Communitas, Vol. 1, No. 5
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COMMUNITAS Official PH,hlication of the Bard ColIe:;c Communit~.. ================= ======- ._=.------- Vol. 1, No.5 ANNANDALE-ON-HUDSON, NEW YORK Resignations Point Divisional Panels, Case Speech Mark Out EPC Crisis ALBEE SOCIAL, May 11 - After quite a bit of introspective analysis. Bard's Sucessful Student Conference the top blew off EPC's lid. The sen ---------- - ...• ---.--- . _--_._---_.. ---_ .. _.. timent of EPC Chairman Louise Odes and Science division repre Student's' Conference sentative George Waltuch that EPC Case's Address To Students Bard Arts Festival should resign en masse was punctu Statistics ated by notification of their resigna Schools Represented 32 tions. Dan Klublock who became Stresses Need Of Education Students ... ....... ............... .. ... ....... ..... 52 In New York May 17 President James H. Case Jr. opened the Admission Day proceedings An arts festival featuring work in acting·-chairman in the course of Teachers 7 events, suggested that the fate 01 by speaking on the subject "What Good Is A College Education?" At Parents 22 music, drama, dance and art by Bard students, will be presented by this academic body be brought to the start he warned us that the question was unanswerable. It would be Total Guests 81 the YM-YWHA, Lexington Avenue the attention of the Community and equally impossible to say what values health, love and life itself contain. Students came from the following' at 92nd Street, New York, on Mon to let the decision rest with Con But if we cannot define the worth of a college education, we can at least E'astern States; Massachusetts, Con day. May 17th, at 8:40 P.M. in the vocation. necticut, New Hampshire, New Jer Miss Odes, when ·asked her reasons describe it in part. Kaufmann Auditorium. Guest art sey, Vermont, and New York. ists on the progmm will be Miss for resigning, stated "For what rea- We must not think of it as merely 50ns would a chairman resign?" a four year interval between high Mildred Dunnock, who played the role of Mrs, Lohman in "Death of a This was taken up by Mr. Waltuch school fi nd a career, ·..lS something Faculty Members; S. Hirsch, Degre, Marker who with Odes' a pproval mentioned to glide through as gracefully as Salesman" and was most ~'ecently seen on Broadway in "In a Summet' t h l~ f DEov, illS' four r e :l ~ Gns, The first pos~ible. Rather. it is a profound being the chairr:1 ;-;.11 has to do 90' : experience for each individual who RecoTd Their Impressions of Division Panels R ouse", and Hurd Hatfield, stage and screen actor who has won of the committee,; work. Sp.l:ondly, ullc~er,;ues it. As we grapple with In order to present as comprehensive a picture possible of the panels pl' ,·;e this season for his perform the c'Jmmi.ttee members ha::; been art, poctry, philosophy and history too lax in their '::lttitude towards there e:'.1el' ges for each of us a per held by Bard's four divisions during the Student Conference, COMMUN ance in "Bullfight". Mr. Hatfield is a Bilrd a]ul1,uns. their committmen ts. Thirdlv. the ac sonal moulding. No doubt much is ITAS asked various members of the faculty representing various divisions The festival will open with a complishmen"s of the commi'ttee have owed to wh·J.t has come before in to give their impressions of the panels, what the visiting students re·.lctions been too ncgligible and ullrf~wardjI1g the fleli but every student's syn dance based on "The House of Bern were to the conferences and what they felt these students were primarily urda Alba" by Federico Garcia -Lorca 'lncl. the h:'t rea;; c:] being that meet thesis is unique and inimitable. Our i:1 g'S ',~; jth the facully have proved experiences, in parL. are private and concerned with in exploring the subject, "What Good is a College Edu depicting the struggle of five da ugh tlCrs ag·J.inst a dominating' mother. lTi atisfaei:cJ'Y l') a degree. remain permanently within us. cation?". Mr. Waltt:eh f elt that a]:'3rt fro;11 But thi:; is only one side of the The choreagraphy is by Judy Zin man, who dances the role of The PUL'iy pcr::oo nal motivations. his coin. Clever men are impressed by The discussion of the individual Mother. resig·natiol1. submitteJ earlier today, their difference from their fellows; Gerard DeGre . dimension of the world-Hs-problcm wa~ ha~eion the ~a me compliant's. wise men are consciom: of their re atical revolve:! D.l'otmd two aspcct', Student work in musk at Bard will be demonstr;lteJ. by three pian After the two a~.1Iio unce:nent'i of semblance to them. There is much inof indiviciual aclion. 1. The in Div. oj- Social A.~'tudie ists and a Cjl.lRl'tet. Piano selection:; t.ermin;, tion of service, actim,'-chGir that binds us with tho:ie who have dividual as the man in rebellion man Klubock m entioned tw; orders incll'cie ,' -o rk~ by Brahms. Chopin, come before and those who will Last Saturday, May 8th, students against the ~hnrLcornings 01' his so of business, imd asked the commit follow us. There is a long line of ciety and its values, direction am! Ravel and Prokofieff. The quartet and f·.tculty of the Social Studies will p!o.y the Sonata in G minar. ~c e which "hould be Qil' en most im historical development which we ( stultification of thc individual. 2, Division provided our guests with a Op. 5, No. 2 by Beethoven. ~) o rtance. After thre'e votes it was part. of, and seen in that perspecth'e living demonstration of the Bard The socially oriented individual decided that the problems currently what is w1iqlle to one is les,; import working with others for the achieve Following the intermission Miss seminar in action. DlInnock aUfI Mr. Hatfield will speak plauging EPC should be gi\'e~1 an ance than what i.'i CD:nmon to all. ment of common socioal goals, 'l.iring aRain. The other ite"'Il was A lively discussion took place on 1m the arts and fI liberal education. Just as ,\v,= are presented with a It was argued that the individual the di:ocussion of lhe resul ~ s of EPC paradox ...: hen we deal with individ the theme proposed earlier at lunch die! not have to wait for his sociely The Bard Col1eg'c Drama Group will eon by President Case, that is the then present "The Man who Married COAS meetings dealing with the l~,ality, so it is with adjustment. to be transformed in order to under' question of education not only as a Senior Project_ Certainly w e must integrate our go an internal revolution and begin a Dumb Wife", a play by Anatole vehicle for the transmission of the Acting-chail'n:·J.l1 K I u b 0 c k an selves with our communities, be as to lead a Good life (as defined by Fr-::U1ce. cultural heritGge. but as the basis PaintingR, prints and sculpture by nounced after the turbulent session useful as we can and seek to find the norms tn which he is sensitive) t\'8.t tllerl~ ~; ;r nnld bp .-J j~:(':::· , in~:'· ~-,< ~~ " for the development of a phil()so)1hi - 38 p. (' 'O t:llL (lU,; [.last :bard ,;Luueurs in service tn nthpr~ fhp <;('~!'8t n! :1, l,lle pre",e,n, III tmt:; way tUe ill- cally mature critical attitude, in '.v ill be on p.xhibition, community in Albee Soci1.l. Thurs self-respect. Yet the world as it is (Continued on Page 3) day at '7 to discllss the future ot to-day is an unhappy spectacle. To other words education for non-con formity. EPC. adjust perfectly to it would be to I. A. Rich~rds Give,s The fact that EPC elections arc The consideration of this question Science Panel abandon all hope of changing it. John Bard Lecture in Lit. coming up in the near future, This would constitute a betrayal of was attacked by the members of the by GEORGE WALTUCH brought no action on electing two group first on the social level, and the educational process, which stress SOUTH HALL SOCIAL, May 8- by ALEX GROSS new members 1'01' the places left by es above all things growth and de then on the individual level. On the Students and faculty of the Science Dr, 1. A. Richards, University Pro Odes and Waltuch. velopment. first level, both students and faculty Division met here today with visitors fessor at Harvard, give the John This generation confronts the stark el·aborated on the social and cultural interested in Science on the occasion Bard Lecture in Literature on May issue of universal tragedy. Wendell lags which existed between man's of Bard's Student Conference, The 6 ,at 8:45 P.M. Such is the usual Student Help Seen As political and economic institutions Wilkie had a prophet's insight when discussion was based on the topic journalistic opening which supposed Key to New Theat~e he told us that the choice before on the one hand, and his extra of the entire confercnce; "What good ly supplies all pertinent information. us was that of one world or none. ordinary technical and natural sci is a college education". The dis answering the hard-headed question South HalI, May 10-At tonights Education on the college level has entific knowledge on the other.