VITA Ester Rachel Fuchs 420 Riverside Drive, #5F International Affairs Building New York, NY 10025 420 West 118th Street, Room 1428 Phone (home) (212) 678-0227 Mail Code 3328 E-mail:
[email protected] New York, NY 10027 Phone (work): (212) 854-3866 Fax: (212) 854-4782 EDUCATION Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Chicago, 1984 MA in Political Science, Brown University, 1974 BA, Queens College, CUNY, 1972 FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION Urban Policy; Urban Politics; Governance and Management of Global Cities; Urban Fiscal Policy; American Government and Policy; Social Policy; American Parties and Elections; New York City Politics; Sustainable Economic Development Policy; Workforce Development and Community Building Policy; Education and After School Policy; Democratic Theory and Practice; Federalism; Ethnicity, Race and Gender, SELECTED HONORS Bella Abzug Leadership Award, Bella Abzug Leadership Institute, May 2017 Above & Beyond Exceptional New York Women of 2017Award for Education, City & State March 2017 From Generation to Generation Award, Museum at Eldridge Street, October 2015 NASPAA Public Service Matters Spotlight Award, for, Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA), November 2014 Champion Award, Sports and Arts in Schools Foundation, May 2012 Distinguished Alumna Award, Queens College CUNY Dept. of Political Science, May 2008 Award for Outstanding Teaching, Columbia University, SIPA, May 2007 The Frank Tannenbaum Lecture, University Seminar's 63rd Annual Dinner, Columbia University,