North-East India: Land, People and Economy
North-East India: Land, People and Economy ^Spriringer K.R. Dikshit • Jutta K. Dikshit North-East India: Land, People and Economy Springer >5" i Preface I I I J'or ihc authors ol this book, stationed 2.000 km away rri>m North-Hast India, to write a book on this region would appear at lirst sight a larietehed exereise. But. sometimes, unforeseen situations ehange the perspective of individuals and induce cotnmitment to specific tasks. That is what iiappened with theauthors of this book. Theidea ofa book on Nortii-litist India had itsorigin ina Ixxik-writing workshop, conducted at North-Hastern Hill University. Shillong. in 200.'^. The workshop, attended among others, by the authors ofthis Ixmk. concluded with a plan toproduce a book, on the North-Hast region of India, to which all the partieipants were to contribute. Forsome retison. the plan did not materialise, and eonsequently. thepivsent authors." encouraged and assisted by the geography faculty of the North-Hastern Hill University (NHFIU). undertook to write the book. We started working on thisbook inall seriousness in thesummerol 2006. During the last 6 years, we visited all the states ofNorth-liast India several times and spent considerable time in the field, observing landscape and meeting people, recording ourobservations and collecting numerical data wherever possible. The field work in North-East. though purposive, often appeared it kind of adventure to explore an unfamiliar terrain. It is not that the region, especially its eastern periphery, is an unknt)wn territory, but some parts of the region arecjuite isolated and not absolutely risk-free.
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