Publications Depuis 1992
ANNEE 2018 18.2 Grosjean, A.S., Vennin, E., Olivier, N., Caravaca, G., Thomazo, C., Fara, E., Escarguel, G., Bylund, K.G., Jenks, G.B., Stephen, D.A., Brayard, A., 2018 - Early Triassic environmental dynamics and microbial development during the Smithian–Spathian transition (Lower Weber Canyon, Utah, USA). Sedimentary Geology, 363 : 136–151. 18.1 Parreira de Castro, D.M., Dolédec, S., Callisto, M., 2018 - Land cover disturbance homogenizes aquatic insect functional structure in neotropical savanna streams. Ecological Indicators, Volume 84 : 573-582. 18/12/2017 1 ANNEE 2017 17.37 Amiot, R., Wang, X., Wang, S., Lécuyer, C., Mazin, J.M., Mo, J., Flandrois J.P., Fourel, F., Wang, X., Xu, X., Zhang, Z., Zhou, Z., 2017 - d18o-Derived incubation temperatures of oviraptorosaur eggs. Palaeontology : 1–15.17.22 Barbe, L., Jung, V., Prinzing, A., Bittebiere, A.K., Butenschoen, O., Mony, C., 2017 - Functionally dissimilar neighbors accelerate litter decomposition in two grass species. New Phytologist, 214 : 1092-1102. 17.22 Barbe, L., Jung, V., Prinzing, A., Bittebiere, A.K., Butenschoen, O., Mony, C., 2017 - Functionally dissimilar neighbors accelerate litter decomposition in two grass species. New Phytologist, 214 : 1092-1102.17.8 Bardon, C., Poly, F., Haichar, Z., Le Roux, X., Simon, L., Meiffren, G., Comte, G., Rouifed, S., Piola, F., 2017 - Biological denitrification inhibition (BDI) with procyanidins induces modification of root traits, growth and N status in Fallopia x bohemica. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 107 : 41-4917.3 Binet, P., Rouifed, S., Jassey, V.E.J., Toussaint, M.L., Chiapusio, G., 2017 - Experimental climate warming alters the relationship between fungal root symbiosis and Sphagnum litter phenolics in two peatland microhabitats.
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