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Eastern Progress Profressors Eastern breaks Veterans release share varied three-game poetry, losing streak stories of photography adjustment-A8 with win over books -B1 Morehead -B6 Eastern Kentucky University THE EASTERN PROGRESS www.easternprogress.comrnprogress.com © 2011 Richmond, KY Student publication of Eastern Kentucky University since 1922 14 pagespages, ThursdayThursday, September 29, 2011 Online FERPA training a must for faculty By TAYLOR PETTIT Faculty, who have access to students’ edu- must go through the FERPA training,” Da- taylor_pettit@mymail.eku.edu cational records, are required to go through FERPA: vis said. training to ensure that they understand the Because of what an educational record Th e paper trail that comes with being a privacy rights of students. See related story on A3 is–anything with a student’s name or any student is paramount. Academic records, “We did a rethink and decided to go a lit- personally identifi able information–all fac- disciplinary records, fi nancial records and tle more high tech with our training,” said vacy rights of students according to Th e ulty, clerical staff as well as student support anything else that has your name and stu- Tina Davis, university registrar who over- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act staff must go through the training, Davis dent ID jotted down on it, become part of sees the training. “It’s not new, just doing it of 1974 [FERPA], Davis said. said. the educational record attached to your on a diff erent scale.” “Anyone that wants to have access to ed- › SEE FERPA, PAGE A3 name. Th e training educates faculty on the pri- ucational records, such as an employee…, Copycat Tally Cats proposed by SGA A CHANGE IN VENUE By KRISTIE HAMON RICHARD DAWKINS, CARL HURLEY progress@eku.edu Maximum Capacity SET TO TAKE PLACE AT SAME TIME, Student Government As- SAME DAY AFTER VENUE CHANGE sociation (SGA) is work- ing on a potential program 2,200 By JASON EDWARDS AND DANA COLE to increase student involve- progress@eku.edu ment on campus. Th e proposed program, A double-booking error resulted in a based around a similar pro- change of venue for the next lecturer in gram at the University of the Chautauqua series. Kentucky called Tally Cats, Richard Dawkins, an evolutionary will give students incentives biologist, was originally slated to speak for going to various events at 7:30 p.m. on Oct. 6 at the EKU Cen- on campus ter for the Arts. Dawkins’s lecture was and swiping moved to the smaller Brock Auditorium their Col- on the same date and time, and a perfor- onel Card, mance by former Eastern faculty mem- which will ber and comedian, Carl Hurley is be- then enter ing presented at the Center during that them to win prizes. time. SGA President Rachel Debra Hoskins, director of the Mollozzi said a planning EKU Center for the Arts, said group for the project had its the double booking was a mis- fi rst meeting last Wednes- take on the part of the Center. day, Sept. 21 to talk about “Th e e venue venue for for Mr. Mr. Dawkins Dawkins had had to to be be potential names for the pro- Center for the Arts changed due to clerical error, we dou- gram and discuss options in ble-booked for that date,” Hoskins said. the setup for the program. “After discovering the error, all eff ortsorts Ryan Adams, SGA Trea- Carl Hurley were made to present the two events in surer, has been working the same evening, but after discussions, closely with the program decided the timing wouldn’t work.” and said the project is still in Hoskins said television crews had re- the very early stages of de- Maximum Capacity quested to set up to tape former East- velopment. ern faculty member and comedian Carl “We’re just doing the re- Hurley’s performance. She said both search now to see if it’s even 1,600 events were equally important to the feasible,” Adams said. “It’s center and takes “full responsibility” for probably going to be a really the scheduling error. big project for us.” “We are in the business of booking Mollozzi said the in- events throughout the year - this one centive program would re- was a huge mistake on our scheduling. quire card readers and spe- We now have forms and ways of track- cial software in order for it ing each event,” Hoskins said. “Dawkins to work. She said some card is a world-wide famous, international readers were purchased a fi gure… We knew that people would at- few years ago for a similar tend the event from other states, as well plan SGA had and were nev- as our own local community. We are er used. Mollozzi said she regretful that this happened and have plans to use the card readers apologized to those who worked so dili- SGA already has, but addi- gently to bring an international person- tional readers may still need ality to our campus.” to be purchased. Brock auditorium, located in the Th e projected cost of the Coates Administration building, where program has not yet been the lecture will now take place, is able to determined due to the many accommodate 1,600 people versus the diff erent program options Center’s capacity for 2,200 people. SGA is currently consider- Brock Auditorium Although the venue is smaller, Marc ing, which range in price. Whitt, associate vice-president for pub- “Th e range is very big, lic relations at Eastern, said he does not › SEE SWIPES, PAGE A3 › SEE VENUE, PAGE A3 Richard Dawkins Eastern collaborates on fire awareness project By SETH LITTRELL founder of the Minger Foundation. fi re and safety they can use through- seth_littrell3@mymail.eku.edu Th e project involves Eastern stu- out their lives. dents accompanying Richmond fi re Th e kick-off started Monday morn- Eastern kicked off a partnership fi ghters to off -campus student resi- ing with a conference in the Keen aimed at educating students and peo- dential areas deemed high fi re risks Johnson building, which featured ad- ple living in the Richmond area on fi re and installing smoke detectors. Th e dresses from Minger, President Doug safety Monday, as well as personal re- students will also teach other students Whitlock, Corey Lewis, public infor- sponsibility to avoid dangerous situa- about fi re safety and the “two ways mation offi cer for the Richmond Fire tions. out” rule, which recommends having Department, and others involved in Eastern’s environmental health and two exit strategies should a residence the partnership. safety offi ce is teaming up with the catch fi re. “We believe when you improve Michael H. Minger foundation, which “In essence it is a train the trainer safety for those most vulnerable, you advocates fi re safety and awareness, program,” said Bryan Makinen, direc- improve safety for everyone,” Minger especially for people with disabilities, tor of Environmental Health and Safe- said at the conference. and the Richmond fi re department. ty. Th e fi re safety lessons began before Th e partnership began its fi rst com- Makinen said the goal of the proj- the conference was even over. Lewis, SETH LITTRELL/PROGRESS munity service program this week. ect was to make a diff erence in the the fi nal speaker of the conference, “Th e program is called ‘Save a Life, community while benefi ting Eastern › Corey Lewis, officer of public information for the Get on the Truck,’” said Gail Minger, students by teaching them skills about SEE MINGER, PAGE A3 Richmond Fire Department, narrated videos of dorm fires. A2 The Eastern Progress, Thursday, September 29, 2011 tion requirements include a minimum in the Madison County Detention Center. 3.0 GPA and accumulation of at least 60 POLICE CAMPUS credit hours. Tutors receive $7.25 an hour ˚ A police offi cer observed two males their fi rst semester and pay will increase lying in the bed of a moving Dodge pick- to $7.75 their second semester. For more up truck. He stopped the vehicle and ap- information contact Jenna Howard at jen- proached the driver. Th ey told the offi cer na_howard145@mymail.eku.edu. BEAT they were going to ride to Hampton Way BRIEFS All information is taken from in that manner. Th e offi cer noticed that Service trip to Red River Gorge will Eastern police reports. driver and student Ryan Hagerman had an alcoholic odor about his person and create bike trail Sept. 23 advised him to turn off the truck and get Tutors needed for specific courses ˚ Police responded to a report of an in- out. Hagerman failed several fi eld sobriety as soon as possible Adventure Programs will have a toxicated female in the women’s restroom tests, and police found a case of beer in the mountain biking adventure service proj- in Combs Hall. Th e offi cer was met at the center console of the truck. Hagerman was ect at Red River Gorge. Participants will arrested for two charges of failure to wear Th e offi ce of Services for Individuals be working to help clear a bike trail. Th e scene by two resident assistants who ad- with Disabilities is looking for tutors this vised that student Jennifer Helmer was seat belts, possession of alcohol by a minor weekend trip will be Nov. 11 and will cost and for operating a motor vehicle under semester specifi cally for CLT, CLS, HLS, $15. Transportation, camping fees, food vomiting in the bathroom. After receiving EMC, MUS, APS, FIN, GBC, GEO and information that the bathroom was clear of the infl uence of alcohol under the age of 21.
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