Aviation and Atmospheric Processes
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АКАДЕМИЯ НАУК АВИАЦИИ И ВОЗДУХОПЛАВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ КОСМОНАВТИКИ ИМ. К.Э.ЦИОЛКОВСКОГО ACADEMY OF AVIATION AND AERONAUTICS SCIENCES RUSSIAN ASTRONAUTICS ACADEMY OF K.E.TSIOLKOVSKY'S NAME СССР 7 195 ISSN 1727-6853 12.04.1961 АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ АВИАЦИОННЫХ И АЭРОКОСМИЧЕСКИХ СИСТЕМ процессы, модели, эксперимент 1(40), т.20, 2015 RUSSIAN-AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF AVIATION AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS processes, models, experiment УРНАЛ 1(40), v.20, 2015 УЧНЫЙ Ж О-АМЕРИКАНСКИЙ НА ОССИЙСК Р Казань Daytona Beach А К Т УА Л Ь Н Ы Е П Р О Б Л Е М Ы А В И А Ц И О Н Н Ы Х И А Э Р О К О С М И Ч Е С К И Х С И С Т Е М Казань, Дайтона Бич Вып. 1 (40), том 20, 1-185, 2015 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ CONTENTS А.М.Старик, О.Н.Фаворский 1 А.М.Starik, О.N.Favorskiy Авиация и атмосферные процессы Aviation and atmospheric processes В.Д.Доник 39 V.D.Donik О моделировании процессов при Modelling processes under sudden внезапной разгерметизации отсека в depressurisation of compartment in летательном аппарате flying machine Ю.В.Лончаков 69 Yu.V.Lonchakov Развитие инновационных технологий Development of the innovative в подготовке космонавтов в technologies in cosmonaut training in интересах безопасности the interests of spaceflight safety космических полетов А.Б.Бахур, В.А.Меньшиков, 90 A.B.Bakhur, V.A.Menshikov, А.Н.Перминов A.N.Perminov Научно-инновационный потенциал Scientific-innovative potential of the проекта МАКСМ IGMASS project В.Е.Бугров 102 V.E.Bugrov Марсианский проект С.П. Королева – S.P.Korolev's Mars Project – promising перспективная цель Российской aim of Russian astronautics космонавтики В.Г.Дегтярь, Р.Н.Канин 146 V.G.Degtiar, R.N.Kanin Генеральный конструктор General Designer Виктор Петрович Макеев Victor Petrovich Makeyev А.Ф.Дрегалин, Г.А.Глебов 161 A.F.Dregalin, G.A.Glebov К 70-летию кафедры В.П.Глушко, To 70th Anniversary of V.P. Glushko, С.П.Королева: первой в стране S.P.Korolev Department: the first-in- кафедры ракетных двигателей the-country Rocket Engines Department НАУЧНО-ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЙ РАЗДЕЛ SCIENTIFIC-INFORMATION SECTION Поздравление 184 Congratulation Московскому авиационному Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) - институту (МАИ) - 85! 85! A C T U A L P R O B L E M S O F A V I A T I O N A N D A E R O S P A C E S Y S T E M S Kazan, Daytona Beach No.1 (40), volume 20, 1-185, 2015 A C T U A L P R O B L E M S O F AV I A T I O N A N D A E R O S P A C E S Y S T E M S Kazan-Daytona Beach HONORARY EDITORS EDITORIAL BOARD V.M.Matrosov, RAS Academician I.F.Obraztsov, RAS Academician G.L.Degtyarev, HONORARY EDITOR;Ex-President of KNRTU-KAI, RUSSIA S.M.Sliwa, HONORARY EDITOR;Ex-President of ERAU, USA M.D.Ardema, Santa Clara University, California, USA V.Canuto, NASA, GISS, New York, USA Yu.F.Gortyshov, KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA A.N.Kirilin, «CSDB - Progress», Samara, RUSSIA V.V.Kovalyonok, USSR Pilot-Cosmonaut, Cosmonautics Federation of Russia, RUSSIA V.A.Menshikov, RAATs, Moscow, RUSSIA A.Miele, Rice University, Houston, USA S.V.Mikheyev, Kamov Company, Moscow, RUSSIA D.T.Mook, VPISU, Blacksburg, USA G.V.Novozhilov, Ilyshin Aviation Complex, Moscow, RUSSIA J.Olivero, ERAU, Daytona Beach, USA M.Ostoja-Starzewski, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA V.F.Pavlenko, Academy of Aviation and Aeronautics Sciences, Moscow, RUSSIA V.I.Panchenko, KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA V.G.Peshekhonov, Concern “CSRI Electropribor”, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA G.G.Raikunov, URSC, Moscow, RUSSIA V.A.Samsonov, Lomonosov MSU, Institute of Mechanics, Moscow, RUSSIA Chr.Sharp, FAA, Washington, USA S.Sivasundaram, ERAU, Daytona Beach, USA A.N.Tikhonov, State Inst.of Inform.Technol. and Telecomm., Moscow, RUSSIA P.J.Werbos, National Science Foundation, Arlington, USA R.M.Yusupov, SPII RAS, St. Petersburg, RUSSIA O.A.Dushina (Assistant of Editor, translation), KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA EDITORS-EXPERTS I.M.Blankson, NASA Lewis Research Center, USA A.S.Boreisho, ILTT, BSTU, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA I.B.Fedorov, Bauman MSTU, Moscow, RUSSIA A.N.Geraschenko, MAI (NRU), Moscow, RUSSIA V.M.Khailov, CIAM, Moscow, RUSSIA R.Mankbadi, ERAU, Daytona Beach, USA A.M.Matveenko, MAI (NRU), Moscow, RUSSIA B.G.Mingazov, KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA R.E.Skelton, AMES, California, USA Ye.I. Somov, IFAC Technical Committee on Aerospace, Samara, RUSSIA R.F.Walter, Schafer Corporation, Albuquerque, USA V.Ph.Zhuravlev, IPM, RAS, Moscow, RUSSIA EDITORS O.N.Favorskiy, CIAM, Moscow, RUSSIA L.K.Kuzmina, KNRTU-KAI, Kazan, RUSSIA FIRST EDITOR of JOURNAL - Vladimir Anatolyevich Kuzmin Main goals of this Journal - to inform the specialists of appropriate fields about recent state in theory and applications; about global problems, and actual directions; to promote close working contacts between scientists of various Universities and Schools; between theorists and application oriented scientists; to mathematize the methods in solving of problems, generated by engineering practice; to unite the efforts, to synthesize the methods in different areas of science and education... In Journal the articles and reviews; the discussions communications; engineering notices, the statements and solutions of problems in all areas of aviation and aerospace systems are published (including new results, methods, approaches, hypothesizes, experimental researches,...). Authors of theoretical works have to show the possible areas of applications in engineering practice. The languages of publications are RUSSIAN, ENGLISH. Edition is carried out in the co-operation with MAI - Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), with Moscow State Technical University of N.E.Bauman’s name, with Cosmonautics Federation of Russia 2015 Kazan National Research Technical University of A.N.Tupolev’s name (KAI) 2015 Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) 2015 Academy of Aviation and Aeronautics Sciences 2015 Russian Astronautics Academy of K.E.Tsiolkovsky's name ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF AVIATION AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Kazan Daytona Beach From the International Editorial Board to the 20th Anniversary of International Scientific Edition International scientific Journal “Actual Problems of aviation and aerospace systems” (APAAS) was founded in 1995 on the initiative of the scientists from KAI – A.N.Tupolev KSTU (representatives of Kazan scientific Chetaev School of mechanics and stability) together with their foreign colleagues – the scientists from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU, Daytona Beach, USA). It was a real step in the framework of Treaty of cooperation signed by the Rectors of both Universities. “In accordance with the deepening collaboration between our Universities and the Treaty of cooperation, I hail the first issue of Russian-American Journal with great pleasure…, the whole generations of American and Russian people devoted themselves to aviation and pushed aviation and aerospace technology forward to a very high level…, the global economy dictates its demands to international cooperation in technology, especially in the fields of permanently developing aviation and astronautics…, with great pleasure I support this joint scientific initiative of our countries and look forward to witness the successes of this collaboration…” – Steven M.Sliwa, President of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University(1995). “…on the pages of our Journal you will find some useful and timely information on the newest achievements,… this will promote generation of new Knowledge, new technologies, and development of cooperation between the scientists from our countries, and ultimately promote further understanding and consolidation of our peoples…” – G.L.Degtyarev, Rector of A.N.Tupolev Kazan State Technical University(1995). “… today, when the state of aviation in the world is far from optimistic, we witness and participate in the promising initiative… of foundation of new scientific periodical aimed at integration of concerned representatives of science, engineering and higher education…, such tripartite alliance… will enable to establish extraordinary Edition…, will promote attraction of experienced and wise older generation and energetic young intellectuals to the resurgent aviation” – E.S.Neimark, Head of Aviation Industry Department(1995). The past period of edition and development of the Journal highlights the changing look and effect of fundamental and applied science on the World evolution. The Journal was initiated in the times when scientific and educational relations between the East and West, between Russia and the United States, between KAI and ERAU were starting and extending. Possessing only general ideas that outlined our joint efforts and were directed by our intuition, we were sure that these joint efforts in the framework of “APAAS” Journal would be successful. We hoped that having chosen the broadened non-traditional approach, we would be able to found the Journal as an Edition of a new type, i.e. bilingual, with multi- and interdisciplinary research objects referred to our special complex sphere – Aviation and Astronautics. Today “APAAS” is an International scientific Journal covering a wide range of problems in aviation and aerospace of interdisciplinary nature. It is published with two issues in a year, in two languages (in Russian and in English) and two versions: printed and electronic. The Journal supported by all our Partners has been regularly issued since 1996 under the aegis of the Academy of Aviation and Aeronautics Sciences, K.E.Tsiolkovskiy Russian Academy of Cosmonautics, Federation of Russia Cosmonautics, in cooperation with MAI, N.E.Bauman MSTU, Institute of Control Problems of RAS, with support from the Ministry of Education and Science, and Federal Space Agency; it has a good reputation among the specialists both in theoretical and applied aspects. The invited articles that are presented in this Anniversary Journal issue (No.1(40), Vol.20, 2015) illustrate this interdisciplinary spectrum in Aviation and Astronautics. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF AVIATION AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS Kazan Daytona Beach Dear Colleagues! With great pleasure we note the successes of the International scientific Russian-American Journal “Actual Problems of Aviation and Aerospace systems” ,ISSN 1727–6853.