R e p o r t History in the Computing Curriculum I F I P TC 3 / TC 9 Joint Task Group John Impagliazzo (Task Group Chair) Hofstra University Martin Campbell-Kelly University of Warwick Gordon Davies Open University John A. N. Lee Virginia Tech Michael R. Williams University of Calgary Prepublication Copy 1998 October Copyright © 1998, 1999 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This report is scheduled to appear in an upcoming issue of the Annals of the History of Computing. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by sending an email request to <
[email protected]>. HISTORY IN THE COMPUTING CURRICULUM Prepublication Copy 1998 October CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 9. RESOURCES 9.1 Textbooks and General Works 2. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 9.2 Monographs and Articles 9.3 Electronic Information 3. OVERVIEW OF THIS REPORT 9.4 Videos, Simulators, and Other Resources 4. BACKGROUND 10. EXTENDED TOPICS 4.1 Overview of Curriculum Recommendations 10.1 Advanced Courses 4.2 History Status 10.2 Projects 5. NEED FOR HISTORY CONTENT 11. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 The Student Perspective 5.2 The Professional Perspective 12. FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS 6. CURRICULUM CONTENT 6.1 Establishing a Knowledge Base ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 6.2 Methods of Presentation 6.2.1 The Period Method REFERENCES 6.2.2 Other Methods 6.3 Depth of Knowledge PUBLIC ACCESS 6.4 Clusters APPENDIX 7. IMPLEMENTATION OF A BASIC CURRICULUM A.