were teUln. On the way to Richmond, Ste Municipal Auditorium u he chid- ershlp Communist a&lrCSSOr5 him h .hould Ilk Nixon to re national level the vlclous morw venson will stop at the Marine ed the Republicans with a barra,e would by now have swallowed l To Veferans Under New;GI Bill of boss poll ties." sl,n. The Star's report was In II base at Quantico, va.. to attend 01 wittltlsm.. Korea and swarmed all over dispatch from Ita correspondent. Special counseling will be pro- 'The speech was prepared I'8r ceremonl • at wWch hb eldest He h d been .pea~ln, only a A.I .... Duke ShOQP. aboard Eisenhower's -=--------- dell very at a Municipal Auditori son, Adlai III. 22. wJl) be com vlded all Korean war veterans pus. The address is: Veterans minute or 10. however, when rain Before the rain started, Steven train. eoroute to Kansas City. um rally. The leneral arrived here missioned a second lieutenant. The be,an to r.1I and he Joked that: son told the crowd: "It wa, Ken who enter SUI this fall under the Service Office, B-4, UnIversity Frm the same train, Associated to be &reeted by 4.000 penon.! at ,overnor will make a brief non "The Republlcana must have In- nedy and not Nixon (Sen. Richard Press reporter Jack Bell wrote new Korean "GI Bill ot Rlghts," Hall, SUI, Iowa City. la. the railway station, and another political .peech at Quantico. William D. Coder, veterans serv tertered." M. Nixon of CaUfornia, th GOP .\ alii Falfllc I'; that Eisenhower's ad visers were Brln&' epa ration rape ... pollee estimated crowd at 35,000 A moment later th re was a vice presldentl.l nomInee) ice coordinator, has announced. He will C1y bock to New York reported to be .pllt sharply on The new veterans .hould brine to 40,000 alon, a parade route to c1oudbur.t and a violent wInd the first citation a The counsellng is particularly Saturday nllht and lunch Sunday ,ot ot wh ther Nixon should be asked to either a copy ot their discharge or hIs hotel. with Francis Cardinal Spellman at Important because of strict pro a copy ot separation form 214, atorm swept ~e area. Huddled munlst for perJury!' S f eve* *n son* withdraw from the GOP ticket. The blisterln, Eisenhower at~ EI nhower was represented u visions within the bill which could Coder said. tack on the Democratic: leadershil> penalize In the future those vet Korean veterans who will use being an,ry over the Incident. B II came aCter he had voiced a talth sald. but there were IndlcaUons erans not fully understanding its the remaining time on their World In the honesty ot Sen. RIchard M. that a final decisIon would be content, Coder said. War II bIll belore switchln, to the Nixon of CallIornla, who Is under Soviet 'Unity' I Rent OHicials, Property Owners Asks Caution The new G1 bill, of1lciaUy the withheld pending further study. new Korean assistance act, will tIre trom the Democrats [or hav Taft upperil NIxon Velerans Readjustment Assistance 0150 be tully Inlormed by the Ing accepted expense money from act of 1952, provides only one wealthy Calltornla buslne men. Sen. Robert A. Taft was report velerans service oftlce ot the re Delegates ~et To Show Surveys at Meeting In Nixon Case d to see no reason why NiJlon chan,e ot course program be strictIons Involved In usln, the AdmJla A_..u. Sum should not have .ccepted the ex tween the veteran's date ot en combInation. Nixon has acknowled,ed he ac Cool GreefIng Mounting InterHt In Monday'. - NEW YORK (Il') - Oem rnhc pense money. rollment and his "delimiting" The regIonal veternn~ admlnl~ cepted some $16.000 Or $17.000 public hearinl on rent control hal of checkln. the IUPPty or rental nominee Adlai E. Stevenson said The Dayton Journal - Herald date. The latter Is Aug. 20, 1954, tration office in Des Moines utI from hi, California polJtleal BONN, Getm ny (IP) - A flve c.u.ed the city council to chan,e housln, and the other measure Friday thot condemnation of Sen. or two years after his separation mated that as ot June there were quoted him u uyln, he ICeS no trlends to delray expenses not. man d I gatlon from the Soviet the meetlnl place from the city lh d nd Richard Nixon' use of a $16,000 r alOn why a member of Conarcss from servIce, whichever date fnlls 18,000 Iowa ex-servicemen eligi covered by his ,overnment ssl zone, booed and jeer d by anti hall to the COmmunity buJldlng. e e~. Cb L U 1'_ political xpcnse fund "would be should not accept .l/lI trom hi' lasl. After the delimiting date is ble for educational training. ary and expense aUowanc •. v»-non ~~ n.. "Ith t .. II th v' It was announced Fr Iday. wron, w ou a 1- famlly. friends or con.tituents "to Communist .pectatora. called on The time will remain the same, In both ca.ses own ra of the de nee." past,milted. no change of prpgrom is per~ r-------------------------- West Germ n,Fnday to help help pay even hu personal ex 7:30 p.m. vacant units and the want ads are Sleven. on I . ued a statement In pense In Washlnlton." Should Plan Ahead Used Texts! - form an East-West German com- Rent controls wm end throulh- ch cked In an effort to tlnd out which he said the qu tlon s med For example, a veteran enter The only possible crltlclsm mission to inveltl,ate the possi out the nation Sept.