MSU Holland Didn't Impress e Regan x MSU football coach Sonny Committee which cut those Holland didn't impress funds. p Senator Pat Regan (Q· The Legislature voted Billings) when he brought yesterday to restore 0 several members of the University System ICA funds, Bobcat football team to the according to Rep. John Scully n Senate chambers Wed­ (D-Bozeman). e nesday. Regan remained The vote clears the way for a seated while her fellow student vote at MSU April 25 n senators stood and ap- on whether or not to lower the student activity fee. The t plauded the players. present fee is $13.70. Holland's Helena trip was Students can choose to lower an attempt to get the senate it by $1.70 per quarter, thus to restore funds for in­ cutting back available funds ter Collegiate Athletics in the for ASMSU activities, or keep University System . it at the present level. If Regan is a member of the approved, the change will Senate Finance and Claims take effect fall quarter 1977. VOL. 88 NO. 40 BOZEMAN, Friday, April 15, 19n Student Lobbyist Says 'Never Again'

by Gordon Dillow "I would not ta~e this job Miles City and chairman of "the Con-Con" in Montana National Organization for Montana students lobbyist again. Ever. Even if the the important Joint Ap­ political parlance--she is Women and the Montana Mae Nan Ell ingson doesn't salary was $20,000." propriations Sub-committee accepted by the legislators Right to Life Organization at think there should be a How about $50,000? on Higher Education), or and other lobbyists as one of the same time. Montana Student Lobby at " Nope." "Chet" (Blaylock, D-Laurel), them. She is a pragmatist, Take the marijuana bill for the 1979 legislative session. Which in a way is too bad, or "Frances" (Bardanouve, D­ given to reason instead of example. According to polls And while that may seem because Ellingson by almost Harlem and chairman of the stridency, and at the risk of conducted by the lobby, like an odd attitude for a anyone's standards is a very extremely powerful House sounding hopelessly sexist, many students were in favor lobbyist to take--that her good lobbyist. She knows Appropriations Committee) or her attractiveness and soft of a bill introduced by Senator $1,500 a month job should be everybody : a walk down a anyone of the other movers Texas accent probably don't Joe Roberts, D-Libby, to abolished--consider this legislative corridor with and shakers of the Montana hurt. decrease the penalties for statement, made by Ellingson Ellingson takes a long time, Legislature. A lawyer and a So she is such a good possession of marijuana. But during an ·interview earlier because she has to stop and delegate to the 1972 Montana lobbyist, what's the problem? the lobby co'directors--Pat this week in Helena:· chat with "Carroll" (South, D· Constitutional Convention-- The problem, as Ellingson Pomeroy, from the University sees it, is students, the of Montana, 'Chris Kolstad of people she is supposed to and represent. Ron Vanden Boom of Nor­ Melcher Advocates Wheat Price The Montana, Student Lobby thern Montana College who was set up to represnet was 1

Despite all the hoorah at UM over University and excluded continuing education students costs for the coming System appropriations for the 1977-79 biennium when determining faculty had a par­ (House Bill 145), it looks like the Missoula biennium. Both of these decisions UM's funding because school is still getting more money per student ticularly great effect on enrollments for '78 and'79 are than MSU. their projected way up, (while ours are only slightly up) and Working with figures from the Joint House because they have a much larger percentage of Appropriations and Senate Finance and Claims continuing ed . students than we do. on Education, we found that Subcommittee MSU, on the other hand, funds more research whose appropriations for 1977-78 amount MSU, and non-instructional programs than does UM; to $21,943,245, will be receiving $2351 per student thus, less of our money goes directly to the period. UM, with an allottment of for that students. $20,665,691, will be getting $2545 per student. A bit of quick computation shows that Missoula We're not saying what is happening at will be getting $194 more per student than Missoula is good; cutting back programs and Bozeman, based on fall 1976 enrollment figures. firing faculty members isn't easy. What we would like to point out is that MSU has been the Admittedly, UM has some legitimate gripes. underdog for a long time--insufficient funds are fhe subcommittee used '76 enrollment nothing new on this campus. Things are figures (rather than projected enrollments) beginning to equal out, and we're glad to see it. AZ

Sophomore Should Coach Juarez Be fired?

Nursing To the Ed itor: only lost to UCLA by three or. tne road . The streak ended the hell should we go to see The NCAA Basketball points. UCLA that year won for one game this year when them play. This attitude can Students Finals have just recently been the national championship. I they beat Idaho in Moscow. be reflected in the average completed. The tournament do not advocate that all the Among those 23 straight attendance at MSU basketball Meeting Information left two general Impressions teams in the Big Sky Con­ losses was one to the big games. The average at­ Friday, April 15, 1977 - 2:00 on me. The first Is that the ference can affectively monster to the east, Eastern tendance was under 2,000. Sherrick Hall p.m. Room 222 Big Sky Conference can play compete at a major level. Montana College. In six Only the Grizzly game drew a Shannon. with Dean ball equally well with major However, the or\e or two top games that Juarez's teams good crowd (about 8,400). To opponents. Secondly, I feel teams In the !ague each year were involved in against the many this might not seem like Comction the basketbal I program here can. This can be seen in the Grizzlies the Cats came out much of a point against could perhaps performances of Idaho State on the low end of the count Juarez. Consider this though; Interviews for graduating at MSU admirably with some and the U of M. The teams five times. The only Bobcat only football and basketball students who plan to be high compete . The only obstacle here at MSU could be among victory was in 1976 here in of the intercollegiate sports school teachers will be top teams the MSU those top teams, but the Bozeman when the Cats won here at MSU can make a Thurs. , April 28 beginning at that is keeping at a low ebb Is the quality of the present by two on a desperation shot decent revenue. If one of the 7 p.m., not April 28 as stated program coach Rich coaching hinders the com­ at the buzzer by Paul Kinne. is not getting enough in Tuesday's Exponent. head basketball sports Juarez. pletion of such a plateau. Juarez has done little to people to see their games, Student sign up begins Idaho State was truly help build up the program then that sport Is operating in Monday, April 18. To analize Juraez as a outstanding In representing here over his three years. He the red. the cost of main­ basketball coach here at MSU the conference. They beat has not recruited a very good taining this program will then you must look at a number of Apply powerhouse UCLA 76-75. To prospect yet. He has been so be placed upon - you guessed things. First and foremost is some people this game may bad in recruiting that one of it - the poor college students how well his teams have done for all ASMSU have been a fluke but you the finest players ever to here at MSU. The basketball in the won-lost column . must remember that two come out of our state in high program cannot possibly be Secondly, you must look to Committee Seats years ago the Big Sky school ball , Brand Robinson, operating in the black unless see if he has built up the Representative, the U of M, of Manhattan, would not go NOW! program . Thirdly, you must to school here. Instead he Tom Parac charges all the look at the financial situation was talked into playing out of empty seats rent for oc­ since Juarez has been coach state for Idaho State. I cannot cupying his fieldhouse. Some here. see how Juarez cou Id ever may argue that Bozeman is Rich J uarez's won-lost lose a prospect as good as not really big enough to three years Robinson to another school support basketball. To those ARE OVER LOCAL STATE AND record here for "iITieRe 4,000 only lived 17 critics, I say look at the FEDERAL OPERATING CENTERS (EOC'S) has been consistent. In three when Robinson Grizzlies' average attendance. THROUGHOUT THE U.S., ANO IN A NUCLEAR years here J uarez's teams miles from the MSU campus. over DISASTER THEY WOULD 8E FOCAL POINTS have had three losing The players that Juarez has The Grizzlies averaged FOR •.. seasons. Yes , Martha dear, managed to lure here will not 6,700 a game! This provides they did make the playoffs affectively build up the additional revenue at •WARNING :.;;;J

by Michael Miles the second nuclear age, continuing the race, that It Campus Ministry where within nine years, 40 operates almost plus nations will have the automatically. The Pentagon With the war in Vietnam ability to reprocess plutonium seeks more weapons, the '· fading into memory, it is for nuclear bombs .. eg ... such contractor more orders, the ' ,.. . nations as Taiwan, South jobs, the ~r~.- tempting for those of us who unions more actively opposed that Africa and Brazil! academics more research , .. ,, all together slaughter of innocents, to Unfortunately the military­ money, and promote the arms race with a relax now in the rays of the industrial complex has before seen In sun of peace. To be silent. continued to sell the bill of fury never American history. Yet in a bit of post-Easter goods that such mass-killers an the hell' out of ... reading, I came across will never be used. First They 'scare ...... , ...... , people ... with editorial: "The Nuclear Arms because they are too horrible the American 'other Race" Ticket to Hel I." and second, because we are lurid tales about the will National Catholic Reporter. deterred by a "balance of side' so that the nation Under ·~-·''''· April 8, 1977. It has been the terror." Thin reeds indeed to assent to militarism. @1'177 STEVE fA $TON It is folly occasion of some reflection lean upon for human survival! these circumstances that nuclear war on my part and is worthy of In the history of weaponry, to believe substantial quotation. man always found a way to can forever be avoided-­ have MSU Exponent Even though we hear about use his lethal gagetry, be it a especially now that we the SALT talks and Soviet­ crossbow or gas, or the entered the Second Nuclear Montana State Unlv@rslty-S!udent Newspaper American tensions over arms­ Age ... Editor bomb. The Reporter makes a Anne Zelman of the Managing Editor Wayne Wienke control, we rarely converse good case for the position "Annihilation Business Manager Steve Oyer about the nuclear threat. It's human species on a global News Editor Lloyd.Davies that nuclear war has been Paul awesome to con­ PhOto Editor Mlchaet Degnan as though the era of the avoided because It could not scale is "Copy Editor Jean Rippy a if f i cu It and "Bomb," has produced guarantee victory, not t em p I at e--d not impossible, psychic-numbing. Still, the because It was too horrible. horrible, but Staff Writers - Buffalo Edwards. Ed Gerrity, Elva Harkrader, Rob Hub«"man, Paul human race is literally an to grasp. Lloyd.Davies, Linda Smith, Janet Ulrlch, Chris Waltersklrchen , Carol Yarbrough, species! A few "A halt to the nuclear arms Melinda .V.C:Feely , James Blrkhotz, Terry Brown, David Schreiber, JoAnne Tocci, endangered To quote seclflcally: M ike Hambloc:k, Paul McDaniel. Wayne Wienke statistics make it blatantly "Approximately 100 'small' race has to be instigated by obvious that humanities' conventional wars have taken the people themselves. Only Staff Photographer · Phil Howard. Mike Hamblock "ticket to hell' is in our hands place since the end of World the demands of the American contributing Photographers - Wayne W ienke. Paul Lloyd-Davies and the death train Is ready War 11, with more people people--the biggest lobby of and waiting for departure ... killed than In that great all--can supersede the en­ Book-keeoer . Wayne R¥nslem To cite the Reporter: The conflict itself. From limited tranced Interests. Photo Assistant-Ed Lacasse United States alone conventional wars, limited "This Is , simply, a matter of Lab Technicians-Pamela Swap, Stan Tamackl life or death: ..... " Production Assistant-Mark Dahl possesses more than 30,000 nuclear wars will some day Proofreader· Kr!Shna Fells ~ nuclear warheads and Is soon become all but At this writing the prophecy Eltls, Paul Koenig Ad Sales-Rob Hubel"man, Paul producing three more every 24 inevitable; and from limited of St. John comes to mind: hours. As of 1975, we have nuclear wars the 'big bash' Is "And I looked, and behold a The Exponent Is an Independent, student-written and student-managed newsP!'P"r JI owned a nuclear stockpile in virtually sure to follow. pale horse; and the name that Montana State Unlvenlty, Bozeman. The opinions expressed herein ar"e not negatons, sat upon him was Death, and necessarily those of the university or the student body. PubllShed twice ~k.Tv ex­ excess of 8,000 "Ultimate Insanity or ·no, cept hOlldays and flnal week dvrlng the school year by the Associated Students of equal to 615,385 Horoshlma­ however, the nuclear arms Hell followed with him. And Montana State University, Known oHlce of publlcatlon : The Exponent, Student type bombs, capable of power was g lven unto Union Bulldlng, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT S971S. Sec.and clas.s race is self-propelling So postage paid at Bozeman, MT. By mall per year S7 . .SO . ki 111 ng every person on earth many constltuencies--the them .. to destroy ... " 12 times over. The Soviets Pentagon, defense con­ Easter Is a time to believe High Country Composition and Lavout. has comparable capability. tractors, segments of the again in life. Time to wake up Printed t.y Livingston Enterprise To make things even more labor leadership and and write, talk, work for arms omnlous: we are on the tip of academ ic--have a stake In control.

----~-~------TH_E_E_X_P...;O...;N...;E...;NT- Friday, Aprll 15, 1977 - 5 Letters--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----- Softball Less Competitive Because Of Pitching Rule 2) After a man has reached Note - A player may be thrown base may run across to third To the Editor of the Ex­ graded In the following first base, the base moves out of the game for using base. b) Player at ponent : manner - Force at 2nd - 1 % 2nd base back to Its regular full length these bricks as weapons. may run directly home across I just heard the new rules outs. Force at 3rd - 11/:i outs. position. 6) Once a player has had the pitchers for Intramural Softball, Force at home - 2 outs. mound. c) Player Other Infield rules are: five consecutive outs scored at regarding the teams pitcher, 6) Double play Including third base may run to first, 3) For a poor hitting player, against him, he gets one free scoring a run and a pitching against his or her force at 2nd and 3rd - 3 and 1/:i single at the infield must turn their out. the same time. own team . I Imagine this rule outs. backs to him, until the hitter 7) In case of a tie at any was made to spread the 7) All fractions of outs lent Note; Only in this situation hits the ball and the catcher base, the runner will be taken defense out among the over will be carried Into the may two players of the same calls "NOW". to home plate and the fielding fielding players and allow for next Inning. team (Batting team) occupy There is a large difference baseman to the mid-outfield. more hitting from the batting 8) Failure to tag up on a fly first base at the same time. between Good hitters and Both will be blindfolded team In order to encourage ball: On 1st base - 1 and 1/3 These rules will make the Poor hitters. whereupon, the runner will more even competition. outs. On 2nd base - 1 and 3/5 This should be game of softball less com­ outs. On 3rd base - 2 and 1 /8 corrected. attempt a circuit of the bases petitive as that crazy pitching 4) After a hitter has and the baseman will attempt This strange concept In­ outs. rule certainly does. But these achieved two home runs, he to tag him. Members of either spired my imagination and Fielding Rules - Outfield are offered as a satire and must use a plastic bat and team will sit on the sidelines caused me to come up with In order to equalize the should not be taken literally, and are permitted to yell some other rules to reach this fielding ability of the out­ ball. but for a good laugh. 5) To even out the running directions to their prespectlve 1) To allow the poor hitting fielders, the following rules ability, the faster runners, players. players, an even chance, the should be Instituted: Sincerely yours those who have scored three 8) Each team Is allowed to outfielders must sit down 1) After an outfielder has Andrew P. Simpson runs, must as then , carry two skip one base per three in­ until the ball is hit Into the caught 6 outs during the Sophomore-Team pitcher large bricks In their hands. nings - i.e. a) Player at first field. course of a game, he must Film&Television Dept. surrender his mitt. KISSINGER VISITS 2) The penalty for not being 2) After nine outs he must THE VvrllTE HOUSE seated Is two f(ee outs for the surrender his shoes. batting team. • 3) After twelve outs he must 3) It seems that some outs surrender his pants. are harder to obtain than This Is to discourage, others. These could be upsurplng of the limelight. graded accordingly : Strikeout - 1 out. Popout - 'h out. Fleldlng Rules - Infield Groundout - % out. 1) One of the bottlenecks of 4) A tagout equals 1 1/• outs the game is first base - A · unless this happens at majority of all plays end homeplate where it equals 2 there. To prevent this, we are full outs. moving first base halfway 5) Force plays will be home for the batter.

Up the Creelc What's Happening

Bou-Saada Dance Troupe 12 noon SUB SUNDAY April 17 Ballroom Steve Martin John Harttord Concert at 8 The dance tf"oupe wlll present a unlque p.m . SUB Ballroom. show featuring oelly dancing and mid Free Concert presented by the con. eastern music Presented free by ASMSU tempory Entertainment Comml nee of Arts &. Exhibits Committee. FRIDAY April 15 ASMSU. Danish Design Dlsplay by Arne Jacobsen THURSDAY Aprll 21 In the Arehitecture Building Gallery and Focus on Women. Speaker or Jennifer Viola Recital at 8 p.m . In the Creative Arts creative Arts Complex Library. Jones al 8 p.m . SUB Ba llroom Complex Recital Hall. The display Includes lamps, stainless steel " Male and female; A Time for Balance·• Oskar Feichtinger, principal violist with· llatware, textiles, clocks and furniture as Dr. James, a!.Slstant professor of Psychiatry the Bango (Maine) SymphOny will give a well as photographs of archi techtural and Bettavioral Science al the University Of recital Of music by Mendelssohn, designs. Admission is free. This is the last Hindemith, Washington is an authority in the field ot Baeh, and Shumann. Admission day. · tree. s6ua\ violence and has authOred Politics of Prostitution . She will address the Hartford-Martin Show at 8 p.m . SUB past pressures Ballroom. placed on females to confOrm which have now become new pre-ssures Folk-singer John Hartford and comedian on Rodeo action at 7: 30p.m . MSU FieldhOuse. men to Steve Martin will perform for free. SPon· conform. Students from nine Montana and wyomlng sored by ASMSU cec. FRIOAYAprlll2 colleges will compete Jn the MSU R:octeo . Willie N~son . Mlchael Murphy Amazing Tickets are S'2 for MSU students and Rhythm Aces concert at a p.m. fleldhOuse. MONDAY April 11 students high school age or younger and SJ Tickets available at the SUB licket Office .. Kunstlet'" on Justice at B p.m . SUB fOt" adults. Reserv~ seats. saturday night Prices are SS MSU student advance, SS.SO Ballroom. only are SA. Call 994-4221 for tickets. ron-student ,advance. all llckets S6 day of Attorney Willlam Kunstler will talk abOUt show. Jusllce In America Kuns tier was lnvOlved In the defense Of the Focus on women, speaker Dr. Je-ssie Coping With Everyday Stre-ss at 8 p.m. 339 Indians at Wounded Knee, served as a Bernard at 2:30 p ,m . SUB Ba llroom Johnson Hall. negotiator at the Attica Prison disturbance, A presentation by this lnternatlonally Dr . Stehman, a c;llnical psychologlst, w111 represented William and Emlly Harris in known soclologlst will deal with her relate the techniques Of rational emotive connection w ith the Patty Hearst case, and researeh on sex rofe soclallzatlon. Dr . therapy to coplng with the stress of everyday was defense attorney for the Chicago Seven. Bernard hn published and IKtured Irving . ex­ tensively. Her books include The Future of TUESDAY April 1' Marriage; The Sex G•me; Women, WIYH Sophomore Nursing Students Meeting at Annula General Membershi p Meeting tor and Mothers. 2:00p.m . Room 222 Sherrick Hall with Dean Gallatin otflclals Association at 7:30 p.m. Shannon. Cafeteria of Bozeman Junior H igh School. Focus on Women speaker Or Estelle All Bozeman .aru regi stered M .0 .A . R:amey at 8 p.m . SUB Ba llroom Football and Basketball referees are urged Dr . Ramey, pliysiofogy and bloPhvslcs Consciousness Sltde Show al 7:30 p.m. Rm to attend a meeting of the Gallatin Offidals protessor at Georgetown University Medical 317 of the SUB. Association to be held at the Bozeman Jr. School, Is an Internationally, acknowledged A slide show r~a tlng states Of con High Cafeteria on Tues. Aprll 19 at 7:30 p.m . authority on the effects Of stress on the en sclousness to such experiences as walking /n Business w ill Include election of new D istrict docrlne system . Dr. Ramey Is res« arching the mountains, llstenlng to music, and Delegate Association Officers and the ettec-t ot hOrmones on the 1i fespan Of men helping othe-r people This presentation Is organization plans for the coming year. If and women. She Is president Of the being brought to you by Ananda Marga, an you are planning to referee next year don't As.soclatlon fOI'" Women In Science Foun­ organization whose purpose Is to help people miss this meeting dation, and a strong advocate of women I understand themselves through meditation science. and helping other people. There Is no charge. Now Through Aprll 2t Wood Constructions Dls,play at 8:30a.m. Beginning Tuesday. April 19, WCP 4:30p.m. Mon. through Sat . MSU Fine Arts (Whttlchalrs, Crute.hes, and People) will Gallery. Spur.Fang Old-New Party 9:00 p.m .• ? meet everv other TU1!$day . On nice days;-the The display wm Include constructtons and Moose Lodge. group will mttt on !he souths Ide of Reid t-tall drawings by JOhn Birch which are fantasy All past and current at A p .m . In the event of inclement weather, Spurs and Fangs are plKes using visual Illusions and literary invited to come ! Admission Sl. the meeting Wfll be held In 4SJ Reid Hall references. 6 - THE EXPONENT- Friday, April 15, 1977 ~...... ~ .... ~ 1 I Invite the bunch ... TO: ALL MSU STUDENTS Mix a great, big bucket full of I I Open House Puneh! I The Women's Day Committee Invites you to participate In WOMEN'S DAY, Sunday I I May 1, 1977 In the SUB Ballroom starting at 1:00 p.m. This day Is set aside for the I Serves 32 . .. tastes like a super cocktail I ,:; recognition of outstanding women on campus. During the Women's Day ceremony, ,:; Greatest drink ever invented! Mix a batch in advance, I many all-campus scholarships for women are awarded, new Mortar Board Members are I add ice and ?UP at the last minute ... serve the crowd I announced, and numerous other awards are given. The highest award presented Is the I right out of the bucket! Smooth 'n delicious. Wow! I naming of the Five-Year Speaker, who Is chosen from this year's Senior class. She will I ~ return to speak at Women's Day 1982. r..; Senior women are encouraged i to participate In the tradltlonal "Cutting of the Ties" of I Recipe: f!! their responslbilltles and privileges. These are given to undergraduat11 women who will ~ One fifth Southern Comfort carry on after them. This consists of a processional at the beginning I of the ceremony. I 3 qu.rts 7UP ~ Seniors are responsible for seeking an undergraduate for their wand carrier. Please I 6 oz . fresh lemon juice : submit your name and the name of your Undergraduate Wand Carr!er to the Office of ~ One 6-oz. can frozen orarlge juice f!! Student Affairs and Services In Montana Hall [phone 2826] by April 22. I One 6-oz. can frozen lemonade f!! Seniors and undergraduates who are participating as wand carriers will meet In the I Chill ingredients. Mix in bucket, Yellowstone-Big Horn Room al 12:15 p.m. for the processional line-up. Please I wear I adding ?UP last. Add a few drops r..; spring dresses. ~ red food coloring (optional); stir This I program Is open lo the public. A reception will follow In the Madison-Jellerson I lightly. Add i ce, orange. lemon ~ Room for all In attendance at Women's Day. I slices. Looks and tastes great/ : We'd Like To See YOU There! ~ ' llJ! Kendra Eagle i f!! Publicity Chairman f!! I Women's Day Committee I You it's got to be good ... when it's made with L ...... , ...... J Southern Comfort® SO UTHERN COMFORT CORPORATION. 100 PROOF LI QUEUR. ST. LOUIS. MO 63131

Volume 8 Number 1 Special Edition EARTHQUAKE



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THE EXPONENT- Friday, April 15, 1977 • 7 1977 SUMMER QUARTER ATIENDANCE Blackketter One Flew Former and presently registered Over Montana Hall Heads MHD R. S. Schartmann students intending to toke courses at Reason , my internal buddy, they wou M SU this summer must fi le on Id have the gall to Program and I were walking to our first come up with a slogan such INTENT TO REGISTER FORM class of the morning when we as " MSU Is your learning found our at tention drawn to school where we make brains with the Registrar's Office by M SU has .an nou need the the chimes on Montana Hall. from fools," but they may try appointment Now, any thought of ex­ a psychology Friday, Moy 20 of Dennis su ch as " a Blackketter as Interim planation i n melancholy happy brain learns more." d irector of the wouldn't have entered my If you don't bel ieve me, read magnetohydrodynamics (MH­ mind but havi ng seen " One a few of the songs they play: ~ · D) energy research program at Flew Over The- Cuckoo's " I Wonder as I Wander," if I MSU . Nest" , and hav ing just read a real ly plan on stud yi ng . " Over MHD is an ad vanced book entitled " Elmo's Farm" the River and Thro ug h the t echnological method f or wh ich deals with a happy Woods," for our ag ricu lture ~ obta young fel low In the ; i n mists ·;~ i ng ~)Jar; electricit of a students. " y from You'll Never Walk coal. funny farm , the following Along ," i f you're s mart ,.. IN . Dr . Blackketter, head of the thoughts occurred to me. Has enough to have someone mechanical engineering MSU i ncorporated music, follow you , " Hey Look at Me," \ \ ~ BOZEMAN & BELGRADE depar tment , succeeds through the gu idance of the I graduate next quarter. Also , Wendland Beezhold , who has Psychology Department, as a the chimes are played at the resigned to accept a position disguised form of applied times of 7: 45 to 8, 12 to with Sandia Laboratories in psychology? Let me expound 12:15, and 5 to 511 5. FRIDAY NIGHTf Albuquerque. In his new job on that statement for a Now don't get me wrong Dr. Beezhold will be involved moment. about the chimes, but why in new areas of radiation and I imagine, at one time or not make the songs more fusion research. another, we have all been to realistic such as " A Little K-Mart where we have been Help From My Friends," SEAFOOD Dr. Blackketter told it "is our savings store 's duties ," " School's Out for the with MOH are in addition to and we find ourselves happily Summer," " Bridge Over his position as head of singing to the music in the air Troubled Water," and "Long mechanical engineering . He while we unconsciously fill Lonesome Highway" to name BUFFET was our baskets with blue the first director of the light but a few? MOH program when it started specials. By the time we So the next time you hear in 1975. Dr . Blackketter joined make it through the check-out the ch imes , relax , your Featuring delicacies the MSU faculty in 1966 and counter we have indeed spent school is in complete control. was named head of the all our savings. Next week, " Dr iving mechanical engineering Why couldn't MSU do the Through! Bozeman in a WW II from down under. department in 1974. same? Now, I don't believe Patton Tank". Dealing With - PLUS ACOMPLnE SALAD BAR- Stress Is Topic Of Talk H . Robert Stehman , a everyday living tonight at 8 derstand their limitations and clinical psychologist af­ p.m. in Room 339 of Johnson handicaps while recogn izing filiated with the Bremerton Hall. Admission is free. their ability to change certain ~~~YE':._~• • • •• •. $395 Psychiatric Clinic in Bellevue" A rational emotive therapy basic views tq minimize Wash ., will give a talk on specialist, Dr. Stehman will deficiencies." coping with the stress of relate rational emotive The talk is sponsored by the therapy techniques to dealing MSU Psychology Department with day-to-day stress in his and Counselor Education talk. Dr. Stehman earned his Program . It is the second in a Ph. D. at the University of series of pub I ic lectures on Denver and did extensive NOTICE stress being held at MSU this post-doctoral work at the spring under a grant from the lnstituties for Rational Living S&H Foundation, charitable in New York and Seattle. TO MEMBERS arm of the Sperry & Hut­ Rational emotive therapy, chinson Company. explained Robert L. Morasky, OF head of the MSU Psychology Dr. Stehman will also give a Department, "is an approach workshop on rational emotive to human behavior that en­ therapy at 3 p .m. today in MSU BOOKSTORE, INC. courages people to un- Room 312 of Traphagen Hall. KGL T Off The Air For Real The Boa r ~ of Directorsof MSU Bookstore, Inc. adopted Amendments to the bylaws of the Corporation KGL T, the tower north of town. Heroic at a meetm~ called ~ r that purpose on April 13, 1977. The bylaws as amended will be placed on the station, went off the airwaves efforts by chief eng ineer Jack at 9: ASMSU ~p r mg ~ l ~IOn bal~?t . fo ~ ratification. Copies of the amended bylaws as adopted by the Board 18 a.m. today due to Nordquist and others restored heavy icing on the transmitter power and het Compiler sNot es , hstmg the changes, are postedi nt he North Bookstore windows. just seven hours later.

Individual copies areavailable upon request from the Bookstore Manager. f-iESUME:·p455pe,1y·····1 April 15, 1977 Wayne 0. Arnett, Secretary : PIOURES : •: • • : : Students • stop in and take advantage •: ~ : of our low Rates. Included in the sitting : €JD M.S.U. Bookstore, Inc. : fee is Two Passport or Resume' Pictures. : l.J-' "S tudent Owned s ince 1931 .: MSU : PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES • : Reid Hal · Room 6 : • 994-4442 : 8 - THE, p PONEN_T- Fr i day ~ ,...... ~ 1 April 15, ~9.F Chicago Panel Arnett Moderates IN THE llOZEMAN - MAIN & ROUSE loci FLOOR Mon. thru Sat. '-- BEADS- Wayne D. Arnett, manager several timely subjects made for The College Store Journal. The National Association of ~urquoise •Coral • Mother of Pearl• of the MSU Bookstore, Inc., available to more than 1500 • Bone• Glass • a Semi-Precious Stone served as moderator of a college store personnel who College Stores Is Wood •Clay • Brass •Shells • panel entitled "Stores In attended. The annual meeting professional organizat ion Sterling.Silver •Gold •Copper• Student Centers" at the 54th goers also had the op­ with which more than 2,200 Fetishes • Bells• Stringing Supplies• Indian Seed Beads, Thread & Needles• portunity to view a Trade Fair College/ University stores In annual meeting of the Hndings • Feathers• Hishi • ~ National Association of in which 315 firms using 415 the United States, Canada African Trade Beads • Imported Lou of items for making College Stores held at the booths exhibited their and fifteen foreign countrels Exotic Beads & Pendants • Antique your own jewelry are affiliated. Beads• Jade• Expert Hcl • - no CX(leriencc necessar Expocenter, Chicago, April merchandise. oo~o• 1 11-15. Wayne Arnett is serving the The "Stores in Student association as a member of Centers" session was one of the Ed itorial Advisory Board Van's IGA • Weekend Specials Lambda Chi Alpha To Host Conclave Fri. & Sat. Van's This weekend , April 15-17, hundred Lambda Chi's to l.G.A. the Lambda Chi Alpha attend. 4 Fraternity is hosting a Chapters being represented Pork Chops 89 1b. Food liners conclave for all chapters in include: the University of the northwest area to discuss Alberta, Eastern Montana 4 mutual problems and attempt College, Washington State Hi-C Juice 47 46 oz. to arrive at workable University, University of solutions. Meetings will be Washington, Oregon State held at the SUB all day University, University of 24 Hour Service 4 Saturday, followed by a Northern Colorado, Colorado IGA Ice Milk 93 % Gal. banquet and party that night. State University, University of Andy Rice , conclave Denver, and the University of Locally Owned Independent Food Retailer coordinator, expects over one Idaho. Sunkist 4 Kunstler Slates MSU Talk 00 Tablerite 46 Oranges 4 lb. /$l Margarine 1 lb. tub Attorney William Kunster William and Emily Harris in will talk about justice in connection with the Patty .America at MSU Monday Hearst case, and was the night, April 18. defense attorney for the Red - No. 1 His talk starts at 8 p.m. in Chicago Seven. Swanson 4 the SUB Ballroom. Admission He has frequently called for 4 Potatoes 89 io lb. is 50 cents for MSU students sweeping reforms of T.V. Dinners 67 each and $1 for non-students. American judicial and penal practices and Is considered Kunstler was Involved in the America's most noted an Fiesta Ched! your Soc. Sec. No., if defense of the Indians at articulate third world at· it matches Van's you win Wounded Knee , served as a torney. 4 the dollars posted • Jad!­ negotiator at the Attica Prison His talk is sponsored by the Paper Towels 50 disturbance, represented ASMSU Lectures Committee. pot now $23.00.

~~c[J{©IB i>Y 61 L8ERT SHEL1'\:lN Sundance Saloon Formerly the Corner Pocket

Mon & Tues: Free drink of your choice, for lucky stool number drawn every 1h hr. from 4 • 8; $1.IMI pit· chers 4 • 9; Free pool for girls 4 • 6.

Wed: $1 pitchers, 15 cents off can, 25 cents glass 5. 7 and 50 cent bar drinks (no call) 7 -"8. Free pool for girls 4 . 6.

Thurs: ~1pitchers5 • 7. Free pool for girls 4. 6, free pool for guys 6 .8.

Friday: $1pitchers4 · 7. Free pool for girls 4. 6.

Sal 1free beer per player on time tables for every hr. played from 9: 30 • midnight

Sun: $1 pitcher 7 • 9 t La Cocina Serves Mon. - Fri. Cocina 11-2 i 5-8 "La 120 N. 19th 587-4700 Meiicana"

THE EXPONENT· -Friday, Aprll 15, 19n - 9 Top Scientists To Speak Next Week Molly Brown At Women Aware Conference at the Three distinguished She'll also be a panelist for a social pressures and the scienfists--Jennifer James, Saturday, April 23 , world of work. Jessie Bernard and Estelle discussion, "Just a Among the workshop topics WINGS Ramey--will be featured Housewife·." are: the women's movement's speakers at the April 21 A sociologist, Dr. Bernard effects on marital relation­ through 23 Women Aware has taught at Princeton and ships; financial planning; OF Conference at MSU . Penn State. She has written homemaking as a career with Sponsored by the MSU many books on family and a -social function ; how the Focus on Women Program, community organization , press and television depict the conference will con­ including "The Future of women; city woman-country FREEDOM centrate on "Traditions In Marriage," "The Future of woman, and coping creatively Transition." Motherhood," " Women , with private decision, like from Dr. James opens the Wives and Mothers," "The marriage and childbearing. conference with a talk entitled Sex Game: Communication The conference. winds up "Male and Female : A Time for between the Sexes" and with a performance of Portland "Women and the Public In­ "Waiting," a celebration of terest." She founded women, at 7:30 Saturday Sociologists for Women in night by Nickle-Dime Tuesday Nights Wednesday Nights Thur1day Nights Mondoy Nights Society, a national Productions , a Missoula­ Ladies Nite Happy Hour Tequila Nite Collins Nite professional organization. based women's drama group. " Sex Hormones and Free day care will be 9-1 0 p.m. Ladies SO' Shots All &Gr Executive Ability" is the title available for conference SO' Hiballs Admitted SO' Hiballs Collins of Dr . Ramey's 8 p.m. Friday participants' children. 75 ' Exotics The fee for the conference free '1.15 Pitcher1 75' Exotics SO' is $5. The conference is funded in No Cover Charge - Monday & Tuesday part by a grant from the Montana Committee for the Humanities, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Other financial supporters include the RODEO General Assistance Center of AMERICA'S #1 SPORT Jennifer James 'l Balance" at 8 p.m. Thursday, April 21 , The following morning she will give a workshop on sexual violence. An assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at the University of Washington, Dr. James has Jessie Bernard done extensive research on talk. A Georgetown University sexual discrimination against Medical School physiology women in trouble with the and biophysics professor, Dr. law, expecai lly sexual and Ramey has done extensive narcotics offenders. She research on endocrine glands wrote " Politics of and stress. She has written Prostitution" and advocates two books and more than 150 Estelle Ramey revision of the statutes In­ articles on how sex Ogden, Utah, the Title IX volving "victimless crimes" horomones affect behavior. Helena office, several MSU and elimination of sexual The conference will also departments and the discriminationin arrest, feature 20 workshops, in­ Associated Students of judicial and incarceration cluding several "for women MSU. procedures. on the way up to ad­ For more information, Dr. Bernard's talk on sex ministration , paid or contact Focus On Women ; role socialization, "It Can Be volunteer." The workshops Montana State University, Done, But," is scheduled for are centered around four Bozeman, MT 59715, 994- 2:30 p.m. Friday, April 22. themes--family, self identity, 3381. Something New At Donate For Prizes 707 East Peach Donate Your Aluminum DENIM - Vests, Pants, Blazers - For guys and gals Recycling Proceeds To OL Y GIFT SHOP 11 RODEO Design Muscular Dystrophy" T-Shirts In The Hours: DONATE RECEIVE Wed.-Fri. 1 :00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. 251b. OLY Ski or Golf Hot Sat. 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. SO lb. OLY T Shirt New Items Arriving 1OOlb. OL Y Pool Cue Take Your Aluminum Weekly To The Bozeman Recyding Center 10 - THE EXPONENT- Friday, April 15, 1977 MWA Sponsors Wildemess Walks

The Montana Wilderness Bozeman , MT 59715, or by Association Is sponsoring 33 calling 587-2406 or 587-5444. wilderness walks this spring The Montana Wilderness and summer. Association Is a non-profit The hikes are led by ex­ association dedicated to the perienced members of the preservation and proper use of organization who are wilderness wherever It may be donating their time to help found. others better know Montana The next walk will be a and her wild lands. Flathead River canoe study Persons wishing more trip, April 30-May 1, near Information can contact the Polson. MWA by writing Box 84,


. Port of. LP. • 3.97 ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL The Wheel. JIMMIE SPHEENS Budget Tapes & Records. L.P J.97. Budge1 Tapes & Records. LOST a pair of silver wire rim glasses with $1.DD Off RIDERS needed 10 go to Atlanta photo grey lenses on Tues. afternoon on (prettrably) Greenville, Birmingham campus. Please call Tom at 586-l«S after 5 Memphis, NaShvllle, Loulsville, St. Louis. or p .m. points in between. Leaving June 10. Travel meap Call Mike. 99A-3789. SOFTBALLERS Mitts restrung. Very reasonable. Call Tom 3668 ·sometimes same day service SWEPT AWAY by Lina Wertmull~ Two showings Friday April 12, 5 and 7 ;JO p.m. FOOSBALL table for sate. 587·965• . SUB Tlieatre

JETHRO TULL Songs trom the Wood . L .P . . 3.97. Budge! Tapes & Records. WHAT 'S A ZABREB? 90 minutH Of raw 621 West Mendenhall sex?? NO! ARE you looking for a summer job which is PIONEERS IN PIZZA Bozeman, Montana EAGLES Hotel talifornla. LP. 3.97. Bring boring , with no experience, no travel? If not ltlis ad to Budget Tapes Rcords call 587-0238 for more information.

FOR SALE HP 2S-c . Call 99'-4369 . ~OS T and Found In the library includes s, keys, jackets, notebooks, and other ------··~+.-.-.--- COPENHAGEN Angels Beechnut Bunnies :'ltms. Please ask at the rirsl floor reference and Snoose Queens unite! Why chew secretly? Get out of the closet chew publicly It satisfies. FOR SALE 1973 Toyota 1600 deluxe coupe, 4,000 miles, 30 mpg Good cond. for more RITA COOLRIOGE . Anytime-Anywhere. into call 586-2193. L.P .. 3.97. Bring this ad to Budget Tapes & Records. ATLAN A RYTHM SECTION Rock.rt -roll atternalive. L .P . · 3.97. Budget Tapes & l'VE been swept away You can, too. 5 ; and Rec ords 7:30 Friday April 22

1912 12Scc YAMAHA Endura. Only 1570 FOR SALE Remington 22 rifle f'liles. Exe. cond. 7 2335 after S o.m. with 2-6 power variable scope. cau 587·2316

'IALERIE CARTER Stones Throw. L.P. BEACH BOYS · Love You . New - 3.97 · New l.97. Bring This ad 10 Budget Tapes & Bud RKords Bring this ad to get Tapes & Records.

FA SCINATION with anlmatron? See TO GIVE AWAY one year old male cat. ZABREB Festival April 20. 7:30 p.m, 339 JOhnson Neutered with Shots. Very quiet and well mannered. Call 587 -7316. PAR T or full-time opening in educallonal sales. Excellent opp«tunity. Call 587.7857. THIRSTY? Quench your thirst M.ay 18al the Kegger in Mlssovla. Lots of JESSE COLIN YOUNG New Release 3.97 ULAC Benefit with this ad al Budget Tapes & Records. Ice.cold Cly. Gates open at 11 :00.

PART or Full-Time opening In Educational BONNIE RAITT· Sweet Forgiveness. New . Sales. Excellent opportunity. Call 587 ·7857 . 3.97. New. Bring this ad to Budget Tapes & Records. FOR SALE: Magnavox stereo component system AM-FM receiver, tape player, USED vacuum cleaners all brands . West tumlable, 2 large speakers 587-0371 after Main . Vac Shack. 5:00 FOR SALE: 197• Q\ev. Vega FT hatchback. LAMBDA gay alliance. a discussion and •·speed, power steering. steel belted radlals, sociaOzatlon group for gay and bisexual AM-FM tape, low mileage, good condition, people, meets on Tuesdays, 7:30 p .m . lS s . .517.0371 after s p.m. · Tracy, Suite 10. Call Chris 586-9762. We Welcome and Appreciate ~ College Student's Business BIRKENSTOCKS .. Riii NOW! OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY IT ... ~ Valley Motor .Supply mo~mKJ@ ~O!JQ] [1,[]fillJ'[)(][]m ~®o 307 E. MAIN, BOX 1348 BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 (587-0094)

THE EXPONENT- Friday, April 15, 1977 • 11 ;.a1111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllJllllllllllllUllllllllllll~ : ~ Price Y2 Price ., ~ Corporate Giving Was Up In 1975 =.w" Try a tltllatlng Tice Taco Entree. ..,~= : ~ i Terrlflco - And Its good I :S: u: Despite Drop In Profits ~.'i This coupon entitles you to purchase your entree at =. !. the Patchwork Tlco Taco at 1h price. Present to cashier ti: America's corporate was the fifth consecutive education of more than 1O per :sr when you order. community Increased Its annual rise In corporate cent but these lndustres had §(" Offer good Apr1120, 21 , 22 " 1977 11: giving to higher education giving to higher education Increases in profits. The ~ ATTHESUBTICOTACO ~: $445 million in 1974 to $450 since the recession of 1969-70 number one Industry, as for ~= million In 1975, a new all-time and was achieved In the face several years past, was =-: TacoBurger Tostada TicoSalad : high. The 1 per cent Increase of a drop In corporate profits • textiles, which gave 0.64 per ;.llll llUlllllll 11111111111111111111I111111111111111111111 Ir in 1975 of more than 10 per cent of pretax net Income to cent, according to a survey higher education, nearly three report, CORPORATE SUP­ and one-half times the Notice: PORT OF HIGHER average of all companls EDUCATION 1975, published reporting. this week by the Council for Position: Financial Aid to Education Gift -Matching Gains (CFAE). There were few significant Residence Hall Supervisor The rise in giving despite changes in the ways cor­ the drop in profits was made porations distributed their Location: possible by the fact that many giving to higher education by corporations give both purpose. Funds contributed Montana State University, Bozeman, Mt. directly as corporations, and through employee gilt­ indirectly, through corporate­ matching programs showed Requirements sponsored foundations, the the largest increase, nearly CFAE report explains. Direct 1.5 per cent. Companies 1) Must have a 2.3 grade average on a four corporate giving normally known to have such programs point system. drops when corporate profits grew from about 500 in 1972 2) Grad students or older seniors will be given fall. However, corporate­ to about 625 in mid-1 976 and sponsored foundations are many companies have gone preference. able to maintain, or even to multiple matching -- 1.5 to 3) Credit limit - eight to ten. increase their giving by - 1 ; 2-to-1 and 3-to-1 -- so the drawing on their reserves. In increase may be due more to • 1975, for example, corporate these factors than to larger Salary: foundations paid out $55 individual gifts. At 10 per cent million more than they of total corporate giving received from their spon­ reported by some 786 Apartment and board, plus no less than $315.00 soring companies. In 1974, companies, gift-matching per month - a nine month appointment. they paid out only about as reached a record high . much as they received . Data for this report are Largest increases in giving taken from a joint survey of Application Deadline: among industries were corporate contributions made reported by the petroleum and annually by the Council for gas companies, mining Financial Aid to Education April 28, 1977; Request application form and companies, and those in (CFAE) and The Conferenc.e job description from Andy Blank, Director of paper and allied products. Board. The Conference Board Housing, On Campus Living office,Montana These · three industries will issue a report -0n total State University, Bozeman, Montana 59715. reported increases of 10 per corporate contributions later cent or more in dollar aid to in the year ; the report on education, despite decreases CORPORATE SUPPORT OF in profits. Banking com­ HIGHER EDUCATION 1975 panies and those in the can be obtained for $3 .00 Finally, Tltere ls ••• machinery industry also from CFAE, 680 Fifth Avenue, reported increases in aid to New York , New York 10019.


12 '"'THE, EXPQNE~T~ lidday, AprU . 15,1 1971 COMPETITION SPEED WORLD 536 East Main 586-5159

4x4-VAN- PICKUP-AUTO-ACCESS. INSTALLATION OF PARTS AVAILABLE The American Brass Quintet performed before an appreciative audience In the SUB ballroom Wednesday evening. [photo by Hamblock]. New Dual Listings Approved adidas• DRAGON Ma Bell has decided to I istings for customers reversing the names in acknowledge all of her subscribing to residence Directory Assistance records. Still a Great Favorite ch ildren. telephone service who have Either way, it should be Blue Nylon In a recent change of policy, the same surname (wives, easier in the future to find a dual name directory listings siblings, etc.) and reside at person's number without 1 were approved by the the same address. knowing the name of Montana Publ ic Service When the customer does a spouse, brother, sister, Comm ission in tariffs filed by not elect the dual additional father or other relative. • the company. listing option, the company Additional listings are still This will provide dual name provides a second listing available at a regular rate. Town Hall Water-Quality Meetings Planned

Town Hall Meetings for the slide program and time for A newspaper insert purpose of providing the small group discussions. distributed the third week of • 1public with an opportunity to " Citizen input and in­ Ettltert"'s April will contain information oice their concerns regar- • SH CJ ES volvement is a vital factor in about the Blue Ribbons 1jing water quality in Gallatin our planning process", states program and site specific Downt- llozem9n 'and Madison Counties have Joel Shouse, Project Director • FrH Park Int pollution problems, causes Moun: Mon.-Sat. 9:00-5:30 een planned by Blue Rib- of Blue Ribbons, "We are and general effects. ons of the Big Sky Country, actively seeking and en- ocal study agency charged with the preservation and couraging public involvement rotection of the Gallatin and through these Town Hall Madison drainages. Meetings. Both government These meetings will be held and its citizens benefit from n seven locations in the this involvement ; the government agency is able to 1 --Gallati~ Canyon, Ophl.r WANTED address its attention and chool, May 9--West I ellowstone, High School , limited resources to those lay 10--Belgrade, problems which are of STUDENTS TO GET lementary Multipurpose greatest concern to the public oom, May 11--Three Forks, and the public ls able to voice igh School. The meetings, opinions as to where and how INVOLVED 1formal in nature, will in­ it wants its tax dollars to be " ude introductory material, a spent", Shouse continued. IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT!!

I acuity Consider Upper Division Rule Applications deadline April 25 at 5:00 p.m. ASMSU Office. There will be a general Division Course Requirement Those interested in chairing any committee 1 acuity meeting today at 4 : 1O which appears on page 17 of • 1.m. In the SUB Theater. the 1976-78 MSU Bulletin. so state on their application. On the agenda Is I liscussion of and faculty vote The meeting Is open to all o retain or rescind the Upper interested persons. For further information caH 994-2933 or contact ASMSU Office ~''-;~1olDO.t;...... , I ~-\ Dave Walker i WATCH FOR POSITIONS I ~ ~ Sat. & Wed. Nites I IN UPCOMING ISSUES ~...... ~ ...... ~ THE, EXPONENT. ,fidday, AprU . 15,, 11177 • • 13 . · HIDE-A-WAY LOUNGE Tips Given On Rent Deposits still entitled to the original & LIQUOR STORE by Krishna Fells Montana, for example : deposit. Delicatessen staff writer A) The laws were rewritten Chilled Wine Have you ever put a security recently In f!lvor of the tenant. So for all you Montana tenants getting ready to travel Cheeses deposit down on a place to B) Landlords have the right Cold Beer this spring, remember some live and the landlord decides to keep the deposit only for Sausages helpful hints: Kegs it Is his and you just write It the following reasons : 1-for Salamis off? Many landlords think the When you are moving In, a cleaning fee. And then the get a written lease, a written Liquor deposit Is a commission for Montana Law states that only copy of all damages there To Go Salads renting to you. They are ONE PER CENT of the total prior to your moving In, and wrong . deposit can be withheld for a Bozeman'• Newest One Stop Deli be good tenants. cleaning fee. 2-Withln 30 When you are moving out, The security deposit is a Lounge and Liquor Store Open 9 a.m.·2 a.m. days after termination of the give written notice 45 days in deposit the landlord Is lease the landlord MUST give advance. Wait until the 10th We Accept Checks 587-1777 required to return later. 1625 W. Main the tenant, In writing, a list of of the month to pay your last Blacks Law Dictionary damages and return the rent (if you normally pay on defines a deposit as : A naked remainder of the deposit. 3--lf the first of the month). When bailment of goods to be kept a landlord fai Is to give a you pay the last rent deduct for the depositor without written list of damages, he your deposit from It less the reward, and to be returned forfeits all -rights to the amount to cover the damages when he shall require It. ANNOUNCING OUR PHOTO CONTEST deposit. 4-- If a landlord you are responsible for. PHOTO CONTEST RULfc!: There are some things wrongfully withholds the Attach a written forwarding tenant can do to protect deposit, the tenant (that is address to your last rent 1) Th is contest is open to all amateurs and photography \ himself/herself. First get a YOU) can sue for twice the payment. students. There is no age limit. I written lease. Read the lease deposit PLUS attorney fees. If you follow these steps 2) Color prints only, 8" x 10", mounted for display, before signing it and if there They only exception to this is you will find you are going to must be mounted on 11 x 14 board. are any Waiver Clauses don't you as a tenant must leave a save many dollars in deposits and by being a prepared 3) The maximum number of prints entered by one sign it until your lawyer written forwarding address person is three. approves it. Second, know when you move out. If you tenant you will help eliminate some of the specifics of the don't do this you are not able the great Landlord-Tenant 4) Print name, address and phone number in lower Landlord Tenant Laws of to collect double but you are Hassle. right hand corner of each pri"lt entered.

5) Entries will be received from April 1st through BN Forest Service Explore Possibility April 30th, 1977. Contest closes at 6 p.m., April 30, 1977. Of Land Ownership Adiustment 6) Submit entries in f:>erson to Sullivan Photo West, 17168 West Main , between 9:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., The Forest Service and changes. Public involvement recreation values. Monday through Saturday. Burl ington Northern Inc. will be a very important part If it is determined the of the evaluation process, concept is in the public in­ 7) Prints will be displaved at Sullivan Photo West from (BNI) will explore the concept May 1st through May 14th, 1977. of whether or not it would be Torheim said. terest, specific exchange desirable to exchange BNI Preparation of the draft proposals would be 8) Judging will be done by customers of Sullivan Environmental Statement developed. Exchanges would Photo West from May 1st through May 14th, 1977. lands within the Gallatin and Beaverhead National Forests would start as early as Oc­ be made on the basis of equal 9) The winners will be notified Tuesday, May 17, 1977. for National Forest lands in tober if funds become value, rather than exchanging available. It is estimated it acre for acre. Because *CONTEST THEMH western Montana. Forest Service Northern will require 1 V2 to 2 years National Forest lands In "SIGNS OF SPRING" Regional Forester Robert H. before a final decision Is western Montana are more This may include spring action shots, such as tennis, bicycling, backpacking; close ups · flowers, Torheim explained that BNI insects; scenics; new baby animals; or anything owns approximately 175,000 that means "SPRING" to you! acres within the Gallatin and 'consideration of this large scale exchange Beaverhead National Forests. 1st Prize · $75.00 gift certificate from Sullivan Photo West These intermingled BNI lands proposal will not alter the Forest Service are in a checkerboard pattern 2nd Prize · $50.00 gift certificate from in these National Forests. Sullivan Photo West and BNl's current program Recently BN I Vice President 3rd Prize · $25.00 gift certificate from Bud Merryman , Seattle, of small exchanges' Sullivan Photo West Washington , proposed to Honorable Mention • S 10.00 gift certificate Torheim that BNI exchange from Sullivan Photo West all of its lands within the Beaverhead and Gallatin National Forests for National reached on the proposal. product~ ve for growing Forest lands of equal value Torheim pointed out that commercial timber and west of the Continental Divide BNI lands within the Gallatin ·contain a higher volume of Sullivan and Beaverhead National higher value commercial in western Montana. Torheim has agreed to explore this Forests :nclude lands in areas timber than that on BNI Photo landownership adjustment of high public interest such lands, the public may acquire concept through the En­ as Jack Creek, Porcupine­ more acres of BNl's Gallatln­ ~~~-r vironment a I Impact Buffalo Horn, Buck Creek, Beaverhead lands than It Statement process. and the Taylor-Hilgard areas. would give up in National 1716 B West Main 587-8792 The Forest Service will There have been frequent Forest lands. c!JVext to tlz.e Beaver Poqd prepare a draft Environmental public suggestions that the Torheim said that con­ Impact Statement to evaluate Forest Service acquire some sideration of this large scale the sociological, economic, of the BNI lands In these exchange proposal will not · and environmental impacts of National Forests to Insure alter the Forest Service and the proposed landownership protection of wildlife and BN l's current program of small exchanges, designed to resolve local land SUB CAFETERIA management problems. "The Don't Forget Forest Service and BNI are continuously seeking to You can get a complete meal at dinner time. improve our land ownership patterns through land ex­ We're No. 4••• But we try ha~er! changes," Torheim said. BNI owns a total of about 617 ,000 acres within the Try us-you might like us. boundaries of several National Forests of Montana Hours: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday and northern Idaho.

14 - THE El

In testimony delivered last home energy savings, rather we e k, Mo ntana ' s than pouring large sums Into Present Weelcly ·student Specials Representative Max Baucus sophisticatted research that recommended a budget of produces few immediate $1 09 .5 million for the federal benefits. NCAT, Baucus said , Emergency Energy Con­ provides a means of bringing For the .Week of April 18th servat ion Services program a wide array of alternative continued funding for energy systems to bear on the National Center for immediate problems in home (Watch for ·New Specials Each Week) Appropriate Technology energy conservation . headquartered in Butte. "The prime objective of the The money is needed , National Center for Ap­ Baucus declared to the House propriate Technology is to Appropriations Committee, to deliver as much technology Wednesday, 20th Thursday, 21th and conservation as possible con ti nue providing Pitchers Buy a Tequilla drink weatherization and insulation for the least possible cost," at regular price, to needy fam ilies and to the Baucus said. " Although $1 .75 get an extra shot for elderly. The National Center NCAT is just beginning its 50 cents for Appropriate Technology • efforts, national reaction to (N CAT ) wi ll assist In the effort the concept has been over­ by developing new, inex­ whelm ingly favorable." pensive technology that fits Though NCAT's efforts such people's needs , Baucus concern solar heating , more said . efficient burning of wood and "The program has used Its coal , recycling, wind power funds effectively in con­ and other energy systems, junction with public service the Center is not--Baucus employees as well as stressed--merely another 1 volunteers tq perform the federal " think tank. " "It's just All Drinks labor involved ," the the opposite," he said . "It's an action group to find and con~ressman explained. "It Monday, 18th 75 cents 1 has helped reduce health package technology In order Saturday I 23th c problems, especially among that people can be trained Keg Night 9-10 :00 7:30.9 pm immediately to carry out the elderly, and has provided All draught Beer All Mens savi ngs to participating effective projects." NCAT's services go directly 35 cents aglass Drinks 50 cents I" families in fuel costs two to 1.75 Pitchers " three t imes the amount spent to community action 1 on materials : It Is, I believe, programs throughout the an Investment In energy nation which are supported , .conservation that will pay for by the federal Community The Mermaids 1 itself many times over." Services Administration, A vocal advocate of energy Baucus explained . Local All girl entertainment-8:30 p.m.-1 :30 a.m. • conservation during the program representatives then 1 .Ninety-fourth Congress , apply the technology fur­ final week Baucus led House efforts In nished by NCAT to local 1976 to expand conservation home conservation projects. Monday Nite Special Entertainment among low Income Americans--those who suffer most from high energy costs. The Emergency Energy Conservat ion Services have Treat your tummy to a titillating paid off, he said, not only In reduced fuel costs sustained by the poor and aged, but also In greater energy In­ taco or tostado at the Tico Taco! dependence for the nation as a whole. Baucus praised the NCAT's progress toward using "low ( ... at the Sub Cafeteria) technology" In producing THE ~PONENT, Friday, Aprll 15, 1977 . 46 SNACKS - PARTY SUPPLIES Shakespeare In The Parks Plans MIXES - ICE Ha mms $5.40 case Fifth Season Hamms '1.35 6 pk.••-~- a People In about 30 Montana good food--they all gain Department faculty, will be on communities will be treated weight." the road July 2 through Aug. to live theatre when Shakespeare In the Parks Is 6. Jacobsen said com­ a~te234 E. BABCOCK Shakespeare In the Parks funded by many sources, munities wishing to have ~ BOZEMAN, MT. makes Its annual round this including MSU , the Montana company performances ' Next to State summer. should contact him at MSU. et The theatre still has openings LI uor Store The professional theatre Arts Council , the National . group, headquartered at Endowment for the Arts, for about 15 towns. Montana State University, will private contributions and Also returning Is David be in its fifth season. This grants and community Macintyre, a 1973 MSU year the company will present support. English graduate who two comedies, Shakespeare's This summer 10 actors, directed a production In 1975 "Two Gentlemen of Verona," Jacobsen and set designer and returns this year to direct and Carlo Goldonl's, "The Joel Jahnke, also a member "Two Gentlemen of Verona." Servant of Two Masters." Dr. of the MSU Theatre Arts He is from Columbia Falls. Bruce Jacobsen, artistic ,I;. director and producer, said the staff of 1O actors has been Enrollment Record High selected from over a hundred applications. MSU continues Its year of topped all records with 9,341 Jacobsen, also head- of the record-breaking enrollment students. Fraz ier said sprin1 MSU Theatre Arts Depart­ figures with the spring quarter enrollment h ment, said Shakespeare In the quarter registration of 8,385 Parks was started to bring students. traditionally lower than fal quality, live theat(e to Registrar Joe Frazier said and winter because 0 communities that might not last spring's enrollment was students graduating 0 otherwise have the op­ 8,002. Fall quarter MSU dropping out to work. portunity to see this kind of production. New Student The theatre company uses a portable Elizabethan-style stage and acting is done Aid Rules Proposed outdoors, using available eligibility Four sets of rules pertaining for a limited perl0t light. of time. "Termination" to postsecondary student Is th• "We use single stage removal of eligibility for assistance have been a settings much like least 2 years. Before an in proposed by HEW's Office of Shakespeare used to," he stitution·s eligibility I: Education. said. limited, suspended, or ter One set spells out Jacobsen said both the minated, it has a right t actors and the communities requirements for students to receive payments under the request a hearing on th1 benefit from the free per­ record. Basic Education Opportunity formances. This proposal also Grant, College Work-Study, woulc "Quite often our appearance allow the Office of National Direct Student loan, Educatior is a community social event," to take "emergency action" - Supplemental Educational Jacobsen said. "There's a withhold the use of prograrr Opportunity Grants , great deal of interaction with funds -- when there Is rellablE Guaranteed Student loan, the community and it's a very information that institutiona delightful experience to meet and State Student Incentive Grant programs. practices may lead to sub­ these folks. Our actors, who stan t ial losses by thE Another set provides the often stay in private homes, government or students. procedures which the go away raving about the Another proposal statei Commissioner of Education hospitality and warmth that, as a condition for will use to limit, suspend, or they've received as well as the receiving program ad· teminate the eleiglbllity of ministratin allowances, In· institutions not in compliance stitutions would have tc with laws and regulations for provide Student lnformatior William Kunstler the Office of Education's Services. Printed lnformati o~ student assistance programs. on student rights and The other proposals in the responsibilities, costs, April 18 8 p.m. Federal Register today would retention rates, and refund establish framework for two policies must be available on new programs -- Information request. STUDENT UNION BALLROOM services for education A State Student Financial consumers and training for Assistance Training program 50' student l .00 non-student financial aid administrators. is also proposed. Designed to To receive financial aid make better use of Federal payments, a student would funds by increasing the have to maintain satisfactory competence of financial aid Defense academic progress according administrators, it would call Attorney for to the standards of the for matching money from the college or school and not owe States. a refund on a grant, or be In The public is invited to • Indians at Wounded default on a loan. comment on the proposed Knee The Commissioner's regulations within 30 days. limitation, suspension, and Comments should be directed • Chicago termination authority would to: John R. Proffitt, Director, apply to institutional par­ Division of Elleglblllty and • William & Emily Harris ticipation In programs under Agency Evaluation, Room [In connection with the Title IV of the amended 3030, Regional Office Patty Hearst case] Higher Education Act of 1965. Building 3, 7th and D Streets, " limitation" means that SW , Washington, D.C. 20202. ellegibllity could be con­ Telephone : (202) 245-9873. t I nued under specific Public hearings will be held conditions as set forth In In Washington, D.C., Boston, termination proceedings. Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, and Sponsored by ASMSU Lectures Committee "Suspension" is removal of San Francisco. 16 - THE EXPONENT- Friday, April 15, 1977 Movies Tell Facts Of life

tunny, "Sex Madness" Is by Victor Trlndleberg complete with the know-it-all definely a scare film. It makes Well the Late Show In the big brother and omnipotent you glad that we now have Baxter Hotel Is back with us parents. It's a funny penecillln. again . This weekend the film . .. the kind that was fun At the other end of the double feature is a paradox. to watch in class when you On one hand we have "The were in the fourth grade. spectrum, the Late Show offers "The Best of the New Best of The New York Erotic The kind of the program Is York Erotic Film Festival." It's Film Festival" on the other we undoubtedly "Sex Madness". film con­ a celebration of skin, sin, and have " Facts of Life" a It is a 1934 horror good to excel lent collection of vlnta~e sex cerning the ravages of photography. Like the education films from the 30's, burlesque, VD , loose women, and the evils that go director of the festival says, 40's, and 50's. How to do It-­ drinking, at the beginning ot the film how not to do It, all In one with It. The film closely "We want to turn you on." weekend . follows the format of Reefer Madness. Good kids go bad­ And it does, with cartoons, Guilt and frustration seem -fall to the depths of despair-­ slow motion, computer gr­ to be the central themes of get saved in the last five phics, and clever writing. "Facts". "How Much Af­ minutes of the reel. It is skin flicks without an fection" is a 1957 morality embarassment. Good clean play concerning high school The story of Wendell and dirty fun. The films on the parties, shotgun weddings, Millicent unfolds gushily. It's program are short, covering a and the girl that almost goes a funny film when the actors wide variety of fantasies. too far. As with the rest of the remember their lines, but it's They move from one area of films, it is unbelievably even funnier when they forget eroticism to another without puritanical. No wonder our them (which Is often). lingering and boring the parents are so hung up. Another high point of the film viewer. I could list my Boylan' s Dairy Bar " Dating De's and Don'ts" Is is the makeup job done on the favorites on the festival, but N. IA&W easily the cutest film on the cast. Even the men seem to they may not be yours. After ~t-~~~~~~~C~o1_1eg..::..e_s_t_.~~._~ program. It looks like a stone 1 be wearing eye shadow and all, we all have our own 4 Langford age " Leave it to Beaver" . Although It's ! mascara fantasies. s. Way Phone 587-3415 Stop Nizards' Provides Imaginative Entertainment Raw Milk .•...... $1.42 gal. by David Schreiber Sex in the form of the fair part of the earth, Avetar must • ' Forget the ad about poist-foldout fantasy of destr9y the source of power Homogenized $l "Wizards" from Ralph Bakshi Elinore, the fairy queen, and hysteria of his enemies. Pasteurized •· · · •· · · · • •· · •• • 52 gal. Productions. The least at­ parades, bubbles, and That source of power Is a tractive aspect of this movie bounces across the screen collection of nazi newsreels Thick Cream ...... • $1.89 qt. is the theme of the war titilating the holiest of the and battle films. Of course, Boylan's & Sororities the good guys holy and the purist of the we know who wins, but how Fratemities between Dairy pure, but, damnit, she never that who wins is definitely a (magic-nature-birdies-that Bar We can supply you w~th gets too exp I icit. Expl Icit is surprise. go-tweet-tweet-In the spring) homogenized pasteurized milk and the bad guys the only label for the violence There are times when the (technology-mutants-nazis­ as big red bullet holes blow movie gets slow expeclally for your dispensers. and bombs that go-boom­ open good guys, elves, and when the armies of evil This bad guys alike. march and charge and march boom- in-the-spring). s. 19th Open 9 a.m. -- 8 p.m. heme is played with but The plot involves two and charge and march and never really exmlned with any wizards vying for the world. charch and marge across the 7 Days a Week epth. It is more of an excuse Blackwolf, a mutant, Is trying screen . o put together a colorful and to occupy the fair parts of the Some may be offended by entertaining adventure earth and populate them with the way religJon is treated, icture. the genetic rubble of mocked. But let this be fair Forget the ad and go to this mankind. Avetar, the good warning, if you listen to the . novie for the violent and guy, is trying to defend the ad too much and don't go, get exual energy that is painted fair regions from destruction. tired of the armies and leave, . ut in good old ultra-exp I lclt To keep the fairies, the elves, or fear a mocking-yet-true nnd ultra-pretty cartoon color. and the citizens of the good view of the power of religion (all religion and not just Troup To Perform Christianity) and don't go, Dancing you missed a chance to see 0 The Bou-Saada Dance troupes of the previous some imaginative and en­ froupe will present dances century." joyable entertainment. 1 ind music from Egypt, ...... t \rabia, Iran and Turkey at i 10on Tuesday , Aprll 19, in the . '1ontana State University f CHAMPION AUTO J Union Building : 1008 N. 7th Ph. 587-2922 : • Albertsons Shopping Center • • The admission-free per- • 1 ormance Is sponsored by the : \SMSU Performing Arts Camshafts Low As ;ommittee. i Exchange $3~ : The group, based In i• Chevy Lifters $40 set • I lellingham, Wash ., took its 1ame from Im oasis outside Plug : 1lglers, Muzzy said. "It has : Silicone Spark ong been a favorite watering • • .top for desert travelers, : Wire Sets $10.99 ! 1mong them the famous luled Nall dancers. Bou­ i THE ONLY AUTO PARTS STORE : ;aada means 'place of 1applness' and In keeping' : YOU'LL EVER NEED! : iJth the spirit of our name, : Hours: 9-7 Weekdays 9-5 Saturday : ve endeavor to recreate the ourneys of the· wandering : SUNDAYS - 11 - 5 lance and entertaining ...... ! 'Bound For Glory' I Fi m Is White Man's Search For Roots known songs are given the ugly men with big clubs. naughty little boy's dream most part, provoking. Morals by Rachel Bacon once over at that time. All Bound for Glory portrays a condoned. His refusal to versus making It big is still a Staff Reviewer women will cheer for Mellnga climate, and a time In compromise his values for popular debate worthy of In this movie version of Dillon's classic "give 'em­ American history. It Is a man money and fame goads our knife-throwing ; how Glory Woody Guthrie ' s hell-and-get-ofl-your-ass" and his values, but also his remembrance of Idealistic treats It like a friendly autobiography, there Is a tantrum . The rest Is a lack of them. Proper tribute youth, then maddens the argument Is confusion Itself. sincere attempt to dig Into the montage of spotty, charac­ due a great man Is the jux­ cynic of our age. Whatever a David Carradine manages to moral fiber of America, but terless performances, same­ taposition of both. Bound for script and clumsy acting ramble through fairly com­ the ground is dry and hard poor face people, ramshackle Glory pays its respects to add or subtract, Bound for fortably. Be sure to sit and the spade breaks off at dwel Ii ngs , brown cou n­ Woody Guthrie, but does not Glory Is mostly depressing, through the credits at the the handle. What Is left Is a tryside, a lot of trains, and give him his due. , and for the end--most of Guthrie's best- white man's search for rarely heartening ROOTS that sings of beautiful, earthy music and Hartford and Martin Perform Sunday reeks of an unpalatable contradiction of high stan­ Lyricist John Hartford , Mind," recorded by Glen the "The Smothers Brothers Campbell Goodtime Hour" dards and glorified who's noted for his banjo, Campbell , won three Comedy Hour" won an Emmy and appeared on Johnny irresponsibility. fiddle and guitar playing, will Grammies and was for two Award . He also wrote for "Van Carsons "The Tonight Show, " It is impossible to separate give a concert at MSU Sunday years the most popular Dyke and Company," "Sonny "The Cher Show" and "The man from movie, so no such night, April 17. recorded song in the world . and Cher" and "The Glen Midnight Special. " attempt will be made. Woody The show, wh ich also Harford's RCA and Warner Guthrie was both talent and features comed ian Steve Brothers' albums include fairy tale. Bound for Glory Is a Martin, starts at 8 p .m. in the "Gentle on My Mind and Violist Slates Concert monument to that talent and a Student Un ion Ballroom. The Other origi nals," " Aereo­ pretty vehicle for Guthrie's admissi on-free show Is Plain" and " Morning Bugle. " Oskar Feichtlnger, principal April 17. misnomers. Albeit sans stick sponsored by ths ASMSU His latest album is " Mark violist with the Bangor The recital starts at 8 p.m. and red bandana, his Contemporary Entertainment Twang" on the Flying Fish in the Creative Arts Complex abandonment of family to go Committee. label. (Maine) Symphony, will give a Recital Hall. Admission is "ride the rails" Is every Hartford's "Gentle on My Martin's comedy writing for recital at MSU Sunday night, free.

18 - THE EXPONENT- Friday, April 15, 1977 MSU Presidential Candidates To Meet Interested Parties

in Durham, and Two of the five finalists and 16. He'll meet with chancellor of Ind Ian a scheduled to meet with Hampshire M. Horner, vice being considered for the MSU students from 2 to 3 p.m. University-Purdue University members of the Board of James at presidency will be In Friday in Room 346 of in Fort Wayne, will be on Regents and the University president and provost Bozeman this weekend. Johnson Hall. The meeting is campus Sunday and Monday, vice presidents, deans and Illinois State University in In addition to meeting with open to al I students. He'll April 17 and 18. He'll meet department heads while on Normal. the 21-member presidential meet with faculty and staff with students from 9 to 1 O campus. A meeting with Mary Pace of Bozeman, a search committee, the members from 3 to 5 p.m. a.m. Monday in the SUB President Carol W. Mcintosh, member of the Board of candidates will each meet Friday in Room 101 of Gaines Madison Room and faculty whose resignation is effective Regents of Higher Education, with faculty and staff Hall. The meeting is open to and staff members from 1O to June 30, is also scheduled. is chairman of the members, students and all faculty and staff members. 11 :30 a.m. in the SUB Interviews with the other presidential search com­ townspeople. At 8 p.m. Friday, he'll nieet Ballroom. He'll meet with three candidates are mittee. Jeff Morrison of William J. Tietz Jr., 50, with alumni, members of the alumni, Chamber of Com­ scheduled to be completed by Helena, also a regent, and dean of the College of Chamber of Commerce and merce members and in­ May 2. The other candidates Commissioner of Higher Veterinary Medicine and other townspeople In the terested townpeople at 8 p.m. are: John W. Jutila, dean of Education Lawrence K. Pettit Biomedical Sciences at Chamber of Commerce Sunday in the Chamber of the MSU College of Letters are serving on the committee Colorado State University In Community Room , 129 West Commerce Community and Science; David Ellis, vice along with representatives of Fort Collins, will be here Main. Room. provost for academic affairs the MSU faculty, staff, '"Friday and Saturday, April 15 Donald Schwartz, 49, Both candidates are also at the University of New students and alumni. Can A Student Afford A Horse?

.by Rob Huberman what each has to offer, and if seasons, the horse can graze, brand new for $10 . to joint ownership. Costs are Staff Writer the location is conducive to and additional feed cost is Trimming and shoeing Is greatly reduced, and the or eight dollars It Is not difficult to own and riding in the nearby area. A negligible (six not expensive, especially if horse will probably be ridden for maintain a pleasure horse place right in town is very should buy enough oats you take advantage of the more often if two people are don't while you attend MSU. And convenient, but it is not very six months, if the mice horseshoeing school across sharing It. The more exerclze to you need not be a rodeo rider much fun to ride in or near the eat it up). But be prepared from the MSU stock pavilllon . and attention you give the or a working cowboy to have city. I have found that it Is .spend anywhere from thirty to Five dollars will get your animal, the better off it will one. better to find a place outside sixty dollars each month from horse shod by the students In be. of Bozeman , within a five mile November or December until the twelve-week course. But a I have been keeping my Horses are very hardy radious. It is still easy to get the end of May. Most ran­ word of advice here : wait horse here in the Bozeman animals, but if the horse does to, and there are pleasant, chers or small time horse until at least halfway through area for a year on a limited get sick, you must be open places to ride. boarders do not want to put the course, so the students budget. With careful shop­ responsible enough to take horses in their fields until the are most likely to know what care of it as you would any ping around, you can find the Bridger Canyon, or the area grass has had a chance to they're doing! pet. If you buy a healthy 1ype of horse and boarding south of Bozeman, up against take hold in late spring. , and take reasonable arrangement that suits your the Gallatins are ideal places. All together, it should cost animal A saddle and other tack may of it, chances are you needs. I was lucky enough to find a an average of thirty dollars a care cost as much as a horse. bills to pay. If you are In the market for a is a mile from month to keep a horse, once won't have vet place that Used saddles may cost as good mount to pack in the Mystic Canyon for only ten you have made the initial Aside from the cold little as $100, but most are in mountains or just to ride ir, dollars a month. I was able to Investment. There is nothing financial calculations, there the $200 to $250 range. and the country, you should start take frequent trips up into the wrong with going In on the are matters of the heart Blanket, bridle, halter, etc. A by telling your friends that mountains on short notice. spirit to be considered. will cost an additional $50 if deal with a friend, as long as real pal when you are interested In a As a rule, it Is much horse can be a you shop around. If you can't you plan things out carefully not pleasure horse. Be ready to cheaper to keep a horse your human friends are afford a saddle just yet, there ahead of time. A well trained can say· about how much you are during the summer and fall around. And few feelings is no reason why you can not horse may be ridden by willing to spend for a hoofed months than during winter match a breezy ride through ride bareback, with only a several different people and friend. If you have between and spring. In the green the meadows in the late bridle, which you can buy there are several advantages two to five hundred dollars, spring sunset. you will no doubt be able to find a decent, although Bills probably un-reglstered Legislature Considers Final animal. Next, check the The fate of MSU's "frozen university last year concealed replace the Sigma VII at MSU, year and $30 in 1979 the Tracker, the Shopping Bag, or funds", a film and TV one million dollars. Some and to rebuild the greenhouse amount paid by the state for any local papers for any have had to building, a new computer, departments at the Agricultural Ex­ employee insurance plans. interesting prospects. I found quarter and a pay plan for classified cancel classes this periement Station . Some 3.4 Presently the state pays $10. an even-tempered buckskin employees are among the because of the unavailability million dollars would be This would be a minimum mare, 11 years old (and she Included issues relevant to the campus of those funds. Also provided if that bill is passed. amount and it would be left runds like the wind) for only community which are still in that sum Is discrimination HB 834 is still under open to a union to negotiate dollars. This was two hundred before the state legislature. pay for female employees consideration. This bill would for a higher amount. unusually good deal, but MSU an As they swing into the last who won a suit against provide a pay p Ian for The embattled film and TV one to find not an impossible week of the session .. last year, and who have not classified employees of the building·has been restored to if you are patient. lawmakers will be examining yet received a settlement. university for the 1979 HB 144, although It is not Before you buy the horse, HB 143, a bill which would Legislators will also act on biennium. Included as an presently known what local check out all the free MSU funds frozen In the HB 823, a bill to appropriate ammendment to HB 834 Is a position the building holds on Consider boarding facilities. wake of accusations that the funds for a computer to plan to increase to $20 next the list of priorities.

James of Great Falls again programs may have to be September 1, 1977. Dr. Ellen Athletic Department January Regents expressed concern about shifted from MSU to help the Kreighbaum was appointed 1, in a move to help bring Missoula campus. MSU In line with Title IX (Continu@d from Page 2) falling enrollment at the The regents also approved a by director MSU President requirements to end Dillon. In creation of Women's Athletic Carl Mcintosh, who separated discrimination against Regent Chairman Ted Missoula and said some Department at MSU , effective the women's budget from the women In athletic programs.

II were against the blll--once social--should be secondary the most painful to accept, Is said, each campus should again, students who con­ in importance. that Ellingson thinks that send its own representative to tributed to the lobbys' But according to Ellingson, most students Involved with the legislature, and students II lobbyist budget--would not have been "the affect we have on the the lobby on the campus who are interested in a represented . budget Isn't worth" the level--whether they be seniors particular Issue should work According to Ellingson, the money it costs to have al or freshmen--are just too to further their cause on their (Conllnu@d from Page 1) lobby co-directors decided lobbyist in Helena and sophomoric to be affected. own, instead of expecting the to the lobbys' I;, activity fees before the legislative session anyone who has seen the "It's kind of hard to have a lobbyist to do It. were not I· $9500 budget that the University System legislature's recommended meeting when everyone wants One thing is certain: Mae I ' represented . budget was to be the major budget for the University to hurry up and finish so they Nan Ellingson won't be the hand, had the On the other priority for the lobby, and that System would probably can go out and get drunk," Montana student lobbyist the student lobby supported all other Issues-­ agree. Ellingson said. next time. students who marijuana bill, environmental, legal, or Another problem, probably In the future, Ellingson Not even for $50,000. TH~ EXP_ONENT- Friday, April 1$, 19n - 19 sports MSU To Host Big Sky Rodeo This Week

The Big Sky Region roping with 124 points to the Eastern Montana College points. In second place Is Terri Carraher of Anaconda collegiate rodeo season 108 collected by Bill Ayre of cowboy Jim Leatherberry MSU's Rick Warneke of • with 254. Mosher also Is continues this week In Dawson. Ayre leads the steer leads the bull riding stan­ Bozeman with 124. leading the goat tying Bozeman with MSU Annual wrestling with 177 points to dings with 120 points, but Four of the five top spots In standings while Carraher Spring Rodeo. Luman's 152. he's just five points ahead of the all-around cowgirl leads in barrel racing and Action begins at 7:30 In saddle bronc riding Dave Dawson hand Rick Tryan. standings are held by MSU Bignell in breakaway roping . Friday and Saturday nights, Griffith of MSU., the region's women. Rhonda Mosher of In the goat-tying Mosher riding Tom April 15 through 16, In the defending champ, Is leading. In bareback Augusta is the leader with 279 leads with 182 points. Judy Hayes of Miles Community MSU Fieldhouse. Tickets are He has 192 points to Bur­ points, followed by Janet Klick of Northern Montana is College is the leader with 182 $2 and $3. Reserved seats, man's 87. Bignell of Avon with 257 and second with 11 O total points. available for Saturday night's finals only, are $4. Tickets are on sale in the MSU Missoula Meet 'Extremely Close' For 'Cat Women Fieldhouse Office, 994-4221 . Sonny Linger of M lies City by Rosie McCormick and for our team, but not being sprint corps. Annie Voss and in the 880, mile and two mile will provide the stock. Jack Kelly Marting outside has had a major effect Robin Hutton, both 220-yard races. Adding depth in this Stensland of Wolf Point will The 'Cat women will take on on distances thrown In and 100-yard sprinters will area for the Bobcats are team be the bull fighter and Don the University of Montana and competition this far," said run against two top notch members Judi Layman, Beth Harrington of Butte will be Eastern Washington State Knowlton. MSU Is sprinters from EWSC. Carla Scholz, Rosie McCormick and College in a triangular track Hansen and Valerie Kokoruda the announcer. represented in this area by Kelly Marting. Heading into the region's meet at Missoula this week­ will team up with Hutton and shot-putter Carley Robertson, In the high jump Melan ie fourth rodeo, the Dawson end . Voss to form a 440-relay Merna Jacobsen and Mary Parker leads the team with a College men are Competition will be extr­ team. Community Ellen Hill. Teresa Higbie will season's best of 5'0' . She is with a total of 1,447 memly close according to The distance running events leading be aiming for a regional Joined in this event by fresh­ points to second-place MSU 's Coach Helene Knowlton . have been the mainstay man Kim Chelini. 1,167. The MSU women lead .. we·re now one and one with qualifying throw in the discus pointwise for the tracksters . Other MSU gals competing with 309 points to Miles Missoula. They beat us this and Jo Wilcox and Laurie Led by underclassmen this weekend will be Gail the javelin. Community College's 277 . past week-end but we out­ Kueffler will throw Connie Lord and Cindy Bowman and Mary Cichosz in In the all-around cowboy scored them at our Indoor This week-end team scoring Bradley, MSU has con­ the 440-yard dash and Lyanne standings Phil Luman, an meet. Eastern Washington for the "Cat" women should sistently been the top place Bunkowske in long jump and MSU hand from Glendive, has several good athletes as be bolstered by the improved finishers throughout the state hurdles. leads with 394 points. He's evident by the number of followed by Sherman qualifiers they have for Engesser of Dawson with 365 regional competition ." Men's Track Heads To Missoula and Gene Burman , also of Montana State tracksters MSU men's track team The Grizzlies are led by Doug Jones, a senior from Dawson, with 357. should have some great times continues it's competition Dean Erhard , a two-time Missoula, set a personal best, Engesser has a 95 point and distances as a result of this weekend with a triangular defending Big Sky Champion throwing the spear 211'7". lead in the calf roping good weather and the quality meet in Missoula. in the steeplechase. Other outstanding per­ standings. He's piled up 272 of competition this week. The Bobcats will compete formances, according to points in the three Big Sky "The field event women Last weekend MSU com­ against Eastern Washington Stark, were turned In by high region rodeos. Chuck should show definite im­ peted In a four-way meet in State College and host jumper Jim Johnson, a senior Perkins of Eastern Montana provement due to the fact that Logan , Utah and scored 1 O Montana. from Clyde Park, who placed College is second with 177 they've finally had a full points. Utah won with 70, "This will be good com­ second with a 6'8" effort ; points. Perkins, however, is week's practice outdoors . Idaho State had 64 and Utah petition for us ," says MSU pole vaulter Dave Scully, a setting the pace in team Potential is great in this area State scored 47 . Coach Rob Stark. "We don't sophomore from Ennis, who know much about Eastern "I was pleasantly surprised placed fourth with a personal Washington State College in some areas," says Stark. best of 14'6"; and freshman Time To Take A Break and this will be a good chance "Our jevelln throwers did sprinter Mike Mcleod, to see what Montana will have pretty well for the first time Cheyenne, Wyoming, who ran for the conference meet. " out." a 10.B in the 100 meters. MSU Net Teams On Road This Weekend

MSU's tennis teams face The men's team raised Its player Greg Fick , a stiff competition on the road record to 5-8 over the sophomore from Great Falls, this weekend . weekend by winning three of who won all but one of his five matches in Washington matches, and No. 1 player team , 2- The MSU women's and Idaho. Mark Skelte, a junior from 5 on the season , starts the MSU defeated Spokane Bristol, Conn. week off today at the Idaho Community College 7-2; lost Bryan Knight, a senior from State University Invitational In to Whitworth College 6-3; Missoula, and Steve Pocatello. split with Eastern Christian, a sophomore frorr. Meanwhile the men's team Washington State College 5- Bozeman , have been playing will travel to Billings to meet 4, 5-4; and defeated Northern well in doubles, according to the Yellowstone Racquet Idaho J.C. 6-3. MSU tennis coach Kermit Club team . MSU was paced by No. 5 Eck. , Softball softball will begin during the Handball Doubles . All managers must come second half of the quarter Sign-up for handball managers' to a softball doubles will be open In Room April 21 at meeting Thursday, 301 of Romney Gym until Reid Hall. Men's Tennis Singles 7 p.m. in Room 101 Tuesday, Apri l 19. Play Softball play for men's and Singles play begins April 18 begins Wednesday April 20. women's teams started on at 5 p.m. Please check the Wednesday with 145 in­ intramural office for schedule Racquetball Doubles tramural teams signed up. of play Monday morning, Men's and women 's The tournament will be played April 18. Women' play beings racquetball doubles sign-up May 9 and each team will play April 25 and registration is is going on in Room 301 What with all the radical changes In weather lately, It just gets two games per week for three sti ll open for women's Romney Gym and play will o be a little too much for a guy to keep up with. and one-half weeks . Coed singles. begin April 27 for the men and May 4 for the women . ~ 20 - THE EXPONENT- Friday, April 15, 1977