2 0 2 0 Residents Directory www.lakewaydirectory.com 20172020 / 2018 Residents DirectoryPublished since 1972 Produced by Zyn Creative Studios in cooperation with the Lakeway Civic Corporation 1941 Lohmans Crossing Lakeway, Texas 78734 Telephone & Fax: (512) 261-2818 Email:
[email protected] Lohmans | Website: Crossing www.lakeway.org Lakeway, Texas 78734 TelephoneLakeway &Residents FAX: (512) Directory 261-5203 Email:1401
[email protected] St. #589 Austin, Texas 78701 Website: www.lakeway.org Email:
[email protected] | Website: www.lakewaydirectory.com Directory is published without charge by the Lakeway Civic Corporation as a service to Lakeway area resi- dents.e Lakeway It remains Residents the property Directory of the isLakeway published Civic without Corporation charge and byis notthe to Lakeway be sold or Civic duplicated. Corporation Material as publisheda service to Lakewayin this areaDirectory residents. has It remains been thecollected property offrom Lakeway sources Civic believedCorporation to andbe is notaccurate. to be sold The or duplicated.Lakeway Civic Material Corporation published assumes in this Directoryno responsibility, has been nor collected liability, from for sources errors, believedomissions to orbe material accurate. furnished e Lakewayby others for Civic inclusion Corporation herein, or anyand representation Zyn Creative of advertisers. Studios assume no responsibility, nor liability, for errors, omissions or material furnished by others for inclusion herein, or any representation of advertisers. LAKEWAY CIVIC CORPORATION (LCC) The Corporation’s Board of Trustees consists of six individuals who are elected by Lakeway property owners for a term of three years, and whose purpose is to consider community improvement projects, to encourage civic consciousness, to promote and provide recreational facilities and charitable community services, and to acquire and maintain property and funds to accomplish the above.