MICROBIoLoGIcAL REVIEWS, Sept. 1981, p. 379-408 Vol. 45, No. 3 01460749/81/030379-30$02.00/0 Applied and Molecular Aspects of Granulosis Virusest KATHLEEN A. TWEETEN,1 LEE A. BULLA, JR.,2'3 AND RICHARD A. CONSIGLI3* School ofLife and Health Sciences, University ofDelaware, Newark, Delaware 197111; U.S. Grain Marketing Research Laboratory, Science and Education Administration, Manhattan, Kansas 665022; and Division ofBiology, Section of Virology and Oncology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506&

ETNRODUCTION ...... 379 APPLICATION AS INSECTICIDES ...... 380 Insecticidal Potential ...... 380 Susceptibility of Economically Important Pests .381 Large-Scale Application and Field Testing .381 Comparison with Chemical Insecticides .382 Other Beneficial Features as Insecticides .382 Limitations to Commercial Development .383 Further Investigations .383 CELTLULAR BIOLOGY ...... 3...... 383 Ultrastructure ...... 383 In Vitro Replication .384 In Vivo Replication .384 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY .390 Genome .390 Purification of Occluded Virus and Its Structural Components .392 Structural Proteins .393 Protein matrix ...... 393 Enveloped nucleocapsids and envelope proteins .394 Nucleocapsid and capsid proteins .395 SEROLOGY..396 PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH .397 LITERATURE CITED .399 INTRODUCTION host. In general, granulosis virus (GV) enveloped nucleocapsids are singly occluded, whereas in Like most other , are suscepti- the other occluded viruses several viral particles ble to diseases caused by viruses. A variety of are embedded randomly within each protein viruses differing markedly in morphological, bio- biochemical characteristics infect matrix (77, 148, 211) (Fig. 1). physical, and Many insect viruses infect several insect spe- insects. Of the approximately 650 viruses that cies. The cytoplasmic polyhedrosis viruses and have been isolated from insects, 83% are from iridoviruses exhibit the widest range of hosts; lepidopterans ( and butterflies), about 14% these viruses have been isolated from a number are from hymenopterans (sawflies), and 3% are from orthopterans (grasshoppers and cock- ofinsect orders (46, 201). Entomopoxviruses and roaches), coleopterans (beetles), and dipterans nuclear polyhedrosis viruses (NPVs) also infect and eight insects belonging to a variety of orders. In con- (flies mosquitoes) (104). Currently, infection the GVs is limited to families of insect viruses are trast, by lepidop- recognized (Fig. 1), terans (46), and the insect rhabdoviruses pre- ranging from the small icosahedral parvoviruses sumably infect only Drosophila species (177). to the larger, more structurally complex poxvi- insect viruses ruses. They include a recently discovered picor- Generally, attack larval forms and navirus related to Nudaurelia,B virus (167, 180) cause symptoms ranging from acute infection and three families in which the and insect death to inapparent infection. For viral particles recent of are occluded in a proteinaceous matrix. This reviews the ultrastructures, host feature, which is characteristic of cytoplasmic ranges, and pathologies of the various insect polyhedrosis viruses, entomopoxviruses, and virus families, see references 46, 77, 148, 149, and baculoviruses, is unique to invertebrate viruses. 201. The protein matrix is synthesized and deposited Several of the insect viruses closely resemble around virions during virus replication and is vertebrate viruses both in structure and in bio- chemical properties. In particular, the entomo- thought to contribute to the stability of the viruses, viruses in the physical environment outside the poxviruses, cytoplasmic polyhedrosis and sigma viruses show striking similarities to t Contribution 81-261-R from the Kansas Agricultural Ex- viruses from vertebrate hosts (6, 7, 19, 69, 85, pernment Station, Kansas State-University. 177, 183). However, significant differences have 379 380 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV.












FIG. 1. Classification of viruses that infect vertebrates and insects. In the occluded forms, several virions are occluded within a crystallineprotein matrix during replication. ds, Double stranded; ss, single stranded; RNA, ribonucleic acid.

been observed in the biological activities and been recommended for field use. A limited host host specificities of these viruses. Cross-trans- range is an important consideration in the safe mission of insect viruses to vertebrates has been implementation of viruses as insecticides (64). observed in only a few cases. Densonucleosis Several studies have shown the effectiveness virus, which is highly virulent in several tissues of the GVs and NPVs against their hosts. In this of the greater wax (Galleria mellonella), review we summarize studies that have exam- replicates in mammalian L cells and rat embryo ined the feasibility of using one group of bacu- cells (140, 141). A more classic example is the loviruses, the GVs, as insecticides. We also pres- susceptibility of dipteran insects to infection by ent infornation on the biochemical and molec- the arboviruses that they transmit to vertebrate ular properties of the GVs, much of which has animals (198, 251). been gathered because of the rigorous charac- In contrast to other insect virus families, mem- terizations required by governmental agencies bers of the Baculoviridae (the GVs, the NPVs, for registration of GVs as pesticides. These basic and the nonoccluded Oryctes and braconid vi- studies not only have provided information use- ruses) apparently are restricted to invertebrate ful to the application of insect viruses as insec- hosts (207, 252). No morphologically similar ticides, but also have revealed that the GVs are counterpart to the baculoviruses has been de- complex and intriguing viruses. For re- tected in vertebrates. This unique characteristic views on the NPVs, see references 77, 149, and has generated much scientific interest in this 201. group of viruses. In the search for alternatives to chemicals for suppression of insect popula- APPLICATION AS INSECTICIDES tions, the use of bacteria, rickettsiae, viruses, parasitic insects, fungi, and nematodes as biolog- Insecticidal Potential ical control agents is being investigated (103). Of A GV infection was first detected in 1926 by the insect viruses, only the baculoviruses have Paillot (171), who recognized previously unde- VOL. 45, 1981 INSECT GVs 381 scribed disease symptoms in larvae of the large sects owes much to the rapid development of white butterfly, Pieris brassicae. The disease, strains of insect pests that are resistant to chem- which Paillot also found in the cutworm Agrotis ical insecticides. For example, pests of stored segetum (172), was not confirmed until 1947, grain are becoming resistant to malathion, the when Steinhaus observed it in the variegated only chemical insecticide which has been ac- cutworm, Peridroma margaritosa (205). Stein- cepted widely for protection of stored commod- haus called the disease granulosis because light ities (64, 250, 261). More than 300 other species microscopy of the affected tissue revealed cells have developed resistance, and this resistance packed with minute "granules." The viral nature has been countered by higher and more frequent of these granules was demonstrated in 1948 by rates of chemical application. In turn, such prac- Bergold (21), who examined diseased tissue of tices have increased pesticide resistance in in- the shoot roller ( murinana) sects and have resulted in high levels ofpesticide by electron microscopy and observed rod-shaped residues. Because of concem about the harmful virus particles. effects of these residues on the environment and on nontarget organisms, much effort has been Susceptibility of Economically Important devoted to the development of alternative meth- Pests ods of insect control, including viruses. Since the initial description of the GVs, more than 80 species of lepidopterans have been re- Large-Scale Application and Field Testing ported to be susceptible to GVs (151), including Some GVs have already been used as insecti- some of the most serious insect pests of agricul- cides to control pests, and, for many reasons, tural crops and forests. Many destructive insects, others appear to be attractive candidates. In such as the potato tuberworm (Phthorimaea initial laboratory studies during the 1950s, the operculella), the codling moth (Laspeyresiapo- GV ofP. brassicae was used successfully against monella), the almond moth (Ephestia cautella), early instar larvae (24, 130, 131). Similar control the (Trichoplusia ni), and the was observed when GV was applied to field budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana), populations of another Pieris species, Pieris ra- become extensively diseased when they are in- pae, and damage to cabbage plants was reduced fected by GVs (64). (253). More recently, the P. rapae GV has The high pathogenicity of GVs for these and played a significant role in reducing populations other economically important insects (Table 1) of this destructive insect in Japan (2, 112) and has been largely responsible for the widespread Canada (114, 115). Another GV which has been interest in this group of viruses and has led to used effectively in insect control in Japan is the their consideration for use as biological insecti- GV that infects the fruit tree Adoxophyes cides. The concept of virological control of in- orana (113, 193).

TABLE 1. Some insect pests susceptible to GVs Insect pest Crop(s) affected Area of fieldapplicationtests or large-scale Reference(s) Potato tuberworm Potatoes Pacific 179 Cotton cutworm Cotton Soviet Union 120 Cereal noctuid Wheat Soviet Union 64 Cabbage looper Broccoli, cabbage, Soviet Union 64 cauliflower, celery, lettuce, potatoes, melons Codling moth Fruit trees Canada, United States, 58, 88, 118, 166, Europe, Australia, New 249 Zealand Large white butterfly Kale crops Europe 24 Imported cabbage worm Cabbage and other Europe, North America 115 - cruciferous crops Red-banded leaf roller Fruit trees, forest trees, North America 64 herbaceous plants Asiatic rice borer Rice Japan 189 Green cloverworm Soybeans United States 16 Spruce budworm Spruce trees North America 64 Indian meal moth Stored grains, nuts, raisins United States 156 Almond moth Dried fruits, nuts, cereals United States 98,99 Fall webworm Deciduous trees Japan 223 Summer fruit tortrix Fruit trees Japan 113 382 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV. Large-scale applications of GVs in pest man- pesticides (203). Populations ofthe codling moth agement programs also have been used in the have been reduced more effectively by virus Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, the sprays than by equivalent numbers of organo- Peoples' Republic ofChina, Australia, and Great phosphate pesticide treatments (88). Britain (121). For example, in the Soviet Union, GVs have been used against the cotton cutworn, Other Beneficial Features as Insectides on wheat for control of the cereal noctuid (Had- In addition to being highly virulent to their ena sordida), and on cabbage against the cab- hosts, GVs have many other characteristics bage looper (T. ni) (64). Insecticidal prepara- which make them ideally suitable for pest con- tions of the GV of the fir budworm (C. muri- trol, as described below. nana) are being used in forests in Canada to Infection by GVs is limited to the order Lepi- limit defoliation by this insect (190). In Aus- doptera and in most cases is species-specific (39, tralia, the potato moth GV has been used exten- 101). Because ofthis selectivity, GVs can be used sively in the field (153). more precisely in pest management programs, The use of viral pathogens as insecticides in without the detrimental effects on nontarget the United States and Western Europe has been organisms that are characteristic ofmany chem- more restricted due to registration requirements ical insecticides. Also, outbreaks of secondary (54, 65, 102, 138, 182). Only the NPVs which pests caused by nonspecific killing of parasite suppress the cotton earworm (Heliothis zea), and predatory insects can be avoided. the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), and the The influence of environmental factors on the douglas fir tussock moth (Orgria pseudotsu- viability of GVs has been reviewed recently by gata) have been approved for use in the United David (47). GVs are stable and can be stored as States (192). Of the GVs, the virus infecting the aqueous suspensions or dried powders for long codling moth (L.pomonella) has been used most periods without any loss of activity (50). They extensively in field studies and is closest to com- are resistant to many chemicals and persist in mercial production in the United States. A num- the soil for many years (51), and their activity is ber of investigations in Canada, Germany, and not altered significantly by relative humidity the United States have demonstrated that this (48), precipitation (49), or prolonged exposure to virus reduces codling moth infestations in apple nornal field temperatures (260). On the other orchards to low levels (31, 60, 86-88, 118, 191). hand, GVs deposited on foliage are inactivated Another GV which has been studied in the rapidly by exposure to the ultraviolet radiation United States for its insecticidal potential is the in direct sunlight (45, 52, 114). More than 50% of GV of the Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunc- the activity of these viruses was lost in 2 days tella. This pest is of intemational economic con- after field application (116), and little activity cern as it causes extensive damage to grain and remained after 10 days. As a result, foliar resi- other stored commodities. Studies have shown dues, which are a major concem with persistent that treatment of corn and wheat under typical chemicals, are miniimal after application of GVs storage conditions with this GV (134, 156) or to crops. application of the virus to processed products, GVs are highly compatible with other meth- such as almonds (94, 96) and raisins (97), results ods of pest control and are well suited for use in in a substantial reduction of feeding damage to integrated pest management programs. They these stored products. can be used concurrently with most chemical insecticides, reducing effective doses ofthe latter Comparison with Chemical Insecticides to environmentally acceptable levels (58, 117). The feasibility of using GVs as insecticides For example, the GV of P. interpunctella is also has been confirmed by comparing the effec- compatible with certain fumigants (95) and tiveness of these viruses with that of chemical chemical insecticides, such as malathion (157). insecticides. Field studies with chemicals and Combined with malathion, this virus enhanced the GV of the green clover worm (Plathypena control of P. interpunctella; at the same time, scabra), on soybeans showed no significant dif- two other serious stored-product insects, the ferences between the two methods of control merchant grain beetle (Oryzaephilus mercator) (16). A similar observation was made by Jaques and the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum), (115) when he compared control by P. rapae GV were controlled by malathion. with control by the chemical methomyl. Other GVs differ significantly from chemical insec- field tests have shown that GVs are more effec- tides in that they are components of nature. tive than chemical insecticides. A single appli- Large quantities of virus are released into the cation of potato tuberworm GV gave control environment during natural epizootics, which equivalent to 8 to 10 applications of chemical are common, widespread, and often important VOL. 45, 1981 INSECT GVs 383 in regulating insect population levels (62, 84, 109, One question is whether GV insecticides can 110, 224). There is evidence that the amount of be used safely. Because the effects of GVs on virus which is artificially placed into the envi- nontarget species have not been investigated ronment for insecticidal purposes is miniimal extensively at cellular and molecular levels, the compared with the amount produced during potential risks associated with their use, al- such epizootics (232). though most likely minimal, are not fully known Whereas the toxicity and teratogenicity of (138, 234, 235). There is some evidence for in- many chemical insecticides to humans, animals, complete NPV replication in a vertebrate viper and plants has been demonstrated clearly (233), cell line (159) and for persistence of viable H. the biological effects of the baculoviruses eval- zea NPV in cell cultures from human lung, uated to date appear to be restricted to the leukocyte, and amnion tissues (158). These ob- target insects. In vivo and in vitro tests (12, 36, servations warrant further tests for the safe im- 89, 102, 108, 138, 142, 185) with several verte- plementation of these viruses as insecticides. brate, invertebrate, and plant species have not Other safety considerations concerning the use demonstrated any pathogenic, toxic, carcino- of baculoviruses for insect control have been genic, or teratogenetic effects after exposure to reviewed previously (54, 215a). these viruses. The second question is how GVs can be used most effectively and efficiently alone and in in- Limitations to Commercial Development tegrated pest control programs. What features The obstacles that have been encountered in of GVs are involved in their insecticidal activi- the commercial development of GVs as viral ties, and how can these features be used to best insecticides have been described previously advantage so that the full potential of these (182). Some of the major difficulties include the viruses for the control ofeconomically important following. insects is realized? Efficient processes for large-scale propagation Answers to these questions are being pro- of viruses in living hosts have been developed vided, in part, by basic studies, such as those (31, 105), and encouraging results have been described below. obtained from the growth of NPVs in tissue CELLULAR BIOLOGY culture (82, 98, 106, 244, 245). However, the costs of virus production, formnulation, and standardi- Ultrastructure zation are high (80, 103). Also, replication of GVs The structure of GVs was first investigated in vitro has not been accomplished, so that at with electron microscopy (21). Characteristi- present tissue culture systems cannot be used cally, GVs are ovocylindrical in shape and aver- for the commercial production of GVs. age 300 to 500 nm in length by 120 to 350 nm in The marketability of individual GV products width (23, 90). Thin sectioning ofisolated viruses is limited due to the highly selective host ranges and of infected insect tissues showed that GVs of the viruses. are structurally complex (4, 5, 9, 22, 164, 204, Applications of viral insecticides must be pre- 216). These viruses consist ofrod-shaped nucleo- cisely scheduled and monitored. Because larval capsids surrounded by envelopes. Each enve- susceptibility to virus infection appears to de- loped nucleocapsid is embedded within a matrix crease with age, virus preparations must be ap- of protein, which has a regular crystalline lattice plied early in insect development if serious eco- (Fig. 2). Interestingly, the continuity of the lat- nomic damage is to be avoided (28). tice pattern is not disrupted by the enveloped Inactivation of GVs by ultraviolet radiation nucleocapsids (23). As described above, the pro- necessitates repeated applications of viral insec- tein matrix is a feature unique to certain inver- ticides for effective control (32, 108, 111). Various tebrate viruses and is thought to contribute to additives, such as ultraviolet-adsorbing mate- their stability. At the periphery of the protein rials, are being investigated for their stabilizing matrix is a structurally distinct electron dense effects on virus viability. layer (4, 124). The controversy over whether this surface layer in baculoviruses consists of highly Further Investigations condensed matrix protein (73) or a lipoprotein The above-described factors show the great membrane (81) has not been resolved yet. GV potential and some of the disadvantages that particles in their embedded forn generally are GVs have as biological control agents of insects referred to as occluded enveloped nucleocapsids. that attack food, fiber, and forest crops through- The terms "inclusion body" and "capsule" have out the world. The insecticidal potential of GVs also been used to indicate the entire GV struc- is being further investigated with two main ques- ture, consisting of nucleocapsid, envelope, and tions in mind. protein matrix (Fig. 2). 384 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV.

FIG. 2. Electron micrograph ofthin-sectioned P. interpunctella GV, showing the periodicity of the protein matric (PM), the viral envelope (E), and the nucleocapsid (N). Additional structural details of GV compo- (Fig. 3E and F). The extent to which the ultra- nents have been revealed by examinations of structural features and biochemical nature of nonoccluded enveloped nucleocapsids and nu- this core have been determined is described cleocapsids. Studies such as those of Beaton and below. Filshie (13) have shown that the envelope (pre- viously designated the outer or developmental In Vitro Replication membrane) is a triple-layered membrane which Unlike the NPVs (66), the GVs have not been is 5 to 6 mn thick. These investigators studied propagated successfully in vitro. The only re- the fine structures of the GVs in infected cells of ported infection was in primary cultures of L. P. rapae and P. operculella and found that the dispar ovaries inoculated with GV-infected fat envelope is ultrastructurally similar to a biolog- bodies from P. brassicae (242). Virus production ical lipoprotein unit membrane. Unlike the sur- was irregular and incomplete, with nuclear hy- faces of other enveloped animal viruses, the pertrophy and formation of occluded virus de- surface of the GV envelope occluded does not tected in only some of the cultures. More re- appear to be modified by glycoprotein spikes cently, investigators were not able to replicate (Fig. 3A). GVs in cell lines derived from Spodoptera fru- The rod-shaped nucleocapsids. consist of pro- giperda, T. ni, and H. zea (67). In T. ni cells, an teinaceous capsids and DNA cores and have aberrant infection o'curred, in which numerous average dimensions of 30 to 60 by 260 to 360 nm membrane structures and long cylindrical forms (Fig. 3B). A number of investigators, including resembling capsids, but no normal nucleocap- Kozlov and Alexeenko (136) and Summers and sids, were synthesized. A similar incomplete de- Paschke (216), have reported that the opposite velopment of virus was reported after infection ends of the nucleocapsids are morphologically of altemate insect hosts with GVs and NPVs distinct. Whereas one end is blunt and has been (99) or after prolonged undiluted serial passage referred to as the tail plate, the other end con- of NPVs in vitro (147). sists of a tail plate into which a caplike structure Although other attempts to infect cultured is inserted (231) (Fig. 3D). Each viral capsid cells with GVs have apparently been made (67), (referred to as an intimate or internal membrane the cellular responses have not been reported. If in early work) is made up of subunits assembled such information was made available, perhaps in a regular lattice (202, 216). Diffraction studies some insight could be obtained concerning the (13) and electron microscopic measurements influence of homologous and heterologous cell (75) have shown that the lattice consists of rings lines, cell types, cell nutrition, and sources of of subunits stacked on top of one another (Fig. viral inoculum (hemolymph, infected tissues, 30). This distinguishes GV capsids from rod- viral deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA]) on the abil- shaped plant virus capsids, in which the subunits ity to produce GVs in vitro. are in a helical arrangement (194). Recent stud- ies have suggested that a nucleoprotein complex In Vivo Replication is contained within each baculovirus capsid (239) Although many species of lepidopteran larvae VOL. 45, 1981 INSECT GVs 385


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FIG. 3. Electron micrographs ofP. interpunctella GVstructural components. (A) Enveloped nucleocapsids. (B) Nucleocapsids. (C) and (D) Capsids. The arrows in (B) and (D) indicate the caplike structure present at one end. (E) and (F) Fibrillar DNA core released from within capsids by treatment with a chelating agent. are infected by GVs, the replication cycles of complexity of GV infection arises, in part, from these viruses have been examined extensively in the process through which the virus interacts only a few of these insects. The results which with its host, leading from the gut to eventual have been obtained so far, primarily from elec- replication in the fat bodies and other hemo- tron microscopic observations ofinfected tissues, coelic tissues. The sequence ofevents apparently have shown that GV infection is a complex and consists of primary infection of midgut cells in intriguing process. The predominant organs in- which progeny virus that are responsible for fected by GVs are the fat bodies (4, 11, 38, 71, secondary infections of hemocoelic tissues are 90). This insect tissue serves as a major site of generated. intermediary metabolism and storage offat, pro- Because the infectious form of GVs is the tein, and glycogen. In some species, other tissues, enveloped nucleocapsid, disruption of the pro- such as the epidermis (15, 47, 124), trachael tein matrix releasing the enveloped nucleocap- matrix (15, 100), hemocytes (204), and Mal- sids is the first essential step in the invasion and pighan tubules (100, 188, 204), may be infected. replication of GVs. The conditions suitable for GV infection is initiated when an insect ingests solubilization of the matrix (an alkaline environ- an occluded virus and the virus is transported to ment and other undefined factors) appear to be the lumen of the midgut (208, 209, 228). The present only in the gut (61, 150). In an insect 386 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV. hemocoel, where the pH is approximately 6.4 to midgut columnar cells. Only nucleocapsids free 6.5, occluded virus remains intact (51, 90). The of envelope were observed inside microvilli, in- midgut dissolution process has been examined dicating that viral penetration occurred by fu- by Summers (209) in GV-infected larvae of T. sion of the viral envelope with host cell mem- ni. Observations of gut tissues shortly after viral branes. A similar mode of entry into midgut cells ingestion revealed the protein matrix in various was detected in NPV-infected Rachiplusia ou stages of disruption. Matrix dissociation oc- and Aglais urticae (72, 126). curred at each end of the occluded virus and The studies of Summers on T. ni larvae re- from areas adjacent to the enveloped nucleocap- vealed a unique mechanism for the uncoating of sids outward (Fig. 4). As the protein matrix split GV nucleocapsids at the nuclear membrane open, the enveloped nucleocapsids were released (209). At 2 to 6 h postinfection, intact nucleocap- and became associated with the microvilli of sids frequently were associated end-on with nu- clear pores (Fig. 5). Empty or partially empty capsids were then observed outside the nucleus, suggesting that the viral genome was inserted I I into the nucleus without the capsid. A similar association of nucleocapsids with nuclear pores was observed in three different NPV infections (126, 178, 226). . s~~~~~~~~I After an eclipse period of approximately 12 to 18 h in GV-infected T. ni, progeny nucleocapsids are detected in the midgut cell nuclei in regions 2 .- I % of dense, aggregated material distinct from host

, chromatin (100, 209). Whereas the nuclear mem- amok -t branes appear disorganized and disrupted in some cells, most midgut cells are not affected adversely by GV replication. Several processes of envelope acquisition have been observed. Some nucleocapsids which are released into the . cytoplasm when the integrity of the nuclear membrane is lost obtain loose-fitting envelopes FIG. 4. Disruption oftheprotein matrix (PM) of T. from intracytoplasmic membranes which have ni GV in the insect midgut. E, Envelope; N, nucleo- proliferated after virus infection (228). Other capsid. From reference 209. nucleocapsids are inserted into infoldings of the

'7MLW- - -a ~t. .rW'7 ... l FIG. 5. Electron micrographs showing the association of GV nucleocapsids with nuclear pores (NP). Capsids (C) are present outside the nucleus (N), suggesting that the viral genome has been inserted into the nucleus. From reference 209. VOL. 45, 1981 INSECT GVs 387 nuclear membrane. The enveloped nucleocap- hemocoelic tissues has not been ruled out. Tan- sids appear to be incorporated into vacuole-like ada and Leutenegger (228) have proposed that structures in the cytoplasm, in which they are some of the enveloped nucleocapsids pass di- transported to the basement membrane of the rectly from the gut into the hemocoel through midgut cells (100, 184). The enveloped nucleo- intercellular spaces. capsids are then released from the vacuoles into The sequence of events during GV replication the hemocoel by an undetermined process. Still in the fat body has been characterized in several another form of envelope acquisition consists of larval species and differs in certain aspects from budding of free nucleocapsids through the the sequence observed in midgut epithelial cells plasma membrane (Fig. 6). The budding process (4, 5, 10, 18, 100, 204, 209). Many more cells are occurs in regions of the membrane which have infected, the yields of virus per cell are much been modified by the insertion of peplomeric greater, and a complete cycle of replication (in- structures (Fig. 6). These structures are retained cluding occlusion) takes place. The mechanism as the enveloped nucleocapsids move into the of attachment and penetration of enveloped nu- hemocoel (184, 209). cleocapsids into cells of the fat body and other Regardless of the mechanism of envelope ac- hemocoelic tissues is not known. If this mecha- quisition, the enveloped nucleocapsids rarely are nism is similar to the process which has been occluded in matrix protein. The newly replicated observed in NPV infections, it may involve spe- virus particles are thought to initiate secondary cific attachment of the modified end of the viral infections in cells of the fat body and other envelope to host cell membranes, followed by susceptible tissues in the body cavity (78). viropexis (1, 83, 123). Tracheolar cells, which are situated near the Because of difficulties in obtaining synchro- basal lamina of midgut cells, are frequently in- nous infection of fat body cells in insects the fected 48 h after the primary infection. process of nucleocapsid uncoating in these cells Although infection of midgut cells by GVs is has not been studied. The first event which has fairly well documented, the possibility that en- been observed is an increase in the size of the veloped nucleocapsids originally released from nucleus and redistribution of host chromatin to occluded viruses in the gut lumen may infect the periphery of the nuclear membrane. This is

FIG. 6. Electron micrograph showing P. brassicae GV nucleocapsids acquiring envelopes by budding through the cell membrane. From reference 184. 388 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV. followed by development of an electron-dense As in the midgut, the acquisition of envelopes network of chromatin-like material in the nu- by nucleocapsids in fat body cells appears to cleus (4). This network, which is much more occur through several processes. Whereas some extensive than the network observed in midgut envelopes are obtained by de novo synthesis (26, cells, has been termed the virogenic stroma be- 175, 206, 209), others are acquired by budding cause it consists of aggregated strands that are through nuclear or cytoplasmic membranes. In readily distinguished from host chromatin (256). P. interpunctella cells, envelopes appear to be As the stroma develops, it becomes increasingly acquired from large masses of smooth endoplas- Feulgen positive, and the host chromatin degen- mic reticulum that accumulate in infected cells erates and finally disappears. The stroma ap- (Fig. 8). Nucleocapsids orient in regular arrays pears to be the site of viral DNA synthesis and along the endoplasmic reticulum and then are nucleocapsid assembly because capsids in var- inserted individually into envelopes (4). Similar ious stages of electron density are observed at arrays of nucleocapsids closely associated with its highly condensed periphery (Fig. 7). Depend- endoplasmic reticulum have been observed in ing on the insect species infected by GV, fat GV-infected larvae ofPlutella xylostella (8) and body cell nuclear membranes may disintegrate, Cadra cautella (98). There is evidence from mixing the viral chromatin with cytoplasmic studies on NPVs that the initial association of contents. In infected cells of P. interpunctella an envelope with a nucleocapsid begins at the and C. murinana, hypertrophied nuclei rupture capped end of the nucleocapsid (122). very early in infection, so that newly replicated As the stroma is depleted, matrix formation nucleocapsids are first detected in the cytoplasm begins with deposition of the matrix protein on (4, 25, 91). In C. pomonella, T. ni, and P. oper- the outer surface of the viral envelope (Fig. 8). cullela cells, the nuclei remain intact long This process is selective, as no cellular compo- enough to allow observable nucleocapsid devel- nents other than enveloped nucleocapsids are opment in the nuclei (18, 204, 209). After break- occluded in matrix protein (23). The crystalli- down of the nuclear membrane, in some species zation appears to begin either at one side or at nucleocapsid assembly continues in the former one end of the envelope (Fig. 8) and proceeds nuclear area ofthe cell (18, 204). In other species around the particle (8, 98, 175, 248). Unlike GVs the virogenic network spreads throughout the replicated in midgut cells, the majority of enve- cell (26). loped nucleocapsids present in fat body cells

FIG. 7. Electron micrograph ofa GV-infected fat body cell ofP. interpunctella, showing the eketron-dense virogenic stroma (VS) which appears to be the site of viral DNA synthesis and nucleocapsid (N) assembly. From reference 4. VOL. 45, 1981 INSECT GVs 389

FIG. 8. Electron micrograph of a GV-infected C. cautella fat body cell, showing the association of nucleocapsids (N) with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the occlusion ofenveloped nucleocapsids within the protein matrix (PM). From reference 98. become occluded in the matrix. A few of the nuclei, the nucleoli degenerated, and the levels enveloped nucleocapsids which remain nonoc- of ribonucleic acid synthesis returned to normal. cluded may be the source for further infection, Throughout this initial period of infection, DNA along with nucleocapsids budding through the synthesis was generally comparable to DNA plasma membrane. Indeed, Summers and Volk- synthesis in uninfected cells. In some insects, an man (221) have shown that in an NPV system increase in DNA synthesis was observed early the infectious material in the insect hemolymph in the infection process, suggesting that host consists primarily of enveloped nucleocapsids. A DNA synthesis may be induced by the virus. similar sequence of events has been observed in The most substantial incorporation of label into fat body cells of larvae and in cultured cells DNA was detected between 30 and 40 h postin- infected with NPVs except that the entire rep- fection, during which hypertrophy ofthe nucleus lication process occurs within the nuclei (1, 66, and formation of the virogenic stroma occurred. 67, 72, 79, 122, 135). As the nuclear membrane became disorganized, There have been few studies concerming the a tremendous increase in [3H]thymidine incor- relationship of DNA, ribonucleic acid, and pro- poration was observed in the peripheral regions tein metabolism to the sequence of steps in viral of the viral chromatin network (248). DNA syn- replication and assembly. Injection of [3H]uri- thesis increased to a rate approximately 30 times dine or [3H]thymidine into larvae of C. pomo- the rate in uninfected cells at 60 to 70 h postin- nella at different times after infection revealed fection, after which it decreased. The burst of that, before any cytopathological changes in the DNA synthesis was accompanied by an increase fat body cells occurred, there was a sharp in- in ribonucleic acid synthesis, primarily in the crease in ribonucleic acid synthesis in the cyto- strands of the stroma. Incorporation into ribo- plasm, chromatin, and nucleoli (18). This syn- nucleic acid continued at an increased rate until thesis was accompanied by a swelling of the most of the enveloped nucleocapsids were oc- nucleoli and, after reaching a maximum at ap- cluded. Completion of matrix formation was fol- proximately 25 h postinfection, was localized lowed by a rapid decrease in ribonucleic acid primarily in nucleoli (247). From about 24 to 30 synthesis. h postinfection, when host chromatin was being Time course studies of protein synthesis dur- redistributed to the peripheral regions of the ing GV replication are incomplete (229). Incor- 390 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV. poration of [3H]tyrosine by infected fat body tations and the possible broadening of the host cells ofHyphantria cunea provided evidence for range which may develop during the use of the association ofnewly synthesized protein with baculoviruses as insecticides. the virogenic stroma (248). In the advanced stages of an infection, large Genome masses of cells are completely packed with GV GVs were first identified as DNA viruses by (4, 90). Eventually, the cells rupture, liberating Wyatt (254, 255), who analyzed the base com- occluded viruses into the hemocoel of the host positions of the nucleic acids of the GVs of C. insect. Such large numbers of GVs are produced murinana and C. fumiferana and found that that the fat body becomes opaque white and the they contain adenine, guanine, cytosine, and hemolymph becomes turbid and milky. Macro- thymine but no uracil. Shvedchikova and Tar- scopically, this can usually be detected by a asevich (195) demonstrated the double-stranded change in the color of the infected larvae. For nature of GV DNA and determined from elec- example, P. interpunctella larvae turn from tan tron microscopic studies that molecules ob- to an opaque white (201), and L. pomonella tained from the GVs of the Siberian silkworm larvae become more intensely pink (225). In- (Dendrolimus sibiricus), and the cutworm (A. fected larvae finally die from GV infections, and segetum) had high molecular weights. These the occluded viruses released into the environ- investigators also observed some circular mole- ment infect other insects. cules in the viral DNA preparations and were the first to propose a cyclic structure for the GV MOLECULAR BIOLOGY genome (195, 196). Further evidence for a cir- It has become obvious that the molecular cular conformation of GV DNA was obtained by properties of baculoviruses must be investigated sedimentation analyses of the DNAs of S. fru- if we are to take full advantage of using them as giperda and T. ni GVs in alkaline sucrose and insect control agents. One ofthe major problems cesium chloride-ethidium bromide gradients in using baculoviruses as insecticides has been (210, 212, 213). Two species of DNA were iso- the inability to identify and quantitate these lated on these gradients. Whereas 30% of the viruses easily. Increasing numbers of baculovi- DNA sedimented in a manner characteristic of ruses are being isolated from a variety ofinsects, covalently closed circular DNA, about 60% sed- and, until recently, little methodology has been imented as relaxed circles. Calculations based on available to distinguish one viral isolate from sedimentation analyses of the DNAs showed another. The classical means of differentiating that the molecular weights of the genomes of baculoviruses consists of naming a virus for the these viruses are more than 90 x 106. Electron host insect from which it was isolated originally. microscopic observations by Tweeten et al. (237) However, certain baculoviruses are able to rep- confirmed the circular and superhelical nature licate in more than one insect species, and un- of GV DNA and provided an estimate of 76 x related types of baculoviruses have been shown 106 for the molecular weight of the P. interpunc- to replicate simultaneously in a single insect tella GV genome (Fig. 9A and B). DNA mole- host. To overcome the inadequacies ofthis iden- cules of similar size and conformation (Fig. 9C) tification system, investigators have turned to a have since been obtained from a variety of GV variety of biochemical techniques for character- isolates (33, 37, 240). Estimates of genome mo- izing and determining relationships among viral lecular weights have been obtained by using isolates. These techniques have been reviewed sedimentation analysis, reassociation kinetics, by Harrap and Payne (77) and include polyacryl- electron microscopy, and restriction enzyme amide gel electrophoretic analysis of viral struc- digestion. Depending on the viral isolate, the tural proteins, restriction endonuclease digestion molecular weight of GV DNA ranges from 69 x of viral DNA, and serology. With these proce- 106 to 111 x 10W (Table 2). Biophysical proper- dures, information on the physical, chemical, ties, such as thernal melting points, densities, and biological properties of the baculoviruses is and guanine-plus-cytosine contents also have being gathered, and insight is being gained into been determined for several GV DNAs and have which techniques are most useful for identifying been reviewed recently by Harrap and Payne and monitoring these viruses. This information (77). is also being used in the development ofsensitive The techniques of reassociation kinetics and probes for (i) studying the effects of baculovi- restriction endonuclease digestion have pro- ruses on nontarget species at the cellular level, vided additional information on the structure of (ii) monitoring the quality of commercially pro- GV DNA. In studies with P. brassicae (33) and duced viruses and the biological activity of viral P. interpunctella (D. Scharnhorst and R. residues, and (iii) detecting of viral strain mu- Weaver, personal communication) GV DNAs, VoL. 4, 1981 INSECT GVs 391

FIG. 9. Electron micrographs ofGVgenomes. (A) Relaxed circular molecule ofP. interpunctella GVDNA. (B) and (C) Supercoiled molecules ofP. interpunctella and P. brassicae GVDNAs, respectively. Bars = 1 nm. (C) is from reference 33. workers have found genomic molecular weights level. The DNAs that have been compared to of 74.6 x 106 and 80.2 x 106, respectively. Be- date (from GVs of S. frugiperda, T. ni, P. rapae, cause these values closely correspond to molec- and P. interpunctella) do not appear to be ular weights estimated by other means, GV closely related. The fragments which were gen- DNA appears to consist primarily of single copy erated from these viral DNAs by digestion with sequences. Restriction fragment patterns of GV several restriction enzymes differed markedly in DNAs have been used to define differences in number and size. Restriction enzyme analyses of GVs isolated from various hosts at the genetic NPV DNAs have been more extensive. Restric- 392 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV. TABLE 2. Molecular weights ofDNAs from GVs viruses. Through analyses of individual compo- nents, the localizations and organizations of the Insect DNA(X mol106) wt Reference(s)Rfrnes polypeptides in the structurally complex GVs A. segetum 30a 196 have begun to be elucidated. Because all studies D. sibericus 80a 195 to date have necessarily utilized GVs produced Heliothis armigera 95a 37 in insects, the first important step in determining L. pomenella 71.2a 37 viral protein composition has been the isolation P. operculella 70.6a 37 of occluded viruses from infected larvae. Several P. brassicae 69.8a 33 methods for the purification of baculoviruses 74.6b 33 have been described (74, 76, 132). Typically, P. interpunctella 76.4a 237 these procedures include homogenization of lar- 81.0c 237 followed differential and 78.0" 237 vae, by centrifugation 72.0e 240 velocity sedimentation in sucrose gradients. A S. friugperda 91-114c 213 critical examination of the adequacy of such 80,96" 213,214 procedures in removing host contamination was 77.3e 199 provided by the mixing experiments of Tweeten T. ni 99-119C 213 et al. (236). Uninfected, radioactively labeled 89, 104d 213, 214 larvae were mixed with infected, unlabeled lar- llle 199 vae, and the level of radioactive material was a Determined by electron microscopy. monitored at each step ofvirus purification. The b Determined by reassociation kinetics. resulting virus was free of detectable host con- C Determined by sedimentation in neutral sucrose taminants and retained its physical and biologi- gradients. cal integrity. These investigators determined dDetermined by sedimentation in alkaline sucrose that treatment of the virus preparation with a gradients. detergent was an essential step in purification. e Determined by restriction endonuclease digestion. Significant quantities of larval contamination remained associated with the virus if the deter- gent (1% [vol/vol] deoxycholate) was omitted. tion fragment pattems have been used to iden- Another detergent which is useful in providing tify viral isolates from various hosts (161, 187, structurally intact, purified GVs is 1% sodium 199) and to distinguish among closely related dodecyl sulfate (215). genomic variants (143, 162, 199). The technique generally used to isolate the Physical maps of a number of NPV DNAs protein matrix is treatment of occluded GVs have been developed, and the genomic regions with sodium carbonate (pH 9 to 11). This well- coding for specific viral polypeptides have been established procedure results in dissociation of described (200, 220). When similar studies are the protein matrix from the enveloped nucleo- conducted with GV DNAs, it will be possible to capsids (20, 53, 74, 132, 155, 216). Several other make detailed comparisons ofthe structures and chemicals, such as 5 M guanidine, 7 M urea, and organizations of the genomes of the baculovirus n-propanol, can be used to induce fragmentation subgroups. of the protein matrix. However, these chemicals The infectivity of purified GV DNA has been also cause damage to the other viral components investigated only to a limited extent. Transfec- (53, 124). Of the various compounds that have tion of a continuous line of T. ni cells with DNAs been tested, dissolution by carbonate most from the GVs of S. frugiperda and T. ni did not closely resembles the solubilization of matrix produce plaque formation (35). Interpretation of and the release of enveloped nucleocapsids ob- these results is difficult at present because viral served in vivo. The rate of matrix solubilization replication was not detected in the cells when is dependent on temperature, pH, and carbonate enveloped nucleocapsids were used as the in- concentration, and the optimum conditions for fecting agent. matrix dissolution must be defined for each GV isolate (53). Recently, Yamamoto and Tanada (258) have shown that the protein matrix of Purification of Occluded Virus and Its Pseudaletia unipuncta GV also can be solubi- Structural Components lized readily by 0.02 M NaOH (pH 12) with no Definitive characterization of GV proteins has apparent effect on the integrity of the viral en- been dependent upon the development of pro- velope. With either method, the solubilized ma- cedures for separating and isolating the struc- trix is separated from the other viral components tural components (protein matrixes, enveloped by differential centrifugation or by sedimenta- nucleocapsids, nucleocapsids, capsids) of these tion on sucrose or glycerol gradients. After cen- VOL. 45, 1981 INSECT GVs 393 trifugation, the matrix proteins are recovered for electron microscopy. Triton X-100 has also been further analysis from the top of the gradients or used to dissolve GV envelopes. Yamamoto and in the supernatant. Tanada (259) used 0.1% Triton X-100 to solubi- A number of techniques for recovering alkali- lize the viral envelopes from two strains of P. liberated enveloped nucleocapsids have been in- unipuncta GV, and this treatment provided nu- vestigated. Depending on the manner in which cleocapsids that appeared to be intact. Tweeten the enveloped nucleocapsids are handled after et al. (241) found that nucleocapsid aggregation, matrix dissolution, particles of varying degrees which frequently has been observed by others, of structural integrity, purity, and infection ca- can be minimized ifpreparations are maintained pability have been obtained (74, 125, 128). Op- in 0.01 M tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane timum yields of enveloped nucleocapsids gener- hydrochloride (pH 8.5) during both incubation ally result when the nucleocapsids are removed in detergent and gradient centrifugation. Below directly from the carbonate dissolution mixture pH 8.5, clumping of nucleocapsids occurs, and by differential centrifugation or by sedimenta- most nucleocapsids are lost by pelleting during tion on gradients (17, 155, 216, 241). Dilution of centrifugation. the mixture before centrifugation with buffers As with the isolation ofother GV components, that reduce the pH below approximnately 8.5 the conditions used for removing GV viral en- must be avoided. At lower pH values, precipi- velopes vary with the viral isolate. The enve- tation of matrix protein occurs, resulting in con- lopes surrounding S. frugiperda GV nucleocap- tamnation'of enveloped nucleocapsids by ma- sids are particularly resistant to solubilization trix constituents and the loss of enveloped nu- (219). Enveloped nucleocapsids from this virus cleocapsids through aggregation (3, 76, 216). The remain stable even after prolonged exposure to stability of the isolated enveloped nucleocapsids 2% NP-40-6 M urea, which causes extensive varies with the viral species but usually is lim- degradation of envelopes and nucleocapsids ited. Most preparations are contaminated to from other GVs (see below). some extent with envelopes and nucleocapsids. A procedure for isolating baculovirus capsids The use of brief times of exposure to alkaline was introduced by Summers and Smith (219). conditions and the removal ofglycerol or sucrose This procedure consists of incubating enveloped by pelleting rather than by dialysis minimize nucleocapsids in 0.1 M tris(hydroxymethyl)- viral degradation and loss of infectivity (241, aminomethane hydrochloride-2% NP-40-1 M 258). NaCl for 18 h at 37°C, followed by velocity More recently, methods to release GV and sedimentation on preformed cesium chloride NPV nucleocapsids from viral envelopes have gradients. The tubular capsids band at.a density been described. Of the materials that have been of approximately 1.33 g/ml in the gradients. investigated, the nonionic detergent Nonidet P- Tweeten et al. (239) adapted this technique for 40 (NP-40) appears to be the most effective in generating capsids from nucleocapsids by omit- envelope removal. Originally, Harrap and Long- ting the detergent. Treatment of nucleocapsids worth (76) used a 30-min incubation in 0.2% with 0.6 to 1.0 M NaCl in 0.01 M tris(hydrox- (vol/vol) NP-40 to isolate Melanchra persi- ymethyl)aminomethane hydrochloride (pH 8.5) caria GV nucleocapsids. However, Arif and was sufficient for complete extraction of the Brown (3) found that this treatment resulted in DNA and the core proteins from the capsids. incomplete removal of the envelope. These in- Capsids prepared in this manner appeared to vestigators used centrifugation of enveloped nu- have lost the caplike structures located at one cleocapsids through a layer of 2% NP-40 on top end of the capsids. This suggests that whereas of sucrose gradients and recovered relatively the rest of the capsid is stable at high salt intact, envelope-free nucleocapsids. Higher NP- concentrations, these caplike structures are not. 40 concentrations resulted in degradation of nu- Also, it is possible that the cap structure is cleocapsids. Modifications of this latter proce- associated with the viral genome and, conse- dure have been used to isolate nucleocapsids quently, is removed from the capsid when the from the GVs of P. brassicae and P. interpunc- DNA is ejected. tella (33, 241). Enveloped nucleocapsids from these viruses were incubated in 1% (vol/vol) NP- 40 for 30 min at 26 to 300C. The nucleocapsids Structural Proteins then were separated from the solubilized enve- Protein matrix. The most extensively char- lope proteins by sedimentation on sucrose or acterized protein of GVs is the protein of the glycerol gradients. The resulting nucleocapsids crystalline matrix. The first studies revealed that were structurally intact and were free ofcontam- alkaline carbonate-solubilized matrix consists of inating envelope fragments, as determined by a heterogeneous mixture of peptides. Several 394 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV. proteins were found by gel electrophoresis and arations (56, 186). The other antigenic site ap- sedimentation analysis (146, 215, 228). The pres- pears to be present in the monomeric polypep- ence of multiple protein species also was indi- tide. cated by carboxy- and amino-terminal analyses In addition to imilarities in structure and size, and serological tests, which showed the presence granulins from several GVs are similar in amino of at least two antigenic components. These acid composition. These proteins are character- results suggested a complex composition and a ized by high contents of aspartic and glutamic possible subunit structure for the matrix. acid residues. Also prominent are the hydropho- Further clarification of the biochemical and bic amino acids valine, isoleucine, and leucine. biophysical properties of the solubilized matrix Comparative peptide mapping studies of granu- was provided by the discovery that an alkaline lins and polyhedrins have shown that many protease was associated with the protein matrix common peptides are present in the matrix pro- of NPVs (55, 218). This protease was activated teins (152, 217). As suggested by Rohrmann by the conditions used to solubilize the matrix (186) and Maruniak and Summers (152), these and degraded matrix components to a mixture peptides may represent regions of the protein oflower-molecular-weight polypeptides. Several that contribute to its aggregative properties and, additional baculoviruses have been investigated, thus, have been conserved through evolution. and similar protease activities have been de- Other peptides are unique to individual matrix tected (42, 57, 137, 155, 238). Inhibition of this proteins and can be used to distinguish viral activity by HgC12 or by heat treatment at 70°C species. The granulins from T. ni and P. inter- for 30 min has allowed the matrix to be solubi- punctella GV appear to be phosphorylated (218, lized and recovered in a nondegraded form (57, 241). Whether this is typical of granulins and 218, 238). After such treatment, the matrix ex- polyhedrins is not known. hibits one predominant 12S component when it Yamamoto and Tanada (257a) have reported is analyzed by velocity sedimentation. This mol- that a 126,000-molecular-weight component con- ecule can be further dissociated into a single taining phospholipid and protein is associated low-molecular-weight polypeptide by treatment with matrix preparations from the GV of P. with sodium dodecyl sulfate and 2-mercaptoeth- unipuncta. This component enhanced infection anol (217, 218). Comparative studies of species of P. unipuncta by an NPV, and it has been ofthis protein, called granulin and polyhedrin in suggested that this component is involved in the GVs and NPVs, respectively, revealed close sim- attachment of enveloped nucleocapsids to mid- ilarities in molecular weight. All of the baculo- gut cell membranes (230). virus matrix proteins examined to date have Enveloped nucleocapsids and envelope molecular weights in the range from 25,000 to proteins. Enveloped nucleocapsids from only a 30,000 (Table 3). These studies have indicated few GVs have been purified and analyzed for that the 12S molecule consists of eight subunits their polypeptide compositions. Polyacrylamide ofgranulin or polyhedrin. Recent immunochem- gel electrophoretic analyses ofenveloped nucleo- ical studies with the polyhedrins from two 0. capsids from S. frugiperda, T. ni, P. brassicae, pseudotsugata NPVs and T. ni NPV suggest P. unipuncta, and P. interpunctella GVs have that the 12S aggregate contains one ofthe major revealed several structural proteins (33, 219, 241, antigenic determinants observed in matrix prep- 259). From 12 to 18 polypeptides have been observed, with each virus having a unique pro- tein composition. The molecular weights of the TABLE 3. Molecular weights ofgranulin from GV enveloped nucleocapsid structural polypeptides isolates are shown in Table 4. Several additional minor Insect mol wt Refer- viral protein species have been detected in en- Granulin ence(s) veloped nucleocapsids of P. interpunctella GV Cirphis unipuncta 26,300 43 by using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide L. pomonella 28,000 43 gradient gels (241). Several polypeptides having Mamestra oleracea 26,400 43 inilar electrophoretic mobilities were resolved P. brassicae 28,200, 27,500 43,33 in these gels. These results indicate that gel P. interpunctella 28,000 238 over various mo- Pseudaletia unipuncta systems with resolving powers Hawaiian strain 28,700 258 lecular weight ranges must be used to reveal the Oregon strain 29,100 258 number of GV structural polypeptides ade- Pygera anastomosis 26,900 43 quately. S. frugiperda 28,000, 26,000 217,219 Recently, studies have been initiated to local- T. ni 28,000 218,219 ize the polypeptides within the enveloped nu- Zeiraphera diniana 27,200 43 cleocapsid structure. Dissolution of the viral en- VOL. 45, 1981 INSECT GVs 395 TABLE 4. Structuralpolypeptides of GV enveloped proteins has been used by Tweeten et al. (241). nucleocapsidsa These investigators used solid-phase bound lac- S. frugi- T. ni GV P. bras- P. uni- P. inter- toperoxidase and "2I to radiolabel the proteins perda GV (219 sicae GV puncta puncteUa external to the viral envelope. Autoradiograms (219)b ) {33) GV (259) GV (241)' obtained from electropherograms of iodinated VP160 enveloped nucleocapsids indicated that five pro- VP95 VP90 VP91 VP97 VP97 teins were located on the outer surface of the VP89 VP85 VP89 VP88 viral envelope. These polypeptides (VP17, VP39, VP77 and also were the VP71 VP73 VP42, VP48, VP97) major VP68 polypeptides released from the virus structure VP64 VP64 by detergent treatment. VP63 VP63 In addition to the proteins identified as enve- VP58 VP57 VP58 lope components, there are a few other viral VP56 polypeptides that are present in P. interpunc- VP52 VP52 tella GV enveloped nucleocapsids but not in VP48 VP47 VP47 VP48 VP48 nucleocapsids (241). Although this observation VP46 suggests that these proteins are envelope pro- VP44c teins, these proteins did not appear to be labeled VP42 VP42 VP42 VP42 It is VP39 VP39 VP39c by the radioiodination procedure. possible VP38 VP38 VP38 that these proteins are located internally in the VP37 VP37 viral membrane and are not available to the VP34 VP34 lactoperoxidase. They also may be components VP31 VP31 VP30 VP31 of an intermediate layer, Kawamoto et al. (122) VP29 VP29 VP29c have proposed that such a layer exists between VP26 VP26 baculovirus envelopes and nucleocapsids. This VP25 intermediate layer may be analogous to the VP24 VP24 VP24 VP24 membrane proteins associated with the enve- VP21.5 VP21.5 lopes of rhabdoviruses, orthomyxoviruses, and VP20.5 VP20.5 VP18 VP18 VP18 paramyxoviruses, which may serve as recogni- VP17 VP17 VP17c tion sites for assembly of nucleocapsids into VP16 VP16 VP16 envelopes (168). VP12 VP14 VP12 An analysis of the lipid content of GV enve- has been conducted with the GV of P. a The numbers in the designations refer to the mo- lopes lecular weights (x103) of the viral proteins, as deter- unipuncta (257). Chloroformn-methanol extrac- mined by comparisons with molecular weight stand- tion and thin-layer chromatography revealed ards. the presence of phosphatidyl choline, phospha- b Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers. tidyl ethanolamine, and an unidentified phos- ' Phosphorylated polypeptides. pholipid specific to virus infection. The neutral lipid and glycolipid contents of GV envelopes have not been reported, nor have the viral lipids velopes with detergents has allowed polyacryl- and the midgut and fat body cell membrane amide gel analyses of nucleocapsids and solubi- lipids been compared. lized envelope proteins. Nucleocapsids from P. Nucleocapsid and capsid proteins. Com- brassicae and P. interpunctella GVs contain at parisons between the polypeptide compositions least eight polypeptides, ranging in molecular of GV nucleocapsids and the polypeptide com- weight from 12,000 to 73,000 (33, 239, 241). Ap- positions of capsids have provided further infor- proximately four or five proteins are removed by mation on the locations and functions of some NP-40 and thus appear to be associated with the of the structural proteins. As described above, viral envelope. However, treatment of P. uni- nucleocapsids from the GVs ofP. interpunctella, puncta GV enveloped nucleocapsids with Triton P. brassicae, and P. unipuncta have been iso- X-100 produced nucleocapsids with only three lated and analyzed (33, 241, 259). Whereas the polypeptides and an envelope fraction contain- gel patterns differ for several of the minor pro- ing as many as nine proteins (259). Although tein components of these nucleocapsids, there is these results may reflect intrinsic differences in a substantial resemblance in electrophoretic mo- the organizations and complexities of GV nu- bilities for the two major components (Table 5). cleocapsids, they also may have been due to Evidence indicates that the higher-molecular- differences in the extractabilities of the various weight protein (molecular weight range, 31,000 structural polypeptides by the two detergents. A to 34,000) is the major capsid protein. This pro- more direct method for identifying GV envelope tein is the predominant polypeptide in empty 396 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV. TABLE 5. Structural polypeptides of GV strands of naked viral DNA. These observations nucleocapsids and capsids are consistent with the speculation that a pro- Nucleocapsidsa Capsidsa tein, most likely the arginine-rich polypeptide, is bound to the DNA. P. brassi- P. inter- P. uni- P. inter- The basic polypeptide appears to be a struc- cae GV punctella puncta punctella T219G (33)b GV (241) GV (259) GV (239) tural component which is characteristic of bac- uloviruses. Proteins of similar basicity and mo- VP73 lecular weight have been extracted from within VP64 VP64 VP58 nucleocapsids ofP. rapae GV and A. californica VP47 VP49C VP49 and S. frugiperda NPVs (239). Most other NPV VP42 VP44c and GV enveloped nucleocapsids whose struc- VP39 VP38 VP39 tural protein compositions have been deter- VP36 VP36 mined contain predominant polypeptides with VP34d VP31d VP34d VP31d VP31d molecular weights ranging from 12,000 to 16,000 VP30 VP29c VP29 VP29 (33, 40, 70, 78, 160, 174). It is likely that these VP24 VP26 low-molecular-weight proteins also are arginine- VP17 rich, core-associated proteins. The apparent ab- VP12d VP12d VP14d sence of such a protein in the enveloped nucleo- a The numbers in the designations refer to the mo- capsids of T. ni and S. frugiperda GVs (Table 4) lecular weights (x103) of the viral proteins, as deter- perhaps can be accounted for by the gel system mined by comparisons with molecular weight stand- used for the analysis of these enveloped nucleo- ards. capsids (219). We have been unable to detect b Numbers in parentheses are reference numbers. e Phosphorylated polypeptides. polypeptides having molecular weights less than dPredominant structural polypeptides in nucleo- 14,000 with gels containing 11% or less polyacryl- capsids or capsids. amide. capsids of T. ni and P. interpunctella GVs (219, SEROLOGY 239). A protein of similar molecular weight is There is evidence which suggests that intrinsic present in most NPV and GV enveloped nucleo- differences in baculovirus genomes and struc- capsids that have been characterized, suggesting tural polypeptides are reflected in serological that this protein functions as the major struc- properties (78). Thus, another promising system tural component of baculovirus capsids (33, 40, for classification of baculoviruses is a system 70, 78, 160, 174). based on antigenicity. Several immunological The other protein present in large amounts in techniques in which antibodies formed against nucleocapsids has a low molecular weight rang- matrix proteins, enveloped nucleocapsids, and ing from 12,000 to 14,000. After isolation of this nucleocapsids are used are being investigated for protein from nucleocapsids of P. interpunctella their sensitivity and specificity in detection of GV, an investigation of its biochemical proper- baculovirus antigens. By comparative analyses ties revealed that it is an extremely basic, argi- of the antigenicities of polypeptides from these nine-rich polypeptide (239). With approximately viral components, structural proteins that may 39% of its amino acid residues consisting of ar- determine virus strain-specific antigens can be ginine and histidine, this viral protein was acid identified (78). Of particular interest is the use soluble, exhibited an electrophoretic mobility in ofthis information for developing procedures for acid-urea gels intermediate between the mobili- reliable identification and monitoring of bacu- ties of histones and protamine, and had an iso- lovirus levels in field insects and soil samples electric point of 9.8 to 10.0. Polyacrylamide gel (154). analysis showed that this basic protein is not Serological tests, such as complement fixation present in capsids, suggesting that it is an inter- and hemagglutination inhibition, appear to de- nal or core protein associated with viral DNA. tect only the group-specific determinants con- Electron microscopic observations by Tweeten tained in polyhedrins and granulins (44, 93, 169). et al. (239) provided further evidence that this is As a result, these procedures have shown much the case. Treatment of P. interpunctella GV serological cross-reactivity among matrix pro- nucleocapsids with chelating agents resulted in teins from several baculoviruses. On the other rupture of the ends of the capsids and release of hand, sensitive immunodiffusion and radioim- a thick fiber from within the capsids (Fig. 3E munoassay systems have revealed the presence and F). This putative nucleoprotein complex of virus-specific antigens and have been used to was sensitive to salt, which caused decondensa- discriminate among distantly and closely related tion of the compact structure into long thin NPVs and GVs (41, 119, 170, 186). The latter VOL. 45, 1981 INSECT GVs 397 technique and enzyme-linked immunosorbent brane (Fig. 10A), a network of chitin, hyaluronic assays appear to be sensitive enough to detect acid, and protein which lines the midgut, may polyhedrin and enveloped nucleocapsid antigens be a specific barrier to infection (14, 30, 173). in soil samples and infected larvae (41, 119, 129, Although penetration of this membrane may be 146). through nonselective discontinuities, it is also possible that it is mediated by virus-associated PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH enzymes. Another factor which may define host In recent years, significant progress in GV range is the insect gut environment. Various research has been made. Many details of the GVs differ in their susceptibilities to alkali, and, viral replication process have been established, therefore, appropriate conditions must be pres- and the biochemical properties of viral genomes ent in the gut for solubilization of the protein and several structural polypeptides have been matrix to occur (Fig. lOB). Degradation of the determined. However, the infornation currently matrix may also be aided by host or virus-asso- available provides only a beginning to our un- ciated alkaline proteases (238). However, such derstanding of these genetically and biologically protease activity may not be essential for GV complex animal viruses. A number offeatures of infection, as P. brassicae GV and tissue culture- GV infection and GV molecular biology remain derived NPVs, which lack alkaline proteases, are to be elucidated. highly infectious in vivo (33, 243, 245). Little is known about the viral and host com- The mechanism of entry of GV enveloped ponents responsible for the host specificity ex- nucleocapsids into cells appears to depend on hibited by GVs. Such knowledge is of primary the tissue type being infected. In the midgut, importance in the selection of GVs with re- penetration occurs through fusion of the viral stricted host ranges for use as biological insecti- envelope with columnar cell membranes (Fig. cides and for detection of changes in host range lOC and D). On the other hand, entry into that may occur after the application of these hemocoelic tissues, such as tracheae and fat viruses for insect control. The peritrophic mem- bodies, may be primarily through viropexis (Fig.

Formation of Granlin en its CrySItllizoaon on Envolop Insect he Cyl Movement of GV to sct Mlget "I C9110Mi.. aCll M'enitrooni J Call Lysis; ~~N\~Y~ Iognsted Virous Lumen Larval Death A m wla bt .- 7= EnvelopeEnSopoAcqeu'mteon~~Enve@lope~~~Zaisiti 9,, RNSOta Egg

DeOredaton of Proteoin Matrix in Gut Unintete * "-GutLumn B

Lav inh Attachme of Eneloped Neclecped ho Get Cell Mioroilli Nuclocaid Formation Sprmad Of aiat in Fat Body Cell Inhction Viragenic Ou t Colwor Col GeStroma 0/w Mwabroon n of I neAronabhoal

Pnetrtion Fat of Body R/etion of DNA aon or Trachel Coll; Uncaatm Nul.cPopd Proteins; Envlope Acei tion Nucleor

G Monbrons Vopois Strom G Memb.ranea

*V,aiO Stnoct. Co...:ie

xv 6l0oox.adeanoO 6V (ocelxJd-Voudeoicdxs)*|p, FIG. 10. Diiwrrammatic summary of the GV infection process. 398 TWEETEN, BULLA, AND CONSIGLI MICROBIOL. REV. lOG). There is evidence which suggests that the uncoat within them (68, 83, 135). interaction between enveloped nucleocapsids Information conceming the biochemical and host cells is dependent on the nature of the events that occur during the period from un- viral envelope. Virus particles that acquire en- coating to the appearance of newly replicated velopes through budding are much more infec- nucleocapsids on the virogenic stroma is also tious by intrahemocoelic inoculation than per os limited (Fig. 1OH). There is some evidence that (127, 246). This suggests that the envelopes may the virus initially may stimulate infected cells to contain receptors necessary for specific attach- divide, thus amplifying the cellular enzymes and ment to cells in the hemolymph. Indeed, struc- nucleic acid machinery needed for viral replica- tural modifications which appear to be analo- tion (18, 165). It is possible that this effect is gous to the glycoprotein spikes of enveloped mediated by virus-specified enzymes or early vertebrate viruses are present on the budding viral polypeptides. The GV genome certainly ends ofthese envelopes (Fig. lOF). These surface contains enough genetic information to code for projections are not present on enveloped nucleo- nonstructural proteins having regulatory or en- capsids which become occluded and exhibit very zymatic activities. To synthesize the total num- low infectivity for hemocoelic cells (79,221). The ber ofstructural polypeptides identified so far in GV structural polypeptides that are responsible these viruses, only 25 to 30% of the viral DNA for the different properties and functions of the molecule would be needed. The maturation of two forms of enveloped nucleocapsids have not nucleocapsids appears to consist of formation of been identified. Preliminary studies with the tubular capsids into which viral genomes are NPV ofA. californica have revealed qualitative then inserted. With electron microscopy, GV and quantitative differences in the polypeptide capsids in the process of being filled with fibrous compositions of the occluded and budded enve- strands (presumably DNA) have been observed loped nucleocapsids (199). Whether these differ- in infected cells ofArchips argyrospila (175). A ences are due to modifications of proteins by similar sequence of assembly has been described glycosylation or phosphorylation or are re- for NPV nucleocapsids (92, 139). The NPV cap- stricted to viral envelope proteins is not known. sids also are associated with filamentous mate- Further investigations in this area will be im- rial and exhibit increasing electron density as portant because specific envelope proteins are infection proceeds. The mechanism through likely to contribute significantly to the host and which the large baculovirus genome is con- tissue specificities of GVs. densed and packaged within a capsid has not Electron microscopic studies have indicated been well characterized. Shvedchikova et al. that uncoating of GV nucleocapsids occurs at or (197) have proposed that the molecule is con- near the nuclear membrane, probably in associ- densed through a series of sequential spiraliza- ation with nuclear pores (Fig. 10E). Similar in- tions. However, more consistent with the matu- teractions with nuclear pores have been ob- ration process observed in infected cells is the served for baculoviruses that infect species of suggestion by Tweeten et al. (239) that an ex- Apanteles and Chelonus wasps (207). The wasp tremely basic protein becomes associated with viruses have appendages attached to one end of the viral DNA during packaging. What is evi- nucleocapsids which are analogous to bacterio- dent from the observations of several investiga- phage tails. After penetration of an appendage tors is that DNA is present within capsids in the into a nucleus through nuclear pores, the viral forn of a highly organized structure (163, 176, DNA appears to be injected into the nucleus. 181, 197, 239). Further ultrastructural and bio- Although GV nucleocapsids lack taillike struc- chemical analyses of this structure, which ap- tures, their ends are morphologically distinct. pears to be more analogous to DNA-protamine Structural polypeptides at one of these termini complexes than to DNA-histone complexes (27, might interact specifically with the nuclear pore 29), will be needed to obtain further insight into complex. The mechanism which triggers the un- the mode of baculovirus DNA packaging. coating event(s) is unknown. Preliminary exper- Equally undefined is the final sequence of iments in our laboratory have shown that cations events in GV replication, the polymerization of are associated with P. interpunctella GV and granulin around enveloped nucleocapsids (Fig. that chelation of the cations causes nucleocap- 1OJ). Recent studies have led to speculation on sids to release their DNA cores (239). During the process by which granulin crystallization infection, a similar mechanism for uncoating occurs. One possible mechanism may involve may be operational. The contribution of nuclear interaction of the hydrophobic amino acid resi- membrane components to NPV uncoating may dues in the matrix protein (133). Also proposed differ from the contribution in GV infections. is neutralization of dicarboxylic acids (the pre- NPV nucleocapsids appear to enter nuclei and dominant amino acid residues in granulin) by VOL. 45, 1981 INSECT GVs 399 cellular cations concentrated in the region ofthe Service grant ES 02036 from the National Institute of matrix assembly (186). It is not clear that gran- Environmental Health Services. ulin is synthesized in midgut cells, although for- mation of occluded viruses in this tissue is rare. LITERATURE CITED In fat body cells, where the majority of enve- 1. Adams, J. R., R. H. Goodwin, and T. A. Wil- loped nucleocapsids become occluded, the en- cox. 1977. Electron microscopic investigations velope appears to be essential for matrix depo- on invasion and replication of insect baculovi- sition. Only nucleocapsids which have envelopes ruses in vivo and in vitro. Biol. Cell. 28:261- are occluded, and in some insect species, enve- 268. lopes alone may be incorporated into the protein 2. Akutsu, K. 1971. Control of the common cab- matrix. Apparently, the viral envelope contains bage worm, Pieris rapae crucivora Boisduval, granulin-specific attachment sites (79, 208). The by a granulosis virus. Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. relationship between the Zool. 15:56-62. GV structural polypep- 3. Arif, B. M., and K. W. Brown. 1975. Purifica- tides involved in this interaction and the enve- tion properties of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus lope proteins which function in fusion with host from Choristoneura fumiferana. Can. J. Mi- cell membranes remains to be elucidated. The crobiol. 21:1224-1231. mechanism by which matrx polymerization 4. Arnott, H. J., and K. M. Smith. 1968. An ultra- ceases also is not known. Harrap (73) has sug- structural study of the development of a gran- gested that formation of the as-yet uncharacter- ulosis virus in the cells of the moth Plodia ized electron-dense layer at the periphery of the interpunctella (Hbn.). J. Ultrastruct. Res. 21: matrix may be the determining factor. 251-268. A major breakthrough needed to resolve many 5. Arnott, H. J., and K. M. Smith. 1968. Ultra- of the questions discussed is the structure and formation of abnormal capsules above develop- in a granulosis virus of the moth Plodia inter- ment of tissue culture systems in which GVs can punctella (Hbn.). J. Ultrastruct. Res. 22:136- be replicated. The ability to prepare immuno- 158. logical reagents selective for each baculovirus 6. Arnott, H. J., K. M. Smith, and S. L Fulli- structural component and, in some cases, indi- love. 1968. Ultrastructure ofa cytoplasmic pol- vidual viral polypeptides is currently being re- yhedrosis virus affecting the monarch butterfly alized (222). Individual sera and combinations of Danausplexippus. J. Ultrastruct. Res. 24:479- sera are being investigated for use in typing 507. systems for baculoviruses. The use of these re- 7. Asai, J., F. Kawamoto, and S. Kawase. 1972. as On the structure of the cytoplasmic polyhedro- agents sensitive probes for analyses of the sis biochemistry and kinetics of GV replication can virus of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. J. be Invertebr. Pathol. 19:279-280. only critically accomplished in cell lines. Tis- 8. Asayama, T. 1975. Maturation process of gran- sue culture systems also will allow the selection ulosis virus ofthe diamondback moth, Plutella ofviral mutants for genetic mapping and further xylostella. Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 19: investigation of the GV infection process. Such 149-156. studies are presently being conducted with 9. Asayama, T. 1976. The morphology ofthe inclu- NPVs in cultured cells (34, 144). sion body of Plutella xylostella granulosis vi- A further evaluation of the insecticidal activ- rus. Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 20:44-46. ities of the GVs must also be made. Particular 10. Asayama, T., and L Inagaki. 1975. Cell alter- attention must be given to defining the field or ations caused by infection with the granulosis storage in virus in the diamondback moth, Plutella xy- situations which viral insecticide losteUa, and the site of appearance of nucleo- usage would be the most suitable form of insect capsid. Jpn. J. Appl. Entomol. Zool. 19:79-84. controL Studies on the integration of viruses 11. Asayama, T., and N. Osald. 1970. A granulosis with other new approaches to the regulation of of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. economic pests, including pheromones, growth J. Invertebr. Pathol. 15:284-286. hormones, sterilants, and appropriate crop cul- 12. Banowetz, G. M., J. L Fryer, P. J. 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